THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y -N IN T H VKAlt rtPHINHEIEIJ*. LANE n i l \ T Ï No. U KAeafon Made SCHOOL TERM IS P .U SPEAIttHS L t J ™ SOCIETY ¡old By Adrian LISTED FOR MEET PLANS pageant Justice of Peace 14623863 Five More Week* of Cla«a- work Confront Grade and High School Studenta OREG ON I 111 R S IM Y . A P R I I . _'S. 1 9 3 2 Governor M eier Names Local Man to Fill Out Unexpired Term of Fred Walker C. E. Wheaton. Mprlngfleld bar her. hus been appointed Juatlce of HONOR ROLL IS GIVEN the Peace for tbla district by Go* eroor Molar. Mr. Wheaton's up Final Six Weeka Period of polnltnonl la to fill out the unex School Year Featurea Large plred term of Fred Walker, who has moved to Portland and engaged Amount of Activity In the hotel business. benjamin N ( ardoto, celebrated Jual five BMire weeka nt school Mr. Wheaton la qualifying for Ibe iChiel ludge oi thr New York Court lor HprIngflaid »indents after Fri­ office tills week and will then be of Appeal» appointed to the U S day. Mil week» exaitllliatlons have ready io hold court und carry on fe n j reme C ourt to m erced Justice tifeii completed and another honor Holm e», it regarded by law yer! ai the duties of the uflce. Due to ibe M-c ol the g re tte « American judges roll la laauad Hila week. Only on« la«t two Justices of the peace being iiiura will be compiled d' . r th »«ay from the city a great deal, the present »chool year. < ourt here baa no’ In recent years Tlit- final marking perlisl '**' \ been very buay. Many cavea ergi a buay one for students at th* (ZI natlng here have gone elsewhere uiia achoola. mparlally an at ' 1r. Wheaton Intends to actively blpb school where the aunlor pi, ’^ • y on Ibe duties of the Juatlce and other graduation prerequisite 7 'alte care of all caaea arising will precede the coinin'-ncement e i Plane for All-Day Session of Lane County District Meet­ ing Being Made Here Springfield Bueineesman Ex­ plains Advantages of City Methodist Home Mission So­ to Portland Newspapermen ciety to Present “My Amer. ica” at Church Sunday Life In Mprlngfleld Is pleasurable I SCOUTS 10 KID CLEAN UP MTS Citizens Asked to Gather Alt Unwanted Materials for Free 1 Clean-up May 5 and 6 Hpeakera for Ibe all-day meat I ng a,ld haa advantages If one baa nt the Lane County District. Parent ,b* Proper attitude thinks W, H. CHARACTERS ARE GIVEN VACANT LOTS INCLUDED Teacher uaaoclatlou to be held at Adrian, local businessman The fol- the Methodist church In Mprlngfleld *,”*h*K article was clipped from the Mu«ic Week Observation to be City-Wide Improvement Con­ Saturday. May 7, were announced Morning Oregonian for Tuesday, Included in Program With test Creates Greater Neces­ today by officers of this county Aprl1 M Special Entertainment sity for Removal of Waste pcratlon of every resident of principal speaker and will be heard close to the nation's metropolis It; cle,< of the Methodist church will Mprlngfleld to make the annual at the afternoon season. Others does not gel the attention in th e ' Present a pageant, "My America," , clean up campaign to be held here to > peuk will Include Mrs. Wallet news of the day that Ita size and i 41 tbe church Munday evening. May Thursday and Friday May 6 and S. Sorensen of River Road who willJ advantages merit for It Much lik e !1’ at 7 30. There will be no ad one of the fartherest reaching ever talk on "The P.-T. A. In My Com Brooklyn Is Mprlngfleld, which Is rn,4»*"’> charge, but a silver offer held Is asked by the Mayor this munlty," and O. K. Palmer, prln- situated "Jest around the corner" ’R* wll) *•* taken year. clpal of the union high school al , from Eugene, where the University The pageant program will also All residents are asked to dean Elmira, who will apeak on "What of Oregon la located. Lots of things feature various special musical pro out their basements, sheds, gar­ Ebcn B Byers, wealthy manufac­ the P.