THURSDAY, M AKCUCT^ V * ^ T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S PAGE TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, hy T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . E. M A X E Y . Editor __________ Entered as second else« m atter. February 24. IM S . at the poetofftce. KATtlARINt Springfield, Oregon. a HILE INSURANCE NEW PRDTECTIDN M ea r» t<> hitch Hi« (emu Io •*>" MAN GETS INJURY IN r u T l I m k of llm Irai tor and lull •« ",r .« „ .R TRACTOR ACCIDENT () |)u)ii W>1) ,,uilly ,,rui.«d and acratchad abitui bla body. F M V a u ih n of W a lle rv llle re celved a aerloca gaah oil the calf Of .Ila right leg Monday while iin M OVED ailing In moving a tra d n r. Vaughn to 944 D. Stretti la reported to have been plowing By J O H N B E L L w ith a team of horaea and let! the •Why ahonld a title iw ln»nrcdT* S p rln g l field Radio Shop hone 130-J la a unnatlon frequently aakiMi of plow to uae hla horaea 111 moving a man John B. Hell of the la n e «’minty balky Iractoi In manm ' Irageed M r Hell tb • heavy maehlm darned by God and man lor anythin» Abstract Company, etc ■ < w a rd , m il,i hl» leg H w m lie . so unimportant to the race as hap« answer» [hl» qiiuuthm thoroughly ptnesa. Don't let them fool y*ui a» and a c riira le ly tor the reader» of to that. It's few your discipline, in» angel M y father hath chastised yob lhi, S rln s fie ld New " Il m ight he nn»w»>red by the w ith scorpions.' Don't you know the O ld Testament?" query a» Io why a houj e or build “W e were not allowed to study lug 1» Inaured again»! five? No our Bible." said Lynda, white and scared "Nick. Nick. I must be one know» when a fire w ill oi'eur. happy 1 don’t want to be chasti'ed. ■ o eonaequenlly Inan raio e 1» pur A box of fBndle* J uh I ful 1 1 , l " I want not I»» he afraid . . . a» «>7 chaaed agalnat the fire hnanrd mother ia. As mv mother is And T ltlea are Inanreil a ta ln g l the eon with «11 the goodii.RB ih«t you»K»f"» or at that instant first did the child cun ,l,.iii«n«l. Anti tli«>re »rt> «11 Wild« »nt ««««• know what it was in Marcella that tlngeney of forged deeda. Indla- „...nta . . . every piece H.«’ rineui pr«»«lt.c, of the eloaeil helra In eatatea. errora In so disturbed, so alienated her Nick had hastily finished his drink. reeord aeurchea and nuMoroua coufectloner-« a r t . . . . mud«« of the purert and moat other title defect« that might occur. deliciotiH material»». " V an a b a tra rt of title la only a meiiioraniltini of the recorded In Y o u c a n 't be w ro n g nt atruaienta affecting the apeclfle property under aearch. It doea not fully protect the property owner T here are claim« affecting title» Io real property which never get Into t s d « W h a r e t h e Hervtcu le D UIereal the court«, and there are other claim» which do get Into the court«, but It 1» not shown w hether or not tho litig atio n la Institu ted to pro tect or defend a title that 1» In days—and Jocelyn rather anxiously recognited that she ntisaed him— Fresh fro m • F r» m h o n v s a l. Joe»«»» there came a night. M ary’s night out, Bar'. » * rrtu rn a to Naw i o , k to her w xiallv- when Jocelyn drew from her old mother a relisioua. am bxw ua womaiv trunk the pleated skirt and the small n rl ia h u m e d rato an ensafemawt n n h e allhy . l. h , Erin t , l , i Kent h»«< H . i '»'b ar V - h dark jacket and the tam-o'-shanter T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H 10. 1932 and ran her fingers through her ¿¿‘"’H T uiuV w ...... «« ~U Me, hair. C T n .U Sandal. T h r « u l I* «>’ ■» My U This time she found her father in X , . „ , in w < Ute m «Me ran and Io WHERE CAN WE CUT* p a n nt Mar m o th tr's »,.»<«> H e , n «« irilliant squinting eye», that Lynda in governm ent. Hut where to cut is the question Every­ Urn. b u t wnrna tMa g i r t Ma la a I n i » , . had again that sick flash of repul­ N O W C O O N W IT H T H F STO R Y one has different ideas as to what has caused government sion. Perhaps he recognised it for costs to mount and few have »rue eom-epnon» »» to Ju*J It silsneed Lynda on that theme he put both h it dark distorted hands what deparunents of government have had the heaviest H e chuckled wickedly at her heighl- envig color and the lift of her chin. increases in cost. “And that’s »Aof," he said delight­ . . . . S tatistical« of the University of Oregon have recently edly H e put her himself into a taxicab, reported the increase for the last 10 years. Letting the total «aeorting her down through the house increase for the 10 year period be represented by 100 per with its rumor a of revelry’ *nd t»t»y She fancied that from behind one cent the following m ajor activities of governm ent had pro­ af the closed doors of the ground portionate increases as follows: fe o r she heard Jock Ayleward s 21.9% voice, cold, ingrv and excited. it Road and highways ...... — ..........