T H ü R 81 >AY, MARCH 3, 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NBWB PAO® POUR How a Town Put Many Men to Work o r n i l i pois 01 SPOSI CARD _ | <$»■ —...................... ... ~ 1 ■■■ 1........ .. ’ c o u n t y c o u r t cuts 16803395 A ppointed DOC LICENSE FEES « STARTEOINCOUNTY Mill— — Upper Willamette - — ■ ' John C. Farney. IT year» of as«. . ■ of .« a dog ... *ho was «oi killed III an uulomohlle Penalties for laie payment «no «a» ile IO, 1932 which hvv,OIO. V, O-, I d c , >•, C alifon,.. Sunday was Far- tectlve March I. were greatly re the »oi, of Mr and Mrs. A. ( .......................... .. by o rd e r o f th e to , now liv in g -< C ro w T h e F ar Control Supet visors Will be Hv Caleb Johns,« things for him to do. You are en-. t'ourl. A g radualed acal» „»> » lived al Plea.ani Hill several The wav to end unemployment is | »“ led to hl. help in all .4 the rea I Appointed; Poison Bait to County Masked Marvel to Meet Vasil of penalties were ordered when i years ago and John and Ilia brother, be Distributed by Stores to tut me., back to work Unem ¡«< little Jobs «bout your pro heck revealed approximately IM6 He,,. •‘"ended the I l e a « « H Hill ill Teacoff; Ladies to Bo Ad­ An Old Brand Line 1( tarty, and he will I«- glad to lie as mitted Free Friday ploy meut is a problem which dogs licensed ao far .1,1» year - • '<»•" rh*>» The annual campaign against . „.pared lo more than 3000 last „la where Job,, was «. live in high chronicled the tecta everybody in every eommunl- siaued io these tasks. If other work Recently gray digger ground squirrels Is ex year. The fee for the lice,.». I. »2 .......... affair» »,„1 alhleilc. The Herb Owen. Eugene »port» pro­ Flelschtnann Bakery as being thejty. It is up to all the people of .'times up requiring painters, paper Id le d lo gel well under way during for the male and »3 for the female, family returned to huge.,,, but John moter. ha« three good rea»on» thl» first to maintain a brca.l line, dat each community, therefore, to take j uangi rs. cart enters, won’t you March, according to County Agent A penally of 26 vein» will be col continued 1,1» schooling lu t allfor- week for expecting a larger crowd I l l g bank about fifty year» Thai P 11 m e ie iv ialelligeiit etfoit t o • • « » » « i s < . . , . G. 8. Fletcher, who dlrecla the than usual at hl» weekly wrestling fine piece of charity, however, is find Jobs for those who need them, Conimission will send the proper, levied during March, 60 vent» III nln. fight against these pests. dependable man Io do (he work program tomorrow night. yprll. 75. vent. I„ May. and >1 June The leal) wa» .hipped lo Eugene. far from being the oldest bread Ami the most intelligent effort of The Lane County Agricultural at the Andrew Mellon. Secretary o f the ,o December luclu»lve The orl The Inner.I service, were held First, this ha» been designated a» line here. The other day it came this sort that I know of ia whai '.I townsman out of . work . . ...... Treasury of the U nited States under Council has adopted gray digger ladle» night and all member» of the ,o light that Trinity Pariah is .till ,hey did a. Green Bay. Wisconsin.I «I»'” .............. ... »“•«’“ «»< xlnal penally was »2 ...........-lay morning at the Iran ihi» winter us possible Let's create three Presidents, has been rewarded ground squirrel control work us one __stetler chapel, several Pleasant Hill fair »ex will be admitted to »how runuing one that is exactly 139 community, of any site, can lo r his long service by being named if the county wide projects to he jobs and overcome unemployment Ambassador to E n g lan d boys acting us pall bearers. free of charge There are absolu­ years old. organise for unemployment relief cooperated in by all farm orguiilxu LOCAL MEN ATTEND ii our owu city and bring Green tely no string» tied to tills offer John 1« survlvsd by in» parent». I, appears that in 1792. John on the Green Bay plan. In that town y lions of the county during 1932. It c r t D T v a w n P l f . w r W H E C K •'*' ' * Farnay. one »1» says Owen. the mieres. interest .... on *6.000 40.000 population, in one --------- month' Leake w rilled men me v— ... of sv.wv w# m>( |e( m|emp,oy GROVE BALL TEAM FALLS Is expected ,.„r, lall(1 .„4 lwo that subordinate FORTY AND EIGHT WRECK 8econd. the main even is a very for bread to be distributed by that more than 1.00« men aBdJ ™ " * " I me„, , pn.ad farther nor wrecfc out granges, farmers union locals, and IN GAME ON MONDAY unusual one with two wrestlers famous ----------- biothera. 