THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS H P IU N G K IK IJ ) . L A N K C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T l U H S h A V T W E N T Y -N IN T H YEAR [ COUNCIL 10 COI An Early Mayflower No 1Î -M A R C H 3 1 . 1 9 3 2 CHOIR WILL SING EASTEFL MUSIC FLOOD CONTROL Voters Urged to O ^ ^ -2-JlLIEOT.SWAOÎSTO Register Now WILL BE TALKED 16836627 STREET LI6IITS Vnry Small Percentage of E li­ Residents of Lowlands Seek gible Residents Take Nec­ essary Voting Step Steps to Prevent Repetition • of Property Damage IteglNter Now! Do It Today! Ail Bridge and 30 Raaldantlal Lamp* ,o Ba Eliminated In Lateet Propoeal Christian Church Choir Will Present Sacred Cantata, "Christ Victorious*’ Sun. Springfield Man Says Ho Wilt File Today on the Republi­ can Ticket for Nomination These are the word* printed on C. A. "Tom" Swart*. meat dealer GROUP HAS 30 VOICES a number of window card* posted of Springfield, announced today In various place* In the county that be was going to file a* a can­ Pastor to Preach on "Phillip, urging resident* to make sure that didate for sheriff on the Republi­ Retain Ornamental Light» The Soul Winner,” at Re­ they ure properly registered to can ticket. His campaign he de­ But Reduce Globe»; Public gular Morning Service vote. clared is to be on tbe platform of Places Are Unchanged itegk-tratlon» can tie made until economy and efficiency. He be­ Tbe Christian church choir with April 1» for the prlmury election, lieve* tbe snerlff's office can be A plan whereby *11 light» on the 30 voice* under the direction of and again after thia election for the run at much less expense and that j Lieut. C. A. "Tom” Swarts Seek* Willamette river brlidge and 30 Rev Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the fall voting. IL la not necasaary to Republican Nomination. greater efficiency can be had by uf lit* 31 caudle power «treat lamp* church, and director of music at the go to the county court house to re­ closer cooperation with tbe state would be completely ellmluuled. Eugene Bible college, will be besrd gister A number of persona In tbla police, and by more modem ■ud all ut tli* remaining ornament- in a sacred Easter cantata at the county have been designated to re­ method*. *1 lights In the city of Springfield church Sunday evening st 7 30 gister voters by tbe county clerk. Mr. Swart* will be opposed In the would be »really reduced lu ala« o’clock. Springfield people can reglrter ut primary election by ex-etalef. Ralph was formulated bere Monday night The cantata. "Christ Victorious," tbe city ball. Hall, and ex-sergeant. Julian Strait, 15751735 al a apodal meeting of Ibe dty by Roy E. Nolte, is the regular Eas­ Persons wbo voted at tbe general of the Eugene police department. cuuarll. Tbe plan aa prepared at ter musical offering ot the church election not more than two year* They are the announced candidates that lime will be Incorporated Into choir. It was postponed one week ago and wbo hgve not moved out In tbe race. Cal Pryor and Sheriff a uew contract with the Mountain to enable members of tbe church of tbe precinct do not have to sign Bown are tbe candldat«*. on tbe All Clubs. Lodges, Etc., Urged and cholr w attend lhe mi|tato B, (State* Power company which baa urds aa they are already register­ Democratic ticket. l>eeu under conalderatlon here for to Name Representatives the Methodist church Easter Sun- The elder Rockefeller po*ed for e d . Those wlio have moved to other lie paat mouth. Mr. Swarts, wbo Is 46 years old. to General Committee «lay evening. precincts mu*t make out a new this remarkable photograp ph the first No new contract haa been enter­ has lived in Lane county 22 years day he wa* out alter a severe ill- registration card. Solosist* will Include Mrs. R. E. net*. He’s 93 and lay*, " I feel fine, and tbe last 12 years baa been In ed Into by the city yet. but both A plea for tbe various clubs of s