THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW M NTV-NINTH YEAR S l'ltlX l ¡KIELI >. LANE c o t STY. I l 11 Its 11 \ V KEIIItl \HY ' ’ ' Tea For ' EUGENE. S. H. S. Girl Scouts Io SCOUT PROGRAM Benefit Plant 7 ree Friday Library Called SQUADS TO MEET Id 8E PRESEWiD Final Pre-Tournament "A” League Conteet to Be Play­ ed in Eugene Tonight OLD LINEUP IS All Members of Troop to Ae- AH Interested Parties Invited eiet in Ceremony at Lincoln Many Local Townspeople to to Home of Mrs. N. W. Emery for Entertainment School That Afternoon Have Interesting Roles in Play “Our Neighbors” Members of the Hprlngfleld Lib­ Membera (if lh» Hprlngfleld (Jlrl i Hcout troop, unh I h I i 'U by members rary Hoard under Mrs. David Halt»-1 1932 PERILS OF DANCE DEBATE TEAM TO TDLD BÏSPEANER h - w i b , nM [ (nj5i r a Packed House Greets Evan­ gelist at Christian Church to Hear Discussion Business Men of City to Be Called on for Funds to Pay High School Squad Faced Salary of Watchman With Possibility of Five De­ Preliminary efforts to ascertain ' bates in That Many Days BACK , of the GJrl Hcout Ciiumll, will ORCHESTRA WILL AS9IST man. president, will entertain with TELLS OF DEVELOPMENT ’ " '-î* — 1 I a sliver tea and program Monday willing to contribute towards the FIRST SCHEDULE FAILS J Slither at ill» Lincoln school Ini All Members of Girl Scout ■,t*r»o«n at the horn» of Mrs N •e — * i-A i b j- , ... a . — • salary of a night watchman were Eight Teams to Enter District «... Lately after aihool Friday aher- omght is Ladies Night, Fri- ,„ade here yenlt.raty when , M Springfield School Has Good Tournament at McArthur »°°n Tor a tr»a-plauting ceremony. Organization to Have Parts W. Emery. A program la being day Designated for Men; Peterson, city recorder, and Hugh prepared for the occasion. The I Teams and Has Experi­ Court Starting M a' 4 Ka,b n",m,*ar of m» troop win bar» in First of Program hours will be from 2 until 6 and Special Topics Planned Cowart, patrolman, began a can­ . (.• I u part In lh» planting exercises dur enced Man as Instructor vass of the city for this purpose. MprIngfleld high at '¡«Ml o,. t- Ina which a red cedar I ree will l»c Mabel Ellis was chosen as the most Hprlngfleld Girl Hcouta under the all interested people are Invited The dance aa we know it today to be present. beautiful girl ui the country by la untieai« aiCfa....«, # placed In the parking In front of direction of Mrs Jane Ketels and The —”— night patrolman's w as, ball leant tonight will b> <, .k . » - salary m - i, wm i Debating schedules for thia dls- This tea waa originally an­ judges named by the national associa­ season to a close when K , 'll» achool to replace one which loo Mrs. Floyd Thompson have com­ . . . ' ’ j r °, n # roducod , rom monthly to *60 lr, dUr,n< lh* “ai" "<“> and Hprlngfleld high achool te '•£ ed Th» tree la being furnlahed pleted preparation of one of the nounced to be held several weeks Th< u»and» submitted photographs in . J l t m L “ . n d 1 “ ago. but had to be postponed be I he achool. . . '* ' " Counc,, and G»e recorder and , *n,t G>at none of the meets an ■he ■ ■ : le » t wind up the "A" leans schedule most promising stage entertain ‘ ‘ w ” r' “d Juatl- watchman were Instructed to can Bounced last week have been held the Eugene school gymnaaluni. ' Dean C. Poindexter la chair nients to be presented In this city cause of conflicting activities. flcatlon for It In Its preaent form vass the businessmen for private! a" F«t- Moat of the trouble la due What III» outcome of thia game the coni mil tee In charge of if* several months and are now Pt rr” b’ • ’ “ « •Ua‘ | ‘« « ‘rlb»tlon7 t o ; ' ^ i 'the the 7 c t' th7t "¿bXd will be la uncertain. Dope fuvora tenta for the tree plaining looking forward to presenting the teams are at tbe Christian church. In his dis In salary. not ready for the matches, they results of their »Horta at the high the Eugene aggregation, as Hprlng cusslon of “Arguments For and field baa lost moat of her "A" lea Action of the council waa taken i May' ®PHngfleld waa to have met school uudltorlum Friday evening. Arguments Against the Modern gue games and haa already been ile as a means of reducing city operat-: < o,,a** Grove last Friday after Every member of the Girl Hcout Dance," Wednesday evening. tealed by the Eugene I emu. Big costs down to a level of income noon' but this was called off be- Ir'Mip