('«all oil band Jun« 30, IRTI R m ’d frolli T ax«« Puhl Hlule Forester Balance ('«ah on hand Dei 31. l»St — or — Grace Schiska, County Treasurer OU 3.M69.76 ----------------- I 3.869.76 L A N K C O U N T Y , O R EG O N C O U N T Y F A IR F U N O K K I'K II'T H A N D D IH IIU R H N M K N T W MY F U N D H Cuah on hand June 30. 1031 Mlacellaneoue Receipt« Paid Conili y F a ir Fund W arranta Balance Ca«b on hand Dec. 31, 1031 December SI, 1931 UNBEGREGATED TAX FUND ( 16.766.64 063.766U6 Amount unaagrvgaled June 30. 1031 Hec'il lio in Hherlff l u i H eg ro g a llo lia Uulalle« Clieegregatad Dec. SI, I0SI « O. « C. F U N D Cash on baud June 30. 1031 h i i <1 rioni Talea T ranafarred tu O lllug Hpedul T ransferred to Ituoaavelt llw y Hpeclal Tranaferred tu M cKeiialti llw y Hpeclal T rauaferred tu Cuuuly Ruad Hpeclal Uulauce Caab on hand Dec 31, 1031 6.770 56 203 17 » I » »1,116.2» 126 UU 2.63U 45 62.162 02 Cash un haud Juue 30, 1031 Hae'd (rum T a le a H eed fr u u C lark Feea Ree d (rum H h erlff Feea Heed trulli F in «« II. . .1 (rum Llceliue Interest uu Cuuuly Money Prueeeds Cuuuly Farm Fur Grey lugger Pulaun H epurler'a Feea Aulu Feea Aulu Camp luapi-clluu llu rtlc u ltu ra l Lleu» . Mlaeellaueuua Hecelpla Kngtuearlnx Refuiiil T rauaferred (rum Htate Pruhlbltlun Pald Usuerai uud W arrant« Puld Intereal ou W urrunla M lg ralo ry ('b a ite la A Feea Bulauce Cauli un band Dee. 31, 1031 1186.664.76 C O U N T Y ROAO F U N D Cash on hand Juue 30. 1031 I 34.373 60 17.624.08 Hee d from Taxes 30 00 R e e d from Fluea 46.603 42 For DOS of Equipment Furest Reserve Reutala . ................ 11,060 06 3,360.86 Miscellaneous Hecelpta 066.34 Transferred from M arket Huad Fuud 13.061.13 T ran sferred from O. A C Fund 25 00 T ran sferred from McKenxie llw y Hpeclal Paid County Road Fund W arrants Paid interest on W arrants T ran aferred Io Hpeclal Hoad Fund Transferred Io M arket ltoad Fund Tranaferred lo McKenxie Hw y Hpeclal T ran aferred to Florence Hw» Hpeclal T ra n s fe rre d to Loudon Special M a la te * Caah on Hund Dee. 31, 1031 »138.903,35 »132.626 07 1 26.768 83 32.417 83 335.36 37.318.92 67.36 1.716 59 » 98.603 69 C O U N T Y SC H O O L F U N D » 23.606 64 I 290.64 1 6 UU » 260.60 372.00 ..................... Ca«b on band June 30, 1031 Balance Cash on baud Dec. 31, 1031 1 6.830.17 1 6,830 17 M c K E N Z IE H IG H W A Y F U N D » 00 R O O S E V E L T H IO H W A Y F U N O Cash on band June 30. 1*31 .................. ._..» 6.735*6 1.369 06 T ransferred from O. A C. Fund 1111.107.76 Paid Roosevelt Highw ay Fund W arrants 1,103 60 Balance Casb on hand Dec. 31, 1*31 ............... 11.600.61 57 36 » 7,106.01 2.366 00 S P E C IA L C IT IE S 2.370.82 I 4.212.31 6.000 00 Cash on band June 30. 1931 152,607.48 2.217.12 Rac'd from Taxes Paid City T reasurers 8136.003 36 Balance Cush on hand Dec. 31. 1031 «’ash on hand June 30. Paid Perm anent Rond T ran sferred to Special Balance Cash on hand »132.526 07 P E R M A N E N T RO ADS 1*31 ...... ...................... ..... » Bond W a rra n ts Road Fund Dec. 31. 1*31 » 32.628.02 N O R T H FO R K S P E C IA L F U N O 943.42 ' Cosh on hand June 30, 1931 ......... ..................... » 8.63 I Miscellaneous Receipts nd 39.48 W arrant« ........... ................. » Caah on hand June 30. 1931 Hec’d from Taxes Hee d from T uitio n Paid C o u n t/ Superintendent's Orders Ualauce Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 6.442.65 36.379 40 1,330.16 » 43.162.20 E L E M E N T A R Y M IL L A G E F U N D » » 1,018.60 « »216.792.41 » 2,117 99 * 2,147.07 » STATE TA X FUNO O v e rd ra ft June 30, 1*31 ............................................. » 4 M .W Rec'd from Taxes 121,341.01 Paid Htate T re a s u rer ..................................................... