THURHDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1932 THE BPRINOFIELD NEWS PAOB ÍÍ2S . ---------------------------I I - I I — ¡1 lB Qoshse Man III It Bonney, posi Marriage Llseneet Orantad MARKET FOR CROPS Attsnd W .ddleg— Mr sud M r.. Saturday to attend the «redding Í master ui (losheii, was Hl ai hl« Durlnx the paît week marriage F. Ixiuk and children, Edgar, E*a of Mias Thelma Ho we to Harvey FOUND UNCERTAIN I liiinm ih» Brat part of the week. licensee have been granted to the May. and J ear. were at Creswell L. Wright of Portland. following: Arthur Johnson, fre e i ------- . —■ Second Releaea of Outlook Report N O TIC t OF HCAHINQ ON well, arid Mattia Hurrh, Mahal; Showe Much Oepende on Com­ FINAL ACCOUNT Sydney Woodard and I.ydla H ar­ ing (vents; Wheat Crop Short III With Influanxa— Mrs. W illiam •to re Man In Portland— Ueo-ge NO TIC E IH HER EBY (JIVEN: rington. both of Yoncalla; Robert Goodman Is III at her home with P. Hoffman left Sunday for a short Thai Ih» undersigned. as executrix Bella and Margaret Dugan, both ol an attack of tbe kcfluenxa Gregou State College, Corvallli Try Violot Ray or Gnnoral Ethyl Gasolin« buslnors trip to Pcrtland. oi Hm Goal W ill anil Testaiueut of Eugene; Claude O'Brlen, Eugene, Anti-knock and double powered these motor fuels ( 'hsrles ('. K u s m i i i m i i . (lecessed, has and Jesale Manning, Hprlngfleld; The market outlook for Oregon Fall Creek Man Hers — Frank Drives to Mareola— Miss Maxine crop products In 1932 depends a filed h«r account for the final are HatiHfying thouHundg oi automobile drivers. Better D u t'T U R W IL L F IT HLAHHEM In , »eftlament of euld decedent*! eetate | “ '7,. M Oregon, and that tlaturday the of production this year, eays tbe O. »lot It. 921 W illamette Bt., Eu 6th day of March, 1932, nt the Court Visits from W altervlllo— Mrs. D. Get the Habit—Drive In here for the beat motor Visits Friend- Mias Nellie Stuart NOTICE H. C. extension service In Ibe sec­ ('. Trotter of W ultervllle was a vlsl spent tbe week-end holidays In M 3 Itooin of aaltl Court In the County service. OF FINAL SETTLEMENT f o u r t Itouae, In Eugene, at ten o' Notice lx hereby given that the ond end final section of outlook tor In Hprlngfleld on Saturday. Portland visiting with friends. Collecte Bounties— I'aul lluee of ‘ 1,1 V’.*’ has been fix underalgned Administrator of the report Just released. The situation ..................................... ' -" » u S Ä Ä ? Estate of Arinin H e ss, deceaaed. has for the various field crops, fruits Quest Here— Miss Mildred Walk Visits at Monroe — Joe Gerber filed her final report and account ley of Creswell was a guest at the spent tbe holidays of tbe past week 5th and A Streets Springfield on one bobcat Friday. to, and tur the settlement thereof. with Ihs Clerk of the County Court aud vegetables varies a great deal, H. E. Gerber home tbe first of tbe end at Monroe where be visited both with respect to supplies and of Lana County, Dragon, and that LY D IA J. ItOHHM AN,Execu week. with friends. trlx of the Luet W ill and Saturday, the 19th day of March III regard to demand. N O T IC I TO CRSDITORS The trend of business and credit T e a I a tn n n t of Charlea 0. 1932. at Ihe hour leu o'clock In the Rainbow Psopla Hara— Mr. and Bankar In California— Wm. G forenoon. In Ihe County Coart Room NO TIC E IB HER EBY G IVEN : . lloHMinan, deceased. In Ihe Court House at Kugene, Imne conditions will have a good deal Mrs. C it. Belknap and son. Roy, of Hughes, president and cashier of That Robert II. Donnelly haa been I.. I ItAY, Attorney for Eetate County, Oregon, has been eet by to do with the demand for farm Rulnbow were overnight visitors In the First National bank left Friday appointed executor of the lotat W ill IF 4 I I 18 26; M 3) th e Hon. C P. Barnard. Judge of products this year. Just aa farm Springfield Saturday. and Testament of Charlotte It , for Sacramento. California. said Court, as (he lime and place prices have been affected by Ihe Donnelly, deceaaed, by the County NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE Men'«, l^adle«’ and Children’s Shoe« at l^arge Saving«. for hearing same, ami for Ihe final Court of Lane County, Dragon. All Visits In Portland— Miss