THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOS BIX RIGHT CARE OF POTATOES TOLD Can Jack Come Back? Zl East, West To ( Meet on triday Bebe and Ben and the Baby THUK8PAY, MARCH, 81, 1982 Home Building Boom Believed Coming ■ over Ihe United Rial»« on a very Hy Caleb Johnson much larger scale than ever before. There Is probably no subject on Fa ay to Live to I 00 ' mid this Is nut only going to give which so many experts have had Yaqui Joe, Indian. Meets i local employment lo enormous num so many dlscua'tons In the past few Walter Achiu, Oriental, in ' hers of men. hut II will provide Necessary to Heal Cuts Be­ months as the subject of home Promising Armory Card business for Ute manufacturers and fore Placing Tuber in Soil hollililig fli America Nol onlv In 1 producers of every sort of building the conferences called by the Presi­ to Assure Good Yield When East meets West some i supplies» cement. lumber, steel. dent, but In every center of popula­ thing is bound to happen and that 1 Pluiublug supplies, beating equip bow yield* of potatoes are fre­ tion and wealth In the United is what wrestling fans are hoping I metit. and all Ihe real II will mean quently caused by poor m a n ti* anti Slates, much earnest alteiillon 1» for Friday night when they will u revival of Industry so widely dis ihese 111 tarn are often the re-ult being given Io llie problem of how turn out enmasse to watch Yaqui i Irlbuted anil providing for the of Improper handling of seed pota to provide belter homes for the Joe. Indian mat artk t from Sonora, i needs of so many people that I be toes Just before planting, accord «real ma s of American fumlllea. Mexico, and Walter. 'Sneexe.' Achiu lleve there la a great deal In Ihe Ing to apaclallsis at Oregon State and to provide them at lower cost Chinaman, test each others Ihoughl that our next long pert oil college. Moat commercial potato than has been possible In the past. strength and skill. The Indian who of pros peril y Is going lo be baaed grower» know exactly how to han­ Many mussing facta have been downed the Bulgarian Tan-off. last largely upon Hie building of email dle need atock to get beat stand«, . Dempsey i* in training for his at­ Friday depends largely on toe holds i disclosed In these conferences. homes but It Is believed that hundreds of i tempt to win hack the title of Heavy­ Such a high percentage. In rltlea. for his voctories. The Chinaman smaller growers could profitably weight Champion of «he World. in »mall town and In the country is a Sonnenberg artisi. Dr. Leonard F. Caw of !-<>» An- follow a few simple precaution« In ! contain what we usually call ''mo­ Art O'Reilly bw been given au les celebrated hi» hundredth birth Ibis respect. dern Improvements” that there I* other chance at Tony Caponi. com y by giving this rule for longrvity : 4th Oregon Man qulle a general liupreaalon that "E at and drink whal you like, but panion of Yaqui Joe. on the Friday Planting potatoes Immediately Wins Automobile night card. The Junior welter I radically everybody ha* such not too much." Simple, whirl after the pieces have bean cut is thing» as running water, bathtubs, weight belt which O’Reilly held (or of houses built by various udapta one frequent cause for poor stand» sewer . electric Itglil. furnace heal one week and lost hist Friday to Hons of new proti-s es and the use or weak kills because rotting may I ing and the other refinements of the Spanish-Italian wrestler will be of new materials which will serve easily start on seed pieces put in lip- which come In that broad class at stake this week in the 45 min­ as object lessons and which will Agents to Help in YeAr Round the ground before the cut surfaces Ifleallon. As a mailer of fad. only ute special event. appeal to the next generation as have a chance to heal. a small proportion of Amerlcuu more desirable than Ihe old types Projects; Assistance le Of­ The winner of this match will We don't know which to admire meet, beautiful Belie Daniels that wax, homes have all of these and most met l Whitey Ratter of St. Helens or her handsome young husband, Ben Lyons, or their baby daughter, fered Individtgnls Dusting the cut seed with land , ut homes Barbara Beb* Lyons, just christened at Loa Angeles Little Barbara looks homes have none of them Accord­ on the card next week. plt ter or sulfur is snmethlmes re- Much mure alteiillon Is being good to us ing to one authority, less than half A year round vegetable garden Vern Harrington, referee, wrest­ cem.m nded to guard against this given to the planning of »mall of the home« of America measure projeel has been started In 12 dlt ler, fighter, combination man did trouble, and It has proved effective A Little Girl With a Big Voice | up to minimum standards of health homes than ever before, to give ferenl communities. Ihrough or­ not like the rough stuff which the In many instances. It is not neces­ (hem Ihe largesl aniounl of useful and decency, and the building In­ boys were peddling la-t week anu sary, however, according to expert-1 spare at the sutallesl expense for ganised groups In I-a lie Uouuty, ac dustry ha» nol even started Io build made his powers known to them all inept station plant pathologists, as «ncloslng