-T. A. has done for my happen In Mprlngfleld. but It Is Ku grams being arranged as a part of rets, etc, now and to place all ma- turer and famous sportsman, took school." gene newspaper correapondents the church’s participation In Na­ "radium water” as a tonic and died *erl*1 *hlch they wish to dispose — .A— U S t -a « * The program being arranged by who send-out the story and it is the tional Music Week of the effects. Hundreds of others are of In sacks and boxes either In the All Worker« in County Eradi­ Mrs. Leo Putman will be divided Eugene dateline that appear* in expected to die from the ereieee. Characters of the pageant and alley or on the front curbings where Waak day Bible school classes EX cate Total of 6771 Rodent« Into both morning and afternoon the papers Mprlngneld gets a tough those chosen to portray them are ,?S3 CO. TO OFFER they will be picked up und hauled sessions with a luncheon served at break in that regard, but even such have alraaily been concluded fur tha During Short Campaign America, Mrs. E. E Fraedrlck; Lib away free by the street commis­ F».EE PICK-UP SERVICE noon under the direction of Mias tough breaks cannot take away the year and atudanta war« praaantad sioner. erty, Mrs. Jack Sherman; Patriot Elliott of the domestic science de­ In a dalunualratluii program at tha Wilbur Deline, youthful member compensating advantages of life In ism, Mrs. Pearl Mchantol; Toler Members of the Springfield Boy Naw Service to Be A velleble to Methodlat church Tuaaday evening of the Deerhorn Rodent Control partment of the high school. a town that Is a community of real ance, Fred Buell; Industry. Eldred Scout troop will assist ln the cam Springfield Patrone on and I’arhapa lha least worried group club, was adjudged winner of first Officers for the ensuing year will homes, favored by remarkable wea­ Musto; Religion, Joel Cowden; paign and will canvass the city to A fte r A p ril 26 of atudauta III the city are those prise Saturday In the Four II con also be chosen at the meeting. Mrs. ther and outstanding recreational Law, Ralph Hughes; Indian. 8am urge that residents clean up place* who passed tha atala eighth grade Effective Monday, April 26, the teat which has continued for the D. C. Ogilvie, chairman of the noml advantages, and-ls singularly lucky Bartholomew; Negro, Paul Potter; J. O. Edwards to Bring “The Where they live, and the boys them­ a lamination» recently and who do American Express company Inaugu past 16 days. His prize was a sow natlng committee says that mem­ In that the larger city of Eugene Jew, Evan Hughes; and Page, Roy Choir of the West” to Meth­ selves plan to aid in clearing rub­ not hsve to attend classes unleaa bers of the committee are going to draws to It most of the pandhand- Crandall. bish and waste materials from vac­ rated a free delivery and pickup Pig odist Church in Eugene they care to do no. The youth also holds the county urge the re-election of all the pres ler who drift through Lane county. ant lots which become eyesores to service similar to that being used The musical part of the program Tha honor rolla for tha aacond by the Pacific Motor Transport champlonahlp for mouse catching, ent officers and will submit their W. H. Adrian of Springfield Is af Includes: Violin solo. Mrs Louis "The Choir of the West," a cap­ the city during the summer months. marking parlod of tha aacond term company. The service will be offer­ having caught 1603 during the con names In their official report. Pres­ the Imperial." AH of the rubbish may not be Waldorf of Eugene; reading, Mrs ella chorus of 40 voices will be follow: ed free In Ibe cooperate llmlta of teal. He piled up a total of 614 ent officers Include Mrs. G. H. Good Willis Bertsch; quartet, Mrs. 8. S heard at the Methodist church to gathered up and hauled away dur­ B R A T T A IN SC H O O L Mprlngfleld It was announced Tuea points for hla team, hla Hat of con of Eugene, president; Mrs. Lee Put­ DOCTORS CONSOLIDATE Potter. Miss Elliott, Paul Potter Eugene Sunday afternoon, May 8, ing these days, but it will he