% • y THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWMNTY-N1NTH YEAR S P U IX G H K M ). LANE I 'O I V iY . OKEGOX. I Hl | ( s i .A V M.\lt< II In, 1 Baptist Groups HISTORY Of FLAG Hrst of Masonic BURGLARS DRILL BUELL IS NAMED Pay Certificates CHURCH PREPARES & ™ /s I, Sei „ „ g o SI0(|E Hold Programs OPERETTA STOW TALK PRINCIPALS CUT TBEASIIREB DBT LAW DEfEMSE Lodge Sponsors Monthly So­ Two Plays and Several Musi­ Immediate Redemption of cials for Familiss and Entrance to White Front Gro­ Selection of Teachers to Be cal Numbers Given at Joint High School Principal to Fill Soldier Compensation Cer­ Drive for FuM Registration of Eastern Star Group cery Gained by Using Brace Meeting on Tuesday Considered at Special Meet­ Post Vacated by Wm. G. tificates Approved Here Church Membership is En­ and Bit on the Roof Hprlngfleld .(tuaons, tlmlr lami 1 ing Says Chairman Hughes, Bank President Ao Interesting program of drama dorsed by Brotherhood Complete payment ot the adjust­ lina, unti metti ber* or lh>- Eaatern Coiialdt-mtloii o( principal* (or ties and music was given at the LARGE CAST IS CHOSEN Nitr loda» wlll gather al Ih» Ma- i SUSPECT LOCAL WORK ed soldier's compensation rertlfl- t, 81„ „ ■ the three school building* Ip Baptist < hurch Tuesday evening by IO-MONTH TERM 18 LEFT NEW DISTRICT FORMED ■olili' (empie bere lonlghl for III» Pretty Colonial Costumes to rimi of a series of monthly sodai Culprits Intentionally Pass Up »pringfteld win be one of the ma- member* of the Aretania guild H u « » .. Served C „ , (or Ten < = -’ '•« P. Pools Elected Jor Items of business to be taken ,h(- adult and Junlor Be Worn; Special Enter- ratherlugs which will be sponsor­ Large Number of City Years; Was First Elected up by the school board at their group, at a Joint meeting sponsor I i an Legion post number 40 at their President; World Debator ed by the local Muaoue. tainmerV, o Provided Warranta in Search monthly meeting to be held tonight ed by the Aretania member. meeting last Thursday evening, i for Position in 1922 The group will gather at 6 30 for Talks on Philippines "W hin Betsy Mads Old Glory," Musical Play, to Bn Given at H. S. Friday I'slng a brace and bit to cut tb.tr ? ann"d'“* d IbU w aok by C Th„ pro be given by will he spent with cards, dancing, way through the roof of the ware A. w ill vuheitini ’ by ,h* audl'”“ :* »“«A continued with , . , ,, , uuu. treasurer of the city of Hprlngfleld «o vote. There were two dissent- i r,*P«el measures with the ballot are school children 'Intfleld will a.id other forms of entertainment. house of the White Front grocery, win i (institute for the one to have the following numbers: 'was announced (bis week by W. P. Wig votes. being made by the Methodist Men's be seen at the h tool auditor The first meeting which was sche­ two persons entered the «tore late been held Monday evening hut Hong, ‘Guild Girls" which was postponed. G“"< 1 ° ‘rl* ’ Y th* Ty"on’ 'nayor The appointment Effort, to bring this legislation throughout the WII duled lum Friday evet. J, for last month was peg-t last night and ransacked the safe, N o'clock Re . . l i o n of teachers wlll prob- '* P‘*t ’,d b*,#W lh* C “ y b*,ore the ■»•“ onal conv utic- for lan,ette Valley district as a result hool unite polled The meetings wlll continue' cash till and other place* where when students of .’z ably he taken up at a special see ° n 1 »'•«» “>e ata«* confer- ,.|| for ratification at the regular endorsement by that body last fall of ,aken a‘ * meeting In When Indefinitely. lu offering the o , they supposed money might he hid­ T “ M° nd*y D‘gh‘ a“d deferred when President Hex,- thla M<’“d«r evening. The v," A rommitta« In ..karge of the den. only lo find a few nlckle* and Ho,, to he held a week or two T heV san^^ b \ h tie* y Koss Made Ol later he announced. rhey 8an*' by tb* l““ 1«'- «Irlto; | posttlor is expected. ver appeared nersonallv at th e ,« ■ Brotherhood is starting a drive meetings consist* of C. A. Hwarta, dim««. school Almost every child Nothing has been ..Id by mem- V *"" " ° * Y ‘.’Y '‘" ll "*«*«>• Wm. O. Hughes .ven tlon asking the