that space. To do this cording In Gertrude I.. Show. Home tood home» which are within the Thia pro­ He awarded the main event to Ya­ a m> re simple method will give economically we are going to see Demonstration Agent means of two-thirds of the popula more houses built In groups, partly ject Is handled through the office qui Joe after each man had taken equally good if not better re uits. Hon. one fall, accusing the Bulgarian of attached Io each other, perhaps, of Ihe County Agent. G S Fletcher, Keep Potatoes Moist There are very few parts of the rough tactics. He also awarded the and centering around community and Ihe home deiuonslratluu ageul country In which a six room detach­ Individuals who are Interested, G'Rellly-Uaponl go to the latter parks, pluyxrounds und gardens. In This method is merely to make ed house with these minimum mo­ lull who have not, for M i m e reaauu when he decided that the Irishman the cities, of course, low cost bous­ sure that cut seed Is kept fairly dern Improvements can be built to­ was a little too rough. ing can only be achieved by piling or other, been able lo attend one moist and In a dark place where day to sell as cheaply as »6.000 The outcome of the match this houses one on top of another In of ihe community meetings are tht temperature is not lower than Six thousand dollars is nearer the week is up in the air. Fans have apartments, but moat people would urged lo gel In (ouch wllh Mr. 65 degrees, for a couple of days average minimum coat to the home been depending on each of the rather live In a detached hou-e Fletcher ar Mias Show Immediate before planting. Cut potatoes under buyer, of the poorest kind of a main eventers to win their matches than In an apartment, and there Is ly. The material la available by such condition? will go through a IL L IA M H SAUB 442 Ains­ house that measures up to modern worth Avenue, Portland, has against opponents, but when they still a hundred limes more unoc­ calling or writing They are pre­ process known as suberixation by standard; of arrangement and been notified that he won the 181st meet each other who will be the cupied land available for dwelling pared lo furnish the following ma which a corky layer is formed Just automobile in the dally nation-wide equipment. And 16000 Is too much purposes thau there Is land already terlkl: beneath the cut surface which pro Cremo contest announced each week­ winner and who the loser. One money for the average American built upon facts the potato piece almost as day night over the Columbia network. must win and the other lose. The Farm Vegetable Garden bul Lily Pons, the diminutive French soprano, who is the roost sensational He is the fourth in Oregon to win an to pay for a home. well as the original skin. “find" in musical circles (or years, photographed in her home alter an Of course, modem, loss priced lelln No 432 giving recuiuiueuded ! automobile in thia contest. Mr. Saub The average income In the United evening ol singing at the Metropolitan Opera. ia 43 years old and was born in Port­ TO M SETH BROTHERS SAIL varlellea. amount of seed to plant One might think that drying off land. He is employed in a shoe fac­ Statea Is about |1600 a year Econo | homes will all be equipped wllh all the modern conveniences, and some etc., mimeographs containing a FOR HONOLULU APRIL 5 the cut surfaces quickly would be tory. is married and has a ten-year- mists are In agreement that no o!d daughter. He has the choice of a experiments are being planned for Suggestive I'lantIn« Plan, suggest the best way to protect them from Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth automo­ i family can afford to Invest more W n m r n W i l l R u n Their T ow n cuinmubication to the Spring a single furnace or steam boiler to loua for Ihe approximate amount rotting, but Just the opposite is bile as a reward for writing his win­ than two years Income In a home field News front the U. S. Array heal an entire group of houses, col­ of different classes of vegetables to true, as drying cracks the surface, ning statement. That would put a limit of *3000 up­ recruiting station at Portland this plant per person tor a year's sup allowing the rot organism to get on the home In which the average ling down the coal and the tabor week says that Edward H. and requirements of domestic healing ply. und a calendar of activities for to the interior. Ordinarily the na­ MEMBERS OF Q U ILT CLUB American could afford Io Invest. Bert J. Tomseth, sons of Mr. and There will always be. of course, aj Great attention Is being paid to u year In the garden. tural moisture Is enough for the W ILL M EET ON FRIDAY Mrs. John Tomseth. who enlisted healing process if the cot potatoes considerable fringe among those of Ihe problem of financing small Any Individual dealring lo enroll in the infantry recently will sail are protected from sun or wind, the lowest earning capacity who homes. The Ideal that Is being aim as cooperatora will nol only receive Mrs. Enoch Stuart will entertain from San Francisco. April 5, on the ed at la to enable a family which but sometimes It may be neces­ for members of the Quilt club at will never, under any rlrrumstan-‘ Ibis malerlal bul will also receive