PAGE POUR THE SPRINOFIKbD NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH. 31. 1982 »1194; Hullo Buali »1194; E II George Engem* Sund A Gravel Co. »92 25, Sm ith »1194; A I. Chaffee »9 98; DIST » Dar William« »»8 00. I Slayler 41 Sons »16 IS. Post Bros W. Conaway (2 26; well Cash and Carry »27 12; Frank I »160. K I. Mickelson »1 60. A P J I) Fountain »1100; Kuguuu Con V tlahli »44 95 »9 00; K K llrrrows I l.awn-ni-e Co Hills Creek 1.umher Co »136 80; Lumber Co L G C haffee »9 95. K. H Klug Sauhert »9 95; Fred Hauer »3.0«. Ir­ Itosendall »160. Arthur Hender­ Hdwe Co »58 37; Nordllng l'aria crete Pipe Co »20 45; Andy Calverl ish Cash Store ,78.88: Merwlae shott »1 60; W. C Inman »2.80. Dan R. A Babb Hdwe Co (2»25; W. $3500; Joe Young (9.57; Sam llor Co (63 04; Mai'alialls B«al> * »1393; Earl Neville »13 93, Arnold »11 94, Bini Shurlrldge »9 98; W U. loll »22.70, Harry Swiirta »I 49. MARCH D Glaspev »69.86; Auldy McCunt Johnston »45.40; John 1. Marsh Denny »1194, Guy Ho«» »1196: General Store »14.02; Prices Gro { »49 3«; Fred k'emlei- Works »12 50; Poores Ser Carlson »7 9«; Martin Lumi »7 9«; Huff »II 94. Ben « 8 Fu» AGRICULTURIST Oregon Slate eery »13.83; B O. Nichols »4 47, »10 70; J W Shumate »1 10; M I her »19 16. John Smith (14 42. Hui Herman Schmitt vice Stallon »8 43. J. E llaaelllnc Ulrich Laueruer »1194; Warren 1 < urioll »1194, Tom FoaU 1 ÌI.94: Thorp »2 99. Ross Myers »93 88; Ethel Taylor »1.10; Thos L. Olaou hert La »-o n »895; G W Tilden Colles«* »1250 00 City Water Works Coburg »1 50. , Lumi) »7 9«. James Barlo »II 94; I. chelke flroai ASSESSOR Pat- Tel. anti Telg Wm Kyle and Sons »«1 52: W. A »1.10; H M Llchty »110: Jack »14 42. Fred l.eptmrt *12.42; Jack K Guthrie »27 48; Karl Myers a Co »120 50, Oregon Electric Co Dlvlnell »5 97; John l.evlpough J A. Wlkoff »1194. J »175: It A. Babb Hdwe Co ,173 70. Co »7 80; Biella ( Wilkinson SUO Taylor »64 40; Mrs. Ard Lindley' l.uckv »110. J J Kiichoft »110; Palmer (18 11; Jeff Uetitl (24 93; »10 76, It Congdon »2.39; C G Morris t'hevrolel t'o »4.57; Wii'il $597; Marlin Blederaon »5 97. E95. 0o Agnc« O'Brie SUO Co 45c, S B Flnegan Mabe »14 3«; N N Smith »25 68. John Lions »5 97. Lee Jone. 97; Ad« aide I. Cartier The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. »118. »11.80; W. P. Dickson »113«; J L. »4 97: Glen Colt rail (9 95; J. C John Horion »25 04; I Yates »8 36. hurv A Myron Sailor »32 98; A, C. Lak* Geo. Dutchuk »1 50; Railway Blake (5 97; Drrln Itici. ;oud O; II. P. M arku-an ,125 00. 56. Mannaghs Grocery »5 00; The Baker »118«; R D Dicklnaon »1-1 Bromley »1.99, Eldred Glaapey »1 Roger Inbody »2 39. Gilbert Starr »65 59. I. L. Luke »9 08; Milton John a ,2 23; Consolidated Freight ¡ Expre neva S3 í O- O p en C. Da la »904 Harry M Stewart Fuel Co. »56.00; «0, R. L. Cramer »14 0«; Beatrice 99; Frank Kintsley »1 99. Equip I »2.39; Earl Roberta»» »9.56, John ! Lines »6 38; W ProclW »150; Pori Filch »9 08; John Dyer »9 08; ¡»« 97 Karl llallew (5 97. Balplt Paul Smith ,6 97; M O. H J ones $ 1 l i l i 00, Dougla» Shields Grocery *19 M; Haskells. Borgert »2.30; Vera Borgert »2.30.1 ment »24.03; Will Gerlach »6.98: Rumich »19.16; A. «> Hopper laud Oxygen J! Hydrogen Co. Guarii lluatoii »119, l.iindea» Pilli Welch »5 9. A h» trati Co S3.1 I ; D. O. Moody »55.38; Booth Kelly »217.04; Irish Dorris Borgert »2.3«; l.elah Parks i M L. High »6.38; J. M McCausland »13.36; Ralph Hooper »1,79; Jes I»28 poli »7 95, Clarence Malli »8 70, | ‘ llflnrd Van Scholack »6 97, Ullaa 11 Frank Jarvta »103 28, Alvin ' Rust (1 79. Waller Hits! ¡»I 79. »6 97; Uhaa McCue Murphy Co »170 28; Branstetterl *2.30: S. P. IVtersou »9 3«; J E (II 98; Karl Roberta »14 28 »28 00 Ritinger »8 95. Charlei Gordlneer Wlthain »93 5«; C. H Miller »33 4«; laaac DIST. 10: Hllla Creek Lbr Co. Slocum »179; Geo Sypliers »2.39; A F. Willson »49 71. C K. Davla l'owera »6 96. Leonar.l llouae (1 99. ,6 97; Arnold Wrlghl »6 97; P C BOUNTY: Ivan W. Reed »6 00; chapel »267«»; W A McClennen Young. J P. »3.50, Cresseys »19- A. Taylor »13.74; L. Norton »2 39. A. C. Caldwell »4.00; Prank Spen­ »2.25; L P Toll »5 26; Crow Drug, 75; J K. Young »3 50 »18.79: Equipment »1*5«; Ben Wil­ E J Mobe »23 33. I,. S Porler Medley »6 97; James Coy »8.97; JUVENILE John L. Marsh »4» son »S07; Dich Shick » 74; J. Me I K. Starr $2 39; Ervin Wolf »35 00 <9 56; J C. Miller »5 23; Curlla »5 97; Henry t'urlile »5.97; J F Clayton Robbins »6 97; C. W, cer ,4 00; S. F. Aldous »2 0«; Geo Co. »4.25, Dr. Geo. P Edwards »7.- Wilson *4067; Rav Geurge ,6 50; DIST. No 40 It A Babb Hdwe Small SI 00; Ralph II. Smith SI 00. 00; Roslnsa J Stebbins »24 00; Mil l 77; St. Ind Acc. Comm »1.58 Dwyer »I 99; J J Purler ,21 8», Kinsey »1 89 Geo Tolman »20 94, Claire Parka Dlbhle »5 97; W II. Borllig »5 97; J. Co. 45c; Equipment $72.05 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Maurice Wood *2 00, Dayton C. I ler Mercantile Co. »6 78; Eugene D Nichols ,19 90 uhua Porler DIST l l : Rllev Petty »2.39; Grani Klrk »5 97; Rai Surcamp ,48 87; Jack »lodges ,3 08; A. E DIST No 41 W. II Maloy Office Equipment Co. »2.50; Koke Thomson »6 00; Leslie Akerley ,2 . Hospital »237.59; Mrs Luella Bris­ Frank Elliott »I 19. T. II Parka »13 17. J L. Mallette »3 88; l.oulc Davis ,6 26; Ralph King ,1068; »6 97; J II Wilhelm »5 97; J L ,2 1 8 9 , Chaa Nluhola »19 90, Geo Chapman Co. »1.50; Irma H. Stroud 00: T«d Harper SHOO; Walter Pit­ tow »15.00; Pacific Christian Hoe | »6 97; Ed W lnhegler, Linde ,21 89. Chu» II Fowl.-r *14 36 Kneble »149. Delbert Winn »2 98. Ben Wilson »9 98; T J ftweany Wallack cher SI 00. Dot Klnzley *10 00; Joel I-ltwl »752 49; Hurleys Drug Store I »90.00; Margaret Cutler »85 0«; »4 97; Avon Dlbhle ,1 9 9 ; Emll : »24 87 W T picken« ,21 8«; Lloyd DIST. 12: Kqulpmeut »6 00; Ben 'Southern »1131: Hoy Pitch ,7 48 Pacific Co. »31.86; Oregon State College »600.00; Paci­ Jackson *10 00: E. D Phillips »8.-1 $2.79; Ketels Drug Store »3.20; j Ft«k ,26 86. nudeaa Phllimii »3 98; »2 49; Dick Shirk 99. Equi) men! »22 80. MAINTENANCE W 1. Seules Deedull ,1.99; Ralph Eve» ,4 97. 