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1*31 ............................. >.................... 2,117.90 2,147.07 12,754.78 »120.906.66 3,366.64 3.361.44 7.06 » » P O R T OF S lU B L A W Cash on hand June 30. 1931 Hec'il from Taxes Paid U. B N atio n al Hank, Eugene Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1931 6.735.04 » 3,373.60 6.736.04 1,432.76 6.602.60 6.783.94 1.261.41 » 8,036.36 7.105.01 »156.106.73 714.06 » 6.666.78 » 30.327 60 2.300.52 » 32.628 02 » 7 80 7 80, 1.209 is 1.20978 ..»198.976.81 16,816 60 »216.792 41 » 8,036.35 2 26.410 60 » Total ---- ------------------------ ” 476.66 1,893.14 5,000.00 1.147.00 1.838.22 S U M M A R Y O F B A L A N C E S ON H A N D Unsegrcgated Taxes .............« 2 O. ft C. Fund ....................................... O iling Special ........................................ G eneral Fund County Roads ..................................... Special Roads M ark e t RoadB County School Fund S ta le School Fund County H igh School Fund Elem entary M illag e Fund L ib ra ry Fund Deficiency Fund (¡Kate T a x Fund In d e m n ity Fund . Port of Sluslaw Forest F ire Patrol County F a ir Fund Fish Ä Game Fund Dog T ax Fund ............. County Prohibition Fund State Prohibition Fund W illa m e tte H ig hw ay Fund M cKenxie Highw ay Fund Florence H ighw ay Fund Roosevelt Highw ay Fund Special Cities Perm anent Roads Bond Redem ption Fund Bohemia Special ............... N orth Fork Special Beach Road Special Ixm dnn Special Hpeclal School Districts Union H igh Schools Sinking F u n d s ....................... » 66.022.88 DEC. 31, 1*31 9,637.48 00 5.00 27,082.83 ?•??? !? 6.909 36 13,588.48 8.643.01 220.99 4.539.04 888.50 672.00 1.896.07 12.754.76 3.373.60 1.251.41 .00 .75 26.00 4,716.02 244.63 262.60 5.830.17 .00 .00 .00 714 06 1,293 06 2.300 62 .00 66.99 7.80 .00 16.816.60 7,347.56 13.737.03. 8146,780.38 »160.831.36 36.00 61.162.0: 1.300.00 621.16 13.061.13 H IG H W A Y Balance on hand June 30. 1931 ............ ....... T ransferred from O. A C. Funds ........ W arrants Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1931 6.736.96 1.369.06 W arrants Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 W a rrants paid and cancelled ------- 7.105.01 7.10601 » FLORENCE 7.106.01 » 7.106.01 » 7.106.91 » 7.10601 8 7,106 01 » 2 A » 3 ** I 2.4*38» H IG H W A Y F U N D O verdraft June 30, 1*31 ...................... T ax collection July 1 to Dec. 31. 1*31 T ransferred from County Road Fund »167.3*486 » 67.903 36 FUNO 123.07 2.370.82 » 2,4*38» N O R T H F O R K S P E C IA L F U N O Balance on hand June 30, 1*31 .................................8 930.66 T ransferred from M ark e t Road Fund --------------- 39.48 Miscellaneous Receipts ..... ......... ........... ........ — ...... 8.63 W a rra n ts issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1 9 3 1 --------------------------------- »156.446.66 220.32 6.164.47 W a rrants W a rrants W a rra n ts 3166.831.35 W’arrants 978.77 978.77 »78.77 12.78 978.77 outstanding June 30. 1931 .... . Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1931 paid A c a n c e lle d ................. — outstanding Dec. 31, 1931 — 924.54 66 99 9*1.63 99153 Balance on hand June 30, 1831 --------------------------6 T a x Collection July 1 to Dec. 31, 1*31 .................... Received from Fines ................ —--------------------------- Use of Equipment ----------------------------------------------- Forest Reserve Rentals -------------------------------------- Donations ------------ ------------------------------------------------ Miscellaneous receipts ................... ........