N O T IC I Saatti« Man Hara — Ul«n M BAND BOYS, FARM LADS tha V. of O., will bring close to 700 RED CROSS SENOiNO OUT Prlvat nf Naattia maa a w««k-«nd musicians to via for höhere In tha PLAN MEETS AT O. 8. C. Noti,'» I« h«raby 6. sad to be til with the flu at hla home ly. Oregon, haa been set and fixed Ime l'Ialina «Mainai Ih« aulii «itale I M PKTKRHON. Attorney for hard In preparation for tbe county Washington 13. by tha Court aa tha time and place tbe first of the week. ara hrri'hy r«qulred lo prvaeut «urli Katala, examinations to be given at the to hear objections to aald final The flour Is milled from the rlalnia duly verlfled wlth pruper IM . i t — Ap 7 14 21 U ) account. If any, and for the (Inal Visits Saturday — Mrs. D. C. school soon. voucher« ullaih i'il. tu ih« under wheat surplus held by the Federal ««Itlenient of the aald estate. al(n«d al Ih« office nf 1. M Pelar T ro tter of W altervllle was a busi­ Tbe boys of tbe junior high Faim Board In grain «levators tn N O T IC I OF F IN A L H IA R IN Q Date of First publication March ■ il 2.14 M a lli « tre e t, Hpi lo a tu hi ness visitor In Springfield on Sat­ school are practicing baseball different part» of the country. All — OF — Nolle« la her«by give« lhal Ih» 17th. 1932 III»gnu. wllhin a li ninnili« frinii urday. undaralgnarl. Anna Myara, Ad in In every Tuenday and Thursday even l-ane county relief flour will be M Y IIT IK DOANE, Executrix. Ih « ila lr o f Gii» iiiilh i'. th è aulii« E. 11. DOANE, Executor Ing at the B ratu ln field. b«lng dateti and publlahed Ih« flra» M r a lr li of th« «alai« o f Hadl« Hag milled I rum tbe Farm Board wheat Newport Resident Here — John lini« lilla Utili day nf March, l»32 land, deceased, haa filed her final WELLS A W ELLS, Attorney«. 'Look It Up Clubs" ore being or­ by tbe Eugene Mill nnd Elevator necount lu Ih« County Court of IM 17-24 31—A 7-141 Sweeney of Newport was In Spring- FRANK T U IIY . Adnilnlatratnr ■ O F L A N E CO UNTY, OREGON ganised In the riftb. sixth, seventh.! company ni ih» Katate of Anna Tuhy, Lana County, Or«gon, and th« field Saturday to visit wltb rela­ and eighth grades at the school this Court haa aal Halurday the 30th Period commencing July 1, 1931, and ending December lin t 1*21 N O T IC I OF B A L I A total of 33 communities In the dereaaed. tives. day of April. 1*32. at Ihu hour of week by Mr. Maynard and Mrs Pacific area haa _______ both dates Inclusive. I M l'ETKHHON, Attorney (or Notice Is hereby given that by also _____________ placed orders Ian o'clock In I ha forMoon of aald aalil Katal«. virtue of an execution and order of Cheshire Psepla Here— Mr. and ***>' The motto of the groups for livestock feed aggregating 14, day, In th« County Court Hoorn In T A X ROLL FOR T H I Y IA R 1*20 (M 24 31 A 7 14 X II Lynn Cheshire and Mr. and Mrs. *“ " We Say I Don't Know, 036.000 pound». Thia feed la des­ Ho ( ..ml H ouk « at Kug«n«. I,an« «al« Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for Lane Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. July 1, 1931 County, Oregon, aa the tim« and Dale Cheshire of Cheshire visited Oueas, We Always Look tined for counties hit by tbe drouth *1.311.4*2.96 place to hear objection« to th« County, Oregon, February 24. 1932 Hherlff'a Asaeaamenta since laat report 22.07 with friends In Hprlngfleld w F r l 11 ,Jp ’ The P u n » ’ « of the clubs la laat year. In thia < Lasstftcatloa Ari­ upon and pursuant to a decree Interest collected since last report «aina, If any, and for the final a«t 2,318.63 day. mude by aald Court February 27. Undercharge on Holt 10 teacb hlpbabetlcal material, how zona haa one county; Idaho 16; ......... Usinent of aald «alata. 106.49 1932, In a suit pending therein In OvercoUactlons ............................. to look up things In dictionaries. Nevada 4; I'U h 11; and Wash­ Hat« of flrat publication March 108.46 BOB'S BEAUTY SHOP which B. F. Mulkey and F. V. Mul Cancelled R e c e ip ts ............... Disc harped from Hospital— L. O. I telephone books, and reference ington 3. Slat. 1V32. 