THURSDAY. MARCH 17. 1982 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Thurston R«ild«nt III Mrs W II «UM M O NI Ham Rennie uf Thurston la III ul bar ,N T H E «'«HUUIT CO URT o r T H E RAILROAD WILL OFFER Lockwood <40 M ; Mra. John Adair SHERIFF Pac Tai « <4 10; Dennis Cyr <7 00; W A. Hall »43 66. J. B. Carili# 11 <3 15; Mrs. Rose Powell <2 48; Caaaday <1M.1T; Wm KIT l FBBRUARY Cottage Grove W ater Sya <6.76; »»»»»; Lloyd Howe < 1 « T I ; ___ I l IIhr Galloway, Plaintiff. »a. Ona ■pedal Cant-a-Mlla Round T rip . Advertising Guard Publishing (Continued from First Page. A “ “‘ A“ ™ 0 " * n'n« *<*«1* « • " Station <118; Walters- F. Houghton <114.71; E. A. Holland Galloway, Defendant. N O T IC I a . a->i-i Aft H-ontmued from Flrat I age) Co Co »»22 1*22 «5, <5, Cottage Grove Sentinel Bushong Lbr Co. <18 00; V E <124.75; Kt hai ___ Scott | * ) W A. K. OF FIN A L ■ ■ T T L C M C N T o ■« Bo d A s e ts (,u, Robert Ml,.,. Thj-odore P r ill- <55 35. The Springfield New« Grousbei k <»30; Cottage Grove I Hulegaard <124 75; W W Bxluils To (Jus Galloway, Th» above hi Ih» I'minty Court (or Ui« Stale "»med defendunt Lines of Southern Paclfla ! ,|r ||. Anita Pugh, Roberta Putman.| <70-76. Lumber Co. <3 00; Springfield ton <134 71; R W Potter <10* 76. of Oregon for Lana County IN T H F NAM E OF T H E STATE Lawrence Thompson. Carmel Wad ASSESSOR: Stella C. Wltklnaon ‘ / • • « “ • ’T »®3®1; E“ «,n e Farmer» Welta T ra ile r <«<00; Lola M In the Matter of the Fatal« of I OF tlHFGO N you are hereby re- Designed to stimulate Master d e ll »130 00; Agnes O'Brien »130 00 ( reamerv <2 10; Mark Hadaell 8mlth »64 00; H. L. Bowa »14 0B. Samuel K. Phillip, deceased ¡quired to appear and answer the Bertha Neet »80 00; Adelaide » J* ?*• * * ,,h * £°® C° • * *®' y,lnn*on* travel throughout all part ol the Notice la hereby given that the miiplalnt filed against you In the Scholarship— Frank Btmnett, Ella; Carter 886 00, Pac. Tel. » Telg V Pitcher <11.60; * mphrey A Macklin »33 96, Lo. <383.56; G I undersigned a d m in is tra to r hae ........ »bove anGtled Court and cauae on W est. Southern Pacific company I Broob axine Cogl», u t-1 .2 25 6 ''" H. h ’ P. 'kU rkm en »130 00 Orove Pharnmcy The Cresseys <4 85; Koke Chapman Druum M mesiiie t -’»m. Polly r-uiiy D |/Ul | c (•„ ^ Ï} »7 Dk- ~ — - - 8 » ■ « 1 (1 . . . . I / * I Pool tkk,.« B4 fk d k , f l _ ryL _ hla final account herein and that >r before the _____ , ___ ________ _ Vth day of April, 1*32, will re-establish cent s mile round , huk. Billy Nesbitt. Anita Pugh. O. H. Junes >104 00. Real Shoe Shop »2 *0; Jim. The <3.00; Lynn Wheeler <1.89. M ult­ O F .F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the above named Court by order I »»Id date being more than four i?.’’_ J r“ ' POrU.,to n . i,,r* f“ r JuD,,’r ■ « * * Lawrence Thompson I BO UN TY: E. O Dunn <10 00; Shoe Doctor 82.60; Hall A Johns­ nomah County <18 60. Hall A Sham . lino duly appointed Tueaday, April week» from the day of the flrat ton »6 00; Ketels Drug Store 36c; way <1.75; Kllhuin Slatry A Prntg Fourth Grade I Harold Hart <3.00; J. W. Jackson Mt. States Power Co. »»22; F C Co. <3 08; Sw ift A Co. <68.0«; Mra. _ M om . m I 13 ‘ * 33 »• *> A « «' •»»•’ '<•«>> i Publlcallon of th l. aummona and March 27 week-end. according to r Montgomery, exeiutrlx baa filed |y Court r(M„„ |n , htl p,mrt Houae herein entered of record and If you announcement today by C. Glaon, Attendance— Wanda Burch, Hlilr 112 00; H O. Carter <68.00; W alter Myers »3.76; Pacific Christian C. E Buts <6.00; Eugene Woolen har final report and account In the ui Eugene, Oregon, as the time anil fall »<> to appear and answer for local agent for the company. ley Haack. Earl Harwood, W illard £1° ®rxa" * i0 # ; Hosp <1048 22; NW Cities Oas Co. Mllle <30.00; Joe Derosa <8.00; NW eatala uf John U. Montgomery, da p|a(. , for hearing objections to »aid *« n t thereof the plalntlfr will ap , , ' I Joe Queen <2.00; L: O. Holeman <6.71; Kemw 110.14; Pages Grocery Cities Gas Co. |4 M ; J. H. J a v a n Under arrangements perfected. ceased, In Ilia ( ounty C ourt of f|n„| MM(| lb, aettlemaot idy to the Court for the relief In Houae, Warren Ingram. Albertaj »».00; W. M Clark <20.00; R. C. 82.00; Cash A Carry Store <2* 75; <9.00; R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. < t l . M ; , 'a ’** * » '« "f* ,,,a r,'of A" Peraona Interested . her com plaint ugaloat you demand Glaon aisled, trips on the low fare Keeler, Winifred Lyons, Emma Evans <2.00; P. W Green <8 00; W. A Taylor <82.00; James Christ Helds Creamery <1<.79; Lang -Eu­ in**1* ?