PAGE PIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 81, 1082 — Or N O T IC I F IN A L I I T T L I M B N T acreage la the whole coagtry and some deem«»» la Survey Reveals possibly tlr northwest, but the «upply might be somewhat larger because the Growers’ Plans average yield of potatoes has been Three Olympic Speed Queen« the l*arl- TOWN AND VICINITY Nodi« 1« h«r«l)y gl reo tbal George Fl«h«r, udmlnlatrator nt di» «»luto or Clark Fl«h«r. ald «»tal« rlulurday, |n Hprlngfb'ld oh Salurday. Aprii 301 h, 1932, al IO o'iìork In! Ih« fun noon of «ahi day al Ih« Transacts Business— Mrs. ('. C. County Court room In Ih« Court- Polley of Wallervllle was u bust Imi«« lo Kugalie, Oracoli. where all N O T IC I TO C R ID IT O R S Notlcu 1« hereby given Ihul Hi« pwraotia Interested may app««r nt lie«» visitor In Hprlngfleld Saturday underalgiied h«» been appointed "«Id lime and file objection», If uny Jasper Residents Hare—Mrs J Administrator of lh« Batata ol tliay have GKDHGK FIHHEH. Administra ('. Ilulley anil Mrs. Tom Wallace of Alina Tuhy. decaseed, and ha« duly tor. Jasper were visitor In Hprlngfleld qualified a« *u< h All par«ou« hav lug rial in« against iho «aid a»lat« I M PBTKItWON, Attorney for Saturday. are hereby required Io present aurh Ketate. (M.3I Ap 7 14 21 2*1 claim« duly verified with propur Dallas People Here—Dr anil Mrs. vourliar« attached. to Ilia under II. L. Peterson of Dallas were ■lined at Ilia off Ira of I M Peter N O T IC I OF F IN A L H IA R IN O non at 234 M»ln atraat, Hprlngfleld. Notice 1« hereby giran dial lh« guests of Mr. anil Mrs. C. P. Eggl _ Oregon, within alt mondi« fromI uiidar«lgu«d. Anna Myers, Admin- munn Haturdav evening ilia dal« of Ihl« notice, lh« «am« latrutrlx of the ««tat« of Hadla Itag Guests In Portland Dr. anil Mrs bring datad and published lha fir«, | land. deceased. ha« filmi liar final Ilm« Ihl« 24lh day of March. 1*32 account In Ihr Counly Court of M. V. Walker were guests over the FRANK TUHV, Admlnlatrator |,»nc County. Dregon, and Ihr Easter holidays of Dr. and Mrs. W of lha Kitata of Anna Tuhy. Court ha« ««I Halurday lha 30th tleceaxed. day of April, 1*32. at lh« hour of M. ('one In Portland. I M I'KTKKMON. Attorney for Irn o'cloc k Ip the forenoon of »aid Lowell F arm er Visits — A. M ■aid Kalale. day. In Ihr County Court Room In l M 24-31 - A 7-14-11) lh« Court llou«r at Eugen». Lau« eslrh of Ixiwell was In Hprlngfleld Counly, Dragon, aa lh« dm« and Tuesday morning to purchaae feed , place to bear objection« to the for his chicken«. ■ «unir, If any. and for lha final «rt liemeni of «aid a*latr. Visit at Corvallis— Mr and Mrs Out« of f|r«t publication March P. It Flattery and family motored BOB S BEAUTY SHOP I Slat, 1*32 ANNA MYKJiH. AdmlnUtralrlx o Corvallis Hunday to spend th< »7.60 Steam Wave for >5 lay with relatives. WKLLH A WKLLH. Atty« IM 3 1-A p 7-14-21 23) Long or Hhort llalr Guests Here—Mr and Mrs. Beryl K«lste of Marla Drew, Decea««d Crowe of Wendllng were week-end 17 Baal Uroadway I’linnr *33 N O T IC I T O C R B O IT O R S guests ul the home of Mrs. Alice Eugene. Dragon Notice 1« hereby given that Lee Loruh. Itemluglon ha« hewn by the County Major Operation—Mrs. 11. C. Gay Court of the Htate of Dregon, lu GENERAL PLUMBING I and for Lane County, appointed underwent a major operation at AND REPAIRING executor of the last will and leata- he Pacific Christian hospital In nient of Marla Drew, deceased Eugene Tuesday morning. It« Hura and (let My Price» All peraon* having claim« against | Ilia «»late of «aid deceased ar< Visit In Portland— Mrs. H. W, DODD MILLER hereby notified to present the mm«, « li C HI Hprlngfleld. Ph 170 J duly «talad and verified, al the Whitney and Mrs. Harry Htcwart realdeace of A. B. Wheeler, 710 left Monday fur Portland for a few l^wrence street, Eugene, Dregon. days visit within alx month« from this 24th BUY. SELL OR TRADE day or March. 1*32 Candy Sals Held — The Four-H LEE REMINGTON, Executor. Come In and »m< our Hoard ooklng club of (he Lincoln school ¡A. K WHEELER. Atty We have a large variety held u candy «ale at the school Prl- IM 24 31— A 7-14-21) ay noon. Mrs. Walter Laxton Is Lana County Trading Post leader of the group. SUMMONS 712 Willamette—Phone 164 Business Directory low for three years, because ol Leaburg Man Here— Walter Car­ ter of Leaburg wo* a business vlsl tor In Hprlngfleld on Monday. Increased Production of Corn drouth. A survey by the collage extension and Turkeys Indicated; service Indicates that about the Potato Acreage Same «ante number of pullets wilt be Leaburg R«»id«nt Here— Hen P. Mlimey nf Vida was a business visitor in Hprlngfleld Monday. Oregon Htate College, Corvallis, Mar 31— Another moderate In- , crease In the Oregon corn acreage, more turkeys, but no Increase In , acreage of late potatoes or number ! of pullets to be raised, are In pros­ pect this year, according to a re- i port Just released by the college extension service. These trends were Indicated by Intentlons-Uepro- j duce surveys made by the U. 8. de­ partment of agriculture, with sup­ plemental Information gathered by the extension s e r v i c Collects Bounty—II. M< Mullen of Blue Hirer collected >3 from tbe 50 a pound, hut fortun Some ol the very new dresses secutlve and successive weeks In day chool Easter party nt the Bap­ guest« at (he home of Mr. and Mrs. ateiy the seed is plentiful and a are sold with detachable cape col- Harl McPherson Sunday. 1 said newspaper and that the Grit tist church Friday afternoon. field may be planted for only >2.50 'puhllcallon shall be with the Issue Universal Mortgage Corp. Son Is Born— Franklin Worley un acre—not much more than for a Teacher Visits Home—Miss Matt- of Mnrch 10th. 1932. and the date ! of the last publication shall he rlne Lombard, teacher in the High Jr., is the name which has been grain crop." I with the Issue of April 7th. 1932. Mr. Jackman estimates that at school al North Bond. Oregon, j chosen for the Infant son of Mr. PRANK A DePCE, Attorney least 500.000 acres In western Ore­ spent the Easter vacation In Spring - “n