Moshler. soprano; Mr*. D B. Mur Il I* neceisary to register for two thank you.” W. P Tyson mayor, and I. M. Pel business In Springfield with bts the city to take action In the mat major reason*. If you do not do ao : phy, contralto; D. B. Murphy, tenor; eraon, city attorney, who recently father. He been first lieuten­ tei of the Oarden Improvement j , nd Roland Mo, hler your name will not appear In tbe made a trip to Albany to confer ant In command of headquarters Contest which was launched here poll book In your precinct and you with official* of Ibe power company company, 1st battalion, 162nd in­ last week wae made this week by I Member* of tbe choir are: canuot receive a ballot to vote. regarding the contract, feel aure fantry here tor six year*. He I* the group sponsoring the move­ Sopranos: Barbara Adam*. Eve­ Alao. It Is necessary for the county that one embracing the proposed at preseent chairman of the school ment. lyn Harris, Hazel Wilson. Pearl Hel- officials to have some check on change* will be acceptable to the board, having served two terms as Each club, lodge, or other organi­ terbrand. Ruth Garvin. Mrs. Sever­ tbe number of people who will vote company. director. zation which Is willing to assist in son, Mrs. A. G. Brown, Mr*. Larson and tbe number of ballota and Make Tour of City During the war Mr. Swarts serv- thl* work is urged to name one Wright. Louise Trotter. Mrs. W. P. other election »uppltii that will be After conalderlng possible reduc I ed with Company C 210 field signal member to meet with others from Tyson, Uldine Gartln. Mrs. Roland needed. lloua In street lighting expend! The percentage of eligible voters Father of Mrs. W. E. Buell battalion. He la a graduate of Went- other groups thus forming a large Moshler, and Beulah Richardson. turra Curing two meeting*, mem who register I* usually very light Dics Here Wednesday; Fu- worth Military academy, Lexington, re pro entatlve body to direct the Altos; Marjorie Waddell. Lela here of the council gathered at the neral at Falls City Sat. Missouri, and be Is married and has contest. The groups are also asked Squires, Maxine Swarts, lone In proportion to the number of legal dty ball Monday evening and ----------- 1 three children. to provide prixes for the various Rhodes,. Mrs. Ella Lombard. Jessie residents. At the last election In made a tour of the city Inapectlng Noah Ferguson, father of Mrs. W. I Mr. Swarts ba* been active In divisions of the contest, and ta Beals, Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Dorothy Springfield only 722 were register­ each and every light to determine ed out of an estimated poaalble E. Buell, passed away here early 1 civic and military circles and is take r vote and express their choice Withers. which kbould be retained and which Wednesday morning at the home of: widely known among ex-service as to a flower to become perman­ 1600. Bass: Glen Robertson, B. O. ones (t.vlo be eliminated They de hl* (laughter following an extended men. His backers claim that be- ently known as tbe Springfield city Smith. Roland Moshler, William tided Io keep all of the atreel light* illnete-. cause of the factional fighting on Ilower. M E TH O D IS T CHURCH TO Sourd, Hubert Slaa. Sterling Cash. at public gathering placoa aucb aa He wa* born at Columbus. Ohio, the Eugene police force the voters Flower xuggestions are: Rose, Tenors: Merton Ferebee and Dal­ rchoola. and churchea, and all thoar HAVE VESPER SERVICE on January 25, 1863, and was mar- of Lane county will welcome a delphiniums, gladioli, dahlias, and las Murphy. n!