an organised gang ot kidnappers thia kind. It certainly seems as If lias recently succeeded In ninny soniellilna could lie done to wipe Scene of the Kidnapping of the Lindbergh Baby_____ j I'*»* in uhducllug wealthy man, or oui ihe criminal gsugs who mak» a j man with wealthy connection*. and husluesi of tills most vile of all | in extorting ouge sums of money crimes. ' In exchange for Ihelr lives und W a lte rv ille Man H e ra Everett Albany Man Hera—Robert Creigh­ liberty Similar gang* are »«Id to ton of Albany was a visitor in Wearin of Walterville was a bust j have operated In Detroit aud else ness visitor In Springfield on Mon where Charles M Koseulhal. a Final Pre-Organization Meet­ Springfield on Tuesday day. ' young New York broker, w»< kid ing of Walterville Croup Dislocates Finger— Eugene Peb­ Mr mid Mrs Ted Turel from Pori napped by a gang which released Orford speul Wednesday night al V isits at Albany— Mr. and Mrs. bles of G<* hen dislocated a Unger Now Being Planned ( hint when Ills mother paid the >60. the John Kdinlston lioin». , Al Valentine left Saturday for Al­ playing basketball last Thursday. 000 ransom demanded; hut the font bany to spend a few days visiting The final date for the dosing of Mrs (lieu Tryon and Infant ion Dexter Resident III— Ms L. K with friends. members of the gang were later returned home from the hospital In the Charter membership roll» of captured amt sentenced Io 60 years the Grange (roup which Is being Matthews of Dexter was ill the first K u in » Thursday. Trent Resident Visits — Mrs I each In prison. organised at Walterville has been of the week with inftucnxa The young people of Ibe neigh Thomas Wallace of Trent was a Kidnappers huve sometimes been net for Thursday evening. March horhooil are busy practicing music drove Resident Visits— Mrs. W business visitor in Springfield on j let off llghlly. Pal Crowe, who slot» 24. the meeting will be held at the X. HeuVnway of t'ottage prove was , for Ihe Easter program to lie held . young Eddie Cuilahy nt Omaha In W O. W. building at the church Ea ter Munday morn, a'- business visitor in Sprlngflelo 1000 collet led >26.000 ransom, con Leave tor California — Mr. and lug followed with a basket dinner. Twenty members have already Saturday. i tea ed Ills crime and lived Io write Mrs. Karl Girard and Miss Doris Mrs. Ileulah ilarbll returned joined the organisation and ten 1 a hook uboul II. lull was acquitted Recorder at Junction City—I. M Girard, left Monday for Eureka. home Iasi Saturday from Hal»m more have signed Intentions of af­ when placed on trial Hut the record Peterson, city recorder, made a California, for a short vtslt. where she ha» been visiting her filiating themselves with the group. of most kidnapping cases Is the business trip to Junction City Tues­ daughter. Mrs. I.esler Peterson ano Special Initiatory exercises will be same sad slory; no trace of the Vitit from California — Mr. and family, she reports Mr. IMBraon planned for all those who join aftei day. child ever found and Ihe Identity Mrs. Clarence Fandrem are v e il­ the closing of the charter roll It of the khlnappera never discovered very III ing relatives here this week. Their Jack Ilarbll from HI Helene has been announced. No Irate has ever been found of home Is at San Diego. California. Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr.. 20 months old. was stol«i from the new home of his parents at Hopewell. pent thi* week-end In Thuraton Another of the pre-organisation ten year old Grace Budd. who well! N , J- A rough ladd.-r was placed at the window of the baby'» sleeping room, marker! “A“ in the picture, and The Ladles' Aid society are liotd* Returns to Salem—Mrs. William theimfant taken from his crib. The ladder was later found at "B" while footprints were discovered at the point “C " meetings for the group was held at away from her New York home In Ing a silver tea with Mr* Andrew» Morgan returned to her home at Ihe summer of I02M with a man the hall Friday evening with Mr. Salem Sunday after having spent and Mrs. Arthur Brown of Roseburg known In the uelgliborliotxl only a Thursday afternoon. Next Friday trlends and palrou» a week here visiting with her par­ and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harlow in "Frank Parker," nor has "Parker" of Ihe high school plan Io have an ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moshler. ever b«eu seen In the vicinity since charge. Mr. Brown is state organ­ Finance Director Issues Bul­ or Ills real name discovered Anti all day meeting al Ihe school with iser for the Grange Injury Improve»— Mrs. D. J. Van­ a basket dinner at noon. letin on Comparative Trans­ der Santon of Camp Creek who sue I no dependable Information about that Is only one of thousands of By CALEB JOHNSON and the world agreed with them similar cages. portation Prices tained a fractured leg in a fall last his captor- lias ever been discover­ Never before since the world be W tnberry Reeident Here— Mre Kidnapping for reward is a form The earliest record of kidnapping Thursday is recovering nicely ac­ gau has the interest of so many ed. The use of automobiles for travel­ cording to her attending physician. of crime which has become Increus Is found In the