THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1982 THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS FOUR SCOUT CIRCUS TO BE ON SATURDAY When California Goes in for Winter Sporta bamous Actor I At High School Mary P la y « New Role 14133101 William L m Greenleaf to Give Hamlet as Monologue Be­ fore K igh School Studenti More Than 200 Boy* to Dem­ onstrate Ability at Celebra­ 1 ï tion at McArthur Court School Studunta Eatabllah Enviable Record In Conteet to Eateiminnta Pasta William Lee Greenlcaff. famous uiiuiologlst. will return to Spring field Tuesday morning to present the well-known Shakespeare pluv, “Hamlet" us n monologue before the student body at 10: ‘>ne <>f the Part>' tleke‘9' mighl voters who would under no circum­ Springfield, Oregon said court hereto affixed, this the ¡decide to vote for the candidates stance want to support Democratic condensable gas, charcoal and the evening Mlsa Barnell and Mra. Fin­ over the house rate. f The Willamette valley grower ot pryoligneous acid or “green liquor" ley will entertain with xylophone 20th, day of April, 1932. /on one of the other tickets, or for When Orocerlea are bought at home the com m unity Attest: W. B. DILLARD, Clerk. an independent candidate. If the nominees and who will be opposed are extracted from wood at these and piano numbera during the eve­ clover seeds will have an advant ha« both the grocerle« and the money. When yon buy to the re election of Mr. Hoover, By L. M. BRYSON, Deputy. age over his foreign competitor Democrats, for example, elected who seems certain to he the Re two great plants, and the process ning. IA 21-28 — M 4-11-18) away from home you have only the good«. ha added millions to the wealth of publican nominee. If such inde­ these regions, as well as saving Our modern Htore han the higher,t quality grocerle« pendent lists of electors can be set huge sums in products that would at a price uh low a« can be found anywhere. We g u ar­ up in a few strategically located have become mere waste. states, and should be elected, there antee to serve you right. In an article in a recent issue of might be a sufficient number of the "Industrial and Engineering1 Independent electors, so chosen, to Chemistry" Journal, several pages prevent either of the major party are devoted to a description of the candidates from getting a majority in the electoral college And that Is technical processes used in the MEN'S — BOYS’ — CHILDREN’S 25c Size and 2 Bara Crystal White Soap what Judge Hanley and a group ot Iron Mountain plant. The process anti-Hoover Republicans are aiming is known as the "Stafford Process" at. They want to throw the elec­ and utilizes the Badger Stafford re­ White or Sun Tan Do you enjoy wearing tion of 1932 Into the House of Rep­ torts. The two plants are cited by sci­ resentatives. ♦ he new styles while they That's another thing that isn't entists as the result of research Heavyweight Solen are still very new? likely to happen, but also It is and its great value to the country today. Important work in research Reenforced Toe« something that might happen. Is being carried on In Oregon’s in­ If you do, then let us Saddle S trap stitution of higher education, It Is, declared, and many scientists have The Bread Maker of Hundred« of Familie«. urge you to come and see GIRLS’ LEAGUE MAKES achieved national recognition for PLANS FOR FIRST TEA what they have accomplished. these new We Don’t Really Vote For President VffiY ¡‘Lest You Forget’ Willamette Press Irish-Murphy Co. Special Dress Sale Tennis Shoes a t B R E IE R ’S Pete’s Granulated Soap Both for . . . . 19c $2.66 Blue Stem Hardwheat Flour 3.66 4 .6 6 Spring Dresses 5.66 which will prove a reve­ lation economically. 968 Willamette OEPT. STORES Eugene, Oregon Committees have been announced for the Girls’ League tea for Uni­ versity high school girls. Maxine Swarts has been named general chairman. Other committees are: program, Irene Jeter, Hazel Shelley, Elva Moyer, and Echo Tomseth; decorations, Angellne Brattaln. Eva Louk and Marjorie Prochnow; re­ freshments, Veda Bartholomew, Beulah Richardson, and Easel Adams; serving, Blanche Bates, Ruth Stratton, Bernadene McFar­ land, and Alys Thatcher. MRS. W RIGHT HOSTESS FOR KENSINGTON CLUB Members of the Kensington club selected the gladioli as their choice of a city flower at their meeting held Friday at the home of Mrs. Larson Wright. Mrs. Levi Neet was the assistant hostess. The next meeting of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Chase In two weeks. Her assistant will be Mrs. A. J. Morgan of Eugene. 35c 4 9 Pound Bag . . $1.05 p a ir Laundry Soap Serve Yourself and Save! Williams’ Self Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE, OREGON 10 Bars 19c <4