«.ng the route of the dty bua ays- rled In 1886 to Katherine Koegl. chance to elect one that is free columbine. Starting Sunday for two week* tern. Rev. Pruitt will preach his regu­ coming to Falls City. Oregon, where from these Influences. The next meeting of the general Its lead of having tbe usual meeting lar Sunday morning sermon at tbe They ala« decided to reduce all they made their home in 1899. He -------------------------- committee to discuss tbe improve of the Epworth League and the chnrch on the subject. "Phillip, The of the lamp* In the ornamental lived there until the death of Mrs. LODGE MEM BERS AT ment project will be held at the evening service at the Methodist Soul Winner.” llghilug ay»tem of the d ty from too Ferguson In 1929 after which be LORANE W EDNESDAY Community hall on Tuesday. April church. Rev. Deau C. Poindexter The Bible school meets at 9:46 to loo randle power rather than came to Springfield to make his _______ 5- • will conduct a vesper aervlce at 5 and has clat*es for all ages. t ut oul one half of them and leave home with hi* daughter. Fifteen members of Springfield The contest has been divided Into o'clock after which the pastor. Lea­ lire ilhera staggered through Mato He Is survived by two daughters, I. O. O. F. lodge number 70 motored five divfcdons with prixes for each. gue members and others will go to ■treat. The 100 candle power CLUB PROGRAM FOR Me . W. E. Buell, Springfield, and to Lorane Wednesday evening to Much valuable information on what Coburg for an evening service. lamt.-i have been Inatalled In aev RADIO BROADCAST OUT The first vesper service will be I Mrs W. D. McPherron. Siletx; return a fraternal visit and to dis­ to plant aud the proper care of It oral of the poets for aome time at cuss plans for the county conven­ can be secured from the office of three sons. N. C. Ferguson. Falls on the subject. "And God Saw That the lequoat of the council and mem Program tor the Four-H club City; C H. Ferguson, Bellingham, tion to be held there on Saturday. the county agent and from Mis* It War» Good." ber i of that group feel aatlafled Washington, and J. C. Ferguson. April 23. Thoae attending from the Gertrude Sltow. home demonstra­ broadcast to be heard over radio Sunday morning at 11 o'clock tbe with the reaulta obtained. The station KOAC at Corvallis uu April pastor wilt preach on the subject, Tolodo; twelve grandchildren and. local lodge were. Asa Peddlcord. tion ageut light» will be left burning all night 4, wa* released today. Keune’h Ar­ five sisters. Mr*. Ellxabeth Gibhe. Ernest Black. Lee Putman. Roland "Risen with Christ.” The Church All of the atreel light« on Kaal nold. Linn county, will speak on Newton, Kansas; Mrs. Emmaline Moshler. John Ketels, Sr.. John MELBA H A R R IS HOSTESS school meet* at 9:46. Malu aud moat of thoae on Fifth "Experiences of a 4-H 1‘oultry mem Koegl. Moundridge. Kansas. Mrs Gates. Bert Sankey, Herbert Walk Coburg Methodist AT B IR T H D A Y D INNER ber." There will be a musical pro­ ■tree! north will be kept aa theae H ELD ON SUNDAY "Because 1 Live.” will be tbe Isaac Horning. Blanchard, Iowa; 1er. T. C. Barker, Mr.*berry, PROGRAM GIVEN AT are ou the principal travel route* gram and a discussion of what one theme of tbe morning message at Mr*. Conrad Holdeman. Heston. s Elmer Pyne, Elmer Findley, Ernest Friends of Mis* Melba Harris Formar Resident Married to Ho­ Into the dty. must do to be a 4-H poultry club EASTER BREAKFAST 9 45 at the Methodist church at Kaunas; Mrs. Sarah King. Kansas W alker. Fred Hinson and John were invited to her home last ward Nelson ot Portland at Street lamp* which will be ellml member. The final number will be Coburg Sunday. The Sunday school City. Missouri; aud two brothers, ■ Lorah. Thursday evening for a social gath Eugene Home nutcd under the propoaed plan will Almost 70 people attended tbe an addr««s by A. G. Lund, head of Benjamin Ferguson. Wakaruse. Ind-I -------------------------- will be held at 10:30 Immediately ering in honor of her sixteenth be a follow»: Second afreet al Ibe annual Easter hreakfaxt at the the poultry department at Oregon . , ., . _ . after the won hip service. The even- (ana. and Jacob Ferguson, of Ti K ITC H EN IM PR O VEM EN T birthday. The evening was