THURSDAY MARCH 10, 1M2 THE BPRINOFIELD NEWS M» You havu ■ great taloni for She "H can you (« Il?” Ila: "Krom your faca," I binar Waltar, thia flab la lar M A K E S Y O U L O S E rlbla. Why did you ao highly re­ UNHEALTHY FAT commend MT _______ W altar M o ,.».«, sir, ,f you I M r, E lb a / Smith Norw)(.h.| h i lak«n II, wo «err an la have hud to eat It, would Conn, writ««: "I lost 1« lira with , my flrat bottle of Kruactien. Being N O T IC E I on night duty It wax hard to steep OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T day* but now alnce I am taking ! N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S In the County Court for the Min « NO TIC E IR HEREBY G IV E N : Kruachen I sleep plenty, eat an ua- of Oregon for Lane County. That Hobart II. Donnelly haa bean ual and Io*« fat. too." To take off fat—take on« half ; In the Mutter of the Katata i i f , appointed executor of the I.aat W ill Maiguvl E, Phillip, dacaaaad. and Tealament of Charlotte It teuapoonful nt Kruachan Malta In ai glaaa of hot water In the morning. N O T IC I O F P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice la haraby given that (ha uadsrslgned, adiululatrator of tha «alai« of Ina J Finn, haa filed In Ilia County Court of lume County, Htal« of i n■•gun. Iila final account aa auch udiiilnlatrator, and that III» lllth day uf March, lt»32. at tan o'clock In tha foranoou of said day ban bean filed by thia Court aa tha tlina fur hearing any objections to aald raiiort, and tha cloning of tha same by tha County Court of l.auv County. Oregon E. Lu 1)1 IKK. Administrator of the Katata of Ina J. Finn. In ceased. IF IM 86 M 3 10 17) N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S NO TICK IH li Kit E ll Y G IVEN That Edith Floaala Funke baa baan appointed adiululatratrli uf the »a tala of L lllla Mtawart, dacaaaad, by tha County Court of luina County, Dragon. All paraona baaing claim* against aald natala aro required to present I bam, with tha proper voucher*, within a ll month* from tha 11th day of February, 1*32. to the aald admlnlatratrlx at tba law office of L. L. Hay, In the Miner Hulldlng, Eugene, Dragon. H O IT II FLO881K F U N K E , Ad m ln la tra trli of the Fatale of Lillie Mtawart, decaaaed. L. L. KAY. Attorney (or Katata. _______ (F. 11-18 26 M H O )_______ Business Directory BOB S BEAUTY SHOP »7.60 Steam W ave for »5 Luug or Mtiort lla lr 27 Kuat ilroadwuy Phone 838 Eugene. Oregon BUY. SELL OR TRADE Come In and see our Hoard We have a large variety Lana County Trading Post 713 W illam ette— I ’hone 154 PERRY'S S altarlas, Brakes. Ign itio n and M otor W o rk, W hcol Aligning PERRY'S EUGENE 726 O ak Street Phono 7*7 Security Saving* and Loan Association A Local Institu tio n 46 West Broadway KUGENE, OREOON Edw. G. Privat JBWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathic Physician Phons »1-J Office Hours: I to 6 P. M 404 Fourth Htreat U niversal Mortgage Corp. BONDS W. P. Tyson, Agsnt Phone M W 124 E St O n e ra i luiw Practica I. M. PETERSON Allotu<» at ’ .aw City Hall Bulldlua Hprlngfleid, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon DRY WOOD OF ALL KINDS Quick Delivery Pilone Springfield 121-M POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG EN E— 11th BPR1NUF1MLU and Charnelton, 228 Main Telephone 783 Phone 42-J J Ac U N I V I S Occupational Bifocal The lines to define the reading nog- 1 m in t In the Illustration are drawn heavier to show the shn|io. In the len s‘ Itself the reading segment Is practically Invisible. DR. ELLA MEADE Optomstrist 41 W e rt SMi Susans ty Court room In the Court lions« ai Eugen», Oregon, ua tha time ano place for hearing objection* to aulii flunl account and the aettlemont t herauf. All persona Intereated may uppear at auld time and file object Iona If any they hava, Dated March loth, IMS. I, E Z IN IK K R . Adnilnlatrator C. II. HKIMIW ICK. Creawell. Ore . Attorney for eatate, urt this 11th day of Febru­ other appropriate and effective chains west and 11.72 chains ary, 1932, In a suit pending therein means; and in business they have built a won­ modating and w ill be pleased to telephone 608, the Ed Jensen 4 1 Co. W H E R E A S gray digger ground north of the Northwest corner In which The Pacific Savings & derfully large trade from this and d> monstrate to any farmer who of the Laban Buoy D. L. C. No. Loan Association, a Washington squirrels (Cltellus douglasll) ere deals on a large scale In Farm Im ­ 60, Township 19. South of Range corporation was plaintiff and J. noxious rodents In Lane County. plements. Farm Machinery and adjoining counties and it is safe desires to drop into this favorite to assert that the name and busi­ trading place and keep up on the 3 West of W illamette Meridian, M Rose and others were defendants, Oregon. Now, therefore, all of such per­ Fuim Supplies and are popularly ness Is probably better known late models of farm Implements run thence Bouth 89 deg. 21 min. which execution nnd order of sale sons, forms, copartnerships, cor­ known throughout this section as among the farmers of this section nnd supplies. West 7.26 chains. North 0 deg. was to me directed and commanded 16 min. East 13.81 chains North me to sell the real property here­ porations and companies owning or "Farmers' Headquarters," featur­ than of any other similar establish­ having dominion over land In sain The farmer of today who wishes 8* deg. 34 min. East 7.25 chnlns. inafter described to satisfy certain ing the full line of Oliver lmple ment in the nearby townt: and Mouth-0 deg. 16 min. W est 18.77 Hens and charges In said decree Lane t ’ouunty, Oregon, are hereby to secure the maximum return from required to take steps to extermin­ luents. chains to place of beginning all specified. I will on Saturday, the titles. his labor and land must keep pace In Lane County, Oregon. 19th day of March, 1932, at the ate said gray digger ground squir­ Ii. this section there Is not a n , All implements and farm ma- with the Inventions in farm ma­ rels (Cltellus douglasll) within Beginning at a point on the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the Mouth line of the George 4i Eliza­ southwest door of the County Court thirty days from the date of the siablishment ^hat surpasses that chuiery are of the latest patterns chinery and the farmens are indeed beth M iller Donntlon Land Claim House In Eugene, Lane County, first publication of this notice. If of this well known dealer In point; anu include all of the most recent- ft i lunate In having the services Notification No. «66» claim No. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at such steps are not taken, a person of diversity of articles carried for ly Improved Inventions and lm- nnd modern stock offered by this 66 In Township 19, S, R. 3 West public auction for cash, subject to or persons appointed by the county provements. The men who are In well known house. of W illam ette Meridian which redemption as provided by law, court of said lame County will the farmer. said point Is 31.14 chains south 89 ull of the right, title and Interest enter upon aald lands and proceed B UM M 0NN 8 the 16th day of February, 1932, deg 48 min. West from the of the defendants In said suit and to exterminate said gray digger N O T IC E Southeast corner of said Claim of all parties claiming by, through ground squirrels (Cltellus doug- IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E and first published the 18th day ot O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E February, 1*32. No. 66 and which said corner Is nr under them or any of them. In Insll) and the cost of said exteml- CO UN TY OF LANE. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Attor­ In Section 22 In said township or to the following described real nallon will be levied against said Notice Is hereby given that Leone DORACE R IDD LE, plaintiff -Vs- H. lands. ney for Plaintiff, Residence and T. Montgomery, executrix has filed nnd range and running thence property, to-wlt: S. R IDD LE, defendant. The County Agricultural agent Poatofflce Address, Eugene, her final report and account in the south 89 deg 48 min. Weal 9.015 Beginning at the Northwest Oregon. chains, thence North 2 deg 3 corner of the tract of land con­ hereby designates Monday, March To, H. S. Riddle, defendant: estate of John O. Montgomery, de­ IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE (F 18-26— M 3-10-17) min East 19.68 chalna to a point veyed to M illie A. Fox by Lurenn 28th. as a day to be known as ceased. In the County Court of O F OREOON: You are hereby re­ on the north line of a tract reg­ Zimmer and John A. Zimmer by "squirrel poisoning day' throughout Lane County, Oregon, which has quired to appear and answer the istered by W illiam H Thompson deed recorded In Vol. 148 at page the sitid Lane County, and It is "I can leave m.v maid alone In set Friday the 26th day of March, nnd described In original certifi­ 458 of the deed records of I-ane hereby recommended that poisoned complaint filed against you In the 1932. at 10 o'clock A. M. In the above entitled suit on or before barley, as prepared by the under­ the house all day and know exactly County Court room at the Court Counity, Oregon, and running cate No! 1708 and 13.096 chains four weeks from date of first pub­ signed and representatives of the North 89 deg. 64 min. East from thence East along the northerly what she will be doing until I get House Eugene, Oregon, for final the northwest corner of said reg­ boundary of the tract so convey­ Bureau of Rlologlcal Survey of the lication ot this summons, or for back.’’ hearing thereon, and any objections want thereof the plaintiff w ill take United States Department ot Agri­ ed as aforesaid 126 feet, thence istered tract thence north 89 deg. to final report and account should Judgment against you and will ap­ "What?" culture, be used for the purpose of 64 min. East 11.686 chains to a south 40 feet, thence westerly be filed or presented at or prior to ply to the court for the relief pray­ such extermination. Such poisoned “Nothing.” point 19.86 chains north 10 deg. 125 feet to the west boundary of the time for said hearing. ed for In the complaint and for a barley may he secured from the East from the beginning point the tract conveyed to said M illie Dated and first published this thence south 10 deg. West 19.86 A. Fox. as aforesaid, thence undersigned at his office In Eu­ decree of absolute divorce from the 26th day of February, 1932. chains to the place of beginning North 40 feet to the place of gene, l.ane County, Oregon, at ap­ you. "Why didn't you send up a man This summons Is published once LEON E T . M O NTGOM ERY, beginning, In Lane County, Ore­ proximately the cost of prépara containing 20.23 acres said 20.23 tlon. each week for four consecutive to mend our electric i.oor bell?" ' Executrix. acres being registered title. gon. “He did go, madam, but as he Date of first publication of this weeks In the Springfield News, a Dated thin 18th day of February, Dated this 11th day of February, notice March 3. 1932. weekly newspaper published at rang twice and got no answer he W H IT T E N 8W AFFO R D. At­ 1932. 1932. (Signed) O. S. F LETC H ER . Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, concluded that there was no one at torney tor estate, 202 Tiffany H. L. MOWN, Sheriff of Lane H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. County Agricultural by the order ot the Hon. G. F. Sklp- By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. County, Oregon. (P 26— M 81817-34) Agent. 1 worth. Judge of said court, made home." (F 18-35— M 3-10-17) ( F 18-26— M 3-1817) WATKINS COFFEE CUP LUNCH PARSONS’ COMPANY BRANSTETTER CHAPEL ED JENSEN & COMPANY (M 810-17. NOTICE OF BALE Notice Is hereby given that by Virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for lume County, Oregon. February 24. 1*32. upon and pursuant to a decree made by said Court February 37, 1*32, In a suit pending therein In which B. F. Mulkey and F. V. Mul­ key, his wife, were plaintiffs, and A. O. Rlach, George Tallman and ...........- ........... — Tallman, his wife, were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me direct­ ed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy liens and charges In said decree specified, I will, on Satur­ day, the 2Dd. day ot April. 1*32. at the hour of one o’clock In the after­ noon of said day. at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell, at public auction, for cash, and subject to redemption as provided by law, all the right, title and interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claim­ ing by, through or under them, or any of them, since the 20th day of July, 1*31, in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: The Northwest quarter (N W '4 ) of the Southeast quarter (S E '4) of Section Five (5) In Township Seventeen (17) Sooth, of Range Four (4) West of the W illamette Meridian. In the County of Lane and the State of Oregon. Dated this 1st day of March, 1*32. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, a (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) 8U M M O N 8 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E S T A T E OF OREOON FOR T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. Ruby Oalloway. Plaintiff, vs. Ous Galloway, Defendant. To Gus Galloway, The above named defendant. IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OREGON you are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnet you In the above entitled Court and canse on or before the 9th day of April, 1932. said date being more than four weeks from the day of the first publication of this snmmons and herein entered of record and If you fall so to appear and answer for want thereof tbe plaintiff will ap­ ply to the Court for the relief In her complaint against you demand ed, to-wlt: for a Judgment and de­ cree of Divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and here tofore existing between you and plaintiff on the grounds of deser­ tion. for the care and custody of the minor daughter. Helen Galloway and for such other relief as to the Court may seem meet. This sum- sons is served upon you by publica­ tion thereof in the Springfield News a newspaper of general cir­ culation pursuant to an order of the Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane duly made and entered of re­ cord on the 7th day ot March, 1932. ordering that this summons be pub lished once each week for four con secutive and succeaslve weeks In said newspaper and that the first publication shall be with the Issue of March 10th, 1932, and the date of the last publication shall be with the issue of April 7th, 1*32. FRAN K A. DePUE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, Spring- field. Oregon. (M 10-17-24-31— A 7) HOM E By Edward Rowland Sill There lies a little city In the hills; W hite are its roofs, dim Is each dwelling's door, And peace with perfect rest Its bosom fills. There the pure mist, the pity of the sea, Comes as a white, soft hand, and reaches o'er And touches Its still face most ten­ derly. Unstirred and calm, amid our shift­ ing years , Lo! where it lies, far from the clash and roar, W ith quiet distance blurred, as If through tears. O heart that prayest so for God to send Some loving messenger to go before And lead the way to where thy longings end Be sure, be very sure, that soon will come His kindest angel, and through that still door Into the Infinite love will lead thee home. "She says she thinks she could learn to love me.” “Yet you do not look happy.” “It is going to be expensive. Had her Io the theater last night, with a little supper afterward The first lesson cost me *26."