THUHHUAY, FEBRUARY » , 1082 N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L A C C O U N T « DOCTOR W IL L F IT UI.AMHEH In exchange fur ■ iiih II, farm llve- »im k. 921 W illamette h i ., Ku ■«Ilf. M 3. N O TIC E IH HER EBY U IVBN : That the undersigned, a« executrix of the laisi W ill and Testament of Charles C. Rossman. deceased, has filed her account for the final I »»ltl Miner ItiilldltiK, Bugana, Ore- uilthorlxed by an order of the Court IN T H K C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E duly given and made In the above (on, S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E entitled matter on February 8, 1932, Ito llK H T it. D O N N ELLY, Ex« CO UNTY OF LANK. i-utor of the l.a»t W ill and will sell at private aale to the high IXIH ACK RIDDLE, plaintiff -Vs- H Taalauiant of Charlotte ft. Don [ «at and best blt Numbei ply to the court for the relief pray­ Oregon. All pernon» havina claims One In Block Numlier Twenty-one ed for In the complaint and for a ugatnst »aid entate ara required to decree of absolute divorce from present them, with the proper | In lames Huddleston's Addition you. voucher», within »lx month» fro m , to Eugene, running thence East This summons Is published once along said North line of Eighth the tlth day of February. 1032, to S tre e t 60 fee! I h e t u e North 217 each week for four consecutive the »aid administratrix at the law office of I. I.. Hay, In the Miner ' feel, thence West parallel with weeks In the Springfield News, a »aid North line of Eighth Rtreet weekly newspaper published at Hulldlug. Eugene. Oregon. 60 feet to a point due North of Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, E D IT H F1A1HHIK F t'N K E , Ad beginning point, thence South 217 by the order of the Hon. O. F. Skip mlulstratrlx of the Batata of feet, more or less to the piece of worth. Judge of said court, made Lillie Hlewart, deceased. beginning, all In Lane County. the 16th day of February, 1932, L. L. KAY. Attorney for Entate. and first published the 18th day ot Stale of Oregon. (F . 11-18 26 M 3-10) February. 1932. Terms of sale: At least one- W H IT T E N SW AFFO RD. Attor­ 1 (mirth of the purchase price to be ney for Plaintiff. Residence and NOTICE mild In cash, and the balance may Postoffice Address. Eugene, O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T run for a period of three years Oregon. In the County Court of thn Hlate with Interest at the rate of 6 per (F 18-26— M 2-10-17) of Oregon for lo n e County. In ient per annum payable annually, the M atter of the Entate of Florra with the provision that If any In C IT A T IO N teest Is not paid when due, the Garttn, deceased. Notice I» hereby given that the whole of the deferred payments IN T H K CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E undersigned administrator ha« filed »hall become due at once. HTATE O F OREGON FOR LANE CO UNTY. LANSFO RD H. M U L K E Y . Kx- hl» final account In »aid matter and that the aforesaid court ha» exutor. In the M atter of the Estate of IF . 11-18-26 M 3-10) appointed February 19th, 1932, at John O’l-averty, Deceased. leu o'clock A. M as the time for To Thomas O'Laverty and all hearing objection to said final ac­ other persons unknown claiming an N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S count and the settlement thereof. Interest In the estate of John All persou» Interested may file ob­ Notice Is hereby given that the O'Laverty deceased. G REETINGS: jections thereto. undersigned has been duly appoint- J 11 O A IIT IN , Administrator. cd administrator of the estate ot In the name of the State of Ore­ C. A. W'lntermeler. attorney. Elisabeth G. Jenkins, deceased, gon, You are hereby cited and re­ (J 21 28— F 4-11-18) and any and all persons having quired to appear In the County claims against the said estate are Court of the State of Oregon foi hereby r««julred to present said l-ane County In the court room claims, duly verlfl«»d ns by law re­ thereof at Eugene In l-ane County quired, to the undersigned admin­ on the eighth day of August. 1932, istrator, at the office of Eugene V. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Slattery. Deputy District Attorney, that day. then nnd there to show at the Lone County Court House, cause. If any you have, why said In Eugene, Lane County, State of court shall not make an order di­ JEW ELER Oregon, within six months from the recting and authorising W. L. Mr- Hargue as administrator of said date of this notice. Repairing a Specialty Dated and first published Jsnu estate to sell the following des- crlbed real property for the pur­ Springfield, Oregon ary 21. 1932. Date ot Inst publication February pose of obtaining funds with which to pay claims against said 18. 1932. E U G E N E L. JE N K IN S . Admin estate and expenses of administra­ Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Istrator ot the estate of Elisa­ tion to-wlt: The South One H alf of the Naturopathie Physician beth C. Jenkins, deceased. Southeast Quarter of Section Lord A Moulton, and Eugene Phone 91-J Thirty-two (321 In Township V. Slattery, Attorneys for Ad­ Office Hour»: 1 to 8 I'. M. Fourteen <141 South of Range ministrator. Three (3). West of the W iliam (J 21-28— F 4-11-18) 408 Fourth Street ette Meridisn and also the North H alf of the Northeast Quarter N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S of Section Five (5) In Township Universal M ortgage Corp. Notice Is hereby given that the j Fifteen (16) South of Range Three (3), West of the W illam ­ undersigned has been appointed ette Meridian, all In Linn County, Executrix of the estate of Lester State of Oregon, and containing Oren Beckwith, deceased, and any One Hundred Fifty-Seven and and all persons having claims' W . P. Tyson. Agent Forty-two Hundredths (167.42) against the said estate are hereby acres of land subject to a mort 128 E St. Phone 56W required to pre»«mt said claims, gage of $3,000, held by the Travel­ duly verified as by law required, at er's Insurance Company. law office of my attorney, H. E. Also lots two (2) nnd Three (3) Slattery, 717 W illam ette St.. Eu­ General Law Practice In Block Twenty (20) of the Ex­ gene. Oregon, In Lane County. Ore­ tended Survey of the Town of gon, within six months from the I. M. PETERSON Springfield. Oregon, subject to a date of this notice. At tnrney-at-l-aw mortgage of $250. Dated and first published Febru­ Also lot Eight (8), Block Forty- City Hall Building ary 11. 1932 two (42) of Ihe extended Survey Data of last publication March 10. Hprtngfle’.d. Oregon of the Town of Springfield. 1932 Witness Honorable C. P. Barnard, A LIC E M. B E C K W IT H , Execu­ trix of the estate of I-ester' Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for I-ane County, Oren Beckwith, deceased. FRANK A. DE PUE II E. S L A T TE R Y . Attorney for ) nnd the seal of said Court affixed A T T O R N E Y A T LAW hereto this 16th dav of February. Executrix. 1932. N O T A R Y P U B L IC (F . 11-18-26 M 3-10) Attest: W B D ILLA R D . Clerk. Sutton Springfield By EVA L. D U C K W O R TH . Deputy N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S SA L E (F 18-26— M 3-10-17) Building Oregon » Business Directory Edw. G. Privat BONDS t DRY W OOD OF ALL KINDS Quick Delivery Phone Springfield 121-M POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE U th H P R IN O F IK L I) nnd Chnrnelton, 228 Main Toll-phone 723 Phono 82-J V - A VOID » GLARE Orthogon Soft-Llte LenneR Relieve Eye Strain DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W est 8th lu g a n a Notice is hereby given that by N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E virtue of an execution and order REAL PROPERTY of sale IsHUed out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for NO TIC E is hereby given that by I-ane County, Oregon. January 18. virtue of an execution and order 1932. upon and pursuant to a de­ of sale Issued out of the Circuit cree made by said Court January Court of the State of Oregon for 18, 1932, In a suit pending therein Lane County this 11th day of Feb In which Chnrlex Clements wus runry, 1932. upon and pursuant to plaintiff and Jean Flanigan wan de­ a decree duly given and made by fendant, whtch execution and order said Court this lt t h day of Febru­ of sale wan to me directed and com­ ary. 1932, In a suit pending therein manded me to sell the real property In which The Pacific Savings ft hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ txian Association, a Washington tain liens nnd charges In said do corporation was plaintiff and J. cree specified, I will, on Saturday, M. Rose and others were defendants, the 20th day of February. 