TIIURHDAY, MARCH 24. 1932 O a k rid g e R esid en t Hara— Ulano Buiilh of Oakridge » » , a »tailor In i Sprlngfleid on Tuaaday 829 1«; W alter L. Taylor 819.91; M A IN T E N A N C E : Walters-Bu-h I1M H. a. Davis Orval Phelps «9.18; Elmah Brooks *14.28; Levi Berkshire «7 .11; Lu­ ong Lbr. Co. « 4 3 ; Chae Neel Moyer « .9 8 ; Jamee FEBRUARY ther Prlndel |7 »7; Albert Berk­ »82.67; Lather Prlndel »1 1.«; A 0 J. McKinney « 9 8 ; O. M. Taylor 99c; A. L. Shelton 9 « ; A. shire 812-76; W. L. Phelps 84.78; C. Pope « 1 1 « ; Waldo W i Road Districts N O T IC I TO C R IO IT O R S (16.M ; W alter L. Taylor *26.13; Bi­ 99c, L. Wllford 99c; S M cIntire «.38. D IS T R IC T 1: Frank P. Brìi 99«. NOTICK IH IIK K K B T G IVEN, *1«76, J Hopkins ,14 97; Equip DIST. No. It: Fred Thorpe *2 99 den Leep I 1 H : Albert Flnseth Baturday Vlaltgra— J J Brown­ Vids People Here— Mr and Mrs that Iba undaralgowd, haa by the 87 9»; O. N. Phelps »7 M ; W W Mc­ R IO H T OF W AY: B. F. Mlnney ment *4.66. Ross Myers »42 94; Ssm Horton County Court of Iha Stale of Ora ing and Dalla Odell of llayden Gene Goff of Villa ware business Laughlin |1 M : Ben Cameron 87 98; Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co 91172- »3 58. K Starr *2.39; Ray Coogdon D ISTR IC T 3: K K Hill *31.63; gou, for iha County of Lane, been ! Bridgi re vlallora In Springfield visitors In Springfield on Saturday, Art Sundorman »10.16; U. V. T all »3.68; C. O. Abbey *2.9»; Ervla 91 99; H arry L. Prlndel *3.99; Char­ Virgil Clover « 99; W alter A JeeM duly appointed aa administrator of lie Patterson 99c; Dale Prlndel W Post ,148.70; Ralph W. Calll i Saturday. man *7.17; Hay Stafford 12 3»; O. W olf *4.1»; Ira Starr *3.6«; Earl the aatula of Lottie Nocdhaiu, da Wsndllng People Hero— Mr. and K. Sinclair *7.17; Union 011 »27 Myers »5.37; H. J. Schmitt *24 22 »9-96; V. C. Stelnhsuer 91.99; eon *7 * 00; Booth-Kelly Lumber Co ceased and all peraona having [ N. W Bodfelt *19»; ~ B ■ D Mitchel « 0 37; J. P Christie »301.03. Visita Coualn— Hoy Fritta of Con­ Mrs Beryl C r o * of Wendllng were 00; qulpment *6 60; Standard Oil John Horton *4.78; D. C N O T IC I TO C R IO IT O R * ■'Ialina against aald estate ero here- »7 « ; Jerry Davis « 98; W U ! G oÎîdiniT »1 » » • ^ r ’ ^ t u t i * * H EM ERG ENCY. Cresaeys 317 00 Notice la hereby given that III by uotlfled to pihiaent the anni» cordia. Kanaai, la vlaltlng bere at visitors In Sprlngfleid on Tuesday. Co. (» 86. *1.H The Nlterday Signal Co. *16 00- Davis « .» « ; Llnfred Hulbert M.M; A F MltcbJî’ 93 98 DI8T. 6: Jesse Gates 946.10; * undersigned ha« been appointed properly verified Io nn< at tue of­ thè homu of bla coualn. Mrs. Frank A. Tracer Valley Printing Co. « 46; 81. Ind' Vleitor from Drain— F M Hand Frank Galas »28 7»; Carl Terpenlng A. O. Hopper »21.95; Errine Starr i « »9 FmLk S a o d .4 Administrator of I h» Katala ui fice of Frank A. DuPue In Spring­ Hinltson. *160; How Acc. Coram « 4 8 83. (11 »4, Lucene Norton « M ; C. A. S d Co p « r Com Anua Tuhy, deceased. and haa duly field, Oregon, within ala mon'.lia erer of Drain wae a visitor In (14.37; Oeo Fisher (8 00; Albert M »26 85; Equlp- MARK1T ROAD« Bcbuseler 96 97; J. A. Montgomery Host »29.72; Warrant No. 14628 for ment »477 31 qualified aa such. Ali paranna ha» from the dale of Ihla notice. Dated Vlaltlng Oaughtart— Mrs E. Mul Sprlngfleid Tuesday evening. H. W hitaker « 3 84 iMued October 1931 to John « 3 8 » North M A IN T E N A N C E Wesley Wit- ,17.91; Equipment *4.76. In« claims against the «ald aatata February 26th, 1332. Coast Chemical bur »32.10; Albert Flnseth «0.00; key la apendlng a few dnya In Eu- A H in t was cancelled by order of Works »2243; Mrs. M E L V IN NEED HAM . Admluls «ra hereby required In praaaut such Ray Thomas *• J- M«be »11.53; Ray Surcamp DIST. *: Arthur Watkins »4.7»; County Court. Pangea Man Visits—C. F. Dead gena vlaltlng ber daughtar, Mrs tralor. tlalma duly verified with pioper 318.00; Inter City Sand A Oravel man of Pengra wae a business vlsl- Raleigh Crooke *4 71; W ill Brab­ DIST. No. 40: Geo. Jones *2.98’ Co. *4 14; Jack Shrum >67.80; D. D »9 04; J. H. Wilhelm 99.90; J r Frank Vile«. vouchers attached. lu Iha under FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for ham *1.7»; F. J Datnewood .7»; tor In Sprlngfleid Sunday. «.N ; signed ai Iha urhea of I. M Peter the ealate. Kqnlpment (63.28; M iller Hanford Hardy Cox (2.98; Wayne Smith Conley *39.49; Jack Hodges *3.69 F. W. Deedoa 1 ,1 9 L 9 ; Wallace W. R. Boring Home from Vacation — Jack IM 3-10 17-24 31) aun ai 134 Main alraat, Sprlngfleid Tractor Co. »8.26; Southern Pacific *2 98; W alter Le Bleu »4.97; W Guy Colby «3.67; Frank Jarvis »3.98; Ed Wlnbegler *3.98; U 8. Return from Portland— Mr. end L. Akins »2 98; O. G McDonald Oregon. within a ll month« Iron. »10.76; Milton Fitch *3 *9 ; Curtl Porter 93 99; H C. Carllle « . « ; Jackson, student at Oregon State »28 7»; J. Dyer M 24; M L. Fitch (6.38. Iha data of this notice, Iha aame Wilson *3.19; V. O. Hendrickson Katala of Marla Drew. Deceaaed College at Corvallis la spending hla Mre. Clifford Wllaon aud «on. Mac, («.24; N. Buchanan *«.24; F. Moore D,b.ble » * • • : Leeter Lake balng datad and publlahad Iha flrai Ben Wilson 89c; Ray DIST No. 41: Keith Lumber Co. *51.03; N O T IC K T O C R C O IT O R B Kaatar vacation In Springfield returned from Portland where they *4.18. John Peterson 911.98' Ilma Ihla 34th day of Marrh. 