FORO EXHIBI! TO BE HERE APRIL 13 P ortland hotel under new management ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 "The H otel Ix’imx U nder L ease lo M«'s.--re Robe and W alker will be R enovated and U reate Favorable A tm osphere. Public Invitod to View De­ (From Northwe I Hotel New-» monstration Models at An- "Another of the dtelnthle holds of Portland has chang'd )Wn Por, laI>lU w t|„am p Walker. a leadin’ lU '-JllU — - — - — — 1 the Jurisdiction of (he State Indus day. April IS. at the »ale»room» o f , husine a man of Springf eid, Oregon, for many years. Possession trial Accident commission such as the Anderson Motor» Inc. It was j was given Tuesday. March IS. and the hotel starts out under has been dune in Klaiuuth and announced today by John W. An 1 promising auspices with the two named men. latke rouiltle was till Moudai deraon. local Ford dealer. Cnly the I 1 evening al a meeting of (he Lane "The hotel is of 84 guest rootnc and an attractive lobby V-8 model will be shown at th is1 ts- County Medical society which pass exhibition a and lounie and'writing room as- ed a resolution denouncing this A great deal of enthusiastic com There 1» a large plate glas front action. ment ha been heard since details on Third street which faces on Such action 1» plainly unjust u of the new Ford and pictures of the the beauty spots of the city, the each Individual worker bays for fourteen models have been made Chapman Square, one of the this service and should hi' allowed plaxa blocks. available to the public. lo secure the service» of the phy The new Ford Is large, roomy, "The hotel is to be completely »Irian he or she desires, says mem fait, powerful, and alert. It's V-8 Here’s a suggested planting char: and If the plot Is still not large agent demonstrated tlielr pratile- In rs of the »elety u Kl. in.on and .cylinder motor develop» «5 horse­ renovated, the start on which ability this past year Lake counties there are about 30 is to begin at once. The lighting for a Year Round’ vegetable garden enough the corn he eliminated power and Is capable of 75 miles The plan of relief garden» was practicing phyMiciuns a'tl only ten which Is being sponsored by the Those wishing to add to this plan per hour. The cylinder blocks and fixtures are to be modernised, adopted by the lato» County of this number are named In the crankcaae are cast In one unit giv­ while the rooms, beds, curtains, Lane County Court and various might plant pumpkins In the first Agricultural Council and a special ,11 t of the stale commission ing exceptionally rigid engine c.m- civic organisations in different Iwo plantings of corn. Where more cotunilllee from that organisation drapes will be carefully looked Feeling that Lane county was one itructlon. cities. The chart Is mapped out (or land la available Iwo rows of dry was appointed tu consider II from of the larger Industrial units of (he after and the comfort of the Other new Improvements of the a county wide view politi, laical . slate and that should the movement a plot of ground the slxe of an aver heaiis should lie planted. latest Fohd car Include down draft guests cultivated. The hotel will commlllees are rapidly attacking age city lot. Hutes following the Relief workers In alt parts of the In southeastern Oregon be upheld carburetor cystem. automatic spark be conducted as a popular priced this county might lie singled out names of vegetables Indicate the county are convlncad that a well local problema. Assistance In mak control, two water pumps, improved establishment.’* for such action in the near future approximate time of planting. The planned garden can supply the fam Ing possible Hie securing of »ceils, hydraulic snock absorbers, new de­ • led to the passage of the resolu dales will vary with the sections tly with sufficient garden produce suitable laud and where necessary sign rear spring, larger braking "Mr. Robe will be the manager of (he county In which the garden to la I the entire year. Year around giving of Information regurdiiig 'tlon which reads as follows: surface, and a synchronising trans­ Is to be planted. The plan hus been garden plans and plans that are ad culture practices applicable locally "WHEREAS; it has come to the of the hotel. He first began his mission unit. attention of the Medical Profession d ev leii so as lo allow for canning Justable to the number of persons only are among llie -ervlcea of the The new Ford eight weighs slight­ hotel experience in Portland a» iu Lane county that the State In and storing of sufficient produce Iu the family are available and may local commlltees ly more than the former Model A an auditor in 1910. Mr. Robe was ]dustrial Accident commission has. for a family af four. In Springfield Ihe city council lias be secured from the county agrlcul car. with The Portland continuously after some Investigation, seen (It Where (he piece of ground of turol agent. The year