1932. at which execution and order of sale the hour of one o’clock In the after­ whs to me directed and commanded noon of said day, at the southwest me to sell the real property here­ door of the County Court House inafter described to satisfy certain In Eugene, lanie County, Oregon, liens and charges In said decree offer for sale and sell, at public au­ specified, I will on Saturday, the ction for cash, subject to redemp­ 19th day of March, 1932, at the tion ns provided by law, nil the hour of 1:00 o'clock P. M., st the right, title nnd Interent of the de­ southwest door of the County Court fendant In said suit nnd of nil par­ House In Eugene, Lane County. ties claiming by. through or under Oregon, offer for sale and sell at him, since the 9th day of February, public auction for cash, subject to 1928, In nnd to the following des­ redemption as provided by law, cribed real property, to-wlt: all of the right, title and Interest The north half of Donation of the defendants In said suit and I-nnd Claim No. 43, Notf. No. 3288 of all parties claiming by, through In Sections ten and fifteen, town or under them or any of them. In ship 18. south, Range 3 West of or to the following described real the W illam ette Meridian, in Lane property, to-wlt: County, Oregon, and being the Beginning at the Northwest North half of the D. L. C. of corner of the tract of land con­ George M. Coryell, the same con­ veyed to M illie A. Fox by Lurena taining 160.23 acrea of land, more Zimmer and John A. Zimmer by or leas, In said County and S tate ,1 deed recorded In Vol. 148 at page Alan beginning at the south­ 468 of the deed racorda of I-ane west corner of Donation I-and Coun4y, Oregon, and running Clnlm No. 69 In Township 18, thence Eaat along the northerly South, Range 3 West of the W II- boundary of the tract so convey­ Inmette Meridian and run thence ed as aforesaid 126 feet, thence North 12.38 chains to right of south 40 feet, thence westerly way, thence west 8 chains and 126 feet to the west boundary of 1 1-3 links, thence South 67 links, the tract conveyed to said M illie thence East 8 chains and 11-3 A. Fox, as aforesaid, thence links, nnd thence North 67 links North 40 feet to the place of to the place of beginning. In Lane begin ivlng, In I-ane County, Ore­ County, Oregon. gon. Dated this 19th day of January, Dated this 11th day of February. 1932. 193?. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff of l-ane H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. County, Oregon. By A. E. H U LEO AA RD, Deputy. (J 21-28—F 4-11-1») (F 18-26— M 2-10-17) RED CROSS ASKS GARDENPLANTING PAOB THR1 Vialta from Wendllng — Mr«. Wendllng Rraident Hara— Mra Frank Crabtree of Wendllng vl»lted Harry Wilke» of Wendllng was » | friends In Springfield on Monday. visitor In Springfield Monday. Greater Production of Vege­ table« Expected to Reduce Plumber III— Nell Pollard, pro­ Has Influenza— Mr». Lum F. An­ prietor of the Springfield numbing derson Is III at her home with an Coat of Poor Relief »bop was ill the flrat of the week. Are You Making Quilts? Vat Dyed Print» attack of Influenza. Taking up a suggestion handed Business Visitor— Mr». Mary El» Visits from Albany— Mrs. Helen on by the Cottage Grove relief coun ton of Ixtnburg wa» a business vlst- Runt of Albany wan a bualne»» visi­ ell, officers and members of the tor In Springfield on Saturday. tor In Sprtnefleld Saturday. Lane County Red Cross at their an­ Small Child III— The «mall child nual meeting held at the Osburn Marcóla Resident Calls — Mrs. hotel last week decided to launch of Mr. and Mr». Norton Pengra Glenn Neilson of Marcóla visited a county-wide Garden Plot move­ 1» III with the flu st thee home of with friends la Springfield Satur­ ment as an aid to lessening the It» par«nt». day. reed for relief work during the Visits Parent»— Horace Franklin Minor Operation— W illiam K 1 da­ next year. Drury has gone to Coburg to be The plan as It Is being carried employed In the Drury and Drury te r of Dexter «ubmltted to a minor operation at the cfflce of a local out by the Cottage Grove people store there. physician Wednesday. starts with the compilation among all those now getting relief of a Spend Day on Farm — Julius Fined for Speeding — O rv ille