THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPKINOEIKLI), l/ANK COUNTY. OREGON, THL’ HHOAY. APRIL 7, 1932 I'W K N T Y -N IN T II YEAH H. S. BASEBALL Price Is Chosen | H. S. Principal GAMES ARE SET Pilot Is BRIDGE LIGHTS Student Injured in Pall WANTED LEFT ON Motor Stop« After Ship it Off County Court Unable to Aio Ground; Fuselage of Plano it Badly Damaged Committee; Appeal Made to State Highway Body John Wilmot, Indent filer who ALL LIGHTS ELIMINATED Group Seek« Plan Whereby Automatic Clock Would Cut Lights Off at Midnight No. 13 Jumps Four M iles Succeeds E- E. Kilpatrick as Opening Game With Row- Head of Pleaaant Hill High , burg Friday Postponed Be­ School Next Year cause of Weather was Injured Friday sfisruoou at the I Municipal airport when the motor, of his plane stopped as he was taking off. Is getting along nicely t according to his physician. He did I not receive any unusually serious Injuries ulthough ho wu» lutdly | humped about Ihe head and was : TO PLAY TWELVE GAMES Six Lettermen Start Practice; May Must Develop New Staff of Pitchers Perry Prjce, teacher at the Pleas ant lllll high school will succeed I K. K Kilpatrick as principal of the school at the close of the pres-1 •nt term It war decided at a meet-j Ing of the school board Friday. I Kilpatrick bad auhmltted Ills resig­ nation to accept a new poaltlon aal principal of the achoola at Philo- 1 ■1 ■ ■ ■ " - math. Smaranda Braescu, Rumanian par- L II. Ayers, now principal of the 1£hu'’ hoW’ ,h* un.oi. high school at Taft. Oregon. record , 2ija7. loo, droQ was cho-en a new member of the ! school faculty. He la a graduate of Oregon Normal and the University of Oregon Other members of the faculty wlil Include Mrs. Elsie Cooper and Mrs. Kebs Eberhart. JA N Y FILE FOB Chamber Asks b-boot Channel ran jobs Hearing in Eugnne Next Wed­ nesday on River Tonnage Large Number of Aepirante by Army Engineer* Called Expected to Create Intereet in Primary Request for a 6-foot channel for _ _ _ _ Campaign _ navigation to be established In the I _ _ . Willamette river from Portland toj VOTE IN SIX WEEKS Springfield is to he made to th e1 _ War Department engineers by the E w arts Seeks Sheriff Poet; Chamber of Commerce which met: Moffitt Wants to Be County Wednesday evening. The chamber ~ School Superintendent favored the depth after receiving a communication from the army en Filings of declaration of 408 can­ gineera and hearing a report of the didates for state and district of­ Albany meeting of the Willamette fice« and 35 for county posts to­ Valley Waterways association by gether with a large number of Clifford Wilson, delegate from here. other« seeking precinct position* All cities along the river are mak­ assure« re«ldents of Oregon «ml ing the same request as It makes Lane county of considerable ex­ small difference in cost over a 4 citement and political campaigning foot channel but Is expected to add during tbe next atx weeks prior to a million dollars a year tn the the primary election on May 20. amount of freight shipped. The Heading the filings for high of­ total cost of the Willamette river fices are the names of William Mur­ Improvement la expected to be in ray, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, de­ excess of 20 millions of dollars. mocrats, and Joseph Irwin France, A meeting is railed for next Wed­ Maryland, republican, os president­ nesday morning of Interested per­ ial candidates. sons at the Eugene Chamber of N ew N a m e * Entered Commerce., Tonnage and other Here In Oregon the voters will data is to be collected. fjnd a host ot new names among The Springfield Chamber voted those seeking political advance­ to cooperate with the Lane County ment. There are also many of the Chamber of Commerce in the road- older politicians who have decided scide beautification contest this to throw their hats into the race spring. again. Starting with the position * of United States senator there are live republicans and three demo­ cratic candidates. They are Fred- erick 8telwer, incumbent. Robert N. Stanfield, former senator; At fred E. Clark, Robert Duncan, and Kenneth Harlan, all of Portland, republicans; Elton Watkins, Marsh Winner of Three Letters as all