*ar‘i.h' "’"Z a|,,M'ar *ald end file "d, to-wlt: for a Judgment and de- basis may be started either Thuas- Virgil Newman <8.00; Prince E. ensen >12.00; McMarrs J. C. <34.07; gene Inc <34.46; Irish Cash Stare 1*32. at 10 o cloc|t A. M !■. tb * | objections If any they have. n ree of Divorce diasolvlng the day, Friday. Saturday or Sunday, Grace Meaklns, Bobby Pugh, Ard a H elfrlrh <4 00; Darrell Pitcher I Table Supply Co. <6.00; Vetersons <16 99; Pioneer Grocery Co. <42.17; Robertson. Beryl Hobertaon. Milo County Court room at the Court Deled March loth, 1*32. * of matrimony now and here March 24. 26. 26 and 27. with a i bonds <10 00; Donald Schmitt <2.00; Frank 1 Grocery <21.36; Garretta Store Kremrael Bakery <34.18; Haskelk House Eugene, Oregon, for final Severson. Ixiulae Smith, Frank L. K Z IN IK E It, Administrator lofnre existing between you and Crabtree <2.00; Paul Hue» <2 00; F <4 48; W alter Price Inc <28 24; Grocery <21.63; Kimballs Market hearing lhareon, and any objections H. HEIKIW IC K. Creswell, plaintiff on the grounds of deser­ final return limit on ail tickets of Stuart, Emma l» u Stratton, Valen­ E Witcher <4.00; G. B. Watts Irish Cash Store <446 23; Haskells <21.U; Western Union « .t < ; H. L. Io final report and account should midnight Tuesday, April 6. •e„ Attorney for estate. tion. for the care and custody of <2.00; Geo Macauley <3.00; Vlrgtl Grocery <*4.37; Broadway Market Bown <94.28; Slgman-Fell Ins Co. tine Ucbytll. be filed or presented at or prior to (M 10 17 24 31—A 7» the minor daughter. Helen Galloway Record travel over the Easter Scholarship— Flora Bertach. Wan­ Newman <4.00; Raymond Clark 1241.53; Occumpaugb Br<*< Grocery <36 00; Eugene W ater Board 24 90; W alter Camp >14.94; Jess IF 18-26— M 3-10-17» the llun. C. P. Barnard, Judge of undersigned, administrator of the Second Grade— Mildred Powell, 96c; West Publishing Co. <5.00; Knudsen <13.06; L. N. Mathews said Court, as the time and place estate of Ina J. Finn, has filed In Betty Mae Hall. Helen Turner, <6.00; ^ «« Thomasons Service Station Pacific Tel A Telg Co. <7.40; Shel <18.96, Wm Oerlacb <30.83; A. L. <3.60; M i*. Estella Salton <6.00; N O T IC E OF SALE for hearing same, awl for Ihe final the County Court of Lane County. ......... . I?3. Dorothy Gelse. John Bowers <8.00; Carl Wilson ton-Turnbull-F Co. <18.50; C. E. Roberts <83.86; V. D. Fogle <11.26; settlement of said Estate. State of Oregon, his final account Third Grade — Betty Manshlp. i <1.75; T. G. Short <2.00; J. C Pen Pollock <50.00; M. E. McDermott Earl Roberts <124.24; L. N. Math­ Notice Is hereby given that by JO SEPH IN E HESS. Admlnls us such administrator, and that the <15.00; E. L. Holmes <22.05, J. K. ews <53.74; Harry Oerlacb <61.99; virtue of an execution and order of “ey 9 °' trntrlx 18th day of March. 1932, at ten Jason Lee. Shirley Connel. M. L. High <35 09; Horace Quin :r „ , , i 50; Isaac Klein <3.00; Hall A King <75.00 sule Issued out of the Circuit Court W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorney». o'clock in the forenoon of said day iou rth Grade— Marlon low ell. Johnston <5.o0; C. B. Christensen CORONER: J. J. Klrchoff <9.00; »2 89. of Ihe State of Oregon for latne (F 1825— M 3-10-17) has been fixed by this Court os T A X REB ATE: Alfred V. John­ Fifth Grade— Beth Schantol. Rich »15 00; Eugeme W ater Board »2.02; C. V. Simon <61.55; Otto Gilstrap C ounty, Oregon. February 24. 