Bible, when Joseph's A. C. Itlilnevaull or Wlnherry w ii persons been focused upon a single The name uf Cuarlie R oom be­ lire them sold him to Ihe Egyptians a business visitor In Hprlngflnld oa ing long distances where there are ingly prevalent with the rise of individual, and that Individual t Hand Injured— H. F. Brown was parallel railroads is the subject ot gangsters and racketeers In recent came a household word, and there Thai was a clear case of kidnapping Thursday. a special bulletin which Holland A. taken to the Eugene hospital Friday child less than two years old. The years. There have been many scat Is hardly nn American over fifty (or money Human nature being Vandergrift, director of finance for evening to receive medical treat- kidnapping of Charles Augustus tered Instances of this crime In the who hus not some memory of the what It is; and differing little to­ Lindbergh. Jr., from his crib In the past to be sure, but it t: only luteiy furor which (hat crime caused. Rebekah Members Plan Sec­ the state of California has Issued ment for his left hand which he day from what II was thousands country home of his parents, the that organixed crlmlnul gunge have to all state employees, board and had seriously injured. of year* ago. II is eertnln that there ond Event Monday; Lodge The word "kidnap" has its origin All Make* and Modela famous flier and ''Anne." on the commission members, and all made It a source of revenue on a In laiudou thieves' slang "Kid" is will be kidnappings In the future, Meeting Also Set slope of Sourland Mountain near Drive to Yoncalla—Mr. and Mrs. S P R IN G F IE L D R A D IO SHO P large scale It Is one of the easiest slang for "child" of course, and a* In the past. Hut while society others whose traveling expense Is G. H. Turner drove to Yoncalla Hopewell. N. J., instautly crowd I'h . me 130 J ot all crimes to perpetrate, whether "nap " Is a corruption of "nab" a cannot protect Itself against the I H I H SI The second of a series of cafe­ paid by state funds. i Sunday and were greatly impressed ed all other news off the front the victim b. •» child or an adult, individual, occasional offense of teria dinners which the Juanita slang expression meaning to steal In the bulletin attention Is call with the sights of many fruit trees pages of the press of the entire Rebekah lodge of Springfield b. ed to the unnecessary expense in in full bloom in the Umpqua valley. world. The trouble between China and the detection of the kidnappers or snatch. The word came Into use and the rescue of the person kid In America's colonial days. There sponsoring at the I. O. O. F. hall volved in using automobiles in mak and Japan, the vltally-important ac­ will be held Monday starting at 6 ing trips between certain design I Portland People V is it— Mr. and tivities in Washington looking to napped is peculiarly difficult he was a great demand for labor In the cause of the danger that the crlm American colonies Before the ef­ o’clock P. M.. is was announced ated cities where the trip can be ' ' rs' ‘ er' ' •'*“ of Portland ward the revival of business and today by Oswald Olson, chairman of made far cheaper and Just as quick Su»«fay v» ilor. at the horn. Industry, every other kind of news mals. It cornered, may kill theli fort was begun to solve the labor the committee. Other members of by train. The bulletin cites actual , of Mrs. Faves motner. Mrs. C. I. which ordinarily takes first place! victim, or leave him-or her locked problem by the Importation of up to starve while they make Ihelr Negro slaves from Africa, it was his committee are Ernest Black. figures showing the excessive costs Gorrle. Sr. was relegated to the background. I escape. the practice to sentence convicted Mrs. Alice Doane. Mrs. Clara Johns. of operation of state or privately The only thing people all over I Home from Vacation — Kenneth English criminals to deportation to Mrs. Edna Yarnell, and Mrs. May- owned cars when railroad trans­ probably the most famous child the world wanted to know was: De Lassus will arrive from San mie Richmond. portation will be Just as conveni- Francisco today to spend a two- “Has the Lindbergh baby heeu kidnapping case ot all time, cer the colonies, to work without pay. tainly In the United States, before in practical slavery, tor planters Regular weekly meeting of the e»L weeks vacation with his parents. found f lodge members will be held at 8 President and kings telegraphed the abduction uf little Charlie Lind­ who bid for their services The re Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snodgrtvs. and The finance director tells all de­ o'clock Monday evening. The din­ There «re baskfis, boxes, smull andktnrge bunnlaa, their sympathy to the stricken bergh. was the kidnapping of cords of (he English" courts In the with friends. ner is open to the general public partment heads to instruct their chocolate coated, cream filled und nolldbunnlea. And young parents. Nurse-girls In Paris Charlie Ross. That occurred on late 1600 » and early 1700's are fill­ officers and employees that the use Vacation Starts—William Pollard, and London, mothers in San Fran­ July 1. 