6000 YEAR FOR ALFALFA CROP TllURflDAV. APRIL 1«. 1M2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO® FOUR FLORENCE LEGION POST TO f N CERTAIN TEACHERS Form r S idlers Plan Elaborate E n tertainm ent for Slualaw Institute Saturday CROP OF SPRIN6 LAMB IS SHORT Joan and Gene in Double Harness EOUCATORS TO VISIT MEXICO THIS SUMMER Trawling as "goodwill" tint ha« a dura, many achool teachers of III« Pacific t-oasl will visit Mexico Ihls summer, according Io word received here by Carl Pis»», «gent for the Southern Pacific company The Journey will he undertaken as a 31 day excursion, Mr dlaon aid. with stopovers al Magadan and other Inleresling polcts Whllt In Mexico City, the visitors plan Io at'etid summer sessions al the I'n1 veralty of Mexico. Special traina currying the etlu valors are scheduled to leave l.o Angeles June 21. protecdlng via Ihe Weal Coast route, it was staled Rail connections have been ar ranged from all parts of the Pacific coaat. according to the announce- menl. Delivery Soon On New fords Largo Quantltl«« of Cara Are Randy at Assembling Plant« But No Motor« Arrive l.ane county teachers who attend Pricos of Early Marketings the district institute at Florence Decline; State Pastuies Re­ Saturday of this week will find a ported Very Good liellvt r'cs of drali r» orders for very enjoyable outing awaiting new Ford V-8 automobiles which ■ hem according to officials at the Im loved grow ing condil ou f-> ! were Riven tlielr first public how county school superintendent s of­ a less than normal lamb crop, hut LATER BENEFITS SEEN lug In Si rlngfleld yesterday will fice. some decline In pile s recently on i pi'ohahly he started In a week ur The morning program will tea new crap lambs were reported by Total Acreage in Lane Over leu days John W Anderson, local lure d< monsiratlon hv students of 5000 Acres; 2000 Were the C. S. C. extension service a l dealer declared yesterday. the various schools of I hat part of the close of the first week in April Started Last Season The dark blue deluxe conch the county, and group discussions With an abundant- of moisture which waa exhibited here has been of various problems. James Bur­ This la a g«M»d year In which Io lukeu to Creswell whore It will he ges . assistant slate superintendent in the soil, Ciegon range and pus Ulan I alfalfa and a considerable in­ tures are now making good growtli displayed for one day. of schools will be the principal crease In the acreage of the coun­ Conditions in the high mountains. | All available space at the Ford speaker at the institute. ty la expecti*d aaya O. 8. Fletcher, where the snow covering exceeds plant lit Portland Is crowded with At rixui the Siuslaw post of the county agricultural agent. new automobile i completely as , Legion is sponsoring a sea-food (he normal (or (his time of the year, } Several reason* for Increasing are encouraging to stockmen Many sciuhled without motors. These are dinner ai the Florence hotel. Dur­ the acreage of this crop now are sheep aud cattle, especially In ; assembled al the factory In Michi­ ing the afternoon the Legion In- MISS HULETT HOSTESS pointed out by the farm agent, chief southern counlie . are being moved ' gan und huve to lie «hipped to the ! vltes all the visitors to be Iheii of which 1» the fact that under pres TO PLAY CAST AT HOME dialrlbollog points, says Anderson ! guests on a river boat trip to the ! to early ranges. enl economic conditions the price While some new crop Inmbs from ; i Coast Guard station. At 8:00 that Mis Helen Hulelt entertained of certified Grimm alfalfa seed is evening the Legion is sponsoring a Willamette valley flocks have al ! Ihe play t-aal of Lower Camp Creek METHODIST LEAGUE HAS lower now than it has ever been play "Mystery Island", There will ready gone to market, lambing in ' CABINET MEET TODAY Thursday evening. April 7. Those and that a farmar can now plant an ' Arlaync Brown, 15, of S t Loma be a small charge for the dinner | the range bands of eastern Oregon I resent were Gladys anti Florence acre of alfalfa at a coat only slight- world’s champion girl revolver shot is Just well under way. In valley A cabinet meetlnx of the Epworth Chase. Vera and Kather Strunk and ly higher than he can plant it to brought a letter to Mayor Jimmy and the play, but the boat trip will flocks the lamb crop was heavy. but League at the Methodlat church ta be free. Harold Strunk. John Chase. Floyd grain crops. Walker of New York from Mayor in the band of eastern and south to be held ut the church thia after­ Little Joan Bennett, daughter oi Richard Bennett the actor, and (anted Shanander. Creel Hayden, und Jack The alfalfa crop will require a V ictor M iller of St. Louts. i era Oregon, considerable loss