N. Dana, and Walter Gleason, democrats. Tackle on U. O. Varsity; Baseball has the stage at Spring Hu- laese men want Ihe Spring luncey 1 a fte r' field highway bride« aero«» the Wil­ inn .nisi Ions In iiiH 'd iila te ly year» a> trie "Irish Tenor," died in : field high school thia week. He lamette river lighted at night «ml i the accident, line of Ills legs was I-rance at the age of 72. He wat a , tween 25 and 20 aspirants tor fhe native of Buffalo, N. Y. high school team are turning out ur« trying to discover aome method ' quite badly bruised In the fall each evening lo learn the funda by which thia ran be accompllahed Wilmot was rushed to the Pad- mentals from their coach Norval Tile bridge line been darkened rlstlan rospltal In an umbo May. So far the boys have kept aim ■* Friday when the new ache ■ fter the accident, pretty dose to the gymnasium. The dul« nt lighting a» prepured by the wo place monoplane which weather has been unfavorable and city council w»« put Into effect allot lug was lutdly damuged when It has been Inviting to be nntlriputlng the approval of the on one whig. outdoors May has put his players power company official«, through a limbering up program ou Agitation for continuance of the the plavground. btldae light« »«< »tarted at the Very soon now us the boys get Civic Club to Hold Plant Ex­ l.lon» club luncheon Friday when really for harder work and batting Plans for Summer Encamp­ Jack llenderrr Introduced the sub­ change Meeting at Com­ practice they will move over to the, ject. Member« of the club, realising ment to Be Held in June munity Hall Next Tuesday field back of the Brattaln school Ihe plight of the city and Ihe neces­ Are Started in City sity for curtailment of expendi­ Springfield'» beautification con The school board has objected to the use of the high school field lie ture», fell however, that the elimi­ ----------- I Almost complete re-organisation feat will start April IS, and close cause the repair bill for broken nation uf lights on the bridge was June 31) It was decided Tuesday Funeral for Resident of Lane (»f 'he Springfield National Guard Initiation, Banquet and Pro­ windows proves too costly. undesirable County Since 1855 Held I un“' c Headquar afternoon at u meeting of the com­ gram Is Planned by Club The firsl game on schedule for A committee consisting of Mend ters company was announced here mittee In charge of the contest at Pleasant Hill Members for Annual Event erer. John Ryle, and I M Peterson yesterday by C. A. Swart.«, first Members of the Civic club and the team was to have been played at Roseburg Friday. This has been wa named by the president to lieutenant in charge ot the com­ representatives of other organ lx« John David West, 82, died at his j Springfield IJons club will hold postponed to an Indefinite date be function with another committee pany. tlona which are cooperating In the borne at Goshen Saturday follow- ' r«pre»«ntlng the Chamber of Com 11« annual lotdlcs Night banquet, drive are to hold another meeting cause of the poor weather condi­ >ng a ten day Illness. He was born i Two members ot the unit, staff- merce In Interviewing the members program, unit Initiation Friday at the Community halt next Tuea tions. sergeant. Alfred C Townsend and O th e r ga rn et on th e 1932 sche­ In Kansas on September 19. 1X49 of the county court regarding s evening nt the Community hall, day at which time each organize sergeant Orval Eaton hare been and has been a resident of Lant t'ommltlees for each of those parts dule. which Is about completed..are part time lighting plan. dropped from active participation tlon In Springfield la asked to re­ county since 1855 when be came A meeting with Judge Barnard of Ihe program have been at work turn a questionnaire sent to them as follows: to Oregon to make bis home near Townsend being transferred to the April 12, Pleasant Hill, there. convinced the committee members for some time and reported that The questionnaire la intended to Bpeaccr's Butte. He moved to the Nutlonal Guard reserves, and Eaton April 15. Eugene high, here. Ihui the county could do uothtng they were ready at the meeting Fri­ secure a list of prlxes lo be award­ dropped out as both