—............. - Transferred from M ark e t Road Fund ------------- T ransferred from O. A C. Funds ............. - ......— W arran ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1 * 3 1 ------ ------- T ransferred lo Special Road Fund --------------- Transferred to London Special .... — ............. —...... T ransferred to M ark e t Road Fund ................. ...... T ransferred to McKenxie Highw ay Fund .......... T ransferred to Florence Highw ay Fund .............. Paid Interest on W a rrants ---------------------------------- Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1031 .........—.................— 3,767.95 37.524.08 30.00 46,803.42 11,069.95 300 00 3,0*4.85 966 ’ 4 L O N D O N S P E C IA L F U N D »111.626.25 S P E C IA L RO AD D IS T R IC T S ...» DOG L IC E N S E 91.020.62 11.600.01 6.000.00 67.36 2.366.0» 2.370.82 1.1*3.60 1,6*8.62 Outstanding June 30. 1931 -----------------» 20,605.63 Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 ------------- >1.020.62 paid and cancelled ...........................................- ........... outstanding June 30. 1931 ...... ............................. ........— 4,7*0.22 1,20*78 O verd raft June 30, 1931 ........................ T ransferred to Special Roads ............. Transferred from County Road Fund 1348143 »116.2*7.72 »156.819 79 W a rrants W arrants W arrants » 6.138 69 W a rrants 136.04 1.293.06 » 19.037.85 36,787.13 10.061.63 146.37 » 66.022.88 1,018.60 262.00 1.896.07 IN D E M N IT Y F U N D Cash on hand June 30 1931 .................. C e rtific a te of Deposit Miscellaneous Receipts ....................... C ert If h u le of Deposit Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 » FUNDS Cush on hand June 30. 1931 ......... Rec’d from Taxes 38.613.16 Miscellaneous Receipts ....................................... 4.639.04 Rec'd from Interest on Sinking Funds Puld Bondx A Intereat, Special Schools » 43.152 20 Transferred lo School D istricts Refund Taxes (U nio n High No. 9) Refund to School D is tric t No. 4 ................. Refund to School D is tric t No. 150 130.00 Balance Caeh on hand Dec. 31. 1931 888.60 Paid Interest on bonds. Union High Uchoola 1.018.60 »120.906.66 1.209.78 » 26.410.60 S IN K IN G 1,422.78 '724.29 » 7.106.01 00 U N IO N H IG H SC H O O LS 22,128 96 » 6.067.03 30. 1931 220 99 Cash on hand June 20.363.57 Rec'd from Taxes » 18,063.04 Clerks » 22.349 96 Paid D istrict Cash on hand Dec' 31. 1931 ............................................ 7.347.56 Balance 1.645.99 672 00 » 00 1.003 0» » 67,003.35 C O U N T Y RO AO F U N D 00 1 36.00 ......................... Taxes O iling Hpeclal Roosevelt H ig hw ay Hpeclal McKenxie Highw ay Hpeclal County Road Fund .................. ROOSEVELT »133.341.14 1.083.86 1.101.60 21868 36 outstanding June 30, 1*31 .................. - ..» 27,4*0.21 133.341.14 Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1*31 ........ — cancelled July to Dec. 31. 1*31 ........ cancelled by order of County Court outstanding Dec. 31. 1*31 ..... — ........- 60 00 991.63 1.644.40 673.69 D E F IC IE N C Y F U N O ................ Cash on hand June 30. 1931 Rec’d from TaxeB ................................. T ra n s fe rre d to School D istricts Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 W a rrants W arrants W arrants 35.00 W a rrants 26 00 W arrants .00 991.53 » » R O A D S P E C IA L » 81,187.16 7 80 » 1.428 11 Cash on hand June 30. 1931 ................ » 966 34 Ualunce Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 .... 