THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW K N T Y -N IN T II YEAR . 0 .0 . F. MEET 10 BE AI LORANE HPRINOKIKLb, I j ANK COUNTY, OKBOON.THVKHOAV, A PR IL 21, 1932 Marriages And Divorces Less MANY BEGBTEB FOR PRIMARIES No. 16 " > H M BALI TEAM Al ENTRIES GIVEN IH District Meeting LOWELL APRIL 26 GARDER CORTESI Grove N. 0 . W. To Visit Soon BIBLE WORK TO GE EXHIBITED 1931 Saw 307 Fewer Marri­ Grand Master, H. L. Toney, to Large Delegation to Attend age* and 406 Less Divorces City Recorder Peterson Fill* Attend Session at Eugene H oit Lodge Plant Extensive Eugene Run* Away With Thirty-on* to Comp*t* for Potluck and Lodge Meeting Annual Demonetration of Than During Year 1930 Temple Friday Night Out 355 Cards; Final Day Entertainment for Lane Opening Game at Brattain Prize* in Beautification and Here Wednesday Evening Week-day Religiou* Educa­ Bring* 103 to City Hall County Association Meet Washington, D. C„ April I t Th. Field Friday; Score 10-5 ' Improvement Drive Her* It L. Toney, McMinnville. Grand tion Planned for Tuesday At least 20 members of the Bureau of Cenali« unnoun.ea (bat according to the retarne received there were 7.331 marriage« per Springfield Members to Ex- formed III tlreaon durine the year hibit River Pictures as Part >•’ »• «»■»pared with 7,*7# in 1130, repreaentlna a decrease of 337 of Public Night Program or 4.4 per cent, lu 1*33, there were Fifteen aubordtuale lodge* lu (.538 marriage« performed. During the year 1*31 there were Laue county will gather at la'-ane •uuth of Eugene Haturday Ç* he 3.417 dTvorcea granted In the «tate, aunual «prlng meeting of Ihi ® e aa compared with 3.336 In 1(30, re- pre. anting « decreane of 403 or 14 4 County Odd Fellow« aaaoek - per cent. In 1*33. there were 3,633 The aeaalou« will «(art at 10 30 continue throughout the day. •« ’ I’ 0» ™ granted there were 27 lug with a large public program a 75 irrlage« annulled In 1*31 aa com ed with 26 In 1*30. 8 o'clock. « estimated population of the Exteualve plana for the enter of Oregon on July 1. 1*31. wa« talnment of Ihv vlaltlng Odd Fel­ « and on July 1. 1930 *68. la *« who are expected to number eeveral hundred have been worked « 0 0 "A i the basis of these esti­ out during the paal few week« by mate«. the number of marriages W I. Seale« of lairane, pre«Idem lor tooo of the population was 7 * of the county aaaoelallon. and com­ In 1*31, as against 8 0 In 1*30. and mittee« cooperating with him. Mem tbe number of divorces per 1000 her« of the l.orane Grange have of tbe population was 2.60 In 1*31 volunteered their a«al«tanee «ay« a« against 2 *6 In 1*30. The number of marriages per­ Mr. Seale« and will «erve both din uer and «upper for the visitors. An formed and the number of divorces other committee la working out eu and annulments granted were fur­ tertalnment plan« for the ladle« nished by the Stale Hoard of The figures for 1*31 are durlug the forenoon and afternoon Health preliminary and «ubject to correc lodge aeaalon. The morning «eaalon at 111: 30 lion. Ijin e county had 433 marriages will be called together by the As­ sentation prealdent, after which •a compured with 4X4 In 1*30 lu W illiam .Mitchell, noble graud of this county there were 104 divorces the Ixirane lodge, will welcome the while In 1*30 decrees granted were vlaltora. After a reaponae the 141 Multnomah county had 1.1*2 mar­ cbalra will be aurrendered to the aaaoclatlou officer* for the bun riages and 8*2 divorces In 1*31 as compared with 3.13* marriages and neaa aeaalou. At 2 o'clock «election of meeting 1.11* dlvorcea In 1*30. It Is Interest place* for the Association for Octo­ Ing to note that over the state at ber. 1*32 and April. 