1*32. the time for hearing any objections son »1.20. <1.10; Ray Dawson <2.20; Wm. Pol­ upon and pursuant Io a decree ard Ward. Thelma Sutton. J Cottage Grove Lbr Co. »9.00; Mra. to sold report, and the closing of TR A FFIC PATRO L: M. J. Thomp­ C IT A T IO N made by said Court February 27. Sixth G ra d e -B illy Martin. Ho- ? O arrrtt <3 00; Men a Store ders <1.10; M. A. Primer <1.10; son »159.75. the same by the County Court of . .. . . . . ($4.95; C. A M. Transfer Co. <8.13; Jack Lucky <2.20; J. R. Chapman 1*32, In a suit pending therein In Lane County. Oregon. TR EASU RER: Pac Tel A Telg ward Dean. Helen Kratx. Dor»s K M w hite $2.00; Mrs. Luella <1 10; L. P. Harmon <1.60; Dr. G. which It F Mulkey and F V. Mul IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E E. LaDUKE, Administrator of Bonney. STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE Doris Coffelt, Warren | Bristow $8 50; L. Toll »15 50; Mas P Winchell <1.60; Jack Lamb Co. »8.06; Grace Schlska »10 00; key. his wife, were plaintiffs, and the Estate of Ina J. Finn. De­ COUNTY Phillips J. C. Kennedy »2.00; Mrs. Susan <1.60; Eunice Tomkins <3.50; M il­ Mabel Palmer »80.00; Valley Print­ A. U. Rlach, George Tallman and ceased. I.......................... Tallman, his wife, In (he M atter of the Estate of Roots »5.00; Mrs. M. M. Stas dred W right <3.60; Agnes Lingo ing Co. »3.00; Cresseys <4.65; Of­ Seventh Grade— Gladys Shelley. (F 18-25— M 3-1017) John O'laiverty. Deceased »500; Mrs. M. J Beckett »5 00; <3.60; Ernest Lingo <3.50; Oscar fice Mach A Supply Co. <7 20; were defendants, which execution To Thomas O'Laverty and all Eirhtb Grade— Marie Kratz. Lena Jefcse C. Jones »5.00; M ts . E. A. Snow <1.10; L. C. Palmer <1.10; H. Koke-Chapman Co. <7.20. und order of sale was Io me direct­ U. S. LABOR BUREAU: F. L. ed and commanded me Io sell the other persons unknown claiming an IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF T H E Stafford. Rachel Elliaon. White »6.00; C. B. Leep »6.00; W. T. Hoare <1.10; Kay Manville <1.10; S TA TE OF OREGON. FOR i H. Devan »6.00, W W. Lyons »6 00; W. S Drake <160; Dr. T. A. Mc­ Armitage <60.00. real property hereinafter described Interest In the «state of John W IDOW S PENSIO N: Grace L. L A N E C U NTY. lo satisfy liens and charges In said O'Laverty deceased. J^ 0«; Andrew Erickson <10; Flor mottt <105.00; Ethel Thompson Miller <10.00; <10.00; Fannie Stonehocker <10.00; claims duly verified to said execu­ In said suit and of all parties claim \ a ' f any / O0 *’av'*- whY Patty Sylvers <100.00; are hereby notified to present th e ! enc« Armstrong <10 00; Grace Ben <85.00; LlUIe Tate <10 00; Jessie Wells Ing by. through or under them, ot court shall nol make an order di­ trix and executor at the office of some, duly stated and verified at n<’,t »10 00; Mrs Susan Suttle Mabel Henry <100.00; Pacific Tel A Nesbit <10.00; Della Hebert <10.00; and any of them. sill, e Ihe 20th day - f recting — u “ authorising u>"»r' W. v L. Me- C. A. W lntermeler, attorney at law. the law office of Alta King In the »10.00; Henry Bolin »10.00: Flora Telg Co. <10.80; H. A. Cass <1.50; Barbara Stoddard <10.00; Nora July, 1931, In and to the follow ing1” r* up a" ■'•mlnlstrator of said In Eugene. Oregon, within six r“ ? ^ ’ Snyder <10.00; Benj Parrish <10.00: Cresseys <13.30; Royal Typewriters Henderson <15.00; Cora Belle Grove estate to sell the following des­ month, rfom this IOth dav of £i"“ ” Mrs. Richard Cook <10.00; F. L. »56.50; Koke-Chapman Co. <104.00; <16.00; Mary Hay <15.00; Erma G. described real property. Io-wlt: March 1932 l i ’rPB n- w|' h|n six months of this Phares <10.00; Della Klink <10.00; Pacific Coast Stamp Wife »4.25. The Northwest quarter (N W M ) cribed real property for the pur­ G o i.D lE FRANCES PETERSON 1 3rd day of March. 