cooperation of w,th a <”•! of lot) per cent reflstr. Lum AtiderHun. polk*« chief, aud — the pro- Harry Htcwart, Levi Neel, and has been assigned a pi hers of the hoard regarding p"•*<« hank «bo has held the position for „„ lhe treasury no that the national D “*« Aretania , G.e cftlce in IMS. He has held the g no mpalred. W. A. Taylor, proprietor of the The campaign for Immediate l~yj The musical production I* being ent's office to determine their lu- *ulld *,rl* Rer- Taylor closed the position continuously until the ment of the certificate, on which ‘ har'M P Poo,e' Eu«ena' ' store, first discovered the break at lontlons. A large number of thel m*®1*11* wltb a ahort P^yer. 'present time. directed by .Mies Helen High, with was elected president; Ronald Gll- e for the United i gan’ier. Captain Anderson appeals Io Ixx-al debator* have gaInert a here Is that a considerable number defeating Eugene In the final game States to withdraw from the Philip­ The drive I. a state wide contest, Tbe meetlnB w,„ he,d #t the Thle program centers about the General Washington and he agrees great deal of valuable experience of city warrants were examined ot the district competition Satur­ with a prlxe being offered the x . O. W. hall. Thirty persons have four skits or novelty entertainment pines because thia country as an to help them out. this season and the high wchool is and thrown aside by the burglars. day evening. group showing the greatest proper- , lgn„ fe<, tbelr wli|,ngneM ,o rorm features provided by members of Asiatic power la the greatest stabi­ Il has been positively established Hubert Morris, a wealthy cltlien, expected to greatly benefit by this lncre.se in membership. kn orKanilatlon. and ten haTe the various classes. The theme or lizing influence in the Far East. tlon.te knowing the financial need* of the during their debating work next that entrance lo the store had been INDIA WILL BE SUBJECT Idea of each is carefully guarded He pointed out that over half tbe As an inducement to non-mem- already paid their dues, gained before midnight. nation, offers to Washington and season. OF SERMON ON SUNDAY until tbe night of presentation when world's people live In the countries her* to Join the initiation fees has ' Three previous organization Mr. Taylor has Just moved hl* ’Cougrraa hl* wealth Io carry on the .Members of the squad gave a bordering on the Pacific ocean nnd struggle for freedom. short no-decision debate at the store Into (he new location, having U n lvsrslty Religious W o rk e r to been dropped during the drive. All meetings have been held under the they are Judged and a prize award that the*« countrl«^ contained the ed the winning group. ladle* and young women who are leadership of Mr. Brown: • Colonel Koss suggest* hla niece, weekly m etlng of the Lions club held open house there last Satur­ Give P rincipal Address at Special numbers are to be pro­ world's greatest resource* aa yet day descendants of Civil war veterans : —_______________ Klltabelh Hose a* oue who could Friday noon. little developed. M orning Bervlce Here vided this year It has been an­ 4 and who are over twelve years old O , D T |M E S R E V I V E D make the flag. The commission Is Among the delegates at the m eet­ are eligible for membership. | U U 1 rtfc V IV E D nounced. given to her and she and her an- SCHOOL PRINCIPAL AT GUARD UNIT PASSES ing were five men from Lebanon: The Rev. R. R. Porter, director of The Laughtereaque program Is The meeting last week was held AT PRISCILLA PARTY slslanta plan a great Colonial Hall D. P. Longsdon. W. W. Willis, L. INSPECTION BY OFFICER the campus Y. M. C. A. at the Uni­ al lhe home ot Mrs. T. C. Barker. staged for tbe general public and SALEM CONFERENCE to celebrate the completion ot the E. Gilaon. R. E. G,laon, and Ronald versity of Oregon and a recent mis­ Olden times were revived last some unusual talent Is frequently Gilson. Star* und Stripe* Member* of Springfield's Nation sionary we-ker in India, wlll speak Roy F. Qulney, principal of the Thursday afternoon when members disclosed at these competitive pro­ Characters In the play are: Lincoln i.choul attended (he Junior al guard unit performed their varl at the Methodist church Sunday METHOOIST CLASS HOSTS of the Priscilla club held their Old grams. General George Washington NEWTON ALFORD PASSES High School Principals’ conference ous duties as an Infantry company morning on the theme, "What Ha* AT LUNCHEON TUESDAY Fig hloned meeting at the home of John Avltt; Colonel Itos*. Wesley at Balem Friday. l.aureiii-e Mof­ and as a communication unit at Christ for a Civilisation." Mrs. W. Mrs. Enoch Stuart. Each member LARGE C. M. T. C. CAMP AT HOME ON MONDAY Roberta; Robert Morris, Clarence fitt issbtant county school super- the armory Ins t night for Colonel K Barnell wlll sing, "O Divine came dressed In old time costumes Plan« for Play to be Given by Clark; Captain Anderaon, Henry H. A. Allen, Inspecting officer of ENROLLMENT EXPECTED Redeemer" by Charles Gounod. intendont. accompanied him and the guests were entertained Brother of Springfield People W aa Mission Group Discussed at Chase; Martha Washington. Kdna When the Inspection Mr*. Dean C. Poindexter wlll give Purposes of the conference are Portland. with old time games. Prizes In N a tiv e Oregonian; E a rly R * *|. Afternoon Meeting Eight young men of Lane county June Yarnell; Betsy Ross. I’agsv to work out plans for clarifying was completed Colonel Allen made the third of a series of talk* on het these were won by Mrs. M. J. McKy dent of Linn County Patmore. a short talk to the boya explaining have already made application for experience in South America at „ — Mrg W1|„am Curtis»'-, Mrs. W. F objective*, sotting tentative stand­ Assistants to Betsy Rosa— Pali the Citizen's Military Training Nearly fifty were present at th« Walker, and Mrs Jobn Sea¥ey ard* and attacking other problems the work of the National Guard the Epworth League meeting ot Funeral services for Newton Al­ ence, Teddy Wright; Rebecca Methodist church Tuesday after- Member* present for the party- camp to be held at Vancouver Bar ford. 73. brother of Mrs. Wallace which have arisen In the Junior units and expre-sed himself as be­ young people at 6:3D. Frances Cornell; Jane, Valeria high school field. ing satisfied with the work being racks this summer according to an Special feature* of the evening noon when members of the Ergaths were Mrs. McKy. Mrs. Seavey. Mrs Hawke and Mrs. C. P. Clover, both Koch; Penelope, Muriel Tyson. carried on here by Lieutenant C ervlce will be In the form of ex Sunday school class entertained william Rouse. Mrs. Edward Prl announcement from headquarters at The meeting was well attended of Springfield, who died at hla home that post. Soldiers- Tommy Vchytll, Har­ A Swart* and Second Lieutenant ceptlonal musical numbers. Miss with a potluck dinner for membere vat. Mrs. Curtiss. Mr»- William by principals and supervisors from near Lebanon Monday, were held Walter Gapsler. old Fans, Hilly Burnett, Oliver It is expected that the largest en Agnes Petxold who hold* the Julll of the Home Missionary society Stearmer, Mrs. John Tomseth. Mr* over the state and reportv from in Albany Wednesday afternoon. Adam*. Carl Bllck, James Hebert Colonel Amo* O. Waller, com aril Scholarship at the University and the quilting club. rollment In the history of the train­ some prominent educators, who bail Norman Howaro. Mr*. H. H. Schaf, Interment was made at Philomath. Freddie Neel, LaVern McPherson, made studies and collected d ata: ntander of the Eugene Guard units, of Oregon, wlll sing. “When Jesus ing camp since Its inception will Those in charge of arrangements fenberg. and Mrs. H. O. Dibblee Newton Alford was a brother of Bob Pollard. and Sergeant Edward Conyer of Came,” by Hoaxmelster. Ml** Pet­ for the affair were Mrs. William be found this year. Approximate­ Mr*. Dibblee will entertain the preparatory to attacking the varl­ the late Thomas E. Alford of Co­ the R. O. T. C, staff at the Uni­ Flag Song Boys—1, 2. and 3rd oua problems, were rend. xold and Mrs. Barnell are students Rouse, Mrs. E. E Fraedricks, Mrs. group at her home for their next ly 526 young men from Oregon and burg who died at his