THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH HI'ItlNOKIKIJJ, 1-ANK COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY. MARCH 3, 1832 S.H.S. 10 MEET LOWELL SQUAD Will Teat Power oí Preaa| 10 DEAL ESTATE Bridge Worker Killed Monday DEBATE WORK TO END THIS WEEK No S — — Lee Torrence Meets Sudden Several Tracts of Property Death When Struck by Tim- ¡Each Competing School Has ber at Hendricks Bridge I Two Defeats and Two Vic­ Change Hands in Upper Mc­ Kenzie District Recently tories for Efforts Runner-up Team of *B* Lea­ gue Earns Right Tuesday to Enter 'A' League Play Pastor to Attend Peace Meeting CHURCH PAGEANT WILL BE FRIDAi Rev. Poindexter Granted Per­ mission to Attend Large Forty Adults Have Parte in Eastern Gathering Soon Religious Presentation; Mita Parrish is Director Permission to take a leave of l^ie Torrence, foreman of a state ' Considerable reel estate activity | «»rMge «'•”» •« work at - absence during which he will at­ GAMES START ON FRIDAY IS HERE TODAY In the upper McKeoale regios ha. » * • * •* * “ bridas, died on the way tend a World Peace conference MANY NEW MEMBERS 'b“ ,1'"P|‘al .Monday morainal ~ lieen noted re< ently. Two property among church worker» at Haver- ' McArthur Court Scene of All Vina two transféra Involving two farm, farms were• ware “n *r be hud "’" ’•»ed “ '»«»I blow Outcome of Meets Practically ford. Pennsylvania, was granted Sermon Subjects and Special Contests; Finals to be Play­ to hla chest hy a tini tier which bei Surs to End in Tie; Next reportad durine the past week Rev. Dean c . Poindexter, pastor, by Music Announced for Each Col Frank K n o x, publisher of the ed Saturday at 7:30 Mr and Mrs. Ijtwrence May o f . * ““ » “ 'P“ '«“ »« Action ig Uncertain Chicago D ally N e w t, hat been asked the official church board Tuesday Evening of Next Week by Hoover to start propaganda, to Hprlngfleld have purchased the Im Members of the crew were lower- Al Smith will run for the Presi evening. With three "A" league victories i’- i proipcrout citizens from hotrd- lioff farm at Thumtoo from Mr | ln* Umbers over the side of the Two round-robin debates between den, y again as the Democratic itxnd Rev, Poindexter has been chosen Greatest Interest In the revival in order to brina back pros- and Mrs. David linhoff and look ,***’ approach to the bridge where j both affirmative and negative out of a total of elahl game, r , ard-bearer if his party wants him ft ¿'»o.’iw'hM publiciy a n n ö u n c e d T b u l ; th* Oregon Epworth ' “mpalgn now being held at the t Hprliigfleld'a high school liaakat possession ut once. They have al ‘ Utey have been working for the ** s sii from each of the four high he will make no effort to land th< Leagues at this gathering to be ’ hrlstlan church centers about the bull team will anter the dlalrlct ready started remodeling the build P“** ,wo weeks when one timber | ” '•**arts entered In the district has *"•” held some time in June at Haver-, xellglous pageant to be given Frt- tournament In Kusene tomorrow logs and generally Improving tb, became lodged against the aide of left the problem of selecting th e ! ford college. The meeting is called •’•F evening by a cast of forty night a rival of Itoaeburg for third champions aa much In the air as I property. Other property Is said to ,h* bank. Mr. Torrence attempted by authorities of the college which **»*•. The pageant. “United at pluce on the pre-tournament dope liuve figured In this transaction. *° Mlaaae It, being alone at the time before the meets were started. 11» a Friends school and will Include The Croas.’’ Is being directed by sheet. What's morn the lan e coun­ Mrs. Marie Johnson of Seattle 1,1 i,Im Injury. G. C. Gable, working Hprlngfleld and Cottage Urove | représentative» from moat young Mia» Lilly Parrish, musician for ty "8" league winner, Mt. Mary's bus purebused an acreage near the i wl(h the crew happened to (lance taaiiis will match arguments at peoples organlxatlon» in all the evangelistic party. It Is divid­ high school, has also tucked two I Cedar Flat school from Georg, backwards nnd saw Torrence fall both schools this afternoon and churches. ed into four scenes and has special victories over Hprlngfleld under her llarl anil-plans (o make her home backwards. Efforts to rush him to Eugene and Roseburg will meet , musical adaptations. Some of the A similar gathering was held last bell earlier In the season. there. a hospital failed as he bad died Friday. This was to have ended songs will be given by the entire year at which time a Portland man A. Allen, Portland, Breaks have opened the way for! Colonel I, Other real estate deals reported before reaching Eugene. Clarence the tournament, hut It Is doubtful . _ ..... . . represented the Oregon Epworth cast while Veltle Pruitt will furnish Hprlngfleld, however, us she ha.1 Coming Wednesday; Towns- recently Include the sale of the ¡Hlmon. Lane county coroner. In now that this can he accomplished. Rev. Whitesmith to Talk on I league». special selections. Everyone is In­ Anglers, a former summer resort v‘‘H Uxated and declared the death been scheduled to meet the Lowell people Invited to Attend vited to attend this production. To date, all of the schools enter Trip to Ireland; Mrs. David team In the third game of the tour 1 — —.— properly, to Dr Royal Glck of Eu ,b,‘ of ““ unavoidable accl cd have won two and lost two de­ Special sermon subjects for the Saltsman is Hostess nament and the first of the evening 1 Final plan, for the annual In gone who Is having the buildings bates. Cottage Urove defeated Eu next week of the campaign have session Friday at McArthur court1 «pc, tlon of Hprlngfleld unit. First turned around to face the new high Funeral services were held Wed gene there this week and then the been prepared by Elery Parr tab. Member» of the Springfield Civic I on the university campus. ; lleudquurters company C, 162nd way uud Is doing other Improve J uesday at 2:30 from Me Vcatch same Eugene high school came dub will hold a St. Patrick's meet- evangelist. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of chapel. Rev. Milton 8. Weber of back to take a meet from the ing Tuesday afternoon, March 8. at Eight teams will be entered In. Infantry are being completed now tnent work there. the church will alto sing special W. II. King, former owner of the Delated and the remains were sent Hprlngfleld group Tuesday after the home of Mrs. David Saltsman., the play. There are only flvtc and everything will be lu readlneea solos at the meetings. The nightly schools In the "A'' league. Rose before the arrival of the Inspecting Deurhurn ranch has again acquired to the Portland Crematorium for noon, so It seems certain that the 709 Mill street, starting at 2 o'clockj programs are aa follows: ! cremation. burg. Eugene, University High, I party headed hy Colonel II. A this tract of property. Thursday, March 3, sermon: local school will be fortunate to Rev. Ernest M. Whitesmith, pas- Robt. Richardson Writes Best Collage drove and Hprlngfleld. and ' Allen next Wednesday evening ac Mr and Mrs. Frank 8ldwell have Torrence la survived by hla break even la the dual match. | tor tbe Community Liberal Essay on George Washing­ "Who Made the D ev lir solo; "The the winners of the "11" league In , cording to C. A. Hwarta. first lieu purchased the Pinkston place al , widow, a aon. Eugene, and a (laugh Old Rugged Cross.” Eugene la almost certain to win church In Eugene, will be the prin- ton for Boy Scouts j ter. Mrs. Julia Green, all of Eugene. Lane and Douglas counties, both j tenant In charge of the company Ml Vernon. Friday. March 4. pageant. "United landtag of the meetings at the _____ Washington's retreat across New ____ _ , Cole verslty debating team, judged the Misses ______ Myrtle ___ and Wanneta Ing Lowell she will have lo face| V„„.B w ,„ |Bni <„x, Nurva| F(IBB, conference was I he address by Miss and his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. | Ku*‘,ne Springfield debate here and B r o th er h o o d Representatives Jersey; the manner in which he has been away for many weeks now during the campaign in Springfield. Eugene high Saturday morning al Vernon l.llcs, Theo Mobley, Roy Esther McCullough. In