TIIUHHDAY. MARCII 3. 11132 ___________________THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Thuratan Man Hsrs — W »ll«r Piali ut Tliuralon wss a hu»ln«ss vlallur III Itila city Tu«sday. N O T IC I O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L A C C O U N T NOTICI! IH HKItKBY OIVBN: RIVER PROJECT MUST REMODELING OF OFFICE AWAIT SURVEY WORK FOR DOCTOR FINISHED I hut no action of any kind on the W lllametta river cunullxatlon pro Jed will lie undertaken until the complete report of the second sur vey whi< li la now being completed haa been made was declared in Washington, I) C. Monday by Major (¡■■lierai llrown, chief of army eu glnnora, girls entertain boys TOWN AND VICINITY j Complete remodeling of the me ! dlcal office ul Or. Milton V. Walk«, located In the Commercial Htate Down W ith Mumps — W . H In from W alterville— Mr. and Mrs Rank building was finished during | Adrian la III at his home with an at Arthur Easton of W altervllle were the past week. Improvement« made lack of the mump«, visitors In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday there Include enlarging of the wait Ing room to Include the former real Mm Trotter la Rainbow Man Her»— W. G. Bandy room and rearrangement of all the of Rainbow was a business visitor room« und laboratory In tbe office i attack of influenza In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday. proper The office ha» now been Gate Bounty — H. C Saunders of Haa F lu . — Mrs. Roland Moshlar divided to Include a dressing I Jasper collected »20 county bounty la ill «t her home with an attack room, two physiotherapy rooms, a on twe cougars Monday, of Influenza. real room, an eye, ear. noae. and throat examination room, a labora Admitted to Hospital— K. O. Fan Jasper Man Hsrs— Claude Glas- lory, examination and surgery room 'lrem 1,1 Hprlngfleld wa» admitted pey of Jasper was a business visi­ Io the Eugene hospital Friday. and a private office. tor In Springfield Monday. The examination, surgery and Collects Bounty— Virgil Newman Undergoes Operation— H S. Par laboratory has been painted all of Wendllng Saturday collected tbe ker of onmouth submitted to a ma­ white and the other examination county bounty of |2 on one bobcat jor operation at the Pacific Christ­ rooms are a light cream with buff trimming. The floors have been Has Flo — Phil Kohler. Booth- ian hospital Tuesday morning. covered With an attractive pattern Kelly employee. Is III at his home Parents of Daughter — Mr. and of Inlaid check linoleum. The wllh an attack of Influenza. Olaf Neilson of Marcóla are the par­ other riHiin« have been decorateo Gets Bobcats— H. E. Mooney of ents of a baby daughter born to It- slightly darker colors. Wlnberry collected 38 from tbe them at the Pacific Christian hos­ county bounty fund Monday for two pital. Tuesday. March 1, 1932. AT LEAP YEAR PARTY COUNTY PLAY FINALS TO BE HELD SATURDAY Glrla belonging to Mrs. A B. Van Valiah's Sunday school claw of th< •'*,', i,of «uhi il«ieil«tit’a «alai» IMI! l i n i w iu i, H I ULAHHLH hi | In th . Counly Court for U n « e<.im «xi-hang» for minili, rami Kvi ty. Oregon, unii ihut Hulurday Ih» alni k »21 W llluiiiiitt» HI., Ku r,tl‘ lluX <>f March, 1932, al Ih« Court " nd Th" * “ ar,hf’lon»>* »«re gM ». M :t K“o"> *»f «ahi Court In ih« Counly N O T IC E Court lloiia«. In Kug«n«, at leu o' ‘ h“ n“ ’ ° f »rr“ ««m* “ “ - O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T " ■■ —— clock Iti Ih« foreuoon, haa b««n flx Notice la hereby given (hat the "' 1 «il by «uhi Court aa Ih» Urna and ■on Born— Mi und Mr«. Floyd plur« for hoarlng objections thiir« undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Armln H e n , deceased. has Moyers of W alt, t HII« ar« Ih» par Io. und for the anttl«m«nt thereof filed her rlnul report and account «uta of a »mi horn to them at th« LYDIA J ROSSMAN,Kx«eu with the Clerk of the County Court Padlflc Christian llonpllal Tu«aday, trlx of the Last W III and of Eane County, Oregon, and that Minor repairs early will save major repairs later. T n a t a m n n t of Charlea C, Huturduy, the 10th day of March M u rili I, 1933. I03Z. at the hour ten o'clock In the Our garage is always ready to serve you—quickly Rossman, deceased. forenoon. In lh« Counly Court Room