94 06 ANNA MYKItH. Admlntatralrlx key. hla wife, were plaintiffs, and I^naberry. Hprlngfleld. and C. A. works, and to Inspire boys and girls »7.60 Stsam Wave for *6 A. O. Itlnrh, George Tallman and W KI.I.H A WELCH. Atty« *1,314.061.66 Logan, Fall Creek, were patients to learn things for themselves. Tallman, hla wife, Lung nr Hhort lla lr LEGION GROUPS PLAN (M 31—Ap 7-14-21-381 discharged from tbe Eugene bos- were defendants, which execution Paid to County Treasurer When tbe work has been com­ MEETING FOR TONIGHT und order of sale was to me direct August 18, 1931 ..... ... pliai on Monday 27 Enat Broadway Phon« H3M * 44.1(0.63 pleted both buttons and certificate» Estate of Marla Drew. Deceased ed and commanded me to sell the October 17. 1931 ....... 38.627.04 Kugrn«, Oregon N O T IC I TO CREDITORS Sprfhgfleld American Legion and real property hereinafter described November 6tb, 1931 ... Visit In FortlanP—Mrs. Ella Lom will be Issued to the students with 149.163.61 out obligation. to aatlafy liens and charges In aald November *th. 1*31 Auxiliary will hold their regular bard, her »on. Frank and Orval Notice la hereby given that l-ee 27,618.86 decree specified, I will, on Hatur November 16th, 1931 Mias Elisabeth James, Junior high fortnightly meeting at the Spring- . Remington haa been by tbe Uxiunty 4?.116.60 Eaton drove to Portland Friday November 23rd. 1931 GENERAL PLUMBING school teacher, became ill Monday field Community boll tonight it haa [Court of the Htate of Oregon, In day. the 2nd. day of April. 1932. at 118.649.69 evening to spend the week-end the hour of one o'clock In the after­ December 3rd, 1931 und for Ixine County, appointed noon ot «aid day. at the southwest morning and baa been unable to been announced by I. M. Peterson, 106.86* 96 AND REPAIRING with friends. December 8th. 1931 , executor of the laat will and testa­ 61,261.43 continue her claan work during the adjutant. A potluck dinner will be door ot the County Court House In December 14th. 1931 ment of Marla Drew, deceased II« Hure and tint My Prices 84.636.0» Eugene, l,ane County. Oregon, offer Visit at Salens— Mrs. Gertrude week Mlaa Helen Eyler of Thurs­ held at 4:30 preceding the meeting« December 18th, 1931 All persona having claims agaliMt 30.27644 for sale and sell, at public auction, December 23rd, 1931 Wilson. Donald Wilson, and Mr. and ton la substituting for her. the eatate of aald deceased are of tbe two groups. DODD MILLER 106.66*43 tor cash, and subject to redemption hereby notified to present tbe same Mr«. Clifford Wilson and son, Mac, »16 ('. Ht. Hprlngfleld, Ph. 170-J as provided by law, all the right, *18.84*0» duly stated and verified, at the spent Hunday at Halem at tbe hom e, title and Interest of the defendants Soldiers and Soldier Widow « Exemption aloe. I . . . residence of A. E. Wheeler. 710 12.80 of Mrs. Wilson's son, Kennetb. In aald ault and of all parties claim- K rr" r’ iJ tü“^ » " » « « » m e ö t. and cancellation ato X report , Ixiwrence street. Eugene, Oregon Ing by. through or under them, or within alx months from tbla 24th BUY. SELL OR TRADE 848.47 any of them, since tbe 20th day of Drive to Canyonville — Mr. and I day of March. 1*32 13.88 Mrs. F. B. Hamlin of Hprlngfleld July, 1931, In and to tbe following Corn« In and a«« our Hoard L E E R EM ING TO N . Executor 3.42 Delinquent Including Fire Patrol December 31, l f c l "... described real property, to-wft: Our reputation for reliability is well known. Our A E. W H E E I.E H . A lt’*. We have a large variety 4*4,333.90 drove to Canyonville Monday to! The Northwest quarter (NW *A) (M 24 21— A 7-14-211 attend tbe funeral service» for Mr. I pure drugs alleviate pain in the head with very little of the Southeast quarter (HE *4) Lane County Trading Pott 31.314.061.6C Ham lin’s niece, Helen Poole. of Section Five (6) In Township damage to the pocketbook. 