THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY-N IN TH YEAR HPRINGEIE1J), IxANK COUNTY, OltBOON, T111THHUAY. MARCH 17. 1932 HONOR BOLL FOR Cities Urged to Beautify Hiway SCHOOLS GUÍEN PH OF IM E B S L M * for Brattaln, Lincoln, and Clanwood Schoola Pre­ parad for Fourth Pariod TEACHERS COME E FORJN_STIWTE EASTER SERVICE Lane Continues Red Cross Work NEEOV MAI USE LOTS E M U County Chamber Votes to En­ Clustina Mill and Camps at Chapter Directors to Carry on ter Lane Highways in State All Employa«* of District to Daxtar Start Indefinits Ona Hundred Instructors to Methodists Announce Plans1 Without Federal Fund« with City Council Offers Use of Beautification Contest Run on Tuesday Cat 10 Par Cant Reduction Gather Saturday for First Field Force as at Present for Many Meetings During Municipal Property to Poor Effactiva Next Year Meeting in County Bach city und community In the Holy Week Period Opening of Ihe Hootb-Kelly lum­ For Garden Purposes The Lane County Red Cross of-I ' < uunty 1« urged tu lake p.»rt In a TWELVE Wendling Mill Opens April 4 No. 10 ber company camps Immediately WEEKS REMAIN county wide highway beau 1 1 ft ca- PRINCIPALS ARE CHOSEN aB(j opening of the Wendllng saw PLAN GROUP (Ice force will be continued aa a t ' SESSIONS CALIFORNIA MAN SPEAKS present until July 1, it was deter- WATER EXTENSION UP | linn program by a resolution pua«ed ... mill 0,1 April (. was announced this — — Illness Among Students and by the Lana County chamber of Board Meets Next Monday to We«k by Ralph Martain. general Springfield Students to Put Plan Sacred Cantata Easter mined nt a meeting of the board of directors and delegates from Light and Water Service to Be Faculty Members Holds Up (Ommere« at a meeting Wedneeday Consider Reelection of All manager of the cum puny. Appruxi- on Demonstrations; School Sunday Evening at Church; vrrtoes parts of the county at a Curtailed for Year to Re­ night at the Four Oak« Orange hall. Teaching Personnel nthtaly 16« men will be employed in High School List Boards to Convene n t eting at the courthouse Monday ' Consider Sunrise Service duce Expenditure Criidldatee (or oounty office« ad- ------ ■■■ ' H>e camp« and the sawmill. and a night. Federal support of (545 a Having« estimated al (4.00ft will full crew of former employees has A program of numbers contribu Easter programs covering the en month for a training school has Vacant lots owned by the city be effected In Hprlngfleld school already been secured. Anyone driv ted by representatives from schools tire Paaalon Week period have been discontinued and this will nec within the city limits of Springfield district IN. next school year under Ing Io Wendllng ««eking work will In this urea and four group dts- been planned at the Methodist oasltate Hie raising of more money will he available for garden pur the plan of salary reduction work be wasting time and gasoline, says < uaslon meetings will constitute the f church and will Include special ser- locally to carry on the work, board I poses 'or needy families It was de- ed out by the school board mem Martla. flrat Teacher Institute to be held rices Palm Hunday and Easter and members reported. elded at the monthly meeting of bers at their monthly meeting last The Glustlna mill at Dexter re- In Lena ..maty when grad. and a sa-reo cantata Ka.ter Hunday R estimated to keep the pre. ‘he city council Monday evening, I hursdny evening. Halartes of all «umed operations agalu Tuesday Instructors gather a l i e n i n g . Special service, are also | tnt force of thrBe f)eld worker, ¡Lum Anderson, chle. of police. I. employes In the district were cut with a crew of 70 In the camps and he Lincoln building Saturday morn- planned each night during thsjosU lde Eugene, two In the city, a »<>’ working on a list of them, lots 10 per cent by action of the board. mill. The mill Is cutting ties and | except Saturday, with com part time stenographer and Miss »“<1 anyone wishing to use one or This salary reduction affects all other heavy lumber at present and l . “ren7 ■ ' ” un,OB on Thursday Mary Anntn „ ecutlye , , CTellry mor. of