1.1. Frank H.. 6th engln- Episcopal church, and w.re Put back to work, home of (.omiliulli, v health ant| happlnva!) i • immunity dubs will cooperate 111 _______ matched and a third held in readi­ through all those years the will has them had not had a Job for two Jack latr»on, Nell tllllons and r». V. S army, and Benjamin of . * Springfield Town basketball team the campaign. ness If needed to fill out the even been complied with The dole telytant. Itay McPherson all of .'♦prlngflelil , row years. There were 1«45 out of The Man In the Block' to do snow Farm organisations In communi­ attended the initiation of the (to defeated a Cottage Grove team 29 Ing's program. Only one of the being distributed nowadays by Rev. » rk when the united effort began llonule Jeunne Tinker who ha» principals in this match is known. Edward H Schleuter. vicar of St. At the end of a month 1023 of these shoveling or other »mail Jobs (liis 23 In the local high school gymn«» ties where ground squirrel control and 9 wreck, Legion orgaiilxatlon. |»eeu absent from high school 10 is a problem are expected to nomi­ He is Vasil Tsacoff. Bulgarian, who Luke s Chattel, one of Trinity had been placed in permanent Jobs winter. Do not pay any wages to I iiiii Monday evening In a (ant game held at Ihe Eagle» hall II, Eugene days relumed lo her studies Tues­ anyone who does not show you his The score at the half was 14-5 for nate one rodent control supervisor Saturday night Sutnley ltl>bard»o„ day of lllls week. will meet an unidentified man who church's affiliates. and the rest all had either tempor­ lard from this commission. You Springfield. Lineups for the start for each school district covered by of Thnralon wa» one of three candi­ Mi»» Marie Malls-iu who is sick wrestles with his face covered un­ ary or part time Jobs, so that there these organisation« In commutiltle» agree with us that we should keep of the game were: der the title of the Masked Marvel. No “Hands Off” Signs will, pneumonia Is reported to be date« Inmated at the meeting. was nobody out of work in Green this work for our own townsmen, every family 4 ii the district. This personage has agree to throw improving Ctg. Qrovs Springfield Bat except those unable to work. Vila Bretidel) of Vida la ugalu and married men first. THE MAN One of the most attractive free . the Bulgarian two out of three Mias Kllanhelh Holcomb of Del üwansoii F Huffman deputy assessor In McKenxIe and PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS WHO COMES TO DO Y O U R times in one and one-half hours. In shows here Is maintained in the ter ciilertalned a tiuinber of her Gale» F Nice Mohawk district». The Green Bay campaign started WORK must have a card from this case the Bulgarian gets too much Dnllv New» building on East 42nd hc I oh .I friend» at 11 600 parly al her DeYoung C Et listing Rennie Hooter has received par­ COSTUME AFFAIR TODAY Walter Achiu will be in the Armory street. I. is. curiously enough, an by the mayor issuing a Pmclama ouiniission UPON WHICH WILL Perkins home Saturday nlglii February 3T. Woodard 1 1 ticulars regarding a terrible acci­ exhibition of machinery and “n> ‘“at all the wbl.tle» in «ho c ly BE THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF ready to enter the ring. The Lowell baaketbail leant win- Cochran G Prochnow Members of the Priscilla club dent which occurred at Clearfield. hots." And children esp«-ially are * » B'd blow from 7.30 to 7.M on GREEN BAY. Pay nobody else. Third, a humorous offering of five C. Swanson, Cox. Sharon and Pennsylvania, recently In which the will he en leilaliicd Gila afternoon ner« of ihe runner» up cup of the wrestlers all scrapping together in invited to stroll through the exhlbi- 'he morning of the drives start The rate is <0 cents an hour. The Leathers, substitutes. lame county B league defeated Ihe home of his brother. Harvej ul (he home of Mr». E. C. Stuart. Oakland high school lean, Tuesday ,he b*1,s ln ,owu would agreement is not less than two a special event will be offered. Par­ tion and handle everything (o their and Thl« 1» io he a costume party and ring. The fire and police depart­ hours a week, for the winter Kooxer, was nearly destroyed In ticipants in this battle royal will heart's content. night al Collage Grove by a score ments used their sirens, and all months. Your man will collect IUKA CIRCLE MEETS AT a blast, one child killed and two each member 1» lo come drc»»ed of 36 ot 27. Oakland wot, the ibiug. Include Speedy Jones. Vick Potter Children are simply mad about autos came to a slop and blew In Colonial period clothing once a week on Saturday. Louis Welkum. Art O'Reilly, and the place. My own youngster. 