F* THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YKAR HPRINOFIBIJJ, I j KNE COUNTY. OKKOON, THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 14*32 No. U MORE CONTEST Masons to Have BASEBALL SEASON Se,m ors Choose LEGION 10 JOIN Cleanup Days to ( | veteran com«]*» | S U M f iS GIVEN Second Social Comedy Drama Be May 5 and b ENTRIES SOUGHT OPENS ON FRIDAY IN N IG M MEET RIVER TONNAGE Potluck Dinner at 6:30; Danc­ Selection of Cast Starts Fri­ Overhead Crossing May Be ing and Carda to Feature Eugene and Springfield Croat day; Knox to Direct; Play- Large Attendance Aaked for Closed by 8. P. Company on Eveninge Entertainment Date Not Announced 2nd Street by Line Change Special Meeting Here Mon­ Bata at Brattain Field day Evening at 6:30 Tomorrow Afternoon The second ut the monthly ae­ "The Meanest Man In the World" The annual sprint cleanup itayr rial meetings being sponsored by ' la the title of the three art comedy CITY FLOWER UNDECIDED Lilwrty «.sonic l o V of .pr.ng WILL TEST STRENGTH Z X a X 7 7 ^ NAT,0N BROADCAST SET X ' Period for Registration in City Improvement Contest Cloeee Friday Night T raneportation. Not Flood Control, First Interest of Engineers Says Visitor MUCH FREIGHT READY field for members of that orgaulzs Hprlngfleld high school senior claa th* * pr*n' ,,e“ MoB Civic Club Hears Two Speak- ,,„„ Btld t.bBptBr, ,, K Local Boys Defeat Pleasant bBr, <.hoHeI1 as the annual senior District Commander Fromm. Necessity of Canal to Protect a . l i night’s meeting. This Is the ers at Plant and Bulb Ex­ j H„ will Itc held at the lodge home Hill in *‘B” League Gama ■ loss presentation It wag announced ers Listed on R adio and (,Ble when people may have their Government Forest Holding today by Professor John Knos who change Meeting Tuesday 1 this evening It has been announced. Tuesday; Girls Losera Program After Dinner rubbish accumulations of the year) Explained at Session will be the director. A lurge potluck dinner will be hauled away free of charge. Hprlugfleld high school will offl- Hprlugfleld American legion post 8tree, toriirolBBlon4,r lxJrn r An Members of Hprlugfleld Clvl. |.„w ,„ tbe dining room at 4 3« sad ___ ___ _________________________________________________ ____________ _____ . That the United States Army en* Tryouts for ___________ part- will , probably club heard talks by G H Fletrhe. laltor part of the evening will < lally open It a 1932 handball aen»perate with ail (jer on wj|j hav c„ 7 em 1 ,w by at I heir regular plant slid bulb ex­ Mw. est themselves seriously with the tnd Harry Whitney are field N. Gossler, commander. change mealing Tuesday afternoon mem lu s game agslnst Pleasant Hill ployeea do the )ob ' flood control aspect of the prujeet of the committee In Monday, April 18th has been set at the Community hall. chargi Rubbish to be hauled away la ex- was the opinion expressed at the •e monthly social gath- Tuesday the local boys' team em­ aside by National Commander BBcked ,,r Bnd erged with the long end of a »1-4 Fletcher spoke uu lawns, their »rings. county wide bearing held In Kugene Stevens as the date on which the p^,ced ,n the street or alley con- score while the girls lost by one i plaullug and care, and Mrs. Honey- Wednesday morning according to I-4glon will celebrate its Victory venlent for tbe truck so that the point 5-4. The Upper Willamette mail discussed the highway beauti­ K. Barnell, president of tbe Membership drive, celebrating with work can be accomplished in tbe Valley hoys' learn made all of their ’ fication contest project. Members Springfield Chamber of Commerce. Nation-wide, coast-to-coast radio shortest time. An exceptionally tour scores lu the first tuning when brought surplus bulbs sad plants When and If the canal project Is hookup, for it la expected that by good Job la desired this year and Congregation Votes to Con- 1 undertaken it will most likely be they found the places where Gordon , from their gardens and exchanged that date the organization