L. L. HAY, Attorney for Katute. and economically. Bring In your car—we will inspect In the Court House at Eugene. Ernie N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S IF 4 11 18 26; M 3) it free. County, Oregon, haa been »el by NO TIC E 1H IIK R K IIY G IVEN • he Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of This is the home of GENERAL ETHYL and VIO­ That llohnrt II Donunlly haa bees N O T IC I O F I X I C U T O R 'B S A L I »aid Court, aa the time and place uppolntod executor of the U s t W III OF R I A L E S T A T I for hearing »am«, and for the final LET RAY gasolines the world’s best motor fuels. ami Testament of Charlotto II . . . settlement of auld Kslate. Ilouiielly. deceased, by the County T H E CO U N TY COURT O F T H E JO SEPH IN E IIKSH, Admlnl» Court of Esse County, Oregon, All <,,tKOON FOR T H E tratrlx. persona having claim» against eald LANK. IN PRO- WEEEH A WEEEH. Attorney». «»tat« ar« required to pr«»«nl them. . J .-¡.T, 5th and A Streets Springfield IF IX 25 M 3-10-17) N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S will, the proper vouchers, within * ( , F T II E EH t>o beats. Notice Is hereby given that Injured Man B etter — Thomas a ll monthta from the llt h day of A PE O F LOUISA M U LK K Y. AlJMMnfUldfi Martha Mendell on tbe 24th day of February. 1932, to the said execu Uefeaaed. Goshen Farmer Here — O. B. Stinnett who suffered a severe In­ IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E February. 1932. was appointed ad tor at the law office of E. E. Ray T o WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: H TA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E tn ln ls tra trlx of the estate of M artha I*awrence farmer In the Goshen dis­ jury to his left leg last Thursday lu the Miner building, Eugene, Ore I. Lunsford H. Mulkey, the eiecu Hunter, deceased, by the County trict waa a visitor In Springfield Is reported to be getting along very CO UNTY OF EANE gou. tor of the above entitled e»tate. ua HORACE RIDD LE. plaintiff Vs || Court of U n e County, Oregon. favorably. Monday. RO IIK R T li DG NN KLLY, Exe authorised by an order of the Court H RIDD LE, defendant. All persons having claims against culor of the Eaat W III and duly given and made In lln- above To. II. 8 Riddle, defendant: »aid .-»tale are hereby notified to Teacher is 111— Miss Elinor Smith, Lowell Farmer Here — A. M Tealameut of Charlotte It. Don* entitled mutter on February 8. 1032. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E HTATE presont Die same, duly verified as • ••I will aell al prlvule sale in the high OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ by law required. to said adminis­ Veatch of Lowell waa a business teacher at the Brattaln school was nelly, deceased. e«l and heat bidder, at tbe law of­ quired Io appear and answer the tratrix at her residence Eugene, visitor In Springfield Monday of III the first of tbe week with the E. E. RAY. Attorney for Katate. fice of my attorney. 11 E. Hlattery, complulnt filed against you In Ihe Oregon. Crow Stage Route, within Ihla week. flu. Miss Edith Ayers of Eugene j lloglnnlng In lh>< North Elne ol ed for In the complaint and for a Cedar Flats Man Here— J. W. pital in Eugeae last Thursday. Feb­ of absolute divorce from N O T IC E the Count) Court of l*an« County. Eighth Htreet lu the City of Eu­ decree you OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Plummer ol Cedar Flats was a busi­ ruary 25.1932. Oregon. All peraona having claim» 7 gene, at a point due North of the This summons Is published once aguln«l «aid «alale are required Io I Northeast corner of lad Nutnbei ness visitor In Springfield Monday Notice Is hereby given that I^eone each week for four consecutive present them, with the proper Breaks Arm— C. R. Logan em­ One In Illork Numlx-r Twenty-one T. Montgomery, executrix haa filed afternoon. vouchers, within six mouth» from In James Huddleston’s Addition weeks In (he Hprlngfleld New», a ployed at the Jim Scavey ranch her final report and account In the weekly newspuper published at lh« llt h day of February. 