PAGE FOUR PLANS READY FOR WINTER CARNIVAL Akron Moors Safely After Riding Storm trlct for the Manning ground Inca MEDICAL MEN TO HEAR ted west of the Phelps lunch at TALK ABOUT EUROPE Pleasant lllll Member» of I he Lane County Medical society will hear Dr till- son Ross of th, Eugene hosp.lal staff, speak on his ohs. rvations In Europe at their dlurer meet ng to he held at the Osburn hotel this evening. Or nnd Mrs. Itoss return ed a short while ago from an ex- tended European trip during »Inch time he did some studying at Vienna. Obsidians to Be Hosts at Big Outdoor Sports Event at Lost Creek Sunday Member» of the Obsidian club. Lane county outdoor recreation or Sanitation, will sponsor the great- nst Winter Sports Carnival ever at­ tempted in this part of Oregon Sun­ day. February 22. at lx>s Creek ranch <3 mile» east of Springfield on the McKemte uighway. Although the carnival 1» being sponsored by the club primarily for members of that group It has been stated that any resident of the Willamette Valley south of Salem will be eligible to compete for the awards In the various events. There THURSDAY. FEBRUARY I ». 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS -¡-■«M» The U.S.S. Akron, largest o( all aircraft was put through a severe test >n an all-night cruise during which it encountered snow, sleet and halmv weather. After the test it successfully moored to the I'.S.S Patoka, mother-ship of the dirigible fleet The test was made to see how the Akron would handle in weathei conditions that would keep planes on the ground. • * New Automobile Greatly Improved transmission, every car that 1 ex­ ones have got the front seat floor By Caleb Johnson Even in times like these every amined. from the 9500 ones to the boardse and coverings so fitted that Is no entry fee. These awards will include two body is interested in the new auto­ 910,000 ones, has some system of there will no longer be a cold draft cups for the men's races and mer mobiles. Perhaps the automobile free wheeling, usually in connection on the driver's feet In winter. I should say that perhaps half the chandise awards for all others. people are going to sell more of with an automatic clutch. Some Events on the schedule for the I them in 1932 than they did in 1931 have a button to press with your cars is the show are wired tor day's program include: Class A skli At any rate, there is a wider variety foot, to put the free wheeling aud radio as standard equipment, and race, men, 12 miles; class B Ski of good automobiles to choose from automatic clutch system into oper­ every one of these has some kind race. men. 4 miles; snow shoe race, than ever before, and at lower ation, some have the button on the of a radio receiving set especially dash board, some have a lever on designed to go under the dashboard, men, 1 mile; ski race, women. 1 prices. which is sold as an extra, at a coat mile; relay ski races with teams ot Even though automobiles sales th- steering wheel, but in practical­ 4 men; form skiing, and obstacle feI, off ln j93l by more than one ly »11 of the new cars it is possible front 9100 to 9150. Nobody has seen the new Ford to drive over almost auy kind of races on skis. half from 1929. and only about Everyone interested in outdoor 450.000 ears were built last year country without ever having to use yet. Nobody but a few Insiders in sports are urged to make arrange there was more automobile travel the left foot for the clutch lever, the Ford organization know what it ments to spend Sunday with the , han ever Tha, la pTOved by On steep down grades where the is going to be. Mr. Ford never ex Obsidians Those that have snow the f#c, (ha, f)Te hundred minion braking power of the engine is re hibits at the national show, but us- equipment should take it with them. more „Hong of g ,80|ine were con quired, the throwing of a switch or ually shows his new models at the others can rent what they desire atj 9unied in 193i than ln 1930 And the pressure of a button cuts out same time. The rumor la wide Lost Creek ranch. that, in turn, means that the old the free wheeling feature and the spread (hat the new Ford will have Harry Wright, one of the most car9 were dr)Tein harder and are engine is directly geared to the eight cylinders and many other enthusiastic outdoor sportsmen in nearer the stage where they must drive shaft. On a good many