P A O ! POUR MAT CARD WILL BE ‘LADIES FREE’ EARLY SPUDS LOOK BETTER TH IS YEAR L ittle Promise Seen in Late Crop O pportunity ¡n Grasa Seed. Clover. Corn, Flax het e can make now Is I hai a Philip I pine liallasi endenee Hill will pass, pledging the I'nlbsl Stales tn In dependence In not In s Ihan len years, and that Mr. Hoover will feel It nan-easaiy to back up Ills ‘•a » relitte of War anil velo Ilo* bill Whether then II cintili In- passa-d Contest Among 4-H Boys and ever pre» Iden,tal vein Is another OFFER PRIZES FOR GRAY DIDDER TAILS PEO PLE OF EAST EYL P A C IF IC C O A S T R E G IO N III with Flue—Mrs. Dean C. Coin dexter la ill with the Influents. Achiu * Coyle Meet in Main it used to be said that the way At Triangle Lake—Clarence Pet Evant; Bulgarian Draws j to grow high priced potatoes was «i s« n and his brother. Albert, went ¡to plant cheap ones—as moat farm ¡ Special Event Position rits do Just the opposite—but such ta Ti tangle Lake Wednesday to Another ot the Ladle» Free wreetllng cards will be «Used at the Eugene Armory Friday night It has beeu announced by Herb Owen, match maker (or the city commission. The first of these was held last Friday and proved so successful that It wan decided to continue them again. The card (or this week will be an Interesting one for the ladles, as It will Include two foreign mat artists both of whom have given colorful performances In the past, but men are showing their Interet-t also and are expected to show it by their presence. Walter Achiu Oriental wrestler, will meet Wee Coyle, a newcomer in Eugene, in the main event which has been limited to two hours or "the best two out of three falls. Vasil Tsacoff, the rough Bulgar­ ian. is slated for a go with Kewpie Harking in the <5 minute special event, and Art O'Reilly and Whitey Potter. St. Helens boy, will meet each other for the card opening. T H V R 8 P A Y . M A R Ü I M 0 , 1932 TUB 8PR1NOF1KU) NEWS iranxati bus I nets . doesn't appear to be the caa-s thia ‘ year, warns E. R. Jackman crops' R-turn Home— Mr. and Mrs Sam specialist at O. S. C„ in reviewing I'rown returned home Wednesday this season's farm crops outlook. tv in p g from Elmira where thev Every indication points io poor have been visiting for some time pricer on late potatoes again next Secretary III— Miss Virginia Hau year, he says, provided normal »< it. secretary at the high school crops are produced. Farmer» who normally grow a has been III with the flu several certain acreage year after year days this week. may well continue to do so," says Out on Ranch Fred Clover has Jackman, "but this Is a poor t l « e j goae , he for a new man to Jump Into the ranch near P, , Q , bu'“ n*8l, several days. "On the other hand, there appears I to be much prospects for fair prices N»w Student E n ro ll»— Taut Roel for early potatoes." Jackmau be- bait enrolled In Springfield high lleves. "The early crop In California school for regular dasswork Mott promises to be greatly reduced so daT “f d _ bet for th. potato grower to de • Up t0 M Larson vote more of h l. acreage than usual,'"““’"“1 "P ,h* ’ "°W *" to varieties to be dug as early In £ “PP<‘r «"»«He, Sun- That the Pacific coast is cue of ¡Ihe brishlesl studs In th, I tilled Visits Friend»— Walter Millican States today and 'hat laig- iiiiiu of l.eaburg visited with friends In be» of biiahn*«» uien a d re ddeiils Springfield Friday. of the east are walchlng this sec­ tion was the opinion expressed by Dinner Guest—-d.tiittt Ellis was a K K. Hood, manager of lite doblen Sunday dinner guest al the home Rule alore In Eugene. Tuesday after of Mrs. Ely« Adams returning from a .10 day business Marcela Man H are H. it. Brown trip which took him to New York, of Mareola was a business visitor St. latuia, Philadelphia and Chicago. In Springfield on Saturday. There waa no enow In the Ensi, bui the Middle West had a blanket Collects Bounty — Wilbur Scott of snow and the weather was ills of Bine River Mondai collected $S agreeable on the return trip, he coenty bounty money for fqur bob de,-|ared* cals which he had killed There has been a decide,! change In the markets of the East. Most of the items which were manufac- lured for sale purposes before the jrlcs decline* have been clean'd out. People are buying better nier Has Influania — Frank Sid well chuudlse now because they realise was 111 at his home with an attack | (hat prices have actually declined of the influent,, the firat of the and are not Just marked down for week sale purposes. There are only a few Daughter Boris—An eight pound ,lrma manufacturing Inferior sale baby daughter was born to Mr and articles now. he declare,! •Ma Glenn Wlltse at Seventh and ~ " 1 '~~ F streets Thursday. March 3. 