- ........- ____ brought hack upon her oddly 49 1% Elem entary and high schools light shiver of fear, of unhapptness 22.6% Towns sud cities —................. and of regret 5 4'-, At the very beginning there was to n s »41111 111«« —— ------ this especial difference between Lyn­ 1 .0 ', A ll higher education da Sandal and Jocelyn Harlow« •«red . Lynda was without question the more It may be seen from the above th at more than 70S of open "T h e ca»e of title Inaurance In and ardent of the two. Her our tax increases have resulted within the limits of our eye» had burned upon Nick, his ■the State of Oregon 1» com parative own towns and school district Exiundaries— that these in­ hocie. his life, his friends with ly new but Ila origin dale« back Io den flame of interest, of ivmpo creases have been made by local governm ent units which tS7B. when the practice waa In of the will to understand. It we have direct charge. W hether these increases have been was , the nllgaled In Pennaylvanla T here g ift which Marcella had re- necessary or not is another question. Likely for the most Ittsed and Felix Kent had not esen are many d lalrlcta In the United part they were but tax reduction if it is to be substantial desired to evoke. Slut«® where title ln»urance poll One evening Felix questioned her H e toaaud a h an dfu l of paper m oney in the a ir before he noticed L y n d t rle« are u»ed exclusively In the must necessarily start at home. One may readily realize Heretofore Jocelyn had been the that if the same percentage of increase occurs in govern­ transfer of real property. In f a ll- , , had risen, was no, looking at h«g m ent cost the next 10 years as has in the last that taxation aowtioner. “W h y.” he aaked hert "do you look before his face an instant. ¿ u t'.i his door. T h e step was mount« ¡-o rn la all but three of the more She wished to draw the poor face •o conventual to n ig h tt" will be next to confiscation of property. I •p arscly aettle«l northern countie» ______ —$--------- — “O K " »«id Jocelyn realising that he had hidden against her breast. He ing rapidly. "O h, that I” he threw back at her are on a 100% title Insurance basin e must answer "You used to say killed the Impulse with laughter, hastily over his crooked shoulder. didn’t look as I ought to: conven genuine laughter that could not " I never said you had to be afraid, V irtu a lly all the cities of Texas RELIEF FOR THE SMALL FARMER wound her though it mocked. tnal. that it." did I? T h a t’s jus, exartly the one have adopted It at* well as many “You wretched woman - thing, "tonight you do." T he strides Farm ers who find themselves short of cash or credit thing you mustn't be, my girl I f other eastern »tales said N ick, his whole face gleaming "T ___ hat’s funnv ft M r Felix K en, really scares you being made by the title Insurance with which to finance their 1932 crops can borrow money w ith charm and w ith masculine re­ Felix laughed a dry little laugh with in anv profound sense of the word, 1 uslness are due. In the «»pinion bellion, "get out, get away from me. under the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act. which eeaet meaning quit him col«l . . . It i* Jock I ’ I won't be mothered by you. Go on of leading title men of «he country. “I wonder whether it isnt w y provides that fifty million dollars is made available through T he door was opened w ith a sort rummage through m y posses­ of quiet violence and Ayleivard, >,» the protection given property the Secretary of Agriculture for crop-financing loans to funny." He went over to her. sat and qp the arm of her chair and bent sions, Eve. You may indulge your faultlessly attired in evening dreaa. wnera and the ease and quickness fanners, and much more than that will be available if nec­ above her. capturing her in one strong feminine curiosity at m y expense his hair as slrek as a acreen lover a, but I ’m blasted if 111 be the victim of property sale». essary. aï-ru came in, shut the door and flung a "C o n trary to general opinion In child, I have to be awa y I of your softness Lynda, don t you fierce arm aboc, Rsndal’s shoulders. “ Look f c x ^ y i u for . fortnight presently/’ 1 fall in love with me. understand?" fierce arm about n x u « . i . s n o u m e r w ’• me, understand? These loans. Secretary Hyde announces, will be on an I.TT-iw«- *“ i miiRt « ova y o u sajq t -y n tli I H e re , yo u old b illy w nij the W e a l.” said M r Bell, “title In ­ acreage basis and not more than $400 may be borrowed by („"■ .T '.oX T X f h T ? S 'j ......... .