THE 8PRINGPIELD NEWS PAGE POUR PRYOR OUT FOR SHERIFF’S POST RUNS FOR SHERIFF Lincoln School Notes | M odem A rchitecture Replace» N ew York Tenem ent Building THURSDAY. KKHRUARY 26. 1932 CITIES LEAGUE TO TALK PROBLEMS The program that wus given in honor of George Washington's birthday was as follows: Toy Orchestra, first grade; seiet lions ht kindergarten under Mr Scora of Matter* Confronting oong Seek* Attorney Office, Burch. “Three I.Itile Sisters." first ' All Corninunitia* Will Be and second grade; "Many Flag»." Rust Commissioner, and Discussed by Authorities , first and second ¡grades; "Hats Poole Coroner's Place if f '" Virginia Pohl and Jackie W ashington, D. C.. Fell. Ii. Sherman; Busy Polks," Elisabeth Between MID and Hull officials of The shortening of the period be erest i.i the coming presidential But lea and Delorls Keeler; George yurloiis clllen of Oregon are ex­ fore the primary election» on May impaign has been stimulated ay W ashington, first grade boys, ' pected Io gather al Ihe University 2D 1« serving now to bring out the enncancem enl by Vlfrcd K.'"What the Plag Pay»," Roberta ■if Oregon Friday and Halurday of into the open, many of those who ihuit that he will ruu on lb. Rebhan; Which General" Donald lllls week fur Ihe session* Ilf Ihe The model building shown stave is to he erected in the heart ol the slum district in New York’s lower ■democratic ticket if draft.-1, have been supporting a secret de­ Toomb; Tap dance. Roberta Reb , League of Oregon Cities Io hear East Side. On account of its economy ol constructsm, rooms can he rented (or ,1 0 dt a ns iith oi even less, leav­ ban; Washington exercise, third and lake pari III dlncusnlnun of sire to hold certain county political ing a profit for the owners A group of model» in which the one above is uwluilrd, showing the Issiirs of ihe Mr. hoover is practically t-nchal- trade; Martha and George" Beryl many vllal problems now faelug future, is to be taken across the country for exhibition in Philadelphia Hanford, lais Angeles, Buffalo, Cleveland. positions. leuged as (he Ret ublican candidate, Robertson ar.d Frank Anderson. **“ • —i Wnrrvam and Cambridge all civic groups All sessions will lattest to positively thrsiw his and Calvin Coolidge has declared Washington's Life" fifth grade, j I lie held al Gerlluger hall on the hat Into the ring is Cal A. Pryor as be will support him. But Just as harmonica band, eighth grade. W in Olyrp pk Skating Contents ] campus. American« Democrallc candidate for sheriff Gov. luHeevelt. of New York, seem February Twenty Second.'* Warren USES OF ELECTRICITY CAL A. PRYOR "Too lung lhe cities of Oregon He seeks the post on a platform cd io have the Democratic nomina­ Ingram; "Washington" girls glee ARE FOUND EXPANDING have ailed selfishly and an Indi­ of economy, efficiency, and honest tion sewed up. some of his support­ : club. NEW FORD DETAILS vidual UBlta. wllhuill regard to Ihe law enforcement. He is a farmer ers even going so far as to say that The depression Is not keeping ARE EXPECTED SOON it would take only two ballots to iK«X’‘d a practice basketball One of ihe mosl Interesting ills manufacturer some time ago. a general extension of rural power state police and other law enforce­ delegates for him In Ihe various kamr with Ihe high school girls lines in the state. cuaaloas of the conclave Is expect Mr. Pord has slated that his com­ ment agencies.” ed to center around a discussion ol pany will build an improved four s,a,e prin,arle8 Every delegate he Tuesday afternoon. They will play The conference held under the Jack Shea ( le f t ) proved the first Am erican io win at the Olyotluc a regular game with Coburg after taxation of municipal utilities, such It is almost certaiu that Harry and a new eight-cylinder car. The i e ‘8' “ 18 “ellw ed here, will have Games this year H e was first to breast the tape in the MKLmeter event auspices of (be agricultural engin­ an water systems, gulf courses and 1 he ’•« be deducted from those who had school