home Monday, versity of Oregon were visitor* dur­ of Arthur Boardman, head of the L. K. Page. Mrs. W. E. Buell. Mrs. meeting on March 17. southwestern Washington have grades; Richard Flanery. Thomas Reports and findings of the con­ February 22. He wa« the son of made application for the 30 day Hacut. Thorald Johnson, Tommy ference will he published and avail­ ing the Inspection. voice department of the university. Wm. G. Hughes. Miw. G. Prochnow. early Lane county pioneers who Several Interested townspeople Another special number will be Mr*. R. P. Mortensen. Mrs. Roy training period provided free of cost Thomas. Kills Roberts, Junior Pier able In pamphlet form for the use forged their way to Oregon In 1883, LIONS INVITE NOTED by the government. son, Bobby Bennett, Ivan Putnam. of the school* of the state at an j were present to watch the maneu­ "Come Unto Me," by William H. Palmer, and Mrs. R. L. Drury. being born on a donation land claim vers. Lane youths who have made ap­ SPORTSMAN SPEAKER Lyle Garvin. John Meek. Donald early date. Price, sung by the mixed quartet A regular meeting of the mis­ near Harrisburg. He has lived lo plication for enrollment are: of the church. These singers are sionary society was held following Cook, Harrison Billing. Billie Oregon all of his life. Captain Frank Winch, director of Galen P. Robbins. Eugene; Wil­ GASOLINE WAR HITS Haek, Billie Chapman, Haymond Mias Leone Elliott. Mtv. S. S. Pot­ the luncheon. Plans were formula­ CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Bainbridge, Russell Gates. SPRINGFIELD MONDAY ter, Paul Potter and Fred Buell. ted at this time for a play, "My the Gilmore bureau of sports at liam Grasham. Eugene; Robert L. HEAVY SNOWS HAMPER SHOULD BE REPORTED The pastor wlll preach from the America." to be presented by the Ix>* Angeles, has been extended an Britan. Mapleton; Carl W. Robbins, "I See You Dance" Second and Gasoline at 11 cents a gallon ► ■ ubject, "By Their Fruits," at the group some time In April. Mt«. invitation to visit and address the Jr.. Eugene; Howard O. Withrow, WORK OF FOREST CREWS Third grades—Ethel Ruth Fulop Springfield Lions club on any date Reed; Roy M. Monte. Eugene; A warning that all communicable 0Be of those things people often evening service. Edna Yarnell is the director. Dorothy Flanery. Peggy Wright. Exceptionally heavy snowfall in convenient for him this summer James R. Northam. Eugene; Roger disease* must be reported to tb« i hope for hut seldom dare to ex Donna Gene Krneat, Gloria Green, the high Cascade* will have a very city health officer was Issued thM 1 pect, bu, |t beCBme a r(. , llty bere Extensive plans for bis visit to K. Pendell. Wendling. Betty Pal Aldrich, Hetty Jean morning by Dr. W. II. Pollard. It Is FACE, ARMS CUT WHEN decided effect on the trail work the club are under way .and a spe­ CIVIC CLUB HEARS TALK Jacobson. Mary Alice Bartholomew. the duty of either the family or the Into Tueaday when local dealers program of the forest service this cial committee has been named to TOWN TEAM WINS AND AUTOMOBILES BUMP followed Eugene stations In cutting ON IRELAND TUESDAY take care of details. The commit Colonies Dance—Fifth and Sixth attending physician lo report all spring it Is announced by Perry another cent from the retail price LOSES GAMES MONDAY A. Thom son, supervisor. Under grades — Elsie Ingram. Helen such esses, he states. It has been II. J. Kercher, route 1, Spring- which had dropped from I9H to 12 Rev. Ernest M. Whitesmith, pas­ tee has tent a latter to the sports Lyons, Rose Ogden, Wyetta reported that there are several cents Munday. normal conditions the road and trail field. received several cut* about man Inviting him to set bis own tor of the Community Liberal Springfield's Town Basketball crews start work the first of May Bprlgga, Marie BrlgM<. Ida Jane Ir­ es of these ritseaHe* In the city Many people have been buying his hand* and face onday on the church In Eugene, addressed the date. Members of the committee team won one game and took a win, Mildred Hillings, Lorraine which are not known to the health gasoline by the barrel