will have aerne part In the Dancing Is mentioned several Tbe canvass will continue until all e- All Inter-school de- at center, and Bruce Squires and ban. and Margaret Wilson, a read and they later moved to Coburg In In which they gave their personal Lane county outdoor sports club. bate8 must be completed and the llarold Stevenson as guards. Clin classroom makes a better showing Ing by Ilia Putman, piano solo by 18X0. He haa been a Mason for the luncheon at noon. Ilian this class ul the next meeting Hix Hprlngfleld ladles attended opinions on the subject. Many ot Wright was headed for real fame champion selected ready to enter ton llartman. Dalton Thurman, and Hazel Nesblt. butterfly dance with past 52 years aud was very proud tbe Elmira meeting Saturday as Plans were also made for room these persons reached their con­ Monday when Eugene papers re­ the state tournament on March 7. IJoyd Freae will be kept In re­ of his 50 year Masonic emblem. Edna June Yarnell, and a costume parties Io be held by each of the delegates from thia city. They were victions after investigations and re ported that he had completed the Hprlngfleld has the good fortune serve. song by all members of the troop He la survived by his widow and Mrs. Putiran, Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie. suits of this form of entertainment. 12 mile ski race In 40 minutes. This this year of having an experienced Lincoln and llrattaln schools The There la a great dial of specula dressed In their scout clothes. six children. Lydia E. Gray. Etta F. Mrs. R. P. Mortensen. Mrs Jack In closing bis remarks Panish record would be the equivalent of debate coach ln the person of tlou at the high achool thia week first of these will be held In the Professor John Knox and he has The dosing number will be the Chandler. Clara E. Vogt, Clayton Sherman. Mrs. Pratt Holverson, hurled a challenge to hla audience, 18 miles In one hour. relative to the district tourna Eighth grade room taught by Mrs. Alford, all of Coburg, and Clarence and Mrs. L. K. Page. Mra. Ogilvie which filled the church, asking The race actually was only be- h**” worklng hard w,tl> members presentation of the play under the Ivan Male al the Lincoln building men! to be held In Eugene starting Alford. Marcóla, and Edna Hazle­ and Mra. Mortensen are also mem­ them If they individually cared tween five and six miles and the ot h,a team to *et them ,n read|- Five dollars was voted from the direction or Mrs. Floyd Thompson. Marrh 4. it Is generally conceded ton. Hprlngfleld. ber» of the County P.-T. A. Council. enough for Christ and Christianity time was 41.55 minutes, which Is ness for the season. George Marx that Springfield, with a reasonable association treasury for each of Tills Is u dialect play and has the and Virginia Christie constitute the following cast: Grandma. Mrs to give up thia borderline amuse­ still coasldered as a good record He also leaves 13 grandchildren amount of luck, will get off to a the grade school buildings to be negative team, with Florence Vail ment which In so many Instances Al Aguire was second to com­ good start In the playing and may used In paying for the rraines Walter Hcott; Mis' Illantha Abel. and three brothers. Newton, and and Edna Haverfteld on afflrma has served to degrade both Christ­ plete tbe race and Bryaa Ryan, upset many predictions. A great which have been made for the Mrs. Floyd Thompson; Ezra Wil­ John at Albany, and Austin of Har W HITE FRONT OPENS live. Lucille Millican and Leonard deal will depend on the opposition George Waahlnrton Hl-Centennlal liams, Profesaur W. E. Buell; Peter. rlsburg; and seven sisters, Mrs. C. IN NEW HOME MONDAY ianity and the Church when Christ­ winner of the 16 mile race last year Ruth are affirmative reserves. Ralph Hughes; lnex. Coleon Cor­ ians are partakers. was third. K. Hardesty and Mrs. Lee Ingram. the school draws for the first few pictures which have been provided nell; Mis' Elmira Moran. Mrs. W. Harrisburg. Mrs. C. P. Clover, and Prom inent Springfield Grocer to Unless present plans fall through games. for each room. Special Music Heard ln the shorter race, a four mile II. Pollard; Mia' Trot, Mrs. H. O. the next week will be a very busy H ave Modern Store W ith All Mrs. Wallace Hawk. Hprlngfleld. Eight teams will be entered In Special music for the evening event. Paul Lafferty waa first with There