Friday. Bown, present incumbent will seek eight will be a V type. Ir v in g Jaffee. another N ew Y orker, won the 5.000 meter event also on eering department of the school of The boys team played Pleasant electric plants. re-election. He is also a Democrat. chassis for the new cars will be be,'n placed on ,h* Roo8eTel‘ col agriculture, has become an auuuul the Opentng day o l the contests at Lake ila c id . Hill Wednesday after school and so built as to accommodate either!umn' SeTeral 8,a,e8 are known ,0 Others who have announced (heir clearing house for exchanging In­ The sessions are open Io all Intentions are Donald Young who a four or an eight cylinder engine. be for Smith, in preference to any w«« expected declared himself a candidate for hibltion of the new Ford car as En«land s,a‘«« tural engineers with the experi­ I AENEAS CLUB MEETS Waller Mctlregor, Springfield county commissioner to succeed O. they feel that there can be no up- to faTOr ,he ‘Happ’' Warrior." and ment station. WITH MRS. C. E. SWARTS musician, who was in have led Ihe E. Crowe, and Charles P. Poole ward movement in the motor car thelr 80,10,1 wl" vhange ,h* <” W Newest development reported on ORCHESTRA TOUR IS I orchestra wns only one of a large by 'he ’ — — — — — • this year and one that hus proved has started an aggressive campaign industry until Ford plans have whelmlng load PROMOTERS SCHEME Member* of Ihe Aeneas club Were Roosevelt faction to a perhaps in Mrs. Ira Gray left last Friday for number who were duped. for election as county coroner on been made known Instantly popular with producers. Is guests of Mrs C. K. Hwarts al her ’ significant total. : Marshfield to spend several days the Republican ticket. Musicians and entertainers who the electric hot bed. More than Extra workmen have been added home on E street Tuesday after • • • 1 visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl 75 growers in Oregon, most of them Iasi week bail had visions of tour­ IUKA CIRCLE ENJOYS In soliciting the support of his to the staff personnel at Portland noon. Miss Edna Hwarts was as At least two other candidates are Simms In and around Portlaud have al­ ing the Pacific const on a vaude­ friends for the coroner office. Mr. and Seattle and actual assembling expected to benefit by Smith’s de Miss Mildred Price who Is teach- POTLUCK SUPPER sistant hostess The afternoon was ville circuit are uow back home Poole, who is interested in funeral of the automobile bodies has start­ claration. They are John N. Gar- ing at The Dalles this year spent ready Installed thia equipment. »peni with enlerlalnmenl and re homes in Eugene and Springfield, ed, although no motors have been ner. of Texas, and Newton D. I the past week-end with her parents Use of electric power In irrigit wiser for their experience. Members of Iuka Circle, latdlea frehmenls Mrs. J. T. Moore will declares that he has been in the received. tlon drew major attention during One. Cruger, who represented of Ihe O A It enjoyed a potluck entertain the group at her home ------------------------------------ s Baker, of Ohio. Close observers here. Mr. and Mrs. John Price, undertaking business for 20 years here place the chances now of lead- The Thurston grade school Is the conference, while farm refrig­ himself ns field agent for a vaude­ supper at the dose of their Hirel­ for their next meeting and has lived within 50 miles of ing candidates in the following or- closed this week as Miss Travis eration. electrically operated or­ ville company apparently toured ing Iasi Thursday at (he home of Those attending were Mrs. 8. C Eugene during all that time. der: . primary teacher, has the mumps chard spray systems, power feed the coast cities signing as many Mrs. Urayden Lewis. The next Wright. .Mrs. L. May. Mrs. N W About 25 students of the Pleas- The coroner position has been 1. John N. Garner; 2. Newton D. and s<’me ot ,he »'“dents also are grinders, milking machine opera prospective entertainers as pos sesalon of the group will tie held Emery. Mrs J T Moore. Mrs. I. tlon. hot-water pasteurisers amt Bible milking arrangements in bave March 3. al (he borne of Mrs Ellen K I'age, Mrs J. Fulop, Mrs. Kila held by Marion Veatch of the ant Hill high school were absent Baker; j Franklin D. Roosevelt; having ,hem Mr. Robertson, who is living on sterilizers, corn drying apparatus them assemble al Ihe Dufwln then Barker. Veatch chapel, and has been held Tuesday on account of Illness. 