The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 25, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Bear; Thursday at
Springfield, Lane Cxiunty, Oregon, by
M. B MAXKY. Bdltor
to tall you 'Lynda'"
i you . . . you are asking T"
"Yes. And Ihr rilled."
"I came to aak you . . are you
He had kept her hand, was hold
lug It dose to him In both of his
"May I have a piano?" whispered
The question sounded so like
mere childishness that Felix laugh
•‘il out. and again, hut very careful
1« E kk I iiihihi ' m ta n tly kitch e n - A box <>f o u r <*»ndy is
ly. pul hla arm about her She came
g m u a n tc e d Io sw eeten a n yb o d y'« tllap oa ltlon .
when she conies out. won't you, Kent was a man shapel> and hard - to him hut not ho softly, so com
First Installm ent
and different In every ftli«r from ; pletely. as before.
Marcella T "
When Joycelyn, foigvtdng what
“You shall have everything.“
"But. Mr Kent, you are not so her thrilled self. The convent child
piece Is delleltitis.
felt this difference in all her nerves promised (lie Jack of Diamonds
her mualc master had taught her old as that?"
C andy n o t o n ly sa tisfie s but Is u food o f h ig h
The engagement ot Miss Jocelyn
played music, her own mother. Mar­
"I ant nineteen years older than and pulses
cella. was alarmed It was like the you are. Miss Jocelyn.''
There came an evening whet. of New Yolk io Mr. Felix Kent of
Chicago with all possible other de­
voice of a at ranger In the house.
"Aid my mother did give you a Marcella left them aloue.
Jocelyn was at her piano dutiful tails of Information was presently
She rose from the prte-dteu In an first—option?" questioned Jocelyn
ly executing a commanded melody. In due form announced Aud Joce
alcove ot the long Spauiahlookin« with her eyes down.
room, difficult to recognise as the
Kent stored and laughed delight It was intricate and held all her at­ lyn wore upon her third (Inger a
living room of a New York apart edly and drew in about her as tention. She did not kuow that she diamond as splendid as a star.
"Where the Bervlca Is Different
"You shall he married In tin
ment. and came forward past Inter­ though he had become tor her a had been left unchaperotted In the
spring after a (our months' engage
vening massive furniture to look at warm curtain, sheltering, darken­ room with kVIlx Kent.
He came and stood close to her ment," Marcella promised, latter
the player.
“She did. really. She said to me leaning on the piano. In the slim there were evenings, however,
There she sat. the daughter Mar­
cella had put into a foreign con that day in Paris. 'There Isn't a severity of evening dress he looked when Felix' new role of reatrulut
vent twelve yeers before, a smooth man in the world I'd be so glad to sleek and attractive, like a panther. was difficult to maintain. On one
Ills eyes were now filled with their such evening he left Jocelyn abrupt
sleek golden girl, eighteen years trust her to. Felix. "
j ly with a manufactured excuse.
Kent laughed. But he was giddy extraordinary Incandescence.
old. fulFbosotned. narrow waisted
She went back Into the room and
"Stop playing - - Just a minute.
and round-hipped. She used, when and tilled with instant (ear. There
sat down In her piano, brooding.
her eyes met her mother's, a slow had never In the world been a love­ Jocelyn, please."
The door from the passage which
She obeyed, lei her hands fall
smile. She did nothing, quickly. ly child like this one. so frankly
But when she played this music of hungry, so Ignorantly passionate, and gave him her meek child's look i led back toward the bedrooms open­
ed softly. Jocelyn whirled about,
her own there was a change. Mer aud so uutaught; with not a Jot nt and her slow, unchlldrtsh smile.
"Your mother has left us to­ surprised. She could see no one.
cella was quick to recognise It. the deep cold wisdom of experience.
But the door had moved.
Jocelyn had thrust down her chin He could hardly bear to surrender gether. You know I love you,”
She was startled
"Yes,” said Jocelyn, trembling
Then she saw him. coming
ami looking down.
