THURSDAY. MARCH 24, 1982 TUE 8PRINOPIELD NEWS PAGE POUR each, and mice V*. In order to show that the member competing has killed the rodents he must sub mit the tall of the rodent to the rodent control supervlaor in the district who will report to the county club agent, or to the 4-11 club leader In the dtstrlet who will Special Prizes Add Stimula­ I report to the county club agent at tion to Contest Which At­ I the end of the raciest. A total of 100 mole traps have tracts Many Club Members I been secured from Mr. Grello to be Foar group» have sent In enroll­ loaned to boys and girls competing ment* In the county-wide rodent In the contest. Any boy or girl wl king to enter control contest, according to R. C. Kuehner. county club leader These into the county-wide rodent control tour group» are from the Noratou contest may do so by seeding his district, Doretia, Wallerville. and or heT name to the corntv club Ada. Several other group» have agent a» soon a» possible signified their Intention» In com­ peting In the contest which la county-wide and several Individual member» have enrolled A total of 50 boy» and girl» are now working llappy Davison from Portlaiul in the county-wide rodent control contest for the control of pocket and Miss Gordon front Albany took gophers, moles, grey diggers, rats, dinner at the Jobn Edmiston home and mice. A total of *10 00 in cash Wednesday evening. priie» la being offered, *5.00 and a Little Margaret Campbell and sow pig. The prig«» include prtaes Donald Peterson from Salem have for groups and priie» for indivi­ been staying with their grand dual members. An additional fea­ mother. Mrs. Beulah Harbit for the ture has been added to the contest past several days during Mr. Pet­ for special priies. For the five boys erson's illness. or girl* securing the most number The young people of the neigh of mole tails, Mr. C. E. Grello. mole trap manufacturer of Port­ borhood are learning a play Home land. Oregon, is awarding an im­ Ties.'' sponsored by Mrs. Hubert Gray, principal of the grade school, proved model mole trap • to be given at a later date, for the W a lte rv ille M em ber Busy benefit of the grade school. Much Interest is being shown by Misa Leone Edmiston motored to the members competing in the con­ Drain last Monday. test. One barn in the Walterville Loren Edmiston reft Wednesday district furnished members In that area with 50 points, which means evening for Corvallis to join the 100 mice to come to the crusade musicians of O. S. C. on their against rodents by boys and girls Easter tour. They plan touring in this contest. One boy has bor­ southern Oregon and northern rowed all the mole traps in the California for 11 days giving must neighborhood and is acting as of­ ical entertainments. Their first ficial mole catcher for the entire stop is Grants Pass where they en­ community. In another district one tertain in the high school auditor­ boy has made arrangements with ium Thursday evening. a farmer to poison the grey dig­ Mrs. Jack Harbit aud daughter gers on his land, and this fanner from St. Helens has been visiting is furnishing the poison barley for at Lawrence Go sler's home for that purpose, a very good arrange­ the past week. ment for both of them. Lafe Moore is seriously ill at the In the contest pocket gophers home of his daughter, Mrs. Bert and moles count * points each and Weaver. rats and grey diggers count 1 point Mrs. James Hill is ill with flu. AVERAGE FAMILY BODED) COBIDOL WORKERS BOS) 18879174 New Smart COATS $5.85 • $9.95 DRESSES $4.98 - $9.95 FAST CAROS FOR FRIDA) ASSURED C alifornia Oil Company Continues Advertising and Incroa*** Sales on Pacific Coaat “Yaqul" Jo», Vatll Taacoff Draw Headliner Place; Art O'Reilly Puts Up Belt Food Purchases for Five Peo­ t lie of the moat o p t'iitl-ilc of III - large bualu*** Inteieat« mi the Pa ple Need Not Exceed 1 his rifle coast this year la the Mlandaru Sum Says Dairyman Dll t'tiuiiany of California T tl "The average American fantfh can live well, enjoy xottd health and have abundant energy f >| work, school and social nctlvil » on a weekly food budget of *7 51" declared M D Munn, founder, and for twelve year president of the National Dairy council at a meeting of Oregon leaders recently. Mr. Munn spent two days iu the stute studying dairy problems aud adv > eating greater use of dairy pro ducts In all futility meuua but espe­ cially in homes where economy In food buying Is given serious con­ sideration. Thurston Easter Apparel STANDARO OIL CO. la OPTIMISTIC ON BUSINESS This picture of Charles A. Lindbergh. J r . the JB-month-oM son olI CoL Charles A. Lindbergh, famous trans-Atlantic flier and hrs wile. Anne, daughter of the bte Senator Morrow, who was stolen out of the window of the Lindbergh home at Hopewell, N J-, on the night of March 1, was made only a lew weeks ago. The government census shows i that the average family consists of two adults and three children and It la with the Ideu of being of greatest ervlce to this type of household that we have prepared a low-cost food budget which con ' tains every necessary nutritional element and which furnishes a bund ■ . nl energy for meeting our com­ plex problems of present fiuandal condition». This food budget al­ lows a wide choice ot foods, and has that important feature, appe­ tite appeal, without which any meal Is unsatisfactory. McCann Brlekaon Advertising Two exceptional drawing card» McKann Erickaon a d v e r t t a l u .l i e Hated for the Week's wrestling ateney of San FrancI sen ha» Just ,aid at the Eugene armory announced a forthcoming ntlvertla- "Yaqul" J»e> Honora Mexico, lit I iii campaign which will appear lit dina, and Vasil Taacoff, rexiit at most of the nowapapera on th < coaat Iti behalf of their client» rival from Bulgaria will meet vacl, Brigadier General Charlea I I The California oil company haa oilier for the main event <>u Ibe In ell a consistent user of news- Sherrill ha* been appointed United card, and Art H Reilly will stake State* Anib.i. .ul"' to Tuikcv paper udverttNlug »pace unit ha» feeding Joseph P Grew, who go»'» hl» Junior welterweight twit, which continued thia pulley during the • Iapan he won lu t week, In a buttle with prcHent huslnea» slump They have I'ony Caponi, a Spanish Italian who sought to produce a useful pro­ MISS ADAMS HOSTESS travels aleiul the country with the duct of high quality on the theory AT BIRTHDAY DINNER Indian These latter two will wraa thut such an article If aouiully nil lie 45 minutes II I a sepclul evenl verified and aggresalvelv »old wilt Mis* Barbara Adam was boat lor the bait. find h receptive market eaa at a birthday dinner party at "Yuqui" J»«, la a former Indian "Without attempting Io attribute her home Tuesday evening com ruinier of Sonoro, Mexico, who tried the »alvatlon of the West to Stand pllmeiitltig Mias Aduline Perkin» wrestling and liked It. He bus aril (HI Company of California ad Gueala Included Mis» Perkins. E adopted the while rnau'a clothing vertlalng. we do feel that thl» re­ Iher McPherson, Lewis Mills, newed effort II I 1933 la a atep (or .and tactics of wrealllng aud ha* James Kills, Carol Adams. Mrs ward io better condillona," declarea lier n very ucceaiful. Packed Alvu Adams, and the ho-deas houses have always greeie'd him on Mr. McGufflck. ’ all of hi* previous appearances In TOXOID CLINIC BEING j Eugene and H ila viali to the armory HELD AT SCHOOLS HERE ‘ will probably not be auy exception P.T.A. TO HAVE MEETING, TODAY Toxoid clinics ale being held at ! If Art (> Reilly meet* the other the grade schools In thia city this performers on Hie Friday card tu morning bv Mrs. Dellu Fllagernld. ‘lie di easing room he I* apt to county health nurse. She started think lie I* In a foreign laud a* examining students at the Brattuin radi of Ihe other participant* Parents of Students to Pres­ school ul 9 30 slid was to go Io the apeak different language* than Dairy Products Used Lincoln «chool later In the fore himself although they are fast “This low-coat budget makes ent Short Play as Part i mustering the Amerlrau tongue noon. greater use of dairy products than of Program Feature is sometime* used iu the average menu, as it calls for 28 quarts of Parent* of atudenta at Spring milk, two pounds ot butter and one field high achool will preaent a pound of cheese each week Ice short play, “Father Improve» HI» cream may be made a part ot this Memory." at the monthly meeting For Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 24 - 25 - 26 weekly menu and there is a wide of the Parent Teacher aaaorlatlon Beef steak — Round, Loin or T-Bone 15c choice in meats, fish, vegetables at the high school thia afternoon Pork Steak, nhldr 13c Beef Roast 1 2c and truit. Cereals play an Import­ The meeting ha» been moved ahead Hamburger, 2 lbs. Pork Chops 16c ant part also," sutd Mr. Munn. one day becau»e of the vacation Pork Sausage 1 2c Fourteen lives have been lost in the floods due to the melting ot heavy Pork Roast 12c holiday Friday. He explained that one quart of •nows in the western part of the State of Washington Here ia a picture of milk furnished one-half the neces­ GOOD PRICES. QUALITY MEATS, GOOD SERVICE Members of the play cast are: sary daily food requirements of the Sam Norton. Mrs. Dave Flatter; body, but that this statement did Mary, his wife, Mrs. Fred Limit, March King Passes not Indicate that two quarts of milk Julia, hl» alater. Mrs. (). F Thatch 442 Mam Street Next Door to Irish-Murphy's a day completely filled the average er; will, his son. Mrs Maude (lias- physical and mental needs Other pey; grandma. Mrs R P. Morten The Seventh and Eighth grade foods, such as