1*33 will be large divorces are about 30 per made. The Aaaoelallon bold» two cent of the marriages while In meeting« each year, one In the Portland there are nearly 60 per aprlng and the other In the fall cent. A total of 366 registration cards were filled out at the Springfield city hall by I. M Peterson, record­ er, during the primary election re­ gistration period which closed ou Tuesday evening. Recorder Peterson had a rushing business Monday and Tuesday bav lug to devote most of these two days to this work. Monday he re­ gistered *3 and on Tuesday b* handled 103 cards. Thia total of 366 does not mean that there are only that many who will be permitted to vole In the primary election. A large majority ul the voters were already regis­ tered and did not have to muke out new cards Those who have moved or who changed their party affl Hatton account for some of the cards, and many who have not voted during the past few years, for many of the others I'eraons who are not registered rannot vote at the primary election Registrations will be permitted again after the primary election In May for the general election In the fall. Master of tbe Grand lodge of Ore­ gon together with several other •la te officials will be at the Mas onlc temple In Kugene Friday aAeu Ing to attend the annual meeting of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of tbe Ninth district. Tbe district comprise« lodges at Cottage Grove, Hprlngfleld. Creswell, Harrisburg, Mapleton, Florence, Junction City, and Kugene. K. K Cook. Worshipful Master of McKenxIe river lodge and It D Dotson, Master of tbe Kugene lodge bead committees lu charge of •vents. John T. Henderer, Master of tbe Rprlugfleld lodge, and a delegation of others from this city are plan olng to attend the district meeting. Refreshments will be served fol­ lowing tbe business meeting. Neighbors of Woodcraft circle at Cottage Grove will come to Hprlng- AT GARDEN WAY MONDAY fleld Wednesoay evening. April 27. Both Team* Show Weaknees Judge* to Be Choeen and Will to visit the local lodge members. Local Church** Cooperate to Due to Poor Weather Which , Start Work at Once, Plan Tbe gathering will start at 7 Finance Religious Instruc­ Prevent* Early Training o'clock with a potluck supper and Two Examination* tion for Five Yoar* ------------- . program after which lodge work KugeiiM high school baseball nine Thirty-one entries In tbe Spring- will be conducted at the I. O. O. F Every child taking part In the outplayed tbe Hprlngfleld high field garden contest were reported hall. Mrs. Elmer Findley is chair « w k day Bible school work In thia team here Friday to the tune of 10- this week by F. B. Flanery at tbe man of tbe event city ba* been assigned a part In the 6 In the opening game of tbe sea­ close of the registration period large Bible school demonstration son. ! program to be given at the Metbo Friday, April 16. Judges are now I Gurdon Wright, pitching for being selected and will make an [ 1 dl»t church. Tuesday evening. April Hprlngfleld struck out Eugene bat­ Inspection visit to each of the J*. at 7:30. The complete program ters 1* times while Bud Brewer of places entered as soon as possible.! i was announced this morning by Kugene was able to bold only lu and will again visit the premises ' Mrs. W. P. Tyson, member of the of the Hprlngfleld men. i committee directing the Week day after the close of tbe contest on j ; Bible work In Springfield. Lock of sufficient training due June 30 to determine which per-' to poor weather conditions and the sons have made tbe greatest ad-1 The program will be a« follows: Song, "Win Them One by One." necessity of developing much new vancement. Springfield Delegates at Junc­ Those entered are: Mrs. Frits, Salute to tbe flag. material was responsible for many tion City Meeting Hear Na­ errors by both Norval May's and Ethel Vaughn, George Lusby, Ro ! "How We Got Our Bible," Peter tional Convention Reports ! Cbace and Clarence Clark. Frauk Fasselt's teams. Kugene. bert Pierrle, Mrs. Davis. Mrs. W. I. Bible