1932 Admitted to Hospital — Donald Brown of Oakridge was admitted to the Eugene hosrltal for medical care Friday. CHURCH 10 MEET NEW MEMBERS RXOFOftO MOBL1Y s The amendments In Ihe FVderal WASHINGTON, II. C The Vlllled Sinte| nl Ainsrlcu Is being Reserve Act hold promise of even mu loday by the nearest approach Kt eater relief lo Ihe Nation's fin III our history Io a co;illtlon govern anelai «Itimtlon tiu,n the Kecon ment. The leaders oil both aides of strnellon Finance t'nrporaflon II the political fence have burled Ihe 's going to lake n ginnt nianv weeks hatchet In the face of the existing before the gooil effects of Ihe Re- ualloiial emergency aud are doing i-nnstr,ictlon act will ln< generally better teum work on all questions fell. But hiere is Immediate relief not Involving partisan policy than ( In sight for banking eredita In the has been witnessed In Washington measure, ahleh permita Ihe Federal In many yeaiM. Reserve to make loans to groups As a mailer of pracllce. the real of banks, which authorlaa-s Federal ly Important affairs of the nation Reserve loana on sound paper are almost always the result of which has noi been eligible for re­ compromises. A Washington visitor discount, anil the use of govern­ who recently saw ex-Prvsidenl ment bonds as collateral fur Fed Coolidge at hla M a*achusetls home • ral Reserve noies. The effe,-I of quotes him us saying that. In effect, (hla change In Ihe Federal Reserve we always have a coalition govern System, hanker» and economista «ay. and politicians agree, will in ment In Wuahlngiou. crease the supply of free gold and "Nobody ever gets Just exactly what he wiiiiis. but each aide haa Io make all the gold In the Federal lake the beat that the oilier side Reserve System perform Its proper will let It have," said Mr. Coolidge fitncflon as a basts for currency. • • • In other words. It la the expecta­ tion that, alimsd Immediately, bank­ III the case of the Reconstruction ers are going to find themaelyea In Finance Corporation BUI. and the amendment to the kVderal Reserve I a position Io extend credit tu auuiid business enterprises, merchants Act designed Io loosen up credII ! for the banks which In turn means and manufacturera, which they have hern obliged for the Isat year easier credit for business there ¡ or more to withhold. And the feel Itart been so little disagreement In Ing here H that (here la at, enor- and out of committee that some of' tuona number of bualueaa enter the political forecasters who pre prises ready to renew operations at dieted fights for these and other, full speed ahead as aoon as they remedial measure» have been dis­ credited as prophets. A lot of Demo­ can be usaured of necessary bank credits. cratic congressmen and senator» e s e who came to Washington breathing ¡ It Is also expected that Commo­ fire aud announcing their purpose ’ to oppose anything which the Ke dity prices will continue to rise publican administration wanted, and that aa auon aa thia tendeucy have been shown an tnalde view | Is definite buyers of farm producto, of the nation's actual economic >n 1 especially wheal and colton, are ergeury, and after learning all the likely to come Into the market and facts and their possible cotysequen- so the farmers will get a direct iea they have gone back to Capitol benefit us well as finding It easier Hill and voted for the rehabilitation { Io raise money for purchases of such eomiuodllles «< they require. measure without a whimper. • • • the summer as possible." Visits at Natron—Mrs Janie Cru Jackman do«,; not atop with tell-i Two Have Flu— Mrs. Pratt Hol­ tan spent the week-end at M«tron ing what not to plant, but also lists verson and her daughter. Mrs Jen visiting al the home ot Mr. and a number of seed crops that give I nie Wallace, are both reported Io be Mrs. J, V. Stewart. good promise, particularly la west very 111 with the flu. Oismisaed from Hospital — Mrs. era Oregon Red and alsike clover are the "backbone" of the seed in- Assists