713 W illamette— Phone 16« SUMMONS TA X ROLL FOR TH E Y IA R 1 *2 * Heventeen (17) South, of Range IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Four (4) Weal of the W illamette Log Injures Man— A. D. Wlltae The drug store is the guardian of the community’s £ " “¡¡'“‘’‘'1 Including Fire Patrol J u l, j, ,» ji H TA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E Meridian. In the County of l-ane Sheriff 138.834.22 of Marcola was brought to the Pa-1 a Assessments since last report health. You can rely on us. We never substitute. C O U N TY OF LANE. and the Htate of Oregon, 906 17 clftc Christian hospital In Eugene | Interest collected since laat report PERRY’S Ruby Galloway, Plaintiff, vs. Gua listed thia tat day of March, 1932." ... 2.678.39 late Saturday to receive medical Galloway. Defendant. H L. BOWN, Sheriff of Ixtne Batteries, Brakes, Ignition snd To Gua Galloway. The above County. Oregon. * 142.418.78 care for injuries received when a Motor Work. Wheel Aligning named defendant. Court for the relief In day of April. 1932. at ten o'clock TA X ROLL FOR T H I YEAR 1*2g Drive in and let us send your car humming out E U G E N E , O R EG O N her complaint against you demand In the forenoon of eald day. in the church Monday evening at 7:30 to on the road with every cylinder working at maximum County Court Rooms In the Court­ Including Fire Patrol, July 1. 1931 «d. to-wit' for a Judgment and de­ ....* 62.588 77 discuss their future work. house in Eugene. I.ane County, Ore S h e riff» Aaseasmenta alnce lost report efficiency. cree of Divorce dissolving the — 9 10 goo. has been fixed aa the tim e and Interest collected elnce last report bonds of matrimony now and here 706 26 - Returns to Home— Mias Florence place for the bearing of objections tofnre existing between you and to »aid final account and tbe settle Coffin returned to Portland Friday plaintiff on the grounds of deser­ * 63.304 12 nient thereof. Any and all objec­ JEWELER after having spent several weeks tion. for the care and custody of 5th and A Streets Springfield tions to aald final arcount must be Paid to County Treasurer the minor daughter, Helen Galloway Repairing a Specialty here visiting at the home of Dr. August 26, 1931 ....... . filed with the Clerk of aatd Court 2.646.28 and for such other relief na to the October 19. 1*31 ____ and Mrs. N. W. Emery and other on or before tbe date of aald hear Springfield, Oregon 1.163 18 Court may seem meet. This aura Ing. December 24, 1931 friends. 1.741,12 sons is served upon you by publics Date nf first publication. March lion thereof In the Hprlngfl-ld 17. 1932 * 6.439.68 Portland People Hero — Mr. and News a newspaper of general cir­ CHARLES B. MCDONALD. Ad Errors, cancellations and double assea «menta alnce Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN culation Mrs. George Wlllfhms and son, pursuant to an order of the last report ............ mlnlatrator. 362.11 Wesley, and daughter, Lane, of Naturopathic Physician Judge of the County Court of the Delinquent Including Fire l*atrol December 3L 1*31 (M 17-24-31— A 7141 67.602 43 Htate of Oregon for the County of Phone 91-J Portland .»pent Saturday and Sun­ Ijin e duly made and entered of re­ office Houre: 1 to 6 P. M. NOTICE * 63,304.12 day at the home of Mrs. Meda cord on the 7th day of March, 1*32, OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Catching. Mr. W illiams is a nephew ordering that this summons be pub 4M Fourth Btreot TA X ROLL FOR T H E YEAR 1927 llahed once each week for four con In the County Court for the Htate of Mrs. Catching. Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. July 1. 1*31 of Oregon for Lane County. aecutlve and auccepalve w eeks In 36.733.41 «aid newspaper and that the flrat In the M atter of the Eatate of Sheriff s Asseasmento since last report Return to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. 4.71 Interest collected since last report Universal Mortgage Corp. Samuel E. Phillip, deceased. publication shall be wltb the laaue 610.16 Joe Lemon left Tuesday morning of March tftth. 