Mary world wide depression during the OF REAL ESTATE Returns from Portland— Mrs. N. sefllemenl of said Estate. peraona having clalnta agalnat aaltl Í New Pattern« in Dre«« Voile«— Large AsHortments to JDHKITHNK HESS. Admlnla past two years, according to tbe Elisabeth Whitney spent the week­ W. Emery returned Sunday after­ eatule are required to preaent them IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E Cliooae from. end In Portland visiting with noon from Portland where she had tratrlx. report. with the proper voucher*, within S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E friends. She left Friday. alx muulitta from the llth day of CO UNTY OF LANE IN PRO- W EI.LH A W ELLS, Attorneya. ¡spent the week-end with her sister« Soft Wheat Crop Short Small Children’« Dreaacs with Pantie«. Assorted colors, (F 18-25- M 3-10-17) February, IS33. to the aaltl execu RATE No. 5873 Tbe wheat outlook is still more 2 to 6 years - 45c each. lor at the law office of L. L. R a y 1 IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E KB Home From Hospital—Mrs. I. M Visit in Portland— Mr. and Mrs. j ore lees uncertain because Informs In the Miner llullding, Eugene, Ore T A T E O F LO I'IB A M U LK EY, SUMMONN8 Peterson and Infant daughter, Doris H. Schaffenberr and two daughters lion Is lacking on Ihe probable Son. Deceaaed. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E plantings of spring wheal In thia Helen, were dismissed from the spent the week-end visiting with ROBERT II. Du.NNKI.LY. Exe TQ W I„ , M , T M Ay c ()N , K„ N . On the Corner, 4th and Main Springfield Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday. friends In Portland. S T A T E OE OREGON FOR T H E t u to r of the I.ant Will ami ■ $ ■> - country and In foreign countries, CO UN TY OF LANE Teatam. nt of Charlotte II Don „ ' J ’J.. “ “.‘m L ' he. Xecu lor of the above entitled eatate. aa DORACE RIDD LE, plaintiff -Vs II according to the report. Present Visits at Salem— Mrs. Gertruda Ill at Home— Welby Stevens win nelly, deceaaed authorized by an order of the Court H RIDD LE, defendant. prospects are for a much smaller Wilson and son, Donald, spent Sun­ reported to be ill at his home duly given and made In tbe above To. 11. 8. Riddle, defendant: L. L. RAY. Attorney for Eatate. crop of winter wheat In this coun day In Salem visiting with Mr. and north-east of Springfield the first (F 11 1826 M 3-101 entitled mutter on February 8, 1932, IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE try than last year, and the world Mrs. Kenneth Wilson. ut the week. will aell nt private aale to the high O F OREGON You are hereby re- eat and beat bidder, at the law of qulred to appear and answer the acreage Is believed to be slightly NOTICE TO CREDITORS Drive to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Visits In Portland— Miss Elinor flee of my attorney. II E. Mattery, complaint Bled agalnat you In the less. As near as possible to tell, NO TIC E IB HER EBY G IVEN nt 717 W illam _ ette Street, Kugene above entitled suit on or before Karl Girard and duughter. Doris, and Bmlth, teacher at the Brattaln the carryover next July 1 will again That Edith Floaale rutiles haa been [ Oregon, beginning at the hour "of four weeks from dale of Brat pub Miss Margaret Jarrett drove to school, spent the week-end with appointed admliilatratrlx of the ee to o'clock A M on Mureh 11. 1932, Heat Ion of thia summons, or for be large. One thing of Interest to They returned friends In Portland. late of Lillie Ktewart, deceaaed. by all of the Intereat of the above en- want thereof the plaintiff will take Oregon wheat growers tx the possi­ Portland Friday. the County Court of laine County titled satuta In and to the following Judgment agalnat you and will ap- bility of a comparatively short crop the same day. To Visit Sister— Miss M Crocker Oregon. All peraona having clulmu described real eatate ply to the court for the relief pray­ of soft red winter wheat In the Dinner Quests— Mr. and Mrs. route 1, SprlngBeld, left Sunday! agalnat aald eatate are required to ed for In the complaint and for a states east of the Rocky Mountains, lluglnnlng In the North Line ol preaent them, with the proper Vessey of Portland and Mr. and for Portland to spend a few days decree of absolute divorce from Eighth Htreet In the City of Eu­ you. vourhera. within alx mnnthe front which might Improve the domestic Mrs. Virgil Rogers of Eugene were visiting with her slater. gene. at a point due North of the tbe llt h day of February. 