00; Prince 1C. Helfrich *2.00; Geo. Louise Trotter 75: Chas Taylors I fic Telephone and Telegraph Co Wilson DIST 13: M A. Horn »88 85; Eu DIST No, 42: G. W. Brabham »6103; Chas Neel ,64 63; Eqifjp- Joe Mcl'ai gar »35 90; Lowell Ted Il M Neal ,4 »7; II A Whitaker »89«. E. J Moore »850; Betty Du Macauley »2 00; N. E. Bradford Garage »5 65; Nlel I’ollard »100; gene Concrete Pipe Co. »5.00 »33.54. lairs Soreusen »21.55; E F ment ,137 73. Ermald Agee ,33 88; fnrtl »6 98. Claude Arne »2 39. It ,4 97; A. J It.-um« »4 97: K J. »2 00; M S Dibble »1100; L G. Creeseys »4.03; Kems »1005; Cot­ an »3.15; Laurence C Moffttt »150. DIST 14: Graber and Gettys Brabham »14.34; Ernest l.lngo R C White »S'.88; Alva Swearln B Dixon ,63 94; John F Wllllar. Venes ,3 98; W L. Bench »6 97; Holt-man »11.00; Frank Karnowsky tage Grove Pharmacy »2.35; Tiff 00. D. E Yoran. P. M »57 50; Z«I Hdwe. Co. »55 0«; Equipment »6 90 I) WII lal ruck ,3 98; C E Hhellon »6.00 gen ,33 88: Wm N ell ,33 88; G. E ,2 39. Nobel Elliott ,1196; Glen »100; R E. Wicks »« 00; Paul anv Davis »167 46; Puritan Drug lerhack Paper Co. »18.38; W E. 98. J J Porter »9 96; J D DIST. No 43: Wm Clark $2 00; DIST. 16: Equipment »19.83; Eu Isawrence Beer Jennings »9 5«. Carl Running »6 97; | »3 Huss »2.00; G. D. Myer» »12.00; »12.50; Flanerys Drug Store »2.25; Finer and Co.. Inc. »2.75; Zeller- gene Sand and Gravel Co. »69 36; Frank Deming »4.79; Equipment Beers ,33 88; Nichols 97 96; Chae porter (8 96; Ed Taloin »2 98; Abe Paria »6 97; »33 88; 11. J Mead ,33 88; Nal R H. Poole »100; J. F Conklin Iriah Cash Store »351 78; Irish Cash bach Paper Co. »56 44; Creeseys Chaa Nichols »9 96; Geo Linde Eugene Concrete IMpe Co. (6.26; »63 24 Hart ,1 1 9 4 ; Wm. Marks »597; Paul lleuuaaa ,6 9 7 ; Krneal Tatum »9 96; Chaa 11 Fowler »9 96. W T »5.00; L. J. Plowman »2 00; P. W. Store E. Broadway »109.09; A. R. $5.75. ,6 97; I. Hartzell » 5 ,7 . Lealle DIST. No. 44 Eugene Sand 4 1 Geo. Watson »32.31. Boy Brubhum ,11.94; Con Rel SHERIFF: Pac. Tel and Telg. Green »2.00; R. N Vaughn »10.00; Sneed Dept Store »76 30; Iriah Self 17: Anderson and Middle-j Gravel Co »42.48; John Kummer »17 91; Rov Chambers »1194; John Monte ,6 97; (Iren Hammond ,2 98; Pickens 19 96; Lloyd Flak »8 96. J David L. Monroe »2.00; W J Yale Service Store »27.13; H. G. Suttle Co. »40 5«; J. E Carltle »149 71; Ion DIST. II Fouler »86 82, H M Petersen Lumbar Co. »7.50; L. W. H u n t1 »10 17 l.lllle »1194; W H Clark »5 97; Western Lumber Co. »3 49. C. T »146 10; John Costello »2188; Cy »20 00; Finest Feglea »100; Herb­ »19.65; Smith and Short »52.28; Geo. Canadav »124.71; Wm Kiss­ Beach „ 6 00. Ellis Hlchardaon DIST No. 45 Fries Hdwe Co »25.12; Tom Goddard »2 38; L. W J M Lucas ,5 9 7 ; W H Buley ert Hooker »3.00; Archie Williams Occumpaugh Bros. Grocery »14 31; inger »99.71; Lloyd Howe »139.76; Conklin »8.36; J F. Nellaon »14 34; $100; A R Tolman »57.47; L. ,22 50; Harry Jensen ,1 1 9 . Inter Prnnler »I4 86; Win Gregg »30*3; ,33.13; Frank Goodman ,5 97; Chas City »2 00; D O. Kintsley »100; Albert Springfield Creamery Co. »49 46. Geo F. Houghton »124 76; E. A Sand A Gravel Co ,12 38. Hav Ben Shirley »17 91; M Petereon Ilausman »1 1» Roy Dixon $8 39 Powell »13 93; A. B Wolcott »14 67; Beebe »2 00: Fred Bus» »100; Sid Farmers Union Store »28.64; Mislel Holland »124 76; A E. Hulegaard George ,9 4 1 ; Jack llodgex ,1434 ,96 52; Oliver Fuahack ,17 91; Chaa DIST. No, 49 Jess Gales »27 55; DIST No. 19 Union Oil Co. »44 55; C. H Johnson »1194; Herb Bien nev Aldou» »200; I T. Deadmond Grocery »3.70; Ideal Grocery »138.- »124.76- W. W. Edmiston »124 76; Frank Galea »9 58; Dave Stephen- ache ,5 97: Chaa Key ,11 94; F M Ben Wilson ,3 74; T. J Sweuny . Benson »I 99; Hlualnw Motor Trans- »2.00: Everett Small »2 00; Geo. 49; Elliott Mercantile Co. »33.05; Ethel Scott »90 00; Weltha Trai­ Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. (28.22. Italph port Co ,1 0 0 . A M Matlock »3.02; »1.35 Equipment »175.15, Cronera Drug Fulti »5 97; Scot! Floater »5 97; ,8 7 1 . Boy Fitch ,6» 8«; Small »2.00; W M Clark »2100; E. W. Scotts Grocery »12.90; Clap­ ler $9600; R. W. Potter »109.76; King ,59 86. A E Davla ,69 8«; I) M Foster »15.00, Curtis Wilson DIST. No. 51: Eugene Sand 4t Store 90c; J F. Neal »6 50; E. T Robert Stevenson »11.94; Loula W M. Mullen »1100, R W. Robi­ pers Store »2.50; Peterson Grocery Douglas Harris »15.00; Kelly C. Gravel »57 66 R em olds »1194: Joe llu ftlle »5 97; Claire Parka ,20 67; Geo Tolmun »12 7«. V A Hendrickson »63 80; now »8 00; N F. Bradford »2.00; »15.18; Glenwood Grocery »12.97; Branstetter »15.0«; Lester A. Pat­ Templentan »7 25; Nelson Motor DIST. No 55 Lee R Krley P II llargel ,18 89: James U.-nk ,40 75 Rav Worden ,2614; C T Guy Colby »134 75; Donald Colby Co. »6.30; C. H. Matteson »5.00; C. rick »22 50, Earl M Jackson »27.00; Sidnev Aldous »2 00; Roy West Marv Pickart »8.00; Lulu Gad Beach »28 72; C A Jone »2 24; V ,3 1 9 ; Jack Shrum »3 11; Juck »2.39; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »17.61 ; »2 00; Wilbur Pitcher »32 00; C M dy »10 00; Mrs H. L. Anderson John Qutner »27.00; Lola Smith E. Gage »4 0«; C. T Beach »175. Virgil Clover »5 97; J K Mlnney ley ,6 95; Frank Myers ,18 89; A Yunck ,1 1 9 4 ; J W Echols Shrum »65 39. Hay George ,39 92; Carl G Johnson »19.77; A. L. Stock Cllford Palniateer ,11 94; Chau Mia »45.00; Haxel E. Russell »18.0«: G. Boyles »1.00; Virgil Newman »2.00; »20.00; McMarrs Store No. 71 »21.- »5 97; K N Gilmore $5 97; Clar Jumea Thompson »13 93; T K Shiley »13 93; 11 L Te<| George »25 13; Jack liodgea H. C. Sanders »20 00; H L. Mooney 20; Anderson Motors Inc. »2.15; B Pilcher »3 0«; Postal Telg. Co. »7 09; P. L. Pierson »7.09; Henry erne Singleton »5 97; J F Cooper tiler »1194; ,11 94. Win lleberl »39 92; T J Sweuny ,87 30; Ralph Holt »29 94; J E Flock »41.16; »1194; Emory Snyder »1194; Ed flowers »1.66; Western Union $1.49; J. S. »8 00. Williams General Store *6.05: Saw­ »5 97; Leonard Harrla »5.97, Geo Mallette »139.3. Wm Drr »13 93; llenrv King »I 25; A E Davis »I 35; Mil CARE OF POOR: Mrs. J. C. yers Grocery »2.75; Montgomery- Woodard »1.20; Howard Auto Co. Luther Rogers »8 98; C. T. Beach Mrs. F E Clayton »2.9«; K Hem-oik »1194; Hull ,34 93; Lester ttmllh ,1 9 9 . Ion Filch »10 39. Prank Moore Kennedy »2.00; Mrs. Susan Roots Ward and Co. »4 07; Walter Price. »47.90; Lynn Wheeler »11 06; Koke- »25.13; R C. Kelsay »2 38; J W H. Pavne »120; Equipment »99 30; »11 94 A. Newby »1094. Hen