1*32. and the date Notice la hereby given that the Penalty collected since lost report — 27.59 lor Portland. They have been of the laat publication ahall be undersigned administrator haa filed with the laaue of April 7th. 1*32. hla final account herein and that * 37.276.87 guests of Mrs. Lemon'» mother, FftANK A DePUK. Attorney the above named Court by order Mrs. Eliza Wiuxenretd. here while Paid to County Treasurer W. P. Tyeon, Agent for Plaintiff. Realdenee, Spring ha», duly appointed Tuesday. April August 26. 1*31 ........... . Mr. Lemon dtd some repairing on 12« E St. Phone M W field. Oreg - t. 1.214.49 13. 1*32 at 11:00 A. M. at the Coun­ October 1*. 1*31 ............ ...... the building formerly housing the 406.00 (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) ty Court room In the Court House December 24. 1*31 W hite Front Grocery. 9*6 74 at Eugene. Oregon, aa the time and * General Law Practice 2.616.23 iN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E place for hearing objections to aald •••I Surprise Dinner— Mrs. C. 1. In­ final account and the settlement Errors, cancellations and double assessments since HTATE OF OREGON FOR thereof. All persons Interested I. M. PETERSON man was honor guest at a surprise last report .......... ........ L A N E CO UN TY 68.24 j Mary E. McPherson and J. R. Mc­ may appear at said time and file Delinquent Including Fire Patrol December 31. 1931 ~ Attorney a l l a » 34.601.40 birthday dinner held at the home objections If any thev have. Pherson, Plaintiffs, vs. David Ar City Hall Building ( 37.27687 of Mr. and Mr». H . H. Myers at Dated March 10th. 1932 Ihur a n i Mary Jane Arthur If Hayden bridge lost Thursday. L E. 7.IN1KER. Administrator. Hprlngfleld, Oregon T A X ROLL FOR T H E YEAR 1*26 living, and If not living the un­ C. H. SEDGW ICK, Creswell. Other» present were Violet and known heirs nf «aid David Arthur Ore.. Attorney for estate. Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, July 1 1931 ....* 36.09269 Leroy Inman, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. and Mary Jane Arthur; David M S heriffs Assessments, since last report (M 10-17-24 31—A 7) 4.41 E. H. Hotaling and daughter, Kath Oager; Also all other persona and Interest collected since last report ....... FRANK A. DE PUE 603 96 parties unknown claiming any NOTICE OF SALE Penalty collected since last report ryn. — A T TO R N E Y A T LAW 43.68 right, title eatate, lien or Interest NO TIC E IS HER EB Y G IVEN In the property described In the N O T A R Y P U B L IC That by virtue of an execution is­ 36,744.73 DEMONSTRATION AGENT * rnmplnlnt herein. Defendant». sued out of the Circuit Court of the Springfield To the above named defendants: State of Oregon for the County of Paid to County Treasurer Sutton DISCUSSES CARDENS You and each of you are hereby Iatne. March 7. 1932, upon a Judg August 26. 1*31 □ ulldlng Oregon 686.13 summoned to answer the complaint ment entered by said court on tbe October 1*. 1*31 471.17 filed against you In the above en­ 21at day of February, 1*28, In an December 24. 1931 Miss Uertrude Show, Lane county Rulers of Low Prices 1.280.66 titled cause and court within four action wherein Sin Putnam was home demonstration agent was weeks frnm the first publication of plaintiff and McKenxIe River High­ 1015 WILLAMETTE EUGENE 2.436 86 principal speaker at the Mohawk- thia summons, and tf you fall so to way Sanitarium, a corporation was answer, for want therfimf, the plain­ defendant being case No. 17,786. Errors, cancellations and double assessments since McKeoxie Grange meeting Wed­ last report ..................................................... tiffs w ill apply to the court for the which Judgment was docketed on All Makes and Models 32.13 nesday evening. She discussed the Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, December 31. 1*31 ....... 