drill. however, did outplay tbe local team House. Lawrence Pederson. Pearlj Favorable report« on unemploy j Hcbantol, Mrs. E. C. Stuart, Mrs. Memory work. Friday. i ment relief work and community Songs. Tbe most spectacular event dur­ W. H. Htarmer. Mrs. R. L. Drury. services were beard from American Bible story. Paul Nott. and Violet ing the game was a long three base Mrs. F. E. Louk, Mrs. Carl Olaon, Legion posts In this part of Oregon Steele. bit by W illiam Hword, Hprlngfleld Mrs Meda Catching. Dr. N. W. at a district meeting last night at | Drawing plan of Temple, Frank aubstitute and pinch bitter. He had Emery, Helen Donaldaon. Thoral Junction City. Delegates were pres­ Bennett. Polly Dutchuk. Madge W il­ two men on bases ahead of him Nyaten, W. C. W rigut, W. E Buell, ent from Lebanon. Albany, Corval­ son. Lineups for the two 'earns were: Dr. W. N. Dow, Levi Neet. M. J. lis, Monroe, Brownsville, Salem. Map drawing, students In Miss Eugene McKlln, Mr. Albers. Mrs. Albers, | Robert Fromm District Com­ Springfield ¡Cottage Grove and Springfield. Mrs. J F. Casslddy. Mr*. Lee W Phetteplace’s room. Liles .C........ ..... Bishop mander, Speaker at Gather­ ■More than 100 members of the Le- Putman. Mrs. Marion Adams, Mrs Electric map drill, students In Gordon Wright P Brewer. Mercer ing After Radio Program ' gion abd auxiliary were in attend- Miss Platt’s room. Thatcher IB Miller Karl Girard. A. W. Roden, Mr. and : ance. Play, stundents of Miss Girard's 2B.............. Mercer Mrs. Hack, and Mra. Frank Ftsber. The nation-wide Victory Mem­ D Wright The American Legion relief pro­ and Mrs. Riddle’s rooms. The entries are classified.Into the Kqulres 88 Van Lydergraf bership drive radio broadcast which gram, now In effect throughout the "God's Library of 66 Books,' SB Coughlan following groups: flower garden, was sponsored Monday night over Fountain United States has resulted in hun­ Annual Election of Officar* all of the larger radio network ays Wilson Lonfsa Cowden. LF Owens garden, lawn and garden, flowers dreds of thousands of Jobs. Is being Story of World Friendship. Selma CF Guild and vegetables, general Improve­ Held at Luncheon; Hamlin terns by the American Legion and Vest carried on by several posts in Ore­ Clements, Jean Lloyd. ment. rose garden, and rockery. McBee R F ............. Newton Its affiliated organisations was is Vice-President gon. World Friendship, flag d rill, stu­ Substitutes. Sword, Springfield: Most of the contestants are entered heard In Hprlngfleld by members of The National Convention in Port­ dents in Miss Smith’s room. In the general improvement contest. Floyd B Flanery was elevated the local post at 7 o'clock Imraedl Russell. Dawson. Eugene. land was discussed by Vic McKen­ A big exhibition of handiwork The contest is being sponsored Lowell at Lowell is the next from vlce-prwsldency to presidency ately following a potluck dinner at xie. of Salem, national liaaon offi of the various classes will be hung by the various organisations of tue game on the schedule for Spring of the Hprlngfleld Lions club at the the Community Hall. Tbe radio re­ cer. who said that 1*0 special trains annual election of officers held ception was heard from a set loaned field high school. The local team city under the leadership of the would be run into Portland for the at the church under the direction of Mrs. R. P. Mortensen, chairman Civic club. Many of the organiza­ will go to Lowell next Tuesday Thursday noon last week. He suc­ for the event by the W right and convention. He urged ail veterans with election« made at the «prlng of the Bible school committee. April 2*. Lowell Is said to have a tions have agreed to contribute ceeds Dr. W C. Rebhan. Hons hardware store. to register early. A *2 registration •eaalon Similar programs are held each strong high school nine. Both prizes for the winners