taken quests aside from the mice Included man. Mprlngfleld. vice-president; F irs t Grade day by Carl Olson, local agent. and Fred Buell; instrumental music at 1:30 under the auspices of the away as soon as possible. Instead PRACTICES IN CITY 4 rata and nine gray diggers. and Mrs. Leo Ray, secretary. Attendance Josephine I'halr. by Mrs. Waldorf, Eldred Glaspey, Sunset Home, institution for aged of hiring extra help for the free Joyce Church. Thomas Haena. Rich The Deerhorn group won second W. H. Pollard and R. P. Mortenaen and Mrs. Bernice Neher Finley; people it was announced this week pick-up this year, the city council ard Flauery place In team contest for total has decided to spend that money Negro splrlutal. Paul Potter, and a by R Bogs tad. superintendent. Announce N ew Arrangem ents points. Second Orade for a light truck which will also be vocal solo by Mrs. W. K. Barnell. E ffec tiv e This W eek The choir is from Pacific Luther­ Attendance" Mary Alice Hnrtho Total results for the entire coun­ useful for many other purposes dur­ The pageant is being directed by an college at Parkland. Washing­ loniaw, Fannie lllcka, Hetty Jean ty were 6312 mice, 30« rale, 362 All office and medical equipment Mrs. Edna Yarnell, and Mrs. Bar ton. and is under the direction of ing the year. Jacobaon. Beulah Mnrtlu. Thnrvald gray diggers. 170 moles and 621 The annual clean-up drive as­ of Dr. R P. Mortensen is being nell Is In charge of the musical lTofessor Joseph O. Edwards, who pocket gophers. Eighty two boys Johnson. sumes a greater Importance this moved from his offices in the Com­ program. received his training under Dr. F. aud girls participated In the con Third Grade year than formerly because of the mercial Mtate bank building to the Melius Christiansen, director of St. test. Attendance -Hob Adame. Itarrl- city-wide beautification and Im­ . offices of Dr. W H. Pollard and N Various Organizations in City Olaf choir, and at the University eon Billings. Arthur lllcka. Jobs Dates for All Major Functions ¡w Emery in the Mtanley building of Washington school of music. He provement contest which Is being to Participate in Observa­ Mark. Kihei Ruth Fulop, Raymon RAYMOND A. HOPKINS participated in by more than 30 Announced; Commencement l “‘ Fi,th “nd streets this week Is a brothar of Benjamin Edwards, Bainbridge. Hlllla Haek, Donald tion of National Event residents. It is necessary to remove PASSES AT MARCOLA to Be Held on June 3 | where ,he two Physicians wilt con­ former director of music at the Eu­ took. Donna Gene Ernest. all unsightly materials from yards tinue their practices. gene Bible college. A aerlous effort lo arouse con Fourth Grade if they are to look their best, say Funsral Services for Form er Cres­ Two teas which Mprlngfleld high j Dr. and Mrs. Pollard have already Although modeled somewhat W< holarahlp—Dallas Knight. Ku edouanesa and an appreciation of leaders in the improvement con­ well Store O peretor Held at school girls attended thia week gone to Atlantic City where he is after the world-famous St. Olat grna Fulup. Jlm tlll« Siam, ('beater the better types of music among test. and It ts their goal to make heralded the approach of the last ! attending a church convention and Lodge H a ll on Tuesday choir, the "Choir of the West" Is the people of Mprlngfleld will be Hekla we. Springfield one of the cleanest and month of school and the niuny so | Dr. Mortensen will handle his prac distinctive in Itself and expresses Attendance Walter l-alton. Itua undertaken next week by various Funeral services for Raymond A clal functions which are held an I tlce while the former Is away. Dr High Schools Schedule Game the youthful interpretation of the neatest cities regardless of its size aall Zlolkoakl. Andrew Golt, Jerald groups functioning under the lead Hopkins. Marcóla, who died at hla nuully by the studenta. Monday the | Mortensen, It is understood, plans at Brattain Field Friday; Western spirit In song, say those in the