1.394 12 7.80 39 48 L O N D O N S P E C IA L F U N D 13.688 48 O verd raft June 30, 1*31 ............................................. 8- 4.790 3 2 6.000.00 » 98,603.6» T ran sferred from County Road Fund .................... Transferred to Special Road Fund .................................... » Bulnnce Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 ............. ................ ..... —....... S P E C IA L SC H O O L D IS T R IC T S ................» 30.768.69 67.164 83 Cash on hand June 30. 1931 184.306.17 8,543 01 Rec'd from Taxes ............ 475.65 Transferred from Sinking Funds 262.00 »66.707.84 T ran sferred from Deficiency Fund Paid D istrict Clerks Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1931 » 22.866.38 112.0*6.83 10 00 48.06 10.081.67 2.004 05 2.0*1.88 87.04 068 60 6,718.31 9*3.62 307.50 220.32 »167,3*4.86 924.54 66 99 L IB R A R Y F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1931 ........ Rec'd from Taxes Paid Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1031 Balance on band June 30. 1031 .......................... Tax Collection July 1 to Dec. 31, 1031 ._. Transferred from State Prohibition Fund Grey Digger Poisoning .............—.......................... 360 00 Received from C la rk ’« fee« ........... 10 00 Received from Sheriff'« fees 262.60 Received from Interest ----------------- j Proceeds County Farm .................. .................... 1 031.60 ' Received from fines ............................................. I Engineering refunds .............................. Miscellaneous receipts ....................... ............... - Camp Inspection ....... ' .............. - ...... —........ ........... I 6.830.17 W arrants Cancelled ----------------- W arran ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 I 6.830.17 Paid Intereat on w arrants Paid M igratory Chattels A Litigants Fees ... , Balance on bund Dec. 31, 1931 ........................— 1.0SSAS O. A C. FUND 1st. 1031. and ending December 31st. 1031, 871 0« > t » 22,349 96 6.666.78 } 6.666.78 BONO R E D E M P T IO N F U N O » 10.793.90 ('ash on hand June 30. 1931 ............ 21.789.75 Ree d from Taxes 00.37 Interest on Bond Money ............... ....... ........ Pulli Interest on Bonds ......... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 »120.661 34 1.367 83 251.50 2.630.46 1.715.6» 6.909 36 Period commencing July both date« Inclusive. 9 36.00 1.060.00 T he General Fund, County Road Fund, Hpeclal Road D istrict«, M a r k e t Received ................. ............ from 6.716.02 Hoad pund. Permanent Road Bond Fund. Bond Redemption Fund. O iling T ran»ferred to Fund Hpeclal Beach Road Bpelctal Fund. W illa m e tte H ighw ay Fund. Transferred to 6.666.01 M cKensle H ighw ay Fund. O. A C. Fund. Roocevelt Highw ay Fund. T ranaferred to Florence Highw ay Fund. N orth Fork Hpeclal Fund, London » p e d a l T ranaferred to Fund, and Ilog License Fund. 3.028.89 O verdraft June 30. 1301 ..................................... . . . » 188 60 Miscellaneous Receipts .................. ............. 12307 R e e d from Taxes 421.16 1166,666.50 . T ransferred frum O. A C. Fund .... . 2.356.0» 1,083.86 T ranaferred from County Road Fund 1,101.60 Paid McKenxie H ighw ay fund W arrants 27,032.83 T ransferred tu County Ruad Fund —— — — Balance Caah on hand Dec. 31, 1931 1184.664.74 J 1 60.00 F L O R E N C E H IG H W A Y F U N O . . . » 2^4*30« O verdraft June 10, 1011 ............. 123.07 Rec'd from Taxes 2.370 82 Tranaferred from County Road Fund Balance Caah on hand Due. 31. 1931 C O U N T Y H IG H S C H O O L F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1931 Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 63160 IT 15 00 W arranta outatanding June 30. 