in the vari­ Other officers chosen were Frank Following the radio program Dis­ fee permits attendance at *10 worth Kvporta. unfinished buatne««, and year at the cloae of the year's work Hamlin, vice-president; Thelmer trict Commander. Robert Fromm of their boys' and girls' teams defeat ous divisions. of amusement he pointed ont. election of new officer« will con­ among the lower grade school chil­ Indications are that the gladioli aggregations last Nelson, secretary-treasurer; Veltle Cottage Grove, delivered an ad­ ed Oakridge Ail those who participate in the clude the afternoon aeaalon dren. This marks the conclusion week. will be the representative flower of Pruitt; l.lo n tamer; Enoch Htuart, dress. convention must be registered and The evening program la partlrl- of the fifth year of the W eekday Springfield. Four ot the eight or­ tall twister; and John Pyle and Simultaneous meetings of all Le­ wear the official badge this year. paled In by many of the lodge« of religion- education In Springfield ganizations expressing a choice de­ John Anderson, members of the gion groups In the United States This is to prevent outsiders from the county. Various stunts are put schools. Miss Goldie Smith Is the clared in favor of the flower. Two board of directors. , were held Monday evening to hear pushing Into the convention meet­ ou by the various group* and a instructor, and all churches co­ voted for the rose, and two for tbe Outgoing officers besides Flanery the program which included ad­ ings and entertainment. More than large crowd 1« expected at tbl« Cottage Grove Host Tonight operate In financing the work. delphinlan. •re Clayton Barber, ecretary-treas- dresses by beads of the various af­ 80.000 legionnaires are expected to open meeting. to Monthly Meeting of At Garden W ay The committee In charge of the urer; John Henderer and W. F. filiated Legion organisations as be In attendance. Springfield will be wall repres­ Monday evening. April 25, the contest ts still working on plans for Lane Chamber Body Walker, members of the hoard of well as musical entertainment by The May district meeting w ill be ented at the convention and will Bible school demonstration will be some kind of a slogan. directors. Dr Rebhan and Barber a group of nationally known musi­ held In Springfield. contribute a showing of the motion held at the Garden Way school Marshall N. Dana. Democratic have completed their second con­ cians such as Madame Ernestine Those from Springfield at last where .Miss Smith also teaches picture* of the Hogue river trip of candidate for United Stales senator secutive terms In their respective Hcbumann-Helnk. Elsie Janis, who Good Catches on Rivers Re­ REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS night's meeting included Mr. and classes. This program w ill start at lb W f Itebhan. M K. Irish. from Oregon, will be tbe principal offices Htuart was reelected. won for herself the name. Sweet­ ported Friday and Saturday, MOCK RADIO PROGRAM Mrs. F. B. Hamlin. Mr. and Mrs. 8 o'clock and will consist of the fob Prince lle lfrlib . and Veltle Pruitt speaker at the monthly meeting of heart of the A. E. F . and Rudv Jack Larson. W N. Dow. M. B. lowing numbers: Bible gongs and aa their part of the program Weather Bad Sunday the Lane county chamber of com Vallee. Eugene Lodge Group Visits Meet Huntly. Stanley Richardson and H. The complete evening program merce to be held at Cottage Grove METHODISTS TO HAVE ‘ drills, memory work, a play. "King There will be no meeting of tne ing and Passes Along D istrict N. L. Pollard goes after tbe big E. Maxey. will be as follow«: Joash,” lower grades, play, "How tonight. BUSY DAY SUNDAY local Legion post tonight, the Mon V isitatio n Cup ones when he goes fishing Sunday We Got Our Bible.” Mahlon Penga. Song. ‘'America, by audience; Various problems, such as