were 78 adults at the meet one for all debating teams in the Latest Improvem ents the tuuruaiuent which will Include Ing which was presided over by Dibble«-, and Mis' Carrie Ellsworth, Mrs. Dellla Sheldon, Marcóla, Mrs, was furuished by the Lions qhartrft Ray Sims second and Clifford Htals Mrs. Jack Hherinan. district as It is the only time re­ J N. Singletary, Eugene, and Mrs tbe five "A" league teams, Itoae (Mrs. Lee Putman, president. The with Dr. W. C. Rebhan. Veltie berg third. maining for elimination meets. A small admission charge will G. A. McPhee, Linden. Idaho. TA» White Front Grocery will Pruitt, Dallas Murphy and Merton burg. Cottage Grove, Hprli«fleld. program was presented by the stu­ Ellen Endicott won the women’s Schedule Given open for business in its new loca­ Eugene, and University high, as dents of the school and consisted be made for tbe program. All re­ Ferebee, and a vocal solo by Pruitt. Funeral services were held from ski race with Elsie Dotson of En- To start off the week Hprlngfleld ceipts will lie used to pay the coun­ tion on tbe south side of Main well as the winner of the "B" lea- of the following numbers: An orchestra has been formed the PooleAlray-Bartholomew chapel ty assessment of the Hcout troop In Eugene Wednesday afternoon at street between Fourth and Fifth under leadership of William Mc­ gene a colse second. Mrs. Clifford will meet the Walker teams Mon ue tournaments In both Douglas "Washington's Birthday." Fourth W ilson was third to cross the finish day. Eugene on Tuesday, and Cot and I muic counties and the best grade; "In February." Nadine which this year amounts to $60. 1 o'clock Dr. E. V. Stivers offici­ streets Monday It was announced Lean and assists In the music each llne' tage Grove on Thursday. If Rose- of the runner-up teams In the sum» ated and Interment was made in this morning by W. A. Taylor, pro­ evening. Neet; "A Good Start." Robert To­ Bryan Rvan was adjudged winner burg is not here this week and prietor., Decorating of the interior areas. Tills means that St. Marys the Masonic cemetery at Harris- Tonigln will be ladies night at bias; "Doctor Common Sense," FARM OUTLOOK REPORT wants to remain in the competition of the building is being completed tho church. W e eTangeii's?" wlU of the form skiing contest. and most likely ixiwell will be In third grade; "The Overall Girls,” DISCUSSED AT LUNCHEON burg. Several Springfield people spent that school will have m come some this week end most of the stock of eluded In the starting lineup Wvetta Spriggs mid Helen Lyons preach from the subject. "The Ideal tbe duv taking part in snow sports. morning or be here Friday after­ merchandise is being moved. Either of these teams will provide Home." Friday evening will be "Johnny's Lesson.” sixth grude noon. Contenta and purposes of the Every part of the building has men's night and the subject will be F. M. PURCELL DIES good ground for apprehension how Toy Orchestra, small students un agricultural situation and outlook Four debates in four days with a been remodeled to suit the needs PRISCILLA GROUP PLANS ever, as they have defeated some "A Giant Christian." AT MARCOLA SATURDAY der direction of Miss High; a talk report issued by the United States possibility of a fifth Is not a very of the grocery store. Modern fix­ of the best "A” league teams and COSTUME PARTY SOON easy task to put before a group of "The Teacher of Touay” by l*rln department of agriculture were dis­ Sunday the morning sermon will lie primed to do the same thing Funeral services for the late F. tures will be installed and very theme will be "Mites or Millions?" clpnl G. B. Wood; and a number cussed before the weekly meeting first year debaters when they are modern display windows will be In tournament play. They have Members of the Priscilla club "The Wqrid Is Full of Beauty" by of the Hprlngfleld Lions club at M Purcell who died at his home provided. Mr. Taylor later plans The evening subject will be Just starting their platform experi­ Just gone through a hard ellinlna a mixed quartet. made plans a their meeting last at Marcóla Haturday were held "Stunibllfig Over Skeletons." ence. but this is the only way out I heir luncheou Friday noon by O. lion series and have that experl Thursday for a costume party to be as school officials see it. Tuesday at 2 o’clock from the I. O. to Install a sprinkler system for 