around gar offered the free use of all vacant until 1918 and later with the Sov ' to Hurt the number of licensed phy the required slxe. 60-100 feet Is den program carried on In avverai, lot owned by Ihe city In those who laiclans iu certain counties who will not available It I« suggested that communities under the direction of ' will plant a garden and take care ereign. New Heathman and St. he allowed under their uuthoriza. the potatoes be eliminated first j the county home demonstration of It «■ ......... — » Andrews. tlon to take care of State accident The annual business session and for the free-for all event cases, and whereas, we believe this reception of the Presbyterian “Mr. Walker is district gover­ Hoy Is both short and of light ruling is unfair to the working church organixation was held at nor of the Lions clubs of the W h ite P lagu e's Foe build lie will have lo keep pratly man. employer and physlclnn. be II Walterville community church on state. He is also a Mason and a busy looking out (or himself Friday resolved: Monday evening. About 50 mem Shriner.” night. "That the lasne County Medical bers of the church were present. ----- ■ ■ —— society go un record as beiug ab-o- Rev. Ralph Clark and M. J. Wearin lutely opposed to the action of the acted as moderator and clerk of the LESS CHICKS HATCHED; Two Indians on Main Event; U. 0. LAW STUDENT GETS State Industrial Accident conimls session. Financial reports of the Brazil’s Loveliest BUTTER MARKETS DOWN, sion of Oregon for (he following VALUED SCHOLARSHIP Another Battle Royal with several organisations in which the reasons: That the order Is arbl local church 1» interested were Peak in Coast Egg Production for Five Wrestlers Planned Mrs. Alan Wheeler and daughter. A Hterllng fellowship In law al trarv. contrary to the spirit of the read. Nine new members have been Year Reached Says Exten­ Kathervn. left last week for Long Workmens Compensation act. un- Two Indiana will lest their Yale university, tarrying a stipend added this year. Refreshments and sion Market Report Beach. California, where they will American. unju»t to the working strength Friday night at the Eugene of |I4UU for the school year 1932 group singing completed the even­ visit with Mrs. Wheeler's parents man iu removing his full right of armory when Yaqul Joe. Honora. 1933, has Just been awarded to Ed­ ing Fewer chicks hatched by western until summer. choice of his physician, embarras Mexico. Indian, meela Chief Okuuo- win 1» Hicks, graduate of the Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepiot ot hatcheries. Pacific coast egg pro­ sing (o the employer, and unfair to gun Charlie, an Amvrlcau Indian versity of Oregon law school In Sutherlin are spending a few weeks Mrs. Maggie Stewart who lives duction at its peak and a break in the physician in that II forces an and graduate of Haskell university. 1929. ami at present district at­ with relative« in Eugene and of coast butter prices arc events fea­ with her grandchildren in the cot torney for Grant county. unethical altitude and denies them In the main event. the McKenzie valley, including tured in the weekly market news tage west of the . Pleasant Hill f the right to exercise the privilege» Mrs. Annie Thompson. Mrs. J. summary from the O. S. C. exten­ church, fell Saturday and broke Illcks made a remarkable record F ifty year* (go. March 24. 1882. Another battle-royal between Da granted them by the State of Ore O'Brien. J. J Pepiot, .Mrs. Walter sion service. i, Robert Koch. German gtientixt. inon Ravage. Joe Gardner. Punch during his college career, gradual her right arm Just above the wrist. gun as duly licensed physicians and •.covered the germ ot tuherculmi» Carter. Mrs. Willard McCollum. Ing and passing Hie bar examlnu Commercial hatcheries in the surgeons. And lie it further; he anniversary ix celebrated bv the Avery. Toni Capon I. and Art (»'Hell Hon Just before he came of age. Miss Etta Wangelin who has Mrs. R. R. Deadmond. S. J. Godard western states hatched fewer been spending the winter with her 84 assoclatiocu federated »n <1» ly will be staged ax a prelitninar) "Resolved that a copy of these and other relatives. • » nal Tuhereulo«'» \ c m v - i 3- chicks during December. January event. The five will start together That fall he ran for district attor­ ¡resolutions be sent to the Oregon Rennie Koozer'a new home Is and February than a year ago, ac­ mother. Mr- O H. Wangelin at the and when all but two of them have ney of Grant county, and although State Medical society, and all its nearins completion and will be cording to government reports, but Tinker ranch left last week foi 1 been eliminated they will rest five lie hail not been able to enter the component societies, the American ready for occupancy by the first of there was some increase in hatch­ Ph< enix. Arizona, where she will P.