ot radical changer from the present A Springfield is expected to enter sev­ be replaced by new ones. Automo­ the new cars you can stand still in type. But we will kuow a lot more eral of the skiing events. An in­ bile manufacturers figure that there traffic with the engine idling, and about that when Mr. Ford tells us. jured ankle prevented him from are six million cars that ought to by opening the gas throttle, by competing last year. go to the junk heap this year. And means of the foot accelerator, it DOCTOR'S WIFE GUEST if they can sell that many they will start off in first speed, auto­ AT VALENTINE PARTY would be doing twice as much bust matically shift to second when it Mrs. M. V. Walker was honor FIRE CHIEF IS ILL gets up to four or five miles an J ness as they did last year. guest at a Valentine party Friday hour, and then automatically shift SUBSTITUTES ON DUTY evening which Mrs. W. C. Rebhau I went to the first automobile into third when the ten mile speed show of the season at Grand Cen gave at her home. Mrs. Paul Bas has been reached, and this process Hugh Joliff, fire chief, is ill this trai Palace. New York, on the open­ ford was the assistant hostess. week and unable to perform his ing day. January 9. This is the is reversed whenever the car slows down. On a great many, if not tasks. Robert Peery is substitut­ first place where the makers all NOTICE OF SALE most, of the new cars, the self­ ing for him during the day and show their new 1932 models, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Carl Wiltse answers all night calls. found a great many things to in starter is also automatic, so that the engine can never stall so long that by virtue of an execution and terest me which will, 1 believe, in of sale Issued out of the Cir­ as the switch is on. All it takes to order cuit court of the State of Oregon, terest everybody who has a car or start the engine is to throw the for Lane County. February 17. 1932. who hopes to have a car. ignition switch. This device was pursuant to a decree entered by First, and most important, prices used nearly twenty years ago by said court February 17. 1932, in a all along the line are way down. Six suit therein pending wherein An­ one maker that I know ot and it drew Holton was plaintiff and Sam­ years ago I paid 93,750 for a car. has amazed me for years that no­ uel N. Roberts. Sophia A. Roberts, At this year's show the same mak body else had taken it up. Sow Rolla W. Orr. Grace V. Orr and L. ! era are offering a car of the same they are all doing it, or most of M. Travis, Inc., a corporation were ! size, but with a more powerful en defendants, which execution and them. order of gale is to me directed and , gine and a better car in every way Hydraulic shock absorbers are commands me to sell the herein­ tyMARY MARSÍ1ALL for a hundred dollars less than half described real property to ; of that figure. There are better now regular equipment on every­ after satisfy the sum of 31677.75 to­ cars selling between 9500 and 91000 thing from Fords to Cadillacs, gether with interest thereon at Bunnies, chickens, kittens or than could have been bought two where only the last year or two 7% from date of the decree until ducks—you'll find them all well they were expensive extras. And paid and the further sum ot 3176.00 years ago from 91000 to 92000. represented in the shops and de­ attorney's fee and costs tune with the times, the largest many of the new cars have what reasonable and disbursements of suit. I will partments where you go to buy they call a "ride control" device offerings of new cars are in the on Monday the 21st day of March, clothes for babies and very small less than 91000 class, and the very whereby the tension ou the shock 1932. at the hour of one o’clock P. folk». This season they are espe- . . . . high quality big cars are selling at absorbers can be altered to suit M. at the front door of the Court dally well represented and if you , . . B from 91000 to 93000 less than simi the load in the car or the character house in Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ want your baby's wardrobe to be of the road. Everybody knows that gon. offer for sale and sell at pub­ lar models sold last year. lic auction for cash to the highest really up to date be sure that these a heavily loaded car holds the road bidder subject to redemption as