state. Sleturen. Bonney Findley, Hobby erablp of Mr . John Mlelin of the Two Games Postponed home Maturday afternoon at the age girls attended a Girl«- Io-ague tea ■ to be absent from the office for who have heard the musicians University of Oregon. Pollard. •if 71 years were held Tuesday at the Eugene high school and an-1 some time upon the return of Dr The outstanding feat of the choir is NEEDY PEOPLE GET F ifth Grade Springfield's high school baseball The entire first week of May. afternoon at 2 o'clock from the other group attended a tea given In Pollard the singing of one song in such DENTAL CARE HERE Mchularahlp Mildred Billing*. starting Munday. May I, und endlna Marcóla I O. O, F. hall and Inter­ ’heir honor at University high on J A special room Is being equipped team will play their second league manner as to resemble the playing Violet Mterle. Ida Jane Irwin. Paul Saturday night. May 7. has been ment was made In thq lodge ceme­ game tomorrow when they meet Wednesday afternoon In the new quarters to accommo- Many of the needy people of this of a large pipe organ. Nutt, Clarence Clark. I’eler Chance. designated as "National Mualc tery with graveside services con­ The Mprlngfleld girls will enter- date the X ray machine owned by Roseburg high school on Brattain vicinity received dental work yes­ Margaret Hornberger. field. To date this season Spring- Wrek.” Thia week has been ob ducted by the lodge. The Poole tain for the Eugene high group here) Dr. Mortensen terday and others are being taken Attendance — Mildred Bllllnga, served In the larger confers for sev­ Gray-Bartholomew chapel In Spring on May 12. and for the U. H. M field has succeeded In playing one MRS. CLARA BARNES HAS care of today by Dr. W. N. Dow at Ixirralne Mqulraa. Paul Nott, Fred eral years, according to Mrs. Mtehn. field had charge of arrangements. game with Eugene high and two BIRTHDAY DINNER HERE his office. The work and all ofthe girls on May 11. BIBLE STUDENTS GIVE die Neel. Clarence Clark, l,eroy but Gils year an effort 1« being practice games with Pleasant Htll Mr. Hopkins was born at Wau- Monday, May 9. the Girls' League A birthday dinner given Sunday materials used Is being donated by Church, Peter Chance, Margaret made to arouae the Interest of resi­ caka. Wisconsin, on March 24 will present their one act play be­ TEMPLES TO CHURCHES and Thurston. Two other games the local dentist. llnrnberger. scheduled with University High Fri­ In horor of Mrs. Clara Barnes’ 75th dents of the smaller elites and com 1X61. He mArrled Elizabeth Leh fore the assembly. Miss Ann Vogel This work is being donated to birthday was held at the home of Three miniature replicas of Solo­ Sixth Grade day and Lowell on Tuesday have tnunllles In tnualc. man in 1X66 and moved to Oregon, Is directing and Miss Marjorie I’ro- persons selected by Dr. Seth Ker- -M r. and Mrs. Cal Barnes. Those Mchularahlp- Jumea Hebert, Ulen Music will be the predominating lo 18X6 the family moved to Bell chnow is her assistant. Characters mon's temple were presented to the had to be temporarily cancelled be­ present were Mr and Mrs. Cal ron. county health officer as being Anderaon. Muriel Tyson. Ellae In- feature of the week In Mprlngfleld Ingham, Washington, where his In the play entitled "The Cast Re­ Christian, Baptist and Methodist cause of rain. Barnes. Bernice Barnes. Zella Can in actual need of dental care. The gram. Helen Putman. Wilbur Me All programs given next week wife died In 1X00, He then moved hearses." are Phyllis. Echo Tom- churches Tuesday evening follow­ The high senool team defeated 'rell. Barbara Cantrell, Mr Shulte. work is being done In cooperation ing the Week-day Bible school de­ Pheraon. Thurston boys in a practice game should feuture special musical en­ lo Arizona living part of the time seth; Flora May. Theda Rhodes monstration program. The temples at Thurston Wednesday afternoon and Mrs. Susan King, Springfield; with the Lane County Medical so­ Attendance