Slu­ »>8119 Pnpe »199; Pete Willard »40 3«; John Pedersen ,160 3»; »5 00; Mrs. M M. Stas »5.00; Mrs. lnc. »37.79; W. A Hall »1.05; John Chapman Co. »11.75; Coe Stationery Echols »3.57; Raymond Dunning V D Brendell »4 78; Ed Zimmer­ der ,10 94; Walter Chandler »3 98; ,1 9 9 . H M House ,13 93. John Lester Lake »133 38; Harley Fur- M J Beckett »5.00; Mrs. M. J Ed­ Frey »3.00; Mrs. John Adair »4.35; $9.80; Natron Printing Co. »15.00; »19.12; Wm Hebert »8 36; W. S man $1 19; Virgil Clover »3.58; J W. Wilson »9 95; L. C Leonard Dyer »20 78; H Furman »JO78; K ■nun ,51 94 C E Duckworth mundson »5.00; Jesse C. Jones Johnson and Noffsinger »22.37; H. L. Bown. Sheriff »105.23; Carl Walker »5.97; F B tfcenoweth K Mlnney »179; B F Mlnney »7 96; J M Allender »23 88; <> Barrett ,3078; Milton Fitch »2078; »67 30; Adna II Klgnor ,43 41. »5.00; Mrs E. A White »6.00; C B Halls Fruit and Produce Co. »71.29; Baker Film Shop »8 02; Northwest $22.47; C. A Jones »8 99; Chas He-! $22.43: Adna H Signor »4 99; Elbe Skurdal »5 97; P. Peoples »23 88; l«av Stafford »5 98; J Fountain Elbe I. Signor ,101 I«; L N Mat­ Neal Mervvon ,1194; Geo Gibson Deep »6 00; W H Bevan »6 00; W The Groceteria »37.76; Fred Bauer Cities Gas Co. »3 98; Haskells Gro­ bert »2.39; Wm Elleflson »2 39 ,104 28; llarrv Gerlach DIST No. 20: Ed L. Baton L Signor »8 41; V D. Fogle »4 99. »7 9«; Dun Becker »17 91; A A. ,41 66; Fred Smlgley ,21 52; J Old hew« W. Lyons »6.00; Jesse Taylor ,8.- »2.01; Dunhams Inc. »5.00; Clar cerv »14 08; Metropolitan Chain ham »20 78; Joy Inglehart »2 09. B ,93 38. Wm Gerlach »48 8«; Arthur Harvey Daughenbaugh »4 79. »32 63; Ell F Schmidt »4.78; Hennell »9 95; M G Bailey »9 95; 00; Frank Mason »8.00; Mrs. Hattie ence Alford »9.00; Safeway No. 213 I Store »14.34; Stevens Typewr.ter L. Hankin »2 09; Sterling Hopper I. Roberta ,37 43; M L. High DIST No. 56 Ralph Lynch »5 37; Bowers »8.00; Mrs. Mary Wilbur »47.24; Mrs. Helen Bushnell »10.00; 1 Service »49.50; Multnomah County Charlie Michael »3.58; Emmett Ed Kelly »4.18; Jim King »7.17; S ieve Henderson »9 95; P. M Snv­ »2 09; B. Englung »119; l.eah-r »36 68; E N Thompson ,193 06; Blakeley »1.19; H P Newman der ,9 95; Louis Wllford »9 95; Tom »8 00; Geo Mason »8 00: Mrs. E. C. Williams Self Service Store »8.52; | »12.00; Reids Creamery $14.98; Wil­ Jim Aldrich »7.17. llayae »5 97; Ray George ,4 48; Imke »9 09; K Harrell ,6 49; F A Harold Baughman »10 47; J M Me- Kull »8.00; Mrs. Nettie Saling »8- Underwood an d Elliott »10.48:1 liams Bakery »29.63; Pioneer Gro­ $2 39; Hubert Hyland »10.77; R. P ,8 9 8 - Earl Roberta DIST No. 57: Ralph Lynch Jack Hodges ,26 02; D D Conley Moore ,20 78; Cleo Smlgley 59c. A I'aualand Coburgn $2.39. 00;.Nell McDonald »8 00; Elizabeth Home Service Milk Co. »2.90; Pigg-i cery $82 34; M S. Cassill »6.44; Rob $5 38; BUI Dempsey »2 98; E. H $8122; Rav Worden ,5 0 3 ; Milton M Sturtevant 92.39; Fred Smiglev »82 73; O H Monroe ,37 36; W E DIST No. 21: C. L. Weber »3 60. P. Chandler »8.00; L. H Mulkey ley Wiggly »56 45; Mrs. Geo. Wald | ert Brown »19 20; E. O. Zlnser »8. »I 78; Joy Inglehart 59c; W F Ilulcher »37 39; Ployd Sleele ,17 «6; Lowing »2.39; B W. Hayes »3 39: »10.00; Mrs. Peter A. King »10.00; en »4.35; Isaiah S ig n er and Sons 19- R. A. Babb Hdwe. Co. »8.87; O. G Thornton »2 39; W. C. Thorn Rov Johnson »10 39; Geo. Gibson Fitch ,38 95; Curtis Wilson ,15 95; Wilson 59c; Alvin Walroil 59c; Glen Kmerlch »18 90; It F Rana Frank Moot« »19 97; Nell Burhunan ton $2.39; J. L. Thornton »2.39. C. E. Adams »10.00; Adda Ricmen *15.85; Independent Market »3.55; ; Ch’a rlets »11.50; Kimballs Market 59c; Jlni Aldrich »4 78; Jim King ,65 91; O. Harwood ,1195: Equip­ Cedric Moffett 59c, K Barrett dell »20 89. Ed Chaplinin »8 96; W Schneider »10 00; Geo. Savage »10- Petersons Grocery »19.75; James »21 23; Chystal Ice Co. $3.0«; A. A. Fred Demerest $2.39; Albert Mour- »2 39 ment »48 40; Claire Park »13 87; »3 89; John Over »3 89; F A Moore E Kirkpatrick ,20 89 Hill Knlght er »2 39; C. L. Westrope »2 39; T 00; Mrs. R. E. Cox »10.00; Andrew Christensen »12.00; Safeway No. 5- Smith »6.00: Haskells Meat Market DIST No. 59. Niels Christensen. Geo Tolman »17 06 Rav Worden »2 59; N E Buchanan ,2 59; M L. ,8 96. Rov Irwin ,8 95; Mike Weber H Parks »10 77 Erickson »10.00; Florence Arm­ 47 »35.80; H G. W esley »3.50; R. »14.51; St. Ind. Acc. Comm. $26.56. DIST. No. 22 Dunhams »8.07: Jr »6 50; Shell Oil Co. »24 00; »5 04; Milton Pitch »73 97; Ken Pitch »2 Í.9 R I. Hava »4 77; E A »18 90 David Slough ,3 98; W C. SLAUGHTERED ANIMALS: L. strong »10.00; Grace Bennett »10- A Babb Hdwe Co. »4.28; Joe Pro- »35 91. Frank Spencer ,14 36, Darr ,15 92; I. Meaklna ,8 96; G Walter Birch »3.98; James Stein Miller Sanford Tractor Co. »1186 , neth Barrett »23 97: Equipment Davla G. Helterline »164.40; Dr J. A. 00; Mrs. Susan Suttle »10.00; Hen­ ciw »2.00; Geo. Dutchuk »2.00; H »1.99; ; N L. Austin »50 26; John Tice »11)4 63; Ben Wilson ,1 2 5 ; Ralph BUI Spencer ,35 85; John Dicks II Derrlek ,1194; Albert Carey llchner »13.17; Ben Bunch Flanigan »15.00: C. H Hartman ry Bolin »10.00; Flora Snvder »10.- C. Tylor »3.00; Equipment »4.99; »9 5«; Chaa M Darling ,9 18; Ed ,9 9 6 ; J II Maltesen ,1 1 9 4 . Ray Bruce Bates »2.98; Lester Circle ' »3 98; Pete Holesapple »3 98; Harrv Kin ,2 5 0 ; A. E Davis »2 50; Jac* Davla 00; BenJ. Parrish »10.00; Mrs. Rich­ Sawyers Grocery »3.42; Lane Coun­ »36.45; Hans Bodtker »15.00. ,3 1 9 2 ; Frunk Spencer niond Brown »1194, Chaa Wilson Hardcaslle »3.98; Lance Johnson liodgea ,2 25; Roy Fitch ,4 9 9 SURVEYOR: Pacific Tel and »3 98; Donald Guild »3 98; Lloyd ard Cook »10.00; E. L. Phares »10 - ty Chapt ARC »76.57; Wm. Mad »2154; Chaa M Darling »13 77 ,23 88; Henry Hli ka ,35 82. Olla Mow- $4 97; Venlow Gibson $1 99; Archie EMERGENCY J E Thompson 00; Della Klink »10.00; Malinda daugh »15.60; Ideal Grocery »10.00; Telg Co. »9 90; O. E. Rose »45 75; Grimshaw »5.97; Virgil C. »orth Austin »9 98; Cecil Austin »1198; BRIDGE R A Babb Hdwe Co. Hornberger ,1194: Wilbur Will <• ,8 97; Geo Halladay ,7 18; Miller ,5 09; J T Bogart »2 49; F M »9 96. Fred Stickel ,1194 II N. Smith »10.00: Bethany Withrow Cottage Grove Fuel Co. »5.00; St. Helen Burton »90 00; Olive R. reader »21.54; Bud South Leeyan Austin »47.88; Earl Miller I Chamberlain »125.00; Union Oil »64 82; Lester Circle »1.99; Lloyd »1197; Waller Scott »5.97; Arthur Sorensen »17 97, P. M Brown Brown ,2 36; V. II. Fogle ,17 4« »10.00; J J Moore »12 00; B 8. lnd. Acc. Comm »5.00. McFarland ,33 88; Elgin Heitert Grimshaw $199; D. W. Hatch »18.9G; E M Sunborn »4 99; Itulph *20.00; R. A Babb Hdwe. Co. »6.