the lot. ahould see Mr. leechers, principals, the janitors. expects to continue Its run indefi­ county school superintendent, will ' aim Sunday, March 2Q. Rev. wou,„ roat about |12 WM) , year Anderson at once and the district clerk. nitely. have charge of the meetings which Joseph H. Smith of Redlands, Call-1 The Red Cross has now (1000 on This step was taken by the city A mlulmum salary for high No present plana for the opening will start with the program at 2:30 fornla, will deliver the sermon hand, baa due It (4S0S from the Eu council in cooperation with the school teachers was set at (115 be of the Hprlngfleld sawmill have Number» on thia program are. Hunday evening Rev. Dean C. Poln- vene community cheat and (2300 county-wide garden project now be­ Ing a reduction of (5 from the been made by the Bootb-Kelly com­ Music, High Hchool Orchestra, dexter, pastor of the church, will from Lane county. It was believed ing undertaken. It Is felt that the former (120 level. Grade teachers pany. The planers, however, will Hprlngfleld. pleach on the subject, “A Day of that the present period of emerg- cultivation of crop« on the several also were reduced from a minimum be kept running aa at present, It riumnh ency wouW OTer by jujy j an*», ■» Strong Advance Ticket Sale tal street light« leaving 15 to be Nlmrnd section uf Ihe McKensle and the final address by the evan ing. Leone Elliott. Theo Bartholomew. Fifth Grade for Laughteraaque Event staggered through the business sec­ highway yesterday al the meeting gellat who took aa hk- theme, A special gathering of school Dorla Myers. Edith Walley. F. Hcholarahlp-- Peter Chase. Clar of the Htale Highway rnmmk«bs. Springfield Dealer Expects “Carry On.” He exhorted the new boarito will also be held with E. J Mathes. Ila Bartholomew. tion; discontinuance of 25 of tbe Reported at School ence Clark. Paul Knott. Ida Jane Their bid was (73.170, a great uav present 32 candle power lamps Demonstrator Models to members of the congregation to Moore county superintendent and I Altos— Mesdames S. 9. Potter. N. Irwin, Violet Bteele. Advance ticket sales for the an­ leaving 85 In the most necessary Ing over the estimated coat of (110.- Arrive for Exhibition continue their faithfulness and out­ Mr Moffitt in charge. Several pro- W. Emery. Floyd Thompson. Ber- Attendance— Mildred Hillings, 000. lined some of the major necessary blems including finances will be nice Van Valxah; Misses Evelyn nual high school Laughteresque places; and reduction of the stxe Carl Hllck. Clarence Clark, Vern Awarding of thia contract to the First of the new Ford automo­ steps. discuases by this group. j Buell, Myrna Bartholomew. Bes- program to be given in the auditor­ of two 40ft candlepower lamps to Gales, Marjorie Mdtierson. Paul Mar«hfteld firm nnaurea the early biles which have been causing so Other similar institutes are being sie Stuart. Dorothy Mae Potter, ium Friday evening are exceeding 100 candlepower. Knott. those of several seasons past and completion of thia, the final link of much anxiety In the motor Induetry Counctlmen also discussed a plan plunned for various parts of county Helen Crandall. Sixth Grade Indications are that a record audi­ whereby all lights on the bridge uncompleted work on Ihe McKen- will probably be displayed here later in the year It has been an- Tenors— Paul rotter. Sam Bar- Scholarship — Helms Clement. xle highway. The Hlllstrom broth­ sometime next week according to nounced. | tholomew, Frank Bartholomew. Asa ence will be present when the cur­ with the exception of the four at Ileury Chace. ers held a contract I wo years ago John Anderson, local Ford dealer. tain opens on the first stunt on each corner would be turned out. Robley, Howard Hughes, Ralph Ful­ Attendance—layl Keeler. Robert for Ihe surfacing of the stretch Demonstrators are expected next the program. No official action was taken, lerton. Keenan. Lula Johnson. Harold Foes. from Blue River bridge to Nimrod. week and delivery about April 1. The entire program centers about however, pending acceptance of the 1 Bass—Fred Buell. W. E. Buell. Frances Cornell. Floyd Cornell, Val­ Members of Ihe Highway commix four stunts to be presented by the counter proposal by the power som- The new automobllea will be . 