THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAR S P H IN (iK IK L I), L A N E C O U N T Y . O R E G O N T i l l K S H A V . K E H U I A K Y IX No. MEMORIAL TREE Club Tour Draws WASHINGTON 10 INTEREST GAINS Many Trom City TO BE PLANTEO BE P R THEME III EVANGEL MEET <° DEBATE SEASON IBmJi Disijem k COUNCIL SHOTS READY ID OPEN Paid Saturday ECONOMY MOVE Springfiold Delegation at M. E. Brotherhood Croupe of Kavsman Adds Junction City County 4-H Gathering Fills Organization Will Observe Parrish to Preach Special Southern Willamette Area Citizens to Units With Brat- Bank to Group Which He Schedules for District An­ Drastic Slashes in Salaries Twe Sections of Tour to Organize in City Founder's Day With Pro­ tain Student* in Planting Is Now Liquidating Sermon to Young People on nounced Here by W. E. Buell and Consolidations Made at gram at Brattain School Washington Tree Monday H lxty-flve Hprlngfliilil buy* and Petting Parties Tonight State Chairman for Region Plans for the organization of Special Meet Last Night Payment of a second dividend of g irl »lumbers »( Four-H club« were sub-district Methodist Brotherhood Founder's Hay of the National j 10 per cent on the savings accounts i I’urunt-Tuachur association which OTHER SERMONS LISTED organ tuition among the groups In FIRST MEETS ARE FRIDAY in the defunct Commercial Staate ROBERT PIRRIE RESIGNS the unuual Marketing tour of thu the Southern half of the Wiliam fulls on February 17, will be oh- I I»»“*1 which closed Its doors on ----------- Entire Nation to I * *en-ln on clubs lust Saturday. There were served in Springfield Friday after Dr. Rebhan Gives Inspiration­ ette district were discussed hers Springfield Has Experienced June s, 1931. was made on Saturday C ity Recorder to Ask Moun­ many others from this vicinity In Elaborate Cei es at Monday night and action will be Coach in Person of John when checks totaling »2.264.43 were noon with a George Washington ! al Lecture in Conjunction tain State Company for u llo n d a iicr who do not gut Ihelrj taken at a meeting of representa Nation’s Capitol Day program Io be held ut thu Brattain mailed out on that day. This coup-! With Showing River Film Knox; Teams Announced mull In thu city, Springfield ciuo New Revised! Contract lives to be held In Springfield on school at 3 o'clock. Following the : led with a previous dividend made’ members attended In such large Hprlligfltfld people In /» * March 7 It was decided by the program there will be a business j Interest In the evangelistic ser- Under the leadership of W. E. a* Thanksgiving time brings the) Revamping of the governmental numbers that It was necessary to ihu obeervauce of th« Bit meeting and teachers of the lirai : vice« being conducted ut the Christ- local group. This meeting will Buell, district director, schools of ,ot>l returns to holders of savings structure for the city of Spring- muke two complete suctions out of unnlvuraary of Gsorge Wui bring a number of visitors to the the group. Thu division Into sec- tain school will serve light refresh Ian church nightly except Satur- city und will take the place of the thls area have this week completed accounts to 30 per cent. Twenty-five. field In accordance with action are Invited in attend a pulii. 7 ments. day by Evangelist Elery Parrish their schedules and have made a ll, P*r ceBt was Paid on commercial taken by members of tbe city conn- Ions was provided so that II would gram at the Brattain school Teachers of both the Lincoln his sister, Miss Lillie Parrish, plan« regular March meeting of the necessary arrangements for the of- accounts at the earlier date. ell at a special meeting held Wed- easier In escort the young puo day morning. February 22. W«, and Brattain schools have given 1st, and Rev. Veltle Pruitt, song Brotherhood. Rev. Poindexter and flcial opening of the debate season Approximately 800 people are re- nesday night will create a saving through tho various Eugene Ingtoli’s birthday, ut which lime assurance that they will be pres 1 leader soloist, continues to grow P. J. Bartholomew were named on for 1932 Friday with contests In Presented as creditors of the Instl- of »2,748 00 on the present budget maple true will be planted on the establishments which they ent for the meeting and urge all each week. Interesting sermon sub a committee to provide the pro­ all of the schools entering teams. tutlon.. allowance for the annual period school grounds Just south of th e' lBaP’’c ,«’d. parents of school children to at Jects well handled coupled with In­ gram and make arrangements for Five schools. Roseburg. Cottage E G deputy from the It was stated this morning by I. M. building The program will be held I Those registered from Spring tend regardless of whether they are i spiring music are both aiding in the dinner. Grove, Walker, Eua-ne and Spring 8Ute Bank Examiner's office In Peterson, recorder. outdoors If the weather la favor , held were t'harles Clement. Itoy members of the P.T. A. Teachers. bringing larger crowds to thej Preceding this discussion the field have entered teams and will charge of ItquidaGon of this bank Heading the list of changes pro­ uble and will start at t:6 i. It will Crandall. Woodrow Hates, Floyd o f the grade schools are especially ' church each evening, Brotherhood group entertained the bold their first Inter-school debate- and th® one at Cott“«e Grove, was vlded by the council was the ac he a community «vent with several Green. Roland Farnsworth. Charles anxious to meet the parents of the; Thursday night has been deslg- Boy Scouts and other youths at a Friday afternoon at each of the al*° “«signed to the Junction City ceptance of the resignation of prominent people tuklng part. I'chytll. Howard Nesbll. Jack Fed- students they teach. They state naled as Young People s Night and j Father and Son meeting. A dinner schools excepting Roseburg. Later; t,ank wh,ek closed last Thursday.! Robert Ptrrle as street commis- Opening the program will be ‘ • r *""> Kuseell Cole, Gordon 0111- that an acquaintance with the par the evangelist will take as bis sub was served at 6: Jo and pictures debates will be held on Tuesday Mr* Els,e Pollard assistant to Mr «doner, and the consolidation of this romuiuuity singing of America un I •»»•*. Kenneth Cog. I .a w rente «ills will aid them In doing more Jed. "The Price of a Petting taken by Dr. W. C. Rebhan and afternoons. The debate tournament 1 Haveman here is spending several office with that of the police de- der the direction of Miss Helen Frances Keeler. Jolana Put- helpful work for the students. Party." Pruitt will sing the solo, his party last summer were shown If It can be called such will la s t |day# at Junctlon City this week! partment under Lum T . Anderson. High, music teacher at the Ural ma"- **’•«*>• Ogilvie, latMoyne The program for the meeting Frl 'The Golden Bella." and members and explained by the doctor. Just three weeks ending March 7. aldin* 1,1 th,‘ work there while Miss senior employee of the city, who Vocal selections were provided when the district champions must ' ' nn Bld"re11- former employee of now carries the title Chief of Po- tain school. At 10 o'clock every Hlack. Jean Louk. Pearl Heller- day which Is being presented by of the school glee club will sing one will be asked to stand In all-i brand. Alice Neel, Delores Nice. the students at the Brattain school selections under the direction of by a mixed quartet consisting e at which teams each time they come to the ed at- tbe meeting. R. R. Scott, city hall reduction for year »78.00; Illness. are holding a cleanup week this will particípale In un appropriate Funeral services were held Satur- UB**T and cooperation. These four time these young folks will bring pper Willamette valley. This [ state secondary road engineer, will auditing reduction for year. (60.00. week. Members of the agriculture a report of the convention. be the principal speaker and will ceremony. day afternoon from the Branetetter men are all from different walks would provide a debate with Rose­ explain new features of the sec­ This makes a total saving of »2,- High school will be conducted class In the Junior high school are chapel In Eugeue with Rev. Dean ( of life but they stood together as a 748.00 for the year or a saving burg here possibly on the after­ ondary road law now in effect. during the first two periods of the busy cleaulng up the school Poindexter, officiating. Iuterment unit In this undertaking" he stated MANY GUESTS ARE monthly of »229.00. All reductions noon of Friday. February 26. and at grounds and are paying especial at morning after which a Washington INVITED TO PARTY Ottage Grove the morning of the was mude In the old I. O. O. F. "We should use this necessary and changes to become effective to ,h,‘ »,,an‘" “,,d program will be held and sch.xd | cemetery. principle In our Christianity. As March 1. same day. They could then meet HAY SHORTAGE FELT In purklng Many of these have dismissed for the day. A large number of Springfield Eugene and Walker the following Mr Keyes was born at Middleton. Chrlstipns we should stand to­ The recorder was also Instructed in M ckenzie valley been trimmed down and others There are enough trees alreudy Connecticut, on July 28, 1842. He gether as a unit for the advance­ people were guests at the home of Friday. to negotiate immediately with the planted about the Lincoln and high have been transplanted. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery and Mr. Continued Cold Makes Longer Mountain State Power company for enlisted In the First Nebraska In ment of the Cause." The subject to be debated by all schools so students at these build j and Mrs. W. F. Walker at the home fnntry .airing the Civil war In 1H61 Feeding Period Necessary; a renewal and revision of the city He also spoke of the need for lugs will not plant any memorial1 MR., MRS. BUELL ARE serving three years and five months an undenominational, non-eectar- of the former at a social gathering’ schools in the state this year is: Last Crop Was Light light and water contract to better trees. "Resolved: That the state enact last Thursday evening. suit conditions at this time. The HOSTS FOR PARTY before being mustered out of the lan church. legislation for compulsory unem­ Officially opening the nationwide The guest list included: Mr. and service. The continued cold weather of present contract has expired ex­ Speaking of the many wild fowls ployment insurance." nine-months Ill-Centennlnl celebra Member« of the Ergutha Class of He leaves one son. Stanley Keyes. seen during the trip, also regard­ Mrs. E. W. Albers. Rev. and Mrs. the present season with its unus­ cept on the ornamental light sys­ lion. President Hoover will deliver the Methodist Sunday school and Mabel; one daughter. Mrs. Clarence Dean C Poindexter, Mr. and Mrs. Springfield debaters were an­ ually heavy snowfall is manifesting tem which has about four years to ing the rugged mountains along Ills George Washington address be their husbands were guests of Prof ’( Peterson, Springfield; one sister, the river he declared that the char­ Philip Bartholomew. Mr. and Mrs. nounced by the coach this week itself in the nature of a hay short- run. fore a Joint meeting of congress at essor and Mrs. W. K. Buell at a Mrs. Ida Faust, Eugene; two step­ O. H. Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. Marion and include George Marx and Vir­ age among farmers in the McKen- -------------------------- noon Eastern standard time Mon­ Valentine party held at their home sons, Eugene Wilson. Trent, and acter of these served to protect the Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ginia Christie as members of the ja lley . Residents there declare G R A N G E T 0 ORGANIZE day. Judges of the Supreme Court, Saturday evening. Games, a pro Frank Wilson. Springfield; and two weaker birds. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hamlin. negative team, and Florence Vail tnat their crops of the past yeari members of the cabinet, foreign gram, and refreshments occupied stepdaughters, Mrs. Ella Burhman, The address of Dr. Rebhan was Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Richmond of and Edna Haverfield on the af- were lighter than usual due to the AT WALTERVILLE SOON followed by a scriptural sermon Eugene. Professor and Mrs. W. E. ■ firmatlve squad. Knox announced lack of moisture, and the cold wea- diplomats and many other distin­ the guests for the evening. Wenatchee; and Mrs. Hattie Bur­ guished visitors also will be pres from Parrish on the subject of Buell. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. | that he was not sure however of ’her has made It necessary to con- Preliminary Meeting Held Thle The program consisted of a short nett. Alberta. Canada. He also ent and the address will be carried "Christian Baptlsmj" Two high Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stuart, Mr. I his affirmative team lineup and tinue feeding hay longer than was W eek W ith State O rganizer; leaves IS grandchildren and -two talk by Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, to every corner of Amerlcn over a school boys joined the church at and Mrs. Jim MacManiman. Mrs. stated he was keeping Lucille Mll- anticipated. There are two feet Meet Again Tuesday pastor of the church, and vocal great grandchildren. the close of the service. nation wide radio