variety of fruit, vege­ son. girl» will play a game of baseball tables and cereals, must be eaten Other numbers on the program at the school Thursday if the wea to give a balanced ratlou. but will, will Include songs by the high ther permits. milk products as a low cost base school senior quartet, a violin aolu Letters were awarded to Junior for each meal, the average adult or by Eldred Glaspey. aud a talk by high school boys tor basketball last child would be more economically W. E Buell, school principal Friday. • •• ' and more healthfully fed. he said Mr». Ira Nice Is chairman of the Debating is now creating a great Industrial firms and welfare organi­ program committee for the after­ ' deal of iuterest at the school. Mem zations In all parts of the country noon. bers of the eighth grade grammar have adopted this low cost budget class are arguing various subjects which has met with wide approval 'the first was "Resolved. That Jap- PORTLAND VISITOR IS from housewives. i an is in the Wrong in Her Inter- GUEST AT LUNCHEON ; ference in China." Speakers on the The low-cost food budget will be : affirmative were Pearl Helter issued in this state by the Oregon Mis» Florence Coffin, of Portland : brand. Florence May. and Jean Dairy council, based upon local and former!, a resident of Spring Louk. Negative speakers were John Philip Sousa, world-famous prices, and it is Intimated that the field will he honor guest at a one ! Charles Clement. Sammie Gott, and band leader and composer of popular weekly figure may be even lower u chick lunch,»in (inlay ut the home Woodrow Bates. The negative side march tunes, died suddenly at the in this state,, due to local prices. of Mrs. M J. McKlln. Guest* In age of 77 won. The Oregon Dairy Council office riled Include Mr N. W Em ery. The second debate was on the i is in the Citizens Bank Building. .Mrs. J. T. Moore. Mrs. L. K. Baa subject, "Resolved, that the United Portland, from where this budget ford of Florence who Is visiting States Should Not Protect Her In : will be Issuer! by the nutritional here. Mrs C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. W terests Abroad." Affirmative -peak I education department. H. Pollard Mra l.uwrence May und ers were Lillian Gregory. Irene An­ Miss Ella May Wangelin who has Mrs. Edwin (). Browning of Eugene, derson. and Josephine Jones. Nega­ been spending the winter with her MARCH 24 9:15 A. M. tive speakers who won the debate mother, Mrs. O. H. Wangelin and HIGH SCHOOL GETS Be Sure To Get A Copy Of are Lloyd Harris. Donald Kendall, her sister, Mrs. E. B. Tinker, will VACATION ON FRIDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP and Roland Farnsworth. leave for Phoenix. Arizona. March 4-Page Broadside PLANS SKATING EVENT The third debate subject was, 27, where she will make her home No classes will be held at the ' Resolved, that Fire is More Des­ with her sister. Mrs. F. J. Elliott. high school riday It has been an The roller skating party which DKPT. STORI* tructive than Water.” The negative A baby girl was born to Mr. and i flounced. Students will take one members of Mrs A. B. Van Val Eugene, 968 side also won this debate. They Mrs. D. ('. Warner of Fall Creex day off at thia time for Easter zah's Sunday school class of the Oregon were Vivian Scott, Alice Neet, and at the Pacific Christian hospital ) vacation which will make their Methodist church had to postpone Willamette Barbara Barnell. Affirmative speak­ in Eugene March 18, 1932. Mrs. school year end on a Friday. Grade recently will be held at the Armory ers were Robert Caulkins, Ray- Warner wa- formerly Miss Mary schools are not taking the vacation In Eugene Wednesday, March 30 Crandall, and Lawrence Chase. day. Harden of Pleasant Hill. It was announced today by Howard The fourth debate, "Resolved The women of the Pleasant Hill Hughes, chairman of the skating that the Philippines Should be community held a meeting at the committee. C lerk on Vacation - aauaga.' xM M M N Granted Their Independence.” Win­ home of Mrs. Ernest Schrenk last Ira Nice, clerk at the Springfield ners of the debate were John Kru- Wednesday. The afternoon was pka, Byron Boyles, and Delbert passed making children's dresses postoffice began a ten day vacation TW INS BORN TO LOCAL RESIDENTS WEDNESDAY Prindell on the negative. Affirma­ and a quilt for charity purposes. Tuesday. John Benton, assistant. tive speakers were Colene Cornell, A seed and bulb sale was conducted Is taking his place during the ab­ Twins, a boy and a girl were Faye Holverson, and Francis during the afternoon by Mrs. Wil­ sence. born here Wednesday. March 23, Keeler. liams proceeds going to the treas­ 132, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlewe Ila Smith, a former student at ury. Refreshments in keeping with Odd Fellows to Irvin g at their home on