8. Fletcher, county agricultural Monday night brings the sermon his vegetable window. ence to fall bark on. held March 3. at the home of Mrs. O. F. hall In Marcóla. Rev. W. V. agent. Each school has dual teams nnd Tbe upstairs floor of the build- on the theme, "Why 9o Many E. C. Stuart. The meeting was No one team will enter the tour BAPTIST CHURCH HAS Barney officiated and Interment Mr Fletcher stressed the need was made in the Marcolu cemetery. has been completely remodeled In­ Churches, and Where Did They held at the home of Mrs. Riley will debate the negative question ■lament with any superior official GUILD DELEGATION to a community hall with an as­ Come From?” This promises to Snodgrass and began with a luncb- away from home while the affirma­ of producing only the better grades Veatch chapel was In charge. standing. All pre-tournament tive team stays at home to defend most interesting sembly room, a small dining room, be one of the Eight Indlea from the Baptist of livestock which are now being games will have no bearing on the .. . , , eon Tbe afternoon was spent with the argument. Mr. Purcell was 76 years old. He kitchen, und large smoking and meetings of , the revival campaign u . ,, results of the district playoff other church plan to attend the annual purchased here In considerable __ ____ . i bridge. Mrs. John Henderer. Mrs. was born In Wisconsin on Septem­ rest rooms. which will continue indefinitely. meeting of the Huptlst World Wide quantities for California farms than psychological. William Rouse, and Mrs. Curtis ber 6. 1856, and came to Oregon in Rev. Pruitt will sing a gospel Guild al Portland Saturday and Greater producllou of legume crops won prizes. Mrs. Henderer and STATE CLUB LEADER TO 1900. He moved to Marcóla where solo each evening and other spe­ Sunday of this week The highlight at the present lime will provide thi Mrs. Lily Bertsch were guests. VISIT SCHOOL TONIGHT BAD CHECK CHARGE HARDWARE TEAM TAKES of the two day meeting will he a farmers slock with certain required he has lived since. In 1X05. He was cial music will be provided. Regular members present were a member of the Modern Woodmen LANDS MAN IN JAIL Ninety-three youn^ people at­ Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant SPRINGFIELD GAME banquet for all visitors Saturday subsu m es (hereby reducing the of America and of the Christian Mrs. John Seavey. Mrs. Curtis, Mrs tended the social hour which the evening. The Hprlngfleld delagu amount of manufactured feeds state club leader, will visit the club Edward Prlvat. Mrs. Stuart. Mrs church. J. E. Balch. Springfield, is being Christian Endeavor sponsored at at Chase Garden school tonight. The Tarlati basketball team front tlon which will represent the Are- which must be purchased. There Surviving are his two sons, Ro­ held in the county Jail on a charge the church after the services last H. O. Dibblee. Mrs. Mina Dibblee, Fusene defeuted the Hprlngfleld lanla guild, recently organized Is no surplus of poultry and dairy Mrs. H. S. Schaffen berg. Mrs. Wll Friday she will go to Cottage Grove bert. and John; and four daughters, of obtaining poperty under false night. town team here 64-27 Tueaday eve here, will present a paper on the products on haud at the present Ham Rouse, Mrs. Norman Howard, to spend the dav at the Southern Mrs Margaret Watson, Mra. W’alt pretense. Ball was set at *600 yes­ time. The price i »mains low be­ nine The acore at the half was work they have accomplished. Mrs. A. J. McKy. Mrs. John Tom Lane county Four-H Club Jubilee. er Boggs, both of Marcóla. Mrs. terday afternoon when he was ar­ Those planning to niuke the trip cause the public Is not able to buy XX-14 for the Eugene Invaders. The She will meet club loaders In Eu­ •CHRISTLIKENESS” TO seth. and Mrs. J. M. Larson. raigned ai^d waived prellminary Karl Epperly, Warren, and Mra. gene Haturday. lineups were aa follows: 8. ring are Mrs. Homer Chose. Miss more. hearing. This has not been turn Robert Lane. Eugene. BE THEME OF SERMON field—Leathers and Perking, for Maude Chase. Miriam Rice. Ruth PLAY CONTEST FINALS ished. wards, Ernatlng, renter, and Cox Carlton. Mrs. Jerry Adams. Mrs KENSINGTON CLUB IS W ill Return Today “Christltkeness. the Acid Test The man was arrested at his TO BE HELD MARCH Mrs. Alice Doane will return to and Nice at guard; and Tartan'o— W. O. Taylor. Miss Rdna Haver VIDA HIGH