flood day night session taking the place he became tired of fishing with Dorothy Chase. Florence Fish. Gay­ W e l l l i m e a itilrc ii« . T It M itc h e ll; control, relief gardens, and a coun­ 8unrlse Service, and Q uarterly Con­ of the regular meeting to have been worms, so the story goes, and he A mock radio broadcast program le Chaae. Geraldine Chase. Estley response; music, "Veneta Kids"; ty-wide clean up campaign will also ference Added to Regular held this evening. reached over to pick up some dis­ was the feature of the monthly so­ W orship Program Schick. Jane Anderson, and L oii Invitation to next meeting places; be discussed at tbe meeting which carded salmon eggs which had cial program at the Juanita Rebe­ Sunday will be a busy day at the I Manley, and Drawing of the Temple roll call of lodxea; Introduction of starts with a <1:30 dinner dried out, and put them on his kah lodge meeting Monday night. and an electric map drill. Grand Officer« and pa«t Grand Reports will probably be railed Methodist church. Young people MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Mrs. Nellie Pync directed the en­ hook. His catch was a Dolly Var- Officers; motion picture. Spring- for from repie-ientatlves of vari­ plan to sponsor a sunrise service HOLDS DINNER MONDAY Elmer Pyne as an­ den trout, fifteen inches long. The tertainment. field lodge; old time music, Irving ous parts of the county In regard to on a hill near the Stafford twin nouncer. and Mrs. Meda Catchlngs lodge; atunt. Collage Grove Odd the improvement of highways as a schools north of the city at 6 o'clock Teams numbered 1 and 2 of the scene of this event was at the lake and Mrs. Sarah Johns operating Fellows; reading. Mr«. Blanche part of the Sam H ill highway beau­ If the weather Is suitable. If It Is Men's Bible class of the Christian above the Leaburg power dam. Well-Known Pioneer of This Very good catches were reported the receiving set. The program Abbey; stunt. Elmira Odd Fellows; tification project. not It will be postponed for one or church provided the dinner for artists were Mrs. Pearl Schantol. Vicinity Dies at Hood River; duel. Irving lodge; atunt, Kugene two weeks. Trucks and automobiles members of the third team and on both the McKenxie and Wiliam Dorothy and Doris Girard. Eunice Funeral Held Wednesday odd Fellow«; a number from Crow NATIVE RESIDENT OF will gather at the church at 6 wives of the entire group Monday ette rivers Friday and Saturday, Gerber. Maxine Snodgrass. Eleanor lodge; rope stunt. Cottage Orove o'clock and the service on the bill evening. The losing team members the first two days of the season. M r . Sarah L. W alker, mother of LANE DIES SUNDAY will probably not start until 6:30 were determined In a contest which Sunday the fishermen had less Smith. Mrs. Stella Findley. Mrs. boy; stunt. Irving Odd Fellows, Genevieve Louk. Mrs. Stella Eaton. W. F. W alker, former resident and music. "Veneta Kid«"; folk dance. Breakfast will be cooked over a ended Easter Sunday. Baked ham favorable weather and were .tot as Mrs. Mary B Pickard, 6V. died Elmer Findley and Lee Putman mortician In Springfield, and ot County to Carry Aggressive Junction City Odd Fellows; comic campfire. It will conalat of bacon, was prepared by Al Pohl and cover­ successful. Campaign Against Cray at her home In Kugene Tuesday A genuine radio reception was Herbert E. Walker, former county Coast stream fishing was also stunt. Cottage Grove high «chool; eggs. buns, coffee, cocoa, and ed dish foods were brought by the Diggers and Moles assessor, passed away at Hood after an Illness Hhe was a native good Friday and Saturday provided beard later in the evening. stunt, Lorane Odd Fellows. oranges. men. River, Oregon. Sunuay. April 17. at Lane county resident, having been Hostesse? for the social were Mrs. the fisherman had Ihe proper kind The church school will meet at Seventeen rodent control super­ Short talks were given by Roland the age of 82 years. born at Lowell on January 2. 