6. BARKER HOME TONIGHT nephews injured, one seriously. la» county runners-up cup. A special meeting recently was Puncho Avery. The rules of this went there with a pal a couple of their horns for two minutes. At “Again we thank you for assist­ Son Bor»—Mr and Mrs. B W Members of Iuka circle, l-adles of held at l.eaburg lo decide whether match provides that they can all years older and reveled in the vari­ 10:30. reports were broadcast over ing us to relieve distress in our Visitors from Wsndllng— Mr and I'eltyjf l,,i of Westfir are the par local radio station of the drive's tackle one man or pair off and the ous gadgets. One thing shown was the city, and won't you please continue the G. A. It.. will hold their regu to operate as a one or two room euts of a son horn to them at the Mr» Cliff Abram» of Wetidllug ”‘gu',”g' first three to be pinned to the mat a telephone. She took down the re- to co-operate with vour city, by hav­ lar meeting tonight at the home ¡«rude school the coming year ” were vialtora in Springfield on The vole favored retention of two Pacific Christian ho»pltul In Eu­ Noon lunches, radio talks, and ing all of the work possible such as of Mrs. T. C. Barger. The meeting will be eliminated. The two win ceiver. dialed her number and saw Wednesday. gene M ednsndsy, March 2, 1932 teachers by a vote of 20 to S. ners will then have five minutes the machinery she set in motion preparatory newspaper stories told modernizing, improving, repairing, is to start at 8 o'clock. to rest and will try for the best two get her the connection and then the town that Green Bay would painting, cleaning, paperhanging. out of three falls. The time limit ten feet away, her pal answered the have Jobs for half of Its unemploy- plumbing, etc. DONE THIS WIN for this feature of the event has call and talked to her. TER and done by men obtained been set at 30 minutes. from the CITY HALL.” Other things are automobile mott . W e give you every els. steani engines^eleva ors*rld ng w<>rk W t give you every inducement to stairs and all kinds of thing» like * inducement to keep your that. After a child has spent a few keep your money home. hours in the place she comprehends Aa •oon “s lhe block drive was Twenty-seven mothers of stu­ money home. FREE Interesting figures were given by dents in the Junior high school a lot more about modern conven ’ over, every employer in the town FREE DELIVERY fences than she ever did before. was personally contacted by phone the driver of the McKenzie high were guests of the teachers at the DELIVERY And it is all gorgeous fun! letter or personal call of the un- school bus. Ranold Chase, to the first of a series of room parties • • • employment committee's chairman high school board in their recent which faculty members of the These men were urged to keep the meeting regarding cost of operating schools are planning in cooperation Sales People same number of men they had on the bus. with the local P.-T.A. officials. Mrs One of the curious things visitors j payroll in 1929. If necessary by A drive of some 30 miles each Ivan Male "was in charge tor the here observe quickly is the detach j staggepng the work, shorter hours, way or SO miles a day is neces­ teachers. Those present were Mes- ed air with which sales people In and go forth. The result was that sary owing to the Y-shaped loca­ dames Mortensen, Ogilvie. Putman the big stores wait on customers, over 700 men were called back to Calkins. Williams. Cornell. Black tion of the district. Forty stops in the better stores there is never their old Jobs. Griffith. Privat. Pederson. Crandall each way are necessary in gather­ any attempt made to force a sale. In spite of the fact that mild ing the students. In required stops, Louk. Carrol, Nice. Fisher. Blick The idea seems to be that If that weather killed the usual snow-shov Robertson. May. Barnes. Wright, as at railroad crossings, and stop particular customer walks out. I eling and street-cleaning Jobs, the Daniels. Wycoff. Anderson, Vest streets, or 80 stops per day. Coat there will be a new one in before i plan was successful. Every home Clements, Cox and Carson. of operating has been very small, many minutes. store and shop in the town was less than 120 gallons of gas per The seventh grade Four-H sew One result is that women here visited. lng club meeting wbicb was to have month has been used since begin­ * regigtratlon system and check been held Tuesday of this week thoroughly enjoy