1574. aud the mystery of ed with the names of men and wo­ eggs brightly hued or chocolate covered, large und of automobiles to make long trips son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard, cisco and Berlin and Tokyo, every the little boy's fate has never been men who had been convicted of smull. And they are till inude of the fineat Ingredients paralleling railroads must be dis­ and student at the Medical school human being charged with respon­ satisfactorily solved. Charlie Ross crime und were thus sent to Am­ (lie niotit wholesome, healthy materials that we continued. at Portland will arrive here today sibility for a child, felt a new fear, was four years old when he wai erica; many of these names, more­ could buy nt uny price. guarded the little ones as they had taken from hts parents' home in over. are those of families now The state controller has been ask­ to spend h> «pring vacation. never been guarded before and join­ Germantown. Pennsylvania, by two proud ot their Colonial descent! ed check all expense accounts foi Guests at Party—Mr. and Mrs. ed in the world wide prayers for the men. His captors were seen but hut the criminal courts did not sup­ charges for trips which have been “ “ " W h ir r the S e rvlre la U lSereet' Crowd to Determine Starting made in automobiles when railroad Claude Cook and Baxter Young afe return of the little son of the never accurately Identified They ply enough labor for the American were guests Friday evening at a Positions of Matches; Ladies facilities are available. When auto­ card party held at the home of Mr. "Lone Eagle." The police resources tried to extort ransom from the demanded, so organixed bands of "crimps" In London took up the Free for Final Time mobiles are so used a statement and Mrs. A. A. Campbell at Walter­ of the nation were mobilised with a boy's parents, but were never clever practice of waylaying young boys enough to devise a plan whereby single purpose, the discovery of the as to the necessity thereof should ville. Another unusual program for the be included on the expense account. child and the capture aud punish­ the money they demanded could be and selling them to unscrupulous wrestling fans of Lane county Is Visitors from Roseburg—Mr. and ment of his kidnappers. In congress exchanged for the boy without hlpmuslers who would bring them Two across the Atlantic and sell them promised Friday night at the Eu­ Mrs. J. A. Hart of Roseburg were a bill to make kidnapping across themselves being caught. gene Armory by Herb Owen, pro­ visitors Monday at the home of Interstate lines a federal offense burglars who were killed in Brook­ at a profit to the Colonini planters. Succeeds Mellon moter when he will have three Mrs. Hart's parents. Mr. and Mrs. punishable by death was already lyn a few months later were This practice became known In the events lined up and will let the John Lenhart. under consideration, and its discus­ thought to be the kidnappers of slang of I ondon's underworld as audience determine by their cheers sion took precedence over meas­ Charlie Ross but that was never "" In the early law books the word Is used only when or boos the positions in which the Former Resident Here — Miss ures of the greatest economic im­ shown to be definitely true. For a person Is sent nut of his or her wrestler« will start. The two most Florence Coffin, formerly affiliated port. There was hardly a place of more than fifty years men have Do you enjov wearing the new native con try. but it has come to favored will get the main event with the Flint National bank here, worship in the whole world. Pro­ turned up from time to time with styles while they ure still very mean any forcible capture and Im­ place, the next two the 45 minute is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Emery testant. Catholic. Jewish. Mohan, "confessions" of being implicated new ? prisonment ot an Individual by an special event. aDd the other two this week. She wag employed with medan or Buddhist, in which pray­ in the Charlie Ross kidnapping, and other without process of law. If you do. then let us urge you will open the show. the Hibernia bank of Portland at ers for the Eaglet's safe return there have been numerous cases to collie und nee these new Most modern kidnappings, how­ of men who knew nothing of their were not offered during the week­ The show will be worth while for , the time it was closed. Spring Dresses, which will end following the night of March own pasts, each believing that he ever. hav, had adults rather than other reasons also as Art O'Reilly I rove u revelation economic­ might be the missing Charlie H obs , j children i their v lrllm s. Accord will meet Whitey Potter of St. To Silverton—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. First, when the little one was taken ally. But no definite news of that boy's I Ing to Col. Hubert Ishum Randolph, Helens In a match in which the Pyne and small son, accompanied from his crib and carried down a fate has ever been discovered, and head of the Chlcugo's "Secret Six,” junior welterweight belt will be at by Mrs. Pyne’s mother and and rough ladder which had been placed stake. brother, Mr Nellie Jordan and at the window of his sleeping room The kidnappers left a note de­ Joe Reynolds will meet George i Wallace Jordan, spent