questionnaire showing a complete Fu lop. Springfield merchant, and Clarke was fined $16 in Eugene record of the amount of ground now Dale Hummers spent Tuesday on Justice Court Monday on a charge available for garden purposes, the the Fulop ranch near Salem. of speeding In Springfield. ability of the person to furnish the W alterviile Folk Haro—J. D. Me necessary seeds and Jars for can­ Arthur and daughter. Ann. of Walt- Has '‘ cadet Fever— Han,Id Trot­ ning purposes. ervllle were buxine«» visitor» In ter. son of Mrs. Louise Trotter Is Those who do not return the Springfield on Friday afternoon. ill with scarlet fever at a hospital questionnaire and thoae In need In Eugene. but who neglect to ralae a garden Back from California— Mrs. Nel­ this coming summer will be con­ lie Bartlet ha» returned from Cali­ Major Operation — Miss Eula sidered aa having put themselves fornia where »he »pest »«me time Spicer daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. beyond the need of help from the visiting with her (laughter. Sam SSpicer of Marcóla, submitted relief council of the Grove city. Visit» Mother— Lloyd Magill ar­ to a major operation tor appendi­ An extensive campaign to have the needy people of the county rived Sunday from Portland I» citis at the Eugene hospital Satur­ produce most of tbelr own food for ■pend a few day» in Springfield day. She is making a very satis­ the next y««ar will be launched in visiting with hl» mother. Mr». factory recovery. all parts of the county Immediately Mary Magill. A campaign will be started to se­ Returns to Roseburg— Mr». C. O. Returns to Salem— Mrs. William cure garden plots for those who Van Valzah returned to her home O. Morgan of Salem returned to have none, to furnish s«-ed for those at Roseburg Sunday after having her home on Saturday after having who cannot buy them, and later to spent several days here visiting spent a week visiting with Mr. and carry on Instruction work In with her mother, Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Mrs. S. G. Moshier. methods of canning and preserving Sr. Her sister, Margaret Gorrie, surplus foods for winter use. V isiting in Portland— Mrs. Alice | and Mias Nina Boaen, Eugene, took No organization has taken up this Doane ha» spent several days in | Mrs. Van Valzah to Roseburg by work In this city, but It Is expected Portland with Mrs. Al Cannon who ' motor. that It will be started «non Mrs. was injured recently In a motoi M. B. Huntly. Mrs. A. B. Van Val- accident. GROUP TO PHOTOGRAPH xah. and W. P. Tyson, all of Spring- field. are members of the execu- j Eye Operated On— W alter Lipes UPPER RIVER IN BOATS tlve committee of the county Red submitted to an operation for the Dr. W. C. Rebhan, M. R. Irish, Cross unit. removal of a growth on one of his County road work relief funds eyes Monday. The growth had Eugene, Rev. Veltie Pruitt, pastor of the Springfield Christian church, will continue to be distributed until started bothering his vision. and Elery Parrish, evangelist, will April 1, according to all present drive to the upper McKenzie river Indications. It has been stated by Collects Bounties— L. J. Holeman O. K Crowe, county commissioner of Vida Saturday collected $14 in country Saturday and w ill spend The relief work was to have ended bounties from the county bounty the entire day in two boats photo­ March 1. but due to the Inclement fund. He had killed two bobcats graphing winter scenes along the banks of the river. They will put weather of the past month which and one cougar. the boat Into the river somewhere has slowed up other lines of acti­ above Blue river. vity the cuunty has appropriated Agent at Fall Creek—O. 9. Fiet $1800 for the additional road work. Rebhan. Irish and Pruitt last cher, county agricultural agent, summer made a boat trip down the spent Friday In the Fall Creek area Rogue river from Grants Pass t o ; visiting with farmers discussing fu­ SONG BIRDS SHIPPED the ocean making some very inter , ture projects to be carried on by esting motion pictures of th e 1 FROM MINNEAPOLIS these residents. stretch while navigating the river. I Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Turner this Illinois People Here— Mr. and Pruitt and Parrish spent last Sat- week received a Gluck Roller can­ Mrs. George W. Parriss of