1031 W arranta paid A cancelled .. LA N E C O U N TY. OREGON F IN A N C IA L S T A T E M E N T — OF — 871.66 17 133.97 163.69 3.368.09 621.16 3,063.19 GENERAL FUND W IL L A M E T T E H IO H W A Y F U N O S T A T E SC H O O L F U N D 31.55 22.318 40 W. B. Dillard, County Clerk 300 00 627.13 244.63 1 » 66,707.84 Cash on hand June 30. 1931 H a rd Interest from S late Lund Board Paid County Superintendent's Orders Buluuce Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1931 O verd raft June 30. I N I .......................... T ax Collection July 1 to Dec. 31. 1031 Miscellaneous receipt« T ranaferred from County Ruad Fund T rauaferred from O. A C Fund« Semi-Annual Report — or — Pulii Afriduvllu Ilf D istrict A ltv A H herlff Caah on hand June 30, 1031 K. , .1 lim u Fine« Paid State T reaaurer Transferred to General Fund Haluun- Cunh on hand Dec 31. 1031 6.297.33 65.723.85 3,686 66 t ’ash on hand June 30, 1931 Ree d from Taxes Forest Reserve Rentals Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1931 6.073 03 ! 1 7.M 5.„ 0 17 » 47.903 36 M A R K E T R O AD F U N D Cash on band June 30. 1931 Rac'd from Tuxes Miscellaneous Receipts Apportionment from Slate Transferred from County Road Fund Transferred from Special Road Fund Paid M arket Road Fund W arran ts Paid Interest on W arrants T ran sferred to County Roads Fund Transferred lo Special Road 1 und Transferred lo North Fork Special Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1*31 1 1 »166.81* 7» » 31,802.67 86.046.38 1,537.57 1.394.12 11.600 61 136 04 1.20» 78 t Lane County Treaaurer. 7.90 m c k e n z ie h ig h w a y f u n d 0.037.01 604 00 10 60 6 6.666.01 C O U N T Y P R O H IB IT IO N F U N O S P E C IA L ROAO D IS T R IC T S Caah on band June 30. 1*31 . H r. il from Taxes Mlacellaneoue Receipts T ran sferred from M arket Hoad Fund T ran aferred from County Road Fund T ran aferred from Permanent Road Fund Trauaferred from London Special Paid Special Road W arrants Paid Intereat on W arrant« Refund Taxes. Southern Pacific Co. Transferred lo UUlng Special Transferred to M arket Rond Fund Buluni'e Cush on hand Dec, 31, 1*31 W. B. D IL L A R D . County Clerk. 201 00 26 00 » 07.903 36 GENERAL FUND » 60.366 60 112.006 83 10.081.67 1.106 06 960.60 30.00 2.001 88 87.06 68.06 120.60 860 00 307.50 16 00 827 12 6.718.31 10 00 W a rra n ta outstanding Juna SO. I N I _________ * 7M I. Grace gchlska. County T reasurer of Lane County, Oregon, W arranta outatandlug Dec. 11, 1011 » 3,869,78 do hereby certify ibat the foregoing la a true and correct statem ent 7 10 00 of receipt«, disbursements, and balancea by funda of Ixina C ounty,* ----------------- I Oregon. for tbe term ending Dec. SI. 1011. aa appear a upon tbe record« W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y F U N D I 3,MO 76 1 o f my office and In my o fficial cuatody aa aucb T reasurer Balance on band June 10. 1011 1 6.110 17 W ltneea my hand tbla Slat day of D ece m b er. 1031 Balance on band Dec. 11. tost G R A C E B C H IH K A . C o u n ter H lgned. 300 00 » 63.163.U2 1,369 0« 431.14 13.961.13 UU B E A C H ROAO C A C C IA I UH. 1160 203.60 OOO T A X F U N D Caah on hand Juna 30. 1031 Hec‘d from Llcenae Feea Mlacellaunoua Itecelpta Puld Dog Fund W urranta llaluiu e Caah on hand D er 31, 1031 O IL IN G S P E C IA L F U N D O verd raft on June lOJI ............. Mlecellaueuuw Receipt« Tranafarred (rum Hpeclal Ruada T rauaferred (rum O A C. Fund Paid O iling Hpeclal Fund W a rrm ila Paid Interest uu W arranta Hutuin e Cuah uh hand Dec. 31, 1031 5.073.03 F IS H A D A M E F U N D ('aah un hand Juna 30, 1031 »88U.63U 59 ltec'd from Flnea Puld Hlate (lain e Commission Uulalle« Caah ou hand Dee. 31. 