shopping, more ning the term. so than in any other city in the up of addresses served to dlstingu CRAPENUTS has been postponed for one week, The most pretentious celebration world. In London, one cannot es- ..fl(,aterg.. from the regldeBt un. Mrs. Ella Lombard Is the leader. in the McKenzie valley of the 200th FLAKES cape from a shop after one has en- em )oye(j anniversary of George Washing tered it without buying something. en, Wigcongln of ton’s birth was that of the Leaburg or being forced to listen to high An)er,can Ie g ,on adopted the Maker of Men community where a splendid even pressure selling from everybody in Gr^ r pJan wh,ch |(| working Regular 35c ing program was preceded by a the place, clear up to the owner wj(h succegg ,n gUte Two-pound Package Rev. E. V. Stivers announces his , Here it reems to be quite all right other citjeg , hroughout ,he community dinner which was at G»P* Nuts tended by members of nearly lecture for Sunday. March 6. “The SPECIAL 3 pkgs. Fall of Pompeii ” This will be the °" e “ country, it ia not a self-operative where there are no farm organiza­ ihuces hall or lompen. m is win oe me ..dlrtT from any O1 the gaieg .„ a ,.„n„ f„r fifth lecture he is giving on his trip A , 3r(? rea„ y gra{(y plan, by any means and cal tions, the county agent will select to the Holy Land which he made when a ga(e „ „ W n consum. •-^operation on the pnr. of all the rodent control supervisors if there a few years ago. . civic elements In a town, grouped is sufficient local interest. These Thurston high school boys has-1 « « » around the Legion Post as a work- supervisors will be appointed by Special Assortment of ketball team defeated the Wendlingf ¡ng nucleus. The working body con- the county court and given author­ norse vars gjgtg thg ^gjon's unemployment ity to poison squirrels on neglected SUNSHINE PRODUCTS team Monday evening on the local Something New! New York City was probably the committee: local newspaper pub- land at the expense of the owner. floor. The score was 33-22 in favor 10 pkgs. last place in the whole country to lishers; the mayor; local organized Official notice to all persons hav­ of Thurston. The Thurston high school Is put stop running horse cars. The last labor executives; manager of local ing charge of land in Lane County CALUMET ting on four short plays at Thurs­ line was on Fulton Street, a few radio station; presidents of the ser- to take steps to exterminate gray MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE WILL BE SERVED ton hall Wednesday evening, each hlocks from Wall Street and it took vice clubs; chamber of commerce digger ground squirrels on their 6 pkgs. BAKING POWDER class sponsoring a play under the the car about half an hour to go the president; advertising club presl- property within 30 days from W ITH HAM SANDWICHES and SUNSHINE direction of Miss Palmer. The half mile between terminals. Of dents; head» of industries; bank March 3 is published elsewhere In One cake tin free and 2-cup COOKIES SATURDAY. Sandwiches made with Thurston orchestra is furnishing course the line was operated mere- executives, and so on. I this issue. ly to hold the franchise. Cards bearing the official seal of package of Swantdown The county agent has prepared a | the music. JELL-0 FRYE’S DELICIOUS HAM and W ILLIAM’S The other day one of the big de- the City of Green Bay were used to supply of poison barley for sale The grade school began again last with each Monday after a week of lay’off on partment stores celebrated its fifty- Identify workers, who were given to farmers of Lane Caunty at cost. MILK-MADE BREAD. account of several students, and ninth anniversary and part of the introductory letters, This poison barley may be pur­ Employment was provided for chased at the office of the county also Miss Travis, primary teacher, celebration was to get the street per being ill with mumps. Mrs. Leo Ten­ car people to run a horse car on men and women regardless of le- agent and from dealers in all part» pound 59th Street, on which the store is gion affiliation, race, color, or nis is teaching in Miss Travis' of the county. The charge 1« 40c 3 pkgs. place until she is able to return to located. The car ran all day and creed. Unemployment was the only for a five-pound bag. took in thousands of nickels from qualification. Willingness to work her work again. Places in Springfield and tribu people who enjoyed the “novel” ex- was the only test. tary territory where poison barley i Any town can do what Green Bay will b e.fo r sale are as follows: Back from