Just received large sh ip m e n t o f New
“Do you think you can love me?" round a great throne of a chair
which had interposed between
"1 don't know monsieur.”
Dresses fro m New Y o rk . In IT Itits anti
He laughed in soft delight and them. The cripple The little bent
man. aideloiig. with bright eager
drew closer.
p la in c o lo r co m b in a tio n « . N ow Is the
“May I put my arm around you. eyea.
tim e to gel y o u r E aster Dress
Jocelyn would have screamed but
She made no movement not i he arrested her with speech
m u s t see th e se befo re you buy. A l th e
sound but he. Interpreting her sll > "Don't be frightened, Jocvlyu,"
low prices o f
cnee. did draw her to him and she he said gently In a voice full of
came softly suddenly so that all of pleaauntuesa, "I wuuldu't scare . . .
her young body seemed to be his I wouldn't hurt you for the world.
own. Then he kissed her mouth. You see. you poor little child. 1 am
At that she was up and at the your father."
And Jocelyu recognized him
far side of the room. Never had he
For years Jocelyn had had a
seen a living creature move so
swiftly. Both her hands were press photograph tu her possession, see
Felix drew her to him, and she came softly, suddenly.
ed against her lips. Her bosom retly All other pictures of Nick
panted. Her eyea were distended Sandal had been destroyed, clipped
into splinters of cardboard aud
and wet.
and there was in her eyes, when her to her next partner.
"Oh. no," she whispered. "Oh . . . burned to black feathers, by his
Kent sought out Jocelyn's mother
the slow smile left them, the dif­
wife. When the bent tuau came
ference between June sky and thun­ and bending his fair lean height no . . . no . . . no. 1 can't.
Kent came toward her, not close, round the corner of the chair and
above her be talked and talked and
der sky.
for her arms were stretched out to spoke to her, Jocelyn was therefore
Then Mercella thought of the con- talked.
Marcella was wise.
keep him at a distance. She even able to Identify him.
tents of that little crypt above her
"I'm not afraid of you," she said
She declined innumerable Invlta went back against the window
prie-dleu and of Julian . . . and of
W illn m e tte
a queer first speech from child to
which held an amazing picture of
all the things that this daughter tions.
must never know
An occasional theater party she lighted towers and silver smoke parent.
"I'm glad my daughter la not
“I want her to be safe." she mur­ accepted. Several of these were and of a sky colored like the petals
afraid of me. I thought by this time
mured to a nun when twelve years
given in Jocelyn's honor by Felix of dark panslea.
"Darling, I'm sorry. 1 beg your you'd be made . . . of fear—I used
before she had left the little girl Kent. But Marcella brought her
trembling in the dim waxy-smelling charge home after the play, forbid pardon. I know I frightened you
parlor of the convent. And greeting ding any extension of ga.vety for Please do forgive me." He felt as
her only two days ago on the wharf Jocelyn. She was not to be whirled though he had been sent hack In a
of her native city with all the wharf off to the cafe or restaurant of dream to play the part of a Victor j
tall towers stretching up behind after midnight Joy. Jocelyn was ian lover. Phrases came to him'
them Mfrcella had said again to meek, had suffered a long discipline front half-forgotten old romantic I
the same nun. twelve years older, in meekness. But her nerves began aoveis: “I won't do It again. You
may take your own time. I want I
more waxen and more frail, “Oh. to quiver.
ilAr Sister Dellce. how shall I keep
"The other girls." she said with yon so: I want you to marry me.' :
After a conaiderable silence Joce-'
a sort of fierce timidity, “the other
lyn composed hersqlf. But she
Joeelyn Harlowe's first ball gown girls go on. Mother."
—It was for a costume ball— was
“You are not like the other girls." stayed against her window, drawn
white, as all first ball gowns prob­ said Marcella, "and I will not let up there as though for an Instant
spring backward Into the great I
ably should be. Standing sheathed you become like them.”