of these men Goshen dlztrlct 31 years ago. April 26. Lowell, there. They nest Interviewed Carl Wash day Boon. The banquet la lo atari ed, the aelectlon of a Springfield were unable to attend summer Two sons, Lewis E. West. Trent, April 29. Pleasant HUI. here. burne, member of the highway com at 6:30 with a program during and flower, and other necessary Items camp this year. and George West, Goshen, survive May 6. University High. here. mission, lie asked that the delega following the meal. Initiation of a of the contest. Leland Cray and John Lyneh as does five daughters. Mrs. John May 10. Lowell, here. lion send a letter to him and sev­ selected group of cub Lions will be This meeting will also he the an­ Willoughby. Harrisburg; Mrs. J. A. have been enlisted into the com Holds Track Awards May 13. V. H. S„ there. Other candidates for offices who eral other highway officials esplaln presided over by H. E Maxey chair­ nual Garden and Home meeting for Daughty, Goshen; Mrs. Polly pany to fill up the roster. They are May 20. Roseburg, here. have filed their declarations are: lug the request and an Investiga­ man of that committee. Enoch the Civic Club members. At this Selection of Marion E. Hall as Dodge. Klamath Falls; Mrs. C. 8. privates. May 27. Eugene, there Representative in United States tion of the commission's policy Kluart heads tha dinner committee. meeting members of the group Sergeant Neil Gillons has been athletic instructor for 8pringfte'.d House of Representatives, third Henson. Cottage Grove; and Mrs. W. E Buell, program^ and M C. Two games have been scheduled would be mnde and action taken at bring surplus bulbs, plants and wllh Cottage Grove but the dates A. E. Halils. Goshen. He also advanced to staff sergeant, and high school during the next school district, W. C. Hawley, incumbent; the nest meeting which 1« being Kirkland, decorations. shrubs to be exchanged for those have not been set. leaves oue half-brother. 19 grand­ corporals Freeman Squires and year was announced by members Emmett Howard, Eugene, James A committee to nominate new of which they do not now have In held today. children and 10 great grandchil­ Frank Lombard have been promot­ of the school board following their W. Mott, Salem, Charles Hulet, Al­ Six lettermen from last year's Members of the committee are fleers of the club for the ensuing their gardens. This has proven a ed to become sergeants, while Pri- monthly meeting Monday evening. bany, republicans, and Harvey dren. seeking to have the lights put on year was named by the president very successful method of Increas­ team are back in school to form a Funeral services were held from vate!, first class. Lloyd Mattison He will succeed Norval May. pres­ Starkweather. Milwaukie, and Wil­ a time clock basis whereby they Friday. They are Dean C. I’oln ing Interest In flower and garden framework for the squad They are the Pleasant Hill church Tuesday and Hersey Tomseth became cor ent coach who has resigned effec­ liam A. Delzell. Salem, democrats. would be cut off each night at mid dexter. I-arson Wright. I. M. Peter­ growing and has led to the develop­ Gordon Wright, Clinton Hartman, tive at the end of the present term. afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Harry porals. Secretary of State— Hal E. Hoss, night They are also willing to bay« son. John D. Pyle and Thelmer ment of some very noteworthy In­ Lloyd Frese, William Sword. Bruce Hall was chosen from a large incumbent; George A. Palmiter. Benton, pastor of the Lighthouse Selection of two first class pri­ Squlrea. and George Thatcher. Nelson. Election will be held ql the the light globes reduced In site dividual yards and gardens. number of candidates. He will come Milwaukie, republicans; and Roy The team does not have a carry­ Temple In Eugene officiated and In vates will be announced later. from 200 to 100 caudle power which club meeting April 15. The committee wished to call over pitcher, but Wright. Thatcher, termenl was made in the Pleasant Preliminary work for the sunuver highly recommended by instructors H. Wisecarver, McMinnville, demo­ would provide a saving of almost attention to the fact that all people Squlrea. and Henry Trluka are be­ Hill cemetery. The Poole-Gray-Bar- encampment which is to be held at under whom he has taken work at cratic. 