Roseburg—Miss Mar perience. Free Molds with each To »top the car one pulled a cord accomplished. It calls for organl- Springfield, garet Gorrle returned Tuesday Irlsh-Murpby Feed i from Roseburg where she bad spent tied to the driver's leg, who there-1 zation and effort. Your Legion post store; Jasper, Bauer's store; Fall purchase a few days visiting with her sister upon pulled a lever that operated i a natural nucleus. If there Is no Creek, Brewer's store; Lowell, the rear door. post in your town, one of the 30,- Blair'» store; Dexter, William’s: Mrs. C. G. Van Valzah. SWANS DOWN DIAMOND — - - - --------------------- --— 000 branches of organization» affi­ store; Trent, Wood’» store; Wait- CAKE FLOUR liated with the American Federa­ erville, Sylvester’s store; Vida,| SALT PILLSBURY’S FLOUR- -Hardwheat tion of Labor is the rallying point. Payne'» »ervlce station; and Mar- One cake plate free! ! 49 pound sack This plan calls for no discussion, cola, Price's store. Three no argument about theories or poli­ packages tics. Nobody can object to giving GOOD FAMILY PATENT FLOUR Per KENSINGTON CLUB work to those who are not working Sack TO MEET FRIDAY Package now. The effort is repaid In more Springfield, Oregon than moral satisfaction. It means ARMOUR MILK— Tall cans Mrs. Margaret Kenyon will en-j that those now hoarding money will Free with each purchase Four for tertaln members of the Kensing­ spend for normal necessities when PETER PAN ONE SMALL SHAKER the spectre of unemployment Is re- ton club at their regular meeting Friday afternoon at her home. Mrs. W HITE WONDER SOAP 1 moved. In communities where civic ac­ D. B. Murphy is the assistant host-] 10 Bars INSTANT tivities are small, where the popula- e»s for the meeting. A-1 Quality POST | tion chiefly serve» an outlying agri POSTUM VAN CAMPS TOMATO SOUP Per Pound 29c N O T IC E TO C R E D IT 0 R 8 TOASTIES j cultural district, this plan may be Per can ESTATE OF LOVE A. CONRAD, Special ' widened to take In the farms. There 3 Pounds 85c DECEASED. Four 8-oz. is room on the land for those men Notice Is hereby given that WI1-' for FANCY PUMPKIN tins who cannot find work in the town. liarn Curtis has been by the Coun ¡Mili Blue Bunny; 15-oz.; per can In these instances, heads of agrl- ty Court of the State of Oregon {cultural organizations such as the for Lane County, appointed admin­ White Eagle or istrator of the estate of Love A. Grange, etc., may be added to the Conrad, deceased. VAN CAMPS PORK AND BEANS Sunny Monday working committee. All persons having claim ers' Large size; two for Groups of farmers may pool to- against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the 9 Pound Bag I gether to pay for the services of a BAKER'S PREMIUM same, duly stated and verified, at AM-OND-OL TOILET SOAP i laborer, who can work one day or the law office of Alta King in the With 1 Virginia Frying Pan; 6 bars for CHOCOLATE 10 Bars 25c more on Individual properties Court House, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, within six months of this A letter used by the Green Bay Per Case 5 2 .2 5 committee puts the case in concise 3rd day of March, 1932. WE FEATURE MAID-O-CREAM BUTTER WILLIAM CURTIS, Adminis­ language: trator of the Estate of Love A. Made in Springfield, Oregon ¡“Dear Fellow Citizen: Conrad, deceased. “The Green Bay Unemployment ALTA KING, Attorney for Ad­ Relief Commission thanks you sin­ ministrator. (M 3-10 17-24 31) cerely for assisting to overcome the WE WILL CARRY A FULL LINE OF FEEDS AND DEAL great burden of unemployment In w ith ’/ 2 Lb. Can Cocoa SEEDS— our city this winter, by hiring a man to do your chores. This man Special ’/ 2 Lb Baking SEE OUR PRICE FIRST will report at once to begin this Chocolate nr» work In your block. Please treat BOTH ZOC AND GET QUALITY ALWAYS All f««* him as a fellow-citizen asking not S P R IN G F IE L D R A D IO SHO P I charity, but merely the opportunity 116 So. 4tli Phone 75W ’ to earn a living for his family. Find eVCBNEffT CAM0J8 Phone 9 Lincoln School Notes Phone 9 W . A. TAYLO R I McKenzie Valley HOME OWNED STORE ...Grand Opening... at New Location - 427 Main St. - Springfield .. Quality Groceries at Bigger Values .. KRISPY CRACKERS Thurston Friday and Saturday M arch 4 -5 25c FREE— One 49-lb Sack Pillsbury’s 23c Flour with "Largest Cash Purchase Saturday. Come Early! 98c] 59c Maxwell House 19c eoti! Coffee 3 4 c M*, 29c or 3 lbs. $1.00 $ 1 .3 7 Irish-Murphy Co 29c 39c Farina 35c 89c 25c 25c 5c 5c 25c 59c 23c 25c a glassy- m ix in g b o w l Cocoa-Chocolate R a d io 3 can C R iS C O 63 C 23c