wll na­ with others for different varieties residents are asked to give their tinue Support of Week-Day j centered principally about (he cut- Wright was pitching the,,, Wrtghi , prominent Goshen Orchardist tionally puss Its record member­ best cooperation. Improved as the game progressed' Mrs. Carl Olsou and Mrs. I. A. Bible School Program ting of a <:hanDe> between the two Passes at Age of 84. Wag ship of one year ago. and shut them out entirely for the Land M ark to Vanish Valentine were hoatesaes at the terminals sufficiently large to ac­ III for Two Years The program calls for tbe simul­ balance ut the Innings Springfield, The council granted the Southern Foilr delegates will represent the, commodate the barges to be used meeting and served luncheon. taneous meeting of every l^-glon Pacific company the right to ellmln ou the other hand, bad no difficulty 1 0 . u Temporary Organization of All local dubs and groups which . , : "Prtngfleld Baptist church at the on it without paying a great deal Charles Augustus Merriam, pro­ post In tbe United States, at which . .. In finding the Pleasant Hill pitcher. ate the overnead crossing on Mill annual conference of the church ’ ° i • tteBt,on ,0 ,b* , our,e have been asked tu cooperate In Land Owners Made at Mast­ minent l,ane county resident since m.etlng a designated representa­ street which has stood for many scoring five runs In the first Inning, of the river. It was said. the city garden Improvement can 1910. passed away at his borne near tive of the Department and the Na­ ing in Eugene on Monday at Bend on May 24-24 Inclusive, pro-! , , , three In the fourth, two In the fifth, years. The railroad wishes to make test had not held their meetings Major O. O. Kuentz and a party Goshen Monday evening at the age tional organization will be pren- and one In the sixth. some angle changes near the bridge vfded the McKensle pass is open before the session Tuesday so the of Army engineers spent several , of 84 years. He had been tn fall- ent. The representative who will and w,„ ,,ke|y James N lllll, Itoute 1, Hprlng the croK, , ng Pleasant Hill was winner of the beBltb for paK, |W|> yearl| to travel by that time, it was de­ hours in Kugene yesterday morn­ selection of a flower to represent field, was named temporary chair­ be at the Springfield meeting is < wh,ch , . not 01ied , lnce the ^ , „ , 5 the city could not be announced. man of the McKensle River Flood B" league championship last sea cided at tbe quarterly meeting of ing listening to reports and state Mr. Merriam was born at Holden. District commander Robert F ro m m U , he o)d h,sbwBy br)dge Members of the Civic club are said Control a-soclatlon at the organisa­ son, hut did nut looh so good this Massachusetts, on February 13. of Cottage Grove. _________________ that church last Thursday evening. nients of reasons why the canal to favor the selection of the rose tion meeting held at the Kugene year. Springfield also showed weak 184k. and was married to Miss The delegates are to he chosen would benefit the entire valley os The regular pot-luck dinner will because It is In bloom most of the Chamber of Commerce Monday spots In the early sea-on game. Netta Nay Wiggins in Philadelphia. be held at 4:30 p. m„ after which by the pastor. Rev. William O. a new channel of cheap transporta­ tion. Similar hearings were held year evening J. It Endicott, Cellar Flat, Frese being responsible for several In 1874. He leaves his .widow, two those present will listen to tbe Taylor. errors, before being taken out ol at Salem and Albany on Tuesday Mure people are urged tu register Is temporary secretary. radio program as broadcast overi sons, C. A. Merriam, Jr., of Seattle, The congregation also voted to by the engineers. the game. their gardens and lawns In the con­ and Howard S Merriam of Goshen, the national hookup. Please let's; The purpose of the new organisa­ allow the pastor a two weeks’ vaca­ The outcome of tomorrow’s game test Friday Is