spent State college on, "Points for a 4-H Ml * Gertrude Musloe, former ( hrt tluti church Interaecilona with It I), and F which was spun- , . .. ,, . gard. Oregon. , , . . . .... . , I Ing sermon will be oil the subject, street*; on Third afreet al the lu- Springfield resident, became the sored by the Live Wire clasit under " ,. M EETIN G S SCHEDULED with games and refreshments. Poultry Member to Keep In Mind. ’ This Present were Mis* Blanche Bates. Funeral - ervlces will be held at ' ter« action with A and C; on Mill at bride of Howard Nelson. Portland. the leadership of Mr*. W. P. Tyson. The Quest for Big Game. service will start at 7 o’clock and Miss Eva Louk. Miss Annabelle A ('. F. and J; three light* on aouth Sunday at a pretty Easter day wed­ The breakfast wa* held at 8 o'clock T H R E E BOYS SEEK Mill aired; on Fourth at F; on ding ceremony at the home of the Sunday morning and the following will be attended by many young Falls City. Saturday morning. In- i meeting* on kitchen improvement Boyles. Theda Rhodes. Helen Hu­ people of the Springfield church lett. Dale Knight. Velda Bartholo­ SCOUT M E M B ER SH IP ferment will be made in the I. O. work in the Jasper area was held Fill!, at A C. aud H. on Seventh at bride'* parent«' Mr. and Mr*. Bert program was held Immediately who will furnish music. O. F. cemetery. The Poole-Gray- at the home of Mrs. Ira Higgins mew. and Lloyd Harris of Spring- F. I' and It; on Eighth al A, C, E, MuHtoe. In Eugene at 3 o'clock. Rev. afterwards: Applications of three boys for Bartholomew chapel of Springfield Tuesday starting at 10:30. Another field; Dean Knight, Eugene; Car- and Q; on Ninth at F, D, It; on F. L. Moore of Albany read the Vocal solo, Merton Ferebee. will have charge. ) of these meetings is planned for roll Fountain. Waltervllle; and Miss membership In the Springfield Boy Tenth at E and G; on Weal D atreel ceremony which wa* attended by "What KeHurrectlon Meat*» to Ms," IA R E TA N IA GUILD PACKS Scout troop we.e received at the -------------------------- Friday at 10 a. m. at the home of Harris. at Water; and end of aired. 17. BOX FOR M ISSION WORK talk by Evelyn Baccus. meeting of the group Tuesday. The Attending Ml»» Mu»toe a* brides­ Duet, Haxel Wilson and Lela STOLEN CAR SCARE Mrs. Lynn Wheeler. The meetings Big Saving Mad* boys of the troop are now working are being held under the direction Lighting coata for the city under maid w»» Ml*» Theo Bartholomew. Members of Aretanla Guild of the PASTOR USES M IRRORS Squires. . PROVES FALSE ALARM on their second group of tes ts now of Miss Gertrude Skow. Lane coun­ Ihe propoaed plan will be reduced George Grace wa* beat man. Mr*. Talk. Beulah Thurman. Baptist church packed a White TO R EFLEC T SCENE and are planning a hike to the city Irom 1336.0k at preaent to 8186.91 Bernice Neher Finley played tile Prayer. Veltle Pruitt. Cross box of ifl-ttcles for distribu­ What all the ear mark*« of being ty home demonstration agent. park to practice (ire-making and wedding march and Uldlne Garten or a raving uf 1148.1* monthly. The A novel and beautiful depiction Euster Le»*on led by Mr. Hollister. tion In China at their meeting Tues­ a stolen automobile turned out to other outdoor activities. Nearly 20 Individual Item* of expenditure un­ rang. "I Love You Truly." day evenltxg at the church. The be Just a slip on the part of a local SPR IN G FIELD PEOPLE of the Resurrection Scene as the boys attended the meeting Tuesday The bride worg a gown of green der the propoaed contract will be group held a potluck supper start­ garage worker the first of the week. theme around which the Easter AT SPANISH VET DINNER evening which was held at the LION M EM B ER S’ FUN flat crepe and a corsage Ml * Bar­ aa followa: ing at 6:30. morning service at the Methodist Monday evening an automobile Methodist church. tholomew wore a salmonplnk dre»». 