THUItHDAY, APRIL 21. 11132 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS NOTICB OF t F IN A L BBTTLBM BNT Notice 1» hereby given that George FI »her, udiolulalralor of the «Stele of Clark Clutier, deceaned lie» filed bln final account In the County Court of lutne County, Ore- gon. and that »»Id court haa aet aa the time and place for (he (Inal aet l lenient of said eatate Saturday. April 30th. 1832. at lo o'clock In the forenoon of aald day at the Counly Court room In (he Court- M HANGE Northwest Wsshluit hou«e In Rugene, Oregon, where all Ion Impriivoci Eighty. W»lt loin pcraona Interested may appear at led, finn noil, »ollie timber, (or aald time and (lie objection», If any they have. »mall, well Improved ucreagn. GEORGE F IH IIK R , Admlnlatra I Ha« bl 111 y renanu. Herman tor. llrown. 'finer. WuMlilimloti. A 21 I M I’KTKKBON, Attorney for Relate. • (M 21 - A p 7-14-21 28) 8. P. HAS SPECIAL MAY DAY ROUNDTRIPS TOWN AND VICINITY The way to lowcost May Day excursions, along with roundtrips between widely separated points In III at Home A. W. F a rr« . was. Visit on Coast—George Perkins western territory, will be thrown reported to be quite III at hla home and hfa daughter, Adeline, spent open by the Southern Pacific com-.the first of the week the week-end on Ihe coast at Yacb pany, April 23 lo May 1, It was an ats. iwiunced toduy. Flab Sunday— Floyd Flanery and Thia waa made known here by son. Richard, »pent Munday fishing Thurston Residents Hero— Mr and Mrs. W illiam Rennie ot Tburs- Carl Olson, agent for the coMpauy,jon the MceKozle river, ton were visitors In Springfield on who rlated dial (he railroad haa computed plana for another offer-1 Drives to Monmouth led Len Wednesday. ing of Its famous cent a mile" trans 1 ,,Mrt lo MonmouO. Sunday to i upend the day vlaltlng with friend. Adm itted to Hospital— M l-ee of portal Ion. Oakridge was admitted to the Eu­ With May 10 fixed aa the final Thurston Man Hara— A. B Mat­ gene hospital for medical care on return lim it, ample time haa bean hews of Thurgton waa a Springfield Tuesday. allowed for travel between all Colonel Allred E Ciurli, who I» visitor on Saturday. pointe on the company’s I ’uclfh N O T IC B OF F IN A L H B A R IN O aceklng the Republican until Inni loll Guavta Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. Rd Lines, Il waa pointed out. The terrl Flah Sunday — W alter Gossler Notice la hereby given that the (or Uniteli Hlalea »eiiutor I» (he Shultz and Mrs. C. L. Inman were mull who waa elioaen by the mem undersigned. Anna Myera, Admin- lory embraced by the excursion i and Clayton Barber spent Sunday gue ts at the home of Mr. and Mra. la tra trll of the eatate of Hadle Itag liera o( Ihn legal profeu»lon Io drall land, deceaaed, haa filed her (Inal program reachea front Portland to fishing on the McKenzie river. H H Myers near Hayden bridge lhe prenant City Charter of ihe City account In the County Court of Kl Paso and from Sun Francisco Sunday. Ill at Garden Way— O. W Meek of l*ortlunr-d. »Ince leaving Springfield, six months from the 8th day ot Phone 91J weekly newspaper of general cir­ H a - the family income been cut Vialt Friends — Mr. and Mrs April. 1332. to the aald administra­ culation puhllahed In Lane County. I Office Houra: 1 to 6 P. M Oregon, by order of Dan Johnston tor at- his law office In Ihe Miner Claude Neely were in Springfield to the extent that it Is not possible Eugene. Oregon. 4M Fourth Street Monday visiting with friend» while for the children to have the things Justice ef Iks Maas U se Eugene; Building. L. L. RAY. Administrator of the Justice District, I^vne Counly, Ore-J enroute to the upper McKenzie they have been used to— must the estate of Jesse J. Davis, de gon The date of the (Irat public« country where they expected to amount of thetr spending money be ceased. tlon of thia Summons la April 7. Universal Mortgage Carp. (A 714-21-28— M 5) spend several day» fishing. Their reduced? Have you tried calling a IMS family “conflab.” and talking It home Is in Portland. I. L. RAY. Attorney for Plain- llff. Realdence and Post Of­ NOTICE over, telling not only the mother Installed as Officer — Mr». Ger how finances stand, but the chil­ fice Address: Eugene, laine OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T County. Oregon. W . P. Tyaon, Agant (rude Wilson was installed as one dren as well? Explain the cause The undersigned. Administrator (A 7 14 21 28- M 6) I2C E St. Phon« 33W of the estate of Reese Henry Laird, of the deacons of the Central Pre» and the necessity for retrench­ deceased, has filed his Final Ac­ hyterlan church In Eugene Sunday ments. and see If they all. the chil­ count In the matter of said estate morning. All newly chosen officers N T H E C IR C U IT COURT GF T H E General la w Practloe with the County Clerk of Lane were publicly Installed at the morn dren especially, will not help and STA TE GF OREGON FOR do It with cheerfulness and zest. County. Oregon, and an order has LA N E CO UN TY I. M. PETERSON been made and entered of record Ing service. It gives the children a feeling of Mary E. McPherson and J. R Mc­ by the County Court of said County, AtUiruey-at-I-aw being part of the family, and Pherson. Plaintiffs, vs. Darld Ar directing this notice and appoint­ field I. O. O. F. members who plan City lla ll Building •hur and Mary Jane Arthur If ing Saturday, the 14th day of May, ned to attend at meeting at the teaches a lesson which would be living, and If not living the un­ 1932. at the hour of ten o'clock A Eugene lodge Tuesday evening to hard to equal. Springfield, Oregon • • • known heirs of said David Arthur M for the hearing of objections to witness degree work, cancelled the and Mary Jane Arthur; David