of lor her work on the screen. wed» Gene Markey, dramatist and ooveluL noon It was announced today by Hulleft, also Mias Evelyn Harris of year in which to mature into a old ewes occurred anti more than ’ Rev. Poindexter. Plans for the sum­ Springfield who spent the wet-k­ worthwhile crop, bul with present LUMBER YARD PLANS normal loss of lambs due to poor mer activities of the young people ind with Miss Hulelt. The play is prices of other farm grains the loss OPENING CELEBRATION condition of ewes following a sev will be formulated at the seaslun to be glvon in the nexr future of Income from a few acres for one ere winter on poor quality food year will not be very high and each Public Extended Invitation to Visit Students to Olve Play New lamb prices declined as in yoai afterwards the crop value of BROTHERHOOD PLANS New Site of Copeland "Squaring II With the Boss" la creased supplies became available the plot will be greater than if it Yards Saturday MEETING FOR MONDAY ihe title of a one-act play which J First offerings of the season , were sown to grain, he says. members of the dramatics class of brought as high as *10 a hundred The crop should be planted late A public invitation to visit the Summer Scholarship at Ore­ Advanced classes of Ihe Metho­ the high achool will lire sent before in nearly ull markets. Al (he close ; along about the middle of May. for new yard of the J. W. Copeland gon State College to Be dist Sunday school will he guests the school at the activity period on of trading April 8. good to neai Miss Brannan Has Prominent cleaner stands, says the county Yards, building material dealers, Grand Prize for Winner of the Men's llrotherhood of the Friday. April 2*. I choice spring iambs sold at Fori Ancestors in Background; agent. This will give the farmer at 131 West Eighth street in Eu­ church at their monthly meellng 1 land at *7.50. with lower quotation- opportunity to eradicate all of the gene Saturday was issued this Served With A. E F. Rules and awards for a Lane Monday evening It has been an EXCHANGE Northwest Washing weeds from the tract before the week by F. V Treadgold. manager County Spring Sewing Show to be ! reported al San Francisco. Thirty I nounced by the program committee ton improved Eighty Well loca­ to 40 per cent of the California ; Miss Eleanor Ihtdtlridge Brannan, crops are sown. for the Eugene branch of the com­ held by Four-H workers at the Eu­ The gathering will start at # 3« J teti. fine aedi, some timber, for early lamb crop has left growers i associate -ecretury of the National There has been a great increase pany. gene Chamber of Commerce rooms with a potluck upper und will he ■ small, well Improved acreage, hands. These have mostly gone into Council ofr Prevention of War. will in the total acreage of alfalfa in The Copeland Yards have Just on Saturday. May 7. have been an­ followed by a program and bust‘ Disability reason Herman coast markets, though some have. be in Springfield Bunday to speak Lane county during the past few completed the erection of a new nounced. ness meeting Brown, lager. Wasblnglon A 14 gone to the central west and a few at the evening services at the years. The total acreage for the retail sales plant for all kinds of The five rules for the contest are cars of dressed lambs to the At­ Methodist church at 7:30 on sonic county is now over 5,000 acres, ap­ building materials including, lum i as follow: lantic coast. phase of world peace, it was an proximately 2000 of which were her. shingles, paints., wall-board, Only Lane County 4-H club mem­ nounced today by Rev. Poindexter, planted during the past year. Homer S Cumming >. i.-i««er doors, windows, and frames. e bers. regularly enrolled will be eli­ Chairman of the Dent <■>!<< Natxw»- pastor of (he church. • Planting of Alfalfa in Lane coun­ Special prices on many of their gible to exhibit. POSTMASTER AT GOSHEN Miss Brannan is a granddaughter »! Committee, ■» orgxnning the ty has far passed the experimental commodities will be offered Satur­ Konxcxelt for - President -a ir p a ig n . All entries must be in the hands PASSES LAST NIGHT of Charles A Dana, late editor of He'» BEEF state and good stands are now sure day along with a special discount a Connecticut Yankee iron- All Steaks 16c the New York Sun. Her father Dr. I Stani,onl if planted on ground properly- on all purchases. Coffee and donuts of the county club agent by May Raleigh C. Roney. Goshen, died at John Winters Brannan of New Roasts drained and prepared, according to will be served all who visit the : 2nd. Only exhibits complete and ac­ (he Pacific Christian hospital In York City was president of the llambiirKer, 2 Pounds Mr. Fletcher. yard and free yardsticks will be companied by completed record Eugene last night after a very short board of trustees of Bellevue and PORK CUTS given as souvenirs. | hooks will be eligible for the pro­ i illness. He was a native of Lane Allied hospitals for 31 years Pork Steak 13c STEIWER INTRODUCES ject awards. county having been born at Dextei During the World War Miss Bran Pork ('hops 16c NEW FARM MEASURE EIGHT MILLION SPENT ON Exhibits not complete may be ex j on December 28. 