expecting Marcóla road when the automobile members of the Springfield Civic are Clayton F. Barber. F. B. Ham­ severe defeat in another at the high and have most of their work com­ Squires, Violet Steele, Shirley Sea offleer, who In turn I* required pleted by July. Present Indications the price to rocket upwards again which he wa* driving collided with club on his experiences while lin, Larson Wright, Veltle Pruitt, school auditorium here Monday vey, Wanetta Neet, Angela Krupka. to make a report each week lo the are that thia year the crews will be soon. There are many rumott* In one driven by F. F. Flndtner of Eu­ traveling in Ireland a year ago, at and Thelmer Nelson. evening. The local boys who are unable to get Into the higher coun­ Juanita Chapman slate health department the city this morning that a gene. Flndtner sustained a frac­ the club's St. Patrick's meet Tues­ attending the Univentity were de­ try to start work much before Thewe preeautloiiary ineaHure* change In the price situation la tured rib. According to the accl Indians; First and Second grades day afternoon at the home of Mrs. COUNTY PLAYS WILL BE feated in ihe first game 40-15. In July 1. — Patty Lou Tomaeth, Irene Bas­ are required for the general wel about to take place, but no dealers dent report Kercher attempted to David Saltsman. the final game the Hendershott GIVEN AT CORVALLIS More and larger slides than have fore of the Individual n* well a* the sett, Gertrude Bllck, Nadyne Neet, have received official confirmation pas* lhe drat machine when hla The members prepeut enjoyed team romped over the Springfield been encountered In the past are hat blew off and bothered bis vis­ Irish games and stunts later in the Roger Tobias, Curtiss Mattison. community. Mump*, scarlet fever, of this. The three best one-act plays to boys 63-31. The Hendershott group expected on matt of the roads and ion causing him to drive Into the afternoon. Refreshments were ser­ Betty Campbell, Merle William«. ehleken pox. dlphtherln, nnd mean be presented in Lane county. "The defeated Springfield 43-29 two trails which have not been used rear of the Flndtner car. Fritts Hiultson, Melvin Hhannon, le* are a few of the more common 4-H FORESTRY CLUBS ved by Mrs. L. K. Page and Mrs. Valient.” by the Willakenzie grange. weeks ago. since last fall before the heavy Pauline Sinnar, Myrtle Lee Shull. communicable dh>ea*e*. J. Fulop. "Corn Fed Bablas," by Santa Clara, Lineups for the latft game Mon snows fell. PLANTING TREES NOW Cleona Maxey. CARD CLUB MEMBERS Plans for garden work were dis- and “Our Neighbors,” by Junction day night were: Virginia Reel; Sixth grade— METHODIST SOCIETY cusged at tne business meeting and City, wlll be taken to Corvallis to­ Hendershott’s Large numbers of tree* are ton­ Springfield METHODIST YOUNG FOLK ENTERTAINED HERE Floyd Cornell, Leroy Williams, HOLDS CANDLE SERVICE ing planted now by members of further action wlll be taken later night where they will be presented Wlrth. F............. Leather* Harold Foss, Billy Burnett, Fern PLAN SHADOW SOCIAL Four-H Forestry club* according Member* of the 8. B. A. club were It was decided. at a state conference of homemak­ McDonald ..........F....................... Cox Cornell, Jane I’halr, Dorothy Rans- Twelve member* of the home to R. C. Kttehner, club leader. Mr. gue*ts of Mrs. Cecilia Jones at her ers being held there now. Giegmond ...........C............... Schren The young people of Coburg and dell, Thelma Williams. ntlNHlonary *orlety of the Metho- Kttehner Is at Dexter today <1 home here Monday evening. Fol­ Eight hundred people were at Coleman ........ G............ Huffman Springfield Epworth Leagues wlll THREE ADMINISTRATORS Minuet—Edna June Yarnell, dlat church participated In the can­ cussing tree planting with tl the Eugene high school Saturday Landrum lowing a short business meeting O Nice hold a Joint shadow social In the OF ESTATES ARE NAMED night to see the Willakenzie group John Avltt. Patsy Patmore, Henry dle light *ervlce at the church Four-H workers there. an evening of cards were enjoyed. Johnson. Ernstlng, Perkins, and Springfield church Tuesday even­ Chase, Muriel Tyson, Wesley Rob­ Sunday morning. A* each lighted Large quantities of these tree* Refreshment«' were served by the ing, March 15 The boys wlll pay Administrators of three estates win the county championship with Prochnow. t ubs. ertson, Valeria Kock, Clerance her taper ahe made a nhort report are available from the state agri hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George W. their offering. 