M said account and the settlement of Use a soap shaker for the ends of visit when it was decided to have Gager; Alao all other persons and said estate. parties unknown claiming any DA TED this 14th day of April. A. the degree work conferred at the soap. In this way each tiny piece FRANK A. DE PUE of soap may be used up. and one right, title estate, lien or Interest D. 1932. Grand Lodge In May. A T TO R N E Y AT LAW In the property described In the POMEROY N. LAIRD, Admin does not need to put one's hands N O T A R Y P U B L IC complaint herein. Defendants. j Istrator of (he estate of Reese Student Homs— W illiam Pollard, Into the hot dish water to rescue To the above named defendants: Henry Laird, Deceased. Springfield medlral student at Portland, spem the soap. Not only saves soap, but Sutton You nnd each of you are hereby (A 14-21-28— M 5-12) Oregon the week-end In Springfield at the saves the hands as well. Building summoned to answer the complaint • • • home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. | filed against you In the above en C IT A T L N tilled cause and court within four W. H. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tack a square of material on weeks from the first publication of IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF T H E Danner and family and Mrs. Wil- the back of the closet door In the this summons, and If you fall io to STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E Pollard were dinner guests at kitchen, to hold wrapping paper answer, for want thereof, the plain CO UNTY OF LANE. tlffa will apply to the court for the IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E ES­ (he Pollard home Sunday. and bags. All Makes and Models relief demanded In the complaint, T A T E OF W IL L IA M DORRIS vis, that they be Rdudged to be th« H IL L S , A Minor. SPR IN G FIELD RADIO SHOP owners of the following described To Janien Frgnk Hills and Mne »44 II St. Phone 130-J real properly: Hills Taylor, Ihe next of kin, Beginning at a point 4.83 chains and to all persons Interested In the estate of said ward: onst of the west southwest cor­ ner of the Thomas D. Edwards IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE nnd wife donation land claim No OF OREGON. You are hereby cited 66. notlf. 7448. In low..ship 17 and required to appear In the Coun­ south, of range 2 west of the W il­ ty Court of the State of Oregon for lamette meridian, nnd run thence' the County of Lane at the County north parallel with the west line Court Room thereof, at Eugene, Formerly Walker-Poole of said claim 18.36 chains, more Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th day or less, to the south line of the of May, 1932, at the hour of ten McKenzie Highway, thence east o’clock A. M. of that day, then and iU O E N K — 11th S P R IN G F IE L D nlong said south line 44.77 chains there to show cause. If any you md Cburiieltoii, 228 Main to the east line of said donation have, why W. P. Hills, Guardian of land claim, thence south along said ward, should not be granted Pelt-phone 723 Phone 62-J said east line 33.81 chains more by this Court a license to sell at or less to the north line of the private sale the real property of right of way of the Southern Pa­ said ward described as foljows, to- cific Railroad, thence westward wlt; along said right of way, as tol Commencing at the Quarter lows, north 82.76 degrees west Section corner on Ihe West line fl.70 chains, south 86.26 degrees of Section Thirty-two (32) In west 2 65 chains, south 82 degrees Township Eighteen (18) South, west 18.66 chains, south 86.26 Range One (1) West W illamette degrees west 7.91 chains, north Meridian; running thence East 86 degrees west 9.09 chains lo i 80 rods; thence North 40 rods; the west line of the David A r­ thence West 80 rods; and thence thur and wife donation land claim South 40 rods to the place of No. 68 In said township nnd heglnnlng, containing twenty (20) range, thence north along aald acres -of land In Lane County, west line 16.09 chains to the Oregon. northwest corner of said Arthur and also an undivided one-third In- claim, (hence west to the place terest In and to: of beginning, situated In Lane The South H alf ( 8 H ) of the County, Oregon, and that you have Northwest Quarter (NW 14) of no right, title, estate, lien, or In­ said Section Thirty-two (32), ternet therein, nnd quieting plain Township Eighteen (18) South, For that tiff's title to said property from all Range One (1) West W illamette claims asserted by you or any of Meridian, Lane County, Oregon Extra Pair you. This summons Is published excepting the twenty (20) acres There are always occasion!, by virtue of an order made and above described. filed March 29. 1932, by the Hon. ns In his petition prayed for. when Oxfords suspended on a W ITNESS, the Hon. C. P. Barn­ chain or ribbon are extremely 1(1. F. Sklpworth. Circuit Judge, and ! requiring you to answer the com­ ard, Judge of the County Court of convenient. Especially with wo­ plaint In this suit within font the State of Oregon, for the County men who do not like lo wear weeks from Ihe first publication of of Lane and the seal ot said Court I this summons which Is made hereto affixed, this 11th day of glasses with a halt April, A. D. 1932. | March 31, 1932. 8. D. ALLEN, Attorney for A T T E S T: W. R. D ILLA R D . Clerk DR. ELLA MEADE Plaintiff. Residence and P. O. By EVA L. DU CKW O RTH, Optometrist Deputy. Address, Eugene, Ora. 41 West Bth Eugans (M 21— A 7-14-31) (A 14-21-28) Business Directory M Y riO M t W YOURS 6 C h o o se Garden Hose Our Special . . . . $2.40 50 FEET OXFORD I I S 3 .5 0 Better Grades at , 4*75 5 .5 0 50 Ft. Length Wright & Sons 516 Main St. Springfield