1032, to to Eugene, running (hence Bast Here from M cKenzie Bridge— R. broke his arm Wednesday when the »aid administratrix at the law along said North line of Eighth Hprlngfleld. Eane County. Oregon, estate of John G. Montgomery, de­ ceased, In Ihe County Court of B. Stevens. McKenzie Bridge resl- working with a drag saw. A Spring Office of I. I,. Ray. In the Miner Htreet 50 feel, thence North 217 hy the order of the Hon. O. F. Skip Building, Eug«n«. Oregon. feet, thence West parallel with worth. Judge of auld court, made Eune County. Oregon, which has I dent, was a business visitor In field physician provided the neces­ set Friday the 25th day of March. Springfield Monday. said North line of Eighth Htreet the 18th day of February. 1932. ED IT H FLOSSIE FUNK K. Ad sary medical care. 50 feet to a point due North of und first published the 18th dav ol 1932. at 10 o'clock A. M. In the mlnlatrutrlx of the Eatute of County Court room at the Court February, 1932. beginning point, thence South 217 Leaves fo r Home— J. H. Bean left I.lllle Stewart, deceased Speaks to Grange— O. 8. Fletcher W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Attor­ House Eugene. Oregon, for final fe e t, lu cre or less to the place of E. E. RAY, Attorney for Estate. hearing thereon, and any objections Sunday for his home in Wisconsin Lane County Agricultural agent ney for Plaintiff. Residence and beginning, all In U n « County, (F. 111825 M 3-10) Postoffice Address, Eugene, to final report and account should after spending several days here was the speaker at the regular Htate of Oregon. I be filed or presented at or prior to visiting with relatives. Oregon. meeting of Mohawk - McKenzie the time for said hearing. N O T IC E (F 18 26— M 3-10-17) Terms of sale: At least one- Grange at Marcóla ball Wednesday Dated and first published this fourth of the purchase price to be O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Roseburg People H ere — Miss evening at 8 o'clock. the 25th day of February. 1932. . .. . I*alent Sunday E. U D U K E , Administrator of and daughter, Viola, of Shedd, were the Estate of Ina J. Finn, De- , .N o,.,ce h’ r* b* th“ ‘ '•>’ quired to appear In the County undersigned. Goldie Frances Peter­ visiting with relatives at Roseburg. week-end visitors at the home ot . ceuaed, . . . . . ...I undersigned has been appointed < ourt of the State of Oregon fo, son und Stanley Joel Keyes have Executrix of the estate of theater I*ane County In the court room been hy Ihe above entitled court S u therlin People Here — Flora Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson in this (F 18 25— M 3-10 17) executrix and executor In . . . . „ . Oren Beckwith, deceased, and any thereof at Eugene In Ij«ne County appointed $1.00 VALUE FOR 44 CENTS the above entitled matter All per w h“ n«> “ »<1 Harry Norton of Suth- city. mid all persons having claims on the eighth day of August. 1932. sons having claims against said er*ln were visitors at the Whitney ugulnst the said estate are hereby al 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Visit at Monmouth — Mrs. Edna We are inaugurating a Mail Order Department and will required to present said claims, that day. then und there to show estate are required to present said home here Friday and Saturday. Yarnell and daughter, June, and advertise Springfield and our goods, Far, Wide, and ■luly verified us by law required, at cause, tf any you have, why said claims duly verified to said execu­ Visit Parents — Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and daughter, law office of my attorney. II. K. court shall not make an order di­ trix and executor at the office of Handsome. You can see from our prices we mean Slattery, 717 W illam ette Ht„ Eu­ recting and authorizing W. E Me C. A. W lntermeler. attorney at law. James Mitchell motored to Ashland Louise, motored to Monmouth Sun­ business. Ilargue ns administrator of said In Eugene, Oregon, within six gene. Oregon, In Eane County. Ore­ to spend the week-end with his day to speed the day visiting with gon. within six month» from the estate to sell the following des months from this 25th day of Feb­ Mrs. Leota Rodenbough, a former parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mitch One New Style Needle Threader 15c crlberl real property for the pur­ ruary, 1932. date of thl» notice. resident. O C ED IE FRANCES PETERSON ell. with One package Safety Pins, assorted sizes 5c Ikiled and first publlnhed Febru­ pose of obtaining funds ST A N L E Y JOEE KEYES. which to pay claims against said ary I I . 