4, Alfred E. Smith. Governor Ritch Lumburd. and (he two hoslenaea. Marvland and Meivln Taylor. H E Morris P|ao° had "a»vral by the late W. W. Branstetter for Marie Maltyou and Myrtle Hogan ,e the chteag0 banker, are ,be nl0g, sheep killed last week by dogs. , the past 12 years. Clarence Simon, are both sick with pneumonia The women of Pleasant Hill dis - promlnent of the dark horgeg ln Miss Leone Edmlston spent the business partner of Mr. Branstetter j past week end at Drain. who was appointed to serve out the trict met at the home of Mrs. Andy tbe popular)ty w(th Mrs. My rtle McKelvey from Stev-‘ unexpited term of Mr. Branstetter. Olson Monday. February 22 and to a lecture by 5Lss -kow countr, lg due enson. Washington, and Mr. and has announced his intention to seek on gar■ en panning r e » o e {' bls *” n to ill visions.'’ regarding the acriplural position of the Church of Christ on Ihe a local physician in commenting on honor of Taylor Circle who has par,y or lhe ««Publicans. * a» question at hand. the George Washington baby born III. The Bible condemns division nmong Christian* a* traded his property at Pleasant prwnp,1y enacted. As the Demo- As members of Ihe New Testament Church, founded by to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stafford at a sinful work of the flesh. Hill for a ranch on the McKenzie cratle candida,e' bo w1» be ab>e ,0 Cbrlst upon the day of Pentccorl, we do 11 it claim to be nor their home Monday. February 22. I Gal. .1 1921 Now the works of Ihe flesh are manifest river. Mr. Circle is moving now. Christian Unity. In this scripture we have division*, parties and factious, ning formerly of Pleasant Hill to ven,l°" 'he Texan will be in THE PLOW uniong God's people catalogued with Ihe most horrible sins. 1. John Wesley: Claude M. O'Brien pastor of the ,he fron‘ of ,he balloting. hls en- By Richard Hengist Horne "I would to God (hat all party names and uiiscrlpturai 1 Cor. 3:3. "For ye are yet carnal; for whereas there Is Pleasant Hill church last year took ,h »»ia»tlc supporters are now Above yon somber swell of land phrases and forms which have divided the Christian world among yon jealousy and strife, are ye nol carnal? And do ye not place Friday evening at 8 o'clock c*ain,lnS- Thou seest ths- dawn’s grave walk after Ihe manner of men? were forgotten.” An M akes and Models at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. R Newton D. Baker's appeal to tbs orange hue. cf. "Universal Knowledge ' Vol IX, I'g. 540. S P R IN G F IE L D R A D IO SHO P Malt 15:9. "In vain do they worship me leaching as their Ford at Eugene. Mr. and Mr . country Is based upon a long and doctrines ihe precepts of men." 115 So. 4th Phone 75W I O'Brien will make their home at unblemished career In public of- With one pale streak like yellow 2. M artin Luther: sand. 1243 High street in Eugene. Rom. 16:17. "Now I beseech you. hrethern. mark them (bat “I pray you to leave my name alone, and call not your­ fice. and particularly on his work And over that a vein of blue are causing divisions xml occasion* of stumbling, contrary to the selves Lutheran», but Christians Cease, my dear friends, as secretary of war in W'ilson's doctrine which ye learned; and turn away from them." to cling to these party numes and distinctions; away wltli cabinet dcring the World war. He Thp air |g co|d aboTe woodg; Division breed» »keptlctxm, hinders evangelism, create* is one of the strongest men In the x ,| gl)ent (g the eartb and gky> them all; and let us call ourselves Christians after Him