the final date for tion la Io seek federal aid In mak­ be prompt with our dinner as the and one half-sister in California. Figures stating the approximate tion to be taken sometime In June. the registration. All that Is neces­ ing a survey of flood conditions Is Just a gamble So far there has He came to Oregon In 1900 nettl­ broadcast la on the air here at 7:00 co t of the various locks which Members of the congregation sary to register an entry Is to leave of the river from Its mouth to Ix*a- been very little evidence dlxplayed ing near Hood River until he moved p. m. and we would like to be a ll, would be required on the canal : will continue to support the work by which the strength of the two the name with the president of one burg Much valuable farm land la 1 . .. to Ijtne county ten years later through by that time, urges Gossler, i . . . . _ , The regular meeting of the post will I H ' « h 5 0 1 ,0 0 1 Gr0UP to E nter | of the weekday Bible school tt was were discussed by the visitors who of tbs clubs or telephone It to the nuw being washed away each year teams can be Judged. Both scbuols He purchased the farm where he added that wherever the canal Flattery drug slurs. Mauy valuable by the flood waters It Is stated by hava played a pick-up team of made his home at the time of hia be held after the broadcast, at State Contest at Corvallis decided after some discussion. passed through a city that city Mrs. Fred Frese and Wilfred Cook graduutes from Kugene and Spring- death. In 1911. Together with hit which time Commander Fromm1 prflses will be offered In various backers of the proposal. on Saturday, April 23 were appointed on a committee to would have to provide a suitable field high schools. Springfield won son they developed a large orchard and others will speak. Also there divisions of the contest. Petitions are now being circu­ and Kugene lost, but thia Is hardly represent the church In this work. dock built according to govern­ and mar be led apples under the will be some musical entertain-; Springfield high school typewrit­ The Judging will be done by a lated aud signed by residents of mental specifications and paid for any basis for comparison Coach trade name of Diamond A. ing students In both the advanced ment committee of three It was decided the flood areas asking the Oregon out of other than governmental May la certain that his players will All World War vets are welcome. aDh7 ’ “ *? S " “ j ’,0“? ! ’ lumber company, sou, Freddy. Mrs. Shaffenberg and the Lions club quartet composed of Booth-Kelly burg and Mrs Iva Hart a, Cedar | ^atruct.on from Mias Smith each X ia M s .“« ^ ^ Dr W C' Rebba"' Ralla‘ Murphy- stated that from 20 to 30 percent of Jackie Sherman. DIES ON SATURDAY WALTERVILLE GRANGE the production of their mills would Other numbers on the program Flat; two brothers and five grand- we* K 1 *“ —*— - . . ... _ ... Miss Jean Scot'. Mrs. Glenn i Merton Ferebee and Veltie Pruitt; be shipped by water If the canal INSTALLS OFFICERS Mrs. Amber Helms. 31, died at children. The funeral was held at; The complete program for Included a vocal aolo by Mra. Jane _u_ land an orchestra. Mrs. Carl Steen, her home at Wendllng Saturday, Veatch parlor In Kugene Thursday demonstration meeting will be an ! Vaughn. Miss Hattie Mitchell. Mrs Ketele, cartoon sketches by Mr. piano. Harold Stewart, drums. Bes­ were available. O. L. Clement was Installed as April 9. following an Illness. She ! Trailer, and the honor guest. Ilolmee, and a coatume aong by a with Interment at Harrisburg ceme- nounced next week. Many other nuslness leaders told sie Stewart, banjo, and Eldred master of the Waltervllle Grange leaves her husband. I-ouls Helm, group of ladles under the direction of the tonnage which would be tery. Rev. E. V. Stivers o f f i c i a t e d . -------------------------- Glaspey. violin. at the Installation meeting held last and three children. Kugene. Ione, FUNERAL FOR SMALL BOY __________ ___ of Mrs. Burch. available