at High School Miss Ina W. F. Crumpton of Dexter was dis- MILLS RUNNING TO dustry. and despite present low 1 1l are right for an upturn In this busi of Misa ' Irginla Hansen who has; ner to Be Held Monday Fish for Bull-Head»—«' F. Eggl Seattle. Washington—A total of ness. h**“ mann and M B. Huntly spent Mon 322 mills reporting to the West Revival services now belug con The market still looks good for v i.it „ CottaBe Grovr_ Mr aD(, Coast Lumbermen's association for Austrian winter peas. Jackman Mra. Ravnlond Brown and Ted Len. day afternoon fishing for bull heads dueled at the Springfield Christian in the streams west of Eugene. «be week ending February 27 oper­ continued "Drouth In the south hurt motored to Cottage Grove Sun- I church will dose Friday evening ated at 23.3 per cent of capacity, had as much to do with poor de-;day ,0 sp^nd the d, ¥ T, , „ |n< w„ h Visitor from Waltervllle— Mlljon *• w“t announced today by Elery as compared to 26.5 per cent of mand last fall as poor farm prlc«- Ashley of Waltervllle was a Busi- N’arriah, evangelist. Parrish will re relatives and friends. capacity for the previous week and The acreage for next year Is way ness visitor In Springfield on Fri 'urn *° hla «'barge at Newberg to 38.1 per cent for the same week below requirements. ' conduct service« on Sunday and Attend Principal M «et — Roy day. last year. During the week of Feb w ill be back In Springfield Moo- "Forget about the common Ital­ Quiney, principal of the Lincoln H ers from Camp Creek—W. C. day to speak at a reception being ruary 20. 185 of these plants were ian rye gn»-s. as there Is too much school, and Laurence Moffitt at­ reported as down and 137 as oper of it for present conditions, but w. tended a meeting of Junior high .Myers of Camp Creek transacted t, tidered new members of the con ating. Those operating reported could grow some English rye grass, i school principals al Salem Friday business in Springfield on Satur­ gregatlon. day. production as 45.9 per cent of their English rye grass, orchard grass. A large congregational dlnuer group capacity. tall oat grass, chewing fescue and Visits at Salens—A. E. Kirk, em will be held io (he social rooms at Drive to Corvallis — Marlon Current new business reported by meadow fescue all offer good re-, Pb>yee of the state highway de Adams and Dallas Murphy motored 6:30 Monday and will be followed 214 identical mills was 14.8 per cent turns and are cheap crops to grow iMir'ment has returned from Port to Corvallis to transact business by a program which will Include over production, but totaled 3,000.- There is no reason why Oregon '"nd acd Salem where he made Tuesday evening. talk by Rev. Parrish. 000 feet less than the footage re­ couldn't be producing these crops business visits. More than 50 new members hav, ceived the previous week and about at the rate of some 8300.000 a year.” Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. been taken Into tb« church dur ... . Corn and seed flax also provide " " T T s T “ * ' *nd Olenn Tryon of Route 1. Spring- ing the campaign. 1.000.000 feet more than the week That la not saying that Mr. Hoo­ of February IS. These mills report­ possibilities of profitable expansion u r K *’ i!* Nadine field are the parent, of a son born Sermon subject»; for the two re­ ver and the Republicans are golpg ed 8.000.000 feet less production in many sections. Corn could r J p ' “ " ™ 7' " r„ rnd Mr8' « T. to them at the Pacific Christian maining services of the campuigu to have everything their own way than the the week before. This is place potatoes or spring grain on . F 'n8' >n . ‘lrr> rln well with their ____ pro- and Mrs Vincent . to Philip-ine Independence and the , . and « all ,, members . « hope to get Washington, and Mr. and Mm. A. Ine Snodgrass and Miss Lulu Mc­ location In the Bennett property. Republican tarty bus been op­ « : Ject Al Pohl and N. L. Pollard are bis y their pins for their first sewing I.onry of Winlock. Washington, are Pherson motored to Albany Friday- posed to It. A bill giving the Fili­ now moving their electrical and visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. M evening to attend a meeting of the , ! pro Ject soon. pinos their Independence will be de­ B. Huntly. ♦ National Electric Light association. plumbing equipment and supplies bated In congress and quite