OF N O T IC I T O C R K D IT O R S Nolle« 1« hereby given that the Ulideralglied II«» been uppolntuil Ailmllilatralur of Ih« Baiai« ol Anu« Tuhy, deceaaed. «nil ha» duly qualified aa » u t i l All p«r»oii» hav- Ina claim» agalnal ilia »aid «alate are hereby required to preaeiit such claim» duly verified with proper vouchers attached. Io th« under ■Igned at the office of I. M Peter »on at 21» Main »trevi, Springfield. Oregon, within a ll mouth« from Ih» date of Ibi» untie«, the »anie being dated and published the first time Ihl» 34th day of March. 1*32 FRANK T llt lY . Administrator of the Batate or Anna Tuhy, deceaaed I M PKTKRHGN, Attorney tor said Malate. (M 24 31- A 7 14 211 Business Directory BOB S BEAUTY SHOP »7.60 Steam Wave for »5 Idn«»s visitors In Hprlng­ fleld on Haturday. home. flV F N FD D R T A T F FA O M Q L iiv c .n i r v w o i a i t r A H i v t S Good O r.ln Crop Depend. lc« •Ulh • t a l" Much ,n ,lo n ' D C • HO* thè south and planted ander thè dtreetlon of posslbly a fourth In thè mlddleweet. Ila rry Hrhoth. federai agrouomlat. Much has been heard of late about the possibilities of Increasing Oregon's grain corn crop, and bow comes E. N. Bresaman. associate ag­ ronomist at tbe Oregon experiment station. xcdZ£ 3 BIG DAYS — Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 14. 15, 16 F la n e r y ’s D r u g S to r e Phone 15 Springfield, Oregon Tennis Shoes MEN'S — BOYS’ — CHILDREN’S White or Sun Tan Lincoln School Notes BONDS Ano,h* r m a jo r 'fr o m on Acclim atad Seed, Baye Bresaman o4 O. S. C. IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E STA TE O F OREGON, FOR IN T H E JU S TIC E COURT. F U )H L A N E CO UNTY KNOB JUBTICB D ISTR IC T, In the M atter of the Estate of LANE CO UN TY. OREGON John McDonald, Deceaaed. PERRY’S Notice hi hereby given that the J. C. I'O NH LEIt. Plaintiff, vs. L H, B atteries, Brakaa, Ignition and usderelgned administrator of the IIE N N IN G 8R N . Defendant. Kstate of John McDonald, deceased, M ete r W o rk, W heel Aligning has filed his final account In said SUMMONS To L. H. llennlngsen. defendant matter and that Monday the 18th PERRY’S EUGENE dsy of April, 1*32, at ten o'clock 726 Oak Street Phone 767 IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S TA TE In the forenoon of said day. In the |'E OREGON. You are hereby re­ County Court Rooms In the Court­ quired to appear and answer the house in Kugene. I-ane County, Ore complaint filed against you In the goo. has been fixed as the time and Security Saving* and Loan above entitled court and cause on place for the hearing of objections or before four weeks from the date to said final account and the settle Association of the first publication of this sum ment thereof. Any and all objec­ A Local Institution mona. and If you fall so to appear tions to said final account must be and answer, for want thereof the filed with the Clerk of said Court 46 West Broadway plaintiff will apply to the Court for on or before the date of said bear­ KUGENE. OREGON the relief demanded In hla Com ing. plaint on file herein, lo wlt for the Date of first publication, March aum of Fifty.two and 76 100 Dol­ 17. 1*32. lars together with Interest thereon CH ARLES E McDONALD, Ad- at the rate of a ll per cent per an­ mlnlatrstor. num from January 1, 1*32. until Building (A 14-21-28— M 6-12) summoned to answer the complaint which he sustained to one of hla lead-arsenate and tbe standard ap­ to the present cropping systems in filed against you In the above en j ------------------------------ titled cause and court within four C IT A T L N feet sometime ago The Injury has ple poiaon bait were recommended this country. Oregon farmers will weeks from the first publication of , IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E not entirely healed yet. be particularly favored now in hav- for its control. this summons, and If you fall so to STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E answer, for want thereof, the plain­ CO UN TY OF LANE. tiffs will apply to the court for the IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E ES­ All Makes and Models relief demanded In the complaint, T A T E OF W IL L IA M DORRIS vis, that they he ndudged to be th« H IL L S . A Minor. S P R IN G F IE L D R A D IO S H O P owner« of the following described To Jame Frank Hills and Mae 944 I) St. Phone 130-J real property: Hills Taylor, the next of kin, Beginning at a point 4.83 chain» and to all persons Interested In east of the west southwest cor the estate of said ward: ner of the Thomas D. Edwards IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE and wife donation land claim No O F OREGON. You ure hereby cited 68, notlf. 