B A L A N C I D T U B I I ... N M ta m s e e « « ^
in all this purity of color Jocelyn
Jocelyn murmured. "They're very dark city of refuge beyond the
window panes.
herself had a look of sleek brilli­ nice.”
“You won’t do that again?"
ance which did not express her age,
Marcella's hand fell upon hers
"Not until you wish It. Please.
her simplicity or her profound lack and tightened sternly.
' Jocelyn, give me Just the tip of
of all worldy experience.
“I am the Judge of nlceness,"
It was not the convent child's
And Jocelyn sat still under that ' your silly little convent fingers."
She let him take her hand and
fault that she looked so unconven­ touch.
tual. She was really Ignorant, a
Often Felix Kent came In to see kiss it. She brushed the other hand
veritable novice in living, but there them. During his visits In the living 1 across her eyes and smiled.
"Then It's all right?" Be asked
was In her blood and in her brain room Marcella was a constant cha­
a swift rebellious maturity to which peron. Jocelyn would play her her.
"I think so. Yes. If my mother
her body had subtly shaped itself. piano or sit with her eyes down
A husband in her mind. It must listening to her mother’s hard
"Your mother gave me her con
be managed quickly before Jocelyn manufactured conversation with an
sent at that same costume ball
was fully awakened to reality. She older man.
must he made to long lor It ignor­
She had never before studied a when I was the Jack of Diamonds."
antly as a release. If marriage, if man at such close quarters. Felix
"Do you mean that I will marrj
this man. could be presented to her
as an escape, as the opening rather
than the closing of life's doors. . .
Before Jocelyn’s return from
France Marcella had been busy
waiming chilled social contacts,
A re g iste re d p h a rm a c is t o f lo n g experience fills
melting the edges from metallic
y o u r p re s c rip tio n s here. O n ly th e fin e s t and purest o f
connections of one sort or another.
d ru g s, c h e m ica ls and o th e r m a te ria ls are used.
She had once a great position in the
city and it was not too difficult, In
spite of what had once shattered
No o th e r
O urs is the service you can depend on.
her life, to make herself remember­
yo u theoo
ed. So when she brought Jocelyn
into the ballroom she was able to
featu res i
S p rin g fie ld
In th e N ew S tore
obtain for her, aided by her own
1. SupirkaUmdyntj Balanced-Unit <to
exotic charm, a sufficiency o t fan
tastic partners—to Jocelyn they all
T H IN K O T I T I . . . A « d f c r « .
seemed Romeos and the ballroom
2. Seven Philco Balanced Tube«...foot
an iridescent bubble of delight—
9ug»erheter«dyne P h ilc o ,
and at last even to attract for her
Pentode Power Tube.
A m i i l n i Iw u lt lv lt y and
the supper-partner Marcella had
Distinctive, Walnut Furniture.
desired. This was Felix Kent, dress­
S e le c tiv ity . . . co m p lete w i t h a ll tubes, la e lu d -
Electro-Dynamic Speaker
ed as the Jack of Diamonds, and
-O r ld a u d P en to d e, t o r u u ljr * 4 9 .9 * 1
6. Tone Control and Static Modifies.
with his regular Saxon face and
large eyes curiously resembling
7. Illuminated Station-Recording DiaL
that conventionalized gentleman of
] S J o W O N D E R die factory cannot keep up 8. Glowing Arrow Station Finder.
9- Six Tuned Circuita.
A way -ah ih. wai-Unag work ot bwliag
"But you don't look It,” he said,
with orders for this tremendous radio value! 10. Sharp Selectivity at «4 points on <
egg«, •'kipping cium, mulling pouto«!
seating himself beside flushed
N o wonder it is the fastest-selling radio in 11. Great Distance Range.
