The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 14, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    TH U R SD AY. A P R IL U , IW32
««... I tlx enforce I the question of r » |» « l Io the alales
begun an o s
regular manner for Conalllu
prohibition, that more tim e 1«
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> y nAPFOQPjMMunr
One Year In Advance
.., S I.76
T hree Month»
H Il Months
U 00
Single Copy
County O fficial Newspaper
TH U R SD A Y . APRIL H . 1932
We don’t know who the happiest man on earth is, but
we know who the unhappiest people are. They are the
people who though t they could buy happiness w ith money
and who, now th a t th e ir sources o f money have dried up,
find themselves th ro w n upon th e ir own resources, and have
discovered th a t those resources are not su fficient to brin g
them happiness. We do not know w hether to feel sorry fo r
these jieople, especially the younger ones, o r indigna tion
at th e ir parents and teachers, fo r g iving tnem o r p e rm it­
tin g them to get a w rong slant on life.
We confess to a considerable degree o f indignation
when we hear people advising young folks to buy this, th a t
or the other th in g because it w ill make them happy. We
th in k there are very few com m odities, and those very in ­
expensive ones, th a t can make any m aterial c o n trib u tio n to
individual happiness Possessions may enlarge one's sense
o f «elf-im portance. Money m ay enable people to do things
which give tem porary pleasure. B ut the idea that the ric h
are any happier than the poor is just as false now as it a l­
ways has been.
We th in k one of the real benefits o f these hard tim es
to m any people has been th a t it has forced them to develop
th e ir inw ard resources and depend upon th e ir own e ffo rts
fo r happiness. We have ce rta in ly heard m uch more com ­
plaining from people who s till have a good deal o f money
le ft than we have heard fro m people who d id n ’t have m uch
o f anything to lose. The man o r wom an who has learned
in childhood to get along w ith little is fa r better adapted
to face the realities o f life than the one who has always
been able to buy w hatever pleased his o r her fancy. Those
are the unhappy ones today— the ones who cannot spend
money as they used to spend— w hile the happy ones are
those who never had any m oney to spend.
----------------- -------------------
Lum ber and the coal in d u s try are regarded as the tw o
hardest h it in th is tim e o f depression. We see no reason '
w hy either lum ber o r coal should be brought in to th is coun­
tr y w hile such conditions exist— tw o o f our largest em ­
ployers o f labor p ra ctica lly at a standstill. The ta r iff
should be raised so th a t foreign lum ber w ill be excluded.
I f any w orkm en have to be idle in the lum ber in d u stry let
it be the foreign laborer.
Oregon’s m oney constantly m ust go to other parts o f
the United States and the w orld to buy m anufactured goods
we use here. The balance o f trade is alw ays against us.
The lum ber in d u stry is the biggest source of new money.
Once it stops there is a tendency to drain this state o f all
its money and w e get harder and harder up.
President H oover has offered to become a $1 a year
man. He waives his co n stitu tio n a l rig h ts if congress sees
fit to reduce his salary. G overnor M eier was also going
to be a $ l-a -y e a r m an or som ething like it before he was
elected. But w ith a high salaried public service and a g ri­
c u ltu ra l commission, purchasing agent and college chan­
cellor. et el, products o f th is a d m inistration , it looks like if
any salary cuts were in the o ffe rin g they w ould be the little
fellow s, and it w ill take quite a num ber to offset these big
------------ «------------
The double crossing o f Colonel Lindbergh by the k id ­
nappers should be ample dem onstration to the w orld th a t
“ There is no honor am ong thieves."
__________ ,-i-----------------
A fte r one ho u r and 16 m inutes o f in stru ctio n an east­
ern g irl took the controls o f an airplane and made a solo
flig h t. No bird ever learned to fly in such a short tim e.
An Ohio man ro lle r skated all the way to M iam i. F lo r­
ida, and back. No wom an even asked him to ride.
An Illin o is woman m arried three brothers, one a fte r
another. Must have liked the m other-in-law .
A young man, who is vice-president o f a New Y ork
bank, told me that he dined recently at a fashionable resort.
"A ll the o ther guests were very ric h ,” he said. “ They
were older people, many o f them retired. They were sh a k­
ing in th e ir boots. They are afraid there w ill he a social
upheaval and that th e ir money w ill be taken aw ay.”
I told him 1 thought these people had a rig h t to w orry.