possibly Several of the young people of Into the west half of the building. Thurston gave Mr. and Mrs Linn N E W O R C H E S T R A T O Visits at Cottage Grove __ Misa Corvallis People Here—Mr. and ! The back part of the building will passed. That did not seem certain before Pal Hurley, Secretary of Endicott a surprise party in Eugene PLAY AT LEGION DANCE .Wave Earls who has been a guest Mrs. R. C. Lilly of Corvallis were1 L« used for fttorage purposes. War, appeared before a senate com­ la t Friday evening In honor ot ----------- here of Miss Violet Inman k; spend- visltorr in Springfield Friday at -------------------------- Mrs. Endicott’s birthday. The even­ A completely revamped dance or- ing the week at Cottage Grove with the home of his sister. Mrs. F. B. I Teacher—Fred. If 1 said "1 ain mittee and s poke tn opposition to Independence. That ing was spent In playing bridge. chestra will be heard at the Am- friends. She will return to Spring Flanery. beautifcl,” what tense would It be’ Philippine Ix’ have all their heavy artillery in ac­ tion. The best guess that anybody Peterson and family. --------------------------Springfield Sunday from an ex- the home of Mrs. 8. E. Bettis at | P°«'ket- 9 Goofy—The footpad held me cp tended trip to Eastern Oregon Midway park. Lawrence Gospler has the new for all I had. I clubs. add.tloD to his barn complete and Ethel—I don't see how those fel­ Coburg Methodist plans to keep several more head lows make a living. Laundrym an Home — W . H. The morning worship service la | of cows. -------------------- ----- Hobbs, proprietor of the Spring. at 9:45. The par tor, Rev. Dean C. Percy Roberson, who had the mis­ Frst Stude— Wasn't that a Juicy fip| * hr,stlan hospital Saturday low» Immediately after the other j and Is now recovering at his home service The young people will meet Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bonney seal wag *° ful‘ of bla aub> ct- ____ here. at 7 o'clock that evening. sp« tiding some time in Eugene with Mr Bonney's mother. Mrs. Blanche hole ham ilyW ill Wise. Lafe Moore received word Mon­ fuijtiy I he( on vet tietice / V/tt- day, that his brother, James Moore, 7 Hl ! MPI IRIA passed uway Sunday night at Paci­ P .llt id lll I irp fic < „rlstlau hospital in Eugene. MEDIUM SIZE The funeral war held Wednesday Apencan faatflim are now 7 BARS nel radiant kcal o f tke afternoon at Mill's chapel In Cot- popularity o f the luge Grove with Interment at Mul­ fax t that B u w fk r «T tr R*4Uo«Sre k e t o a t f r a ie i du« J im to w the ik a fact key cemetery. Rev. Shaw officiat­ U p r * ty « e rta c tly the came kind o f h o t ae Lincoln School Notes Thurston Irish-Murphy Co. W e D e liv e r Girls in Rodnnt Control Campaign in County q II eat Ion. s s As a result of the 4 II club iiieui Iters i-uinpalgb against rodents lust year the Rodent Control corn lliltlee of Ihe loine County Agri- cultural Council haa asked Ihsl contests among bwya and girts fur (be control uf rodent- he a pari of Ihe county program The community la asked to spun aor a local eonleal amoug the boys and girls and In adillllou a county wide eonleal will be conducted. All boya and girls between the ages of 9 18 years will be eligible and Ihe tails of rodents must be shown to Ihe rodent control super visor of Ihe district or If the boy or girl Is a dub member, the local leader will report the reaulta. Iu order to compete In (he coun­ ty contest, the contestant tnuaj en roll his or her name with the Couu ty club agent. The comity conteut la divided In­ to two classes Individual runtaata and group contests. A cash prlae of |5 0U la offered to the group securing Ihe largest number Of points They must however, secure not less than 500 points. Individual prlfes include: 1st prise, sow pis awarded by Hoy Tracer of Junction City, winner to score at leapt JOS points; 2nd prise 82 50. winner to have at least 260 polul; 3rd prise 8160; winner to have 160 points; 4th pr|se 60 rents, winner to have too points and 5tb prlae 60 cento winner to have 60 points. .Moles and pocket gophers will count 6 points each; and rnla. and grey diggers 1 point aud mice point Any method of control la al­ lowed but no aaal-taiire will be tolerated The contest will run front March 16 Io May 16. N E W L O C A T IO N F. a n d A . M A R K E T (Formerly Clark'n Market) has opened for ltut