from their business and -----------------------PUBLIC IS INVITED TO Friday evening at the I. O. O. F. and Della. IS HELD AT LEABURG how lower transportation costs MRS. WILSON HOSTESS hall. Mrs. ' Clement was named ATTEND TRADE SHOW Funeral servlees were held from ---------- GIRLS’ LEAGUE PLANS would aid them. N. O. W. CIRCLE PLANS chaplain; Mrs. Iceland Shrode, Ihe Marcola cemetery on Sunday AT CHILDREN'S MEET Funeral services for Keith Kin-; - j - q PRESENT SHOW . Residents of Springfield are In treasurer; Ix-land Shrode, secre ufternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. POTLUCK DINNER SOON , , cgid. six year old son of Mr. and i _______ RESPONSIBILITY" TO BE Iia v of the Kiirene vlted to attend the annual spr ng , tary; and Emma Goddard, lecturer. Jefferson officiating. Veatch chapel i R iu m lers' -1,111 , . T ' Stvle Show and Trade Fxnosition " rs Ray K il,caid of Portland were First work in the production of chapter Children of the t^ aB I X / t h e X o" ,‘el’1 8' Leaburg ChUrCh Wed’ tbe »“« athes and lingerie will be are former residents of the McKen- and “nether for Eugene high girls sic and a special speaker. at which time membera of the Cir­ Members of the Aretanla guild at Ihe church Tuesday afternoon. Miss June Gibbons. Junior presl- Nhown on living models. Dai ce stu­ lie valley. Miss Eleanor Doddridge will be cle at Cottage Grove will be vial- were guests at the home of Mrs, ' °" Ma.v 12, were also announced M r\ William Gantv was In charge dent. who attended the recent state ; de,,tH wl11 provide entertainment this week by Miss Eunice McFar­ tbe speaker at the evening ervlce. tora. All membera of the Spring- Jerry Adams nt her home In Eu­ of the meeting and Mrs. Willis convention reported on the meet- nurab®rs All persons Interested In Interna­ land, League president. field lodge who were not preaent gene Tuesday evening for the regu­ PROMINENT MEN VISIT Bertsch of the lesson. Mrs. S. S. tional Relations are invited to hear Wednesday evening are aaked to lar meeting of the group. The book lag- Potter and Mrs. Dean Poindexter LEGION LAST THURSDAY TEACHER ELECTIONS her. The choir will sing the anthem, telephone Mra. Elmer Findley for “Christ Came to the Village," was BANQUET PLANNED FOR were appointed on a committee to "Rejoice, the I-ord Is King," by information us to what to bring for reviewed at the meeting by the IN VALLEY ANNOUNCED Sid George, former state com­ make plane for the opening of the PICNICS ALONG RIVER HEAD FOOTBALL COACH stuits the supper. Misses Etlna Haverfield and Ruth mite boxes at the meeting to be mander of the American Legion tor SURE SIGN OF SUMMER Announcement of the election of Oregon. Sam Wilderman. and Earl Carlton, held In May. A large pep banquet will be held QR POLLARD TO LEAVE HOME EXTENSION The sight of several groups ot tcacb®r8 at several of the schools C. Bronaugh. Portland, candidate Plans were made for a picnic at the Eugene hotel in Eugeue this young people enjoying picnic meals tbe McKenxIe valley was made tor attorney-general of Oregon on SOON FOR CONVENTION WORK TO BE PLANNED supper to be held nt the home of FORD MECHANIC GETS evening to honor Prink Calllson, along the banks of the various1 ,blg w®®k. . At Cedar Flat Miss the Republican ticket were visitors Mrs. Homer Chase at the time of newly appointed head football NEW CAR INSTRUCTION rivers In this vicinity Sunday was a 1 Marjorie Grant was chosen to at the meeting of the Springfield Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard will May 19 lias been set us the dale the next regular meeting In two sure sign of summer's arrival. ! teach. Miss Mildred McNown was Legion post here last Thursday coach at the University of Oregon leave In about ten days for Atlantic for the meeting of all groups and weeks. to succeed Dr. Clarence Spears who Ray Nott, In charge of service A 6:30 potluck dinner University students, always to vie chosen to start her ninth consecu- evenlng City where the doctor