Sunday Four Y etua to Their Next Birthday “Wildcat” Wilson, former, all-Am­ afternoon at the S. A. Gay home in manding >50.000 ransom money for the return of the little boy. For once Ogden L. Mills. Assistant Secre­ Silverton. erican football player of Seattle in of the Treasurv under Andrew public sentiment swept aside all a heavyweight match, and Kewple tary Mellon and who has discharged i consideration of cold law and ab­ Harkins of Nebraska and Jimmie of the duties of his chief in r stract justice and applauded Col. Barnell who hails from California months, has been named to six Lindbergh’s announcement that he will grapple In the middle-weight him. would pay the money and make no class. OEPT. STORES Members of the Four-H Seventh effort to capture the criminals if Ladles will bs admitted free BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR 968 Eugene, grade sewing club met last Friday they would only bring back his baby again for this match. Owens has MURL CARR IS HELD at the home ot their leader. Mrs. boy. Not even the most legalistic Indicated also that this will be the Willamette Oregon Ella Lombard, and worked on their minds could find It in their heart last opportunity for the ladies to Mur) Carr was honor guest at a projects. The students are now to criticize. The kidnapping of a attend without laying down the birthday party at the borne of his completing their final projects and child is the foulest offense agalDst price of a regular ticket. parents last night. A number of expect to receive their sewing pins society and the individual that It is his classmates at the high school possible to imagine, and its perpet­ soon. IUKA CIRCLE MEET were invited for the evening. rators deserve the worst punish­ The Eighth grade Four-H cook­ ment that society has power to PLANNED FOR TONIGHT Visitor from Portland — Miss ing club met Monday afternoon mete out; but of greater importance Mrs. Walter Laxton will enter­ Laura Polley of Portland, is spend­ after school for their regular club than the punishment of the crim tain for members of the Iuka circle ing several days in Springfield visit­ work at toe home of their leader/ inal Is the life and safety of the That« twin son* of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parka* of Pittsburgh wer« born | child itwfclf. So the Lindbergh« l--lt Ladieb ot the (5. 4 K at their re­ ing with her cousin, Mrs. D. B. .Mr . L. K. l ag':. on Feferu*ry 29, 1932. gular meeting this evening. A pot­ Murphy. luck -upper will be served after Springfield, Oregon the business meeting. Two applica­ Leave for California—Mrs. Ger­ tions for membership in the circle trude Wilson and her son, Hobart, Grocery prices are hh low and quality is as high have been received and will be left Wednesday evening for Los in Springfield an any place in Oregon. Service can turned over to the membership Angeles where they will spend the not be excelled. Trading at home with home, people committee for consideration. Easter vacation. 6HUBE CHARTER CLOSES IURCH 24 Thurston Sister S ta te to Lim it A u to Use Kidnapping Crime Becoming Common Local Lodge to Sporn isor Dinner Radio Service F o r E a s te r B U N N IE S C H IC K S EG G S! Belt It Staked For Friday Card RGGIMANN’S Special Dress Sale At Breier’s $2.87 $4.50 $5.87 $3.50 Lincoln School Notes $7.50 Irish-Murphy Co. ST DOLLAR DAYS! Modern Equipment to Repair any make of car. Our garage is equipped with the latest machinery to do every Kind of repairing and overhauling that any automobile can require. And the workmanship is as complete as the equipment and in charge of an expert mechanic. Fender repair or body work is a specialty with us. It’s still true— no matter how many times you have heard it—Minor Repairs Now Saves Major Re­ pairs at Greater Expense I^atet. FO R TH E EA STER H O LID A Y S These tickets are strictly Firtt Clan, good on A LL trains, coaches or Pullmans, (plus usual berth charges) A FEW SAMPLE ROUNDTRIPS: Sacramento Klamath Falls $13.50 12.10 4.85 Ashland 4.70 Oakridge 1.00 Cascade Summit 2.10 A n d e r so n M otors, Inc. Authorized Ford Sales and Service John Anderson Phone 49 Ray Nott Watch for It! New Ford Coming Soon! Similar low fares between all stations on our Pacific lines. Southern CARL OLSON, Ag»nt Phon» SB provide« employment, for your neighbors who contri­ bute toward the HUpport of your city aud schools. W HITE EAGLE Coffee Plenty o f time for a long trip— as many as 13 days if you wish. San Francisco T he Printing ‘Staples’ Used In Every Business C om m unity” clfic m Wc arc well equipped to give you a prompt, complete POUND printing service of “The Printing ‘Staples’ Used In Every Business Community.” 19c ■ These “Staples” are the printing (hat you are using day after day, week after week, and month after month. ■ Check your supplies-on-hand NOW. If exhausted or low—place the order TODAY. LETTERHEADH STATEMENTS ENVELOPES BLOTTERS RECEIPTS FOLDERS ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS PAMPHLETS HANDBILLS TICKETS TAOS JERSEY Corn Flakes 4 BOXES 25c CARNATION OATS No Premium Per Pkg. T he Springfield N ew s Commercial Printing Department 19c Soap 10 BARS 25c GREAT NORTHERN Beans 6 POUNDS 19c mckenzie Flour 49 POUND SACK 89c