1031 UU 67.9U3.3b » 67.9U3.36 O F O REG O N COUNTY OF LANE 5,073.00 76 »M7U.893.il 9.637 48 (K8U.63U 59 7 »TATE F O R Ç A T F IR C F A T R O L Semi-Annual Report For T erm Ending PAGE THE 8PR1N0FIELD NEWS THURSDAY, M A R C H I!, 1932 Balance on hand June 30. 1931 Licenses sold July 1 to Dec. 31. Received from fines and refund W a rrants Issued July 1 to Dec. Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1*31 »116.297.72 W a rrants W a rrants W a rra n ts W a rra n ts 6.000.00 8 6.000.00 8 6.036.41 504 00 14 50 » 6.000.00 3 1.840 89 4.714 02 3 6,854.91 8 1.840.89 » 1.841.8» FUND 1*31 .... - ..............— 31. 1*31 — -------------------- outstanding June 30, 1*31 ............... Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1*31 ----- paid and cancelled — ........... ............ outstanding Dec. 31, 1*31 ------------- 8 8 » 6.554.91 1.00 1.840 89 1,841.8» 518.60 S T A T E O F O R EG O N SS. »111.626.26 C O l'N T Y O F L A N E 1. W . B. D illard . County C lerk of Lane County, Oregon, hereby c e rtify that the foregoing report Is correct as 1 verily believe. » 86,046.28 T a x Collection July 1 to Dec. 31. 1931 ...... 1.537.57 Miscellaneous receipts .............— .............. 135.04 T ransferred from Perm anent Road Bonds 11.600.61 T ransferred from County Road Fund ...... 1.394.12 T ransferred from M arket Road Fund ...... 1.209.78 T ranaferred from London Special Fund 36.33 W arrants cancelled ...................... ........ .......... 480.18 O verd raft Dec. 31, 1931 ................................... ......................» 14,287.25 O verd raft June 30, 1*31 ................................ ........................ 81.137 29 W a rra n ts Issued July ................................... 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 Paid Interest on W a rra n ts .............. ................ - ....... - .......- ......... ....... 2.630.45 T ransferred to Oiling Special Fund 1.715.69 T ransferred to M ark e t Road Fund 251.60 Refund on Taxes. D istrict 43 ............. IN W IT N E S S W H E R E O F . I have hereunto set my hand and af fixed the seal of Lane County. Oregon, this 31st day of December, A. D. 1931. W (S E A L * B. D IL L A R D , County C lerk of Lane County. Oregon. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » Notice la hereby given that E S T A T E O F L O V E A. C O N R A D , M artha M endM l on the 24th day of DECEASED. February. 1*32. was appointed ad­ Notice is hereby given that W il­ m in is tra trix of the estate of M artha liam Curtis has been by the Coun­ H u nter, deceased, by the County ty Court of the State of Oregon Court of Lane County. Oregon. fo r Lane County, appointed adm in­ AU persons having claims against is tra to r of the estate of Love A. said estate are hereby notified to »101, <09.91 »101.40991 Conrad, deceased. present the same, duly verified as A ll persons having clalm ers by law required, to said adm inis­ » 46.869.92 W a rrants outstanding June 30. 1931 against the estate of said deceased tra trix at her residence Eugene. 81.187.29 W a rrants Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 ............. are hereby n otified to present the Oregon. Crow Stage Route, w ith in ..................... »120.661.34 W a rrants paid and cancelled ................................ same, duly stated and verified , at six months of the firs t publication ............................................ 