hook up. Gertrude Wilson, and Mrs. Alice lican and Leonard Ruth in reserve of snow on the hills back of Deer- Following the address Jhe presi­ solos by Fred and Evelyn Buell. Organization of a Grange local Lorah. and might use them part of the horn at the present time It is re­ dent will go to the East steps of They also played a violin duet hav LEAGUERS CHOOSE among the residents of the Walter- TAYLOR FUNERAL TO ported. Mr. and Mrs. Flanery and Mr. time. lug Mrs. Bernice Neher Findley as the Capitol where he will give the LOCAL GIRL EDITOR ville area will get under way on -------------------- accent panlst. BE HELD FRIDAY A. M. and Mrs. Walker have invited an­ The squads have been chosen signal for the singing of “A m erica" Tuesday evening. February 23. other group of friends to the Flan­ front an initial group of 20 con- GUESTS INVITED FOR Helen Crandall was chosen dis­ Ity a chorus of ten thousand voices when an organization meeting will Furteral services for Herbert S. ery home for a social evening to­ testants each of whom appeared trict editor of the Salem district, led by Walter Damroach and ac MANY ATTEND DINNER DINNER ON SUNDAY be held at the Neighbors of Wood Taylor, at one time an employee night. before a faculty committee In short Epworth League societies at the rompanled by the combined United craft hall in Waltervllle. A prelim­ AT CHURCH ON FRIDAY o f the Springfield News, will be introductory speeches as a tryout. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan en­ inary meeting was held al the hall annual meeting of the affiliated States Army, Navy, and Marine held Friday morning from Bran- Q u ilt Club to M eet Springfield high scuool has an ex­ tertained at their home Sunday hands tinder the lendershlp of John tine hundred persons attended groups which was held at Salem stetter chapel In Eugene at 10:30 pert experienced debate coach for evening with a dinner for a number this week with an attendance of Philip Souan. The Ladies Quilt club will meet the patriotic dinner at the Metho­ Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Rep­ o’clock. The body will then be the first time this year in the per­ of their friends. Their guests were 15. Arthur Brown, state organiser, During the balance nf the day dist church Friday evening which resentatives of the local league at shipped to Portland for cremation. Friday evening at the home of Mrs. son of Professor Knox. Knox, him­ Rev. und Mrs. Veltie Pruitt, Mr. and F. B. Harlow were both pres­ nnri during the next few months members of the Foreign Mission tending were Clarice Fenton, presi­ Mr. Taylor died at the Pacific Robert Carr on east Main street. self a good platform speaker, has and Mrs. M. R. Irish. Eugene. Mr. ent and made short talks. an elaborate schedule of commem­ society sponsored Mrs. It L. Drury dent. Faye Parsons. Myrna Bartho­ Christian hospital in Eugene Surf* had considerable debate experi­ and Mrs. Dallas B. Murphy, Miss I oration events has been scheduled and Mrs. N. W. Emery dressed In lomew. Orval McPherson and Joel W ill Go to Portland day evening following a lingering ence in schools of southern Califor- Clara Jones, and Miss Nadine Me-! NEW BABY ARRIVES Cowden. which Includes various church pro­ colonial costumes served as the Illness. He Is survived by a wife Mrs. N. W. Emery will leave Frt- nia and is very optimistic over Murray grams, a Colonial Costume ball at reception committee. Miss Barbara IN RECORDER'S HOME and son in California. day for a short visit in Portland.: prospects for the local school. Mnyfolwcr hotel, and the release ltarnell played several xylophone LOCAL FOLKS PARENTS Doris Helen Peterson, weight In every theatre of the United numbers with Mrs. Bernice Neher JOINT MISSION MEET OF VALENTINE BABY seven pounds, arrived Saturday. Slate of a historical motion picture Findley us assistant hostess. Mrs. Washington Still Lives in the Hearts of His Countrymen IS WELL ATTENDED'Pebnmr? 13“. 