1932, to Thia summons la published once demand for western white wheat dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Northeaat corner of Ixit Numbei the aald udtnlnlatratrlx at the law each week for four consecutive somewhat. W estfir Physician Here— Dr. J Snodgrass Monday evening. One In Block Number Twenty-one office of L. L. Ray, In the Miner In James Huddleston's Addition weeks In the Springfield News, a A. Benson of W estfir was a visitor Although hay and feed grain sup­ llulldlng. Eugene, Oregon. weekly newspaper published Visits Parents — Jack Jackson, In Springfield Friday. He was a to Eugene, running thence Enat E D IT H FLOSSIE F U N K E, Ad Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, plies are pretty short In western along aald North line of Eighth by the order of the Hon. O F Skip states, conditions look favorable student at Oregon State college at guest of tbe Lions club at the noon | mlnlatratrlx of the Eatate of street 50 feet, thence North 217 Lillie Stewart, deceaaed. worth. Judge of said court, made for better yields of these crops In Corvallis spent the week-end In luncheon that day. feet thence Weat parallel with L. L. RAY, Attorney for Eatate. Ihe 18th day of February. 1932, 1932 The California winter barley SprlngBeld visiting with his par­ auld North line of Eighth Street IF. 11 18 25 M 3 10) Brat published the 18th dav of Former Teacher Here — Miss 50 feet to a point due North of and crop Is now very promising, where­ ents. February. 1932. Frances Hodge of Salem visited | beginning point, thence Bouth 217 W H IT T E N SW AFFO RD. Atlor as a very email crop was harvested NOTICE feet, more or lean to the place of Roseburg People Here— Dr. and with friends In SprtDgfleld on Sun-: ney for Plaintiff. Residence and last year, says the outlook report. beginning, all In larne County, OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mrs. C. Q. Van Valxab of Roseburg day. Miss Hodge is a former Poatofflce Address. Eugene, Slate of Oregon. Weak Apple Market Possible Oregon. Notice la hereby given that the spent tbe week-end bere as guests SprlngBeld schoo! teacher. The apple situation In general lo- (F 18-25— M 3-10-17) underalgned. admlnlatrutor of the Terms of aale: At least one- of Mrs. C. I. Oorrle, 8r„ mother of Indlcatee that supply will continue i-atatc ut Ina J. Finn, haa filed In fourtb of the purchase price Io be Visit at Cottage Grove— Mr. and Mrs. Van Valxab. the County Court of laine County paid in caah. and the balunre may heavy In relation to demand In CITATION Mrs. Riley 8nodgrass visited at the: State of Oregon, hla final account run for a period of three years seasons favorable to apple produc­ Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. W Earl H ill home in Cottage Grove as such administrator, and that the with Interest at the rate of 6 per IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT GF T H E tion. Other kinds of fruits are In­ E. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. O. Sunday. Mrs. H ill recently was re-' S T A T E O F OKKUON FDR LA N E l* th dav uf March. 1932. at ten cunt p .r a n n u m p ay ab le a n n u a lly , creasing In volume, says tbe report, Knight of Cottage Orove were Sun­ leased from the hospital following CO UNTY. o'clock lu the forenoon of aald da, ' with Ihe provision that If any In baa beeu fixed by thia Court an teeat la not paid when due. the In the M atter of the Estate of so that apples meet more competi­ day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. a major operation. John O'Laverty, Deceased. the time fur hearing any abjection« whole of the deferred payments tion each year. The production of R. R. Puckett Bunday. To Thomas O’Laverty and all to aald report, and the closing of shall become due at once. Taken to Hospital— W . H. Hobbs, citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, other persons unknown claiming an Ihe same by the