30 ornamental lamp* re­ Mr». Homer Chase was re-elected was driven down town and parked PLAY IS POSTPONED church was built was worked out Mr. und Mr*. Nelaon will make duced from 400 to 100 candle president of the group for the next near a garage. It remained there ________ Springfield ___ ________ _________ Several people, includ by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor "The Tramps' Convention.” one- year*at tbe business meeting. Mrs. a], n|ght w,th the doors unlocked i power 1 41.00 their borne In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eggimann, with the use of large mirrors. The LEGION PLANS BALLOON act play which the Lions club hud Merle Fixed Inatallatlon charge, Is j h e j »nd, aroused suspicion the next i)a|e Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Sam pastor secured several large mtr DANCE FOR SATURDAY intended to pro-ent this spring has elect, and Mrs. Jerry Adams of Eu morning when It had not been Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hel- rors and arranged them on the tg of 13.10 per poat 31.6b MANY MEN A T T E N D ON been postponed until fall. I-adies' gene Is the secretary-treasurer. Two 400 candle power Springfield American Legion post moved at 9 o'clock. terbrand. and Ed Smock, attended church platform In such a manner LAST DAY OF CO NTEST Night was set for April 8, at the lamp* reduced to 100 3.6* number 40 will sponsor another bal­ Lum Anderson, police chief took *fie • o clock dinner of the Gen- that the beautiful Resurrection Eighty-seven 32 candle power CANDIDATE V IS IT S A total of 39 men attended the Friday meatlng. charge of the car and stored It In I •‘ral Lawton post, Spanish Amerl scene on one of the church win­ loon dance at Thurston Saturday lampa ..................... ......... 108.76 meeting of the Men's Bible class The same committees which func­ IN C ITY ON FRIDAY a garage while an Investigation j can war veterans, in Eugene Mon- dows was reflected Into the mir­ evening according to J. M. Larson, One 60 watt lamp back of rors facing the audience. The pas­ dance manager. Mr. Larson has a of the Christian church Easter Sun­ tioned for the play have been asked wa«« started. Later fn the day the day evening. A program with a pualofflce 1.00 day. This was Ihe final day of the to serve on the program commit­ Emmett Howard. Republican can tor stood back of the mirrors and large quantity of balloons and as­ owners called for the car. The skit of army life was given after sures those attending nn enjoyable delivered his sermon. membership contest which ha* tee for Ladles' Night. Two other dldate for congress to replace Wil­ garageman had misunderstood their the dinner. Total ....................... 1188.81 been In progress for the past sev­ committees, one on Initiation and li Hawley In this district was In evening. desire to have him place It In the In explaining the fixed Inatalla­ eral weeks. The final results will another on menu have been ap­ Springfield Friday with his cam­ garage for overnight storage. SHOWER FOR BRIDE B IR TH D A Y D INNER paign manager. Mr. Garrison. Mr. tlon charge Item the recorder point­ be announced next Sunday. Russell pointed. MANY YOUNG PEOPLE HELD H ER E TH U R SD A Y IS H ELD TUESDAY ed oul that tbe city had agreed to Myers. Hubert His,«. an|d W. I. An orchestra composed of Harold Howard has opened an office at ENJOY SKATING PARTY Kensington Club to Meet carry thl* Item In the contract wltn House headed the committees. und Bessie Stewart. Jewel Steen, Salem and Is devoting most of his Mrs. Howard Nelson (Gertrude Several guests were entertained Mrs. Edward I’rlvat will enter­ time calling on people In the coun­ the pJiwer company over a definite and Eldreg Glaspey furnished en­ Nearly 50 young people of the at the Riley Snodgrass hom% Tues­ Mustoe) was the honor guest at a period of year* at the time the PRISCILLA CLUB W ILL tertainment at the Friday lunch­ ties of the district In