Juliet at the small palmy rosy table
fhn lad, ektlric kinixn minor do« dta
the world 1
12. Approved by Underwriters’ I
they had taken for themselves.
work it a louch of lh* hngor, lir«l«Mly, lo
"You don't look it and you don't
This is the radio you have heard so much
• p«ri««oon (be humvt h.nd «annoi,
act it and you don’t—yes, you do
speak it. You have a delicious lit­
the one that actually performs better than sets Satut r ttth ir Aa
tle French accent. And, well, some­
thing about the way you move your
selling at twice or three times its price. Read Saar/rome^
lips and use your eyes >s different,
the features it offers. Look at the illustration. Anttrican lllatb
conventual. Perhaps I’m not going
Walnut highboy
A N D for lh« morning gi«< of oragg* pace,
This is not a"midget” nor a "portable”, but a cabintl, uiilb
to be disappointed after ail.”
This was the address altogether
whit can lh* p i . « ot iho «faerie
real, full-size receiver in a handsome cabinet figurtd Walnut
different from any Jocelyn had yet
iutlrunttnl pant!
Irmi gn« «nirKlor ? The old • f«Monod
o f genuine American and Figured Black Wal­ ...n n tpltlt with
received. An older man, evidently.
(queerer" n out ol dele—modwn houtohoM
He condescended to her. Well, that
nut, trimmed in V-matched Oriental W ood. tubit. N ilbtng
economy demandi modern
was of course to be expected.
The Baby Grand is a welcom e addition to any t i n It buy/
“Mr. Kent,” she said, "you have
equipment in the modwn I
home, either as a regular set or a second set.
really no right to any disappoint­
ment, have you? Because you can't
e o e a lr o o ( • • « e l o i h i n *
.......................... S e e this wonderful radio at
have had an interest In me (there
■ w d A . l l . . . M tM g g y l l l l
was shadowy delicate drum-roll on
your dealer’s store mow , todey, before public
the r) ever before tonight.” '
demand exhausts this shipment, r N o obliga­
“You’re wrong. I've had an Inter­
tio n and you tan protact yourself on delivery.
est in you for—let me see—twelve
R to u re r
M o u n t a i n irt
"But you are Just seel-y," scoffed
Jocelyn at her sweetest. “And I
P h on o 18
hare not any French accent at all.”
S p r in g fie ld
“Twelve years ago I saw you In
a bank In Paris. And I said to your
mother, 'Give me a first option ffi
The Sweetest Place in Town
halarad s i second class matter. February it . ItOJ. at the poetofftce.
Springfield, liregou
one Year In Advance
>1.75 Three Months
Six Months
... .....................U 00 Single Copy
T H U R S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 25, 1932
________ .
...... .......76c
_______ Sc
T he e ffo rts o f th e c o u n c il to reduce the ru n n in g e x ­
penses o f the c ity should have th e co o p e ra tio n o f th e peo­
ple A c ity , lik e an in d iv id u a l, can not ru n c o n tin u a lly be­
hin d w ith o u t ta ilin g a h a lt some tim e
I f it does n o t stop
attending beyond its incom e necessarily its c re d it w ill be c u r­
ta ile d and it w ill be fo rce d to suspend some o f its a c tiv itie s .
T he m ove o f the c ity c o u n c il is to head o ff such d ra s tic
a ctio n .
T he c ity budget and th e a m o u n t o f m oney received
fro m taxes m ust be recognized as tw o d iffe re n t th in g s
w hen it comes to a c tu a lly p a yin g b ills . E sp ecia lly a t th is
tim e , w hen taxes are slow , is th is d iffe re n c e g re a te r. S p rin g -
fie ld operated last ye a r w e ll w ith in its budget yet th e re was
n o t s u ffic ie n t m oney to pay th e b ills by several hun dred
d ollars.
T he changes m ade by the c o u n c il e ffe c t a s a vin g o f
$2700 a ye ar and i f ca rrie d o u t w ith o th e r e x p e n d itu re s as
budgeted should b rin g th e c ity w ith in its ta x revenue.