County Court ut LANSFORD H. M U LK EY, Ex Return to Yachats— Mr. and Mrs. proprietor of the Springfield Laun-i is expected to continue to Increase Interest In the estate of John Lane County. Oregon. exutor. Rulers of Low Pricas O'Laverty deceased. K. l.aD C K E Administrator of rapidly for a good many years. Frank Casteel who spent the week­ dry, was taken to the Pacific; (F. 11-1826 M 3 10) G REETINGS: Christian bospltal Sunday evening.' the Estate of Ina J. Finn, D e -1 end visiting in SprlngBeld return­ Planting of the Delicious variety 10th & Willamette— EUCENE— New Schaefers Bldg. In the name of the State of Ore­ ceased. ed to their home at Yachats on He has been III with the Influenza < NOTICE TO CREDITORS gon. You are hereby cited and re­ of apples has been especially heavy IF 18-25— M 3-10 17) Monday. for several weeks and is now suf-l lu the eastern states. Notice Is hereby given that the quired Io appear In tbe County ferlng from after effects. Court of the State of Oregon foi With respect to tbe onion out underalgned has been appointed Quests Monday— Mrs. A. B. Van Executrix of the estate of Lester Ia n « County In the court room look, report says that the present Valzah had as her guests Monday Appraisers Appointed — Goldie iIren Beckwith, deceaaed. and any thereof at Kugene In Imne County high prices for onions are due to a Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Van Valzah of Francis peterson and Stanley Joel i and alt tieraona having claims on the eighth day of August. 1932. against the said estate are hereby at 10 o'clock In the forenoou of record short crop which resulted Roseburg and Mrs. Harry Ausman Keyes have been appointed execu-: that day. then and there to show mostly from unfavorable growing required Io preaent aald claims, tors of the estate of their mother, of Eugene. cause. If any you have, why said duly verified as by law required, at conditions for late onions In many Mrs. Frances E. Keyes. W m. G. court shall not make an order di­ JEWKLKU ' law office of my attorney, H. E. Former Resident III— Mrs. Bar­ recting and authorising W. L Me- stales last year. It points out that Hughes, H. A. Hughes, and Pearl Slattery, 717 W illam ette HL, Eu Repairing a Specially Hurgue as administrator of said In 1928 the late onion crop was short bara Darling of Salem, former!) Nelson were appointed appraisers I I gene. Oregon. In Lane County, Ore­ Springfield, Oregon estate to sell the following des for similar reasons. In 1929 growers a resident of this city was reported Springfield, Oregon gon, within alx niontha from the ertbed real property for the pur­ to be very til at her home following Former Resident Here— L. E. date uf thia notice. pose of obtaining funds with Increased the acreage and good Wallace. Mountain States Power Dated and first published Febru­ which to pay claims against said yields were obtained with the re­ a stroke the first of the week. 11. 1932. company employee formerly st .- estate and expenses of administra sult that onion prices were very Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ary Date Wisconsin Man Here—J. H. Bean of last publication March 10. tlon to-wlt: Boned he. c stopped in Spr ncfleki Naturopathic Physician low during the 192930 marketing arrived here last Thursday from 1932. The South One H alf of the to visit friends Saturday while on Good White . ALICE M HECK W IT H , Execu I'hona 91-J season. Further Increases In Wisconsin to spend some time visit ikiutheust Quarter of Section his way from Marshiield to T illa ­ trlx of the eatate of Lester Thirty-two (32) In Township acreage were made In 1930, and Ing with his mother. Mrs. Frances Office Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M. 3 Cans Oren Ileckwlth. deceased. Fourteen (14) South of Range prices declined to still lower levels. Bean, and his sister. Mrs. Ella Lom mook. He Is now 3uperintenden’ II K. S LA TTE R Y . Attorney for 408 Fourth Street xif the steam plant at North Bend, i Three (Si. West of the Wiliam Executrix. The report, which Is available bard. ette Meridian and also the North (F. 11-18 26 M 8-10) Attend Lodge Meet— Mrs. E. E. H alf of the Northeast Quarter from all Oregon county agents, con­ Back from T rip — Hobart Wilson Fraedrlck. worthy matron, and C.l of Section Five (6) In Township tains sections on various seed Universal Mortgage Corp. NO TIC E OF SALE Fifteen (16) South of Range crops, potatoes, celery, cauliflower son of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson re A. Swarts. worthy patron, of Cas­ Three (3), West of the W iliam turned Sunday after a debating NOTICE 18 HEREBY G IVEN elte Meridian, all In Linn County, and other vegetables, and on cher­ trip into Idaho. Mr. Wilson is a cade chapter, O. E. S. were guests thul by virtue of an execution and of the Eugene lodge Friday evening State of Oregon, and containing ries, peaches, prunes, hops and order of sale issued uut of tbe C ir­ member of the University of Ore­ W. P. Tyeon, Agent One Hundred Flftv-Seven and other crops. during the official Inspection visit cuit court of the State of Oregon, gon debating squad. Forty two Hundredths (157.421 12« E St. Phone MW made by Mrs. Edith Phillips, as­ for Lane County. February 17, 1932. acres of land subject to a mort pursuant to a decree entered by Releactd from Hospital — Mrs. sociate grand conductress of Port­ gage of $3.000. held by the Travel­ _ : «aid court February 17, 1932, In n BEEKEEPERS TO GET er's Insurance Company. Russell Myers and infant daughter. land.. 1 suit therein pending wherein An­ General l.uw Practice 49 Pound Sack Alao Iola two (2) and Three (3) Betty Joan, were released from the HONEY SURVEY DATA drew Holton wns plaintiff and Sam­ Visit Parent»— Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ In Block Twenty (20) of the Ex­ uel N. Roberts, Sophia A. Roberts. I. M. PETERSON Pacific Christian hospital Monday tended Survey of the Town of sell Olson of Portland arrived h ere, Rolla W. D rr. Grace V. O rr and L. A survey to determine cost of and are now at their home on Attorney-ut-lmw SprlngBeld. Oregon, subject to a Saturday to spend the week-end M Travis, Inc., a corporation were mortgage of $250 production of honey In Oregon, long route 2. City Hall Building defendants, which execution and with Mr. Olson’s parents. Mr. and Alao lot Eight (8), Block Forty- sought by the organised beekeepers order of sale Is to me directed and Springfield, Gregou Mrs. Carl Olson. M r. Olson re­ two (42) of (he extended Survey of the state, has now been started Many Hear Lecture — Many commands me to sell the herein­ of the Town of 8prlngfleld Springfield people were In Eugene turned to Portland Sunday evening after described real property to under a cooperative arrangement Witness Honorable C. P, Barnard. and Mrs. Olcon is remaining here satisfy the sum of $1677.75 to­ Judge of the County Court of the between Oregon State college and Friday evening to hear a lecture gether with Interest thereon at for a few mure days. FRANK A. DE PUE and to see motion pictures on poul­ 7'/, from date of the decree until State of Oregon for Ijin e County, the V. 8. department of agriculture. ATTORNEY AT LAW and the seal of said Court affixed The expense of the survey Is met try raising which were presented paid and the further sum nt $176.00 hereto this 18th dav of February 2 Pounds NOTARY PUBLIC reasonable attorney's fee and costs 1932. from federal funds and the field by Arthur A. Peters, poultry spe­ BAPTISTS HEAR MINE 5 Packages and disbursements of suit, I will Sutton work Is being carried on Jointly by cialist. Springfield Atteat: W B. D ILLA R D . Clerk, MISSION WORKER TALK on Munday the 21st day of March. By EVA L. D U C K W O R TH . Deputy specialists from tbe new federal Oregon Building 1932, at the hour of one o'clock P. Wendllng Car Damaged — The (F 18-25— M 3-10-17) agricultural experiment station In Miss Ruth Hughes, representa­ M. at the fro n t dour of Ihe Court automobile of R. C. Cofcr of Wendl house In Eugene. Imne County, Ore­ tive of the Home Mission depart­ California and men from the Ore­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ing had a running board and fender gon, offer for sale and sell at pub- ment of the Northern Baptist con­ gon experiment station. REAL PROPERTY > lie auction for cash to the highest damaged Friday while the car was The purpose of the survey Is to vention. was the principal speaker bidder subject