1932. One imported Needle Pkg., many kinds and sizes, 25c Returns to Idaho— Mrs. Howard Executrix and Executor. - state and expenses of administra- Visits Sister— Mrs. Thomas Pat Hate of la»t publication March 10. One Aluminum Thimble 5c tlon to-wlt: C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney 1932. rick of Veneta spent Frtday In Short lef» Sunday for her home at The South One H alf of the (F 25— M 3-10-17 24) One Spool Clark's White Sewing, size 50 5c AEICE M B E C K W IT H . Execu­ Si rlngfleld visiting with her sisters. Boise. Idaho, after visiting with her t*nitheast Quarter of Section One Spool Black Thread, 400 yards 10c trix of the estate of Eenter Mrs. Al Pohl and Mrs. R. P. .Mort­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. McEl Thirty-two (32) In Township Oren Beckwith, deceased. One Ladies' Best Sewing Set 15c haney, at Garden Way for the past Fourteen (141 South of Range N O T IC E ensen. II E. HEATTERY. Attorney for One Pair Shoe Laces, black or brown 5c Three ,3). West of the W iliam 10 days. Mrs. Short was formerly O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Executrix. elle Meridian and also the North One Ball Silkine 10c Candidate Here — Cal Pryor, Maigaret McElhaney. (F. 11 1826 M 3-101 Hnlf o< the Northeast Quarter Notice is hereby given that the democratic candidate for sheriff of One Pkg. Gold or Silver Eyed Needles, assorted 5c Visit at Parents' Home— Mr. and of Section Five (5) In Township undersigned administratrix of the N O T IC E O F SA LE Fifteen (161 South of Range estate of Mary 1. E. Hurlburt. de­ Lane county, and former resident Mrs. Dale Cheshire spent Sunday Total $1.00 Three (3). West of the W iliam ceased. has filed In the County of Springfield was a business visitor visiting at the home of Mrs. Che-1 NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN ell, Meridian, all In Elnn County. All for 44 cents If you will bring this ad or will mail it to us with Court of Eane County. State of here on Friday. Ihul by virtue of an execution and shire's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stale of Oregon, and containing Oregon, her final account as such 44 cents and 5c for packing and postage. As a furtner induce­ order of »ale ls»u<«l out of the C ir­ Mr, and Mrs. W. W. t One Hundred Flf(y-8even and administratrix and that the 18th Ill with Influenza— Claude Gray, Gerber. cuit court of the Htate of Oregon ment we give with the above order, free, twenty-five useful Forty-two Hundredths (157.42) day of March. A. D., 1932. at ten partner In the Poole-Gray Bartholo­ Squires of Monroe were also guests for Eane County. February 17. 1932 household articles. Money back guarantee If unsatisfactory. acre» of land subject to a mort o'clock In Ihe forenoon of said day pursunnt to a decree entered hy at the Gerber home Sunday gage of 33.000, held by the Travel in the Court Room of this Court in mew chapels in Eugene and Spring- Send for free samples of yard wide, fast color prints. said court February 17, 1932, In n er's Insurance Company. Visit from Portland — Mr. and l*ane County. State of Oregon, has field is ill at bis home with Influ­ ’ suit therein pending wherein An Also lot» (wo (2) nnd Three (3) been fixed by this court as the enza this week. Mrs. Harold Ball and two children drew Holton waa plaintiff und Han, In Block Twenty (20) of the Ex­ time and place for hearing any ob­ uel N. Roberts, Sophia A. Roberts. were visitors at the home of M r tended Survey of the Town of jection to said report, and the con Visiting Sister— Mrs. Eola Thomp Rollu W. Orr, Grace V. O rr and Springfield, Oregon, subject to a sidération and settlement thereof. son of Sweet Home Is spending a and Mrs. Jack ’ arson Sunday even M Travis, Inc., a corporation were S P R IN G F IE L D , OREG O N mortgage of 3250. B EA TR IC E WASSOM. Admin few days visiting with her sister, ing. They have been visiting in defendant», which execution and Also lot Eight (8). Block Forty- istratrlx. Portland and are now on their way ordeY of sale is to me directed and Mrs. Russell Myers at Hayden two (421 of the extended Survey (F 18 25— M 