70 per cent of the former cost TYPEW RITING STUDENTS who wish to compete for prises ing developed by May. Hia catchers tholemew chapel In Springfield was Camp Clatsop June 14 to 28 in­ the university where he played on State Treasurer—Rufus Holman, which was about 122 the varsity football team foT three In Charge of arrangements. must register their entries at Flan- clusive is now being started. incumbent; Milton Scherpllng, Brackets and globes for the TO ENTER STATE MEET ery'a drug store, with the presi­ will be chosen from Vlles. Chet- years and won one letter In track Portland, republicans, and J. W. wood. and Hartman. bridge lights were furnished by the His football experience included dents of any of the city dubs, or Maiony. Pendleton, democrat. The Infield will offer berths to county shortly after the bridge was High School S tu d e n ts Hold Vlotor- two years under Captain McEwan with the city librarian. Attorney General—I. H. Van Win­ Carol Fountain, member of the Iss O ver Throe Schools; to opened when ugltatlolt for lights and one under Dr. Clarence Spears. kle. incumbent and Earl C. Bron­ Waltervllle team last year, Elmer Moot Cottage Orove Next first began. The highway commis­ He was not eligible for competition augh. Portland, both republicans. Ware. Dick Wright. Harry Wilson, sion provided the conduit and wire, last year when he completed his Justice of the Supreme Court, and Bob Stark. Members of the I’nlverslly High and the city of Hprlngfleld paid for university work. He has been tak­ Those looking for places In the position number 2— Justice Henry school typing class won the speed the Installation expanse. ing advanced studies during this J. Bean, Incumbent; John McCul­ outfield are Rodney Vest. La Marr content with Springfield students year. ----------- ----------- loch, Portland, James T. Brand. Brattaln. Harold Stevenson, l.loyd here Wednesday afternoon. Spring AUTOGYRO AIRPLANE The new athletic director is a Frese McVee, and Clark. Walterville Organization Has Char|es s. Brewster. Port- married man and a large one. he Marshfield, and Roy R. Hewitt. field students, however, won Ihe LANDS HERE TUESDAY accuracy contest. Paid Membership of 25; |andt to Address Eugene Is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs Salem, ail on the nonpartisan bal­ lot MRS. PRIVAT HOSTESS More Are Expected Members of the Springfield team 200 pounds. He was born at Baker, Heads of many local people were Producers' Association Funeral Services Held From County Offices Contested Oregon, but has lived In Southern turned skyward Tuesday morning are Marjorie Prochnow. Marceline FOR KENSINGTON CLUB Democrats will contest nearly all Public Installation of officers of Family Home East of City Seavey, He Etta Sntulgathe and A meeting of importance to all California at Hollister, for some when the Plica m autogyro was on Wednesday Afternoon Mrs. Edward Privai was hostess the newly organised Grange at Lane county poultry producers will time before entering the university. county offices this year. The candi­ flown over the city by King Baird Marlon Shipley. All are members date/ for the various offices are as at her home Friday afternoon for Walterville will he held at the I. be held at the chamber of com­ He was born in 1907. of Beattie who ha» been exhibiting of the high tchool typing classes follows: O. O. F. hall at Walterville on Fri­ Edwlp H. Peterson. 69. died at the meeting of the Kensington club. merce rooms in Eugene Tuesday the ship In Eugene for the prevl taught by Miss Clara Wagner. day evening. April 8. it was an­ Judge—C. P. Barnard (R), Fred his home on Route 1, Springfield, The Springfield leant has already Her assistant hostess was Mrs W. evening. April 12. at 8 o'clock. it ous three days. A large crowd nounced this week. A visiting team was announced this week by R. B. RUSSELL-GUSTAVERSON Fisk (D). quickly gathered at the airport to won tnatehe with Marroln and Sunday following a lingering Hi­ H. Hobbs. from a neighboring Grange w lli,Ne|lM)n preHlden, of the Eugene County commissioner—Marvin J. get a close up view of the windmill Monroe school teams. Tuesday they nes'. He was born In Norway on Guests present Included Mrs L. WEDDING IS SUNDAY have charge of the installation ex­ Poultry September 29. 