U. S. Troop Transport St. Mihlel sary to add enough water to make her home Friday evening. April 1. ces, become home owners. But It ( has saved *1000 to buy a *5000 llmcly Informallen throughout the for service In Honolulu. house and lot without having lo sure thav stay damp. Sewing on quilts being made by the has been estimated that about sixty ' year front Mr. Fletcher and Miss group will be continued during the percent of the people of the United pay an excessive profit either lo Skow. Among the activities of the Ihe builder or to the people who COOKING CLUB HOLDS Other precautions In cutting po­ evening. States who are not home owners »■operators will be a field trip In tatoes are to make the cuts square­ M EETIN G ON TH U R SD A Y could afford to pul from *4000 to lend the money for the rest of the May or June when Professor A. U. ly across rather than slanting, so I *5000 Into a home If they could get ' purchase. The high cost of second Il Bouquet, head of vegetable mortgage money hae been one of Members of the Cooking club of as to have a minimum of cut sur­ JUNIORS SELL HOT well built, durable and properly1 crops al Ihe Hlale college will as­ the Christian church held a busi­ face. and to discard any tubers planned and equipped houses at the handicaps of the small town sist In constructively rrlUclalng DOCS DURING NOON and suburban home buyer. The ness meeting last Thursday evening that show signs of disease or dis­ about Chose price*. ' The municipal election at thivsH. Washington, resulted in putting Mrs. typical gardens and dtaraealng auy coloration when cut. Careful grow­ Members of the junior class at at the home of Mrs. M. A. Pohl. A S Bourke into the mayor's chair after July 1st next, and a female So what these conferences on do-, talk among (he financial Install garden problems brought hy Ihe liiqti which have taken part in ers use two knives, keeping one in the high school held a hotvlog sale A social hour and refreshments were - majority in the Council Mrs Bourke (center), is discussing policies with mestlc housing are trying to do Is! home gardeners. a bucket of formaldehyde solution at the school Tuesday noon. Funds enjoyed following the business ses­ Mr» Cora L M- Remy —4 Mr» J \ L M ill* / Councilwuoictx to work out practical methods for these conferences Is that first tuort Several have already signified at all times, and then changing from the sale of hot-dogs will be sion Members of this group prepare providing homes such as will meet gagt money ought to come down to their Inlenlloii to keep records of five percent or lower everywhere, the dinners for the weekly lunch-! knives whenever a discolored tuber I used to provide the annual Junior- the needs of the majority of fami­ A lice Herself the yields from gardens. Malerlal Is cut into. eon meetings of the Lions club. senior banquet later this spring. lies at a cost per family of under and that money should be made for these records la also available available for Installment second ' *5000 for house and lot. and to de­ to all cooperatora. vise ways of financing such build­ mortgages al a cost or not more | than erven percent or thereabouta ing that will make It possible for buyers to pay for them out of In I Instead of Ihe nine, ten or eleveu FOR SALE percent, which Is Ihe general run» come. FOR HALE — Half Interest In today on second mortgages. Before this ran be done there j Keslaurant. Fu.' particulars Only Four Places in State Get I think there Is no doubt what must be a good many revolutionary write AB. Springfield Newa, P. Displays; Simmons in Eu­ chunges from the present methods ever that out of all of this dlscus- G. Box 228. Springfield. Ore­ gene Gets Lane Car both of building und financing. Of t Ion we are going lo see a speedy gon. that there Is general agreement. , revival of small home building all ----------------------i-----------------------------------------— Not since Henry Ford announced Home building I one Industry In! the first public exhibition of his which there has been no change In Model A Ford in 1928 has there methods foi hundreds of years. been such universal interest In the Houses are still built—except for appearance of a new model of any the steel-framed skyscrapers of the) car as is being manifest today In big cities—by the most expensive , the appearance of the new V-8 processes. In every other Industry) automobile. labor costs have been cut down. In ! Springfield, Oregon The same automobile Is also be. proportion Io - raw material costs, ing made with a four cylinder mo­ but In the building Industry the op­ tor and in many different models. There really was an Alice, for posite has been true. The same Only the V-8 Is being displayed to­ whom the Rev Charles Lutwidge methods of construction are used ! day. however, and that in only four Dodgson, using the pen name "I ewis with building trade labor at from places In the entire slate of Ore­ Carroll," wrote Alice in Womje. ,10 to »15 a day that were used! land” seventy years ago. She be­ when labor cost a dollar a day. And I Sut h a s o u r sto re is enjoying m onthly u n d er present gon. came Mrs. Hargreavea and is still People of Springfield and Lane co n ditions Is sufficient proof of th e