THURHPAY. FEBRUARY^I^IM^ THE 9PR1NOFIF1.D NEWS PAGE TWO They are Margaret Kenyon. Hprlng theory. It seems beyond dispute | TWO FOUR-H CLUBS field. Daisy D Warner, Creswell; that certain Individuals can read ORGANIZED AT TRENT Josephine II Finn. I.ealiuraj and minds, and that these same. mJ U, A, Walker. Jasper other aocalled "sensitives," are Two new Four II clubs were or Published Every Thursday at All of ihe women are Hated as capable of liberalIng a form of Ir ganlteil at Trent Iasi week under housewives. Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by visible energy which, however, they j the direction of Mrs Irene llol THE WILLAMETTE PRESS turn to no further account than comb, leader of both groups Both H . K. MAXEY, Editor __________________ HOW ONE WOMAN the useless ringing of hells, movin ! of the dubs, one a sewing and the < f small tables, and fllnglt a about other a home making project nave LOST 10 LBS. IN A WEEK ied aa necofid class matter. February 14. IM.1. at the poatuffic«. of divers objects. the same officers. They are Myrna coeve •<)’ ' S A» ssAgv eoeeors v i n I h j - Springfield. Oregon To me. I admit, the solution ot imtrd. Pleasant Hill, president. Mrs iletiy l.uedeke of Daytou What about the stick lliat was tak man who knew hardly the null F in al Inatallm ant the Wells case as one of mind read Elisabeth Holcomb. Trent, vice writes "I am using Kruschen Io M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E meats of the very things she was en from my library." "She had been' our first govern­ 76c ing la more satisfactory than ex i president, and Agnes Wallace. Jas­ reduce weight I lost 1« pounds In One Year In Advance ..............11.76 T hree Months "Will you tell nte how you came destroying? one week and cannot say too much 6c ess for the children,” Elinor said, placatory. For mental waves re-1 per. secretary. There are If mem to recommend It." Six Months .............. .........»I «« Single Copy Was death, then, not peace and "and she often came in She had to have it. doctor?" main a mystery, acknowledged, as hers in ihe sewing d u ll and nine To lake off fat easily, SAFELY "Yes. 1 took It from the lower an awakering Io new things. Inn a made a birthday smock for Buddy, Is electricity , but of a talurc yet tiu -j members In the home making ami HARMLESSLY take one half THl'RSOAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1932 and she had it in her hand. She al hall the night—the night it happen wretched and dlaaoctated clutching revealed. Thoughts are things. That j lenapnoufMl of Kruschen In a glass group. after the old'* A wrench which onlv of hot water In the morning befor« most fainted. I couldn't tell her a ed.” COMMISSIONER WASHBURNS Is all we know. breakfast It Is the safe way Io lose “It was Charlie Ellingham*. He loosened but did not break our! bout Charlie Ellingham. 1 couldn’t Mrs. Dane, I believe, had sus ! unsightly fal and one bottle ilia! The appointment of Carl O. Washbume, Eugene mer­ 11 told her we had been struggling, had left it there. We had to have earthly lies? lasts t weeks costa but a trifle Get peeled the aolutton from the start. MANY WOMEN LISTED chant. as a member of the state highway commission, is for­ and that I was a. raid I had shot it. doctor. Alone it might not mean I' was well that Sperry came The Neighborhood t'luh has re-1 FOR JURY SERVICE It at any drugstore in America. If tunate for Lane county. Not since R. A. Booth and E. J. him. She is quick. She knew just much, but with the other things hack when he did, bringing with centlv disbanded We tried oilier this first bottle falls to convince Adams served has Lane county had commissioners and what to do. We worked fast. She you knew—tell them, Clara." hint a breath of fresh night air aid tilings, lull we had been spoiled We Three women slid one man from you this le the safest way to loae fal money back, wholehearted support of her part in the state road pro­ said a suicide would not have tired 'I stole it from your office,” she stalwart sanity. He found me still read a play or two, with Sperry's thia district are listed on the Jury llul be sure to get Kruschen one shot into the ceiling, and she said, looking straight ahead. "We pacing the room. gram. panel to be called for the term ot Salts Imltallons are numerous ami wife reading the heroine, and tl>' This county has more miles of state road than almost fixed that. It was terrible. And all had to have it. I knew at the second "The thing I want to know." I rest of us lakln-g other parts. Sb-- circuit court to begin March 7 you must safeguard your health any other county in the state and more at present under the time he lay there, with his eyes sitting that it was h