Jealousies, canses grief, waales money, weakens Christianity, from whom our doctrine comes." councils of the Ohio Democratic Except w|,h h)g own ,onely moodg divides homes and obscures the way io salvation. cf. Life of Luther—by Stark. Pg. 289. ’ P“r,y- The blackbird holds a colloquy. • • e IV. The Bible plainly outlines the divine plan for 3. Form er President Harrison: The anti-Hoover sentiment seems i Over the broad hill creeps a beam. Christian Unity. "The value of Christian Unity Is great at home, but Like hope that gilds a good to be declining. The chief opposi­ tenfold greater in the mission field, where divisions suggest 1 Mai. 28:18. "All authority bath been given to me in man’s brow; tion to him has been based upon other prophets besides Jesus. heaven and on earth." the charge that he has done noth­ And now ascends the nostril-steam 1 • or. 3:11. "For other foundation can no man lay ihun that 4. Francis E. C lark ; Of stalwart horses come to plow. ing constructive to combat the "The most pitiable sight 1 saw in tbe foreign lands was which Is laid which is Christ Jesus." hard times. This theory no longer that of churches that bad been gathered out of heathenism, Ye rigid plowman, bear in mind Eph. 4:4 6. "There Is one body, and one Spirit, even as aleo holds, observers here say. pointing rent in twain by sectarian Jealousy which had been in­ Your labor is for future hours! ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, to the two billion dollar Recon­ troduced from the so-called Chrlatlan lands." Advance—apart not—don’t look be­ one baptism, one God and father of ull, who Is over all and struction Finance Corporation, now through all und In all.” hind, O NE OF MINE MEW I 5. Albert Barnes; actually effective, and his subse- Plow deep and straight with all "These divisions should be merged into the holy name The inspired Apostle Paul reveals In this scripture Ihe AMAZIMG » O D E L S I quent move to coax the hidden your powers. 'Christian'.” »■•yen fundamental principles of Christianity for the unity of money reserves of the country out ' God's people, which Include all essentials and exclude all non- of the pockets of the hoarders. The 6. A. J. Gordon: NOTICE esaentlals. “If lhe church is the body of Christ she must have Ltwo measures are expected by him. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ihe same name as her head. It would be atrunge If my One God, demands unity of worship. and most of the economists, to do Notice Is hereby given that Leone body and my head should bear different names. In some One Lord, demumls unity of authority. much towards halting Ihe present T. Montgomery, executrix has filed comments on the passage, Acts 11:26, "The disciples were depression. her f,nal report and account In the One liuptism, demands unity of practice. in selecting a chairman for the "'in °*!h ° , .Mo’’t200 out of HTATi" a e chasAM which ban been en­ depression. - C. A. Wlnterineier, attorney at law, SPECIAL TERMS gineered to provide image rejector cinuit for on tui I II pence, good will to m en.” When the Church, the body of Christ, is torn apart organic­ The two movements, taken to 1 ,1 ,® u«®ne’ .?reK O n.L _ 1 w l,h1'; exceptional selectivity and a perfected automatic months from this 25th day of Feb- ally it is rent asunder spiritually, spiritual and organic unity Signed ELEIIY PARRISH, Evangelist, volume control. gether, are expected to restore Mr. ruary 1932 are Inspearable. They cannot come one before the other, but VELTIE PRUITT, Pantor. Hoover's popularity entirely and, GOLDIE FRANCES PETERSON STANLEY JOEL KEYES, the Republican leaders assert, will Executrix and Executor. return him as ftie victor In next A. WINTERMEIER, Attorney. I November's battle of ballots. (F 26—M 3-10-17-24) W ASHING TO N Thurston Ipper Willamette CHRISTIAN UNITY Radio AREAL RADIO VALUE 75 00 F COMPIETE WITH TUBE) 8 TUBES ^JuH Size CONSOLE Lotv R A D IO WRIGHT & SONS Church of Christ Revival Continues Indefinitely : Come and Hear God’s Message