And I think I am perfectly safe small creatures are part of the de­ In saying that, without exception better than a light one. or at least provided by law. all the right, title corative scheme. shakes up the passengers less. With and interest of the aforesaid de they are all better cars. fondants and each of them and all On blankets, crib covers, carri- I was surprised to find how uni- the "ride control" which operates parties claiming by. through or un­ age robes and bonnet, you may formly , he manufacturerg haTe by opening or closing the oil valves der them, the following described use applique animals cut from adopted a„ of the ¥ery lategt lm in the shock absorbers, the same real property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 46.92*4 provements. For one thing, they are riding comfort la promised with chains west and 11.72 chains all showing smaller wheels and only one passenger that ordinarily north of the Northwest corner larger tires—some of the tires have results from having five iD the car of the Laban Buoy D. L. C. No. 50. Township 19. South of Range almost the proportion of doughnuts. while rough roads are smoothed out 3 West of Willamette Meridian, One of the biggest improvements by a similar application of the "ride run thence South 89 deg. 21 min in the whole automotive field in control" adjustment. West 7.25 chains. North 0 deg. None ot the cars at the show was ’ recent years has been in the quality 15 min. East 13.81 chains North 89 deg. 34 min East 7.25 chains. of tires. I can remember when three equipped with the new low pressure South 0 deg. 15 min. West 13.77 thousand miles was a lot of service tires. From twenty-five to thirty chains to place of beginning all to get out of a set of tires, while t o ­ five pounds pressure is standard for in Lane County. Oregon. day It Is ordinary experience to get balloon tires. One tire maker has Beginning at a point on the brought out, and I was told that South line of the George A- Eliza twenty thousand miles and over. beth Miller Donation Land Claim The smaller wheels help bring orders will soon bring out, a tire Notification No. 6559 claim No. I the car closer to the ground, and which requires only twelve pounds 55 in Township 19. S. R. 3 West by thus lowering the center ot grav of air pressure. It has a triangular of Willamette Meridian which said point is 31.14 chains south 89 lty make high speeds safer and cross section, a very broad base on deg. 48 min. West from the lessen the danger of an upset on a wide wheel rim and about four Southeast corner of said Claim curves. Last year's cars seemed inches of surface contact with the No. 55 and which said corner is low, but this year's are still lower road. Friends of mine who have in Section 22 In said township and range and running thence from ground to top. Several makers driven in light cars equipped with south 89 deg 48 min. West 9.015 have found new ways of bringing these twelve pound tires say that chains, thence North 2 deg 3 i the body down below the chassis they behave wonderfully. min East 19.58 chains to a point I noticed a decided tendency to­ frame. Head room Is less, but peo on the north line of a tract reg­ istered by William B. Thompson pie these days don't wear plug hats ward longer wheel base I d (he low and described in original certifi­ est priced cars. That, of course , while motoring! cate No. 1708 and 13.095 chains There were few four cylinder en makes riding easier. It also gives a North 89 deg. 54 min. East from vines in any of the cars at the longer hood under which to put an the northwest corner of said reg­ eight-cylinder engine, and permits show. Even very low-priced cars istered tract thence north 89 deg. 54 min. East 11.665 chains to a ■ have six cylinders, and many of longer bodies, with more leg room point 19.85 chains north 10 deg those under 91000 are eights. Bev- in the smaller types of closed cars East from the beginning point white eiderdown. Turn in the edges era* makers are showing twelves I saw a smaller proportion of cars thence south 10 deg. West 19.85 of the rumble seat type, however, chains to the place of beginning and sew into place around the who never made anything bigger containing 20.23 acres said 20.23 edgea. taking care that your than p>ghts before. All of that is and more having a close-coupled acres being registered title. stitches are small enough to hide in line with the increased speed body, with rear seats for two or Dated th!" 18th day of February. three, and a removable canvas top which modern motorists, with plen- unseen in the soft material. 