1881 and was 50 nan served In France with the Am­ Pork Roust 13c ROADS IN LANE COUNTY hibited to secure the benefit of the i years old when he died. erican troops as a Y. W. C. A. sec­ Pork Sausage. 2 Pounds 24c Washington. April It— Senator : judges criticisms. He is survived by one daughter. retary in 1917-1918. She was Next Door to Irish-Murphy's Frederick Steiwer of Oregon and A total of *8.692.340.92 has been All articles of merit will be re- Winifred; three uncles. L. N. wounded near Verdun, while serv Senator Robert D. Carey of Wyo­ spent on state highway construc­ ! cognised. Roney. Eugene; P. H. Hunsaker. ing chocolate to the soldiers of the ming have Jointly introduced a bill tion In Lane county during the 15- Ribbons will be awarded to 5 : Lowell; and E. B. Hunsaker. San 26th division. providing for the creation of twelve year period starting December 1, places in each division. CyMAM . Francisco. He is also survived by Her great-grandfather. Dr. Joseph Regional Agricultural Credit Cor­ 1916. and ending December 31. 1931, A scholarship to the 4-H club several aunts. Mrs. William Preston Doddridge, was the first Episcopal porations, one for each Federal according to a statement from R. summer school in June will be ' and Mrs. Grace Hampton, both of clergyman west of the Alleghany It's the simplest trimming In the Land Bank district. This measure H. Baldock. state highway engin­ awarded io the club member hav­ ‘ Eugene; Mrs. C. M. Parker. Cot- mountains. worltl and yet so absurdly easy to j is regarded as one of the most im eer. received by the county court. ing the best sewing project. All 1 tage Grove. Mrs. A. T. Miller. Ak­ During the pa-t year. Miss Bran achieve! Just frlnred edges of th« portant steps for agricultural re­ The tlalnmeuw covers funds spent I divisions will compete for the ron. Ohio; and several other rela­ nan has spoken In 15 states and material neutly stitched Into place. lief since congress met last Decern in the county under the supervision i scholarship. tives. You can make use of this trim-1 has addressed more than 30.000 her. of the state highway commission. i The awards will be made on a Mr. Rooney wa postmaster at people. She arrived In Eugene Wed inlng on a dress of wool crepe o r 1 The Steiwer-Carey bill provides In maintenance work, a total of | basis of exhibit 75 per cent, and re- Goshen where he operated a store nesdav and Is spending the last one of silk crepe with (he satlsfac that the Federal Treasury shall sub­ *916.492.77 was spent in the coun­ ' cord book 25 percent. j for the past 18 years. Prior to that half of the week addressing civic tion of knowing that you have (he scribe not less than *3.000.000 to ty. The total of the expenditure The show will be divided into the ' time his mother held the position and University groups in that city. authority of Paris behind you. the capital stock of each Regional for construction is composed of the j following divisions; ; for 25 consecutive years. She is also scheduled for several Simply cut strips of the material Agricultural Credit Corporation following funds: state *3.999.227.48: Handwork: The exhibit shall con The funeral will be held Friday, talks In Eugene churches Sunday about one Inch and a half wide and subscribe, in addition, a suit­ county »1.915.929.99; city. »46.- sist of all articles made. April 15. at the Branstetter chapel morning during the Sunday school aud unravel at one side to obtain able amount to be used as an oper­ 886.41; railroads *51.649.12; gov­ Division I: The exhibit shall con­ in Eugene at 2 o'clock. Rev. O. W. and church hours. ating surplus. ernment *2.678.647.92. sist of all articles and garments Warner. Goshen, will officiate and Each of the corporations is to be The following tables show the made and the sample book. interment will be In Pleasant Hill i governed by a board of five mem-1 expenditures for maintenance and Division II: The exhibit shall con­ ; cemetery. bers appointed by the Federal Farm construction in the county: sist of all the articles and garments Loan Bank, and each state within a Maintenance made and the sample book. SCOUTS COOK SUPPER Federal Land Bank district, is to Pacific ...................... »238,616.15 Division ill: The exhibit shall be represented on the corporation, West Side 15.655.34 consist of all the articles and gar OVER OPEN CAMP FIRE if possible. McKenzie 337.727.12 ments made. Members of the Springfield Boy In urging early enactment of this Willamette .............. „ 30,565.03 Bachelor Sewing: The exhibit Scout troop passed their third legislation. Senator Steiwer pointed Siuslaw 275.611.99 shall consist of all articles made. class teats Tuesday evening when out that in many parts of the coun­ Coast ______ 18.317.14 50 FEET they hiked out to the city park and try. stockmen cannot borrow from AN APRIL ADORATION cooked their supper over a camp­ the Intermediate Credit Banks be By Charles O. D. Robert Total ........ *91tj.492.77 LOCAL ODD FELLOWS TO fire under the direction of Glen Sang the sunrise on an amber cause there are no available live­ Construction ATTEND MEET AT CROW Martin, scoutmaster. Member« of stock loan or credit associations. Pacific morn: »1,857.616.95 "The bill if enacted, will entirely West Side ...................... 247.727.66 Several members of the Spring i the troop will participate In the Dis­ "Earth, be glad! A April day is cure this difficulty" he stated. born. McKenzie 1.909.785.90 field Odd Fellows lodge plan to at­ trict meetitng at McArthur Court Willamette 1.044.389.52 tend a meeting of the order at on April 23. "Winter's done, and April’s in the Siu-law ............... 2.097,26902 Crow hall west of Eugene tonight. YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE 50 Ft. Length skies. 1,535.551.87 The party will leave the corner SOCIAL ON WEDNESDAY Oregon Coast ......... Earth, look up with laughter in of Fourth and Main streets at about your eyes!” A large group of young people ol Total »8.692.340.92 ! 7 o'clock, members wishing to go »— — ---------------------------------- * Springfield attended the weekly -------------------------- hould be there at that time. Putting off her dumb dismay of Two tables of cards were en­ social gathering at the Christian MANY PRIZES OFFERED The group visited at Marcóla last snow . joyed at the home of Arch Nell Ar- church last night anil enjoyed anJ BICYCLE CONTEST Saturday evening. I ooid Monday night. April 11, honor Earth bade all her unseen children evening of games and refreshments ----------- 516 Main St. grow. Springfield i ing the birthdays of Arah Nell Ar Haze! Wilson, Everett Squires, anu a list of the prizes to be given ' nold and Darwin Baxter. Those Then the sound of growing in the Leroy Inman were in charge of the «way Sunday to the winners of the WRESTLING MATCHES present were Mabel Anderson, Mrs. air entertainment, and Carol Adams. | Bicycle Treasure Hunt which Earl FOR WEEK POSTPONED ■ Mildred Smith, Florence Parv'n. Ro-.e to God a liturgy of prayer; Alice Neel and Wiima Spriggs had Moore of Dinty’g Cycle and Toy William "Bun" Kelsay, Darwin Bax There will he no wrestling charge of the refreshments. Miss store is sponsoring for all bicycle ' ter. Lyman Tinker, Alvin Olson and And the thronged succession of the Mabel Mofitt of the Eugene Bible riders was given out by Mr Moore matches at the Eugene Armory Fri- days i he hostess Arah Nell Arnold. College supervises the social gath-1 today. I day of this week it has been an- The Sunday afternoon song feet Uttered up to God a psalm of erlngs. The complete list includes bi i nounced by Herb Owen, match praise. was held at the home of Mr. and ------------------------- I cycle pump, tennis racket, camera, maker for the Eugene Boxing Com­ Mrs. E. Y. Swift last Sunday after- Laughed the running sap In every a fringe of about three-quarters ot j So you went to the hospital for electric lantern, dusting and clean- mission. The Armory floor Is being ; noon. It will be held at the home an inch. If you are using the fringe vein, an operation. What did the doctor ¡ng glove, one pair Fisk tires, one taken Thursday, Friday and Satur­ ( of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker Sun Laughed the running flurrler of at the edge of a collar, peplum or get out of you?" pair sponge rubber racing handle day nights by the Industrial and day, April 17. cuff Insert It between the outside warm rain, "A new auto.” bar grips, one scout knife and Trades Exposition which the Am­ The part- for the girls' operetta piece and the facing so that only 1 " chain, and a free prize for all en­ erican Legion is sponsoring. < j “Tile Nifty Shop" to be given soon Laughed the life in every wander­ the fringe shows and then machine tran ts in the contest. ing root. at the Pleasant Hill high school ' stitch along the collar, peplum or Everyone who rides a bicycle is Laughed the tingling cells of hud cuff Juat above the fringe. This have been chosen as follows: eligible to enter the contest