behalf of his tain for members of the Kensington Methodist church and their Invited miscellaneous shower held last day evening at a birthday dinner club tomorrow. Friday, April 1. light* were Installed. By cutting candidacy. M EET IN EUGENE TODAY eon meeting. honoring Mrs. Snodgrass. Among Thursday evening at the home of guests enjoyed a private roller the mm In half the period during those present were Kenneth DeLas- Mrs. William G. Hughes. Mrs. R. skating party at the Eugene armory which thl* item will have to be car Members of the Priscilla dnh will sus. Clara Wagner. Jud McQueen. P. Mortensen was the assistant Wednesday evening. Members of rled will be extended. meet at the home of Mrs. John Cottage Grove. Lloyd Garrison, Eu­ hostess. Mrs. Nelson Is a former Mrs. A. B« Van Valxah's Sunday- The council tried to be a* Impar Seavey, 1688 Moss street. Eugene, nice Gerber. Mr. and Mrs. Snod­ resident of Springfield and was school class sponsored the party tlal a* possible In designating those this afternoon at 2 o'clock. This grass. and Miss Maxine Snodgrass married Sunday to Howard Nelson and announced that they will at­ light* whloh must be taken out and Is a regular ipeetlng of Ihe organi­ tempt to hold another next month. of Portland. discriminated only In those place* sation. YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN where they felt that tbe greatest FUNERAL FOR KINCAID FR ESH M EN CLASS W INS number will be benefltted by the CHURCH SOCIAL HERE VISITO R GUEST AT IN FA N T HELD SUNDAY "M ER R Y MAIDS MARCH" continued use of street lights, (le INFORM AL DINNER All young people of the Christian dared Mayor Tyaon following the Funeral services for L»*oy Kin­ A picnic scene a presented by church will meet at the church this meeting. Miss Florence Coffin, former The dty council I* faced with the ¡evening for a social gathering and girls of the Freshman class of the caid who died at Wendltng March refreshments. Miss Mabel Moffttt Springfield high school won first 24, were held from the I. O. (). F. necessity of reducing expenditure* Springfield resident who Is visiting will have charge of entertainment prise In- the annual 'Marry Maids hall Sunday. March 27, at 2:30 and IIMitH are one of the few re friends In this city, was a guest at and members of the Live Wire March" program held In the audl o’clock. The Rev W. O. Jefferson malnlng Item* which have not been an Informal dlhner given by Miss Edna Swarts Sunday evening cist s of the church school will take torlum last Thursday evening for conducted the services and inter­ already pared down. all girls of the high school and their ment was made at Ihe Mai-cola charge of refreshments. It I* only by practicing rigid Those present were Miss Coffin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Llchty. Miss mothers. Members of the Qtris cemetery. Veatch chapel was io economy now that the d ty govern­ charge of arrangements League sponsored the event. ment can expeot to be able to meet Lulu Qell. und Mr. und Mrs. ('. E. NO DECREASE IS SEEN Swarts. Ita obligations In the future. Other IN W H E A T ACREAGES MAN BREAKS ARM AT cities are finding themselves fac- FREAK EGG FOUND BY KNIFE CASHES LEG Ing the iBme problem*, he declared. W EN D LIN G SATURDAY The government survey of grow FARMER NEAR T H IS CITY IN SPEC TIO N TOUR MADE l*o alblc method» of controlling Ih* water* of the Willamette river to prevent flood datnuge will be die- i-u*«ed ut a meeting of representa­ tive* of all Intereated com in tin It lea al the Eugene Chamber of Com su rer Friday morning al 10 o'clock •« at State Teacher* Col­ The meetIng ha* been called by lage, Far il'e. V a . have taken time T (I. ItUNHell, president of Ibe Eu by -luck and elected Mia* gene Chamber after a delegation Mode ’ of Lexington a* May Queen Irom Ihe uffllcted area» bud called ou Ihe Eugene orgunlxatlou for backing In un effort to bring the n matter