36.33 W arrants cancelled by order of County Court the law office of A lta K in g In the 6.359.54 Court House, Eugene. Lane County, of this notice. Date of firs t publi­ W a rrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1931 .................. .. cation being M arch 3rd, 1932. Oregon, w ith in six months of this M A R T H A M E N D E L L . A dm in­ »127.05721 »127.057.21 3rd day of M arch. 1932. is tra trix . W IL L IA M C U R T IS . Adm inis­ (M 3-1017-24-311 M A R K E T R O AD F U N O tra to r of the Estate of Love A. Conrad, deceased. T ax Collection July 1 to Dec. 31. 1931 .................. t 32.417.83 A L T A K IN G . Attorney fo r Ad­ IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E Apportionment from State 37.318,92 S T A T E O F O R EG O N . F O R m in istrato r. Miscellaneous receipts ............................. 335.36 (M 3-10-17-24-31* LANE CUNTY. W a rra n ts cancelled ................................................ 27.50 T ransferred from County Road Fund .................... 57.36 In the M a tte r of the E state of N O T IC E O F S A L E T ransferred from Special Road Fund 1.716.59 Francis E. Keyes, Deceased. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N O verd raft Dec. 31, 1»31 . ......................................... 1,628.17 Notice Is hereby given th a t the T h a t by virtue of an execution Is­ O verd raft June >0, 1931 ......................................................................... 1 W 18.87 sued out of the C ircu it Court of the undersigned. Goldie Frances P e te r­ W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 ._ State of Oregon for the County of son and Stanley Joel Keyes have 1,428.11 Lane. M arch 7. 1932. upon a judg been by the above entitled court Paid Interest on W a rra n ts ........................................................... — 1.394 ’.2 Transferred to Special Road Fund ment entered by said court on the appointed executrix and executor In 966.34 21st day of Feb ru ary. 1928. in an the above entitled m atter. A ll per­ T ransferred to County Road Fund ..........................................— 39.48 T ransferred to North Fork Special ............................................... action w herein Sin Putnam was sons having claims against said p la in tiff and M cKenxie R iv e r H ig h ­ estate are required to present said 8 73,500.73 2 73.500.73 way Sanitorlum . a corporation was claims duly verified to said execu­ defendant being case No. 17,786, trix and executor at the office of W a rra n ts outstanding June 30, 1931 ...................... » 32,976.60 which Judgment was docketed on C. A. W ln te rm e le r, attorney at law, W a rra n ts issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 63.455.71 page 177 of Vol. 8 of the Judgment in Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six W a rra n ts paid and cancelled ...............................................................» 81,187.16 Docket of above entitled C ircu it months rfom this 10th day of W a rrants cancelled by order of County Court 27.50 Court, on the 21st day of February, M arch. 1932. W a rrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1931 ................................................. 15,216.65 1928. and which isald execution is G O L D IE F R A N C E S P E T E R S O N S T A N L E Y JO EL K EYES. to me directed and commands me to » 96.431.31 » 96.431.31 sell out of the personal property E xecutrix and Executor A. W 1 N T E R M E IE R . A ttorney. of said defendant or If sufficient P E R M A N E N T ROAO BONO F U N D (M 10-17-24-31— A 7» cannot be found, then out of the real property belonging to the de­ 6.411.62 Balance on hand June 30, 1931 .................. fendant. to satisfy the sum of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 3.50 W a rra n t c a n c e lle d ............................................. 