3-10-17) command» me to sell the herein to their home In California. of the Town of Springfield. Bridge this week. after described real properly to Witness Honorable C. P. Bernard »atlafy Ihe sum of ¿1877.76 to­ N O T IC E Admitted to Hospital — Among YOUTH TESTS POWDER gether with Interest thereon at Judge of the County Court of the W H ER EA S in chapter 127. gen­ 7% from date of the decree until State of Oregon for Ia»ne County, eral laws of Oregon, enacted In 1919. those admitted to the Eugene hos IT WAS REAL STUFF nnd the seal of said Court affixed paid and the further sum of 3175.00 It Is declared to be the duty of every pltal Saturday were Thelma Llpes, this 16th day of February. reuaonable attorney’s fee and co»ts hereto person, firm, copartnership, com t - 1932. Springfield. Mrs. John C. Hileman, Edwin Johnston. 16. was prowling and dl»hur»ement» of »ull, 1 will panv and corporation owning, leas­ about in an empty house near his on Monday the 21st dny of March, Attest: W. B DIEEARD, Clerk. ing. occupying, possessing or hav Mabel. G. W. Burnett, Oakridge. • 1932, at the hour of one o'clock P. By EVA L. D U CKW O RTH. Deputy Ing charge of or dominion over any home at Cobu> g Saturday and stum­ (F 18-25— M 3-10-17) Many Collect Bounties — Many M. at the front door of the Court land, place, building, structure bled across a can containing a house In Eugene, Eane Cout-ty. Ore­ wharf, pier or dock which Is Infest­ counly bounties for ifceprt-dator.v powder-like substance. He ex­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE gon, offer for »ale and sell at pub­ ed with ground squirrels and other animals have been collected dur­ REAL PROPERTY lic auction for cash to the highest noxious rodent 8 or predutory anl ing the past week. Among the amined it several times and final­ bidder subject to redemption us NO TIC E is hereby given that by mala, or as soon as the presence ly yielding to curosity decided to : provided hy law. all the right, title virtue fif an execution and order of the same shall come to his, their larger payments made on Friday light a match to test it. It was j mid Interest of the aforesaid de of sale Issued out of Ihe Circuit or Ils knowledge, at once to pro­ were those to W. M. Clark of Oak­ fendanls and each of them and all Court of the State of Oregon for ceed and to continue In good faith ridge who brought in one cougar real powder and exploded In his face badly burning him about the parties claiming hy, through or un­ Eane County thia llt h day of Feb to exterminate and destroy such OF ALL KINDS der them, the following described rimry, 1932. upon and pursuant to rodents by poisoning, trapping or nnd nine bobcat skins for 321, and face, neck and eyes. He probably real property, to-wlt: a decree duly given and made by other appropriate and effective M. McMullen, Blue River, who col I will not be permanently injured by Quick Delivery lected 314 with seven bobcats. Beginning at a point 48.92H said Court this llt h day of Febru­ means; und Ihe results of the explosion. Phone Hprlngfleld 121-M chains west and 11.72 chains ary. 1932, In a suit (lending therein W H E R E A S gray digger ground t north of the NnrthweHt corner In which The Pacific Saving» A squirrels (Clteltus douglasll) rre of Ihe Eahan Buoy D. E. C. No. Ixian A»»oclnllot>, a Washington noxious rodents In Eane County, 50, Township 19. South of Range corporation wa» plaintiff and J. Oregon, • Equally insignificant is the 3 West of W illam ette Meridian, M. Ro«e nnd other» were defendant», Now, therefore, all of such per­ run them-e South 89 deg. 21 min. which execution nnd order of »nle sons. forms, copartnerships, cor­ BO«f of operating other elec­ West 7.25 chains. North 0 deg. wa» to me directed and commanded porations nnd companies owning or tric appliances. You can make 16 min. East 13.81 chains North me to »ell the real property here­ having dominion over lnnd in sala 89 (leg. 34 min. Rnnt 7.25 chains. inafter described to satisfy certain Eane Conunty. Oregon, are hereby a pot of coffee for less than Houth 0 deg. 16 min. West 13.77 liens and charges In said decree required to take steps to extermin­ chains to plnce of beginning all specified, I will on Saturday, the ate said gray digger ground squir­ one cent, and you can even Formerly Walker-Poole In Eane County, Oregon. 