3. S. Potter. W. C. Rebhan. P. J. eria Koch. Hilly Burnett, Angela «Ion are favorable to the early com­ manufactured In both eight and four classes at the school. Several pany. j Bartholomew, Fred Louk. Krupka. Frank Hllck, Wanetla pletion of the Cheshire east to Har- four cylinder models. Nothing has special numbers have been incor At the present time the city Is i Those participating in special porated in the program which will Neel. Henry Chace, Jane Phair, pole school project according lo been said vet as to the actual price Former Springfield Mortician parts are as follows: "He Chose the feature outside talent. The nature paying a total of (335.08 each month Shirley Heavey, Erma Wetsell, (’. P. Barnard, county Judge, who at range of the new cars. Plans to Move to New Pro­ for light service. This Is divided Cross of Shame." Alto solo, Mrs. Thelma Williams. Teddy Wright. tended the meeting Wednesday perty In Near Future The salesroom and display floor Many Visitors from Lorane Floyd Thompson. "Betrayed." tenor of the tour entertainment numbers aa follows: Ornamental post light­ Oliver Adams. LerOy Williams Their decision Is being withheld of the Anderson Motors. Inc., com­ Attend Regular Meeting of solo, Paul Potter. "The Thorn to be offered by the classes Is kepi ing (150. overhead lights (163.08. Sixth Grade I’urehaae of the Lennox hotel, pending n check of available funds pany have been completely re­ a mystery to everyone outside of Crowned king." Soprano solo, Mrs. the various casts until the curtain and bridge (22. It the reduction of I. O. O. F. Lodge Here Hcholarahlp— Jewel Farnsworth, said Barnard painted and the workshop of the one of the smaller hotels of Port­ (130 monthly wjilch the council W. K. Barnell. "Let Him Be Crucl- rises. James Hebert, Elsie Ingram. Mur­ land. by W. F. Walker. Springfield The Cheshire work will require garage has been renovated during seeks Is agreed oa tlijs will mean a Seventeen delegates from the I. field" Baas solo, Fred Buell. "Alas iel Tyson, Emil Uchytll. Virginia resident and former mortician, and Three senior students from the 1100 feel of timber for I rest lox In the past few days preparatory to Hicks, Heley Lyons his cousin. Elbert Robe. Portland O. O. F. lodge at Lorane attended and Did My Savior Die,” trio for drama department of the Univer­ saving of (1560 in municipal ex­ a slreleh of 2.03 miles along the the arrival of the new models. hotel man. was announced here the meeting of the Springfield lodge women—Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Mrs. sity will be chosen by the head of pense. Attendance—Helen Lyon«, Del- Ixmg Tom bottom according lo An ordinance making It compul­ this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wednesday evening to urge local Floyd Thompson. Mias Leone El­ the department and will be in the mas Galeapey, Jewel Farnsworth. Barnard, treated Umbers for this MANY BOUNTIES PAID plan to move to Portland within members to attend the county con­ liott. "They Laid Him Away" So­ audience to determine the winners. sory for property owners to remove James Hebert, Virginia Hicks, work will last about .70 years and vention to be held in Ixtrane April prano solo, Mrs. W. K. Barnell. Wesley Itobertsou, Emil Uchytll. untreated timber 1R II 1» x»ld A ON PREDATORY ANIMALS Ihe next two weeR; and will make Special points in class competition moss from thetr buildings when this M. ■‘Have Faith in God." tenor and will be awarded the group present­ gets so thick as to become a fire their home In a suite in their new Maxine Valller. reduction In the total cost of the The complete program for con­ bass duet Paul Potter and Fred Three trappers in the McKenxie property. hazard was passed at the special LINCOLN SCHOOL ing the best entertainment. work from (50.000 to (40.000 will be region collected (43 from the coun­ vention will be released In about Buell. "He is Risen." bass solo. Junior High The numbe^p will be