Cache, urday in the snow on the upper ary shipped to them by express Illinois, are visitors at the home McKenzie and brought back some from Minneapolis. The bird Wa: u? Mr. Parriss' sister and brother- very fine show pictures which they shipped In a small container de- -, Mr. and Mrs. George Bench were exhibiting to their friends signed for the purpose and does at heir home. 640 C street. ' this week. not seem to have been upset by the long Journey. Canary raising has become some thing of a hobby for the Turners. I They now have three young birds which were hatch«-d out from egg» laid by one of their older birds. These youngsters have grown from almost nothing to the size of their parents In the first three weeks ot their life, and seem to have at-1 talncd their normal size alrt'ady. PLAY CONTEST FOR COUNTY TO BE TALKED Plans for a contest to determine the county one-act stage produc­ tion champloiiB from the district winners are being discussed today at the office of Miss Gertrude L. Skow, county home demonstration agent, by directors of the various district winning groups. Those at the conference are Carl Rutherford. | Wlllakenaie; Mrs. Howard Dunn,, Junction City; Mrs. E. O. Pryor. Franklin; and Mrs. H. K. Anderson. Santa Clara. The last of the district meets was held at River Road north of Eu­ gene Thursday evening last week I before a crowd of 600 spectators. TWO CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS AVAILABLE The United State Civil Service Commission has announced that ap­ plications w ill be accepted until March 8 for positions of chief artis­ tic llgthographer. senior artistic tic lithographer, senior artistic pressman, for duty In Washington, D. C„ or In the field. The entrance salary for chief ar­ tistic lithographer Is $2600 a year, and for senior artistic lithographer and lithographic pressman, $2000 a year. Full Information may be obtain­ ed from W alter N. Gossler, Secre­ tary of the United States Civil Ser­ vice Board of Examiners at Spring- field. Wool Ray Batti 15c 79c 72x90 — 3 Pound Size J. P. Coats Pearl Cotton For Tying Quilts c T he Golden Rule Rulers of Low Price» 10th A Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. Irish-Murphy Co. Springfield, Oregon Another Sale on BakÌllg Chocolate with a Can of Cocoa FREE — On SATURDAY Be Sure to Get Yours BOTH Fof 25^ d TW O ’/ j POUND Jg Chocolate Bars la V a n illa , w ith Roasted Peanuts M j| jl LaundrySoap White 10 Bars 25c 1 25c 1 4 Large White j| Coffee I I L ^ l BEANS ' ■ 10 Pounds S Peter Pan, 1 lb. 29c • Economy, 1 lb. 23c S u p e rh e te ro d y n e Baby Grand Radio Model 51, ONLY GIRLS NOSE OUT WIN AT WENDLING MONDAY A girls' bnsketbnll team com­ posed of young ladles of Springfield and Eugene won a hard and rough game Monday night from the Mo­ hawk Iris' team at Wendllng by a margin of one point. The acore was 31-30 at the end of the game after Mohawk had held a lead of 23-16 at the half. Playing on the Springfield team were Snodgrass and Snyder, for­ wards. Benson and Rhodes, cen­ ters, and Gerber and Whitaker, guards with Hortense Handgren, substitute. A return engagement h»» been promised although no date has been set. Fast to Washing, Sunlight, and Perspiration, yard Complete with Phileo Balanced Tubes... including new Pentode Power Tube EASY TERMS! FREE DEMONSTRATION and FREE installation to your ground and aortoM Y E S . . . the very latest Phileo Superheterodyne, a brand new, 1932 Baby Grand, with Balanced Units, for only $39.951 You never heard of such a price for such a radio! J.H1S SAM E wonderful Just lo o k a t those f e a tu r e s ... receiver also available in Superheterodyne selectivity... Screen Grid power... genuine Electro- Dynamic Speaker. ..beautiful hand-rubbed Mahogany cabinet.. .five Phileo Balanced Tubes, including new Pentode... and Phileo Balance( I Units throughout. In workmanship, finish and performance it excels instruments priced far above its extremely moderate price. . actually one of the most tre­ mendous values ever offered in radio! / See it today. ' No obligation, and you can protect youreelf on delivery. beautiful American W al­ nut lowboy cabinet, com­ plete with tubes, including Pentode, f o r only $56.00 • D O N ’ T D E L A Y ! • S E E I T ! • H E A D MT! • T O D A Y ? W R IG H T & SONS Springfield, O rtgon