- Nichols »12.00: Centra] Hotel »12- CIRCUIT COURT: M. F. Staff EMERGENCY: Clvde E Wright »1194; Clyde Davis ,1 1 9 4 . Sleva Adams »5.97; Howard Moss $7 17; I Peterson »4 99: James Tedford »5.97; E. High »3 98; Russell Bar 00; Margaret Yarbrough »9.00; ord »120.50; Maude L. Swango »10. 53; Kuvkendall Drug Store »1.15; Palanluk ,23X8; J. T lombari her »3 98; R. E. Scrinle »3.98; H. Clarence Jackson »1.19: Ben Steph »11.97; Lowell Tedford »2 99. ,49.66. Bertha Blais »11.00; Edith McKune 00; Wilma G. McCulloch »9 30; Mrs S. F. Jackson »22.89; Frank Hamp­ A. »1194; F S Apger ,1194; C. F enson »13 93; Chester Moody »7 9«; I Equipment »96 55; Win Buchelder Spearance »3.98; F. H. W lllsle NEW CONSTRUCTION: Jame« »15.00; Frances Shields »15 00: W. C. B. Ruth »9.00; C. D. Van Valin ton »11.07; G. H Wagoner »23.60: Engelking »5.97; E. I Paul Landward »13 93; A T Wal- ,»2.98; John I.yons »5 97; le>e Tedford »87 78; Equipment »153« 05; Tanner »9 96; W l*roclw »23 88; D. Calkins $15.00; C. E. Denney »12.00; E J. Norton »12.30; Sam Keuffel and Esser Co. »4.07; P. M »3 98; Mr Sam Lat-kalrnm ,11 94; Chas Thom­ $3.98. Rndirk Dowell »199 I lace »19 90; Joe Martlnnon $1194; Jones »5 97; John lllake »3 98; Or- (15.00 Mabel Goodman »1500: R. Lehman »10.40; R. E Hill »10.00; I Morse »6 35; The Frederick Post I Bakke DIST No. 23: Hills Creek Lum ‘ Loval Johnson $13.93; Roger An Irin Richmond »4 97; Earl Ballew Ixiwell Tedford »8 97; A C. tJike pson »1194. J C D'QuInn ,1119; C Shephard »15.00: M. S. Barker Veneta and Curais Chexem »5.00; j | Co. »13.86; Ford Nelson Mill Co. »2 ber Co. »24 80; Chas Neet »5.38; derson »1194; Rav Cane »1194; »143«; Southern Pacific »1545 38; Ira Pulman ,11 94; Robert Hayes »15.00; E D Lowell »15 00; Mrs H C. Hults »2.20; Dr. F. E. Adams 25- McGinty's Service Station »19 W. H. Ijirim er »7.18; Joe Walker! Jack Jackaon »1194; Howard Bar­ '»4 97; Ralph Welch »5 97; Paul Beall Pipe A Tank Corp »49 9«; ,1194; Raymond F a w v er,1 0 9 4 ; E Smith »4.97: Chas Gordlneer »4 97; James Gearhart »15.00: Julius A. »2.10; Clinton D. Chexem »2.50; Ed 18’; Valley Printing Co. »10.50; Twin Oaki Lumber Co. ,2 10; Eu A Farnsworth »II 94; Steve Koler rett $10.94; Edgar Ward »10 94; T. Grow »1500; Mrs. Alice G. Allen Hart »2 50; E. Lombard »2.10; G Preston and Hales »2 30; M orris, $2.99; R C. Adams $9.58; 8. M B Lions »1194. Ralph Drr »4 97; Arnold Wright »5 97; F C Medley gent- l 'oneri le Pipe Co »6 75; W „ 1 9 4 ; Ken Gossler ,1194; R S Wicks $4.79; Equipment $88.28 I »5 97; Janie» Coy »5 97; Clayton »15.00; Mrs. Jennie Barnard »15.- Campbell »2.10; E N. Fordham »2.-1 ’ Chevrolet Co. »2.88; Mrs. A. E. P DIST No. 24 Equipment »100 Norman Hanson »5.97; J H. Mat Robbins ,5 97; Bill Dial ,12 93; C llameraley $1 00. Albert llarrlng John« ,1 1 9 4 . Elliä K nouse ,1194; 00; Walter Baker »15.00; Lydia A. 10; Lester Hansk »2.10; David Mitchell »1.50; J K. GIU Co »2 59 I. C Barker ,11 94; A M MePher DIST No. 25: Ernest Owen $1 05; hews »6 88: W P. Erhart »2 30 .David Jennings ,12 93; Lee Savage »15 00, G W aggoner »20 58; Mr« Hunter $15.00 A. W. Perkins $15. Lane »2.10; John B. Reid »2.10; C resseys »12 30; Valley Printing K Barrett »1 20; Equipment »595; DIST No. 60 H W Carson »12 93; Burl Duke »19.93; Ray Ray Thomas »21 25; Ellis Richard son ,1 1 9 4 . Paul Ray ,9 96 L. W 00; J. L Kelly »15.00; Minnie O. Minnie Pitts »2.10; Harvey Steen Co. »10.50; Equipment »3.95; Maple M. L. Fitch $1.20; N. E. Buchanan (19.16; J. J. Albro »4.78 , Eugene Irwin ,1 1 9 4 . A Murrell ,9 96. Geo Smith »15 92; Chas Evans »1194; son $25 86; Twin Daka Lumber Co Boyd ,9 9 6 . II llllek ,9 95; l^wi Smith »15.00; Chris V. Tollman »2.10: Emma Lou Draper »5.50; I ton Hotel »12.00; Elbe L. Signor »1.20; F A. Moore »120; John Sand A Gravel Co. »33.21. »13 64 Equipment ,242.81 ; Pure I R C. Garrett »9 95: II. Clum »11.94; $15.00; Edith Hurd »15.00; Netta Lov W. Royling »2 10; Mrs. O. H $11.98; William Gerlach »6.98, Dyer $1.20; Equipment »6 00; Fred (iron Culvert A Mfg Co »214 62; I. Hammar ,11.94; Kenneth Mulligan DIST. No. 61: Jess Drlscol $1 79; Hartman »20.00; James B. Sheasley Heine »2.10; Paul E. Pine »2.10; j Harrv Gerlach »4.25; V D Fogle Smiglev »9.40; Oscar Swafford 89c; Hazel Smith »180; Ed (lakes ! Jimmie Parla »11 94; Oscar Sturgea E llam ar ,3184: W Marfin »5 97; »II 94. jo e Cabe „ I 94; Harrv Wal $9 95; M (' Jaques (2189; Jack ter« ,1194; John Putman ,1194; $20.00; Good Samaritan Hospital Wm. Haviland »2.10; Clarence D. »29.94; M L. High »11.16; E B L. Rankin »2 39; R. Vaughn »3 59; B. H Oakes »3 59; Wallace Robertson »11.94; Clifford luinadon J L Jepaon »15 17; Bryan Moore $25 00; Bertha E Perrv $25 00; Quinn »2.10: Frank Reid »2.10; R. N. Thompson »10.00; J M McCaus »2.39; Joy Inglehart »1.79. Keeler »2 39; Harry Keeler »21.53; , »9 95; John Swafford »9 95; J K I »33 88; A I. Shelton »13 93; C. M C. W Anderson ,1 1 9 4 ; Wealey land $89.85; Arthur L. Roberts »50 S. Winfrey $25.00; Ellen Olin »30 H. Baker »2.10; D. R Warnock »2.