correct m e rc h a n ­ labor Is the biggest Item In thei living county will have to go to Eugene building of a house. It will continue dising system of th e Irish-M urphy store. It P ays to Io secure their first glimpse of the to be the biggest Item so long a« Pay Cash. new Ford If they want to see it each house Is manufactured as a this week a- the only showing in G roceries a re low in price and as high in quality separate unit on the spot. | the county Is being made at the a s can lie found anyw here. It is wise to tra d e at One of the solutions which cer Simmons company. John Anderson hom e w here you get a n o th e r ch an ce at y o u r groc­ talnly will be adopted sooner or and his staff at the Anderson Mo- : later will be the use of materials ery dollar. i tors, Inc., local Ford dealers are co- ! which can be fabricated In factor ' operating with the exhibition In le- and assembled on the building HAT fun to be thrifty with yot Eugene. The model will be on dis site with the minimum of labor. pennies and even more generou Delegates From All Parts of play there today, Friday and Sat Metal frames that can be bolted with your menus! Our Io' urday. County to Cather at Osburn together by unskilled labor are be prices, excellent foods, and vast selet New cars will be brought here for Dinner Session tion make it possible in our new Iocs Ing experimented with, and are later and It Is expected that sales founl) to be more economical than tion. Come and be convinced! i will start in 10 days. Reports of work accomplished by frames bull! of lumber by hand on the I.ane County Health association the Job. Wall board of many kinds, will be heard tonight at the annual whjch ran he produced In large meeting of that group at the Os­ sheets and attached to the framing burn hotel. The meeting is sche quickly and by low priced labor will supersede old-fashioned lath and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tracer from duled to start at 6:30 with a dinner 'plaster to a large extent, so the ex ! Junction City were In Thurston on and everyone interested Is invited pert» believe. The same will apply 1 Saturday evening calling on rela to attend. Reservations should be to roofs and to outside walls. And tires. It Is generally agreed that mater­ The Easter services at the church made as soon as possible with Miss ials now available can be put to­ were largely attended last Sunday Bessie Williams, county health gether to build attractive houses and the church building was beau­ nure In charge of arrangements for Full Size Package which will be more comfortable In 1 BAR for tifully decorated. Mr. Beals built the annual meeting. winter and summer, more durable 1 PACKAGE an addition to the stage of the E. O. Immel, president of the and much less expensive, than even church for a choir during the last 2 PACKAGES for 2 BARS for group will preside and Miss Har­ | the best frame house that can be week which greatly Improved the riett Thompson, secretary, will give built under present methods. building, arrangements are being 1 Window frames and sash all made to have a regular choir for the annual report. J. J. Rogers will made of pressed metal, metal door give the treasurers financial report, | each service. frames and doors, have been found aDd Mrs. J. Bishop Tingle will re­ Shelby Walker from Portland Is TAYLOR'S QUALITY COFFEE to be almost as cheap In first cost port on the seal sale work. | visiting at A. W, Weaver's. LAST SH IPM EN TS and very much less expensive to pound Mrs. Alberta Davenhfll and Representatives from each of the intall than the wooden doors and daughters from Eugene spent last communities where the organize, Green Berry Dish FREE HAVE A RRIVED, GET YOURS NOW. windows, and their frames fitted by week's vacation with her parents lion is active will report on work hand, which have long been In gen­ here, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews. done. Mrs. C. O. Wilson, president All Green Vegetables in Season. Home-grown Rhubarb, Green Onions, Mr. and Mrs. Datnewood from of the Hprfngfleld unit will report eral use. New kinds of flooring materials are said to be much more Lorane have moved onto the Mel- for this city. Fresh Carrots, Lettuce. Asparagus economical to lay down and much nig place to help with farm work. Miss Marjorie Grant spent the State representatives to address more durable when once "In place Waster vacation with friends at the meeting will Include Mrs. Min than wooden floors. Marshfield. ette Twist, state field nurse and ‘ It Isn’t all going to happen at with Each Pound of Q fl Mrs. Oren Palmer from Elmira Mrs. Haidle Grr I inn bar. executive once, but there seems to be little attended the ladles' aid at Mrs. secretary of the Oregon Tubercu­ doubt that all over the country we Phone 9 (New Store) 427 Main Street John Price’s last Thursday. are going to see houses and groups losis association. T 12 COMMUNITIES START GARDENING W NEW FORDS ON DISPLAY TODAY Irish-Murphy Co. Steady Growth ANNUAL MEET OF HEALTH UNIT SET W 1 Cent Sale W h e a t ie s 15c lß c Coffee Special 1 ... 35C Thurston S o a p S p e c ia l 10c H c Bermuda Onions W. A.Taylor’s WhiteFront Grocery FREE - 1 School Tablet IRISH SPECIAL COFFEE ¿»C