regard SERMON SUBJECTS FOR and shoot. Madame Lazare, Florence Jor gives a neat finish and inlcdentally less of age. Everybody Is request­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH dan; Olga, the Swedish maid. Carol ed to gather at the cycle store on God In all the concord of their keeps the fringe from fraying Lord; Mrs. Goldore, Evelyn Phelps; If you use the (ring as a trim-j West Eighth avenue at 2 o’clock. mirth; "God’s Lighthouse Keepers," will Bess Goldore. Mildred Swift; Jackie ■■ling on bodice or sleeve rut the i be the subject of the morning ser- Goldore, Althea Baughman; French Heard the adoration-song of Earth. material so that you will have an In your new home, new flat, new «pari* 1 mon at the Springfield Christian PASTORS HOLD SPECIAL Maids, Emma Lou Baughman, Nina Business Card3 overlaplng section beneath which SERVICES THIS WEEK j church. There will be special music McPeek; Pages, Myrna Laird, Eliza­ COLLEGE GROUP OFFERS to Insert the strip of fringe. by the choir. Sunday evening at beth Holcomb. ment, the first thing you’ll want will be Letter Heads BIBICAL DRAMA SUNDAY Kenneth Tobias, American Sun­ 7:30 Rev Veltie Pruitt will preach The Helping Hand club of Trent day School Union representative, Office Forme A packed church greeted the Eu­ the A n y telephone and Rev William G. Taylor, pastor ' n the subject, “Is the Springfield has made arrangements with the i Christian Church a Denomination." gene Bible College Oratorlan so Hand Bills of the Springfield Baptist church Eugene chamber of commerce en­ ----------- . ...--------- ... — a employee will teke your order, or jut! are conducting a series of week­ .Merton Ferebee and Rev. Pruitt tertainers to give a program In the, clet> players at the Christian Statements will sing a duet at this service. Mrs. Ellen Needham enjoyed a church Sunday evening when they night meetings at Sunny Point I play shed at the Trent school Fri­ call our business office. southwest of Eugene each evening day, April 15, beginning at 6:30. presented the three act Blbleal visit over the week-end with friends Blotters from Monday until Saturday night KITCHEN MEETINGS ARE The women will sell hot hambur­ drama of the Resurrection, "The from Seattle, Washington. Arrangements are being made to Special music Envelopes of this week. gers, coffee, pie and Ice cream, no Alabaster Box.” HELD BY MISS SKOW charge exceeding five cents. The was also provided for the program. stage the play "Home Ties.” on Menus, etc. April 29. at the hall, there will be a program will begin at 8 o’clock. FIRST BASEBALL INJURY The third of a series of meetings small admission, the proceeds will Coburg M ethodist Tickets No admission at the door. The REPORTED FROM GOSHEN io lake up a discussion of kitchen A Communion Service will be go for the benefit of the Thurs­ money is to go towards lights for The first baseball accident to be improvement work was held Tues held at 9:45 In which the pa lor ton grade school. the school. reported in thl-- vicinity this year day at 10:30 at the home of Mrs. The young people of the neigh will be assisted by Rev. F. 8. Clemo happened Saturday evening at Oo- Tom Shelly al Jasper by Miss Ger­ and Rev. C. E. Crandall. The mes­ horhood greeted the newly weds, shen when the young /laughter of trude Skow. home demonstration Ichihan—Estelle has a wonderful sage will be, "Ye Shall Drink of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gustaverson, T hi P acific T blephonk and T elegraph C ompaht Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carew was leader. Many labor saving suggest radio voice. My Cup." The young people will with a charivari at the home of the struck on the head Just above the Ion ure given those attending Sayonara— Yes, but they say attend the Epworth League rally bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Business Office: 126 -4 th S tr e e t T e le p h o n e d eyes with a baseball hat. Several these meetings and many have al­ she’s so ugly that she broods con­ at Springfield and hear Miss Bran­ Russell, last Thursday evening stitches were required to close the tered their kitchens entirely since stantly because television is re nan on International Relations. after their return from a short ¡starting to attend the meetings. wound. ported just around the corner, Dean C. Poindexter, Minister. honeymoon trip to Silverton. County Agent Cites Advant­ ages of Starting Certified Stands Late This Spring CLUBBERS PLAN NJ PEACE WORKER TO SPEAK HERE The F. & A. MARKET Week E nd Specials —» " » MARStlALL -è- Garden Hose Our Special . . . . $2.40 , S 3 .5 0 Better Grades at 4*75 5 .5 0 Ì I Upper Willamette Wright & Sons Test You Forget’ Thurston Willamette Press TELEPHONE. i