1932 Fuller <15.00; Daisy Lewellyn ot the Southeast quarter (9 E % ) pose of obtaining funds with CO UN TY COURT: Pacific Tel A <15.00; Mary Papple <16.00; Iowa W IL L IA M CURTIS, Admlnla- Malinda Smith »10.00; Mrs. Beth- S TA N LEY JO EL KEYES. which to pay claims against said of Serllon Five (6) In Township trator of the Estate of Love A. t an> ' W ithrow <10.00; J. J. Moore Telg Co. <19.00; J. N. Chapman Laura Crump <15.00; Mary Phillips Executrlx and Executor. »12 00; B. 9. Nichols »1200; Cen »4 00; O. E. Crowe <4.86; Pederson <15.00; Ethel Amanda Thurman Seventeen (171 South, of Range estate and expenses of admtnlstra- Conrad, deceased. Don to-wlt: A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney. tral Hotel CO <12.00; Margaret Yar Four (4) West of the W illamette ALTA KING, Attorney for Ad- A Brown <9.65; Cresseys <2.95; <15.00; Ida Grant <15.00; Bertha (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) The South One Half of the brough <14.00; Bertha Blais <14.00; E. E. W yatts Inc. <2.50; Eugene Benson <17.60; Margaret Safley Meridian. In the County of M n e : mlnlatrator. Anutheast Quarter of Section Edith McKuae »15.00; Frances and the State of Oregon (M 3-10-17-24-31) Auto Top Co. <3.50; Peterson Bros <20.00; Cora E. M iller <20.00; I-ena Thirty-two (32) In Township Shields »15 00; W. D Calkin* Service 9ta <1.95; Mrs. Martha Cooley Dated this lsl day Ilf March. 1932 <20.00; Laura Caswell Fourteen (14) South of Range N O T IC E <15.00; C. E. Denney <15.00; Mabel Plath <4.00; Union Oil Co. <20.00; H. L ItOW N. Sheriff of Iju ie N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S <20.00; Bertha Lockett <20.00; Dora Three (31. West of the W iliam OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Goodman <15 00; R. C. Shephard County. Oregon Eugene Auto Top Co. <3.50; Equip­ Alice Boggs <20.00; Metta Barrow- Notice la hereby given that cite Meridian nnd also the North »15.00: M S. Barker »15.00; Mrs. (M 10-17 24 31— A 7» Half of the Northeast Quarter » . n e . “ X X i S ’ . ? James Gearhart <15.00; Mrs. E. C. ment <46.31; Perrys <3.50; Stand­ cliff <20.00; Jessie M. Palmer ard Stations Inc <2.00; Midgley »20.00; Bertha E. Perry »20.00; of Section Five (6) la Township undersigned administratrix of the Kull »15.00; Julius A. Grow »15.00: NOTICE OF SALE Karen Marie H«|sford »20.00; Hasel Fifteen (16) South of Range estate of Mary I. E. Hurlburt. de­ mlnlstratrlx of the estate of Martha Mrs. Alice G. Allen <15.00; Mrs. Pining M ill Co. <7.55. COURT HO USE: C. C. Pollock Harriet Malpass »20.00; Cora Lola Three (31. West of the W iliam ceased. has filed In the County Hunter, deceased, by the County Jennie Barnard <15.00; W alter NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN <49.75; J. B. Robertson <110.00; Mattison »20.00; Lulu May Berg­ ette Meridian, all In Linn County. Court of I-ane County, State of Court of Lane County, Oregon. that by virtue of an execution and All persons having claims against Baker <15.00; Lydia A. Hunter Eugene Roberkson »74.75; Bur­ man »20.00; Alma Lucille Bussear State of Oregon, and containing Oregon, her final account as such »1500; A. W Perkins »15.00; J. order of sale lsau«*d out of the C ir­ One Hundred Fifty-Seven and administratrix and that the 18th -iald estate are hereby notified to L. Kelly <15.00; Minnie O. Smith roughs Adding Mach Co. <8.00; »25.00; Ota Sanders »26.00; Lottie cuit court of the State of Oregon, City of Eugene <31.85; Eugene Moore »25.00; Bertha W alker Forty-two Hundredths (167.42) day of March, A. D.. 1932. at ten present the same, duly verified as <15.00; Chris V. Tollman »15.00; for Ijtn e County. February 17. t»32. Hardware Co. <5.00; Hall A Shum­ »20.00; by law required, to said adminls- Ethel Margaret Doran acres of land subject to a mort­ o'clock in the forenoon of said day « « t r u ; r her residence EugenT pursuant to a decree entered by way <7.85; Bray Bros <4.50; Man- »25.00; Lucy C. Robbins <25.00; gage of <3,000, held by the Travel­ In the Court Room of this Court In said court February 17, 1932. In a Oregon. Crow Stage Route, within ’ ’ M 6 W -^ e rG » 1 E P^o er's Insurance Company. Lane County, State of Oregon, has six months of the first publication p,tal * - -” t-. Bertha E- P ^ T erud-Huntington F Co. <242.05; R. Mary A. Hubbs <25.00; Hasel M ar­ suit therein pending wherein An­ A. Babb Hardware Co. <7.70; J. garet Allen <25.00; M elria V. Also lots two (2) and Three (3) been fixed by this court