is." said fretfully, “Is where this leaves has a lovely voice, has Mrs. Sperry | construction. It is very important that the work on these half open—” "When did you lake it?" us? Where are we? For God's sake, Hui it was all stale and unproftt- highways continue until they are finished before new and The letters, it seems, were all ov­ "On Monday morning I went for where are we?" after the Wells affair. With expensive construction be started on other roads. Expen­ er the place. Elinor thought of the Mrs. Dane's medicine, and you had "First of all." he said, “have you able, Herbert on a lecture tour on spirit , sive state roads that run to blind ends or poor connections curtains, cut a receptacle for «hem, promised her a book. Do you re­ anything to drink? Not for me For realism, and Mrs Dane at a sans j are costly investmments to the state. _ but she was afraid of the police. member? 1 told your man, and he yourself. You look sick." We always have n supply of remedies for Spring torlum for the winter, we have now I Harmony in the commission is very essential to its Finally she gave them to Clara who allowed me to go up to the library "We do not keep intoxicants In given it up. and my wife and 11 Colds iliui are effective. <>ur advice coats you "u,h "K working and important if public confidence is to withhold was to take them away and burn It was there on the table. I had the house." (’tune in and likely we t an ti ll yon how Io avoid sick­ spendspend our Monday evenings 5 the high automobile license fees for road purposes. Bicker­ them. 'Oh, piffle." he said. "Where la at home. ness which means loss of time, trouble and expense expected to have to search for it, They did everything they could but it was lying out. I fastened it It. Horace?" ing like has gone on recently must only result in the wreck­ The drug store sluuds guard over the community. THE ENO ing of the state program and the loss of much money to the , think of. all the time listening for to my belt, under my long coat." "I have a little gin." Avail yourself of I Ida protection. Suxanne Gautier s return; filled the "And placed It in the rack at Mrs. "Where r ' state. With Mr. Washbume on the commission. Lane county secoind empty chamber of the re- Dane's?" Sperry was watching her ' Where r' and Southern Oregon can count on understanding and sym­ i volver, dragged the body out of the Intently, with the same sort of a “Well, said Sperry, when he had In the New Store Springfield hall and washed the carpet, and grim intentness he wears when ex­ lighter a cigar. "So you want to pathy for her part of the state highway program. I called Doctor Sperry, not knowing amining a chest. know where we are?" that he was at Mrs. Dane's and "I put it in the closest in my I drew a chair before the book­ POOR TIME TO DISARM could not come. room. I meant to gat rid of it when shelves. which in our old-fashioned The disarmament conference is meeting at a poor time Clara had only a little time, and I had a little time. 1 don't know house reached almost to the cell­ SUNNY DAYS------ to make much headway. Even the most ardent advocate of with the letters in her handbag she how it got downstairs, but I think ing. and. withdrawing a volume of ------WILL SOON BE HERE peace must admit that it would be foolish for the nations of started down the stairs. There she Josephus. I brought down the tu r ­ the earth to disarm when more than hall the poulation of heard some one. possibly Elling- "Yes?” Ind irect Advertising Then you'll want your ear Io run right. Let ua tle. Quite a few bootleggers here have the world is embroiled in revolution and civil strife. tune up the motor and fill the lank with either \ IOLEI 'Now and then, when I have had "We are house-cleaning. A house­ ham. on the back stairs, and in her India with 180 millions, China with more than 300 haste, she fell, hurting -her knee, maid was washing closets. I sup a bad day.” I exlpalned. “I find 4 novel scheme for advertising BAY or GENERAL ETHYL gasoline. Then you'll be Het They send men around who place millions. Japan with 05 millions and Russia with more than and she must have dropped the pose she found it and thinking it that It makes me sleep." to enjoy a long trip on the highway or up ihe river 100 millions of people surely cannot be regarded as safe | handbag at that time. They knew was one of Mrs. Dene's, took It He poured out some and I drank a price list of liquors In your mail­ ANTI KNOCK and DOUBLE POWERED gasoline neighbors who can be quieted immediately with only broth­ now that Hawkins had found it lat- downstairs. That is unless----- " It It. being careful to rinse the glass box. nothing else being on the card are the world’s beat motor fuels. erly