1932. to make her "Washington, The Man and the W. H. Pollard was general chair­ Betty Joan, Infant daughter of home with Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Peter- Capitol." man of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Meyers, route A large number of Springfield who was born ut the Pacific ladies attended the Joint m«»6lon| " h; ‘" meeting held at the Baptist church toth ,f ar(, r ,p()r|e(1 COLORED ENTERTAINERS HEAVY SLEDGE LOOSENS Christian hospital In Eugene early Sunday morning February 14, 1932. Friday afternoon in observance of to be getting along nicely, BOY INJURES FINGER W ITH DANCES AGAIN was the first Valentine baby to be the world Day of Prayer. Mrs. Elmo Doris Helen's father is City Re­ Chase, Mrs. Dean Poindexter. Mrs. corder of Springfield, und her Charles Thompson, cutting wood horn at the hospital this year. The Myers colored entertainers which young daughter weighed seven Barnard, Mrs. Charles Schick and mother was teacher of domestic have made a hit ut a few of the on the George Hurt farm at Cedar pounds nt birth. Mrs. William G. Taylor had parts science at the Sprln'.'li Id high Flat sustained a compound frac­ dances sponsored by the Spring- on the program. school for several years. field American Legion post at ture of the Index finger on his left Thurston rcently have been en­ hand Friday. According to Thomp­ LUMBER PILE TOPPLES LINCOLN STUDENTS MAN BADLY BRUISED gaged agnln for some time ac­ son. the sledge which he was using THURSTON BOY SAILS became loose and flew off of the HAVE PROGRAM FRIDAY cording to J. M. Larson, dance TO CHINA WAR ZONE Steve Lindquist, employee of the chairman. The entertainers have handle as he was bringing It down Members of the Junior high not been used at the past two for n heavy blow. The lightened Fischer Lumber company at Mar- Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott of school observed Lincoln's birthday dances and there has been con­ stick in Ills hand deflected the In­ cola was seriously injured Satur Thurston have received a radio­ day while at work when a pile of Friday afternoon with a suitable siderable jlemand for their return, tended swing of the arm and ho gram from their son. Winifred En­ heavy lumber fell on him. He sue program at the Lincoln school. struck his hand ugninst a timber. he states. talned five fractures from his foot Members of the Eighth A grade dicott. who has been stationed In to his shoulder on his right side. presented a short play and other the Philippine Islands stating that DRILL TEAM INSTALLS He Is being cared for at the Pa­ numbers Included a tap dance by they had loft on their way to CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR OFFICERS ON FRIDAY cific Christian hoapltal. Jean Stratton, selections by a har­ ShanghaC China. He K enlisted HAS PARTY AT CHURCH In the 3Let division of Infantry. monica band, and group singing. New officers of thy Progressive LEGION MEMBERS AT Members of the Christian Endea­ 22-drlll team held their Installation SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP DRILL TEAM GUESTS vor at the Christian church held a COTTAGE GROVE MEET of officers Friday evening at the PARTY IS SATURDAY Valentine party for their friends AT EUGENE MEETING I. O. O. F. hall. Following the busi­ In the social rooms Immediately Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly, J. M. ness meeting a social hour was en­ Mrs. Lee Putman entertained following the evangelistic services Members of the Neighbors of joyed. Hostesses were Mrs. Eva Larson, finance officer, and W. N. members of her Sunday school last Thursday evening. Miss Lillie Woodcraft drill team were guests j Look, Mrs. Grace Lansberry, and Gossler, commander of the Spring Parrish, pianist and children's Miss Mary Ann Louk. field Legion post, drove to Cottage Monday night of the Eugene circle, j class of the Methodist church with a Valentine party at tbe church worker for the evangelistic parly 16. at the W. O. W. hall. Members Officers Installed were: Mrs. Grove Monday evening to attend social room* Saturday afternoon had charge of th«« games which hail the meeting of the post In that of the Springfield circle team put Louk. president; Mrs. Zella Can­ A ll America Is celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of George Washington’s birth this month. at 2:30 o’clock. Games and refreeh- a leap-year and Valentine theme. trell, vice-president, and Mrs. Lee city. Representatives from various on a stunt for the entertainment 1 Above it shown the new national Masonic memorial named in h it honor; hit birthplace, which was recently re- nients were enjoyed during the Refreshments were served. posts were In attendance. of their hosts. I ; his tomb, built according to plans laid down in h it wiU, sad Gilbert Stuart’s famous ports ait of the First Putm an, secretary. afternoon. OTHER PROGRAMS GIVEN registered ut tbs court bouse for WAR VETERAN OIES AT ROME IS « GflESWELL