1932 »8.67; Junction City Hdwe Co. George *4.92; Jack Hodges *9.41; 312.98; bed epent several daye ou Munday. DIST. 7: J. W. Baker »12.67; Eu Notice la hereby given that Lee visiting with hla parents FHANK T U H Y , Adinlnlatralur *2.00; Southern ¡Pacific '*52 43; T. J. Sweany *2.49; John Tice Grant K irk 91.99; W I. SealM gene Sand and Oravel *70 41; M. 3J4..1; John Trunnell *31.39' of tbe Katala uf Anna Tuhy, Remington haa been by the County »6.97; Harry Hardcastle »6.97 Equipment >48 00; Fred Langston Vaccinations Given — School L. Fitch *23.40; Equipment *64.68; Equipment *3.60. Olalooatas Klbove— Floyd Ptckert Court of the State of Oregon, In daeaaaad. Dean Hardcastle *6.97; W. H »49 90. D IST No. 42: O. W. Brabham Hay Oeorge 33.69; Jack Hodges *3.- Lowell Tedford 94.00; and for U n o County, appointed of McKensle bridge was brought to children al Marcóla were given vac­ I. M 1'KTEIIHON, Attorney for (32.93; Lars Sorensen *19.1« • F V Berry »6.97; Ralph Oar *14)92 Equipment $108.00; James Tsdforu executor of the laat will and testa­ Springfield late Saturday lor medl cinations Wednesday by nuraee of 6»; F. J. Hweany *12.47. aald Katala Edgar Wood *10 94; Floyd Roe »3 50; Fred Smlgley *30.04; Norls DIST. ( : Jess Sumner *47.*4; Greer »7.7«; Peter Skovbo »7.36 ment of Marla Drew, deceaaed IM 34-31 s A 7 14-311 »6.97; Oeo. M arr « 96; Pete Holee- the Laae County Health unit. Carl Carpenter *2 * 63; Vern Harp­ DIST. No. 43: Equipment *»5.75- apple *5.97; Leston Buss *6 97; Ed Smith .2.38; B. L. Rankin *4.76; All peraona having claims exalted cal rare. The youth dislocated hla J. Oldham ,49 46; R. Vaughn »3 37 er *4.78; John Prodw (1 6 *8 ; Roy E Duckworth *24.88. the estala of «aid deeeaaed art elbow and three hours were spent M iller »5.97; Herman Kusel *3.99; Admitted to Hospital — J. H. Edmlnston *4 *7; C. I. Gorrte **. DIST. No. 44: Eugene Sand A Arthur Titus 34 97; Howard Bar­ . N. . J ” .Au"(ln «4 .72; Murl Austin hereby notified Io preaent the «ame, on the road to Bprlngfleld because Davie wee admitted to tbe Pacific 6»; Vernon Harper »2.3»; Inter- Gravel Co. »42 48; John Kommer »8.97; J. I lanter »6.97; Harry Hsrd- duly ataled and »«rifled, at the of tba slides. rett *8 96; T. B. Lyons *10.94; O. caatle J6.97; P. Holesapple *6.97; Christian hospital Friday for medi­ City Sand and Gravel »# 84; Equip (10.17. residence of A. K Wheeler. 710 J. Neet »23 88; Curtis M iller »11.94; Leston Buee 93.98; Fred Buss ment *33.86 DIST. No. 46: A. R. Tolman Harry Gregory *2 3 .« ; M. E. Golden BOB'S BEAUTY SHOP latwrence afreet, Eugene, Oregon, Son Born— M r and Mrs. Floyd cal treatment. DIST. »: W. D. Glaapey *6 * 66; »6747; Ted Adams »11.94; Peter *11.94; Henry Lovall * 2 3 « ; Ira « 7 9 ; Homer Austin »11.97; F J Ithln ala month« from tbla 24th Dainewood ,5.38; Darwin Dame- Perrier are the parents of an eight »7.SO «team Wave for »5 day of March, 1*32 Daughter le Born— Mr. and Mre. E. P. Lawson *8.70; Hubert Law Skovbo (8 00; L. Hausmann *12.7* Hake »21.89; John Farrier »23.88; D18T. No. 49: Jess Gates *22.16- Sid Croxdale *1 1 .« ; John McOUl wood :'3.68, Milton Fitch *1J39' and one-fourth pound baby aon D. C. W arner of Fall Creek are tbe ■on 312.«8; J. P. Palmer (8 *6; Fred LEE REM ING TON, Executor Uing or Short Hair Lawrence evroy »11.94; Chaasie Neet »11.94; Clair Damewood »1.19; Frank P. K W H E E LE R , Att'y. born to them at tbelr borne on parents of a baby daughter born l-eppart *1 0 « *; Frank Klntxley Frank Oates »11.97; *10.«»; D. J. Glaapey *7.»«; D. J Crabtree »2.3»; Carl Terpenlng Anderson Renfro *1 1 .« ; Guy Jack Briggs *10.76; J. Hopkins *24 96; (M 24 31— A 7-14-21) Fourth atreet Monday morning at to them st the Pacific rb rlailan Glaapey *7»«; Geo. Brewer (6.97; »1197; Creel Hayden »4 17 J. A 37 East Broadway Phone »3» Deffenbacher *1.19; H M son *11.94; Chill Walsh * 1 1 « ; seven o'clock Kugeue. Dragon 1130 58; Jobn Coetella hospital in Eugene Friday, March Eldred Glaapey *2.3»; H M Richey M ontgom ery »5 »7 Archie Shelton »199; Geo. M atti­ *20.89, Oren Hammond *1 ,9 1 - M *3.98; Sam Vinson *1.19; Frank No 61: H w C a»«» son ,2.72; T. A. Breedou »1 99; A. N O T IC K 18. 1*32. Leaves for Portland— Mrs. W. F. ,83 92; ° liTer Eoahack Banders *6 *7 ; Jeff Petit *2 *0 0; *20.36; J. J. Albro »9.56; C liff Ap- J Reams »2.72; W. O. Swofford or f in a l k k t t l k m in t John Herndon 32.73; Jack Petit *4. pleman *61.32; Eugene Sand A ,9.96; Bryan Moore *12.41; C. E *13.92; R. Petersen »6.97; T. Con­ W alker left Munday for Portlana tails for China— Mrs. Clara Hlem- 72; Wm. Coltran »4.72; G. W T il GENERAL PLUMBING Notice la hereby given that l^one where she will make her home Mr Oravel Co. »61.32; Equipment Shelton *9 70; C. M 8helton *9 43; ners *3.98; Fred Harrington *9.96' soo haa received word here that den *4.72; John Smith *3.98; Lane *10.02. Wm. Spencer *6.96; H. Prise *6.96' T Montgomery, executrix haa filed ANO REPAIRING Wesley Martin *7.71; H. M Neal and Mrs. Walker have recently her aon. Hobcrt. who left Spring- Smith *1.99; Equipment *34 26 J her final report and account In the DIST. No. 66: UH Brendell »5.97; J. W. Snyder »7 96; L. F. Wm Boring Ba Hura and Get My Price« eatate of John O. Montgomery, de- taken over the Lennox hotel In that field January 4 to Join tbe United M McCausland (6.98. »31.13; Casey Jones »7.17; Carey Hamar *8.69; W. F. Wilson »2.98; »5.97; Wm. Harrington »6.97; Ed DIST. 10: M L. Wallace *2.«8; Thompson Jr. »7.17; Jeff Lane Wlford WUlls »1.74; E. M. Kelso Tatum »6 98; Carl Ronnlng *2.98; xaed, In the County Court of city. States Marines at San Diego bad Oeo. Chapman »6.97; Rae Swerlng- I.ane County, Oregon, which haa Harvey Daughenbaugh *13.92; Equipment *3.00; Ben Wilson »1. »7.17; DODD MILLER Roy Chambers *11.93; »4.97; John Pederson »9.08; F. act Friday the 26th day of M arch. 24; Jesse Wallace 4»; Lem Drury »14.37; Dayton Thomson »7.17 Louis Reynolds *17.90; W. Marks Visiting at Cottage Qrove— Ken sailed on March 1« for China. (16 C. Hl Bprlnglleld. Ph I7D-J 49; Geo. Hills .4*. 1*32. at 10 o'clock A. M. In the neth DeLa sua who Is spending his Carey Thompson Sr. »7.17; Glen »11.93; W alter Pierce »9.95; W. H. A. Moore *12.97; John Dyer *9.08; Visits Sister— Mr«. Ixitlle Craw­ County Court room at the Court DIST 11: W. Klvett »3.28; Hen Woods »7.17; Tom Burdick »14.37 Clark »11.93; Con Rel *22.87; Nat M L. Fitch ,12 97; Neal Buchanan House Kugeue. Oregon, for final vacation here al the home of Ills ford of Oregon City wsa a week ry Roblnett *3.28; M M. Lower *3.- Leonard Harris *3 68; B F Mlnney Hart »6.97; Chas Powell »15.91: »3.89; W. Klvett |3.28; Henry Robi- mother spent several days vlaltlng BUY. SELL OR TRADE hearing thereon, and any objection« end visitor In Sprlngfleid st tb< 28; D. A. Wilson *3.28; W alter Dan- 823.33; Arthur L. Roberts *29.96; Scott Foster »13.92; Ted Wiley nett *3.28; D. A. Wilson »3.28- M to final report and account should with relatives at Cottuge Drove home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. strom 32.39; Kenneth Danstrom Elbe L. Signor »5.13; Earl Roberts *5.97; John Little ,6.97; Roy Brab M. Lower 33.28; E. F. Roberts Come In aud see our Board *2.39; W alter Danstrom 91.19; W be filed or preaented at or prior to this week Mr. Delaissus la em *2.3»; T. H. Parks *14.3«; M. *27.93; Harry Oerlacb (8.48; Wm. Robert Stevenson B Pollard. Mrs. Crawford’s son from D Bolin Lbr. Co. *5.82; Bridge *3 - Gerlach »3.4»; M L. High »957; ham *19.89; 8«3»; L. J. Oetcbell the lime for aald hearing. We bave a large variety »15.91; W. H. Beeley »21.87; Claude ployed In San Francisco. 33.58; T. H. Parks 326.13; C. T. Corvallis accompanied her here. E. N. Thompson *11.98. 76; Equnpment *60.«8; Ray George Loper »5.97; C. H. Romaine *4.97; and first published tbla Lana County Trading Post (he Dated *8.73; Jack Hodges « 73; Equip DIST. No. 56 Ralph Lynch J. F. Huddleston »4.97; Urthal Wes­ Beach *5.38; Raymond Dunning 26th day of February, 1*32. Leave« for Medford— Mra. A. 11 Quests of Parents— Mr. and Mrs ment *30.00. 713 W illamette— Phone 16« »18.56; Roy Caster »1.7»; John UI- ton *4.97; Herb Rlensche « .9 7 ; H. ,13.14; R. C. Kelsay *1.19; H. E. LEONE T. MONTOOMBRY, Van Valxab left Monday for Med­ Ralph Fullerton of Wendllng were rey 6»c; J. W . King »2.8»; Ed Imel *4.97; A. L. Rainwater »9 69; Splckler *32.46; Bert Petermen DIST. 12: M. L. Wallace »3.69 Executrix. ford to spend the Easter holidays week-end guests st the home of 92.39; Geo. Datnewood Chas Key ,14.92; C. W Johnson »32.46; Ray W right *11.66; L. M. DIST. 13: Gerald B. Conner »20- Kelley McClelland ,1.19; Jess Drlsklll visiting with her son. Dr. R. C. Mrs. Fullerton's parents. Mr. and 34; Chas. C. Conner 332.92; M. T. *1.19; Equipment *13.00. »4.97; J. W. Tlgrett »4.97; G C. *10.75; Haxel M. Smith »960; J. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. At- DIST. No. 57: Ralph Lynch *6.27; Pierson »12.43; F Jackson 33.68; O. B. Cratne « .6 8 ; PERRY'S M Winters torney for eatate, 202 Tiffany Van Vslxsh and hla family. She will Mrs. J. F. Bailey. Hayden 50c; Edgar Davis ,15.«■ Ralph Towers (2.19; E. H. Cowing *12.,3; Joe Huftile « .4 7 ; F. E. Graber-Gettys Hdwe Co. *7.20. Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon. also visit st the home of her non, • a t t e r le a Brakes, Ignition and DIST. 14: Joe McCargar »11.21; (2.39; J. W. Dyer »79»; Bert W. Bodenhamer ,12.43; A lf Evensen Frank Spencer »14.37; Bill Spencer < r 36- M 3-10-17 241 ,1(.73; John Dick *9 5«; Chas M Dr. C. O. Van Valxab at Roseburg Coughs Reported— A number of R L. Jenkins *3.88; Earl Woodring Hayes 33.68. M otor W ork. W hael Aligning »4.47; R. L. Thaxton »10 « ; W. F. Darling ,13.77: W. H Maloy ,8 « ; DIST. No. 68: Miller-Sanford Holmes *5.96; J. M Lucas » 5 « before returning to Springfield. cases of whooping cough have been »«.27; C. M McLIn »2.3»; Twin N O T IC K EUGENE Oaks Lumber Co. »4.60; Graber- Tractor Co. « 1 » ; Southern Pacific D. L. Noble » 5 « ; Neal Howell Dale Winn »2.98; Jess Gates »17.97; PERRY'S reported to the county school sup OR F IN A L 8 K T T L K M K N T Gettys Hdwe. Co. *3.70; Equipment »7.62; Shell OH Co. «3 .50; Equip­ *5 « ; A. B. Wolcott *5 M ; Elmer Frank Gates 31*.76; Lennle Haldor Rhone 7«7 73« Oak Btreet NOTICK OR SALK In the County Court for the State erlntendent'a office from the Fall *16.75; Twin Oske Lumber Co. *4.- ment *71.76; Haxen A Struckmeler Fraxer »5.96; Erwin Wilson »5 96; son 912.71; Eugene Sand A Gravel NO TIC E 18 HEREBY OI VEN of Oregon fur l.ane County. Creek, school. 50; Cottage Orove Sentinel »7.40; »1.94; Florence Lumber Co. *1.76; F. M. Fultx »4.98; Chaa Patterson 911250; Eugene Concert« Pipe Co In the Matter of the Estate ul That by virtue of an execution Is­ C. A. Van Schotack *26.96; Ray Van C. L Royds « 00; W Erhart »4.60; *31.93; Clarence Huffman 35.97; »55.75; Equipment »62080; Inter sued out of the Circuit Court of the Samuel E Phillip, deceased. County Agent Speaker — O. S. Scholack *9.67; Roy England *3.18; N. L. Austin *25.13; Leevaro Aus­ C. S. McIntire »13.93; Dale Prln­ City Sand A Gravel »19.69; Snell- Notice 1« hereby given that the State of Oregon for the County of Security Saving« and Loan tin *27.93; Roger Anderson *14.92; del « 9 7 ; J. T. Vlnlng »13.93; L. atrom Bros 38.00; Inter City Sand Chus Teeters »1.59 undersigned administrator haa filed lame. March 7, 1932, upon a Judg Fletcher, county agricultural agent Gravel ,52.56; Southern Pacific Aaaociation Ray Kane *14.92; Ben Stephenson H. Prlndel ,13.93; W. M Oleaon DI8T. 15: Joseph Trunnell »4.78; his final account herein and (bat ment entered by said court on the wee tbe principal speaker st the »14.92; A. T. Wallace »8 96; Loval « I M ; A. G. Pope »5.97; W. W Mc­ (8M.62; Equipment *34.20; L. L. Lowell Tedford *6.98; Equipment the above named Court by order 31st day of February. 1*28. In an regular meeting of the Goshen A Loosi I nail tu t Ion Johnson *14.92; Joe Martlnnon Laughlin ,5.67; E. H. L^ep »5.97; Lake *83.09; John Peterson *20.77; *26.00; James Tedford *3.69. ha» duly appointed Tuesday. April action wherein 81a Putnam was »14.92; Paul Landroe *18.90; Ches­ O. N. Phelps »6 97; E. L. Berkshire A. C. Lake «6 .65; Clarence Main grange Wednesday evening. DIST 1«: Oeo. Watson »23.9«; 46 Weal Broadway 13. 1*32 at 11:00 A. M. at the Coun­ plaintiff and McKensle River High »26.34; Jim T yrrell *15.89; Floyd ter Moody *6.97. Peter Rasmussen *2.31; Sanford »5.97; F. E. Berkshire »5.97; A. D. way Sanltortum. a corporation was ty t^Jurt room In the Court Houae E I GENE, ORKUON D I8T . No. 60: H. W. Carson Brown ,5 9 7 ; Lee Lewis «5.97; Lu Mix 913.91; John McClellan *5.96; Station Man III—J M Larson, Elder *14.37; Eugene Sand and defendant being case No. 17.78« at Eugene. Oregon, as the time and F. Moorey »11.93; H. K. Smith »10.77; J. J. Albro *4.78; Equipment ther Prlndel »5.97; Chas Peck hlch Judgment was docketed on proprietor of the Larson Service Gravel « 36. place for bearing objections to aald 99c; D. L. Montgomery 99c; Landis *7.2»; Bridge »3.75 DIST. 17: L. W. Hunt »12.56; » 7 « ; James Paris » 7 « ; A. L. page 177 of Vol. 8 of the Judgment station Is III at hla home thia week final account and the settlement 316.91; Andy Calvert DIST. No. 61: Bdd Young »2.3»; Kloak » 7 « ; C. L. Daniels » 7 « ; Phllpott thereof. All persona Interested Docket of above entitled Circuit with an attack of the Influents Tom Parker *28.«*; John Spence »6.96; Rasmus Rasmussen »3.97; M. Keeler *3.5»; Harry Keeler may appear at aald time and file Court, on the 21st day of February. Le Roy Inman is assisting at the *21.61; L. W. Conklin (3.68; H. R. *7.17; Equipment »32.88; M. L. Frank Cralger * 7 .« ; A. L. McKII- Earl Neville 33.97; M artin Broder- Norlln *2.39; Twin Oaks Lumber lop *7.96; Chas Riggs *9.95; H. 1*28. and which maid execution Is objections If any they have. son *3.97; Ulrich Lauener 93.97; Fitch *13.20. JEWKEEK Clum »9 95; D. H. Bertosh »3.48; Ben Wilson 370.67; Ray Worden Co. *7.80; Equipment *39.13. to me directed and commands me to station during Larson's absence. Dated March 10th. 1*32 DIST. No. 64: Ralph Lynch «.38. W. T. Davis »10.44; Elmo Potts D IST 19: C. T. Beach »62.44; Hepalrlng a Specialty L E 7-IN lK EIt, Administrator sell out of the personal property D I8T . No. 66: Chas. Gold »23.33; *9.95; E. W Dial ,9.95; David *18.M ; Ray George *60.24; Jack Visitors from Palmor— Mr and Raymond Dunning « .5 7 ; F. B. of said defendant or If sufficient C. H. SEDG W ICK, Creswell. G W. Lambert »5.98; H. V. Jenkins Jennings *13.43; Bart Luke *10.94; Hodges *38.67; Ralph King *44.91; Chenoweth *36 M ; W. 8. W alker Springfield, Oregon cannot be found, then out of the Mrs. Hugh Hollín and son. Ralph, Ore.. Attorney for eatate. A. E. Davie »44.91; Claire Parks »13. M; W ill Cha-e »12.85. Lenard Cartwright »4.97; Bill Dial (4.78; S. E W alker (4 78; J. E il property belonging to the de­ of Palmer were visitors at the 3.98; lln. In Eugene over (he week-end Louis Flock (2.39; Nelson Motor DIST. No. 71: C. A. Davis »28.72; R. E. H ill ,50.25; Equipment sale Issued out of the Circuit Court day the 8th day of April. 1*32. at Bert Kirk »9.6«; W iley Cox »6.98; ,15.00; Ermald Agee *24.86; R. C. Dick Shlck ,7 .H ; Jesse Wallace Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M Co. *3.20; J. E. Paddock *6.83; Mt of the State of Oregon for laine the hour of one o'clock P. M. at Returns to School— W illiam Poll­ F ir Lumber Co. *1.84; C. H. Matte­ Warren Surcamp *14.94; Joe Al- W hite *22.85; Alva Swearingen »4.47; Lem Drury >2.48; Geo Hills County. Oregon. February 24, 1*32. the front door of the lame County 40« Fourth Street »4.47; M. L. Wallace »3.59; Equip upon and pursuant to a decree Court House In Eugene. lame Conn ard returned to Portland (he mid­ son 36.00; M iller Sanford Tractor masle *11 »4; Jack Lafferty »11.94; »12.92; W. Nets »11.94: G E. Beers ment *681.00; Frank Jarvis 1.79; Marlon Wheeler »10.76; F. Marple »17.91; Lawrence Beers *17.91; H. M. L. Wallace »21.52. made by aald Court February 17. ty, Oregon, o'fer for sale and sell dle of the week to resume hla Co. *1005.90; Equipment *27.61; *2.39; Gordon Brown *1.4»; Clydt J Mead »1 1.«; C. L. Westrope 1*32. In a suit pending therein In st public auction for cash to the studies at the medical echool where Arthur L. Roberts *6.99 BRIDGE: J. T. Bogart »13.72; F. Carder »9.58; Andy Almasle »4.78; »22.88; J Barger »20.89; E. M Universal Mortgage Corp. DIST. 20: Ed L. Eaton »20 95; N. which H F Mulkey and F V. Mul­ highest bidder, subject to redemp­ M. Brown *3.56; John Summers E. F. Schmidt E. E. Vincent *12.76; H. B. Gufftn W vlle *22.88; W. G. Thornton key. bis wife, were plaintiffs, and tion as provided by law. all of the he Is a student. He had spent sev­ G. Hyland *2.3»; *22.88; Mike Pakulah »1.99; C. W. »7.98; C. D. McBee »3 99; Fred A. O. Hlach, George Tallman and right, title and Interest of the afore eral days of his spring vacation at *1.7»; H P. Newman *2.3»; Elmer *9.56; Harry K irk *9.56 D IST No. 76: John Trunnell Massey »4 97; Heald Stuman »3.98; Brown »4.74; V. D. Fogle *29.94. M iller *6.38; Noal McClure *2 *8 ; Tallman, hla wife, said defendant and all persons the home of his parent« here. N EW CO NSTRU CTIO N: James Sllkwood *1.99; Harry Hubert Hyland *2.39; John Baxter *2.99; Lowell Bedford »2.3»; James Claude were defendants, which execution claiming by through nr under them Tyson, Agant Tedford 33.6»; Equipment 913.00. Whealdon »7.46; Mike Ellcdge Tedford 87.78; Eugene Concrete and order of sale was to me direct­ subsequent to tbe 21st day of Feb­ Many Qet Bounties — Bounty *2.00. DIST. No. 82: Sam M iller *2.3»; *11.69; J. W. Jackson *1.99; Ray Pipe Co. »369.75; Graber Gettys Rhone M W • t. tao DIST. 31: T. H. Parks »32.31. ed and commanded me to aell the ruary. 1*28, the following described funds totaling *68 were paid out Hwde Co. 9101.70; Pure Iron Cal DIST. 22: V. C. Mowreader »11. Bert Petermen *9.99; Clarence Peterson *1.99; F. W. Forsythe real property hereinafter described res) property, to-wlt: over the week-end at the office of Turnbow »2.3»; B. L. McFadden *12.93; F. A. Westfall *1.99; Jack vert A Manufacturing Co. *136.90; to satisfy lien« and charges In aald 97; Lloyd Barnard *6.97; Sterling Beginning at the Northeast *7.18; John Van Orden *9.68; Ray Hansen »1.99; J. H. Mateson » 1 .» : John BJerke 16.00; W. C. Hamera- decree specified, I will, on Satur­ corner of Lot 4 In Block 3 io the the county clerk. R. N. Vaughn of Onatott *5.97; J. O. Barnard *6.97; Oeooral la w Practice W right »10.7«; R. A. Cox »5.38; L. E. Tallmadge *12.93; John Spur ley 91.44; First Investment Co. day. the 2nd. day of April, 1*32. at Earl Wlltae *6.97; H. A. Spearance Fall Creek collected *40 for four Plat of Deerhorn as platted from Andy Calvert »3.97; M artin Broder- gin »199; Bernard Stevens *1.99; *90.81; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. the hour of one o’clock In the after­ *5.97; Donald Guild *5.97; E. Bakke lx>t 3 of Section 17. Township 17 I. M. PETERSON cougars. Prince Helfrich of Vida son *3.97; Ulrich Laurner »3.97; Albert Carey *1.99; C. 8. Crenshaw *24.19; Eugene Sand A Oravel Co. noon of aald day. at the southwest (3.98; Lloyd Qrlmshaw *3.98; Clyde South. Range 1 East of the W il­ Attornay«t-l^aw brought In one bobcat for *2. and Earl Neville *5.97; R. Raaumssen I I . 99; L. P. Slebenthaler »2.98; Al­ 131.44; Scobert Warehouse 970.70; door of the County Court House In Bay *3.98; E E. Boardman .99. lamette Meridian In Lane County, *2.98; M artin Lund *3.97; Equip­ fred Noble »1.99; E. A. Farnsworth Eugene Concerto Pipe Co. 940 96- City Hall Building Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, offer DIST. 24: Fred O. Knox *4.48. Oregon, running thence West to W. J. Yale of McKensle Bridge ment 945.(0; Southern Pacific *11.94; Henry Hoomlng *1 1 .« ; M. Adna H. Signor 919.96; J. M. Mc­ for sale and aell. at public auction, DIST. 26: Joy Inglehart .60. the East line of Block 8 In said brought In one adult female coyote Sprlngfleid, Oregon Frasier Bgrton *19.90; Clarence Garrison Causland 37.48; C. O for cash, and subject to redemption DIST. 2«: E. L. Mathews 321.63; «0 .55; John Van Orden *3.84. plat of Deerhorn. thence North and four bobcats for *12. DIST. No. 83: J. L. Carllle »11.94; A. Stough »1.74; H. H. Fltx »9.95; Wm. Gregg 3 7 .« ; Ed Brat- as provided by law, all the right, Joe Hollis *2.3»; Seth Hollis *3.5»; to the Northeast corner of said taln »7.96; Wm. Brattaln *9 96; O. title and Interest of the defendants Oren Carmony *1.19; Union Oil 314.91; Vern Luff *10.94; R. M. gerald »9 95; A. A. Bennett ,23.88; H. Howard *9.95; R. C. Barber Lot 8. thence West parallel to Hooker *8.96; Elmer Hoselton James Caven 311.94; F. S. Apget N O T IC K T O C R K D IT O R S In aald suit and of «11 parties claim­ *13.60; Equipment *8.7«. the North line of the aforesaid FRANK A. DE PUE I I I . 94; Brady Mitchell >23.87; E. *9.95; J. H. Fowler 976.65; J. E. ing by, through or under them, or lx>t No. 3 of aald Section 17 to ES T A T E O F LOVE A. CONRAD, DIST. 27: A. E. Ellingson *6.38; »6 97; L. H. Porter »32.93. ATTO RNKV AT LAW DIST. No. 8«: 9. C. Hamden C. Papple *6.97; Adolph Frankie Perln 3 1 1 « ; Oeo. Shrull 99.95; DECEA8ED. any of them, since the 30th day of the Went line thereof, thence Ralph Holman *1.19; Luther Mon­ *21.52; E. Roy Smith *37.94; Road *39.84; M. O Bailey »14.92; E. H. Ben W hitten *16.66; D«»n ffieck N O T A R Y P U B L IC Notice is herehy given that W il­ roe *1.19; Equipment *13.75. July, 1(31, In and to the following North to the Northwest corner of Diet. No. 36 *24.00; Equipment Bailey »9.95; Agelbert Hoyt *11.94; »16.66; J. A. Butler » 1 1 .« ; Lewis liam Curtis has been by the Coun­ described real property, to-wit: DIST. 28: J. E. Thompson *3.5»; said Lot 3 In said Section 17, ,16.66; Herb Mason Bprlngfleld Button *41.60; C. H. M arrltt *6.00. M P Hoover »11.94; Floyd Steele Premexxl ty Court of the State of Oregon The Northwest quarter (N W I4 I thence East along the North line Cuehman and H ill *8.00; H. M. Pet­ *11.94; Jack Holcomb *11.94; A. General Roads »9 96; H. D. Hicks »16.91 ; Archie Oregon for Lane County, appointed admin­ Building of the Southeast quarter (8E14) of said Lot 3 of said Section 17 erson *29.84; W’m. Kyle and Sons FER R IES: C. J. Colter »175.00. Knowles *23.37; Burton Adams M. Boss 1 1 1.«; J. A. H u ff *11.94; of Section Five (6) In Township to a point due north of the place istrator of the estate of Love A. Co. *4.66. BRIDGE: Major W hite A Son »11.94; Joe Webb ,11.94; Roy Ir ­ Ralph Black 1 1 1.«; John Bauder Conrad, deceased. Seventeen (17) South, of Range of beginning, thence South to the DIST. 29: J. E. Thompson *8.97. »23.80; A. C. Striker »157.25; J. C. win »11.94; E. F Corln »11.94: ,11.94; L. R. Shortrldge 911.94; R All persons having clalmers Four (4) West of the W illamette place of beginning. Also all of D IS T 30: Irving Htggens »11.94; L. Cox 31194; A. L. Chaffee 99.96; Meridian. In the County of lame Block 8 In town plat of Deerhorn against the estate of said deceaaed O W. H ill *11.94; Melvan Inman Ponsler Motor Co. *6.73; E. E F Mansell » ll.M ; E. H , Belts C. W. M artin »11.94; P J. Bush R. A. Babb ,11.94; Clyde Ellison *19.90; Rov are hereby notified to present the *11.94; Henry Rust *11.94; W. 8. W yatt. Inc. »2.50; and the State of Oregon. In Imne County, Oregon. *11.94; Wm. Bachelder *36.06; Olaf Dated thia 1st day of March. 1*32. Dated thle 10th day of March, same, duly stated and verified, at Sutherland *11.94; Combs Boldon Hdwe Co. »84.23; Geo. A. Halton Burt »1194; W aler Riggs »5.97; Olsen *9.95; Amos McOarvIn ,9 9 6 ; All Makes and Models the law office of Alta King In the *11.94; John Costella *7 .M ; Albert »23.12; J T. Bogart »8.72; F. M. Mike Webber *11.94; Fred Setter- H. L. BOWN, Sheriff or Lane 1*32. Court House. Eugene. Lane County, Lake *11.94; Ellis Richardson t i l . - Brown »6.91; M iller Sorensen »2.99; berg *14.92; Harry Lee »11.94; E. Henry Rau 9 7 .« ; Leslie Maugh County, Oregon. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. BPRINORIRLO R A D IO SHO P Oregon, within six months of this 94; Lyman W illiams *11.94; Henry W alter Sorensen *6.99; M artin HUI L, Crawford *29.84; H. T. Coe *9.45; Roy Maugh *9.45; Earl Land (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) (M 10-17 24 31— A 7) *9.46; M D. Cochran 37.46; C. W. »8.36; Oliver H ill »7.17; Waldo Phone 130-J »44 I) St. 3rd day of March, 1*32. Rust »7.96; W. S. Sutherland *8.96; Taylor »6 38; W alter L. Taylor 99c; »9.96; H. H. Johnson ,6.97; Joe Dwyre 37.46; Paul Sullivan 99.46; Cabe »14 92; Elgin Hebert »2.98; W IL L IA M CURTIS. Adminis­ Irving Higgins *4.97; Ellis Richard- SUMMONS IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E trator of the Estate of Love A. «on (8.96; Liman W illiams *8.96; Equipment *46.21; Smith A W at­ E. Proclw *4.97; Steve Palanluk Wayne Etter 99.45; Ellis Ireland IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, FOR kins *7.86; Equipment *1.01; Ar­ »4.97; Chas Wilson »4.97; O. H a r­ »9 45; F. L. W alker 3199; Lee Conrad, deceaaed. John Costello *8.96; Albert Lake thur L. Roberts »11.98; V. D. Fogle S T A T E OF ORKUON FOR T H E LA N E CO UN TY wood *3’ .R6; Wm. Gott »1.99; Wee- Jones 99.45; John Lyons *9.46; L. *8. 95; Combe Bolden *8.96; Mel­ *44.91; St. Ind. Acc. Comm »11.47. In the M atter of the Estate of A LTA KINO , Attorney for Ad­ CO UN TY OF LANE. ley Gordon »11.94; H. Bllck »11.94: L. Woolley 99.45; O. C. Newlun ministrator. vin Inman *8.96; O. W. HUI *8.96; John McDonald, Deceased Ruby Galloway, Plaintiff, vs. Gus E Q U IP M E N T 9iuslaw Motor Frank Fish » ll.M ; J. L. LaBree *9.46; John Armstrong ,9.46; Paul (M 3-1617-24-31) Giles Fowler *38.<4; Southern Paci­ Transport Co. »2.02; Bryant De »11.94; Al Chapman »11.94; C. H. Edwards *9.46; L. H. McCormick Notice 9s hereby given that the Galloway, Defendant. fic *30.28; Equipment *8.80; J. J. Bar *419.40; To O ur Galloway, The above undersigned administrator of the Bureau of Labor LaJoie »4.47: W. Olli » ll.M ; T. C. ,6.96; Robert Simpson *8.96; E. V. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Porter »24.87; J. D. Nichols »28.86; Estate of John McDonald, deceased, named defendant. Cochran *8.46; A. A. Iahmael »7.46: Notice Is hereby given that Chas. Porter »28.86; Cha«. Nichols »2.00; Pac Tel A Telg Co. »7.25; Barker »11.94; J. C. O'Quinn »9.95: E. J. Edwards *9.46; C. Hickson Formerly Walker-Poole IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE has filed hie final account In «aid Edwin Tullar »167.26; A. A. Mar Sid Chapman »11.94; Glenn Emer- OF OREGON you are hereby re­ matter and that Monday the 18th Martha Mendel) on the 24lh day of *28.86; Geo. Linde *28.85; Chas. B. tin *167.26; R. H. Smith *148.25; Ich *11.94; W alter Hardcastle *12.93; Chas Pulard *11.94; A. E quired to appear and answer the day of April, 1932. at ten o’clock February, 1*32. was appointed ad­ Fowler »24.87; W. T. Plcklns *14.- C. E. Van Osdol »184.76; Ray Wor »11.94; P. H. Harget »24.87; W m. Hand *11.94; R. A. Welch ,11.94; EUG ENE— 11th S P R IN G FIELD complaint filed against you In the In the forenoon of said day, In the ministratrix of the estate of Martha 87; Lloyd Fisk »27.8«. den »106.88; Earl Luckey »119.75; Knight *9.95; Emil Snyder *16.92; Tom Foster 311.94; Chester Rob­ 228 Main and Charnelton, DIST. 31: Edgar Davis *11.97; Lowell Tedford *4.48; Woodson Frank Meyers *16.91 ; J. O. Frostad bins *11.94; Mike Quaglla *11.94; above entitled Court and cause on County Court Rooms In the Court­ Hunter, deceased, by the County Frank Spencer *10.77; Chas. M. or before the 9th day of April. 1932. house In Eugene. Lane County, Ore Court of Lane County, Oregon. Pbone 83-J C. W. Seger »11.94; Ed Lundbom Telephone 723 All persons having claims against Darling »9.18; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. Bros. *36.7«; A. E. Hamloth *9.60; »5.98; O. Skurdall »13.93; H. Smith *11.94; Arnold W right *11.94; J. said date being more than four gon. has been fixed as the time and Tw in Oaks Lumber Co. *842.3(k »3.98; D. Becker »3 98; R. Me said estate are hereby notified to *17.60; Sluslaw Motor Transport The Brund Saw Shop *15.94; Har- Dougal *3 98: J. M. Allender *7 M ; W. Ross *11.94; Earl Hayes *1 1 .« ; weeks from the day of the first place for the hearing of objections I publication of this summon« and to said final account and the settle present the same, duly verified as Co. .80. rel A Trask »5.84; Wm. O. Kluss­ C Maine »8 96; M. T yrrell »9.96; F Ray Riggs *11.94; Guy Ross *11.94; by law required, to said adminis­ ment (hereof. Any and all objec­ DIST. 3»; O. H. Hawley »1 2.«; man *1.00; Union Oil Co. *511.82; Mix ,9.95; C. F Moonev « 96; L. Salem Magnosson 911.94; E. H. herein entered of record and If you tratrix at her residence Eugene, tions to said final account must be Ermsl Agee »2.3»; Oeo. H. Hawley Standard OU Co. *12.91; Southern Philpot! »6.97; H. H. Dickey »1298; Smith *11.94; Allan K err 911.94; fall so to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ filed with the Clerk of said Court Oregon, Crow Stage Route, within »2.39; Amos Wheeler »1.1»; Frank Pacific Co. (6c; Carlson-Hatton A W. K. Ewing 99c; Jesse Jones Claude Abercrombie 910.94; M. A. six months of the first publication on or before the date of said hear­ ply to the Court for the relief In Mead »2.3»; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. Hay *62.66; Oeo. A. Halton *2.20; »5.47; K. W hite »3.48; Chas Me Dutton *10.94; Lyle L ittle *11.94; > ’ y > of this notice. Date of first publi­ *16.86; K. N. Lukas *9.00; Edgar ¡her complaint against you demand ing. Oregon Machinery Co. *95.76; Lord *12.93; W E. Bradford L. R. Burns 94.72; Ed RandsMl cation being March 3rd« 1*32. Date of first publication, March ed. to-wit: for a Judgment and de­ N. Davis *13.32; Equipment »6.76. Nordllng Parts Co. *26.00; Olsens »8.96; W. M. Co,felt »10 94; H. C »3.73; C. R. Raymond »3 73; N. A. M A R TH A M E N D E LL , Admin 17. 1*32. cree of Divorce dissolving the DIST. 33: E. J. Mabe *7.18; L. S. Service Station *2.60; Southern Tyler *10.94; Dean Tennant *10.94; Coblenz *8.73; Jesse Crawford Z ■ Istratrlx. CH ARLES E. McDONALD. Ad­ | bonds of matrimony now and here Porter *7.17; Ray Burcamp *1.19; Pacific »5.66; W. M. Volkman H. N. McFarland *10.94; Fred Bolin ,4.72; Ler'le Morford »4.72; Dan (M 3-10-17-24-31) ministrator. i tofore existing between you and Quaglla *4.72; R. O. W yatt ,4.72; H. C. Carllle »3.58; M att Dibble *1.