to redemption as NO TIC E Is hereby given that by parked near the county Jail In Eu­ at the evening service at the Bap­ provided by law, all Ihe right, title vlr'ae of an execution and order determine what methods are most OF ALL KINDS gene. Borne motorists ran Into the and Interest of the aforesaid de of sale Issued out of the Circuit efficient In reducing cost of produc­ tist church Sunday evening. Miss Quick Delivery side of the machine and left with­ fondants and each of them nnd all Court of the State of Oregon for tion so aa to permit producers to Hughes Is stationed in a small Pilone Springfield 121-M parties claiming by, through or un­ Lane County this l lt h day of Feb­ out being detected. mining community In Colorado and der them, the following described ruary, 1932. upon and pursuant to have a margin of profit even under n decree duly given and made bv present low price levels. More than real property, to w II: Visits Parents — Miss Lucille Is forced to combine home visita­ Beginning at a point 48.92H said Court this l lt h day of Febru­ 100 beekeepers will cooperate In Richmond, her aunt, Mrs. Lulu Les­ tion. and academic education work chains west nnd 11.72 chains ary. 1932. In a suit pending therein the survey, most of them being In ter. and her cousin. Dwight Lester, with her religious tasks. She took north of the Northwest corner In which The Pacific Savings A WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU of the Laban Buoy D. L. C. No. Loan Association, a Washington lower California region, the Rogue drove from Portland Saturday to as her topic Sunday evening, “The River valley, central Oregon. Col­ L ittle Church of All Nations," re­ 60, Township 19. South of Range corporation was plaintiff and J, spend the week-end here at the 3 West of W illamette Meridian, M. Rose nnd others were defendants, umbia basin, nnd the Snake river TO ATTEND THE home of Miss Richmond's parents, ferring to the one In Colorado run thence South 89 deg. 21 min which execution and order of sale region. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond. The where nearly all nationalities are West 7.25 chains. North 0 deg. was to me directed and commanded Formerly Walker-Poole REGISTER - GUARD 15 mtn. East 13.81 chains North me to sell Ihe real property here­ visitors returned to Portland Mon­ represented. 89 (leg. 34 min. East 7.26 chalna. inafter described to satisfy certain day evening. South 0 deg. 16 mill. West 13.77 liens and charges In said decree SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY EASY PLEASANT WAY EUGENE— llt h S P R IN G FIE LD chains to place of beginning all specified, 1 will on Saturday, the Birthday Observed—W illiam Poll­ DRAWS LARGE CROWD and Churneltnn, 228 Main TO LO SE FA T In Lane County, Oregon. 19th day of March, 1932, at the ard. son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Telephone 723 Phone 82-J Beginning at n point on the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M„ at the Thirty young people attended the Pollard who Is attending medical Hliuth line of the Oeorge A Elixa- southwest door of the County Court How would you like to safely and beth Miller Donation Land Claim House In Eugene, Lane County, monthly aoclal nnd George Wash­ school In Portland was honored harmlessly lose 16 pounds of fat in Notification No. «569 claim No. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at ington party of Mrs. Van Valzah's a month and at the same time in­ with a birthday party Monday even­ 55 In Township 19. 8, II. 3 West public auction for rash, subject to crease your energy and Improve Sunday school class at her home ing. Mrs. W illiam Pollard and Mr. of W illam ette Meridian which redemption as provided by law, your health? HHiri point Is 31.14 chnlns south 89 nil of the right, title and Interest Friday evening. Tho time was and Mrs. Carl Steen, Jr., were also How would you like to lose your deg. 48 min. West from the of the defendants In said suit and spent with stunts and games. Re­ guests at the Pollard home Monday double chin and your too promin­ Southeast corner of said Claim of all parties claiming by, through freshments of Ice-cream nnd cake evening. ent hips and abdomen and at the No. 