- DIST. No. 26: E L. Mathews F A Moore »38.40; Equipment Head »9 95; Alex McKlllop »9 95; Shelton ,1 5 9 3 ; II O. W lltalruek Gordon ,11 94; Henry Gates »II 94; Harvey Burna ,1194; Harold Mc­ 00: Mrs. W E. Randall $30.00; Lane 60; L. C. Thomas »3.40; Jerry Hoyt 91; St. Ind. Acc. Comm »24.74. »30 51; Seth Jollis »21.51; Gilbert $21.60: Roy Johnson $4.80 Frank Craiger »9 95; Harry Bur »7 71; Willis Wllford »4 97; Ben TAX REBATE: I. R Zumwalt County Chapter ARC »100.00; T »2.10; J. R Healy »2.70; Garnet DIST. No. 64; Ralph Lynch »5 38 roughs »9 95; Elton Kincaid »9 95; ; Mark« »7.96; <’. Hughes »8 96. Wes Pherson »1194 Hollis »7.17; Equipment »9.19; Ed G. Short »<00; Mrs. Tom Turnbull Six »2.50; R. W. Hall »2.10; B K. »17 90. DIST. No. 65 Lennle Haldorson I , R. E. Lvltig »9 95; Albert McKey ley Martin »7 96; Leonard Rousch Jensen A Co. »30.00; Otto Mrton U. S. LABOR BUREAU: F. L. »5.04; Marion Smith (4.50; Eugene Deal »2.80; American Law Book $6.58; Lester Thomas »2.39; Har j »7 96: Chas Riggs »1194 NOTICE OP BALE »2 54. A. L. »¡194; Geo llallldav »23 88; Os Water Board »7.31; Lane County Co. »8.00: W est Publishing Co »5- Armitage »50.00. DIST. No. 27: A. E. Ellingson old Storey »2.39; J W Smith Kiosk »1194; Homer Mill» »23 88; ear 99c; W O. Swafford »II 94. E TREASURER: A. E. Simmons »4.86; Notice Is hereby given (bal by Chapter ARC $25.00: Mr Kosankle 00; Pac Tel and Telg Co »15 83; Fenton McClellan »3107: $2 39; Austin Bechdoldt »2 39; Mill Jamea Klnnan »995; J W Harrla E Englund »1194; Janies Terrill »10.00; Carl Blirup $4 00; E. C. Richard N. Appling »13.60; Harold »1.25; H. F. Krueger Co. $2.00; Ralph Holman »13.14; Lon Sweet Fitch »10 39; K V Barrett »9.09 »1194; Dan Williams ,1 9 9 ; F M virtue of an execution and order of »7 96; J W Duvllle »9 95; J P. Lockwood $10.00; F. L. Chambers M. Skipworth »9.00; Osburn Hotel Grace Schiska. Cc. Trcas. $16.30; »26 29; Joe Ellingson »9 54; Mrs DIST. No. 66 O. W Lambert Raterre »9 95; W. G Warfel »9 95; I Snyder »1069 J C Camp »1094; sale Issued out of the Circuit Court »10.00; John Bowers »8.00; C. B. »27 30; M E. McDermott »15.00; Mabel Palmer »80.00; Pac. Tel. and Marlon »w eet »4 76; Equipment »598; Chas Gold »12 56; Joe Owen ¡Rov Hurl »1194; J W Jai ksoi of the Stale of Oregon for lame Christensen »15.00; Hall and John­ C. C. Pollock »50.00; D. E. Yoran Telg. Co. »6.55; The Willamette $17.05; Sluslaw Motor Transport $5 97; H. V. Jenkins »9 96; Will Frank Kincaid »995; D. H Bertosh »10 94; L E Van Vllet »10 94; C. S County, Oregon. February 24. 1932, »9 95; W T Davla »7 96; C H. upon and puraunnt to a decres son $8.00; Isaac Bevel $4.50; Mrs. P M. »20 00; Cresseys »1 50; Post­ I Press »25.60; Harris. Smith and Co 90«' Chase $5.97; Victor Kraal »1.19 Faria »9 95; W. Luncforil »9 95; ¡ Crenshaw »9 95; E L. Erli-kson John Nokes »8.00; Frank Deming al Telg Cable Co. »2 80; O. D. Bow Bryson »9.80; Burroughs Adding DIST No. 67: Fred Smlgley Chas W lltse »9 95; Howard Peck »20 89; llenrv lloonlng »8 95; Ar made by said Court February 37, DIST. No. 28: Yellow Fir Lum 1932, In a suit pending therein Io Machine Co. »23.10; D. O. Moody her Co. »26.34; Wm. Kyle A Sons »3 59; F A. Moore $10 39 »3 00: W. J. Lichtv $10 00; Mark er Sheriff »1.20; L. L. Ray »30 00 »9 95; O. HarwiMid »26 86; 11. A ' ehle Knowles »47.76; Clarence Gar F. Fleminz »5 00; J. H. Balzhiser CORONER; John L. Marsh »3- »1.0«. DIST. No. 71: C. A. Davis »12.56; Raney »9 95; Harry H. Johnson I rlson ,6 96; E M I.... »8 96; E M Which B P. Mulkey and P V Mul Co. »1.90; Wilson Tredway »2.98; TRAFFIC PATROL: M J Sam W oosley »3.98. »15.00: Mr- A. E. Erickson »20.00; 00; Western Union .58; C. V. Simon Bert Kirk »4 78; Warren Surcamp $9 95; Ray Peterson »9 95; Clar ¡Jackson »10 94; Judd Wilson key. his wife, were plaintiffs, and B. K Wheeler »15.00: Mrs. Estella »21.40; Shields Studio »9.10; C. E. Thompson »149.77; Equipment »9 DIST. No. 29; J. E Thompson »10.31 ; E E Vincent »7 17; Harry- ence Davis »17.91; R. L. Smith ¡»10 94; Andrew Ingalls $10 94. Lull A. G. Itlnch. George Tallman and Tallman, his wife, Salton $600; John A. Vaughn $3.- Frost. M. D. »10.00. 75. Kirk »7.17; H. B. Griffin »7.17: »1194; II II Davis »1990; M Bar Andrews »6 96; Lester Neuman »7.18; Equipment »102.81 PREDATORY ANIMALS: Hal 00; Caroll DavisPharmary »1.50; CLERK: Pac. Tel and T elg Co. »10 94; U. 11 Slebenthaler »1094; were defendants, which execution DIST. No. 30: Dena R ichardson' Carrol Kirk (2 39. ton »2 98; J. O. Froatad »23 88; W Northwest Cities Gas Co. »2.00: »11.10; S. E Skene »150.00; L. M. E. Hogs, Sec y, of St. »100.00. DIST. No. 76: Equipment »17.73. E. Mlckhart »1194; Albert l-urson J. A Fradlnk »10 94; C. II John and order of sale was to me direct »17 60; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »17.28; WIDOWS PENSION: Grace L. Ellis Richardson »17.91; O. W Mrs A. A. Campbell »5.80; Netta Brvson »130.00; Eva L. Duckworth DIST No. 82: Fries Jldw e Co. »1194; Kenneth White »9 95; H son »23 88; Geo Finley »8 95; H ed and commanded me to sell the Hartman »20.00; Mrs. Wm. Bush »120.00; Sibyl W estfall »110.00; Huffman »10.00; Mrs. E. L. Zel- Hill »17.91; Melvin Inman »17.91; $2.95; Arthur Graville »18.52; R. M Morse »18 90; Ben Lyons »8 95; real property hereinafter described nell »17.50; Newmans' Fish Market Grace M. L. Dawson »120.00; Helen wick »10.00; Lixzie Adney »10.00; Combs Bolden »17.91- Henry Rust • A. Cox »60.43; Ben Kokkeler »5 97; imel »1194; Urthal Weston »13 92; i Adolnh Frankie »44.77; H C. Coe Io satisfy liens and charge* In said J M Lucas »14 92; L. Wllford »25.00; J. H. Miller $50.00; V. G. Sorensen »100.00; Sara Allen Luella Johnson »1000; Lottie Kir- »17.91; W. S. Sutherland »17 91 , James Barto »2.39; Ulrich Laurner (174; 8 M Crittenden (10 94; It »18.90; J E Heflin ,6 9«; Stephen i «J"'«* specified. I will, on Hatur Hoare and Lula Hoare »149 42: »100.00; M. E. McDermott »105.00; kendall »10.00; Lillie Owen »10.00; John Costella »13.92; Albert »3.59; John Kokkeler »2 39; Clive C. Cook »10 94; E It Button Brockway »8 95; Randolph Allum duy, the 2nd. day of April. 1931, at the hour of one o'clock In the after­ Claire and Iva Murdock »89.42; A. Ethel Thompson »85.00;' Patty ¡Clara W ahlfeldt »10.00; Margie Lake »16 91; Lyman Williams Smith $16.78. »10.94; S. R. Canaday »9 95; L. A »8 95; Joe Webb »6 9«; Fred Set- noon of said day. at the southwest B. Cochran $3.90; Cottage Grove Svlvers »100.00; ----- — ! DIST. No. 83; L. H. Porter Johnson »10 94- Cedric Heaton lerburg »17 91; Wm Edwards Mabel Henry Bates »10.00; Golda Viola Reed »17.91 ; Irving Hlggens 17 91; Glles door of the County Court House Io Water System »2.25; Fred 'Wilson {ioo.00; Business Equipment Co. »10.00; Ida Katherine Bartholomy Fowler $52.35; Ellis Richardson $28.74; J. L. Carltle »14 92; Vern L. Thaxton »10 94: A. ,1X66; Fred Forsythe ,15 92: A. »6.00; Han Meat Market .50; Dan­ »9.25; Karl Klaus Co. »37.43; »10.00: Clara Edith Vogt $10.00; »1194; O W Hill »11.94; Melvln Luff »9.95; Harold Luce »5.97; K »8.70; R. »10 94; A L. Rainwater Beresford ,16 92; F J William« Eugene, loine County. Oregon, offer for aale and sell, at public auction, ish Dairy .70; H. H Wood »4 00; Billmore Bros. »2.69; D. O. Moody Mollie Gordlneer »10.00; Nora Mor Inman »11.94; Combs Bolden»1194; M. Hooker »4 97; Elmer Hoaelton Evenson ,10 94; I., D Collier »2.98; Lawr $15 92; W H Moyer »18.90; W, for cash, and subject to redemption Lane County Chapter ARC »77 52: »100.00; Cressys »7.00- Office an $10 00; Viva Miller »10.00; Bea Henry Rust »8.95; John Costella 99c Kyle 99< ; llarrv H Johnson ,11 94. ence Truesdale »7 96; J M. Day Mrs. Bessie Stormer $17.50: L. Toll Machinery and Supply Co. »17.00; trice Suttles »10.00; Fannie Stone- $11 94; Albert Lake »11.94; Lyman A. A. Bennett ,1 1 9 4 ; Ralph Crowe aa provided by law. all the r'ght, Dist No. 86: Equipment »1.40; »3.76; Mrs R C. Garrett »3 60; AM Fiber Velope Mfg. Co. »188.75; hocker »10.00; Lillie Tate »10 00; Williams »1194; Irving Hlggena W E. Conn »5.24; Frank Sustello ,7 96; J F Jones ,9 9 6 ; F B »7 9«; W. R Flits »9 95; A. G title and Interest of the defendants Frazier »7.96; Frank Sustello »7 9«. In «aid atilt and of all partlei claim ­ Isaac Bevel »10 50; Leslie Craiger Billmore Bros »1.00; Koke-Chapman Jessie W ells Nesbitt »10.00; Della »1.99. !»2.68; E. P. Saunders »11.05. W. H Logan »7.96; Oscar Ander Lane »995; Brady Mitchell »1194; ing by. through or under them, or Hebert »10 00-, Barbara Stoddard $2.00; Cashman Realty Co. »5.00; Co. »52.50 G E N E R A L ROADS M Barton ,1194; llarrv Lee ,9 96 DIST. No 31: Wm. Kyle A Sons' «on ,7 96; Joe Proclw ,1 99, Krank ! J. Stevens »9 96; Andrew Carpenter | *,ny l*>em. since the 20th day of N. A. Rowe $18.00; Dog Fund »2.00; COUNTY COURT; Pacific Tel. »10.00; Nora Henderson »10.00; Co. »12.90; Mapleton Garage »49 88, FERRIES: C. J. CoUer »175.00 lln Fish »11.94; Geo. Finley »1194; A. E. Wheeler $30 00; V. G. Hoare and Telg Co. »22.85; Mrs Martha | Cora Belle Grove ,15.00; Mary Hay Yellow Fir Lumber Co. ,18.02; | BRIDGE: McKenxIe Lumber Co. J II. Bcholl ,11.94; Henry Ixivall ,11 94; Mike Elledge ,11 94; Joseph July. 1931, In and Io the following described real properly, to-wlt: »19.04; Cushman and Hill »18.00; Plath »4.00; Goodrich Sllvertown »15 00; Erma G Fuller »15 00; Dai­ Shell Oil Co. »51.30; Equipment »37.87; J. C. Ponsler Motor Co. 94; Harry Gregory ,23.88. Std ’ Humphreys ,11.94; Il L. Williams The Northwest quarter I NW 141 Wayne Etter $14.00; Mrs. John Inc. »41.50; Equipment »8.95; J. N. sy Lewellyn »15.00; Mary Papple »7 00; Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. 1,31.36; Peerce Service Station ,11 »7 9«; E Tennant »23 88; Fred Col- Croxdale ,1 1 9 4 ; O. J Neet ,23.88; of the Southeast quarter (SK14I ,15.00; Iowa Laura Crump »15.00; ,5 64; Archie Parrish »19 90; Ralph ,2 7 1 ; E E Daniels »2 25; Acheson Wright ,3.00; Mrs. Rose Powell I Chapman »4.00. I llns »1194; F A. We lfall »1194; Ira Hake ,11.94; Anderson Renfro of Section Five (6) In Township »1.92; V. E. Grousbeck »10.98; Sam COUNTY FAIR: County Treas­ Mary Phillips »10.00; Ethel Aman­ Lee $19.90; Sam Seymour ,13.93; i A Sons »1.57; Pederson A Brown ,11.94; Curtis Miller ,23 88; John j II II Fitzgerald »199: M G llnllev Seventeen (171 South, of Range da Thurman ,15.00; Ida Grant »15.- Clinton Baaln »7.96; Harry Spencer | »1.86; Scobert Warehouse Do. »I 70; »1194; Jesse Jones »9 95; Ernest Lewi- »100; Dr. W. B Lee »5.00; urer »150.00. Farrier ,23.88: Carl Hamilton Four 14) W ail of the W illamette A B. Downes $12 00; Mrs. C. H. COURT HOUSE C. C. Pollock 00; Bertha Benson »17.50; Mar­ »2189; Dee Mills »13 93; C. Z. Pew G. A. Halton »20 86; Peters-McDon- ,11.94; M E. Golden ,23.88; J L. Larson »11.94; A A. Parker »11.94; Meridian. In the County of lame Withrow »15.00; Kuykendall Drug »49.77; J. B Robertson $109 77; garet Safley »20.00; Cora E. Miller Jr »19 90- Hugh Price »9.95; C. E. aid Lumber Co. ,336.81; Southern .McGlllevroy ,23 88; Chas Mooney lit E Curtis ,1194; Jack Hanson and the State of Oregon. »2 85, Twin Oaks Lbr Co. »11.52; Eugene Robertson »74.77; City of »20.00; Lena Cooley »20.00; Laura Southworth »5.97; J. T Toolev ! Pacific Co. »109 99; Twin Oaks ,11.94; Asa Rhlnevault ,9 9 5 ; A. J. j »11.94; Adelberl Hoyt »9 95; John Dated thia 1st day of March, 1982 {Simmons ,9 95; Jack McKinney M C. Harris »4.00; H. L. Bown. Eugene $24.00; L. E. Walker »3.50; Caswell »20 00; Bertha Lockett »20.- »19.90 Cornelius Fosback »17 91; Lumber Co. ,3 99; Miller Sorensen Boyd »6.97; J T Allen »5 97; W. ,7 9«; J. O. Frostad ,9 95; Mike II. L. BOWN. Sheriff of lotne Sheriff »17 82; Cottage Grove Lum Irish Cash Store »1.50; C. F. Koep- 00; Dora Alice Boggs »20.00; Metta J. M Beck $69 90; Vernon Douglas »78.88; E M. Sanborn »2.49; Walter Holmes »5 97; E. C. Beck »6 97; J. County, Oregon. her Co. »3.00; Chula Vista Dairy ke »6.50; R A. Babb Hdwe Co. $6.- Barrowcliff »20.00; Jessie M. Pal­ »7 96; Ross Wheeler ,19.90; Fred Sorensen ,86.83; John Hampton L. Mounts »5.97; O. Mulkey »6.97; Pnkiilak ,9 9 5 ; John Morefleld (M 10-17-24 31—A 7) »5.80; Eugene Farmers' Creamery 34; Jesse J. Godlove »20 35; Bray mer »20.00; Bertha E. Peery »20.- Hoover »9 96; Ward Bennett »17.91 ; »38.39; C. O. McBee »43.89; O. K C. Jacobson ,5.97; Olen Lincoln ,9 95; C. A Bldgett ,11 94: Ernest »3.10; E. C. Hart Dairy $8.70; Mrs. Bros. $4 50; Ludfords »1.85; State 00; Karen Marie Hosford »20.00; Chas M Darling »36 72; C larence, Cox »40.41- F. M Brown ,14.22; »5 97; H. K McBee ,5 9 7 ; W. E. Getrhell ,1194; John McCllntlr Hazel Harriett Malpass »20.00; Seller» |7.96; Cha» Boteman |5 .n7; Angus Harbeck |3.98; C. S. I æw I h R. R Ramsey »31.00; W A. Taylor 1 Ind. Acc. Comm. $3.90. Williams ,5.97; W. M Scott »1.99: ,1194: Claude Sllkwood ,1194; C. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE »5.00; Belvedere Hotel $2.00; Eu­ DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Pacific Cora Lois Mattison »20 00; Lula Allen Reith »9 95; Tom La Bar »3.98; C. O. Wilson »1.99; N. P O O. McDonald ,23 94; N. L. Aus­ W Massey »1194; A. J. Lund I rom STATE OF OREGON. FOR gene Water Board »9.01; L. D. Tel and Telg Co. »17.50; Bancroft May Bergman »20.00; Alma Lucille »9 95 Claude Camp »9.95; Albert Kugel »199; Henry Lou »199; Joe tin ,14.36; Leevurn Austin ,16 96; »11 94; W. Cofflet »11 94; UhHS Sulli­ LANE COUNTY Huff $4.64; Margaret E. Morris »1 Whitney »6 00; Eugene V. Slattery Bussear »25.0«; Ofa Sanders »25.00; Camp ,11.94; Walter Camp »3 98; J Wakefield »199; Arthur Belknap M H Whitaker »23.88; Adna H van »II 94; W E. Bradford ,11 94; F 45; Mt. States Power, Co. »1.00; »200.00, Gladvs F. Price »110.00; C. Lottie Moore »25.00; Bertha Walk­ J. E. Morton »9.95; Bill Strange j ,1.99; Sanford Leach »3.98; Chas Signor »77.34; Albert Camp »11 82; W. ilornback »9.95; D F f ’ronln In the Matter of the Estate oL John McDonald. Deceased MeMorran and Washburne »9.40; F. Prin-ss »1.50; Alta King »10.50; er »25.00; Ethel Margaret Doran »5.97; Chas Good »5.97; Ralph WII Neal »8.97; Marshalls Body A Claude C. Camp »7.47; Denver Mid »11.94; A. C. Spriggs »7 9«; D. Tyr Notice I* hereby given that the Mrs C. Sines »1.75: M r. R. L. Cresseys »15.00; Koke Chapman Co. (25.00; Lucy C. Robbins »25.00; son »4.97; Z. E. Maxwell »7.96; Fender Works »5.00; Nordllng dleton »3.73; Elbe L. Signor »31.45; ner ,11.94; A. T. Dougins »11.94; Stoneberg »9.28; Willis H. Small »4 50. Mary A. Hubbs »25 00; Hazel Mar Chas Strange »3.98; Howard Mason Parts Co. »27.08; Equipment »92.01; Wm. Oerlach »13 9«; V. D. Fogle Paul Grosse ,11.94; C. M. Bradley undersigned administrator of the Feed Co. »13.45; Korn Baking Co. DISTRICT HOME AGENT: Ore garet Allen »25.00; Melvia V Thom $5.97; E. P. Rowland »7.9«; Chas Scherer Motor Co. »1 58; Simmons »17.46; M. L High »12.76; Earl »1194 Robert E. Lee »17 91; 11 L Estate of John McDonald, deceased, ason $25.00; Minnie Wheeler »25. M Darling »13.77; R. A. Habb Co. »37.15; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. Roberts »46.90; W IJ. Glaspey McKee »9 95; Julian Reves ,9 96; has filed his flnnl account In aald $17.88; Albert Bunt $5.00: A. B. State College »550 00. matter wnd that Monday the 18th Downes »12.00; Chas Mlshler »2. DISTRICT SEALER: D. T. Law 100; Ara E. Franklin »30.00; Mabel Hdwe Co. »3.06; J. C. Ponsler Mo­ 1274.16; C. H, Patterson ,8 95; »11.9«; John Smith »3.98; Hulhret W. Gill »7 96; L P. Slebenthaler day of April, 1932. at ten o'clock Gott »30.00; Rose K. Powell »36.- tor Co. »1.92; T. J. Neeley $5.00; Dale Prlndel ,13.93; H L. Prlnde. Lawson »4.97; Lane Smith »3.98; »9.95; Tom Hayes »5 97; Earl Craw­ 00; Mt. State* Power Co. »21.53; ton »45.75. In the forenoon of said day. In the Haskell's Grocery »53 90; 1'mphrey EMERGENCY: C. A. Horton 00; Kinsey Lou Burch $40.00; Min Archie Parrish »11.94; Ralph Lee ,19.93; Walter L. Taylor »7.18; O W. Tilden »6.96; Fred Lepparl ford »9.95; L. M. Brown »3.98; Geo. County Court Rooms In (he Court­ Crick ,11.94; Chas Ixird »1194; Waldo W Taylor »5.97; C S Mc­ and Markin $42.48; Forest Flshet $137.50; Immel and Evans »10.00; I nie Haugen »25.00. ,13.93; Ralph Peterson ,9.95; Sam »7.95; Jeff Petit »11.97; E B. Luw- house In Eugene, Lane County, Ore Special Roads »10.00; Elliott Implement Co. »27.- ‘ L. C. Goheen »75.00; Mis. A. B. Seymour »7.96; Clinton Basin »7.96; Intire »9.95; Clarence Belknap son »7.96; H. M. Richey »7 96; Hugh Simpson ,11.94; John Briggs go«i. has been fixed as the time and DIST. 1; Drury and Drury »5.80; ____ 80; Grays Feed Store »5.40: Purl Van Valzah »2.10; The Brund Saw Harry Spencer $13.93; Dee Mills ,12.98; Isaiah Slayter A Sons Lane Smith »12.43; St. Ind. Acc. »1194 W V. Snvder »11.94; Dan place for the hearing of objections Turner ,9 96; E. F. Bnttke »11.94; Ian Drug Co. $14.05; Erie Merrell Shop »10.75; W. B. Dillard .81; D Frank P- Briggs »16.15; J. Hopkins 11393; C. E. Southworth »9.95; »1.47; Smith A Watkins »43.68; Comm. »481.77. H. Perry »9.96; C. C. Ketchum to said final account and the settle »18.06; Williams Self Service »6 E Yoran P. M. »20.00; Koke-Chap- $9 99; Equipment »4.65; Miller San C. Z Pew Jr., »11.94; Hugh Prlci Florence Hotel »28.45; J. T. Bogart RIOHT OF WAY: Orace A. Ham­ ,9.95; Gen. Montgomery ,11.94; ment thereof. Any and all objec­ 91, Simmons Co. »5 64; MeMorran man Co. »3.00. ford Tractor Co. $4.52. »3.98- J. T. Tooley »5.97; Cornel­ »14.97; C. O. McBee »11.97; John to said final account must be DIST. 3: Marcola Oarage »9.28; ius kosback »6.97; J. M. Beck Summers »11.97; Fred Brown pton »35.05; Dave Weaver »2.39; Hobart Campbell ,11.94; Ros« Win tions and Washburne »2 50; J. C. Pennev ELECTION: H. F. Krueger Co. filed with the Clerk o ( said Court Co. »196; Jim. The Shoe Dr »3- »10.70; Joe Morris. Jr. .80; Frank­ Union Oil Co. »1".15; Equipment; ,48.93; Vernon Douglas »9 95; »9.48; Sandy Leach »9.96; H. F. Chester Hills »20.30; Carey Thomp­ ter ,11.94; O. V. Dawson »6.46; on or before the date of said hear­ 50: R A. Babb Hriwe. Co. »6 62; lin Printing Co. »7 34; C. H Sedg »287 06; John Dyer »98.70; H. Fur-, Ward Bennett »9.95; Bert Benedict Reynolds »9 95; P. O. Daniels ,9 9 5 ; son »20.30; Virgil Clover »19.11; Fred Hwlndall ,11.94; Fred Bolin ing. Gerald Pickett ,9.96; Jamie Pick­ Cecil Beyerlln »4.19; Floyd Penn­ ,3 98; Frank Mansell ,11.94; T. J J V. Rich »6 20; D E Nebergall wick »1.50; W illam ette Press »25. man »77.92; J. Fountain »63.63; 1 Jr »3 98; C. M. Darling »36.72. of first publication. March K. Barrett »58.44; Milton Fitch 1 DIST No. 32: Mapleton Garage ett »5.97; Claude Parson »5.97; Wm. ington »18.00; W. O. Fisher »266.50; Seymour »11.94; Jesse Stevens 17. Date Meat Co. »10 44; Pioneer Grocery «0. 1932 FRI'IT INSPECTOR: C. E. Stew »27.27; Rav Stafford »26.91; Art «15.86; Morris A 8on »5.85; Union Gerlach »3.49; Arthur L. Roberts Maldle Foster ft Emily B. Potter »11.94; W. L. Coates ,11.94; Walter Co. $25.61; Hall and Shumway »5- CHARLES E. McIlONALD, Ad­ 20; Mldgley Planing Mill Co. $2.40; art »146.82; E. J. Loucks »73.75; Sunderman ,28.68; R. E. Hill ,53.- o n qo _ ,6.75; Equipment »6.00; C. »38.93; V. D. Fogle »60.10; HI. Ind »426.00; R.’ A. Babb Hdwe Co. 55c. Anderson ,11.94; A. B. Cooper ministrator. 