STUDENTS home at Eighth and C streets here for Christians," will be the theme ENTERTAINED FRIDAY Springfield today after having Hidden and KJoaneaa, forwards; field, and Mrs. Chester Chase. of the morning message at the Final competition in the series of yesterday morning by Lum F. An­ MAY BE TRANSPORTED spent the past three weeks in Port­ Thom, renter; and Jacoba and derson, police chief on a warrant Methodist church Sunday at 11 short plays being sponsored by the Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew was host land with relatives. Libby, guarda. SCHOOLS TO EXCHANGE High school pupils at Vida may issued out of the sheriff's office. o’clock. The text will be “It Any Lane county Recreation and Dra­ ess at her home Friday afternoon Man Serve Me, Let Him Follow matics association will be held at IDEAS AT ART EXH IB IT for members of the Kensington he transported to either Blue River He is alleged to have written a bad club. Mrs. C. P. Poole was assist­ or I^eaburg high schools next year check to Tom Lyon, service sta­ Me.” The evening sermon subject the Eugene high school Saturday OLD FRIENDS MEET AGAIN An art exhibit and exchange ot ant hostess, and Mrs. Claude Gray If plans can be worked out. It Is tion operator east of Springfield, will be "The Kingdom of Heaven March 5, starting at 7:30. Groups AFTER 25 YEAR PERIOD Suffereth Violence." Rev. Poin­ from Junction City, Wlltakenxle Ideas for the various schools of the a guest. Members attending were announced by Laurence Moffitt, as­ for gasoline and cigarettes. dexter. pastor will preach both ser­ Santa Clara, and Franklin will com Two old achool friends were re county Is being prepared hy the Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Mra. L. L. May, sistant county school superintend­ united here Monday after a long county school superintendent's of Mrs. J. T. Moure, Mra. Ed Prlvat, ent. There are only a half dozen WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS mons. The church school will meet pete ln the contest. To her mother and the gay at 9:45 with classes for all ages. separation when Mrs. Rose Haxel flee. Teachers front the schools are Mrs I). II. Murphy, Mrs. Clarence students in the Vida high school social world she was Jocelyn HAVE COLONIAL EVENT Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter will be­ DENTIST TO ATTEND ton of Bellingham, Washington, invited to bring In their best sam­ Chase, Mrs. John Henderer, Mrs. and the cost runs over *426 a pupil. Harlowe. wealthy debutante en­ gin a series of three discussions on II Is believed that these students gaged to marry Felix Kent, came to visit with Mrs. Minnie ples of arl prepared In their school. Milton V. Walker, Mrs. H. W. TWO-DAY MEETING A large Colonial supper was en­ powerful Wall Street million­ Caulklns. Both the ladles lived to­ A display Is being arranged In Whitney. Mrs. C. E. Hwarts. Miss could he transported to one of the joyed by members of the Neighbors "Personal Experiences In South aire. But to her father, poor gether near Cloverdale while at the county office so that on ex­ Edna Hwarts. Mrs. A. J. Morgan, other schools nt less cost and be of Woodcraft last night at their America" at the Epworth League Dr. W. N. Dow Is in Salem today and cynical, she was Lynda San­ meeting Sunday evening. change of Ideas may be hail. given better instructions at the Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. 8. C. Wright tending school 26 years ago. attending the first sessions of a dal. who longed to know the Colonial party at the I. O. O. F. same time. und the hostesses. two-day conference of the Oregon whole of life and who falls In hall. Following the regular busi­ love with his young friend Jock The next meeting will be held LION GOVERNOR TO RECORDER SHOWERED State Dental association. Thia Is Ayleward. OAKWAY GOLF TEAM ness meeting games and stunts March 4 at the home of Mrs. Mar­ VISIT MANY CLUBS were enjoyed by those In attend AT LIONS LUNCHEON the 39,h annual nieetln« of the PLAYS GROVE SUNDAY garet Kenyon. Mra. D. B. Murphy BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE The dual personality of Joce­ group. ance. lyn-Lynda leads her into many will be assistant hostess. ENTERTAINED FRIDAY W. F. Walker, district governor Members of the Oakway golf Members of the Springfield Lions strange adventures, complicated Coburg Services team will go to Cottage Grove Sun­ of Lions clubs for Oregon Idft by the rivalry of two men who club expressed their congratula­ P.