“ The social order w ill not be over-turned,” I said, "n o r
w ill people like y o u r friends be stripped o f th e ir possessions.
But 1 do believe that, when this depression is over, the rich
w ill be poorer and the poor w ill have a degree of co m fo rt
and security th a t they have never possessed before. And
this w ill be better fo r everybody.”
in saying this I am ta k in g a position which is co n tra ry
to my own selfish interests, for, w hile 1 am not and never
shall be rich, 1 have an incom e th a t is m uch above the aver­
age. i f taxes are higher, mine w ill go up w ith the rest.
B ut shouldn’t they? W hat have 1 done to deserve as
m uch as I get out o f life?
You may answ er: “ You have worked hard. You have
been am bitious and in telligen t. Any man who w ill apply
him self in this co u n try can do w ell.”
T his is not a complete answer. To be sure, 1 have
worked. But where did I w ork the hardest? On a farm one
sum m er (I s till ache when I th in k about It). And in M o n t­
ana in a construction camp. The hours, in each case, were
m ore than tw elve a «lay, aud a t n ig h t we were too weary
fo r an yth in g b u t bed.
On my farm my income was one dollar a day; In the
co n struction camp it was s ix ty -fiv e dollars a m onth.
If 1 have increased m y income it is not because I have
w orked harder but because 1 happened to get o u t of these
tough jobs in to one that is much easier and m uch better
If I have used intelligence, it is not greatly to my credit.
1 happened to have been born into a home o f culture. I was
sent to college, and my expenses were paid.
M any rich people, who are w orried fo r fear they w ill
have to bear a larger burden in the future, have had all
these advantages, plus the added advantage of inherited
w ealth. When they grum ble they give me a pain.
Surely, we who have had the best luck In this co u n try
are going to be wise enough to recognize it and to assume
cheerfully our fu ll share o f the load.
Ninth Instalment
F ix « * from a French conranl. J ix .l» «
H a rl.’ we return« t« N ew Y o rk IV her aociall*.
•tect » e th e r, a rehateue. ambitmua woman
h * g irl is hurried in to an engaaemeet with
• ‘
- K ent - ” H er
r r fin
ber. N t.h
w aalth*
andal. n r m t l o u a le enter« the ( ir l'a home
one night Ila tella her he uaed tv call her
l ., n .l a Sandal. T h e girl la torn by her
4eetre to ane Ufa In the raw and to become
part of her m other'« aoelaty
H e r father
etudiee her aurioundmga.
Lynda riatta her fath er in hia dingy
ytaartera She hnda four m m fla rin g cards
whan aha arriv e*. O ne of them Jock Ayle-
■nrd. her father tella her. ia lik e a aon to
him, hut warns the g irl he la a tn fler
Lyn d a p a rr a etennd H a lt to her father
and Joch takes her home, on the way slop­
ping w ith her at an underworld cabaret.
Jock gets into a *g h t w ith a gangater who
Insists on dancing w ith l.yn d a
H r then
tnima Lynda home.
Later ahr mentions
F J ix 's name to Jock and A ylew ard'a face
«»plays hia demoniac hatred o f the million*
voice at the other end of the tele
phone and then went on, "Y ou've
got the man my night watchman
caught in my inner office early tins
morning. Has he been scan hed? . , .
Ye»v I'll hold the w ire.”
\ \ hile he waited, Kent moved the
fingers of bis left hand in and out
like a tiger's claws.
"N othing, eh? But I tell you he
did get some papers. Yes, they're
missing. Im portant papers . . , An
accomplice at the foot of the fire
escape' Jovet Get his name, hia
whereabout* . , . W e ll, get 'em. Find
o u t Can't you make the boy apeak’
She still wore Nick's shabby s i«t
but her collar had been torn op»*
under Rory's grasp. H er tie was
lost, her hat had been taken trot
her and above the crumpled ill.
attire her fine feminine throa: a»
head gave an etfret of startling dc.
caev l'here was no |>article oi hm
vivid coloring in this trapped lace
but the lilted eyes dated, angry . i > i 4
folden. and the lip« still went tig l.l
when she closed them at the e n*
of each reiterated reply.
" I won't tell vou anything " Jo a
must be given Ins chance, tier x T
doggrdli irpeated, This until, »Her
some message, her arm h a l
prohibition It becomes clearly »P preablauts |iio
pai*eiil to everybody that the , re
Brush W ba, do you mea t?