5.166.31 »150.00 w ith Interest thereon at 8% W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1931 N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , per annum from the 12th day of 136.04 T ransferred to Special Road Fund that the undersigned, has by the Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1931 ........................................................... 1.113.77 February. 1927. and »40.00 attorney County Court of the State of Ore­ fees and »19.00 costs. I w ill on F rl gon. for the County of Lane, been 6.416.12 « 6.416.12 day the 8th day of A p ril, 1932. at the hour of one o'clock P. M. at duly appointed as adm inistrator of the fro nt door of the L an e County the estate of L o ttie Needham, d» 166.16 W a rra n ts outstanding June 30. 1*31 ............... Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ ceased and all persons having 6.166.31 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 -------- W a rrants paid and cancelled ...........................................................» 6,138.69 ty, Oregon, o tfe r for sale and sell claims against said estate cre here­ at public auction for cash to the by notified to present the same W a rra n t cancelled by order bounty Court ................................... 3.50 properly verified to me at the of­ W a rra n ts outstanding Dec. 31, 1931 ................................................ 179.28 highest bidder, subject to redemp­ tion as provided by law , all of the fice of F rank A. DePue In Spring- field. Oregon, w ith in six mouths » 6.321.47 ( 6.321.47 right, title and Interest of the afore­ said defendant and a ll persons from the date of this notice. Dated claim ing by through or under them February 26th, 1932. BONO R E D E M P T IO N F U N D M E L V IN N E E D H A M . Adminis­ subsequent to the 21st day of Feb­ Balance on hand June 30. 1931 » 10,793.90 trator. ruary. 1928, the following described T a x Collection July 1 to Dec. 31, 1*31 21,789.76 F R A N K A. D eP U E , Attorney for real property, to-w lt: Interest on Bond money ............................................ 44.37 Beginning at the Northeast the estate. (M 3-10-17-24-31) W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 .........................................» 30.327.60 corner of L ot 4 In Block 3 In the Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1931 ............................................................. 2.300.52 Plat of Deerhorn as platted from Lot 3 of Section 17. Tow nship 17 N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G » 32.628.02 * 32.628.02 South. Range 1 East of the W il­ Notice la hereby given that the lam ette M eridian in Lane County, W a rrants Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1931 .........................................» 30.327.60 Oregon, running thence W est to undersigned M y rtle Doane. Execu W a rrants paid A cancelled ............................................................... » 30.327.50 the East line of Block 8 In said trix and E. B. Doane, Executor of plat of Deerhorn, thence North the estate of J. 8. Churchill, de­ » 30.327.50 » 30.327.60 to the Northeast corner of said ceased, h are filed th e ir final ac Lot 8, thence W est p arallel to count In the Connty Court of Lane O IL IN G F U N D S P E C IA L the North line of the aforesaid County, Oregon, and th a t Saturday Lot No. 3 of said Section 17 to the 16th day of A p ril. 1932. at ten Transferred from O. A C. Funds ...................... » 62.162.02 the W e»t line thereof, thence o'clock