Uordoti llalwln. Del- tertainment, say Mrs. Mtehn. there and In California and Colo­ Miss Violet, JoAnn Seavey; Julie, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes. Mr. and ciety and the Willamette Valley were made by students of Miss mas Glaspey, James Hebert. Hazel Present plans of the committee rado. He returned to Oregon In Maigaret Hack; and Evelyn. Ber- Goldie Smith. In their Bible classes, and have been defeated In their Mrs. Harry Pappel, Mr. and Mrs. Dental society, members of which lllcka. Virginia lllcka. Donald working on observation of the week 1Í20 and conducted a store at Cres­ nadine McFarland. Miss Eunice and were presented to the churches other two games Marvin Fountain and sons. Raymon are donating certain amounts of House. Helen Lyons, Wilbur Mr Include special numbers at the well for three years. He then moved McFarland Is president of the Girls' In appreciation of their support ol and Merle, of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. time each month to this type of Pheraon. Murfle Mulligan. Koae W. H. LARIMER DIES AT various meetings, at the churches to Marcóla where he made hla home League this year. E. P. Cutler. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. work In the vicinity in which they the class work. Ogden. Wesley Kobertaon. Lloyd The Junior-senior banquet will be Munday, at the Lions club next Fri­ until the time of his death. Mlsener. and Mrs. Druse Burdick. have their practice. Miss Smith was re-elected to FALL CREEK TUESDAY Seamans. Henry Uchytll, Emil He is survived by one son. A. It held on May 27, and the senior play day. and at other gatherings Portland. teach the classes again next year Uchytll. Maxine Valller. Hopkins, Bellingham. Wasthlngton, will probably be given May 20. al­ The Ergatha class of the Metho­ William Harvey Larimer passed Barbara Cantrell. Raymon and HAPPY HOUR CLUB TO at a business meeting following the Sixth Grads away at his home at Fall Creek Merle Fountain are great grand dist church. In keeplDg with the one daughter. Mrs. Frank Dedman, though this date is not final. demonstration. SPONSOR MUSICAL TEA Mcholarahlp—Henry Chare, Frank Baccalaureate services will be Tuesday after a short illness. He children of Mrs. Barnes. Mra Idea of a National Music week, will Salem; one brother. Frank, at Pied­ Hllck. Frances Cornell. Palsy Pat held on Sunday evening. May 2S.i The first week of May la Na­ was born in Ohio on May 1. 1868 Barnes has been visiting at the devote a considerable portion of mont. California, and two sisters, and commencement exercises will I ^ A R D HIGH SCHOOL more, Wnnetta Neet. Maxine ihnlt and moved to Kansas when seven. home ■ of her daughter. Zella Cant­ tional Music Week. The Happy their Bunday evening program and Mrs Sue Rogers. Marcóla, and Mrs. son Edna Yarnall,Melina Clement. be held June 3. | WINS TYPING CONTEST I-ater. when 13. he moved to Cali­ rell, for some time and returned Hour club is making plans to spon­ pageant to mixed musical entertain Nellie Parsons. Seattle. Attendance—Fern Cornell, Edna The date for the annual Girls' sor a musical tea on Friday after­ ment. fornia and then to Oregon when he to her home in Portland Sunday. league breakfast at which time TyP‘‘»rltlng students at Tigard June Yarnall. Dorothy Kanadell YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE noon. May 6. It will be a benefit was 22 years old. He settled first the most outstanding girl in the b*Kb 8<'l'ool ran away with all major Maxine Mmltson, Wanetta Neet for the local Girl Scout troop. The MYSTERY HIKE TONIGHT school will be chosen and her name priles ln the teD,h ““»ual state at Dexter for a short while and COLLEGE GLEE CLUB Vulerlt Koch. Lulu Johnaon. Fran STUDENTS START WORK silver offering will be used to pay then moved to Fall Creek where TO SING AT CHURCH their national dues. Mrs. Jane cea Cornell, Helma Clemint, Jerome ON SENIOR CLASS PLAY Young people of the Methodist engraved on the Civic Club cup has