presented It, meeting Wednesday. The fire chief possible provided the untreated ty bounty fund Monday for preda­ The Lennox hotel Is located at two weeks. Springfield members Fred Buell. "Glory In the Garden.” Attendance — Charles Clement. wood la used. the following order: Seniors, fresh­ will make inspections of property Third and Main streets In Port­ were asked to contribute music tory animals which they had cap­ soprano and alto duet, Mias Leo nt and request this work where It Is Moy Crandall. John Krupka. Mar­ men. sophomores, and juniors. land. It is a four story building for the event which lasts all day. tured. Howard Campbell of Oak­ jorie Johnson, Druclle Ogilvie, Jo- with 84 rooms. It Is said to be one Various other groups have been Elliott and Mrs. Floyd Thompson. Gerald Stevenson Is manager of found necessary. DELEGATES NAMED FOR ridge collected (1( with one cou­ luma Putman. Wllmlna Hprlggs. of the better small hotels In Port­ asked to prepare stunts for the “Jesus Lives,” quartet. Mrs. 3. 3. the Laughteresque this year. Murl Appointment of W. E. Buell as gar. one coyote, and one bobcat. R BAPTIST MEETINGS Bernice Harnea, Elisabeth Johnson. land being Just one block west of open meeting to be held in the even­ Potter, Miss Leone Elliott, Paul Carr Is advertising manager; and city treasurer to succeed Wm. G. G. Carter, also of Oakridge, brought Potter and Fred Buell. Lots June Wilson, Hcott Wright Reval Sumner and Everett Lajole Hughes wa£ ratified by the coun­ the court hoiase and fronts on the ing. Young people of the church are are in charge of stage work. Namos of thoxe who will attend In one bobcat and one cougar for a south plaxa block. Jsau Daniels, June Berg, Elva Lu- cil. Refreshments were served the planning a Sunrise Service and clle Boyles, Zells Zoe Carroll, the sessions of the Umpqua As- (12 bounty. Dayton Thomson of Reserved seats for the program Mr. Robe has been engaged In breakfast outdoors Eaeter Sunday are on sale at Flanery’s drug store. Louisa Cowden, Bessie Cog, Ada social Ion World Wide Guild, of the Vida received a similar amount for the hotel business In Portland for entire group after the meeting. DRILL TEAM TO MEET morning If the weather permits. Johnson, Haael Ntwbltl, Ilia Put­ Baptist church which convenes Fri­ a cougar und bobcat. years, having had many years ex­ FOR PRACTICE TONIGHT man. Juan Htrattnn, Florence Rob day for three days were announced “THE CRUCIFIXION” IS perience with several of the larger PRAYER MEETING FOR this week. MISSION GROUP HOLDS HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS erta. hotels in that city, and has man­ WEEK IS CANCELLED The meeting of the Progressive SUNDAY SERMON THEME Representing the Aretanln guild Hcholarahlp—Haael Nesbitt. Flor­ ENTERTAINED TUESDAY THANK OFFERING EVENT aged both the Heathman and the 22 drill team will be held at tbe will he Mrs. Chester Chase. Doro­ ence Roberta. Ilia Putman, Bernice The weekly prayer meeting to New Heathman and the Portland Members of the Christian church I. O. O. F. hall tonight. The meet­ Mrs. W. H. Pollard entertained at Smith. Clara Brooks. Louisa Cowd thea Frese, Cnrol Chase. Mrs. W. G. It. B. Porter, secretary of the hotels at various times. have been held at the Methodist will hear a sermon on the subject ing was scheduled to have been Taylor. Mrs. Jerry Adams, Ruth her home Tuesday afternoon with en, Ethel Gott, Sadie Gott, Charles student V. M. C. A. on the Univer­ Mr. Walker has been engaged In church to attend special services a St. Patrick's party for members “The Crucifixion" at 11 o'clock held last Friday but was postponed. Carlton, and Edna Haverfleld. sity of Oregon campus was the Clement, Barbara Barnell. the undertaking business here for and members of the church will of the Happy Hour club. A pro­ Sunday morning. The choir will Mrs. 8. O. Mushier, Mrs. Lee Put­ The Junior World Wide Guild speaker at the special thank offer­ Fifth Grad« 26 years, having sold his Interests accept an Invitation of the Baptist gram of musical numbers was given sing special music both morning man, and Mrs. Ai a Peddlcord