85; Jess Keeler $35,85; O. E. 8ln-1 h . Hawley »12.66; Ermal Agee Acc. Comm ,24.14; Denzel R. God­ OILING: Southern Pacific »297.72. ,11.94; James Caven ,11.94; Armin Vitus Electric Works *1 40; Jesse I St. Ind. Acc. Comm. »1.73. (M 17-24-31— A 7-1«) BEACH ROAD: Kern ft Klbbe Cords »7.96; Ferris Andrews »7.96; J Godlove .75. Eugene Fruit Grow­ HEALTH SERVICE: Lane Coun clair »7.17; Jack Reynolds »1.99; ; $5 97; Amos Wheeler »7.17; Geo H. ard »27.50; A. C. Striker »157.27. L. R. Burns »11.94; Dan Beck EQUIPMENT Pac. Tel. A Telg. »3738.20. ers »1.00; Farmers Union Store ty Health Unit »737.50. R E. Hill ,17.95; G O. T horpe: Howley »4 99; Frank Mead »4.79; N O T IC K ,1 1 9 4 ; Ed Randall ,1094; C. R. MARKET ROADS INDIGENT SOLDIER: Mrs. Thos ,89.82; Claire Parks »3 99; Ray H. J. Mead ,3 60. Co. »9.75; Edwin Tullar ,157.25; »34.50; Fendrich and Son Bargain O F FINAL 8KTTLKMKNT MAINTENANCE: John Trunnell Raymond »11.94; Je«se Crawford Store »1.00; Golden Rule Auto It. Follett »25.00; Mrs. Celia Messer Worden $5.03. DIST. No. 33; L .8. Porter »7.18; A. A. Martin ,157.26; R. H. Smith ,148.25; C. E. Van- Osdol »134.76; »49.90; Equipment ,1077.72; Ixiwell ,11.94; Ben Whitten »11.94; Lewis In the County Court for the Slate DIST. 5: Standard Oil Co. $7.75; E. J. Mabe »5.38. Camp »3 81; Economy Feed Store »25 00; Henrik Peterson »10.00; of Oregon for Lane County. Jess Gates »11.98; Frank Gates »3 06; Mrs. Flora Stratford »7.36; Henry G. Guild »10.00 DIST No. 34: Miller-Sanford Ray Wordon »81.51; Earl Luckey Tedford ,10.46; Fred Langston Premlzzl ,11.94; N. Mattson ,11.94; ,119.76; Union Oil Co ,658 66; »38 61; Ben Wilson »62 97; Dick C. E Orable ,1194; ('has Ennis In the Matter of the Estate of A. J. Acheson »3.50; Achesort and INSANE: A. H. Ross M D. »5. »19 16; Dave Stephens »1.20; Al­ ! Tractor Co. »10.04. »8.95; G. C. Ennis »8.96; Tom N el­ »hick »1912; S. Fotta 49c; M. L. Preston A Hales »1.50; Bucks Samuel E. Phillip, deceased. bert Schussler ,17.91; James Mont­ Rons »5.00; Dunhams »10.15; The I 00; Chas. D Donahue, M. D. »5.00; DIST. No. 36: F M. Hendricks ,166.23; Jack Iximon son ,11.94; A. M. Perini »11.94; N. A. K. Ilumloth Wallace Notice Is hereby given that the »13.56; Equipment »100.58; Eugene Garage ,1.83; Walden Store »3 00; Kolker- Gro­ P. J. Bartle. M. D »500; Dr W. C. gomery $19.90 DIST. 6: Union 011 »32 16; F. J Sand A Gravel »912; R A Babb ,16.65; J. H. Chambers A Hon »31.96; Frank P Briggs »71 80; Rav Acohlenz »11.94; Earl Ewing »9 96; undersigned administrator lias filed cery »296; Ellen Lajole »3.00; Rebhan »5 00; Dr. B F. Schiefe »5. Owl Emergency Grot ery »2.89: Rlv 00; MeMorran and Washburne »61.- Damewood »1.79; Darwin Dame- 1 Hdwe Co. »1.08; Union Oil Co. ,12 24; Standard Oil Co. ,36 67: Morgan ,2.39; J. Hopkins ,31.21; A, Wm Bachelder »39.80; Dan Qag- his final account herein and that •rshle Grocery »1.50; Williams and 20; Leslie 9. Kent. M. D. »5.00; wood »1.99; Chas. Conners »5.97; »41.86; S C. Hamden »79 41; E. Roy Fred Langston »6.00! Twin Oaks T. Tyloer »9.58; Gcrnld B. Conner Ila ,9 9 5 ; R. O. Wyatt ,9.95; A. A. the above named Court by order »2.73; Howard Brown hiu duly appointed Tuesday, April Ottman »75 65: Brocdwav Market Oiegon State Board of Control Equipment $22.80; Southern Pacific ! ¡Smith »125 82; Nat Hart ,3.58; Lumber Co. »67 49; Oregon Elec­ »10.76; Chas C. Conner »21.64; Ixi Ishmael $30.89; M L. Fitch $6.40; John Milo F Hart »3.58; Chas Key »2.39; tric ,2 27; A M. Matlock ,2.16; well Benston .»2.39; Lawrence Fish­ ,1.99; Leslie Morforil ,9.96; John 12. 1932 nt 11:00 A. M. at the Coun ,146 43; Union 011 »20.03; Commun­ »766.67; A. O. Waller »5.00 ity Fped Store »1.86; Sam Lewis JUSTICE C-vURT: f . H 8>-dg Pederson ,6.40; John Dyer $4.80; Geo L. Mast ,9104; Miller-Sanford Dog Fund »4.00; John Trunnell er »2.39; C. E. Thornton »2.39; J. Simpson ,9.96; Boh Simpson ,11.94; ty Court room In the Court Douse »9 98; Ixiwell Tedford »4.48; Pa I). Fountain ,10.39; M L. Fitch J D. Woodruff »11.94; J. H Huff at Eugene, Oregon, as the time ana »18 00; Cottage Grove Fuel Co »6 wick »5.85; Dan Johnston »100.00; N. E. Buchanan »4.80; F. A. Moore j Tractor Co. »62.97. DIST. No. 37: Bennett Oleson clflc Mchry A Tool Steel Co. ,10.39; F. J. Damewood »9.86; Dar­ ,1194; Ed Bales ,1194; Albert place for hearing objections to said 75: Frank Smith »6 00; Cottage R H. Collins »1 10; M Ethel Tay- »4.80 K. Barrett »3.20; Fred Smig ,11.94; Jark Holcomb flnnl account and the settlemant Grove Water 8ys. »5 00; Morford I lor »1.10; Harry T. Shea »1.10; Eric- ley »’2.24; Alvin Walrod »1.79; W 1,10.32; Roy Oleson »16 96; W B. »18.59; Austin-Western Road Mchry win Damewood »10.96; H. W. Car- Wright All persons Interested Goff »2 00; Richters »17.80: Rain- Johnson »1.10; T A. Stivers »1 10; F. Wilson »1.79; Cedric Moffett »1.- Attaway »2 98; Rosi-o Hillman Co. ,193.80; Wlckwlre Spencer son »32.33; J J. Albro »7.17 S. M ,11.94; L. H. McCormick ,11.94; It. thereof. ,2.98; W. M. Oleson ,5.97; Chas Sales Corp. »86.28; Howard-Cooper Bloom »4.78; Nell C. Johnson »4.78; L. Cox »11 94; Frank Smith ,11.94; may appear at snld time and file rock Service Sla. »7.70; H. O. Pen Virgil Rowland »1.10; ('. N John 79 Patterson »5.97; Clarence Huffman Corp. ,188.06; Miller-Hanford Trac­ Jess Oates »50.30; Frank Oates Rush Duncan ,11.94; Elmer Bush objections If any they here. DIST 7: J W. Baker »20.20. land »11.48; Olsons Grocery »34 09 slon »160; Julius Fulop »1.90; A Dated March 10th, 1932. DIST. 8: Inter City Sand and »5.97; H. L. Prlndel »9.96; A. G. tor Co. ,16.98; Carlson-Hatton A ,31 13; Bill Dempsey »1.1»; Ralph ,11.69; H. O. Jackson ,11.94; A. R. Cash and Carry Store »66.15; Ped­ T. Hurrls »1 60; Geo. Kuhhlank IL- »9.95; Chester Hosman L. E. Z IN IK E R , Adm inistrator. ersons Grocery »31.10; B. O. Nich­ 60; R. C. Horn »1.60; Jane Finch Gravel Co. »160.76; A. E. Senseney Pope ,24.87; Andy Cameron »3.99; Hay ,46 57; Geo. A. Halton ,7.40; Lynch ,7.14; J. W. King ,2.39; Oeo. Mohr ,11.94; Ed Spriggs ,11.94; Art C. H. SEDOWICK, Creswell, ols »3.39; Gates Market »1 25; Model »1 «0; Mae Finch »1.60; Chariot »185; Geo. W Orr »5.50; C. 1. O. N. Phelps »7.99; Luther Prlu- Oregon Machinery Co. ,308.96; Gibson ,10.16; Bill Dempsey ,8.96; Smith ,11.94; Harold Myers ,3.98; Ore., Attorney for estate. W estern Auto Supply Co. »4.30; Southern Pacific ,128.68; F. A. Grocerv »2 65; Page» Food Shop Knowlton »1.60; Harry Lea ton »1. Gorrle ,220.21; Vernon Harper del ,1.99. (M 10-17 24 21—A 7) DIST. No. 38: E. J. Horton ,23.76; Hathaway Motor Co. »43.77; John Moore »24.00; Roy Johnson »12.00; Lewla Sella *11.94; Otlz Smith ««.M; E B. Baldwin »3.46; Cres­ 60; Frank Finch $1.60; J. H. Brown ,49.61. Lane County Court