as the <25.00: S. W infrey »25.00; Ellen drew Holton was plaintiff and Sam- In Block Twenty (20) of the Ex­ time and place for hearing any ob­ of thia notice. Date of first publi­ Olin »30 00; M«s. W. E. Randall W. Quackenbush A Son <6.21; Thomason <25.00; Minnie Haugen uel N. Roberta. Sophia A. Roberts, cation being March 3rd. 1932 Whitely-Clork Co. <36 65; Twin <25.00; Ara B. Franklin <30.00; tended 8urvey of the Town of jection to said report, and the con­ Rolla W. O n . Grace V. O rr and L. M AR TH A M EN D ELL. Admin <30.00; Lane Co. Chapter ARC Oaks Lumber Co_ <1.08; Southern Minnie Wheeler <30.00; Mabel Gott Springfield, Oregon, subject to a sideration and settlement thereof. <100.00- West Dieinfecting Co M. Travis, Inc., a corporation were Istratrlx. Pacific Co. <1.13; Standard Oil Co. <30.00; Rose K. Powell <36.00; Kin mortgage of <250. BEA TR IC E WAS8OM. Admin­ »9 00; N. Scott Jewett »9.00; J. V. <2.38; Eugene W ater Board <89.71; sey Lou Burch <40.00. defendants, which execution and (M 3-1017-24-31) Also lot Eight (8). Block Forty- istratrix. order of sale la to me directed and Rich »5 90; Forest Fisher »10.00; State Industrial Ac Com <3.96. two (42) of (he extended Survey (F 18-25— M 3-1017) Mrs. M. A. Polll »12.00; Natron commands me to sell the herein­ N O T IC E O F 8 A L E of the Town of Springfield. D IS T R IC T A T T Y : Eugene Slat- IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F T H E Printing Oo. »23.25 R. A. Babb after described real property to NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN Witness Honorable C. F. Barnard, terv <232.18; Gladys F Price STATE O F OREGON. FOR satisfy the sum of »1677.75 to­ NO TICE That by virtue of an execution Is­ Hdwe Co. <9.74; Walters-Bushong <110.00; Cr«sseys <9.40; Alta King Judge of the County Court of the L A N E CO UN TY gether with Interest thereon at W H ER EA S In chapter 127. gen­ sued out of the Circuit Court of the Lumber Co. <3.70; Ed Bushnell State of Oregon for I^ane County, In the M atter of the Estate of 7% from date of the decree until eral laws of Oregon, enacted In 1919. State of Oregon for the County of 93c; Pac. Tel A Telg. Co. »9.00; <4.00. and the seal of said Court affixed D IS T R IC T SEALER: D. T. Law- John McDonald, Deceased. paid and the further aunt of <176.00 it Is declared to be the duty of every l-ane. March 7. 1932, upon a Judg L D. Griffs »2.60; M t Sts. Power Notice io hereby given that the reasonable attorney's fee and coats hereto this 16th dav of February, person, firm, copartnership, com ment entered by said court on the Co. »26 08 Dr. W. B. Lee <4.00; ton <22.16. 1932. DOG FUND : J. M Brickley undersigned administrator of the and disbursements of suit, I will pany and corporation owning, leas­ 21st day of February, 1928. In an Cottage drove Pharmacy <4.35; Flanery's Drug Co. <3.66; North <3.00; Rueben R. Gustafson <8.00; Estate of John McDonald, deceased, on Monday the 21at day of March, Attest: W. B. D ILLA R D . Clerk. ing. occupying, possessing or hav­ action wherein Sin Putnam was By EVA L. D U CKW O RTH, Deputy E. O. Earl <20 00; E. J Mabe <12.00; has filed his final account In said ing charge of or dominion over any plaintiff and McKenxIe River High­ west Hospital <12.00; Crown Drug (F 18-26— M 3-10-17) Geo. Watson <4.60; B. B. Sutton matter a>nd that Monday the 18th M. at the front door ot the Court land, place, building, structure, way Sanitarium, a corporation was Co. <8.35: Mrs. Lillian Van Dar <8.00; W W. McCornack »27.50; day of April. 