19th' day of March, 1932, at the rels (Cltellus douglasll) wtthtn cook electrically for one cent a Beginning nt a point on the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M„ at the thirty days from the date of the South line of the George A Eliza­ southwest door of the County Court first publication of this notice. If EUG ENE— l lt h 8P R IN U F IB E D m eal per person. Mcst other beth M iller Donnllon Land Claim House In Eugene, Enne County, such steps are not taken, a person and Charnelton, 228 M ain Notification No. 8559 claim No. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at or persons appointed by the county electric appliances are just a t Telephone 723 Phone A2-J 66 In Township 1». S, It. 3 West public auction for cash, subject to court of said latne County will economical to operate. • Your of W illam ette Meridian which redemption as provided hy law. enter upon said lands and proceed said point Is 31.14 chains south 89 all of the right, title and Interest to exterminate said grny digger local dealer carries a complete deg. 48 min. West from the of the defendants In said stilt and ground squirrels (Cltellus dong- Southeast corner of said Claim of all parlies claiming by, through lnsll) and the cost of said extend- line of high grade appliances. No. 56 and which said corner la or under them or any of them. In nation will he levied against said In Section 22 In said township or to the following descrlln-d real lands. and range and running thenco property, to-wlt: The County Agricultural agent south 89 deg 48 min. Weal 9.015 Beginning at the Northwest hereby designates Monday, March chains, thence North 2 deg 3 corner of the tract of land con­ 28th, ns a dny to be known as min Knst 19.68 chains to a point veyed to M illie A. Fox by Eurenn "squirrel poisoning day’ throughout on the north line of a tract reg­ Zimmer and John A. Zimmer by Ihe said Eane County, and It Is istered hy W llllnm B. Thompson deed recorded In Vol. 148 at page hereby recommended that poisoned und described In original certifi­ 458 of the deed records of Eane bnrley, as prepared by the under­ cate No. 1708 nnd 13.095 chains County, Oregon, and running signed and representatives of the North 89 deg. 64 min. East from (henee East along the northerly Bureau of Biological Survey of the the northwest corner of said reg­ boundary of the tract so convey­ United States Department of Agri­ The U N I V IS istered tract thence north 89 deg. ed as aforesaid 126 feet, thence culture, be used for the purpose of 64 min. East 11.665 chains to a south 40 feet, thence westerly such extermination. Such poisoned Occupational Bifocal point 19.85 chalna north 10 deg. 125 feet to the west boundary of barley may he secured from the The linos to define I ho reading aeg East from the beginning point the tract conveyed to said M illie undersigned nt his office In Eu­ thence south 10 deg. West 19.86 A. Fox. as aforesaid, thence gene. Eane County, Oregon, at ap­ m rnt In the Illustration are drawn chains to the place of beginning North 40 feet to the place of proximately the cost of prépara heavier In »how the shape. In the containing 20.23 acres Raid 20.23 beginning. In Eane County, Ore­ tlon. len» Itself the reading »egment 1» acres being reglatered title. gon, Date of first publication of this practically Invlnlhle. Dated thl« 18th day of February, Dated this llt h day of February, notice March 3, 1932. ! 1932. 1932. (Signed) O. S. FLETCHER. 77 E. BROADWAY H. L. DOWN, Sheriff of Eane EUGENE, OREGON II. E. BOWN, Sheriff. DR. ELLA MEADE County Agricultural Counly, Oregon. By A. B. HUEEGAARD, Deputy. Agent. Optometrist I (F 18-25—-M 3-10-17) (F 18-26— M 3-10-17) (M 3-10-17* 41 W att tth Eugsns SAVE MONEY— “A ” Street S ervice Station S P R IN G - FOOTW EAR For the Ladies New Low Prices $1.98 - $2.48 $2.98 - $3.98 The Golden Rule Bargain Store Prices! Business Directory Hoffman's Variety Department Store DO YOU KNOW THAT DRY WOOD POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors EUGENE Bargain Festival Days Thursday - Friday - Saturday ■ ■ ■ Startling Values ps of coffee e c t^ n lly ■ ■ ■ Williams’ Self Service Store Mountain States Paver Company