«in,, -i » « ...« ,../« « . V«. ««■. • surance la not an offahot of the any one fanner. This money m ust be used for the pur­ born card-handler. abstract of title Idea, but 1« an chase of seed and the cultivation and harvesting of crops, A t he spoke he was pulling from volution of the old practice of * cora’ 3 a ' blankly for an instant. Than, his pockets great hand! nils of paper and loans are to be secured by liens upon growing crops. shorten this engagement of ours . tie searrnlng. which 1» » till fol- • . ., I "Thanks. Lynda," he aaid sunpty. money which he shook before . Nick'« getting weary of convent r the air | lowed In sm aller com m unities ot is “ I like to be a part of your loveli- eyes and then tossed up We think this is a pretty good arrangem ent for two or gin I I'm want— " and suddenly his if only for a little while. Go so tha, they fell abou: the room like , A tlan tic seaboard In (he Bast three reasons. In the first place, it is cheap financing for face waa dyed in deep hot color. I ■less, on now. I really have to finish this. dead leaves. In this moment of some | o|<- f pra<.ttce wus ,<> employ fanners, the interest rate being only five and one-half per­ want a wife.” W hen you come back w e ll talk. triumph mysterious to Lynda he had , . .... . dropped the grtn, from hi« hia I searcher of titles to «« through Marcella spoke as though she were cent. In the second place, it is likely to result in teaching grin i mask mask from The bedroom, which contained one EUGENE. OREGON reciting from her volume. 77 E. BROADWAY he records as bes, he could and wild winged face. Lynd« full-sixed bed and one narrow co, mobile bile and i a good many farm ers how to use credit in the same way a "I can see no reason for keeping the wall, was the moe, un­ saw that he w y younx, ten years then w rite an opinion aa to the business man uses it. The kind of loans with which farm ers you waiting much longer. Felix. I against tidy and unattractive Lynda had ever younger than F elix Kent, young alldlty Of the title In queatlon. In are most fam iliar are m ortgage loans on the security of did say a four months' engagement been allowed to enter. enough to be SaniUl's ton. he W est this was Improved on by but it seems to me that you have "Jock, you fool. Here's L yn d a l" their land. And if farm ers, generally, take advantage of O n Nick's dressing table there each other's affections now suf- were no photographs, no knick- having a w ritten history inn«te. this process, it will distribute a large am ount of working Meted T h e mask snapped into place» Clently, have had time to draw close knacks; there were no pictures on Aylew ard turned it upon Nick's vis­ which was called an abstract of money throughout all of the agricultural regions, and every io each other.” his walls O n top of a tall chest of itor In startled grtm fixation. He Itle. dollar so distributed will contribute m any tim es its own The girl looked from one to the drawers, however, a set of clean bowed and began to collect hit earn- "In 1875 the Heal Estate T itle cheap toile, articles had been neatlv tngs; for surely th. value to the restoration of business activity and the bene­ ether with scared golden eyes. they must be, “You mean you’ll both go away? arranged and there was a great pic­ and T ru st companv vnda, same sort of CV!