charge of M. Mullins. Hprlngfleld, route 1. I declared the home team winner, to Gather Monday to Form turned and struck the pursuing One of the largest crowds to at­ 10:30 as lhe Eugene squad Is sure Severson and Ivan Starmer. enemy at Trenton and Princeton the Japanese Mission in Seattle.; (.’,,„eral services were held Tuea- John Knox, high school professor Sub-District Group tend the evangelistic meeting here to win over Cottage Grove. and then established himself on the ----------- She spoke Hunday morning during , ,|By niornlng „ froni HrftnBtet. of science and Spanish is coaching was at the church last night to hear Admission to the games will be ihe church hour Organization of a sub-district heights of Morristown, overlooking the sermon "What Will You Do | ters chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. V. Ihe debate squad. W. E. Buell, 25c for each session. Special sea­ New York; and the vigorous resist principal. Is In charge of the de­ Plans for sending . delegation s „ verB „„d and Interment Methodist Brotherhood organisation Wl’h Jesus’" This was young peo­ son tickets for students are now on Iron, Hprlngfleld to Roseburg to at- was made In Marcóla cemetery. bating work for this district ln among the groups in the Southern ance to British occupation of Phila­ ple's night and more than 125 re­ sale at the schools for 60 cents the state meet If It Is possible to half of the Cascade district will be delphia all marked him as a com­ mained for the social hour following *en,l the Umpqua UHHOi latloll World each. select one. Wide Guild ,-onference on March effected here Monday night when petent military leader. That record the service. Members of the girls 18. were disc uaaed at the meeting LETTER FROM RUSSIA delegates from all congregations In was crowned by the terrible winter glee club of the Eugene Bible col­ of the group last night. ASKS COPIES OF "NEWS' LIONS WILL HEAR ,h,‘' dl8,r,ct Rather at the Metho- of 1777-78 at Valley Forge, when in lege sang during the service, and MISSION GROUP PLANS Plan» have also been announced j ----------- tUat church. The session will open spite of the misery of his soldiers, Veltie Pruitt gave the solo. "The CANDLELIGHT SERVICE D E B A T E S ON FRIDAY W|tb a dinner to be served at 6:30 ’he clamor of people tired of war, Lily of the Valley.” An Interesting letter received by W. A. Taylor to Hold Open for an open meeting of the guild with members of the Women's Mis- ’he editor of the Springfield News u . .v ... , ln ,he d,ninR room by members of the delays of a fugitive congress The world is filled with three House in New Location Fri­ slonury circle and of the junior from Russle asks him to send “Jesus' Reverence for Personal Members of the affirmative and , he i ad)es Ajd and the intrigues to have him sus­ kinds of people today, declared the negative debating teams at the lly,” will lie the theme of the morn day - Saturday This Week World Wide Guild as guests. This copies of his paper to that country Springfield high school will con-! Dr w A «-''ey. district superin­ pended. he held his position and evangelist last night. Everyone Ing service at the Methodist church kept his starving army to its task." knows that there «a a Chrlat, some meeting will be held at the church for exhibition at the All Nations III the evening at 7:30 members of j W A. Taylor's While Front Gro­ on March 8. An Initiation cere­ Press Exhibition. The letter In­ duct a short debate at the weekly! . reject him. others accept him. and the Woman's Foreign Missionary cery store will hold open house and mony will be performed ns one vites contributions of newspapers, meeting of the Lions club Friday.