1932. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane On knitted sweaters or caps the tJ' good roads to drive on, are over all. They are very sporty County, Oregon. decoration can be made with cross j c®HlhS for. A few years ago a forty- looking affairs, many of these, and (F 18-25—M 3-10-17) stitches done ln heavy silk or fine horse power engine was considered doubtless will be popular with the type of young folks who have been wool yarn In contrasting color. On ver7 powerful; 1 shall say that half a white sweater you may work with ' ^ e cars in the show have engines such eager buyers of two-seaters yellow, red, pink or blue, while a above one hundred horse power, with rumble. Bigger and more powerful head tan or biege sweater may be trim­ and are so designed that they can be driven with safety at speeds up lights, two horns instead of one— I med with brown. Simply thread the yarn or silk ( seventy or eighty miles an hour cannot quite see the use of that— In almost every car I saw, some much more chromium plate and into a course needle aud work the special effort has been made to sus­ stainless steel, a greater variety of Business Cards pend the engine in such a way as more brilliant body colors, deeper to minimize engine vibration. Light and more impressive-looking radia­ Letter Heads er weight pistons and crankshafts tor fronts, and more complete Office Forma are the rule, and I saw numerous stremlining to prevent wind resist­ minor Improvements in methods of ance, are among the other minor Hand Bills insuring equal distribution of gas Improvements which almost all the to all cylinders, on the eights and new cars show. Of course, they all Statements twelves. There seems to be a ten­ have four-wheel brakes, most of Blotters dency to do away with the vacuum them mechanical brakes, with the cross stitches as you would on tank and provide pressure feed exception of one very popular line Envelopes linen, taking one cross stitch in from the main tank. which has used hydraulic brakes Menus, etc. each stitch of the knitting. The I don't think there was a single for several years and still applies diagram shows how to take the cat at the show which did not have them on ail of its cars. And almost Tickets cross stitches for a duck two inches the new so-called "syncro-mesh" every one of the new cars has sun ln width. If you are uninterested gears in one form or another. 1 shields inside which can he pulled In ducks and prefer some otner de- think that In many respects this Is down and set at any angle by the At The vice, you can work out the ar- the most important Improvement In driver, instead of the old-fashioned rangement of cross stitches with cam that has been made, it ellml sun shields which were never com­ out too great difficulty. Simply nates all trouble In shifting gears, pletely satisfactory. I should say draw Intersecting lines on a piece making that operation entirely that a majority of the cars have of paper and then experiment with noiseless and eliminating all dan-' some form of shatter-proof glass as Offices; 119 E. Broadway, the crosses until you have a design ger of stripping the gear teeth. And, standard equipment for windshields that pleases you. I in connection with this syncro-mesh and windows, and some of the new VtfiY LATENT For Railroad W age Cut Mr and Mrs. Austin Mathews of Portland are the parents of a baby boy born last week. Austin Math ews Is a graduate of the Pleasant lllll high school and a sou of Mr and Mrs. Ross Mathews. Mr and Mrs K E Kilpatrick motored to Portland on business last weekend. The Pleusunt lllll ludtes will meet with Mrs. Andy Olson Mon day. February 22. Miss Shaw will be present aud the garden project will lie taken u|i Miss Aral) Nell Arnold and 4 --------- - ... .... .. . . . + Mattel Anderson teachers of the Si intents of the Pleasant Hill Trent school spent the lust week Willard, president o( the and Lowell high school are all key­ end 111 Portland at the Anderaou M Daniel A 0 . railroad, asked all radroad ed up for the coming bosket ball home. men to accept a 10 percent cut so the tournament to be held In Eugene- roads could live. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday anil Saturday of this week. Both teams SCHOOLS OF VALLEY won tour games and Inst two dur­ UNITE FOR TOURNEY ing the season. Lowell meets Santa The basketball game which the Clara Wednesday at 1 I*. M. and at Stmlenls at Thurston, l.enburg, 2 I*. M. Pleasant Hill plays Co junior high school played against the freshmen team resulted with and Vldu buve united (heir basket- burg at the Eugene Armory. the score of 17-28 In favor of the ball strength to form one stronger team with which Io enter the 'll" The Pleasant Hill high school Junior high. league tournament which started basketball teams won three games The Eighth grade and the fresh last Friday on the home floor by men played a practice basketball In Eugene a( the Armory Wednes­ defeating the Mohawk teams. The game at the high school Tuesday day afternoon and which continues first team boys won 34 28. the girls evening They will play a regular until Isle Saturday night Members of the Hprlngfleld high won 45-16. and the boys second game next Tuesday evening at 7 sdiool basketball team and their team 25-17. o'clock. coach. Norval May, went to Eu­ Howard l*nrks who has been Two basketball teams from the gene Wednesday afternoon to very 111 Is reported io be much lm Irving school will come here Erldav watch the opening of the inuma proved. evening to play teams from the meni play. Miss E lla Waugclin. staler of junior high hoy's squad. The games Mrs. E. B. Tinker, who was taken will be played at the high school LEGION MEETING IS Kugcne Tuesday to be un gymnasium der a doctor's care ia reported to POSTPONED THIS WEEK Members of the Eighth grade 4 II be much Improved. Mrs. Orson ^ tl of PleBaan, H||l 1» In Eugene groups which attended the market­ The regular meeting of (he Ain with Miss Wangelin at 1654 Lin­ ing tour In Eugene Saturday evi­ erirun Legion post number 40 dently had more than they could which was scheduled for (his even coln avenue. Mrs. Ehriuau Giusttua has re survive as there have been quite Ing has been called off by W. N celved word of the deatb of her a number of absences among them Gossler, commander. The next meeting will probably noi lie held father. Barney Honorato of Italy. this week. for two weeks. He had been In 111 health for about A candy sale was held by mem­ a year. Mr. and Mrs. Honorato bers of Mrs. Page's Four-H cook NOTICE made their home in Kelso. Wash ing club at the Lincoln school on OF F IN A L S E T TL E M E N T Ington. for many years but return Tuesday. ed to Italy in 1920 Mrs. Honorato Notice Is hereby given that »he All of (he lower grades at the undersigned administratrix of the survives her husband. Mrs. W. P. Scott of Juneau. Al­ Lincoln school had Valentine boxes estate of Mary I E llurlburl. de­ ceased. has filed In (be County aska. Is visiting with her brother aud parties on Friday. Court of tome County. State of anil wife. Mr. and Mrs. McCosain. Oregon, her final account as such Several member» of the Pleasant administratrix and that the 18th IUKA CIRCLE MEETS AT HIU church met at the home of tluy of March. A O, 1932. u t te n Mr. and Mrs. McLeod Sunday for LEWIS HOME TONIGHT o'clock In the forenoon of said day In the Court Kooiu of this Court In an afternoon of music aud »inglng. Lane t ’ o i i i i f v . S la t .- ,»t i i r . i r . u i . lias Mrs. Grayden Lewis will etiter- been ftxeil by this court as the Taylor Circle who recently trail­ ed his farm at Pleasant tlill tor | lam members of Iuka circle, num­ time and place for hearing uny ob­ one in the Thurston district ex ber 37. Ladies' of the G. A. K at jection to said report, and the con her home, Seveuth and U streets slderatlon and settlement thereof peets to move soon. BEATRICE WA88OM, Admit Mr and Mrs. Phelps have traded this evening. This is to be the re- latrairlx. iheir ranch in the Enterprise dis- gular meeting of the group. (F 18 25— M 3-10 17) .