-T. A. WILL HOLD minutes and then wrestle (or one primaries, enough voters wrole lit» Medical association. Northwest Me make her home with her sister, , the coming week. name In so that In running as a ings in the eastern states. Bookings COUNTY MEET MAY 7 foil. diclne, the Governor of the State of Mrs. Herbert Platt is entertain for March and later delivery were Mrs. F. J. Elliott. Democrat lie deii-aled Ihe Incum­ . I Oregon, and the State Industrial ing the Leaburg Indies' Aid society reported 3.7 per cent lighter than Miss Arah Nell Arnold, has ac­ It la doubtful who will get the bent When he took office he waa The spring meeting of Ihe Iain* Accident commission." at her home Thursday a.'ternoon. the youngest district uttorney In cepted the position to teach in the I a year ago for the whole country t'ounly Parent-Teacher association worst of this mate», the referee or Hlllstrom brothers have com­ and down 8.4 per cent in the west­ Glenwood school at West Spring- the eoinhutuuts. Buy Craft, Regis the United Btatax, and It is believed WAR PREVENTION 1 * " *,**.an “l,day ,h” pleted removing their eamp from ern states. field. 9he has -been teaching at ■ I Methodist cliuriu on May 7. It was ter-Guard sports writer who lias ! 'hat he still holds this honor farther up the McKenzie to the ) Although the peak in Pacific Trent the past two years. SPEAKER TO COME announced today. Officers will lie been complaining about the attempt ’ Illcks will leave for Yale Hila (all. new site near the Eugene city’s coast egg production was reached of Vern Harrington, referee, to , lie expect , lo return to O reg o n fol- I elected at this meeting. The members of the senior class power project number ’three, sev­ during the week ending April 1, make gentlemen of the wrestlers lowing the completion of his »tu­ Elinor Doddridge Brannon, as so- ( of the Pleasant Hill high school eral miles east of Vida. date secretary of the National I The program will »tart at 11 bas been by various and -nndry dies and will resume Ihe practice coast markets held fairly steady. held a card party at the home of Council for the Prevention of War j o’clock with Mrs. G. H. Good, prexl- nieuns Induced to do the ofilrtuHng of law here Storage of eggs by first receivers Miss Lucille Jordan Friday night will »peak at the Methodist church. | dent. In churge The program Is be- ONION ACREAGE RISE became heavy but large speculators of last week. Those present were Sunday, April 17, it was announced i "8 arranged by Mrs. II. A. Sltna IN NATION EXPECTED were not in the market. A heavy Veda Daley, Winifred Roney, Ruth'* consumptive demand for the United Brabham. Lucile Jordan. Nina Me- ] Señorita D idi C a illet, elected today by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter 1 and will be announced later. There I ^e a special musical program The government report on inten States a • a whole helped to reduce Peek, Althea Baughman. Blanche “Queen of Students” of Brazil, in pastor. I her costume at the Mardi Gras carni­ tions to plant onions, made as of »he necessity of storing. Wheeler. Earl McLeod. Tip Delp.1 val at Rio de Janeiro. A covered dish dinner will be March 1, Indicated only a small With receipts of butter at coast Harold McLeod. Henry Olson. Trn j ' served al noon under the direction One by one .he great hotels of] f MHl( Bu,o„ . domel,,|c , r|. increase in acreage In Oregon, but markets heavier than during recent man Akers. Dale Lindley. , New York are golng Into the hand» , HDce tea)her lh„ hlgh In the whole country the report weeks and a lessened demand fol­ Perry H. Price, a teacher in the | of receivers. There are not half a High school girls will assist her. indicated that growers intend to lowing Easter, prices along the plant 11 per cent more acres of coast broke sharply lower. Portland Pleasant Hill high school has been i --------------- ---------------------- -- ♦ dozen hostelries of the first order elected principal of the school to ' Thurston high school baseball All units of the P.-T. A. In Lane left that are not bankrupt, and hun onions. This would he an acreage jobbing prices on 92-93 score de­ tak- the place of E E. Kilpatrick "let defeat last Friday after- dred» of »ecoiid rate and third rate xiunty are urged to send delegate about the same as in 1929. The prin­ clined two cents to a level of 23 to v bo has resigned to accept the j noon Hieir first game of the sea hotel» are in the »ame fix. to this meeting. cipal increa e Is expected to be 24 cents on April 1. At San Fran­ superintendency of the schools of | Mon *Kh Pleasant Hill. in Colorado and Michigan, with cisco, 92 score declined three cents Philomath. • Loren Edinlston returned home more moderate Increases in Indi­ and stood at 20 cents wholesale Mr. Price was elected at a meet- Sunday after a 10 days trip with ana. New York. Minnesota and April 1. ing of the board Friday night. The °- s C. musicians of Corvallis on Idaho. board voted to retain Mrs Elsie