before Ihe Oregon delegs lion In congress At other meeting which will have Home hearing on Ibl* problem baa L /• been culled ut Ibe Chamber uf Coni inerce tor April 13, at wblcb time Major Kuenlx, army dl*trlct c-nglu Pioneer Citizen Die» nt Home eer nt Portland will be preaent to of Daughter: Funeral to Be gather data ou poaalble tonnage fur the Wlllamvtte river aliould It lx- Thi» Afternoon canalised. A aerie* of thene meeting* 1« be­ Funeral aervlce* for Mr*. Ellxa- beth Anderson Steven*, native real- ing culled by the engineer and It dent of laine county who died at | la hoped that he cau be lut*ra*ted the home of her daughter. Mrs. i In the flood control angle of the Carleton A. Wyman, early Tue* canalisation project, day morning at the age of 7» year*. Many valuable field* were *poll- wlll be held from the Veatch chapel ,,,) recently when the river channel III Eugene thl* afternoon at 2 overflowed washing gravel and o'clock llev Henry W. Davl* will aatid Into the garden* and field*. officiate and Interment will he made at th* new Maaonlc cemetery. MANY LIONS A TTEN D Mr* Steven* wa* the daughter M EETIN G AT ROSEBURG of Robert E Campbell, pioneer lain* county resident, and wa* born Fourteen member* of the Spring- In Springfield. July 13. 1863 She wa* married Io J. Anderaon In field Lion* den motored to Roae- 188» He died In 1906 and »he wa* burg Wednesday evening to attend later married to J. E. Steven* who the unnual district convention be­ ing held In that city. Delegation« died In 1923 She leave* *lx sons, Ulen G. An- were also preaent from many of demon, Coburg; Frank E Ander the other den* ot the dlatrlct. *on. Burn»; It. L. Anderaon. Rose-, | Walter McGregor and Dale Rum burg; H II Anderaon. Ia> Grande; | ford were taken with the local and W H Anderson and C. D. An member* to provide an entertain­ deraon, Eugene; two daughter». ment number. Member» of the Mr*. Ellxabeth Day. Eugene; and Lion* dub quartet were unable to Mr*. Carleton A. Wyman. 8prtng- attend In a group and had to give field. There are alno eight grand- up tnelr entertainment number, children and two great-grandchll-' Representing the local den were dn-n a* well a* two half-brother«. Dr, w. C. Itebhan president. W. F. George E. Campbell. Portland, and Walker, dlatrlct governor; N. L. K. E Campbell, Chehall*. Washing Pollard, John IL Pyle. I. M. Peter- ton. *oo, M. A. Pohl, Rev. Dean C. Mr*. Steven» leave* a large hum Poindexter, John Henderer. Don­ Iter of friend* In thl* dty. ald Toomb. Clayton Barber, H. O. Dlhhh-e, W. K Burnell. Floyd Flan ery and F. B. Hamlin. EASTER W EDDING IS ACTION WANTED ,L TEVENS PASSE u h JESOAY DEATH CLAIMS OF BOY W H IT T L E R COX R E -E N LIS TE D IN LOCAL GUARD U N IT William (’ox wa* re-enllsted Into Springfield* National Guard unit Tuaiday. He ha* nerved one three year term and one one year term prevloug to hl* re-enllstment. Dale Richardson of Wallervllle was brought to Springfield for me­ dical care Wednesday morning after he had cut a deep gash In his leg He was whittling wood when his pocket knife slipped strik­ ing him. If you’ve had any doubt* about rt, her«’. "Babe" Ruth, the H«ne Run KiM .« his c o n tra a (or th l hm »«4«M ers' Intentions to plant spring wheat Indicates that the acreage will be about the same as planted In 1931. but around 60 per cent more than was harvested last year when -drouth caused heavy abandonment u, .*,■■■»■ of spring wheat ____~ acreage, » _______ *ays a re J. H. Hammltt. farmer residing on Route 2. Springfield, found an egg on his place recently which weighed 4 ounces and which meas ured seven Inches around the clr cumference one way, and eight In­ port from the Oregon State college. I ches the other. George Glenn of Wendllng. em ployee of Ihe Booth Kelly lumber company at Wendllng was taken to the Eugene hospital Saturday with a broken left arm. He wa* setting up a donkey engine when the Beet- dent happened.