are will be repreaented by laitta Chase. Attendance— Maxine Coglll, Billy ing service which members of the some months ago to Phil Bartholo­ hurch to attend special services and evening. In the evening the ser­ the committee in charge of arrange Glthena, Frank Howea, Billy Net- Mary Gale, Drucllla Ogilvie, Jane Foreign Mission society of the mew and Claude Gray. which are being held there this by local talent and included Mrs. mon subject will be "Man’s Salva­ meats. Anderaon. Gayle Chase, Geraldine Methodist church held Hunday W. H. Hobbs. Mrs. Jane Ketels, week and next. (Connludad on Page 3) tion." Veltie Pruitt will preach at Chase, Jewel Farnsworth, Louise morning. Rev. Porter Is a former Mrs. D. B. Murphy, Mrs. Dean C. both services. Coglll, and Mrs. Kenneth Toblus, mission worker In India and dis­ CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR P.-T. A. MEETING IS Poindexter, Mre. M. V. Walker, GIRLS OF CHRISTIAN FEED MACHINERY TO BE leader. Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. W. C. cussed some of his experiences POSTPONED TH IS WEEK HAS DISCUSSION MEET INSTALLED AT STORE CHURCH HOLD MEET Rebhan. CLASS PLANS PARTY while there. Mrs. L. K. Page was the assistant FOR SATURDAY NIGHT The regular monthly meeting of Young people of the Christian Workmen are busy at the Irish- CITY MAIL ROUTE GETS Members of ihe Young Women’s the Springfield Parent-Teacher as- INSPECTION THIS WEEK DEERHORN STUDENTS IN church held a discussion meeting Mission society of the Christian hostess for the meeting. Murphy Heed and Feed store thia Young people, members of Mrs. sociatlou which was to have been The April gathering of the club In the social rooms Wednesday week Installing equipment for RODENT CONTROL CLUB evening to discuss plans and future church held their monthly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. B. Van Valzah's Sunday school held at the high school Friday of Heml-annual Inspection of the cleaning, grinding, and mixing feeds Tuesday evening at the home of Rebhan. Each member will class of the Methodist church will this week has been postponed for activities of thle group. Veltie Miss Ardath Mannaugh In Eugene. C. In the rooms Just back of the prev­ Hprlngfleld city mall delivery route A rodent control club has been hold their St. Patrick's party Sat­ one week and will be held Friday, bring a guest at this time. was being made this week by Post- Pruitt, pastor, lead the dlacuaslot ent salesroom on Fifth street. Miss Barbara Adams was leader for organised among the students at urday evening at the home of their March 26. It has been announced Ouests at the Tuesday session It will take several days yet be- master F. B. Hamlin. Thia Inspec­ the Deerhorn school recently. This the discussion. were Mrs. Carl Steen. Jr., Mrs. Ar­ teacher. The gathering will start at by Mrs. Lee Putman, local presi­ tion requires that «orne authorised tore the equipment la ready for use work Is being carried on In coop­ LOCAL YOUTHS ENTER thur Roberts, Mrs. Dan Crites, Mrs. 8 o'clock. A skating party planned dent. Conflicting affairs made the according to Marlon Adams, man­ pftrsow accompany the regular car- eration with the county Four-H club FOUR-H CANNING WORK Veltie Pruitt, Mrs. N. W. Emery, for the same evening has been call­ postponement necessary. ARMY SERVICE SUNDAY ager of the store. The equipment rlev-iAn his route five times twice work and prixts for the most suc­ Mrs. J. Fulop and her mother. Mrs. ed off. TO BE RADIO SUBJECT a year to check the number of par­ will be uaed In mixing chicken feed, cessful work are being offered. Bert and Ed Tomseth, sons of J. Rotca. and In grinding and cleaning all rels of mall and the weight which FRIENDS HONOR MRS. Mr. and Mrs. John Tomseth. left Details of the state Four-H can­ LEGION MEMBERS TO la handled by the carrier. kinds of grains, according to Mr. Sunday for Vancouver barracks, ning project for this year wlil be LEGION SEWING CLUB Get Marriage Llcenee BROWN W ITH SHOWER GATHER AT LOWELL Adams, HAS MEETING FRIDAY Vancouver, Washington, where told In a special Four-H radio A license