love. America, the richest country in the world, has al­ I er on. But for a few rays they did­ was clear that, like Elinor, she had "I would like to save something or in that envelope. Rut. here Is the catch, one finds ways been regarded with jealously by those people of the n't know, and hence the advertise- a supernatural explanation in her out of the wreck.” earth who have never known what it was to be well fed. I ment. "That's easy. Horace, you should in the same box another envelope, mind. She looked guant and hag­ To disarm would only be inviting disaster for either the 5th and A Street» Springfield he a heart specialist, and I should probably advertising an expensive “1 think we would better ex- gard. United States or Great Britain. Might better say that we ■ plain Hawkins." Sperry said. "Haw­ "Mr. Ellingham was anxious to have taken the law. Il's as plain as French hand laundry, a place ob­ will dismiss our police force in all our cities and live to­ kins was married to Miss Clara get it,” she finished. “He had tak­ Ihe alphabet." He look his notes of viously loo expensive for general gether peaceably. here, some years ago. while she en Mr. Johnson's overcoat by mis the siltings from his pocket. 'Tin patronage Bui on it is the name -----------«----------- "Tom’s Place" or some other in ! was with Mrs. Wells. They had one night when you were both going to read a few things. Keep dlcation that one would never find A good job for unemployed would be for the county kept it a secret, and recently she take what Is left of your mind on them in the house, and the notes were In on a laundry. to put men to work cleaning up some of the county road I has broken with him." it. He saw that the stick was Im­ This is the first sitting. Auii that's one way New Yorkers right-of-ways in this vicinity. Many ditches and fence rows "'The knee hurts. It is very bad. “He was infatuated with another portant.” discover where to buy drinkable* have grown up with willows and rose briers and will sooner | woman," Clara said briefly. “That's “Clara,” Sperry asked. " did you Arnica will take the pain out.' Free Beer or later have to be cut. This is the time of year when this ' a personal matter. It has nothing to see. " " I want to go out. I want air. the day you advertised for One men's wear shop on Weal 5 work can be done most effectively. A BOX of EGGIMANN’S CANDY 1 h the best re­ your bag. another similar advertise­ if I could only go to sleep and for­ 42nd Street hit on a new plan re-' do with this case." get it. The drawing-room fjirntturi membrance you tan give anyone anytime. For pure, "It explains Hawkins' letter.” ment?" cently to attract trade. It placed1 We predict that his Wilsonian attitude toward the is scattered ail over the house.' “It doesn't explain how that ined “I saw it. It frightened me.” delicious sweets, KGOIM ANN’S la known far and wide. a picture of a foaming stein of beer i League of Nations will be the stumbling block for Mr. ium knew everything that happen- “You have no idea who inserted “Now the second sitting: In Its window under the legend,' Franklin Roosevelt as democratic candidate for the presi­ "'It is writing.' (The stick.) "It Clara put in, excitedly. "She i t r For a gift there 1 h nothing that will be appreciated "free beer." One goes In, gets a big I dential nomination. There are many within his party that j ; ed,” is writing, but the water washed it knew it all. even the library paste! “None whatever.” quite so much as a box of our beat chocolates. glass of beer and a handful of do not want this country to take part in entangling world I can tell you. Mr. Johnson, I was “Did you ever see Miss Jeremy away. All of It, not a trace.’ 'If only pretxels without charge and then alliances. _ *J | close to fainting a dozen times be­ before the first sitting? Or hear of the pocketbook were not lost. Car wanders ground and selects Items -------------- .... -------- ---- tickets and letters. It will be terrl I did it.” her?” The pluce is doing a rushing bust | One streak of silver lining to the depression cloud is fore ble if the letters are found.' Hawk “Did you know of our seances T' “Never." nans as a result By the way, the! seen in the fact that motorcycle production has fallen off 1 asked Mrs. Wells. ins may have it. The curtain was “Or between the seances?" beer Is strictly legal, although a about 50 per cent. "Whir» the Service is Different much safer.’ ‘That part s safe “Yes. I may as well tell you that "No.” ------------ e------------ few steps down Ihe street one can ; enough, unless it made a hole In Elinor rose and drew her veil 1 haven't been to Florida. How get the real article in a speakeasy . I Census reports show that there are 102 and a half men I down. "We must go," she said. the floor above.' ” Page Mr. Volstead in this country for every 100 women. That half man is could I? The children are there, “Surely “Oh. If you're going to read a lot now you will cease these j but I—” New York Is franker about Its probably a radio crooner. of irrelevan t m a te ria l------- " “Did you tell Charlie Ellingham terrible investigations. I cannot -----------+ evasion of the prohibition law than "Irrelevant nothing! Wake up stand much more. I am going mad.” them?” any other big city In the country I The New York judge who declared that a man is master I about "There will be no more seances." Horace! But remember this. I’m Just ahead of the holidays some of "After the second one I warned of his own home reflects little credit upon the wisdom of j him and I think he went to the Sperry said gravely. not explaining the physical phe Ihe newspapers devoted a column ; the judiciary. “What are you going to do?” She nomena. We'll never do that. It or so to giving the current prices o f 1 . house. One bullet was somewhere -------------- • -------------- wasn't extraordinary, as such | in the ceiling or in the floor of the to me. I daresay because Scotch, rye. bourbon whiskies, and Synthetic gin may fool the palate, but it doesn’t fool nursery. I thought it ought to be turned I represented what to her was her things go. Our little medium In a gin and other liquors. Whiskey was , the innards. trance condition has read poor found. 1 don't know whether he supreme dread, the law. ------------ «------------ quoted at from J1.50 a quart to J4 "My dear girl," I said, “we are Clara's mind. It's all here, ail that tor Ihe best imported, other prices found it or not. I've been afraid to It wouldn’t be so bad to be poor if we could keep the 1 see Clara knew and nothing that she not going to do anything. The him.” being In line. distressing fact a secret. She sat. clasping and unclasping Neighborhood Club has been doing didn't know. A mindreader. friend No places were listed by street ’ ------------ t ------------ hands in her lap. She was a a little amateur research work, Horace. And Heaven help me when number but intending purchasers Milwaukee has a surplus of five million dollars. And her I marry her ” proud woman, and surrender had which is now over. That is all.” used ihe list to prevent being over not even a scandal brewing. • • • Sperry took them away in his I come hard. The struggle was mark charged—and the bootleggers them As 1 have said, the Neighborhood ed in her tace. She looked as it car, but he turned on the door step. selves not only stood by the prices “Wait downstairs for me," he said. Club ended its investigations with hut. we learned, are the men who she had not slept tor days. this conclusion, which I believe Is “You think I am frightened,” "I am coming back.” went around to the papers and I remained in the library until properly reached. It Is only fair to I she said slowly. "And 1 am, terri­ named the prices. state that there are those among he returned, uneasily pacing the bly frightened. But not about dis us who have accepted that theory covery. That has come, and can floor. For where were we, after all? We it> the Wells case, but who have END OF DRY CYCLE EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS ; not be helped." SEEN FOR OREGON had had the medium’s story elab­ preferred to consider that behind "Then why?” IN EVERY DEPARTMENT "How does this woman, this med- orated and confirmed, but the fact both it and the physical phenom­ State College M oisture Records ena of the seances there was an in­ i ium. know these things?" Her voice remained’ that, step by step, through ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ m s b ih Show Bright Outlook for WHERE BUSINESS IS TO BLAME rose with an unexpected hysterical her unknown “control” the Neigh­ telligence which directed both, an Coming Crop Y ear I was lunching with a group of high executives, and the catch. "It is superhuman. I am al­ borhood Club had followed a trag intelligence not of this world as we discussion turned to economic problems. Presently out most mad.” edy from its beginning, or almost know it. Both Herbert and Alice Oregon's climatic dry cycle, Robinson are now pronounced came to usual line of comment: "We re going to get to the bottom its beginning, to its end. ’’Congress is a bunch of idiots. How can we hope for of this," Sperry Bald soothingly. Was everything on which I had spiritualists, although Miss Jeremy, which has continued with more or any sensible program when our laws are made by such I "Be sure that it is not what you built my life to go? It's philosophy, now Mrs. Sperry, has definitely