1X62, and has made Drury iR), Dennis I«>velace (R), won the first match with the Uni­ Producers Association, type of airplane which requires E. Basford. Florence. Mrs. C. K his home near Springfield since Palbot, Eugene. Mrs. E. E. Fraed- ercises. sponsors of the gathering. Miss Hazel Russell Thurston, be­ Clinton Hurd (R). H. A. Rust (D). only a small area to take-off from versity high team. Nearly 25 members have paid Two more matches art* planned 1929. Charles 8. Brewster. Portland, came the bride of Melttn Gustaver- Cal M. Young (D). the ground and which can settle rlck. Mrs. Cynthia laidge. Mrs. N Surviving are his widow and six W. Emery, and Miss Hattie Mitch­ their membership fees in the new will be the principal speaker. Mr. son, Eugene, on Sunday afternoon, - County Clerk—W. B. Dillard (R). directly down ngnln without any for Ihe group this month. Saturday they meet Cottage Grove and on children. Die Peterson. Gtto Peter­ ell who spoke on mission work In organization at the present time Brewster will talk on the subject. April 3. 1932. at the home of Rev. Herbert Walker (R), Sam Lehman forward motion. and others who live In the vicinity, "Brooding and Rearing of Chicks. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers near Pleas­ ♦D). The I'llcarn autogyro came down April 22 Ihe team enters the state son. Mrs. II. Johnson. Mrs. Elsie Sputh Africa. but who hold memberships in other typing conical at Corvallis. County school superintendent — These meetings are intended to ant Hill. Pierce. Mrs. P. C. Scott, all of front Beattie. The next meeting of the club will Granges, are planning to transfer stimulate greater Interest tn the Mrs. Gustaverson Is the youngest F. F. Cooper (Rl, Bayard T. Merrill Route 1, Springfield, and Mrs. Ed be held at the home of Mrs. W. C. i their memberships It has been poultry business, especially among daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred (Rl, LailYence C. Moffitt (R), Vera ward Trapp. Eugene. Wright with Mrs. Levi Neet as as­ ARBIE LANSBERRY WEDS MANY PEOPLE ATTEND j stated. « tbe smaller producers, and every­ Russell of Thurston, and has spent Todd Crow (D). Funeral services were held from sistant. BENEFIT CARD PARTY IN CALIFORNIA CITY District Attorney—Alta Klug (D), one interested in this activity is most of her life there. She is a the family home Wednesday after­ graduate of Thurston high school, Donald Young (D), W. H. Brooke urged to attend. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS noon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Nells Nearly fifty people attended the BANK OF COMMERCE Arble W. Lansberry, son of Mr. also of Portland Business college. (Rl. Eugene V. Slattery (R), Frank TO ATTEND U. H. S. TEA and Mrs. L. O. l-nnsberry of Spring benefit card party which members Rushong, pastor of the Church of WILL BE LIQUIDATED Mr. Gustaverson ts employed with Reid (R). God. of which the deceased was a of Iuka circle, l-udlea auxiliary of field and Miss Grace Mabel San- ,|MRS. G. BARTHOLOMEW Sheriff—Julian Strait (R). Cal A. the Eugene Fruit Growers associa­ member, officiating. Interment was the O A. It. held Friday evening Members of the Springfield Girls dell, daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. O. Doors of the Bank of Commerce HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY tion. They will make their home Pryor (D), C. A. Swarts (R), Harry Sandali of San Francisco, were nt the home of Mrs. Robert Carr, made at l-aurel Grove cemetery. In Eugene failed to open Monday League will go to Eugene Wednes­ L. Bown (D). R. W. Hall (RL in Eugene. The Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel married Faster Sunday afternoon lit Main street. morning as A. A. Schramm, state day, April 27. to attend a tea and Coroner—Clarence V. Simon (R), Relatives of Mrs. Grace Bartho­ Daisy Clover and Clifford Darr In Springfield win In charge. according tn an announcement bunk examiner, and deputies of his program as guests of the University