contest »» Corvallis Saturday. Ti- he made his home until his death. not been set. | gard students won first place in Woodwon, Billy Burnett, Floyd Cor church and their friends will hold He married Miss Alta Humphrey The Eugene Bible College glee Ketels Is in charge of the program. both the speed and accuracy tests. nell, Hubert Keenao. Tommy Uchy Lela 8qulrea and W inston Bacue n mystery hike this evening start at Fall Creek in 1900 and leaves rlub will sing at the Springfield The tea will be held at the home til. | f‘r8t ln the indivldual accuracy his widow, besides two daughters W in Leading Roles; Others Ing at 6:30. All those planning to CORN RAISED BY CLUB Christian church this evening under of Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter. More test, second ln the team shorthand Are Announced attend the outing are requested to Helen and Lucille, both at home; the auspices of the church choir. A detailed announcement will be MEMBERS IN DEMAND ¡contest and two other Individual L IN C O L N SC H O O L made next week. gather at the church at this time speed records. There were 125 con wo brothers. Charles V. at Dexter silver offering will be taken. The F irs t Grade Most of the character parts of when the party will be divided Into and J. E. at Baker; and one sister program numbers announced for Two hundred pounds of McKay teatants present representing 32 Attendance—Glenn Gossler, Kay the senior dnss play at the high two groups with leaders. Each Mrs. Mabel Jenson at Vancouver, the event include: "Requiem." "The CALM BEFORE STORM Deni seed corn has been sold In thi schools. Miration. Elizabeth Hoyles, Jackie school have been unsigned by John group will be given Instructions as Washington. Ada district, western Lane county. Springfield's high school team Old Road,” "De Coppah Moon," by M. E. SERMON SUBJECT Bill Vaughan, Mtlllinnn Daniela Knox, coach, and practice Is being to where to go. When they arrive at Funeral services were held at the the glee club; crayon drawing by Pauline Clement, Lola Chase. Boh held each day on the comedy farce their first destination they will find aud sent to Albert M. Scott of Ada. an' «t the home Esther Manoca have come to SKATING PARTY DRAWS GET BALLOTS AT ONCE son. Wayne Mentnana. Jimmie erick Leggltt, Lloyd Frese as Carl­ the college. P f Mr- and Mra- Emory Pyle; on Springfield from Washington to re­ LARGE ATTENDANCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO Htnlth, Jean Thompson, Junior Wll ton Childs, James West ns Hiram Thursday he visited the home of Applications for absentee voters open the restaurant next to the HAVE SOCIAL ON FRIDAY eon. l^eetlH. and Paul Schantul os Mich­ ballots must be made to life county LEGION WILL SPONSOR I a|xth Mr' 11 and ,1,1 Mra' Bernard at Swarts Meat market which was L tU IU N WILL S P O N S O R R Rtrpet #nd Jef( Ernest a dau(fh More than 80 young people from Third Grade ael O'Brien. clerk In ample lime so that the bal ANOTHER POST DANCE) ter, and on Friday he left a boy at formerly managed by Mr. and Mrs. Springfield participated In the roll­ Monthly Church Night program Attendance—Ida Gillette, Wllnin "The class play. "The Meanest lots can be mailed out and returned Walter McGregor. er skating party sponsored at the and potluck supper will he held at Keeler, Gladys Pederson, Leon Man In the World," la a Ihree-ad the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W ten days before tue date of the prl Eugene Armory last Thursday the Christian church Friday even­ Springfield American Legion post | Severson at Sixth and G street, Ware, Annabell Johns, Hetty Sher­ comedy with a clever plot. II has mary election. Mav 20 It waa an number 40 will sponsor another evening by the Epworth League of ing. Mrs. Dallas Murphy and Mra. man, Elvln Johns. Nathan Fletcher, very witty linos and many sparkl­ KENSINGTON CLUB TO nounced this week. These ballots the Springfield Methodist church. Veltle Pruitt are program leaders. dance at the Thurston