1932. at ten o'clock house In Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ wharf, pier or dock which Is Infest­ defendant being case No. 17.786, ward <16.00; Bessie E. Nelson Burroughs Adding Machine <4.00; In the forenoon of said day, In the NOTICE OF S H ER IFF'S SALE gon, offer for sale and sell at pub­ ed with ground squirrels and other which Judgment was docketed on <16.00; Simmons Co. $1.32: Jim. R. J Morris <538 34; State Ind Acc County Court Rooms In the Court­ REAL PROPERTY lic auction for cash to the highest noxious rodents or predatory ani­ page 177 of Vol. 8 of the Judgment The 9hoe Dr. »4.05; J. C. Penney house In Eugene. Lane County. Ore bidder subject to redemption as NO TIC E Is hereby given that by mals. or as soon as the presence Docket of above entitled Circuit <2.58; McMorran A Washbume Com <4.47. EM ERG ENCY: Mrs. Henry C. goo. has been fixed as the time and provided by law, all the right, title virtue of an execution nnd order ot the same shall come to his, their Court, on the 21at day of February, <14.49; O. C. Caswell <1.65; W illis and Interest of the aforesaid de of sale Issued out of the Circuit nr Its knowledge, at once to pro­ 1928. and which isald execution is H Small Feed Co. »20.50; Cliff Hough <1.60: Mrs. Jean Boyle <1.60; place for the hearing of objections fendunts and each of them nnd all Court of the State of Oregon for ceed and to continue In good faith to me directed and commands me to Baird 75c; J. J Godlove <8.55; Eu­ W. H. Bankston <4."0; John L to said final account and the settle ment thereof. Any and all objec­ parties claiming by. through or un­ Lane County this 11th day of Feb­ to exterminate nnd destroy such sell out of the personal property gene Woolen M ill <24.00; Eugene Marsh <12.10; Koke-Cbapman Co. tions to said final account must be der them, the following described ruary, 1932, upon and pursuant to rodents by poisoning, trapping or of said defendant or If sufficient Fruit Growers <1.00; Lundstrom »45.25. EL E C T IO N Franklin Printing filed with the Clerk of said Court renl property, to-wlt: a decree duly given and made by other appropriate and effective cannot be found, then out of the Brc»« $9.65; Johnson Furniture Co. Co. »3.33; Natron Printing Co. on or before the date of said hear­ Beginning at n point 46.92H said Court thia 11th day of Febru­ means; and real property belonging to the de­ <4.50; Eugene Mattress A Uph. Co. <16 50; O. O. Veatch <4.60. ing. chains west nnd 11.72 chains ary, 1932, In a suit pending therein W H E H E A 9 gray digger ground fendant, to satisfy the sum of <14.00; Eugene Hdwe Co. <8.60; Date of first publication. March F R U IT INSPECTO R: C. E. Stew north of the Northwest corner In which The Pacific Savings A squirrels (Cltellus dnuglasll) ere <160.00 with Interest thereon at 8% Puritan Drug Co. <11.50; Eugene 17. 1932. art 894.50; E. J. Loucks <66.16; of the Laban Buoy D. L. C. No. la>an Association, a Washington noxious rodents In Lane County. per annum from the 12th day of Planing M ill »25.90; City W ater CHARLES E. McDONALD. Ad State Ind Acc Com <1.33. 50, Township t». South of Range coriMiratlon was plaintiff and J. Oregon. February. 1927. and <40.00 attorney Works <150; Korn Baking Co mlnlatrator. H E A L T H O FFIC ER : Mrs. Minnie 3 West of W illam ette Meridian, M. Rose and others were defendants, Now, therefore, all of such per­ fees and <19.00 costs. I w ill on F ri­ <22.74; Mannaghs Grocery <36.16; (M 17-24-31— A 7-14) run thence South 89 deg. 21 min. which execution and order of sale sons. forms, copartnerships, cor­ day the 8th day of April. 1932. at Pioneer Grocery »43.09; A. R. Gray E. Scott 76c; Dr. Oeo. P. Edwards West 7.26 chulns, North 0 deg, wns lo me directed and commanded porations and companies owning or the hour of one o'clock P. M. at <4.20; Stevensons 60c; Puritan $2.00- Mrs. Kathryn Hicks <3.60; NOTICE OF F IN A L HEARING 16 min. East 13.81 chnlns North me to sell the real property here­ having dominion over land In said the front door of the I-ane County Drug Co. <13.76; Eugene Hospital Mrs Nettle J. Neil <2 00; Wayne Notice Is hereby given that the 89 deg. 34 min. East 7.25 chains. inafter described to satisfy certain Lane Couunty. Oregon, are hereby Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ <321.68; Owl Emergency Store E. Elliott <1.00, Mrs. Grace Dugal 76c. undersigned M yrtle Doane. Execu South 0 deg. IB min. West 18.77 liens and charges In said decree required to take steps to extermin­ ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell <1.37; Tiffany Davis »159.74; Union H E A L T H SERVICE Lane Coun­ trlx and E. B. Doane. Executor of chains to place nt beginning all specified. I will on Saturday, the ate Raid gray digger ground squir­ at public auction for cash to the Oil Co. <14.85; Douglas Harris the estate of J. 3. Churchill, de­ In Lane County, Oregon. 