lomew. who celebrated her seventy- Marion Veatch (D). Charles P. won first prises In five hundred, Hlgh Girls' League members. Each reaching Springfield. force began the task of liquidation Poole (R|. ninth birthday Friday, gathered at CHURCH GROUP PLANS The wedding took place at the and Fred Look and Josephine COBURG CHURCH HOLDS of the bank assets. Declining de­ year the girls' groups of the Uni­ County assessor — Ben F. Keeney the W. H. Bartholomew home on PARTY AGAIN TONIGHT Chase took the consolation awards. versity, Euene and Springfield high Letterman Oeneral hoHpItal where posits and unusually heavy with­ SPECIAL SERVICES route 1. Springfield, that evening (R). Mr. l-tinsberry Is stationed while Sam Sweeney and Mrs. Belvln drawals of funds. Including savings schools hold informal gatherings to honor this enrly resident of Constable— JoHn Marsh (R). Young people of the Christian receiving training In Ihe medical I'Cline look high prises in bridge. Three special week day services accounts was blamed for the clos­ at the different schools so that the Lane county. Representatives—C. A. Hunting- church will hold another party at Refreshments were served by the girls may become better acquainted. corps of the army. being conducted at the Coburg ing. This was the last state bank Mrs. Bartholomew has been a the church this evening. Miss ton (R), Earl Hill (R), E. A. Mc- ladle« of Ihe circle following the Methodist church end this evening In the county and was serving as resident of Springfield and Lane Mabel Moffitt, student at the Eu Coraack (RL Herman Lafky, (R), playing. when Rev. Dean C. Poindexter de­ depository of funds of both the MARCOLA RESIDENT LATE SNOWS CONTINUE county for 29 years, coming here gene Bible College, is the leader Kenneth Nielsen (Rl. Frank Men­ livers the la«t sermon In a series Springfield and Cottage Grove TO FALL IN VALLEY and has as her assistants. Everett denhall (II). TO BE BURIED TODAY from Dundee, Minnesota. HELEN JEAN POOLE which have been given by differ­ bunks which were being liquidated. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Squires and Miss Melba Harris. The names of C. A. Swsrts, H. O. Snow has fallen on the higher Funeral services for George M. Frank Bartholomew and their FUNERAL IS MONDAY ent pastors this week. Monday Rev. These funds will become preferred Forty-five young people attended Dlbbiee, W. K. Barneli and W N. F. H. Clemo, retired, delivered the claims, however, and will be re­ Mason of Marcóla will be held at daughters. Theo and Myrna. and the "March Weather” party at the Dow as republican precinct com­ ridges and nt tlmea down to Ihe Helen Jean Poole. 8. daughter sermon, and on Wednesday even turned Intact. valley floor nearly every dny thia the 1. O. O. F. hall tn Marcóla this on. Wendell; Mr. and Mrs. Sam church last Thursday which was mitteemen for Springfield will also week In the upper MeeKtixle area of Mr. Htid Mrs. Ira B. Poole of Ing Rev. C. F. Crandall, al«o re­ afternoon at 2 o'clock with Harry Bartholomew and family; Mr. and sponsored by the Live Wire and be on (he primary ballot. according to residents of that Canyonville died at the Pacific tired, was the speaker. MISS BARNELL TO BE : Benton officiating. Veatrh chapel Mrs. Robert Shields and daughters, Friends classes. The same plan for cooperative vicinity. Tuesday morning peoplg Christian hospital Inst Thursday HEARD IN PROGRAMS will be in charge and lntermeut Rita and Reta. Cottage Grove; Mr. MISSION CIRCLE HAS of Springfield could see snow on after a lingering Illness. Mias Poole, evening services between the will tie made at the Marcóla ceme­ and Mrs. H. R. Nolltth and son, IUKA TO INITIATE MEETING ON TUESDAY who was a niece of F. B. Hamlin, Springfield and Coburg Methodist the hills east of the city. Miss Barbar« Barneli, daughter tery. Floyd, and the host and hostess and was Imrn at Canyonville on August churches which was used last week of Mr. and Mra. W. K Barneli. will FOUR NEW MEMBERS their children, Bobby. Billie and Miss Adallne Perkin« was hostess 11, 1B24. Funeral services were held will be continued again this week bo heard in xylophone solos on two WALL PAPER CATCHES COTTAGE GROVE BANK Maurice. , At