1876. • 46. and tne morning service will Moshler and Veltle Pruitt during of flies to entice the fish. Flies with Glenn Stone, Miss Eleanor Smith, visor.-! to serve in 16 school districts MEMBERSHIP CHANGES Her husband, the late Clyde L. She was born in Massachusetts tributary to Springfield were ap­ lie held at 11 o'clock. The subject the meal. The latter part of the green and red on them were the and Miss Edna Swarts. IN GUARD ANNOUNCED Pickard, died last July. Thirty-six visitors from the Eu­ on November 15. 1850. and had of the sermon will be. "I W ill. evening was given over to a social most successful, declared Al Pohl, pointed last Saturday* by the coun Surviving are: one sister, Mrs. The Epworth League will meet at gathering. W. I. House and Hubert when he returned from the Siuslaw gene lodge attended the meeting lived most of her life in Lane coun­ ty court upon recommendation of The transfer of Private Stanley Alice Whiteworth. Llnslaw; two and brought a visitation cup which ty. settling on a farm near Pleas­ O. S. Fletcher, county agent. Six of with a lim it catch. <:30. Stas were leaders of the losing Miller from Hprlngfleld National nephews and three nieces. All of the catches contained some Is being passed around the district ant H ill. Sunday evening Dr. M. A Marcy, teams. W. A. Taylor Is president of these supervisors were nominated Guard unit to the National Guard Funeral services will be held She held membership in the by Lowell Grange, six by Mohawk- district superintendent, will speak the class. Sixty-three attended the very nice sixes of fish, although as one lodge group calls on another. reserves because of Inaballty to at­ this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Tuesday evening the Springfield Methodist church and in the Rebe­ the average' length was not what at 7:30. Following this he will pre­ event. McKenzIe Grange, three by Goshen tend summer camp In June was an the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Rev. fishermen would like to have them. RebekatiR visiteo the Marcóla lodge kah lodge. side at the fourth quarterly confer­ Grange, and two by Jasper Grange. nounced yesterday by C.‘ A. Hwarts. Harry Benton will officiate and In­ and presented the cup. Besides the sons. W. F. Walker, ence at which time all reports and Following Is a list of these super­ First Lieutenant In command of terment will be made at Rest and Herbert W alker, she leaves the visors : recommendations for the next year HONOR LISTS TO BE MANY ATTEND MISSION the unit. He also announced the Haven memorial park following children; Mrs. Harold BASKETBALL LETTERS will be made. Every member of ne Lowell— Dlst. No. 46. T. J. Cruzan. C OMPILED FOR PERIOD MEETING ON TUESDAY enlistment of Vero Gerber, who has Rossman and Mrs. H. F. Parsons. church Is urged to be present. Dexter; No. 67. E. E Calllson. Fall AWARDED ON FRIDAY served four years In the United DEMONSTRATION AGENT Eugene. Ralph G. W alker and Mrs. Creek; No. 71, Stanley Gray, Lo­ Slx-weeba examinations for the Thirty-two attended the meeting- Htates navy, to take the place of O. C. Wolfe. Portland, Mrs. Roy well; No. 74, M. E. Edwards. Sig­ HOLDS TWO MEETINGS FUNERAL FOR PIONEER flf'h six weeks period of the school of the Home Missionary society of Basketball letters were awarded Miller. year are beitig held at the grade the Christian churt-h Tuesday even­ at the assembly period at the high Ingalls, Hood River, and Joy A. nal; No. 83. Eldon Warner, Fall Another of the series of meetings RESIDENT HELD MONDAY and high school-, this week. Honor ing at the home of Mrs. W. A. school Friday by Norval May. coach Walker. Medford. She also leaves Creek; 132. Ira D. Hyland. Fall LEGION SEWING GROUP on Economical meals was held on lists will be compiled and released Taylor. Mrs. Dean Poindexter was Those receiving them were Clinton one brother. Cranston Higgins, of Creek. Mrs. Mary K. McPherson. 