7488. In tow..ship 17 and required to appear In the Coun­ south, of range 2 west of the W II ty Court of the State of Oregon for lamette meridian, and run thence the County of Lane at the County north parallel with the west line Court Room thereof, at Eugene, Formerly Walker-Poole of said claim 19.36 chains, more Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th day or less, to the south line of the of May, 1932, at the hour of ten McKensle Highway, thence east o'rlock A. M. of that day, then and EU G EN E— 11th S P R IN G FIE LD along said south line 44.77 chains there to show cause, if any you and Charnelton, 228 Main to the east line of said donation have, why W. P. Hill», Guardian of land claim, thence south along said ward, should not he granted Telephone 723 Phone 82-J said east line 32.81 chains more by this Court a license to sell at or less to the north line of the private sale the real property of right of way of the Southern Pa­ said ward described as follows, to- cific Railroad, thence weatward wlt: along said right of way, aa fol Commencing at the Quarter Iowa, north 82.76 degreea weal Section corner on the West line (.70 chains, south 86.36 degrees of Section Thirty-two (32) In west 2.66 chains, aouth 82 degrees Township Eighteen (18) South, west 18.66 chains, south 86.26 llnnge One (1) West W illamette degrees west 7.91 chains, north Meridian; running thence East 8# degrees west 9.0* rhalns to 80 rods; thence North 40 rods; the west line of the David Ar­ thence West 80 rods; and thence H tL LO -M is s r s p e r k im s . I isn ' t r o » , M v m S i » ,- o io you S « THU AOO» thur and wife donation land claim South 40 rods to the place of ÏÏIi,u ,u > A B L Z P ,C T U « O C CM.XK «SAM.«T A B LB P lC T U R le No. 68 In said township and beginning, containing twenty (20) VERY STRONG TH'S M A L M IN , COULDN’T YOU Jt>«T LOVt HIM .» range, thence north along aald acres of land In Lane County, AND I OOSS n ’ t F t « . U K R weat line 16.0* ehalna to the Oregon. northwest corner of said Arthur and also an undivided one-third In iVtfORXIM’ < ) claim, thence went to the place tereat In and to: of beginning, situated In I-ane The South H a lf (S H ) of the County, Oregon, and that you hare North weat Quarter (N W % ) of no right, title, estate, lien, or In­ said Section Thirty-two (321, terest therein, and quieting plain­ For that Township Eighteen (18) South. tiff's title to said property from all Range One (1) West W illam ette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon claims asserted by you or any of Extra Pair ’ you. This summons Is published excepting the twenty (20) acres There are always occasion* by virtue of an order made and above described, when Oxford» sUHpended on * filed March 29. 1932, by the Hon. as In his petition prayed for. G. F. Sklpworth, Circuit Judge, and W ITN ESS, the Hon. C. P. Barn­ chain or ribbon are extremely convenient. Especially with wo­ requiring you to answer the com­ ard. Judge of the County Court of plaint In this suit within tout the State of Oregon, for the County men who do not like to weur weeks from the first publication of of Lane and the seal of said Court thl« summons which la made hereto affixed, thia 11th day of gluHses with a hat! March 31, 1932 April, A. D. 1932. 8. D. A LLEN, Attorney for' A T T E S T: W B. DILLA R D . Clerk DR. ELLA MEADE Plaintiff. Residence and P. O. By EVA L. DU C K W O R TH . Optometrist Address, Eugene, Ore. Deputy. 41 W est 8th Kugene (M 11— A 7-14-21) I (A 14-21-28) Edw. G. Privat Already seeds are belug recelved grasses collected from all near W a«h i parte of thè world and are beleg »xteneive work centered i ,h e ,r ,iurs#ry w ,„ Heavyweight Soles Reenforced Toes Saddle Strap 35c pair Serve Yourself and Save! Williams’ Self Service Store EUGENE. OREGON 77 E. BROADWAY Spring Range Sale The most remarkable bar­ gains we have ever offered In Radio Service beautiful, new ranges. Green or cream, full en­ amel, insulated ovens, auto­ matic control, closed cooking PO OLE• GRAY BARTHOLOMEW top, including installation. Funeral Directors A Special Allowance Given for your old range during this sale. CONSOLE M O D EL $§7.5° C h o o se O X FO R D TA BLE TOP M ODEL $99.50 NORTHWEST CITIES GAS Co. Eugene, Springfield