least four new members of at her home Tuesday evening for at Canyonville Monday at 2 o'clock end. The plan provides for a ves­ progrnms to be given this week. BOOKS ARE SENT HERE FIRE FROM STOVEPIPE Iuka Circle, Ladies auxiliary of the the regular meeting nf the Girls' wllh Interment In the Canyonvtllp per service here st 6 o'clock after Tonight she is to play solos at the G. A. R. will be accepted Into the Mission circle of the Christian cemetery. The Poole-Oray-Bartho- which those of the congregation METHODISTS TO HEAR Masonic dinner In Eugene nnd Fri­ Books of the defunct hank at Cot­ Damages totaling *25 were Circle tonight at a meeting to be church. Refreshments were served who can do so go with the pustor lomew ehupel of Springfield was In day evening she will be heard at tage Grove have been transferred SERMON ON "FAITH' held at the home of Mrs. Bert following the buslnesi meeting. to Coburg where regular evening the Lions club 'Indies' Night' pro­ caused by a fire starting from a de­ to Springfield and are being kept charge. fective flue In a room of the Dennis The next meeting of the group Doane. Members of the Circle are ervlces are held. gram at the Community Hall. Her Cyr home on east Main street Tues­ at the former Commercial State "The Faith That Saves." will be will be held at the home of Miss accompanist for both appearances day afternoon. Only the wall paper the topic of the sermon by Rev. meeting with pleasing success in hank. This move eliminates part PRIZES AWARDED AT Jewel Helterbrand. their new member drive. will be Mrs. Bernice Neher Finley was burned. of the expense of maintaining two Poindexter for the 11 o’clock wor­ PRISCILLA MEETING CARS INVOLVED IN offices for liquidation purposes. ship service at the Methodist CRASH SATURDAY LEGION TO HOLD LAST church Sunday. The church school SPRINGFIELD PASTOR First and second prlxes In bridge TIRE THEFTS REPORTED q will meet at 9:45. In view of the Automobiles being driven by Mrs were awarded lo Mr«. Norman Ho­ IS RADIO SPEAKER DANCE ON SATURDAY QUARTERLY MEETING HERE _DUR«NG WEEK EUQENE SAT(jRDAY tact that a large delegation of Lea­ J. H. Dumphrey, 1313 High street ward and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass at OF CHURCH IS TONIGHT The final Saturday night dance Mrs. Frank Vernon, pastor of the D ip meeting of Ihe Priscilla club Eugene, and Homer Wyatt, Route The theft of tires from two auto A called meeting of the Tax Con- guer» and others Including the pas­ -Tile quarterly meeting of tin nt the home of Mrs. John Seavey 2. Springfield were Involved In a mobile at their home was reported servatlon League of Lane county tor are going to Coburg for an Full Gospel assembly church In to be postponed by the Springfield Baptist church will be held tills In Eugene Insl Thursday afternoon. clash Saturday at Ihe Intersection Tuesday b.v Mr. and Mr:., Clarence will be held In the chamber of com evening service a 5 o'clock vesper Springfield Is delivering the short post of the American I-eglon at the evening. Plans fur the stnle con­ Mrs. A. J. McKy was the nsslstant of Wendllng road and Fifth street Peterson. Eight tires were stolen, merce rooms In Eugene on Satur- service will be held here auln. The sermon over radio station KORE Thurston hall will be held this vention Io be held nt Bend In May Hostes». The next meeting will be north. Mrs. Dumphrey wus slight four from Ihe Peterson automobile ; day evening. April 9. at 7:20. The message for that service will be: in Eugene each morning this week week It was announced today by 1. Christian Thought upon starting at 7:45. Mrs. W. Patmore M. Larron, dance manager for the will be discussed along with other held nt the home of Mrs. Edward ly cut about the face In the acci­ and four from another car which meeting 1« called by Wm. W. Ilar- “A local post. is soloist. Heaven." dent. No serious damage resulted. wiis housed In their garage. Privet. problems of Ihe congregation. combe, prealdent. CONTEST OATES SET Bi GROUP JOHN D. WEST IS LU 'REAOYFOR "LADIES NIGHT” CHANGES MADE IN GÜARD UNIT MARION E. HALL NEW H i COACH EDWIN PETERSON DIES ON SUNDAY NEW GRANGE TO POULTRYMEN TO INSTALL FRIO V HEAR SPEAKER JAX L£A UE MEETS