76. died Ihe latter part of next week. Salem, and a sister, Mrs. Susan Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at HAS MEETING FRIDAY Mohawk-McKenxIe— No. 11. John a guest and spoke of her experi­ Hartman, Donald Hawke, Bruce Smith, Spokane. the home of Mr*. L. 0. Holman at at her home 620 Seventh street. Hammltt, Route 1. Springfield; No. Just six weeks more of school ences as a teacher in a school for Squires. Dalton Thurman George Springfield, last Thursday. She was Funeral services were held Wed­ Members of the American Legion Vids by Miss Oertrude Hkow Lane 79. P. E. Schrelder. Marcola: No. remains, only one more marking per­ girls at Conception, Chile. Mrs. Thatcher. Gordon W right, Richard nesday at 2 o’clock from the 79. J. Z. Evans. Marcola; No. 144. auxiliary sewing club held their County Home Demonstration agent born near Springfield on September iod and then commencement for N. I.. Pollard had charge of the W right, and Harold Stevenson. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel In James S. Baugh, Route 1, Spring On Wednesday evening she ad­ 26, 1867. and has lived here all of regular meeting Friday at the home Vernon Liles? who was absent high school students, and gradua­ program. Eugene. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter field; No. 163, Herbert Downing. of Mrs. Larson W right. Members dressed n meeting of the Deerhorn, her life. from school when the football let­ tion to high school for many at Ihe Hhe Is survived by her widower. of the club are planning a quilt P.-T.A. ters were awarded, received his F ri­ pastor of the Methodist church of Marcola; No. 174. Horace Mvers. Lincoln Junior high. J. R. McPherson, two daughters. ACNES PETZOLD HEARD Springfield officiated and Inter­ Route 2. Springfield. to be sold, the proceeds of which day. Mrs. Lena Davis, and Mrs. Edna ment was made In la u re l Grove will be used to purchase an Ameri­ METHODIST YOUNG FOLK Goshen— No. 9. O. C. Lawrence, AT HAPPY HOUR MEET Carpenter. She also leaves nine SHOE SHOP TO MOVE cemetery. can flag. Goshen: No. 13. A. C. Miller, Go TO ROLLER SKATE AGAIN grandchildren, and three great MRS. WILSON SPEAKER Several vocal sotos by Miss TO BENNETT BUILDING shen; No. 103. Roy Patton. Goshen. FOR TREE CEREMONY CAMP CREEK RESIDENT Agnes Petxold, U. of O. were fea­ Young people of the Methodist grandchildren. Jasper— No. 29. J. A. Olson, Route BROTHERHOOD QROUP Funeral services were held Mon­ John Nelson will move his shoe tured at the regular meeting of the 1, Creswell; No. 62, L. A. Walker. ENTERTAINS ON MONDAY church will hold another rrtller day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Mrs. Gertrude Wilson was the PASSES ON SUNDAY repair the Bennett building Happy Hour club at the home of skating party at the Armory In Ku­ Jasper. Veatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. V. next door to his present location Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Tuesday after­ principal speaker at the tree-plant­ W o rk Under County Agent Members of the older classes at gene tonight. The skating will start Mrs. Ellen St. Marie of Camp Stivers officiated, and Interment the first of the week he announced noon at 3 o'clock Mrs. Maude ing ceremony in Eugene Friday These supervisors w ill work un­ the Methodist qhurch wore guests at 7:30 and end af 10:00. Those Creek died at the home of Mrs. afternoon when members of the was made In Mulkey cemetery. today. The Ice-boxes and brine ma­ Stein was her accompanist. Mem­ at the monthly Brotherhood meet­ who do not have transportation Vandersanten there on Sunday- der the general supervision of the