-i» Upper Willamette Lincoln School Notes TEACHER INSTITUTE TO BE HELD MARCH 19 Mutch 19 has been aet by lotur riue C. Moffitt, asalstalit coutRy achiHil superintendent, as the date for the teacher Institute to he held In this city A similar Institute will be held at Junction t'lly on March 12. and other seaalona ar» being llaiitied for Collage Grove and Florence dutMiX III« same month. Each of the gatherings will hn addressed hy some qualified speak er after which the meeting will he come an open discussion foruin. CHURCH MISSION GROUP POSTPONES MEETING The regular meeting of the Mis slon soclsty of the Christian church which was to have been held Moll day evening was postponed this Week because of the evangelistic services being held at the church each night except Haturdny. Thurston Mrs. Charles Gray left last Bat urday for her home at Ashland, with her sou, Raymond Gray, after a visit of several days with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Gray formerly lived here. Mr and Mrs. Linn Rndlrolt moved Into Eugene last Monday The Ladles’ Aid met with Mrs Ray Rennie lust Thursday and quilted a quilt Their next meeting will also be held with her as she has another quill to finish, Alex Mathews who la employed at Kroltaburc spent last Munday in Thurston. Mrs Needham and her mother, Mrs Teetrra have both been III for several days. Rev E V Stivers announced bis sermon for next Sunday, "Alt Men Are Liars." la II ever Justifiable to tell a lie? NOTICE OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator ot the estate of Ina J Finn, has filed In the County Court of l.ane County, State of Oregon, bis final account as such administrator. and that the IM h d m o f Mar. II. 1932. St 'e n o'clock In the forenoon of said day baa been fixed by thia Court as the time for hearlug any objections to said report, and the closing of the same by tbe County Court of Lane County. Oregon E IdsOCKK. Administrator of the Estate of Inu J. Finn, lie- ceased IF 18 25 M 3-10 17) - —> -» > > > * Test You Forget’ Willamette Press A Thrilling Offer of Matchless Values FULOP’S DEPT. STORE AT 334 Main St. Springfield Never Before Such Fine Quality Merchandise at Prices Such as These: 25c Fast Color Prints. Peter Pan, Invader, Borden, Yd., 14c 15c Fast Color Prints 10c 50c High Grade Sheeting, Free of Starch, Yd. 2 9 c 50c Ladies’ Lisle Hose 23c Special Lot Ladies' Fast Color House Dresses 5 9 C $1.00 Ladies' P ire Silk Hose 49C $1.35 Kayser Humming Bird Silk Hose 89C 12c Muslin, Bloachcd or Unbleached, Hoavy, Yd. 8c Yard Wide Outing Flannel, Fine Grade. Yd. 12C 27 inch White Out ng Flannel, Yd. 7 c $4.50 Nashua Wool Mixed Blanket $ 2 .4 8 $1.25 Sheet Blankets 69c $1.50 Sheet Blankets, Wool PAixed 89 C $1.00 >$2.00 Ladies' Knit Wool Cloves 49c 50c Ladies', Girls' Rayon Bloomers 23c $3.00 - $5.00 Corsets to Close 89c 75c - $1.50 Brassieres in all sizes, 34 - 46 25c $1.25 Child Sweaters 69c $2.50 Child and Girl Sweaters, Pure Wool $ 1 .2 9 75c Ladies' Slips, Pink and White 49c 15c Turkish Towels 9c, (3 for 25c) 9C 25c Turkish Towels, 15c, (2 for 25c) 15C $2.00 Ladies' Rayon Pajamas 98C $3.00 - $4.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves, to Close 98c $4.00 Ladies' Sweaters, to Close $ 1 .9 8 $2.50 - $4.00 Woolen Dress Goods, Yd„ 98c $1.00 Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Gowns 49c $1.00 Men's Blue Overalls 79c 75c Men's Work Shirts 49c 20c Engineer - Fireman Hose 15c <2 for 25c) 1 5c 15c Rockford Work Sox 10c (3 pairs 25c) 10c 65c Boys’ Work Shirts ................ 39c $1.00 Hickory S hirts......................... 69C $8 50 Men's Suede Leather Jackets $ 5 .9 8 $2.50 Boys' Blue Corduroy Pants $ 1 .3 9 $3.50 Men's Sweaters $3.00 Men's Semi-Dress Pants $1.95 Men's Whip Cord Pants $2.50 Heavy Moleskin Pants College Cords, Boss of Road 50c Leather Face Cloves $1.50 Men's Broadcloth Shirts, All Shades $4.00 Men's All Wool Blazers $ 1 .9 8 $ 1 *9 8 <£$ 19 $ 1 .6 9 $ 2 .5 9 34c 89c $ 1 .9 8 SHOES >4.00-$5.00 Ladies' Shoes to Clean for Spring Arrivals $ 2 .4 8 , $3.00 Ladies* Sport Shoes $ 1 .9 8 $4.00 > $4.50 Men's Dress Shoes 52 98 $3.00 Red Arrow Work Shoes, Special $ 1 .8 5 $2.50 - $3.00 Childrens Shoes $ 1 .4 8 $1.50 Scuffer Shoes Children 89c Terms - Cash No Credit Never Before Have We Sold Such High Grade Merchandise at Such Ridiculously Low Prices as A re Offered On this Sale! NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE HAD A BETTER LINE OF MERCHANDISE AND NEVER BEFORE COULD YOU BUY, ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY, SUCH SPLENDID MERCHANDISE AT SUCH LOW PRICES. ANY PURCHASE YOU MAKE AND YOU ARE NOT FULLY SATISFIED WITH YOUR BARGAIN, WE RE­ FUND YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY. FULOP'S DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD