THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWBNTY-NINTIl YKAH START CONTEST 10 IMPROVE GUY S I'H IN (iF IK IJ). LANE COUNTY. OKKOON, THITRHDAV, MARCH 24, 1932* Teachers Meeting ( Talle*» Boy, Postponed Here New Date for Institute to Be Civic Organization« Plan Set After Present Schedule of Gatherings is Ended Renutification Contest at Meeting on Tuesday PoslpotuMtienl nt llie Bprlngflold CHURCHES PUN E A S T E fljH T S Methodists to Celebrate Holy I Communion Service at Spe­ cial Meeting Tonight I teaiiber Institute which wan lo have held at the Lincoln school Observers See Unusual Sights BOARD ELECTS STAFFJOR YEAR "H. H„ Jr.-Now Unnatural Conditions of High Water Load to Many Pecu­ Norvai May Submits Resig­ liar Actions by People nation as Athletic Director at H. 8. for Next Year t ime unusual events were n >t“d D M E IS i n IFIEB BIG MIN ' ' ? Trees and Cardens in Low- i lands Suffer Greatest Injury as Water Washes Dirt by observers Saturday. Among tinm wore these. Dr W. C. Re Id. an TEACHERS ARE CHOSEN ALL TRAFFIC H ELD UP Haturday morning wua announced und hii nurse. Miss Clara Jones All Churches Ready for Spe­ c he-'"H ag an airplane to go to Eu Further Salary Cut Made Three-way Organization for Saturday by |,IIU1W„ ,. M oniti, uh River Overflow« Banks Late cial Services on Sunday; City Improvement Finds ulHlant county achool auperlntend gen», where they had hospital work When Board Reduces Base 1 Friday to Reach Highest J wot. High water making travel Im to perform. Breakfasts to Be Held Willing Cooperation for High School Teachers Flood Level Since Feb. ’27 i puaalhle cuu eil the temporary can James Mitchell was unable to Young people of the Methodist deliver all the suits and dres ee I'laua for a Garden Improvement collation. All teachers in the Springfield President Hoover's oldest aoa, RaX|n< waters of the W illamette churches at Coburg and Hprlngfleld to cuktomern of his cleaning shop school system were tendered n ew 1 contest to tie apoiiHored Jointly by The gathering will have to It« Herbert Hoover, Jr., is now a “leads- , river which left It-i banks late Frl- will Join In a Sunrise service on Saturday as he bad promised. They contracts for the year 1932-33 at the Civic dub and other «• C* „-hi at u later date which cannot ln* o,,the CaliTorma Tnati- day night after a heavy downpour a hilltop north of Hprlngfleld Huu- were In Eugene being cleaned the monthly meeting of the school | tut« o< Technology. groups of Hprlngfleld wore fori o announced ui thia lime au)a Mr ( of rain durlng th - Pl . A program featuring students end vegetable garden, beet kept lawn, B a b o t W a d k iw o f A lto n , III., is At V IS the primary department ployees to reach Eugene via the until the end of the present school Special Bus to Be Chartered homes In boats as the threat of Otho.« from various parts of the aaAy M veare utd but is 7 ieet, 5 inc bee best flower gurden. and heat slogan year. He has Issued a call for baae- for Trip; Rev. Taylor 1« having their homes washed Into county bad been arranged for the ta il and weighs 301 pounds, due to of the i-hurch will give their Easter Ferry street bridge failed. describing the contest (not to eg There was a shortage of bread ball practice and held bis first Haturday meeting here. faaproper functioning o f the pineal program during the Hunday school | the main channel of the river In Luncheon Speaker ceed tell words). In some of the Eugene stores Sat meeting with the team on Monday hour. gland at the base o f the brain. M en- creased with the rising water, but Suggested Improvement« for con- M h f ba is norm al fo r his sge. urday for a while a« Jimmie Mc­ night. He Is undecided about his The morning service at the Meth Hprlngfleld Lions club members most of them remained ever hop­ IUKA CIRCLE PLANS teatanls Include Improvement of odlat church will start at 11 o'clock Kee at the Home Bakery packed future actions after June. j will attend the district convention ing to hear word that the waters lawus. planllug of flowers and INITIATION FOR FOUR There were no other resignations at Roseburg Wednesday. March 3«, had ceased rising. and will be featured with baptism cartons with loaves and prepared shrubs, planting of Irena, and the of Infant« and children. There will to ship It to Eugene via the South­ offered at the meeting and the ma ' it was decided at me weekly meet’ Gardens fruit trees, and berry Initiation reremonlea for four transformation of » » « I patches In­ Jorlty of the board expressed them ing of the group held here Friday. ’ patches seem to have suffered the also be a baptismal service for old­ ern Pacific railroad. candidates were planned last ¡ to vegetable gardens. Eugene bakers chartered air selves as being satisfied with the Members of the local den voted 11 greatest loss from water which er children and adulla and a recep­ Thursday evenlna at the meeting i I n t e r Before A pril 15 tion of new members Into the planes to deliver bread to Spring- work of the present staff which favor of chartering a large bus reached a height of 15H feet, the Kntrtai In thin content must I»« ; of ,b r •«•kw circle, badi«» of the field. they re-elected. church. to transport all representatives highest ft has been since the flood made with the various dub N- which mot ut (he home of Even the floods have their ad­ A ll teachers are expected to sign from this section of the district to In February, 1927. The Eaater sermon will be " 'Tin dents nr at the Flanery drug store Mrs W alter luizton. The Initiation vantages says Clayton Kirkland an acceptance of their contracts the convention which will be an S pinach W ash ed O u t the Garden.'' Rev before April 15, It was announced wilt be held at the home iif Mr*, i Springfield Legion Group Ac- ^ Y ^ re a k in Saturday morning aa he stooped before the next meeting of the evening affair. R. B Oldham In West Hprlngfleld will preach. That even­ cepta Resolution Circulat- governor. Karl Mills, and W. J. other bushes. A garden tract which made by the State Veterans Aid C hristian Cburoh day offered the following flowers fic company were forgotten Satur 1120 to »115. Monday it was r e Moyer, all of Cottage Grove attend- had been planted was ruined and a commission to veterans of the as suggestions: Itnae, delphlnums. At the Christian church the day as hundreds of people made a dneed another »5 making the base ed the luncheon In the Interests of large number of raspberry bushes ; World War until after the present gladioli, dahllau, and columbine. period of depression was asked by young people will gather for their promenade ont of the tracks. for these teachers »110 as com the convention. Moyer is president were so badly uprooted that they Eaater breakfaat at 8 Hprlngfleld people in this end. and pared with »100 for grade teachers of the Cottage Grove den. The prealdent of each club In the , Hprlngfleld post number 40 of the annual had to be replanted. city hue been a«ked to name a dele­ Eugene folk at Judkins point it The members of the staff were 1 American l-eglon at the meeting o’clock. Rev. W illiam G. Taylor, pastor Roy Palmer, also in West Spring- gate Io meet with the general com­ held at Lowell lout Thursday even- The Sunday achool will give an really didn't make much difference, cut 10 per cent of their salaries of the Springfield Baptist church field. lost a lorge portion of his mittee at the community hall on I Ing. Easter program at 9:45 under the however, as slides had blocked the at a recent board meeting was guest speaker at the luncheon. spinach tract together with other April 6. at which time further plans The reaolution approved by the direction of Mra. W . P. Tyoou through trains on the Cascade line Teachers who were re-elected at His subject dealth with the effects garden produce. Flood Waters Prevent Ambu­ J local group Is one which was start and Roland Mushier This will be for the greater pert of the day. will he discussed. the schools were as follows: I of adversity on the lives of some M. C. Kirkland, proprietor of the lance from Reaching Un­ ed at Newport and Is being clrcula-1 given during the Church school It la the hope of those backing Many people made their first High school: Gtenn L. Martin. ’ of the world's greatest figures. Kirkland Floral company, found visit to the West Springfield ra il­ Leone Elliott. May Hewea, Luctlle the Improvement contest that sev ted among all posts in this district, hour. conscious Victim Saturday ---------------------- ------ water filling hia furnace early Sat­ road Junction Saturday as they Holman. Clara Wagner. Anna Vo­ erst of the group« will offer prlaea Members of the Auxiliary group urday morning and by noon waa The Easter sermon to be deliver­ for the various dlvlalona of the con­ drove up past the cemetery from gel. Marguerite Mllhollen, and John Percy Rossman. patrolman ut the¡ In meeting at the «ame time dia near the top of the firebox. The ed by Rev. Veltle .r u ltt at U A. M Eugene to find a better view and Knox. test The Lions dub has already Eugene Municipal hydro-electric nvt" resident of also was the seven or eight inches record of Issues and their maturity. reached the highway near Goshen. _______ | Springfield «ince 1926. p»»sed of soil which he had loosened. INCIDENTS OF JAPAN Both the Pacific and Prairie roads ed the delegation of vlaltors from T h t County Treasurer arbitrarily that d ly . Lodge work for the GET EMPTY FRUIT JARS Members of Springfield W. C. T awi|y Pacific ( hristian hos- adds sufficient millage to the dis- Members of the Christian church to the north were impassable at evening consisted of master d e g re / IT. unit held their monthly meeting I P1«“ 1 Wednesday evening SAYS RELIEF CHAIRMAN HUSBANDS ARE GUESTS trlct tax to Include the bonded In­ missionary society were entertain­ times. work. Refreshments were serve« and study at the home of Mrs RKP of vear8- M r- Havls Slides on the Southern Pacific OF PRISCILLA CLUB debtedness which must be paid, ed Monday at the home of Mrs. trucks tied up traffic over the Cas­ after the lodge work. horn 1,1 OWo on Au* u” 6' 1860 Many of the fruit Jars donated W illiam O. Hughes on Fifth street , " accoralng to C. A. Hwarts. chair­ R. E. Moshier. Miss Hattie Mitch­ by local people to he community Tuesday afternoon. Regular work ' " h e n 21 years old he enlisted In Hix tables of bridge were In play man of the local school board. ell, mission worker in Africa told cade line (or many hours Haturday. BROTHERHOOD CANCELS ; ellef agency headed by N. L. Poll­ of the organisation was taken up Company E. Third United States In­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. day. some of the Incidents which she fantry. He CHtne west ln 1889 settl­ MARCH SESSION HERE ard have been returned empty to during the afternoon. saw while visiting In Japan on her ing near Hillsboro. He later moved Dibblee Friday evening when they CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE the depot on Fifth street and own­ trip to the United States. A trio MRS. MOORE HOSTESS to W illam ette for four years be­ entertained for the Priscilla club. AT EASTER BREAKFAST ers of them are asked to call for There was no meeting of the ORANDDAUCHTER IS consisting of Mrs. D. B. Murphy, Members of the club had as their FOR ANEAS CLUB CROUP fore establishing his home at Mu­ Methodist Men's Brotherhood Mon the Jars as soon as possible. The BIRTHDAY PRESENT lino. He came to Hprlngfleld In guests their husbands. W. H. The young people of the Christ­ Mls.i Mitchell, and Mrs. Moshier depot has now been closed and Mr. day nlglit. Tho church Is conduct­ Mrs. J. T. Moore entertained at 1926 to make his home with his Steamier was high and Mrs. L. E. ian church will hold their annual sang several numbers. A baby daughter was born Io Mr. ing