hull 8atur-||U K A INITIATES THREE Lawrence Harwood. Kidney Ward. ing dialogues. HAVE MEETING FRIDAY Another similar party will probably The supper starts at 6:30. can he obtained by persons who are day evening It was announced this Fourth Grade out of the county or who will be out week. It had previously been de­ be held In the near future It ha* INTO LODGE AT SESSION Mcholarahlp — Flora Bertsch, Members of the Kensington club been announced. These skating of the county on that date, and by cided to discontinue the dances In BETTER HOMES IDEAS W. C. T. U. TO GIVE Wanda Burch, Willard House. War­ Three, new members. Mrs. Rosie will be entertained at the home of parties are held on nights other TALKED AT MEETING peraons who are III or Invalid, definitely, but there has been so PATRIOTIC PAGEANT ren Ingram, Alberta Keeler, Emma Mrs. Clarpnce Chase Frlduy after­ These latter persona should have a many reque ts for them that they Montgomery. Mrs. Meda Catching, than those of the public skating A patriotic pageant will be given Grace Meaklna, Beryl Robertson, noon of this week. Mrs. A. J. Mor­ and Mrs. Mollie Williams were Ini­ physician's certificate accompany periods on Wednesday and Satur­ sometime about the middle of May A review of the work discussed will be tried once more says J. M. Milo Meveraon, Emma Lou Miration, tiated Into Iuka circle, I-adles' auxi­ gan of Eugene will he the assistant day. at the series of Belter Homes meet­ their applications. Larson, dance manager. It was decided at the regular meet­ Frank Mtuait,. liary of the G. A. R. at their meet­ hostess for the meeting. ing of the Springfield W. C. T. U Attendance — Frank Anderaon, ings which Miss Gertrude Skow ing Thursday. Four applications TWO TOWN CLUB PLANS Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Mel Rice Wanda Burch, Hilly Dow. Hhlrley ano county home demonstration PYNE WINS SECOND SCHOOL STUDENTS HEAR for membership have also been re- ‘A GOSPEL PROPOSAL" MEETING ON FRIDAY Is chairman of the committee In MATCH OF CONTEST llaack, Earl Harwood. Warren In­ agent has been conducting for the MONOLOGIST TUESDAY! celved. TO BE SERMON SUBJECT Members of the Two Town club charge of the affair. By defeating L. W. Algulre Mon gram, Alberta Keeler, Winifred past several weeks was given on will meet Friday evening In Eu­ Lyons, Emma Grace Meaklna. Tuesday at a session held at the day afternoon at Oakway golf Many high school and several Priscilla Club Meets Today Sunday morning Rev. Veltle gene at the home of Mr. and Mrs. To attend Mission Most Merle Nice, Bobby Pugh, Valentine home of Mrs. Nellie Sanders at course, E. E. Pyne has now ad­ grade school students attended the Mrs. W. H. Stearmer will be host­ Pruitt will preach on "A Gospel Arthur Zumwalt. Members of the Mrs. Em m a Olson, Mrs. P. J. Bar­ Vchytll, Arila Robertson, Beryl llo Jasper between the hours of 10:30 vanced lo the finals plat In the program presented at the assembly ess at her home this afternoon for I Proposal" at the Christian church, bertson, Milo Severson, Dave Smith, and 3:30. A conte t to arrange cut sixth flight in which he is register­ period Tuesday by William Fell the regular meeting of the Priscilla ( His evening sermon topic will be club from Springfield who will pro­ tholomew, and Mrs. A. B. Van V al flowers was also held as a part of ed. He will he matched against O. bably attend are Mr. and Mrs. M. xish will go to Silverton Friday to Greenleaf who presented Shake­ club. Entertainment and refresh- ■ “A Divine Soverignlty." There will J. McKlin, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, attend a district mission meeting the meeting. (Continued from Page 4) Hoaelton. speare's "Hamlet" as a monologue. mente are planned. | be special music at both services. and Mr. and Mra. L. E. Baaford. of the Methodlat church. Deerhorn Boy Winner of Prize A Capella Choir To Sing May 8 MUSIC WEEK IS PLANNED HERE SOCIAL AFFAIRS LISTED Kl S IS . ROSEBURG BALL TEAHJO COME