.............. .. of <hc « 'o natl.u .lon l
« c >. first we h«.l • « » >
law» m i *«* unworkabh* lb«*«» ih<
Republican«. If elected y lll submti
m ik I
WuNhtngtnn. I). C.. A h fhu tin t*
(nr the president tai nuinlnallne run
vention» d r» » » nearer, (he queetloa
■if what the two greet partta-» w ill
do In th e ir platform » on the «ob­
ject of prohibition beroinr» a live
Iter topic of dieeueslon
All of the »Ign» point tn u derlere-
tioii by the D em orrete in fevor of e
netlnnnl refereuduni on the epprel
of llie Eighteenth A n iriiiln iriil lloi
whet (het would «m ount to le en
other queatlon. It would help gel
vote« for the D em o cretlr ticket
among the "w ets,” beyond a doubt,
but would It drive "d ry " vote»
away from the party?
T h e argum ent of the Democratic
leader« 1» that the atatea where
strength are moatly "»ate" Demo­
cratic »tale», iti »pile of the fact
that M r. H oover carried most of
ilti-iii In 192S
They lliln k d ia l II
wa» A lfred S. Sm ith'» religion,
ra th e r than hl» wet procllvltlea,
that loal him the election, and that
with a wet t*rote»laut candidate
the "Solid South" w ill vote Demo-
c rn tlr regardieaa of the wet-dry
Issue. T h e ir effort, therefore, must
be to capture the doubtful »late»,
and those, they contend, are mainly
state» where the wet sentiment la
"L e t me alone w ith her fo r a m om ent. I th in k I ’ve aeen the g ir l
Any change In the Constitution
befo re," F e lix told the policem an.
must be ra tifie d by three-fourth» of
T he officer at the other end de­ lieeu mxairr \ Ixvixted and ihe bad the »tales, w hether by th e ir legist«
¡timed faint
Then, “ 1 won’t speak
murred at -ome length
■o anvone but Fella Kent," the bad lure» or by convention« specially
Said Felix presently, interrupt!! ;• i .mi edeii
called for the purpose. T h ere art-
"A worn..
W h a t difference do»»
“ W hx do you keep on torturing 48 state», therefore 3« of them
that m a k e : O h. to hell w ith such me n o t " .»he xxailed when thia
wxiuld have to vote wet on the pro­
She II speak all the ti. . a n .ind one of the men'* de
"Yes, sir. I know how you must hysterical
posed referendum . If the Eight
feel. W h en I heard it. it went right
eenth amendm ent In to be repealed
through me like a bullet. About one
.¡it no surcease to the rain of If thirteen states stand out against
o'clock, or a little earlier. Rory it. I tell you,” his voice lifted to a i -
thought he heard a movement >v shrill whining note, "you’ve got t | furious question and threat. She had repeal, prohibition rem ain» the law
our floor and let himself into the get back those papers for me or begun to weep.
of the land And that more than
A voice in the room beyond her
outer office. T h ere he saw a light I'll make your place down there *o
moving close to the inner threshold hot for you that you’ll wis' x»»u'd torture chamber put a question thirteen states w ill never vote wet
B e caught a voting hoy in the act of put your young ladv on a i.iidiron sharntv and Jocelyn opened her 1» the belief of the men of both
to save your own skins.”
strange and lovely eye* wide
climbing in at the window.
partlee who have given thia subject
llia t was Felix K e n t f o r (be
tx c e p t tor an uncertain sort oi
"K o ry «truck him over the neua
the most thought.
lu iih e r pro­ first time they w e ll about t m c c .
w ith his stick. H e thinks he got him ' mumble there was
T h e proposed referendum , there­
lit forgot
iU l^vt her
Nhl Mite
aaiaaaa. • ■ aaj»«»«.-
F elix • She
in good time. N o th ing seems to be test from the other >
disturbed. T he safe is quite as usual sat, his hand pn.».n<: u ; lly at a tors. i. She »at up at i sight m u n iii *.. li­ fore. It Is pointed out. would he
A ll the papers on your desk and blotter, his fact u g n as .though it mg the crnei bewildered itu . ..• n-» nothing but a vote catching gesture,
of her head, ¡sad a» the door opened
inside it are intact. 1 do believe, M r. watched tort.iei ,
but no chance that It would accom­
H e bent forw ard again. "W an ts she rose slowly to her feet
K ent, that no h arm ’s been done. But
F elix Kent, staring doxxu a! het, plish it» pretended purpose.