“ * n,ee’in< V,s,tor8 W,H be wel many do nothing about him, he by Cbarles P Poole' mem FATHER OF DENTIST society will give a missionary page- grand opening Friday and Satur­ event on the program which la to magaxlnes. yearbooks, almanacs, i The subject will be Compulsory Un- ber of the local organisation, and a said. He likened these people to PASSES AT ASTORIA ant In the form of a candle light day of this week In the new location be open to the public. employment Insurance Legislation. J posters, etc. The purpose of the short program will be given before Pontius Pilate who tried to wash service. The sermon subject In the at 427 Main street. The store was -------------------------- j exhibition Is to show the historical There will be no decision. C. S. Dow. father of Dr. W. N. his hands of all responsibility in Efforts to create a better appear the regular business session. evening will be "The Man Who opened In Its new location Mouday, American press. ance In the city for those who drive This program will include selec­ Dow. Springfield dentist, died at the conviction and death of Jesus. Fought Against the Stars." Rev lint there has been many changes EPWORTH LEAGUE PLANS j ; states the communication which Seven r.ew members were taken Poindexter will preach I mi II i ser­ and finishing touches to add to the FOR FELLOWSHIP SUPPER hears the address Tiflis. Republic through or who come here for tions by a quartet consisting of Astoria Friday following a linger­ Mrs. S. 8. Potter. Miss Leone El ing illness. He was 89 years old. into the church last night. This mons. visits will be undertaken by a com various departments before the Georgia, post office box 25. U mlttee of the Lions club It was *'ott. Paul Potter, and Fred Buell Funeral services were held at As­ brings the total for the campaign The church school meets at 9:45. owner wished to hold a pul,lie In­ Epworth League members of the 8. R. decided at the last meeting. Mem- and xylophone solos by Miss Bar toria Monday at the Riverview to 49 It was stated. The school la growing and conllnu spect Ion. Hprlngfleld Methodist church will cemetery. bers of the club quartet sang dur­ bars Barnell. ally Increasing It» program of Coffee, sandwiches and cookies chieftain the young people of the ENTERTAIN FOR THREE Four sons and three daughters HEALTH CLINICS AT P. J. Bartholomew, president of ing the program period. Coburg church at a fellowship sup Chrlatluu education for all age». will be served to all visitors during survive. They are L. M. Dow. Al­ the local Brotherhood will preside. TABLES OF BRIDGE the day and a special prlxa Is being per In the church reception reeni TWO SCHOOLS SLATED aska; F. 9. Dow. and Arthur Dow. Sunday evening ut 5:30. Following offered lo the person making the GIRL SCOUTS PLANT SPRINGFIELD HAS OWN Boston; C. R. Dow, Mrs. C. C. Kaup. ftnd Mrs. Alfred Malo enter- SENIORS ANNOUNCE Clinics at the Glenwood school largest rash purchnse Saturday. he social hour Mrs. Poindexter will ' Mrs. Frank Frickey, and Mrs. G. In West Springfield, and at Cres­ TREE ON SCHOOL YARD LEAP YEAR BABY Special low prices have been mark­ give the second of a series of talks tklned at their home Tuesday even NUMBERS ON PROGRAMS N. Raymond, all of Astoria, and Dr. well schools are being held today. upon her experiences In South Am­ ing for three tables of bridge. The Members of the Springfield Girl A birthday every four year», and ed on most of the merchandise for erica us a teacher of music In a house was decorated In the St. Pat Dow. Dr. Seth M Kerron, Lane county Senior numbers for programs at tills celebration event. one which will add that number of Mr. Dow had been ill for some health officer, and Miss Bessie Wil­ rick color scheme. Guests were Mr. Scout troop planted a red cedar the high school during the next six girls school ut Conception. Chile. The store will also carry a full years to hl» age Is the fate of n and Mrs. J. M. Larson. Mr. and Mrs tree on the Lincoln school grounds weeks were announced thia week time. Friday Dr. and Mrs. Dow liams are In charge of the examina­ Infant ion born lo Mr. and Mrs. line of feeds uml seeds It has been John llenderer, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Friday afternoon. The ceremony by Geraldine Wilkinson, chairman. were called to Astoria. They re­ tion. WEEKLY TRAINING CLASS Hchaffenberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. began with group singing of “Am­ C. F. Peeraon In tills city Monday, announced. turned to their home here Tuesday They are March 11, senior girls Mr. Taylor recently purchased Bn February 29. 