President H o o ve r is a bo ut to recom m end c o n s o lid a tio n s
and sweeping changes in th e fe de ra l g o v e rn m e n t in o rd e r
to cu t g o ve rn m e n t costs, m eet th e fe d e ra l d e fic it and lo w e r
ta x a tio n in the fu tu re . D em ocra ts in d ic a te th e y w ill b lo c k
th is sort o f le g is la tio n because it m ig h t g ive the president
to o m uch prestige on th e eve o f an e le c tio n ca m p aig n.
T h e irs has a lw a ys been g o ve rn m e n t b y d e n u n c ia tio n . A b o u t
tim e th ey b ro u g h t s o m e th in g c o n s tru c tiv e to th e fo re fro n t
as a su b stitu te .
P urebred liv e s to c k and im p rove d m ethods o f fa rm in g
are m ore in dem and now th a n e ver before, a c c o rd in g to
th e federal d e p a rtm e n t o f a g ric u ltu re o u tlo o k re p o rt. These
reco m m en d atio ns are the same as in o th e r lines o f in d u s try .
It is necessary to c u t cost o f p ro d u c tio n to th e bone in o rd e r
to m ake a p ro fit a t th e e x is tin g prices and those prom ised
in th e fu tu re .
Ori the tim e g ive n H a rry W rig h t in th e O bsidian s k i
i ace by Eugene sp o rts w rite rs , we n o m in a te h im fo r the
O lym pic games. Swedes and N o rw e g ia n s m ig h t as w e ll
sta y a t hom e if such p he no m e na l tim e is b eing m ade here in
S p rin g fie ld .
In some respects th is dog c o n tro l business lo o k s m ore
lik e a ra c k e t th a n a le g itim a te fu n c tio n o f th e c o u n ty g o v­
e rn m e n t. We can n o t see w he re th e le g is la tu re b ettered
th in g s by ta k in g th e re s p o n s ib ility o u t o f the hands o f th e
c o u n ty c o u rt w ith th e fo rm a tio n o f dog d is tric ts .
I f a ll the d e m o cra ts are g o in g to ru n fo r o ffic e , th e y
should t r y to get a lo n g b e tte r so as to vote fo r each o ther.
In every m a il th is new spaper receives eno ug h n e a tly
m im e og ra ph ed sheets o f paper w h ic h , i f placed side by side
and end to end, w o u ld paper a fa ir sized room .
Each o f these sheets is supposed to be disguised as
news b u t the disguise is very' th in , so th in in fa c t th a t even
th e o ffic e boy can te ll th a t h o p e fu l m a n u fa c tu re rs are seek­
in g th e re b y to o b ta in va lu ab le a d v e rtis in g w ith o u t p a y in g
fo r it. A nd so th e huge w aste paper b a rre l fills ra p id ly .
O cca sion ally these m e n d ic a n t "a d v e rtis e rs ” have a rea l
p earl hid de n a w a y in a la b y rin th o f w ords. So i t w as th is
m o rn in g fo r a t th e ve ry end o f some six pages o f closely
ty p e w ritte n " p u ffs ” received fro m a tir e m a n u fa c tu re r ap­
peared th te fo llo w in g p a ra g ra p h :
“ In 1930 a cco rd in g to s ta tis tic s . 2 0 '{ m ore tir e m ileage
was consum ed th a n was sold and a p p ro x im a te ly th e same
was tru e in 1931. W e feel, th e re fo re , th a t th is va cuu m
m ust be fille d and th a t w e can lo o k fo rw a rd to a c o n s id e r­
a bly g re a te r vo lum e o f business in 1932.”
R igh t th ere, in those fe w w ords, is th e h is to ry o f th is
depression, p a rt o f th e rea l reason fo r it, and a p re d ic tio n
o f business reco very based on sound prem ise.