-T. A. RADIO CLUB Young people of the Baptist Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will wish to marry her. day morning to meet a team from Hprlngfleld Tuesday on a ten-day TWO BUSINESS MEN tions to I. M. Peterson, city record­ church were entertained at a so­ HAS EVENT TUESDAY er, who recently became father of preach on the subject "Follow Me" that city In a golf match. A prev­ trip Io various clubs In eastern Here Is a love story that Is CELEBRATE MONDAY cial gathering nt the church Friday ious match between the two teams Oregon. Ile visited the Arlington a girl, by means of a miscellaneous at the Methodist church In Coburg different and strangely grlppln*. evening. Guessing games and con­ Mrs. Lee Putman entertained played on the Oakway course was club Tuesday night mid planned to shower at their regular luncheon at 9:45 Sunday. The Church school Katherine Newlin Burl. w:delv- George Washington was not the won by the home team some weeks attend meetings In Pendleton and only person horn on February 22, tests were enjoyed by those pres­ members of the Parent-Teachet meeting Friday noon. A great deal meets at 10:30 and the Young peo­ known writer for leading maga zines, has given ns her beat la ent. Mrs. Jerry Adams and Miss radio study club at her home Tues­ ago. Rimer Pyne, Hprlngfleld, Is a othwtl places before stopping at according to two Hprlngfleld resi­ of amusement was provided the ple will hold their meeting at 7 Ruth Carlton were In charge for day at 2:30 for their discussion of Hood River on his return trip. member of the Oakway team. spectators as John Ketels and Dal­ p. m. dents who first saw the light of day the II. Y. P. V. the subject, "Education In the Fam­ las Murphy unwrapped the various on that date. They are Lum F. ily.” The radio dlscusstou given Dances for Legion Party LINCOLN SCHOOL GETS packages and presented the gifts MANY GUESTS ATTEND Anderson, police chief, and C. A. by experts from Oregon Htate col­ Miss Roberta Rebhan was one to Mr. Peterson. Some of the gifts Hwarts, local butcher. Anderson is MRS. WILSON HOSTESS NEW FACULTY MEMBER EVENT ON “ HURSDAY lege was heard over the radio at were necessities, but all were use of the four small girls to present 38 years old mid was born at Sul­ 3 o'clock. FOR BRIDGE PARTY a Colonial costume dance at the the New Serial T h a t Starts In ful. Appointment of Miss Helen Ryler phur Springs, Texas. Hwarts was F< rty people were Invited to the American Legion Auxiliary party In horn at Marseilles, lllllnols In 1887 F. B. Flanery home last Thursday of Thurston as substitute teacher Mrs. Gertrude Wilson entertain M edford People V is it Eugene at the Osburn hotel Mon­ evening for bridge. Assisting Mr. for Miss Elizabeth James at the nnd Is 45. ed nt her home Tuesday afternoon Mr. nnd Mrs. M. N. Hollister and GROCERY STORE GETS day. and Mrs. Flanery ns host and host­ Lincoln school was announced this with three tables of Bridge. The son. Roy, of Medford were over­ INTERIOR DECORATION Visitors Wednesday ess were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. week hy C. A. Hwnrts, achool group Is composed of Eugene resi­ night guests here Tuesday at the Q u ilt Club to Meet honrd chairman. Miss James has Walker. Prlxe for high score went Mr. and Mrs. Ham Miller of Junc­ dents. Mra. George Prochnow was home of Ren Hollister. They left The Toomb’s grocery store on Members of the recently organi­ to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. been In poor health and Tueaday tion City were guests at the home a guest. The house won decorated the next morning for Washington North Fifth street Is being re­ zed Quilt Club of Springfield will Low prise went to Mr. and Mrs. underwent a major operation at the of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. I air son here In the patriotic theme for the oc­ where they planned to visit a decorated this week. The work Is meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Eugene hospital. Wednesday. Walter Uoaaler. casion. daughter. being made by W. O. Burch. Robert Carr. P .IA 10 PUN ROOM PARTIES »ALLEY PIONEER NEXT LANE P .IA PARSES MONDAT MEETS IN D ili WRIGHT WINNER IN SKI CONTEST A Romance That Will Grip Yon! RAPTURE BEYOND The Springfield Newt Thi, Week