1932. The next birth ADVANCED TO MONDAY Dibblee, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Logan, erica. The Beautiful" led by Mrs. quartet; March 18, vocal solo. Bud evening. MAN BREAKS AND Interest In the bunding and has day for thia child will be In 1936. and Miss Annls McGookln. Mrs W. K. Barnell. and a short talk by Mr». Roy Moore. Portland, 1» an­ had carpenters, plasterer», and The weekly Sunday school teach­ Larson and Mr. Dibblee won high Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, who was Thelnes; March 25, violin solo, El­ LIFE IN CHILE SCHOOL SPRAINS SAME ANKLE dred Glaspey; April 8, piano solo, other person who doe» not have painters busy for more than n er's training course which Rev. prlxes and Mr. Schaffenberg re In charge of the program, a recita­ TOLD TO LEAGUE CROUP Bert Glllons suffered a sever« tion of the Joyce Kilmer poem, Orval McPherson; April 16. violin birthday» oftener than every four month completely remodeling the Dean C. Poindexter, pustor of the celved the consolation gift. sprain-fracture of the ankle on his "Trees," by the Girl Scouts who quartet, Maxine Swarts, Eldred years. Mr». Moore 1» a daughter building for his purposes. Methodist church is conducting Customs and manners of the peo­ left leg Friday while working at were dressed ln their uniforms. All Glaspey. Gene Hamblin and James of Mrs. A. E. Bartlett and la »pend­ every Tuesday evening was ad­ YOUTH ACCIDENTALLY of the girls assisted ln the actual West; April 22, vocal solo, June ple of Chile and especially of the the Lewis Lumber company. The ing a few day» here visiting with LEGION MEETINGS TO BE vanced lo Monday this week only Danka. school children were explained to bone was broken and the ligaments SHOT W ITH 22 RIFLE planting of the tree. her mother. because of the official board meet­ Each class at the school is sup- members of the Epworth League of sprained in the same foot. HELD HERE TONIGHT ing which was held Tuesday even­ | posed to contribute one number the Methodist church Sunday even­ The 11 year old son of Dr. and _ . ____________ CHURCH MEN ATTEND jof entertainment for the weekly ing by Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, In The regular meeting of the ing. Mrs. John Simon of Eugene was BAPTISTS TO CONDUCT TWO CARS DAMAGED FINANCE MEETING Springfield American Legion poat shot Sunday while playing with CAMPAIGN AT DORENA »«»•«nbly periods Friday mornings. the first of a series of three dis­ numlter 40 will he held al the Com LEGION WILL SPONSOR IN MISHAP SATURDAY ----------- These numbers will be given by the cussion meetings on these people. companions near Pleasant Hill. The Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. Wm. O. munlty hall In Springfield tonight Mrs. Poindexter rpent more than Rev. William G. Taylor, pastor of seniors as their contributions. DANCE ON SATURDAY Sinton family were visiting friends One wheel and a fender on the Hughes. Dr. N. W. Emery and I)r. according to Walter N. Gossler, five years as a teacher at a girls' In that community and the youth the Springfield Baptist church and automobile belonging to R. W. Jack, W. II Pollard attended the sub-dls commander. Membership problems One of the regular American Le­ went out with his gun. The trigger Kenneth Tobias, missionary for the HOMEMAKERS TO MEET schools at Conception, Chile. trlet meeting of Methodist church will probAhl.v be discussed at the gion dances will be held at the was evidently caught on something American Sunday school union left The discussions will continue dur­ Springfield, route I, were damaged W ITH LEADER TODAY ing the next two League meetings Saturday when the machine was hoards which was held ut the Green meeting. This will be the first meet­ Thurston hnll Saturday evening ac­ while carrying It through the brush. the first of the week for Dorena, struck by one driven by A. F. Can­ Lantern Tavern In Eugene Wednes­ ing for a moll 111. The meeting sche­ cording to an announcement made! The bullet lodged In the fleshy south of Cottage