« MM "TelT me about your dog. Father, mast into a drawer which he locked. ance waa created I-.w s to perm li j Felix bent to her lips. Before his vantage of this new line of credit. earn full upon them he said in a low was the g irl’s first question when he ope rati n of the new method We understand th at local or county agents are to be hqr, "Much safer for you, my dar­ after a very brief inspection «he came Then he turned to go. "Take her home, w ill you, Jock?" were rapidly enacUal by various u* * named for the handling of applications for loans under this ling, to be rid o f me just now.” Even back into the outer room. said Nick. " I'm done end the ought tales because I, waa re a l’z I that new plan, but anyone interested can find out all about it by lower his voice dropped. " I can’t such a beauty.” •’It isn't my dog. I , a Jock A yle- to be getting back ,0 where the • itle Insurance would give proper,) wait. I can’t wait." And the kiss writing direct to the Secretary of Agriculture at W ashing­ she dreaded fell upon her with to. ward's. T he animal's dead now, seems to belong.” wnera protection again«! Io««! But it was nearly morning when imagine. H e waa Jock’s beast before ton. anguish of a blow. ---------- <----------- he came back to lurious prowling •hrough defective titles Jock me, with other beasts less beau But she endured It, withdrawing Nick. "Oregon adopted the roetbol In tato some fastness, anesthetizing her tiful. Jock keeps a »or, of corner here Aylew ard came In at the door ;9<>8. and «Ince that tim e Its use j WILL GANGSTER SUCCEED WHERE POLICE FAIL? w ith me.” W H A T p r lc < sotd A ll her body, however, drew then, humming a dance air w ith a "It's no, his home, then?” Itadf up and back into the chair as ias grown steadily. T he fact that strange dared w istful look on his "Bless the ehildl Hom e?” He If all the "best minds” in law enforcem ent in this coun­ though x suffered pain. would you put oo he Lane County Abstract company clicked his tongue, his eyes laugh­ young face. try can not find the Lindbergh baby and he is only restored She listened while Felix and M ar- ing at her. "N o. T hia is no, his O n the way Jo get a taxi. Lynda 1HR Issued through the T itle and a c h ild '« lau gl» through cooperation of the gangsters, then we must say ae'b discussed details She breathed home Look like a home to you? gripped Jock b'y tne arm. Trust company of Portland, more | her heart at bitter, at defiant Jock is wha, you m ight call a bird ,rI must talk to you. Y o u must that the law has failed. The criminals can outwit us and ¿reply, heard a thouaanl She was to be left alone in han 600 policies, since the Intro . tell me about N ic k .” of passage.” get away with it indicates there is weakness in our police labor a e r ignorance o f life. And then she " A ll right. I 'll take you somo- luctlon of title Inaur ince here Iasi “ A salesman?” suggested Lynda, miles away? system of governm ent with its multiplicity of laws. was to be given to this man. "Oh, proud of her w orldly wisdom in be­ where.” year, shows how rapidly I,» super • * said Lynda Sandal speaking ing able to guess a business occupa­ We don't blame the Lindberghs for appealing to the " D o you like to dance?” asked W h a t prica C4 orlty over older methods Is gain rztely to her own heart, "we tion for a man. erate, Aylew ard. gangsters after a week of complete failure of all the police sec first. There will be a fort- ng the recognition anil confidence I see "Yes. Bu, I ’m no, dressed for a Nick chuckled. H e seemed de­ in the nation. They are overcome with fear for their child. the brief phraaet at least of liberty and of ex­ lighted with her suggestion. “W e ll, restaurant and m y moth— ’’ of the people. perience. Perhaps mjr mother it "Y o u ’re dressed for the place I ’m yes. You m ight have him call i, it at T h e re are many questions of “W e ’re a ll w e ll irrojqr Prrhapa this Felix doe» not that. H e ’s a sort of hunter too. T o ­ taking you to, only I w ill say you're fact and law that affect real estate I ■iderstand ma. Perhaps this one night he’s after big game— against a bit stagey.” Bumper crops are in the offering so far this year with now"? rract and most indulgent gentleman my express advice Dangerous hunt­ A t the address he had given the titles and such cases Involving d is -. climate and rainfall all th a t could be desired. Plenty of oot the only doorway into life and ing. i f I ’m touchy tonight, Lynda, driver he helped her out. pules or forgeries cost the o w n e r, At home and away from home* rainfall, a mild w inter but with cold nights this spring, which love. I have a chance to learn the that's the reason. I'm not^ of T h e y mounted steep and narrow considerable sum to protect hts stairs which m ight once have led has held back vegetation and lessened the possibility of frost (ruth, just a brief mad chance, and patient disposition A re you? how few thing* give ao much* this fortnight