56 and which said corner Is or under them or any of them. In same time make your skin so clean were served late In the evening. In Section 22 In said township or to the following described real and clear that It w ill compel ad­ To Attend Leetura— Many mem to Be Held at the and range and running thence property, to-wit: miration? bers of the SprlngBeld Baptist south 89 deg 48 min. West 9 016 Resinning at the Northwest Get on the scales today and see NOTICE chains, thence North 2 deg 3 corner of the tract of land con­ church w ill go to Eugene this how much you weigh— then get a min East 19.68 chain! to a point veyed to M illie A. Fox by Lurena OF FINAL SETTLEMENT evening to attend a Bible lecture bottle of Kruschen Salts that costs on the north line of a tract reg­ Zimmer and John A. Zimmer by next to nothing and which w ill last to be given at the Baptist church istered hv W illiam B. Thompson deed recorded In Vol. 148 nt page Notice Is hereby given that the you 4 weeks. Take one half tea­ In that city by Dr. W. H. Rogers and described in original certifi­ 468 of the deed records of Lane undersigned administratrix of the spoonful In a glass of hot water In cate No. 1708 and 13.096 chains CounAy, Oregon, nnd running estate of Mary I. E. Hurlburt, de­ pastor of Hinson Memorial church the morning— cut down on pastry BEGINNING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd North 89 deg. 64 min. East from thence East along the northerly ceased, has filed In the County In Portland who Is holding evangel­ and fatty meats— go light on po­ Ihe northwest corner of said reg­ boundary of the tract so convey­ Court of Lane County, State of tatoes. butter, cream and sugar— istered tract thence north 89 deg. ed ns aforesaid 126 feet, thence Oregon, her final account as such istic services there. and when you have finished the 54 min. East 11.085 chains to a south 40 feet, thence westerly administratrix and that the 18th contents of this first bottle weigh Continuing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday point 19.86 chnlns north 10 deg. Qoes to Junction City— B. A. yourself again. 126 feet to the west boundary of dny of March. A. D.. 1932, at ten and Friday. East from the beginning point the tract conveyed to Hald Millie o'clock In the forenoon of said day Washburne Is spending several After that you'll want to walk thence soutii 10 deg. West 19.86 A. Fox. as aforesaid, thence In the Court Room of thia Court In days at Junction City at the home around and say to your friends, chains to Ihe place of beginning North 40 feet to the place of l.nne County, State of Oregon, has “One bottle of Kruschen Balts Is containing 20.23 acres said 20.23 beginning. In Lane County, Ore­ been fixed by this court as the of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. worth one hundred dollars of any Orthogon Hoft-Llte len se s acres being registered title. gon. time and place for hearing any ob­ and Mrs. C. B. Washburne. Mrs. fat person's money.” Dated till" 18th dny of February. Dated this l lt h day of February. jection to said report, and the con­ Helen M artin who came from San Relieve Eye Strain But refuse Imitations— safeguard 1932. I 1932. sideration and settlement thereof, Francisco to be with her mother your health— you lose fat SAFELY Eugene, Hprlngfleld II. L. BOW N, Sheriff of Lane H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. BEA TRICE W A88OM . Admin­ DR. ELLA MEADE during her Illness left hist week with Kruschen. County, Oregon. By A. K. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. istratrix. Leading druggists America oyer Optometrist for her home. 1 (I 18 26- M 3-10-17) (F 18-26— M 8-10-17) (F 18-25— M 8-10-17) sell Kruschen Salts. 41 Wool SUi Kugana TOWN AND VICINITY W HEN IN DO UBT “A ” S treet S e r v ic e S ta tio n Big Sale on Shoes Hoffman’s Dry Goods Store DAYS T h u rsd ay - F r id a y S a tu r d a y Bargains Galore The Golden Rule Business Directory fcdw. G. Privat Irish-Murphy Co Corn 25c BONDS M’Kenzie Blend Flour 89c Black Figs Jersey Corn Flakes 13c 29c DRY WOOD Invitation... POOLE • GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors FREE / Gas Cooking School Eugene Armory AVOID GLARE NORTHWEST CITIES GAS Co.