Grove where they Members of the Future Home­ trell, Eugene. Jack was attempting day evening Finances and their re­ duled for two weeks ago was can­ this week by J. M. Larson, dunce part of the boy’s leg, are conducting an evangelistic cam­ makers Four-H club at the Lincoln to make a reverse turn on Main lationship to demands and needs of celled been use of conflicting events. manager for the Springfield Legion paign. The length of the campaign school will meet this afternoon at TWO MORE STORES TO Ihe church were discussed at the The meeting tonight will begin post number 40. Members of the CHURCH CLASS WILL has not been set. but will probably the home of their leader, Mrs. L. GET MAIN ST. FRONTS street when he was struck by the other car. Cantrell admKted hla dinner meeting. Wendllng. Junction with a potluck supper at 6:30 and Weston colored trio will preform be two weeks. K. Page, to dlscusR plans for a ENTERTAIN TUESDAY fault In the accident and agreed to City, Oakridge, Eugene and Spring- each person attending Is urged to during the dance he stated. Two more Springfield business candy sale to be held soon. The pay the damage hill. field Methodist churches were re­ bring a knife, fork, spoon, plate and club also will plan two luncheons firms will move to Main street soon Members of the Ergatha Sunday LIBRARY BOARD HAS presented at the meeting. cup. it was announced this week. The ¡MAP OF PRISON CAMP to be held to complete their work. school class of the Methodist SILVER TEA MONDAY latest change will be the moving FRIENDS ARE INVITED LOANED TO HIGH SCHOOL church will entertain the members of the Springfield Electric store MRS. WILSON HOSTESS QUILT CLUB MEETING FOR EVENING OF CARDS of the Women’s Home Missionary Many Hprlngfleld residents were! LEGION LADIES SEW and the plumbing shop owned by Au Interesting map of the old society nnd the quilting club at a present at the silver tea held at FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB IS POSTPONED HERE CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN N. L. Pollard and Al Pohl, from Baxter Young and Mias Mabel Andersonville prison camp used luncheon In the church Tuesday the home of Mrs. N. W. Emery Mon­ their present locations on North Hunter entertained a group of Mlrs. Gertrude Wilson will he The regular meeting of the Quilt during the Ulvll War days has been nfternoon at 1 o’clock. day afternoon for the benefit of the Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew enter Fifth street to the building adjoin­ friends at bridge at the home of hostess nt her home on Emerald club which bad been aclieduled for loaned to the history department Library fund. Members of the Lib­ tained at her home Friday after­ ing the lrlah-Murphy grocery store Mr. Young last Thursday evening. Heights today lo members of Ihe the home of Mrs. Nina McPherson, of the high school by relatives of Leave for Longview — Mr. and rary board were In charge. During Guests included Mr and Mrs. Frank Needle-raff club. The meeting will Friday evening has been cancelled Ihe late Zneharluh Kintxley. Some Mra. Ernest Skinner left Tuesday the afternoon Mrs. Dean C. Poin­ noon for members of the sewing'on the West, club of the American Legion auxi­ Workmen are busy this week re- Logan. Mr. and Mra. Claude Cook. begin at 2:30 and will have Mrs. It was announced today. The next old books have also been brought for their home at Longview. They dexter and Mrs. M. V.- Walker en­ liary. Members spent their time modeling the building. It will prob Miss Dolly Campbell and Mias Mar Floyd Thompson as assistant host- meeting will ho held on Ihe regu to the school for reference pur­ purchased some property while tertained with piano selections and sewing pajamas for the Legion ably be March 16 before the move tha Campbell, Waltervllle, and Mrs. lar meeting night. poses. here. Mrs. Jane Ketela gave readings. home at Portland. will be mode according to Pohl. I M. H. Bales, Powers, Oregon. Gt V S M E N SEI k 'NSPECÏION CIVIC CLUB PLANS Essays Written On Washington IN SONG CONTEST MENTO ORGANIZE HEBE GROCERY OPENS IN NEW LOCATION