to marry was Issued NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO Mrs. Myrtle Kgglmann, Mrs. W. they were mustered Into the regu­ broadcast from station KOAC at Wednesday to Albert Snyder Chap­ The regular semi-monthly meet­ Mrs. W. N. Dow entertained lar army. The brothers will be en­ Corvallis Monday. March 21. It was man and Bessie Inex Lajole both ing of the Springfield American F. Walker, and Mrs Alice Doane QUILT CLUB TO MEET HOLD MEETING TODAY members of the American Legion tered In the foreign service. announced this week. W ITH MRS. W. A. TAYLOR of Springfield. Legion post number 40 will be held entertained a group of 25 friends of Members of the Needlecraft club auxiliary sewing club at her home at Ixiwell this evening starting at Mrs. Audrey Brown at a shower at Members of the Quilt club will will meet nt the home of Mrs. Blvln on Emerald heights Friday after­ Sinus Operation Substitute Teacher 6:3ft with a potluck dinner accord the home of Mrs. Lorah last Thurs­ Child la III meet Friday evening at the home May for their regular semi-month­ noon. Several articles of clothing Fred Frese underwent a sinus Mrs. Goldie Wickham of Eugene Jennie Jackson is reported to be Ing to I. M. Peterson, adjutant. day evening. of Mto- W. A. Taylor on A street. ly meeting today. Mrs. Walter N, for the orphan child adopted by operation in Eugene Monday. He substituted the (kst of the week 111 with a complication of diseases Members of the Legion Auxiliary Miss Adeline Perkins will enter­ Hewing on quilts will be the diver­ Gossler will be the assistant host­ the auxiliary were made during the Is Improving slowly now at his for Mlsr. Marguerite Mllbollen who at the home of her parents on Fifth wilt also hold their meeting at the tain with another shower for Mrs. afternoon. sion of the evening. ess for the gathering. home In this city. la IIL street. same time. Brown at her home thia evening. One hundred and ninety-one drtesed the meeting name« are contented In the drat The eharnlier voted to cooperate ala week« honor roll for the Become with the Federation of Garden ■emo.ter of the year which was re | eluba In the beautification p/ogram leased thia week at the Lincoln and for which (600 In prlaea have been Hratlalu grade and Junior hl'* ered to the county on the Pad- school« The high school honor ■ highway showing the most pro la not available due Io lllne 6 . a. laical eh am bers of com among both student« and facult. x and communlly clubs are ex m em bers to aelert committees to carry work al home. Twenty-ala etudenta In the Glen­ wood school In West Hprlngfleld tales hats were brought be are Haled on the honor mil there. f< 2 meeting and teased Into Thia honor list Is not divided Into tb Aa the chairman picked the two groups, attendance and out at a candidate was called on i scholarship. Among those who ad There will be two more honor dree« ' ,ie meeting were Charles roll periods at the schools before Poole and Clarence Hintons, repub cand Ids lea. and Marion the end of the present school year llcan Veatch, democrat, (or coroner; H. In June. The honor rolls for the schools T. Merrill, republican candidate for school superintendent. C. P. follow: Barnard for county Judge. Clinton ■ RATTAIN SCHOOL llurd and Dennis Ixtvelaee (or com First Grade Attendance Dorothy Galee. Na uiHaloner; Eldon Mi-Coraack, Her­ dyne Neel. Thomas Hucus. Joseph­ man Ijtfky and Prank Mendenhall for representative In the legislature ine Phair, Hlcbard Planery. und Ben Keeney for assessor Second Grade Member« attending from the Attendance—Hetty Pat Aldrich. Fannie Hicks. Hetty Jean Jacobeou, Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce Heulah Martin. Lals Chair. Kutb were W K Barnell. Frank Hamlin, I'halr, I'aullne Hlnnar. Cleona John Anderson, I’hll llartholooiew, Maaey. Ida Johnson, Melvin Khan J. D. Pyle, and H. E Maxey. non. Fritts Hmltaon. Floyd Htevle, Tommy Thoms«. Myrtle Lee Hhull A CHURCH FETES NEW MEMBERS LAST « R A C E M H M E LET STUDENTS TO Ilf IN SKIT RRD6MM New fo rd Car Out Next Week WALKER ACQUIRES PQRTLAMEL HDTEL Delegation Talks County Meeting