19th day of March, 1982, at the rels (Cltellus douglasll) within highest bidder, subject to redemp <16.00 C. J. Brier <6.02; Cresseys ty Health Unit <737.60. IN D IG E N T SO LDIER: Mrs ceased. have filed their final ac Beginning at a point on the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M.. st the thirty days from the date of the tlon as provided by law. all of the »13.06; Kuykendall Drug Co. »3.50; R. Follett 125.00; Mrs. count In the County Court of Lane South line of the George A Eliza­ southwest door of the County Court first publication of this notice. If right, title and interest of the afore­ Ketels Drug Stare <4.90; Pages Thomu beth M iller Donation Land Clnlni House In Eugene. I-ane County, such steps are not taken, a person said defendant and all persona Food Shop »6.00; Mrs. M J. Ed­ Celia Messer <25.00; Henrlck Peter­ County, Oregon, and that Saturday Notification No. 6569 claim No. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at or persons appointed by the county claiming by through or under them mundson »7.50; Mrs. R. R Ramsey sen »10.00: Henry O. Guild «10.00 the 16th day of April. 1932, at ten IN S A N E : A. H. Ross »5 00; A. O. o'clock In the forenoon of said day, 56 In Township 1», S. R. 3 West public auction for cash, subject to court of said I-ane County will subsequent to the 21at day of Feb­ »31.00; Mrs. E. W. Shelby »3.10: of W illam ette Meridian which redemption as provided by law, enter upon said lands and proceed ruary. 1928. the following described Mrs M. Gourley <10.00; Henry Sch W eller »17.00; McMorran A Wash- at the County Court Room In the renk »3.00; W. T. Higgs »4.60; Hol­ burne »182 89; Ore St Bd of Con­ Court House at Eugene. Lane Coun said point Is 31.14 chains south 89 all of the right, title and Interest to exterminate said gray digger real property, to-wlt: ty. Oregon, has been set and fixed deg. 48 min. West from the of the defendants In said suit and ground squirrels (Cltellus doug­ Beginning at the Northeast lis King <1.60; Eugene W ater Board trol »707.33. JU STIC E COURT: Dan Johnston by the Court as the time and place Southeast corner of said Claim of all parties claiming by, through lasll) and the cost of said exteml- corner of I-ot 4 lu Block 3 in the <6.47; J. H. Balihlser »12.50; O. No. 56 and which said corner Is or under them or any of them. In na'lon will he levied against said Plat of Deerhorn as platted from E. Adrian <5 00; W illiam s Self Ser <159.75- Rev Steen »1.60: Minnie to hear objections to said final In Section 22 In said township or to the following described real lands. Lot 3 of Section 17. Township 17 vice <15.19; F. L. Chambers <10.00; Pitts <1.60: Fern Thompson <1.10: account. If any. and for the final and range and running thence property, to-wlt: The County Agricultural ngent South, Range 1 East of the W il­ Wm Bauguess <3.25; C. J. Brier Blair T. Alderman »1.10: H att'e S settlement of the said estate. Date of First publication March south 89 deg 48 min. West 9.016 Beginning at the Northwest hereby designates Monday. March lamette Meridian In Lane County, Co. <8.34; Hurleys Drug Store <2.79; Gross $1.10; M. D Mitchell $1.10: chains, thence North 2 deg 3 corner of the tract of land con­ 28th. aa a day to be known aa Oregon, running thence West to M iller Sorensen <28.46; W alter Sor­ T . O. Hn"n «1.10: Jnck Luckey 17th. 1932. M Y R T IE DOANE, Executrix. min Fast 19.68 chains to a point veyed to M illie A. Fox by Lurena "squirrel poisoning day’ throughout the East line of Block 8 In said ensen <31.44; H arry Hoare <14.20; • 110- Cecil Gllhii-t »110: Chas E. B. DOANE. Executor. on the north line of a tract reg­ Zimmer and John A. Zimmer by the said I-ane County, and It is plat of Deerhorn. thence North Equipment <11.88; H. G. Wesley Brown »1 60: Mrs. Emma I-on Dra­ W E LL S A W ELLS. Attorneys istered by W illiam B. Thompson deed recorded In Vol. 148 at page hereby recommended that poisoned to the Northeast corner of said <6.00; I-ane Co. Chapt. ARC »25.00 per »1 60- H. Jenren »5.00: W. W (M 17-24-31— A 7-14) and described In original certifi­ 468 of the deed records of I^tne barley, as prepared by the under­ Lot 8. thence West parallel to Irish Cash Store CG »114.62; Irish Oglesby »4.90; John L. Marsh cate No. 1708 and 13.096 chains County, Oregon, and running signed nnd representatives of the the North line of the aforesaid Cash Store »126.96; Irlsh-Murphy »4 90- Natron P rln t'rv Co. »2 00: Collects Bounty— C. G. Nystrom North 89 deg. 64 min. Eaat from thence East along the northerly Bureau of Biological Survey of the Lot No. 3 of said Section 17 to Co. »267.87; Halls Motor Store .T T M iller »38 60: Edwl l L. M iller the northwest corner of said reg­ boundary of the tract so convey­ United States Department of Agri­ T h t U N I V IS the Wekt line thereof, thence <93.74; James Gardens 50c; Blairs »3.00; P. F Close 12 00: .1 E of Oakridge collected <8 Saturday istered tract thence north 89 deg. ed as Rforesald 126 feet, thence culture. be used for the purpose ot North to the Northwest corner of Store »3.10; Irish Self Service Young »12 00: l.smnlng A Co. »5.00 from the county bounty fund for Occupational Bifocal 64 min. Eaat 11.666 chains to a south 40 feet, thence westerly such extermination. Such poisoned J I’ V E N IL F COURT: John L. said Lot 3 In said Section 17, <34.00; Economy Feed Store A Gro­ four bobcaks which he had killed point 19.86 chains north 10 deg. 126 feet to the west boundary of barley may be secured from the thence East along the North line cery <4.50; Crafts Grocery <1.40; Marsh 857.38; State Ind Acc Com The llnea to define Ihe reading seg the tract conveyed to said Millie undersigned at hla office In Eu­ of said Lot 3 of said Section 17 H. L. Bown <14.46; W illiams Gen­ 81 60 meat In the Illustration are drawn . East from the beginning point thence south 10 deg. West 19.86 A. Fox, ns aforesaid, thence gene, Lane County, Oregon, at ap­ SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T Bank W orker Back— Ma Elale to a point due north of the place eral Store <5.16; Mrs. R. L. Stone- heavier to allow the shape. In the chains to the place of beginning North 40 feet to the place of proximately the coat of prepara of beginning, thence South to the berg »8.03; L. D. H u ff »2,64; Guy Margaret E Cutler »85.00; Laur­ Pollard has again assumed her N Lyons »2.10; F. C. H a rt Dairy lens Itself Ihe reading segmont la containing 20.23 acres said 20.28 beginning. In Lane County, Ore­ tlon. ence C. M offitt »220 91; Pacific Tel duties In connection with (he liqui­ place of beginning. Also all of acres being registered title. gon. Date of first publication of this Block 8 In town plat of Deerhorn Route $9.30; Carl Blirup <9 00; M ar­ A telg Co. »8.86; Irm a H. Stroud practically Invlnlble. Dated this 18th day of February, garet E. Morris »1.56; J. S. Powell Dated this 11th day of February, notice March 3. 1932. •90 00- The Collere Press »4 80: dation of the Commercial State In Lane County, Oregon. _________ Dated this 10th day of March, Dairy <4.96; Mrs. V. L. Foote <9.00 Jeannette Clark »6.30: Twin Oaks bank after having spent some time 1932. 1932. (Signed) O 8. FLETC H ER . DR. ELLA MEADE H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. 1982. Home Service Co. <3.10; Mr. Kos- Lbr Co. <*.72; Cresseys »9.20; Na­ at Junction City during the Inven­ County Agricultural Optomstrist County. Oregon. By A. E. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. ankle <10.00; Clarence Alford tron Printing Co. <2.60; Thomas Agent. tory of that bank. 41 Wee* Mh Eugene (F 18-25— M 8-10-17) | (M 10-17 24-11— A 7) I »16.60; Bert Bunt »17.50; E. C. Nelson <2.10. (F 18-26— M 8-19-17) (M S-19-17. ..... .. ..... ? o u T ,B T Y ^ r0 K i N " ,M T H ,i LOW EASTER TICKETS HONOR ROLL Lane County Court i Co“ a«* Business Directory 'st