I ’m just kind of scared. I wish you to speak to me? W on t sneak to
M r. Hoover's wet friends — and
were here to go over your papers anyone else?" H e sat thinking. " A ll turned scarlet and his eyes charged.
in that safe. A nd, though R ory is right. Keep her squirming till 1 get H e drew in his breath, put up in e there are plenty of wets on the Re­
almost sure he was climbing in of there. T ru st ine to make ,ier come hand, let it fall aud mastered lit* publican side of the political fence
face. H e turned to the me:.
course he m ight have been climb­ clean.”
“ Here, let me alone with he. a — are urging him more strenuously
Miss Becky asked no question as
ing out. No, sir. T h e y didn t find
anything on him. T hey're holding her Great Chief turned io the door. moment. I think I'v e seen the g ill than ever to come out for aome sort
him at the station. Y o u ’ll be back A moment later the 'phone rang before. There's more in thia . . 1 of m odification or repeal of prohi
This is hardly a police matter ' ll
before noon?"
It la being urged upon him
"O h , M rs. Harlow e, 1 am so explain. Just let me nave he- 'os billon
" I'd have to make it by airplane
instant," his even voice erei .cd that the 146 members of congress
sorry. H e was here but he's just
to do that, Miss Becky.”
d he just under the force his will nad ; it who signed a petition for a refer
" W e ll, perhaps it isn’t that im ­ gone out. 1 did tell him
portant but I dc feel kind of scared." hadn't a second to get ro.i id to call­ upon it but smoothed itself uni.icd- enduin include 79 Republicans as
K ent, without troubling himself to in g . H e was brought back u very u r­ lately, "and I think 1 can find out
against only «6 Democrats. The
reassure her fears, hung up arid gent business and, as it's turned out all 1 want to know.”
The men, curious, grim ly amused, president's attitud e ia understood
the m atter is even more serious than
pondered the exasperating news.
I the thief had taken something we (Fared. I 'l l take your message and cynical, went w illingly a way J to be that he must be ahown a
from that safe . . . a thousand hid­ . . . Yes indeed, M rs. H arlo w e, I I I T he greasy door was closed, h elix
much g reater demand from hia own
eous betrayals darted through his keep it perfectly quiet I'll tell it waited H e moved close to Jocelyn,'
fancy, whitening his lips, pulling only to M r. Kent h.msclt privately caught her wrists in his tw o hauda party and from the nation at large
and drew them up to hit breast, before he w ill agree (h a l prohibi­
down lines beside the grim mouth- at the earliest possible moment.”
She listened, her face was all pulling her near to him in a gee- tion repeal has the overw helm ing
corners. H e saw w olf faces, hyena
ture that was passionately posses­
public support which any radical
"O h , M rs. Harlow e. how
read­ sive, furious, masterful.
H e stood up. H e ’d take to the
"N o w ," he said between his teet
change In the Constitution ought tn
air. N o use putting himself to the ful that sounds . . . O h, I am to
"if you haven't gone mad since
strain of these imaginary disasters. eorry. Yes indeed I w ill.”
have to be really effective.
Five minutes later, having in the left you yrslerday—at your own ro-
A t precisely noon. Charles having
T h e ta lk that "prohibition Is a
ueat, as 1 stem to rem ember— or if
been warned by w ire to meet him interval walked distractedly up and
have nut myself lost the use of failu re." that the p rohibition, laws
i t the landing field. F elix presented down the room, she wrote down o i
a pad: "U rg e n t. Miss Jocelyn H a r­ my wits, you v. ill please rxulain cannot be enforced. Is regarded by
himself in his office.
M is t Becky was glad to see him. lowe was not in her bedroom this this preposterous joke . . . for which the president. It Is reported, as pre-
She repeated to him the disorgan­ morning. A fte r repeated summonses I imagine, you've been already suf­ i m ature. H ia in tim ate friends point
ised details of her information. One the door was forced. She had gone ficiently punished by orders of my
' out that one of his firs t acts on
she added
Kent's to hed early. None of her outer own. .And von w il, please return th«
I j taking o ffice was to ask congress
clothes teemed to be m in in '’ There paper» you took frm n my sate.