- *30.00; c ' Eugene W ater Board *12.93; Albert Larson *12.93; Ralph (M 17-24-31— A 7-14) plaintiff on the grounds of deser­ 18; Lester l-ake »6.1»; John Peter *99.37; Ore. St. Highway Comm Lyons *12.93; Raymond Brown N. M Mattson *4.72; C. E Grahle tion, for the care and custody of IN T H E CO U N TY COURT OF T H E son *6.1»; V irgil Worden *4.78; *2.00; Oregon Electric *1.95; Sim­ »8.96; W. C Darr ,8.96; R. A. John­ *4.72; John Simpson *3 73; Chas the minor daughter, Helen Oallnwsy NOTICK OR RINAL HKARINQ Equipment 818.00. mons Co. *49.61; Miller-Sanford ston *12.93: Harold McPherson Ennis *4.72; Q. C. Ennis *4.72; Tom 8 T A T E OF OREGON. FOR and for such other relief as to the Notice la hereby given that the D IST. 34: Equipment *40.76; Tractor Co. *244.86; John W. Cona­ *9.94; D. F. Turner »10.96; Robert Nelson »4.72; A. M. Perlnl «4.72; LA N E C U NTY. Court may seem meet. This sunt- undersigned M yrtle Doane, Bxecu In the M atter of the Estate of Claire Parks 84.36; Geo. Tolman way *4.26; National Machinery Co. Castle *10.94; Lester Meredith C. B. Olpe »3.73; Howard Brown [ eons Is served upon you by publica­ trlx and E. B. Doane, Executor of M iller Sorensen *41.93; »4.3«; M iller Sanford TTactor Co. *2.10; Howard-Cooper Corp. *6.27; *12.93; Austin McPherson *10.94; 33.73; Francis E. Keyes, Deceased. Sorensen 141.93; John tion thereof In the 8prlngfl«ld the estate of J. S. Churchill, de­ Notice Is hereby given that the *4.19 A. C. Haag A Co. Inc. *67.50; Vel- Bill Wilson *12.93; Ralph Crowe W alter New« a newspaper of general cir­ ceased, have filed their final sc undersigned, Goldie Frances Petor- DIST. 3«: S. C. Hamden »51.73; turn A Clow Mfg. Co. »1.76; Hatha »10.94; J. R. McCllntic »9.95; Frank Hampton *3.49; F. M. Brown *4.74. culation pursuant to an order of the count In the County Court of Lane son and Stanley Joel Keyes hare E. Roy Smith »69 91; Oeo. Lmaat way Motor Co. *10.66; J. E. Hasel- Krallcek ,12.93; J. E. Putman For that Judge of the County Court of the County, Oregon, and that Saturday been by the above entitled court *99.80; Union OU Co. »73.82; Wm. tine A Co. *8.08; R. A. Babb Hdwe *11.94; R. L. Smith * 7 « ; Paul State of Oregon for the County of the ISth day of April. 1*32, at ten appointed executrix and executor In O. Klussman »1.36; Eugene Sand Co. *114.31; Western Auto Supply Ray *3.98; John Morefleld ,6.96; Extra Pair Lane duly made and entered of re­ o'clock In the forenoon of «aid day, the above entitled matter. All per­ and Oravel »8.23; Equipment »12.- Co. *2.40; A ir Reduction Sales Co. T. J. W illiams ,5 97; H. W illiams BOY INJURES ARM cord on the 7th dny of March. 1932. at the County Court Room In the sons having claims against said «0; S. C. Hamden »2.57; Equip­ *19.18; J. D. Adams Co. »6.17; Fred 99c; F. M. Snydsr »6.97; C. O. Mul- RIDING FARM CALF There are always occasione ordering that this summons be pub Court House at Eugene, Lane Coun­ estate are required to present said ment *21.16; M iller 8antord Trac­ Langston (6.00; Curtis Wilson llgan *1.49; D. C. Hughes *6.97; when Oxford« suspended on a llshed once each week for four con ty. Oregon, has been set and fixed claims duly verified to said execu­ tor Co. .80; S. L. Bond *6.50. *44.66; Jack Shrum *10.77; Ray Frank Peoples »3.98; Neal Merv- secutlve and successive weeks In by the Court as the time and place trix and executor at the office of chain or ribbon nre extremely The small son of Leonard Harris DIST. No. 37: Union OI1 Co. Oeorge *1566; J. C. M iller *31.8«; yon *1.99; Claude Loper *7.96; F convenient. Especially with wo­ said newspaper and that the first to hear objections to said final C. A. W lntermeler, attorney at law. *13.50; Equipment *47.26; Sluslaw Claire Parks *43.37; Geo. Tolman M. Fults « 46; Scott Foster *7.96; of Vida sustained a fracture of both publication shall he with the Issue account If any, and for the final In Etwene, Oregon, within six Motor Transport Co. »3.98; Ache- *43.37; Ben Wilson *2.48; Ralph Cedric Heaton *7.96 Thos Hayss men who do not like to wear bones In his right arm Monday of March 10th, 1932. and the date settlement of the said estate. months rfom thia 10th day of son A 8ons *14.00; Waldo W. Tay­ King *7.48; A. E. Davis *4.9»; Guy »7.71; J. H uftile »7.4«; W. R. Fitts glaHHoR with a list! of the last publication shall be Date of First publication March March. 1932. lor *62.86; Ted Prlndel »68.37; Colbv *32.42; Jack Hodges *7.3«; *2 98; Thomas Woods »2.98; Ellis afternoon. When brought to Spring- with the Issue of April 7th. 1932. 17th, 1*32. GOLDIE FRAN CE8 PETERSON Luther Prlndel *22.33; Levi Berk­ T. J. Sweany »3 73; V. A. Hend­ Knouse *1.99; Steve Koler *2.98; field to have the fracture treated FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney M Y R T IE DOANE. Executrix. ST A N L E Y JO EL KEYES. shire *44.66; Orval Phelps *33.49; rickson *8.19; Frank Jarvis *63.82; A. B. Cooper *2.98; A. O. Lane he was asked how It happened and DR. ELLA MEADE for Plaintiff, Residence, Spring- E. H. DOANE, Executor. Executrix and Executor. Glenn Brooks *9.67; Elmah Brooks Alvin W itham (39.92; A. F. W ill- *2.98; C. H. Mlshler *2.98; Fred replied, “I fell from a calf which Optometrist field, Oregon. W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys. A. W IN T E R M B IB R . Attorney. *38.38; Thomas Robertson *9.67; A. son *4«.09; Curtis Wilson « .7 8 ; D. Collins *2.98; Raymond Fawver Rugane «I West tth (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) (M 17-24-21— A 7-14) (M 10-17 24-31—A 7) O. Pope *18.14; Waldo W. Taylor D. Conley *16.12; C. R. M iller *2.39. 91.98; Floyd Keene » 2 « ; R. Allen I was trying to ride." Business Directory Edw. G, Privai BONDS Radio Service POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors F k ___ C h o o se O XFO RD 4 TOWN AND VICINITY Lane County Court