I discover up from the kitchen of a Pr,v *tB ownership When titles are Insured Lynda considered this. losses, has put the whole Pacific coast in a light that indi­ if teal during my anger and my shame and my “ I don’, quite know. I think I house and Lynda found nerself they are protected a, the sole ex­ for *o little, as your telephone I cates that good crops may be expected. [error under the embrace of a future must be. I ’ve done nothing ell my seated on a bench against a wall, pense of the title company. In Jock opposite her teroet a bar« husband do not mean what my mother life to far bu, w a ll.” assures me that they mean,” her email narrow table. It held one short, where the title of real pro ( "W han w ill you be married? “T e ll me. shall I like being mar shaded light. Jock ordered supper perty Is Insured It Is a m arketable ch®' lifted, a wind seemed to blow Many handw riting experts, who have examined the •estiss her mind, “then I will never rfed. Father?” food. Mechanical musle was playing. merchandise ” The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com pany T h e floor was filled with dancers- kidnappers note to the Lindberghs and give their opinions marrv him, so help me Godj not “t w ith you’d call roe Nick. their bodies pretssd together. O th e r! "O h. wouldn’t that ba horribly dis­ even to escape from . . . hart To on what kind of persons have the child. To us one thing drank and ate. But except for ,h« terrible estrangement of thia pro­ respectful?” B uh I iichh Office: 121» -4th S tric t Telephone 72 seem s certain, he is not a printer. Anyone dotting an “i” in the “T h e last thing I erave, O deugh music the long narrow room wag S T O R E B U S IN E S S G O O D noun had Marcella driven bar. very qule, and orderly. a capital line is not familiar with printed words nor is he Events shaped themselves rapidly to ter of mine old age. Is respect F O R O P E N IN G E V E N T Lynda drank the black coffee Jo« “Then — Nick . . . oh, please do makr her quest of the truth possible. likely to be very well educated. Cousin Sara came; an old woman answer me quickly, someone Is com had ordered for her. Jock ws One of the best business ilavs for [ wite an ear trumpet, very active and ing up the stairs.' N ick listened, alert, rigid. a long tim e was the comment of rrry lame, who gadded abou, the city "Father, Nick, please. Before all dav with a passionate enthusiasm W A T a y lo r concerning his new for shopping, and wen, to bed a, Jock Aylew ard comes. N lek, shall store opening held Saturday. Our «Igtu exhausted by her own nervous I like being m a rrie d !” help was busy all day and we are ,Tj,y "N o. O f course not, you little elm- efter F elix had been gone four pleton. I t ’s no, an ins,I,upon very pleased with the patronage we received, he declared. Bui 1- Has Influenza— W a lte r Gossler Plat of Deerhorn as platted from asalgtant postmaster, was til at his ness on the south side of Main N O T IC E O F SA LE Lot 3 of Section 17. Tow nship 17 street Is very pleasing to M r. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O IV E N South, Range 1 East of the W il­ home the first of the week w ith an T h a t by virtue of an execution Is­ Taylor. a tta c k of the Influenza. lam ette M eridian In Lane County, sued out of the C irc u it Court of the A FRIENDLY CHAT Oregon, running thence W est to State of Oregon for the County of the East line of Block 8 in said In spite of our educational progress, quackery on a Laoe. M arch 7, 1932, upon a Judg colossal scale seems to thrive. I suppose the crop of suck­ ' ment entered by said court on the plat of Deerhorn, thence North to the N ortheast corner of said 21st day of February, 1928, In an ers will continue to be inexhaustable. Lot 8, thence W est parallel to action wherein Sin Putnam was The quack is by no m eans a fool; he is the most adroit p la in tiff and M cK enzie R iv e r H ig h ­ the North line of the aforesaid over l he health of this com m unity the drug store Is m oney-getter in the land today, and he gets it in advance— way Sanltorium , a corporation was Lot No. 3 of said Section 17 to the first line of defense. When you patronize your he takes no chances with the financial end of the game. defendant being case No. 17,786, the W e«t line thereof, thence keeping possible. Adequate wiring and druggist you are helping m aintain this vigilant service North to the Northw est corner of Your family doctor does his best for you because away which Judgment was docketed on said Lot 3 In said Section 17, plenty of convenience outlets provide that is worth so much to you when an emergency 177 o f Vol. 8 of the Judgment down in his heart he is sorry for you—and he loves you. page thence East along the North line readily acceesible power and heat for of above entitled Circuit come*. of said Lot 3 of said Section 17 The quack is neither sorry for you, nor does he love you, 'C Docket o u rt, on the 21st day of February, toasters, percolator«, »weeper», dish­ We carry only standard and nationally known no. not in the least: you are simply fish th at he lures into 1928. and which isald execution Is to a point due north of the place makes of drugs which we sell with our guarantee. of beginning, thence South to the washer», ironen and heater»...all those to me directed and commands me to his net. If you think he tru sts you, try to get something place of beginning. Also all of sell out of the personal property e le c tric a l appliances that save time from him on credit; if you think he loves you, ask him to of Block 8 In town plat of Deerhorn said defendant or If sufficient In Lane County, Oregon. treat you for nothing. and trouble. ; cannot be found, then out of the In the New Store Springfield Many people—and that includes a few editors— wonder ( real property belonging to the de- Dated this 10th day of M arch, Supply sufficient outlets so that elec­ why the family doctor does not advertise. They even hint ' fondant, to satisfy the sum of 1932 H. L. B O W N , S h eriff. tricity may be used conveniently. A 'x th at he is stingy and selfish- that he wants his advertising $150.00 with Interest thereon at 8% (M 10-17 24-31— A 7) annum from the 12th day of free. I want to denounce with all the force a t my com­ per your electrical contractor for an esti­ February, 1927, and $40.00 attorney mand, this slur on your family doctor. The reason he does fees and $19.00 costs, I w ill on F ri mate today. not advertise his cures is th at he could not do it and tell the day the 8th day of A p ril, 1932, at Y O U N G W O M A N 'S G R O U P the hour of one o'clock P. M . al truth. Being high-minded, he will not sink himself to the the front door of the Lane County Violet Ray and General Ethyl gasoline are the best P O S T P O N E S M E E T IN G level of the humbug charlatan! ELECTRICITY IS T H E Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ m otor fuels that money can buy. The General Petrol­ The quack Is an unscrupulous liar to begin with, he ty, Oregon, o ffer for sale and sell eum company has left nothing undone In refining PERFECT SBRVANT The m onthly m eeting of the would make you believe he cures everybody he treats— f at public auction for cash to the these high gn de gasolines and we are proud to offer that he can perform mi. aclcs -that he knews something 1 highest bidder, subject to redemp­ Young Woman's society of the them to you. as provided by law , all of the Christian church which wat» to have that nobody else knows- the biggest lie of all! He employs tion right, title and Interest of the afore­ Don’t lie satisfied with ordinary gasoline. Get secret processes, really because they dare not be exposed to said defendant and all persons been held at the home of Miss Ar dath Mannaugh In Eugene Monday Anti-knock or double powered. claim ing by through or under them the light of truth. to the 21st day of Feb evening was postponed one week Just why people feed and foster quacks I do not know, subsequent ruary. 1928, the following described because of the revival campaign except il be from colossal stupidity and ignorance. Great real property, to-w it: now being conducted at the church 5th and A S tre e t» S p rin g fie ld medical institutes are spending thousands in research to Beginning at the N ortheast i corner of L ot 4 In Block 3 In the here. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Y ear In Advance ------- ---- D-76 T h ree Months »100 Single Copy Six Months ------------- —----- Third Instalment 75c 5c For EASTER F G G IM A N N ’S Ladies* All-Wool Sweaters C r 97c New Shipment ■ ■ ■ Î Williams’ Sell Service Store B f F A M IL Y DOCTOR Conthaed N«xt Week ■x JOHN JOSEPH GAINES M.D Standing Guard“ - Ketels Drug Store 1 N o M atter W h a t th e Price! “A” Street Service Station prevent disease. There are no quacks in any of them. MountaiB States Power Compoaiy