34 relief demanded In the complaint, page 177 of Vol. 8 of the Judgment 34.276.75 ‘Year-Round Vegetable Garden’ pro­ vlx, that they be adudged to be th< Docket of above entitled Circuit S P R IN G F IE L D RADIO SHOP ject which her office is sponsoring. owner« of the following described Court, on the 21st day of February, »44 II Ht. Phone 130-J 36.744.73 ( Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock real property: 1*28, and which isald execution la T A X ROLL FOR T H E YEAR 1*26 Beginning at a point 4.83 chains to me directed and commands me to Miss Skow spoke at a meeting held enat of the west southwest cor­ sell out of the personal property Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. July 1, 1*31............... ....» 20.961.40 at the home of Mrs. Milo Thompson ner of the Thomas D. Edward» of said defendant or If sufficient Sheriffs Assessments since last report ...... 19.00 at Vida. Her subject was "Econo­ and wife donation land claim No annot be found, then out of the Interest collected islnce last report 22 69 mical Meals and Family Eating 66. notlf. 7468, In towi.ahlp 17 real property belonging to the de­ Penalty collected since last report .....e. 1.28 Habits.’’ south, of range 2 west of the W il­ fendant, to satisfy the sum of Advertising collected since last report 4.30 lamette meridian, and run thence *160.00 with Interest thereon at 8% north parallel with the west line per annum from the 12th day of Formerly Walker-Poole NOTICE TO CREDITORS 20.998.67 of said claim 19 38 chains, more February. 1*27. and *40.00 attorney * Paid to County Treasurer N O TIC E 19 H E R E B Y G IVEN : or less, to the south line of the fees and *19.00 costa, I w ill on F ri­ August 26. 1*31 .......... 83.46 That L. L. Ray has been appointed McKenxIe Highway, thence east day the 8th day of April, 1*32. at EUGENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D October 19, 1*31 ......... 46.4» administrator of the estate of Jesse along «aid south line 44.77 chains the hour of one o'clock P. M, at December 24, 1931 ... and Charnelton, 228 Main 11.83 (o the east line of said donation the front door of the Lane County J. Davis, deceased, by the County Telephone 723 I'bone 82-J 140.78 Court of Lane County. Oregon. All land claim, thence south along Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ said east line 32.81 chains more ty. Oregon, offer for Bale and sell Errors, cancellations and double assessments since persons having claims against said or less to the north line of the at public auction for cash to tha estate arY required to present them, last report .................................................................. 91.03 We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete right of way of the Southern Pa- highest bidder, subject to redemp­ Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. December 31 1*31 20.766 86 with the proper vouchers, within clf'.c Railroad, thence westward tion as provided by law. all of the six months from the 8th day of printing service of "The Printing ‘Staples’ Used in along said right of way, as fol­ right, title and Interest of the afore­ 20.998.67 April, 1932. to the said administra­ * lows. north 82.76 degrees west said defendant and all persona tor at hts law office In the Miner Every Business Community.” 6.70 chains, south 86.26 degrees claiming by through or under them P R O C E E D ! OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Building. Eugene. Oregon. Y • west 2 66 chains, south 82 degrees subsequent to the Slat day of Feb­ L. L. RAY. Administrator of the west 18.66 chains, south 86.26 ruary. 1928, the following deecrlbed Proceeds of Bale of Real Property for delinquent .................* * ■ These “Staples’’ are the printing that you are using 1.601.44 eatate of Jesse J. Davis, de­ August 26. 1*31 degrees west 7.91 chains, north real property, to-wlt: 327.37 ceased. August 26. 1881 .. day after day, week after week, and month after 86 degrees west 9.09 chains to 60.06 (A 7-14-21-28— M 6) Beginning at the Northeast October 1*. 