special pre-Easter services each I’ollnrtl Is anxious to have the local Plans for a special Easter offer­ her home Tuesday afternoon for Basford low prlxe winners. Assist­ Easter breakfast in the social son, O. A. Davis. and Mrs. Sam Brown nt the Pacific evening, and a special Brotherhood people claim their property. Mr. Davis married Ml«s Nellie ant hostesses for the evening were rooms of the church Hunday morn­ ing to be taken Sunday were made members of the Aeneas club. Sev­ meeting whs held earHer for the Chrlatlan hospital Wednesday, at the meiting. eral guests were Invited for the M. Porter on October 30, 1878. He Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Schaffenherg. ing at 8 o'clock. The Friends and purpose of organising a sub-dla- FUNERAL FOR ACCIDENT March 23. 1932. This date Is also afternoon which Included a short is survived by two song. O. A. and Live W ire classes w ill have charge trlct. This meeting will take the musical program by Mra. Floyd CHILDREN TO HUNT FOR VICTIM HELD MONDAY the birthday anniversary of the A. J. Davta both of Hprlngfleld; a MARGARET MORTENSEN of the meal and all young people child's grandfather, Verne C. Dan­ place of the regular March session Thompson. Refreshments were daughter. Mrs. Mary Mallett, Co­ are Invited to attend. EASTER EGGS SATURDAY WRITES OF HER TRIP of the local group. Funeral services for Zelma Pal­ iela. «erved by the hostess. burg; and two sisters. Mrs. C. N. mer, 16. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hatch. W alla Walla, and Mrs. A. J. Children of the primary depart­ Letters from Margaret Morten­ REBEKAH SUPPER WELL EDUCATIONAL MEETING John Palmer former Pleasant H ill MOTHER’S STUDY GROUP Talbott. Ottawa, Kans. sen telling of her trip to Boston ATTENDED ON MONDAY ment of the Methodist Sunday BAPTIST CHILDREN TO He wa« a member of the Christ­ have been received here by Dr. OF POWER CO. IS HELD residents, were held at the Pleas­ HAS MEETING TUESDAY school will hold an Easter egg HAVE EASTER PARTY ant H ill Chrlatlan church Monday Mrs. Lee Putman whs hostess ian church. Funeral services will and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen of this The cafeteria supper sponsored hunt at the church Haturday after­ The regular educational meeting afternoon. Miss Palmer was killed at her home Tueaday afternoon for be held from the Pools-Gray-Har- city. Miss Mortensen left a short by the Rebekah lodge Monday noon at 2 o’clock. M r» W. O. Children In the primary depart­ of employees of the Mountain In an auto accident near Stayton the members of the Mothers' study tholomew chapel In Hprlngfleld Frl while ago for Boston, going the night was attended by nearly 100 Burch and Mrs. Page are In charge ment of the Baptist church will State Power company In this coun Saturday and leaves her parents, club of the P.-T. A. A abort study day afternoon at 2:30. Rev. Veltle northern route through Canada, to people and was very successful ac­ of the affair. The hunt w ill be held have an Easter party at the church ty was held at the local office three brothers und two sisters. In- period was held after which the Pruitt will officiate and Interment visit her sister. Mrs. George Hors­ cording to Oswald Olson, chairman. outdoors If the weather Is suitable, Friday afternoon It has been sn- Tuesday. The usual study work terment was made In the Pleasant i members listened to the radio will he made at Laurel Grove cems fall. Mr. Horsfall Is a doctor In the Regular lodge meeting was held otherwise It will be held In the nnunced. Mrs. Wilford Cook will be H ill cemetery. broadcast from KOAC at Corvallis. tery. was conducted. regular army. after the supper. church. In charge of the a ffa ir.' TO OFFER FIVE PRIZES ’ been CANTATA IS ARRANGED LIONS TO ATTEND DISTRICI MEETING VETERANS SEEK RELIEF ON LOANS Slide Traps Man at Leaburg Plant Girls League To Frolic On Friday IN PLAYJJNTEST O.E.S. To Have Children Party