Fourth street. The the Springfield junior high was a St. Patrick's day, consisting of Jello A group of Springfield Odd Fel­ boy weighed six and one-half visitor there on Tuesday. cookies and tea were served. low» will go to Irving this evening pound» and the girl »lx pounds at Miss Elizabeth James will return Henry Olson entertained the sen­ to her classes Tt the Lincoln school ior class at a party Friday night. to pay the lodge at that place a birth. Twins and mother are get­ ting along nicely. Monday. Miss Helen Eyler has been The evening was passed playing fraternal visit. Whether you take your gardening seriously for substituting for her during her ill­ 500. Those present were, Vedr. profit or whether It's a mere hobby you ride with im­ ness. Daley, Ruth Brabham, Althea Baughman. Lucile Jordan, Blanch mense pleasure, you want the tools to do your work Wheeler, Harold McLeod, Earl Me- with least effort and greatest effect. We have a large Lend. Roy Delp and Henry Olsen. Other members of the cla n were stock of the finest garden tools available. And they The Walterville Sewing club unahh- to be present on account are less expensive this year than ever! girls met at the school house Tues­ of high water. The road to Westfir has been day evening with their leader, Mrs. Frank Page. Evelyn Hansen was blocked since Saturday by a land­ slide on the road a few miles be­ hostess for the meeting. The Walterville Sunday school is yond the pavement. E. E. Kilpatrick, who has been completing preparations for the Easter Sunday program at the com­ principal of the Pleasant Hill hlgb school for the past six years has munity church. g| We are well equipped to give you a prompt, complete Leaburg Sunday school will ob­ accepted the position of superin-! Hoes, 70c - 90c - $1.15 tendent of schools of Philomath,. printing service of “The Printing ‘StapleB’ lined In serve Easter with a program at the Spades, $1.00 Leaburg church Sunday morning. Oregon. Every BiiHineHH Com m unity.” A Forks, $1.75 •A* Pastor—So God has seen fit t o ' MARY EILEEN NORTON, | These “Staples” are the printing th at you are using send you two little brother? Rakes, 70c - $1.40 HARRY RAUPP, ARE WED Little May—Yes, and he knows : day after day, week after week, and month after Shovels $1.25 to $2.00 where the money’s coming from. I| month. Miss Mary Eileen Norton of Suth­ heard daddy say so. erlin, and-Harry Raupp, Roseburg, were quietly married here Bunday £ Check your Hupplicg-nn-liand NOW. If exhausted or afternoon at the home of the low—place the order TODAY. bride’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney. Harry Nor­ Mr. W. R. Daniels of Richmond LETTERHEADS ANNOUNCEMENTS ton, brother of the bride, was best Hill, New York, writes: “Have HERSCHEL AND STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS man, and Mary Elizabeth Whitney, finished my second bottle of Krua- COUNTRY CLUB cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid ' chen Salta— results — removed 3 ENVELOPES PAMPHLETS The ceremony was performed by I Inches from tjie waistline—am 26% BLOTTERS HANDBILLS Rev. J. T. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. j more active—mind Is clear—skin RECEIPTS TICKETS PRICES — eruptions have disappeared—am 46 liftupp left Bunday evening for years old—feel 20 years younger.” POLDERS TAOS Roseburg where they will make To lose fat surely and SAFELY, to ake one half teaspoonful of Krus- their home. chen Salts In a glass of hot water In the morning. Hood R iver People Here I But be sure to get Kruschen— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller of your health comes first—a bottle Hood River spent Wednesday night that will last you 4 weeks coats at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Dean but a few cents at any drugstore Commercial Printing Department Springfield, Oregon In the world—If not satisfied— C. Poindexter. ( money back. D riven From Hom es by W estern Floods S P E C IA L P R IC E S The F. & A. MARKET Lincoln School Notes j__ BREIER’S... New York Sale Daring! Different! Don't M iss Iti Upper Willamette New Easter Hats $1.98 - $2.98 The Golden Rule Rulers of Low Prices 1015 WILLAMETTE EUGENE Irish-Murphy Co. Springfield, Oregon Prices and Grocery Quality in Springfield Cannot bo Beaten Anywhere. When you trade at home you help your neighbor to keep employed a n d you definitely contribute toward the financial strength of your com ­ munity. Dollars left here come back to you! When they go away they're gone forever Starts Today GARDEN ..TOOLS.. The Printing ‘Staples’ Used In Every Business Community” McKenzie Valley Hoes Forks Catsup 8 Oz. Bottles 3 for 25c Bread 2 Large Loaves 15c Fat Men Lawn Mowers 54.90 Special Easter Prices on Hams and Eggs Cali In and See What We Have to Offer The Springfield New s S12.75 Wright & Sons