1*31 the west line of the David Ar­ 616.83 corner of Lot 4 In Block 3 In tbe month. December 24, 1*31 thur and wife donation land claim 707.24 Plat of Deerhorn as platted from IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE No. 68 In said township and Lot 3 of Section 17, Township 17 STATE OF OREGON, FOR I range, thence north along said 1.601.44 * South, Range 1 East of the W il­ ■ Check your supplies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or LANE CUNTY. west line 16.09 chains to the lamette Meridian In Lane County, REPORT ON FEES northwest corner of »aid Arthur low—place the order TODAY. Dragon, running thence Weat to In the M atter of the Estate of claim, thence weet to the place the East line of Block 8 In said Total Sheriff's: Fees collected for various services Francis E. Keyes. Deceased. 1,164.06 * nf beginning, situated In Lana plat of Deerhorn, thence North Total Auto License Fees ................................................ Notice Is hereby given tbat the 840.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS IÆTTERHEADS County, Oregon, and that you have to the Northeast corner of said Total Fines and Miscellaneous Receipts .................. 828.92 undersigned. Goldie Frnncee Peter­ no right, title, estate, lien, or In­ Illock 8. thence Weet parallel to STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARPS son and Stanley Joel Keyee have For that terest therein, nnd quieting plain­ the North line of the aforesaid 2.632.97 been by the above entitled court * ENVELOPES PAMPHLETS tiff's title to said property from all Ix>t No. 3 of aald Section 17 to appointed executrix and executor In Extra Pair claims n»serted by you or any of the West line thereof, thence Paid to County Treasurer HANDBILLS BLOTTERS the above entitled matter. All per­ you. This summons Is published July 1st to December 31st, 1 *31....... North to the Northwest corner of 2.632.97 sons having claims against said * There are always occaalonu TICKETS RECEIPTS by virtue of sn order made and said Ix>t 8 In said Section 17, estate are required to present said when Oxford« suspended on a filed March 29, 1932, by the Hon. thence East along the North line S T A T E O F ORBGO a as TAGS FOLDERS claims duly verified to said execu­ chain or ribbon are extremely O. F. Sklpworth, Circuit Judge, and of said Lot 3 of said Section 17 CO UN TY O F LANE trix and executor at the office of to a point due north of the place convenient. Especially with wo­ requiring you to answer the com­ C. A. W lntermeler, attorney at law. plaint In thia »tilt wllhin Run I, H. L. Bown, as Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, do hereby In Eugene, Oregon, within six of beginning, thence South to the men who do not like to wear certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct report of the offices weeks from the first publication of place of beginning. Also all of months from this 10th day of k I hhhch with u hat! this summons which Is made Block 8 In town plat of Deerhorn of Sheriff and Tax Collector, for Lane County, Oregon, for the period March. 1932. commencing July lht, 1931. and ending December 31st. 1931. both datos March 31. 1932. In Lane County, Oregon. GOLDIE FRANCES PETERSON H. D. A LLEN , Attorney for Dated this 10th day of March, Inclusive. DR. ELLA MEADE STANLEY JOEL KEYES, Plaintiff. Residence and P,. O. 1932. Executrix and Executor. Optometrist Dated thia 24th day of March. A. D„ 1932. Commercial Printing Department Address, Eugene, Ora. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. C. A. WINTER MEIER. Attorney. 41 West 8th lu gan a OF PINAL I I T T L I M I N T TOWN AND VICINITY Lincoln School Notes Semi-Annual Report H. L. Bown, Sheriff Business Directory Bring Your Headache to Us! Ketels Drug Store A KICK in Every Drop! Edw. G. Privat “A ” Street Service Station F rid a y a n d S a tu r d a y Last two Days of Our BONDS 2 n d A N N IV E R S A R Y SALE, Plan to Attend The Golden Rule Radio Service “T he Printing ‘Staples’ Used In Every Business C om m unity” POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors C hoose OXFORD T he Springfield N ew s (M 21— A 7-14-21) (M 10-17-34-11— A 7) H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Laoe County, Htate of Orogon. (M 10-17-14-31— A 7)