“ But Michael does gay that for was no message or note of any see now- why you coaxed that cone- : to give him g reater power to en­
an instant he kind of thought m ay­ kind and no explanation has vc’ bination out of me. At least I ba»,
force or a t’ empt to enforce, the
be the boy threw something down been discovered of her absence. She gin to see why Say it over to mu
I Volstead law. He had been in office
to the court before he knocked him seems to have completely disap­ now.”
She found herself whisper!
peared. N o one saw her leave tFe
a year and a h alf before enforce-
“Three-eight. T hree turns to
K ent was now at the safe and his building.”
l inent was fin a lly turned over to the
This message Miss Becky, crying left. Eight-five-tw o. T w o tu rn * to
face was pinched as be began to
i Departm ent of Justice which Is or-
pull out the contents of the metal and blowing her nose, placed in in the right. O ne-O ne-O ne-seven. Sha
envelope and sealed She labeled it, turns right. Then turn left."
1 ganlzed for law-enforcem ent, from
'Right. Now tell me why yod
Miss Deal said tim idly, "B y the "Fog M r. Kent. U rgent. Personal.
- the T reasury, where It» control had
bv. M r Kent, M rs Harfowe's been Private" and propped it conspicu­
, previously been. In the 18 months
ringing and ringing to ask for you. ’
| since, then. It took at least- six
The room where Lynda Sandal pose and reason— if there can
’'M rs . Harlow e?” snapped Kent.
" I f she rings apain put her off until sat waiting for the arrival of Joce­ one— for this disgusting masquer­ j months to weed out the deadwood
I ’m through w ith this. Just tell her lyn H a rlo w e ’s fiance w a* neither ade ” H e held her awey from blot 1 and crooked sticks from the old
I'm on m y way from W agliington comfortable nor luxurious, f t was and looked her from head to foot 1 prohlbtlon enforcem ent unit and Io
with a contempt that scorch«^'
and that you'll put me in touch w ith on the contrary incredibly grimy,
her a* soon as I get in. I t ’s some dingy, depressing and suggestive of "Y o u 'll do me a penance for (M e,“ build up a new personnel. Bo that
idiotic woman business about the down-trodden guilty and hunted he told her. Then he went over
the firs t erlous. intelligent nation-
lives. T hree men were in attendance sat down on the chair of her
w e d - ’’
, ,
i ul attem p t at enforcing prohibition
H e stopped In the middle of that upon her. T h e y ringed her like a
j has only had a year or so of ex­
w olf pack ana like a w olf pack knaaa there on the floor before
he held her between his own it:
perience, and that, Mr. Hoover 1»
Miss Deal turned her pince ne« they snapped and snarled and circled
upon him and all the blood In her end eauatted, wearing her out eo T he young strong body In hie
said to have, Is too short a tim e
body rushed up into her square face, that the m ight drop down unpro-
for a fa ir test as to w hether It can
” T>et me go, Felix,'* laid 1
aO h, great heaven, what's goner teetlngly to «offer the fleshing of
be done or not.
H e r voice wee reel
Kent had stood up. H e w i l chalk their fangs.
not «enfia.
e efiild. Nor
Nor any
m not
white, a pallor that showed blue
It Is regarded as highly probable,
Since morning of that A p ril dey " I f ’m
which was only so short a tele of of youre. i'll not be held
about Ma lrpi
therefore, that the Republican p la t­
"Get me the police station qufeh- hours before her wedding hour, the bullied end threatened.
form , about which the candidate
had set on a herd chair gripping Its
ly r
w ill have, n atu rally, a great deal
A mbiute later Felix, seated at edge with both her hands, turning
hie dee«, wee «tabbing space w ith her white fees from this tormentor
to say, w ill stress precisely that
Ms question« Between hie brows to that, listening to threat« that
point— that the A dm inistration has
e deep it r a lffit line looked like e made her blood attack then leap
•e a r H e ideatl&ed him ee U to tka away from her scared heart
Jock tails L y n d a th at F e lla caused him to
he sent tn ja il u n ju stly by hxing up h»a re-
it on a m ine
L yn da aaya «he doesn't
liere h li story She pays another visit to
her father and goes to a cabaret w ith him
and dances w ith Jock, w ho suddenly slop«
and tells her he is going to take her rig h t
H e had teen F e lix dancing w ith
anothet woman
N ick diacovers Joch making hive to I ynda
when he returns home im m eiliatelr s lie r the
others get there and reviles him fo r being a
convict. Returning home Jocelyn finds bar
mother handling some immensely valuable
jewels, hidden behind her prie dleu.
Felix tella Jocelyn that Jock is a worthless
scamp. Later Lynda tells Joch she does not
believe in his innocence hut «rill try and find,
through Falls, some letters Jock claims w ill
clear his name.
M arcella hods her jewels stolen and hires
a p rivate detective, who uncovers the mys­
terious prow ling« of Lyn d a, w ithout kno w ­
in g who she is. L yn d s suspects her father.
Jocelyn decides to m arrv F elix quickly
and preparations are m ade lor the wedding
She asks him to te ll her the com bination of
his safe, as a m ark of his confidence in her.
Arm ed w ith the combination and aecom
p an ic! by Jock. L in d a enters F e lix ' ofbee at
night, abstracts the wanted palwrs fro m the
safe and throws them down to Jock, who is
w aiting below Then she is raptured by the
snilor and turned over tv the police Fehs
tarns the n e s t m o rn in g , in W ashington, that
a '“boy" had broken mtc his safe.
Candy! I
Until ynmigHir’i'R ubi I growiHipu fount on F- kk I
nittiin'H funtiy. It In the moat tlciirlouM and tem pting
t h a t exix rt hknda can make. W hether U la chtRolatea,
fudge or brittle you know li'n good Thut'a our biiel-
neaa tn make lietter «ml hotter candy.
F G G I M A N N ’S
“ Where the Hervlre la D llf a r e n l
t “<»”
O ur N ew Show ing
o f “T om S aw yer”
W ash Suits for Boys
$ 1 .2 5 $ 1 .4 5 $ 1 .9 5
The Golden Rule
Rulers of Low Price«
1015 W IL L A M E T T E
Monntai* States
Power Company
CwHnoed N«it W tâ
Mis» fla ttie M itch ell and her
t brother, D elbert, le ft Springfield
Saturday for Sunnyside, W ashing­
ton, on a month's visit which w ill
l a k e them to many of the cities of
that state. Miss M itc h ell, who is a
m issionary w orker In A frica, w ill
make addresses at many of the
cities visited, tellin g of her work.
V ie it at G rants Pate— M r. and
Mrs. K a rl G irard and fam ily drove
to Grants Pass Sunday.
V ie it a t Glendale— C live M cFar-
laud spent Sunday vlsltln w ith
friends at Glendale.
Announcing the Opening
Saturday, April 16th
Per Hour and Per Gallon
V iolet Ray and General E th yl gasolines mean more
miles per hour and more m iles per gallon, too. They
leave little carbon and give you th a t alm ost instantane­
ous pick-up th a t every m o to ris t seeks.
On A ll M erchandise Purchased On T h a t Day.
T h is is the fillin g station o f courteous service.
“A” Street Service Station
5th and A Streets
Mr». Mae Went of SL Lout», Mo.,
w rite»: “ I ’m only 28 yr», old and
weighed 170 lbs. u n til takin g one
, box of your Kruschen Salts just 4
week» ago. I now weigh 160 lb». 1
also have more energy and fu rth e r­
more I'v e never had a hungry mo­
m ent.”
F at folk» should take one half
teaspoonful of Krushchen Salts In a
glass o f hot w ater In the morning
■ before breakfast— It'» the S A FE.
I harmless way to reduce as tens of
thousands of men and women know.
For your health's sake ask for
and get Kruschen a t any drug store
— the cost for a bottle that lasts
4 weeks is but a trifle and If a fte r
the firs t bottle you are not Joyfully
satisfied w ith results— money back.
• ••
Everything in Lumber and Building Materials...
S pringfield
S p ecial P rices on Paints, V arnishes
and E nam els
Bear in M ind T h a t P rescription F illin g
is the most im p o rta n t part o f o u r business. Suppli-
m entary to this is o u r pure drugs and supplies a t fa ir ­
est prices.
We are here to render the co m m u n ity a service.
Our advice is free and we are alw ays glad to help you
in your health problems.
J. W. Copeland Yards
Ketels Drug Store
In the New Store
131 W. 8th Ave., Eugene
S pringfield