will serve as representatives of communities In and repair work on Ford automo­ for the first honors of swimming lu live year as teacher of the primary I wag hetd joggly wUb tbe Ladies- accepted a call to Wisconsin. one ot the Oregon lay delegates to Home extension work In the county IUKA INITIATES THREE Merchants of Eugene are spon­ biles ut the Anderson Motors Inc. the national gathering of the Metho according to Miss Gertrude Skow. AT THURSDAY MEETING spent the first half of the week the Mlllrace were seen each after grades at \ Ida. Miss Hazel Delong auxl||ary before the regular meet- soring the reception dinner. noon this week enjoying dips In the teach the upper grades, and |bg. dl t church. This session starts home demonstration agent. Winona Carter will teach at Deer- _________________ May 2. with ri-glsteratlon on April Three new membera. Mrs. Syl­ in Portland where he received In­ still cold waters. At the e annual May meetings structions In the construction and __________ horn. 30 and May 1, and will continue plana are outlined for home exten­ via Buley, Mra. Wlckum. and Mra. MOHAWK GRANGE WILL AUXILIARY GROUP TO proper servicing of the new V-8 sion work for the following year. Clarlne Putman were Initiated Into BAPTIST MISSION CROUP SEW ON QUILT FRIDAY for one month. SPONSOR DANCE APRIL 16 R. models which were exhibited here A report of the work of the agent Iuka Circle, Ladles of the G. FILLS W HITE CROSS BOX DOROTHY FLANERY for the first time Wednesday. for the past year Is also read ut Iasi Thursday evening. The meeting Members of the American Legion LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND Mnhawk-McKenzIe Grange will ---------- BREAKS WRIST BONE was held at the home of Mrs. Bert these meetings. Members of Ihe Baptist Mission ----------- sponsor a benefit dance at the 1. O. auxiliary sewing club will meet at! BIRTHDAY EVENT FRIDAY PRISCILLA CLUB WILL Doane and was featured with a pol­ circle devoted their time to the pre Dorothy Flanery. small daughter O. F. hall at Marcola. Saturday the home of Mrs. Larson Wright. ■ ..... itick supper. 3ocial Meeting Held MEET TH IS AFTERNOON pnratlon of a White Cross box to of Mr. and Mrs. P. U. Flanery. broke evening, April 14. It was announced Friday afternoon to start work on Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Adam- and Two more candidates for mem- A number of Springfield ladles be sent to India when they met [ the large bone In her left wrist at this week by H. R. Brown, dance a quilt which will be made and sold i son. Bob, and Mr and Mrs. Walter gathered at the home of Mrs. D. | bershlp In tbe Circle were acted1 Mrs. Edward Prlvat will enter­ Tuesday evening at the home of her home Tuesday evening when committee chairman. All proceeds by the auxiliary for the purpose of Laxton and their son. Junior, drove B. Murphy Wednesday afternoon to upon and will probably be Initiated tain at her home this afternoon for Mrs. Ada McPherson. Mrs. Mel Rice she Jumped to the floor from a from the dance will be given to securing funds with which to pur- to Junction City Friday evening to honor Mrs. M. W. Severson. Re­ during the next meeting to be held members of the Priscilla club. The and Mrs. W. E. Schick were chair and fell. Her feet slipped the Children's Farm Homo at Cor­ chase an American flag to use dur- attend a surprise birthday party freshments were enjoyed during the April 21. The place has not been afternoon will be spent socially aud appointed to have charge of send- on the hard polished floor causing vallis It Is roported. Tickets will ing the national convention in Port* held In honor of Mrs. Harah Adams, determined. refreshments will be enjoyed. afternoon. ing the box. i her to fall on her hand. land. mother of Mr. Adams. be fifty cents. M’KENZIE FLOOD SURVEY WANTED Baptists to Send boar to Meeting Z C. A. DIES SATURDAY ? TYPING STUDENTS WIN COUNTY CUP BIRLE nr PROGRIM innil W LIONS 10 ELEGI OFFICERS TORN Kk nPHII 0G in* A. Dl NIHIL Sea