chines which have been used by bers brought guet.ts to the meet Daughters of the American Revolu­ ing Monday evening. A covered are asked to meet at the Metho­ after a short Illness. She was 75 county agent, who states that sup­ the meat markets housed In the ing and a noclal hour was enjoyed tion planted a southern magnolia dish dinner and program of music dist church at 7:16 and they will POLLARDS LEAVE SOON years old. She was born at Prince ervisors are expected to use care tree In the court of the new mu­ and Judgment In their work. and short talks was enjoyed. The be given rides to the armory. FOR CHURCH MEETING building are being torn out and the after the program. seum building at the University of Edward, Island. In 1867, and has building Is being cleaned up gener­ latter part of the evening was Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard will lived for the past several years at Oregon In honor ot the former ally for the new tenant. given over to game«. MRS. CARR HOSTESS leave Springfield Friday or Satur­ SCOUT TROOP GETS president. Lucien Campbell. Mrs. Banks, Oregon, coming to Camp AUTO BACKED INTO LAKE AT POWER DAM FOR IUKA TONIGHT day evening for Atlantic City, New FOUR NEW MEMBERS Wilson's address was entitled, Creek Just recently. Jersey, where Dr. Pollard will JASPER CHURCH GROUP DOG BOARD DISCHARGES She leaves one sister, Mrs. Mar­ W illiam Price and P. A. Burdick "Why We Plant a T re e ’ ” Iuka Circle, Ladles auxiliary of spend the month of May attending garet Rayome, Banks, Oregon; one are reported to have narrowly es­ ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Four boya Joined Ihe Springfield MEETING IS FRIDAY the G. A. R. will hold their semi­ sessions of the National Conference brother. Archie McClellan, Myrtle caped drowning In the late above Boy Scout troop at the regular C h ristian Church Service* H J. Morris, Lane cuunty dog monthly meeting tonight at the of the Methodist church, to which The Jasper church association meeting Tuesday evening at the Veltle Pruitt, paetor of the Christ­ Creek, and four nephews and three the Leaburg power dam Saturday enforcement officer was discharged home of Mis. Nellie Carr, Junior he Is a lay delegate front Oregon, will hold a meeting and election of Methodist church. They are Lee ian church will preach on the theme neice*. . evening when the automobile In The meeting will Their route will take them to officers at the Jasper church F ri­ Watson. Milton Sutton. Melvin Foes "Testing a Christian" at the 11 Funeral services were held from whlc.i they were riding slid Into from his office last week at the vice-president. meeting of the Dog Control board • 'art at 8 o'clock and will be fea­ Ogden, Utah, St. Louis. Missouri, day evening. A potluck supper will and Everett Lajole. The entire o'clock service Sunday. His evening the Poolc-Oray-Bartholomew chapel the lake as they were hacking No successor was named and the tured with Initiation of candidates, Chicago. Niagara Falls, New York, be held from 6:30 to 7:00 and a troop will attend the Scout Circus sermon subject will be "Consider In Springfield Wednesday, and the around on the highway Workmen problem will be taken up again at A potluck dinner w ill be served and to th * convention city from program will be presented follow­ at M cArthur Court In Eugene Sat­ Jesus Christ." There will be spe­ remains were sent to Hillsboro for nearby rescued the two men from following the buslneaa meeting. Philadelphia. tbe meeting on May. 3. ing the business meeting. the water. cial mualc at both services. urday evening. interment. GRANGE PLANS MEALS LANE CHAMBER WILL HEAR DANA SWORD GETS LONG H IT GLADIOLI FLOWER PICKED DISTRICT LEGION REPORTSACTIVITY LEGION GROUPS 1 Hanery Chosen Head of Lions EARLY FISHING REPORTED FAIR SARAH L WALKER PASSESSUNOAY RODENT CONTROL CAMPAIGN OPENS