less severity for 10 years and which has been acute the last two years, men 7 ” think it is, Elinor. There’s a simple its science, even its theology, be­ abandoned all investigative work. EUGENE. OREGON 77 E. BROADWAY appears definitely broken. A check Personally, I have evolved no I was annoyed. fore the revelations of a young wo­ ■ explanation, and I think I’ve got it. up of the year’s rainfall together All my business life I have listened to that sort of talk. with present conditions throughout 1 have known a good many Senators and Congressmen. the state shows the most favorable My judgment is that they are fairly representative of the — By Albert T. Reid moisture condition from an agri­ nation, neither better nor worse than the rest of us. They cultural standpoint in the last de­ do not originate very much in the matter of national policy cade. report men of the soils de­ and legislation. They merely record in laws the sentiment partment of the Oregon State col­ that grows up in the country around them. They respond lege experiment station. to public opinion. E lectricity Significant, in their opinion. Is And what does Big Business do to create and guide an the fact that at Corvallis for the intelligent public opinion? Practically nothing. W IL L DO T H E rainfall or crop year starting last Every young man who enters Big Business is told in W O R K of T W O September 1, the total to January eifect: “Now you have taken the veil. From now on you or T H R E E S E R ­ 1 this season Is 21.41 inches com­ must not express any opinion on a controversial subject. V A N T S for O N ­ pared with 9.10 Inches last year. You are no longer merely an individual, you are the repres­ LY A FEW While these figures would not ap­ entative of a large body of stockholders who hold divergent C E N T S A DA Y . ply throughout the state, the com­ views on almost everything. You must not offend either parative difference exists else­ our stockholders or our customers. Your duty is to work, where, indicating a much better and keep your mouth shut.” moisture supply for crops than for Big bankers and corporation officials regard this a many years past. policy of "dignified silence.” As a matter of fact, it is lazi­ Much of the recent rainfall In ness and cowardice. the warmer sections of the state My father was a distinguished clergyman, the spokes­ lias come in the form of snow In man of a large congregation. He never hesitated to have the mountains and other higher or views or to give them vigorous expression. Sometimes colder regions, thus assuring better parishioners criticized him. He said to me once: “If I do WHO spent her days In an cndless- Irrigation supply and better range not know better than the members of my congregation what round of housework? She has dis­ conditions than have existed re­ sort of preaching my people should have, then 1 am not covered that electricity is the perfect cently. entitled to be their pastor.” THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS S ight JU nseen MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Spring Colds Ketels Drug Store & U N C 9T CAMP JO “A ” Street Service Station A Symbol of THOUGHTFUNESS E G G I M A N N ’S D on’t Miss Our Big Rummage Sale Friday and Saturday Williams’ Sell Service Store Spent SSB Leads Us WHERE is the woman? The president of a corporation with world-wide inter­ ests ought to know more than his stockholders or his customers. He ought to know whether our present tariff policy is a help or a hindrance to our economic life, and have the courage to say so. lie ought to know whether our war debts should or should not be revised, and guide his stockholders in their thinking. He ought to know what our policy should be toward Russia. Ours is a democracy. For a generation or more we have been luring our best brains into business. The time is coming when those best brains must render some more positive service in the formation of a sound public opinion. It is not enough just to sit back and grumble about Congress. LAW CLASSES ADDED TO SUMMER SESSIONS For the first time In the history i of the Institution, the University of j Oregon law school will join the regular summer session In giving classes during the summer period. Announcement to this effect was made here by Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law school. The exact nature of the law courses and the definite procedure will be an­ nounced later. Mr. Morse and Prof Huy 8. Claire, will be the Instruc­ tors this year. servant and has put It to work so that she may spend her time with her family In recreation and Improve­ ment. Electricity Is the king of com­ forts It has made her house a home. 1 Mountain States Power Company *