25 cents for the dinner which will Clark, Teddy Wright, Harold Foap, on one of the church ml**lonary cultural college at Corvallis for a Blair will entertain the "group at were appointed yesterday by pro­ MRS. WILSON HOSTESS Include a backet and a girl. There Frances Cornell, Oliver Adams. worker*. Miw. 8. 8. Potter also very nominal expenae and they are their home In Eugene for the next bate court. E. R. Brypon was appointed ex­ KENSINGTON CROUP TO NEEDLECRAFT CLUB wlll lie a serie« of competitive bid­ sang a solo. Rev. Poindexter being planted as windbreaks and meeting. ding with something other than ac­ ecutor of the estate of Alice Berry PLANS FOR ST. PATRICK S WOODCRAFT GROUP HAS preached a *ermon on the *ubject, for wood lots. Kane, which was valued at approxi­ Members of the needlecraft club tual cash so that each man may 'The Man Who Fought the Stara." IN ITIA TIO N FOR MEMBER MISSION GROUPS HOLDS mately $13,000. Members of the Kensington club were entertained last Thursday have an opportunity to secure the LUMBER WORKERS CALL William B. Patten was appoint­ at their meeting Friday made plans afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ger­ partner he desires. ALL-DAY SESSION HERE Walter Hharrlt of Goshen was WEST SPRINGFIELD MAN MEETING FOR FRIDAY ed administrator of the estate of for a St. Patrick's covered dlsn trude Wilson on Emerald Heights. Initiated Into Pine Circle, Neigh­ FINED FOR POSSESSION A Mpeelal meeting of lumber An all-day mission meeting spon- hla lather, Ja*|ier N. Patten, in ac­ luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs. Floyd Thompson was the as­ NAME OF STORE HERE bor* of Woodcraft, here Wednesday workers affiliated with 4-L local ”ired by the Woman's Missionary cordance with the will. The widow, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan on March 18 at sistant hostess. Special guents for CHANGED LAST WEEK A. (1. Cord* of We*t Springfield number 70 ha* been called for Fri­ m defy Is being held at the Christ- evening at the regular meeting of Mary Aususta Patten, a son, Fred, 1 o’clock. One-half of the group the afternoon were Mrs. William the lodge. The Initiation ceremony wa* fined $50 lit Eugene Juatlee day evening. March 11, at the I. Ian church today from 10 to 3:30 *nd a daughter, Bessie, were left will entertain the other half at the Taylor. Mrs. Ed Olland. and Mrs. The name of the Drygoods and followed the regular lodge ses*lon. court during the week end by Dan O. (J. F. hall by George Cox, chair­ till* afternoon. State officers of 91 rach. with the remainder of the meeting. V. Walker. Eighteen were pres clothing store operated here by Mr. Johnnton. Justice of the pence, on Plan* were made for a potluck man. The meeting has been called lie church from Eugene, Portland, estate going to William B. Patten. Mrs. Margaret Kenyon was host­ ent for the meeting. Geo. Hoffman wa* changed last chnrge of liquor ponsepHlon. He to discuss Important 4-L problems ¡alent, and Hood River are expect­ supper to be given at the hall at Freti lh»j* of Canary was ap­ ess and Mrs. D. B. Murphy was as­ Mrs. Walter Gassier and Mrs. week and will be known hereafter wn* unable lo pay the fine und ha* the next meeting in two weeks. and all members are urged to at­ ed here during the day to take part pointed administrator of the estate sistant hostesii at the club meeting layton F. Barber wlll entertain as the Variety and Department started serving a Jail term. This will «tart at 7 o’clock. tend. In the program. ot George R. Buss. Friday. for the club at their next meeting. store. EUGENE HI GETS DISTAICI DEBATE G. A. fi. CIRCLE STUDENT SKITS TO DEJKRCH IB