Just in s e rt the w o rd “ c lo th e s ,” o r "s h o e s ", o r " a u to ­
m obiles,” o r " f u r n itu r e .” o r “ b u ild in g m a te ria ls ” in place o f
“ tire s ” in th a t p a ra g ra p h o m ittin g th e w ord "m ile a g e ” o r
s u b s titu tin g one m ore a p p ro p ria te , and you have the c o r­
re c t p ic tu re so fa r as those o th e r in d u s trie s are concerned.
R e ta il sto cks in a ll lin e s are a t lo w p o in ts. Goods in
the hands o f consum ers are being used to th e la s t ounce o f
good b u t m u st w ea r o u t e ve n tu a lly .
R og er W. Babson, noted s ta tis tic a n and e con om ist,
whose co m m en t« on w h a t we m a y expect fo r 1932 w ere
published in th is n ew spaper S a tu rd a y , p o in ts o u t th a t as
soon as re ta ile rs are co nvince d th a t c o m m o d ity prices have
reached the low m a rk , sto cks w ill be replenished and the
w heels o f in d u s try w ill begin to tu rn . W hen in d u s try be­
comes a ctive and wages are paid new b u y in g p o w e r is c re ­
ated and we s ta rt up h ill to w a rd a n o th e r p ro s p e rity peak.
Econom ic a lly speaking, th is is th e g lo o m ie s t p ro te n t and
th e b rig h te s t fu tu re th a t we have faced in m a n y, m an y
m o n th s .— Ne /s-R eview . R oseburg, Ore.
--------------• --------------
Now’ le t’s n o t ta lk a b o u t v ita m in e s and ca lo rie s and
m o d ifie d m ilk s and adenoids and a ll th a t; leave it to the
sp e cia list to th e o riz e on the fin e -s p u n ; le t’s ta lk a b o u t th e
b ab y— Y O U R baby.
F irs t: B aby is su p re m e ly selfish. H e ’s to o busy a tte n d ­
in g to h is ow n a ffa irs to b o th e r a b o u t th e c o m fo rt o f a ny
one else— and, he’s e x a c tly r ig h t ; if m ore people a tte nd ed
to th e ir ow n business w e ’d soon have a b e tte r race o f peo­
Second: A baby is ju s t a d ig e stive tra c t, an a ir c o m p a rt­
m en t, and a m in u te , nervous bundle, w ith a w a te r-co o le d
m o to r. So lon g as he is c o m fo rta b le he w ill n ot k ic k up a
ro w . No respectable baby w ill to le ra te a s a fe ty -p in b o rin g
in to his u m b ilic a l r< g io n , n o r w ill he fa il to rese nt ro u g h
seams th a t g rin d his a rm -p its o r g ro in s ; rem em be r, i f he is
c o m fo rta b le th a t he w ill be peaceful. N o baby e n jo ys h o w l­
in g a n y m ore th a n you do. T re a t h im w ith sense.
T h ir d : Baby w ill cease feeding w hen he has enough,
and he’ll do it every tim e ; b ut d o n ’t urge h im to ta k e m o re ;
w he ne ver he lets go is th e in s ta n t fo r clo sin g th e seance.
O f course he’s ju s t lik e you, and w ould o v e r-s tu ff h im s e lf
ju s t as you d o; th e n tro u b le comes. T he keenest o f ju d g -
O f course he’s ju s t lik e you, and w ou ld o v e r-s tu ff h im s e lf
m en t is in k n o w in g w he n to stop.
L a s tly : M aybe you have one o f those cu te, id io tic P om ­
e ra n ia n s; i f so, tu rn i t o ve r to the m aid, and ta ke care o f
baby yo u rse lf. I t ’s a re lig io u s d u ty o f y o u rs to care fo r y o u r
o w n flesh and blood. A w o rth -w h ile paren t w ill e n tru s t
th e baby to no a lie n hands.
...Dress Specials •••
$2.87 - $4.50
$5.87 - $ 7 .5 0 .,
A n oth er
Reliable Prescription Work
balanced Saperheterodifnc
Ketels Drug Store
M o d e rn
M a ç jic
w o r k s in t h e k itc h e i
Wright & Sons