PAOB FO U R FOOD H MARKET TOUR JS READY Six hundred 4H club members completing the Marketing Project will attend the annual Marketing Day and Achievement program to be held for them In Eugene Satur day, February IS. Registration and assembly of all attending will begin at the Armory at 8:30 A. M A short program will be held Including motion pictures of club work from 8:30 to 9:00. Presentation of the trophies and certificates to the winning contest­ ants will be made by a representa­ tive of the Eugene Clearing House Association who sponsored the awards. * A group picture of those attend­ ing will be taken and a copy will be given them during their visit at the Register-Guard at 3:30 in the afternoon. All members attending are to be present by 9:00 and should plan to stay until 4:00. Fifteen establish- ments are to be visited and they have so been arranged that the boys and girls will be given a prac- tlcal application of marketing prin­ ciples learned in their project. Springfield. Oregon Special this Week J/2 lb. Cake Rockwood Premium “ r ci„25 Both for 25c Rockwood Cocoa FREE. 29c Sale Aid» Town by Running One-M an Rank On this Week ... Come in and See What 29c Will Buy r Thurston Miss Haxel Edmiston spent the past week-end in Corvallis, the guest of Mr and Mrs. Jack Hiller They returned home with her Sun day evening. Rev. E. V. Stivers announces he will preach on "Four Things Money I Cannot Buy" next Sunday at 11:00 o'clock. The high school students gave a banquet at the hall Tuesday even- lng in honor of their parents. The Ladies' Aid society is meet­ ing with Mrs. Ray Rennie Thurs­ day for all-day’s meeting to quilt. Loren Edmiston spent the past week-end in Roseburg. The school meeting held at the | grade school building last Satur­ day afternoon was very exciting for a while, the question was voted 39 to 34 In favor of having two teach ers. Mrs. A. B. Mathews has returned from Los Angeles after spending several weeks there visiting her three daughters. V tflY LMfST MARS-HALL -» >>> » At first glance we H e r e ’s a B a r g a i n ! 2 Pieces in Mohair JONES, REAGAN I 10 MEET 1 1 1 FRIDAY X Edward Groth, former messenger and teller for the Hammond, find ) National Bank, when the last of the seven local hanks closed up. decided to open a bank of his own He accepts deposits from workers and merchants in the form of checks for collection and acts as a clearing house in the settlement of local debt*. No laws are said to exist for the governance of the Groth institution. NEEDLECRAFT CLUB IS SIMPLE FOOD BEST ENTERTAINED HERE FOR SCHOOL LUNCH Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew was host­ ess at her home last Thursday afternoon for members of the Needlecraft club. Mrs. W. F. Walk er was the assistant hostess. tipe cial guests were Mrs. Claude Gray and Mrs. Alice Lorah. Members present were Mrs. Floyd Westerfleld. Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mrs Carl Olson. Mrs. D. W. Crites. Mrs C. E. May. Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs R. L. Drury. Mrs. Wm. Long. Mrs Harry Stewart. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett Mrs. Walter Gossler. Mrs. C. F Bar her, Mrs. Larson Wright, Mrs. W C. Wright, and Mrs. Laurence Mof fitt. The next meeting will be held tn Eugene with Mrs. Dan Crites as hostess at a 1:00 o'clock luncheon One-half of the members will en tertain the other half at this meet ing. Lincoln School Notes The seventh grade Four-H sewing club meeting which was to have been held Tuesday was postponed for one week. A harmonica band is being or ganized In the Junior high school, The lower grades are organizing a toy orchestra. The entire eighth grade at the Lincoln school will go to Eugene Saturday to participate in the Mar­ keting Day tour of Eugene business houses. Members of the Girl Scouts held a candy sale Friday. They will sell candy every noon during the next few weeks. Final meeting of the eighth grade Four-H Marketing club will be held at the Lincoln school Friday after­ noon after school. A ttra c tiv e Sandwiches, Vegetables and F ru it Suggested a t Good fo r Growing Children Simple und Inexpensive gurden and dairy products form the foun dation of the best school lunch, says Miss Lucy A. fuse, nutrition specialist at Oregon State college Whole grain bread and butter snudwiches. a raw tomato In sea son and a bottle of n.ilk go a long way toward satisfying the body needs of the growing child. Miss Case explains. She suggests whole grain bread and butter sandwiches containing eggs, cheese, meat, fish or nut butter: a raw vegetable, a bottle of milk and a fruit or custard dessert. "Make the school luuch as eotu plete a meal as possible," Miss Case says, "and have the food ap­ petising. Wrap it iu waxed paper to prevent mixing of flavors and drying out, and pack it compactly In a washable, ventilated container. Put the heavy foods on the bottom and those to be eaten first on top. Time and effort may be saved for mother by teaching children to pack their own lunches as soon as they are old enough.” A hot dish, served at school, is desirable complement to the packed school lunch, says Miss Case. To give children sufficient time at noon to eat lunch without undue i haste and still have time for th e ! play, which they also need. Miss Case recommends a lunch period of not less than 45 minutes and pre ferably an hour. A simple, balanced school lunch, with adequate time for consuming It," she says, "Is an Important tee-1 tor in the economy of health, end I It Is dally receiving more attention ' from both parents and teachers." Henry Jones, l*rovo. Utah, will meet Pat Reagan, Casper. Wyo mlng. al the Eugene armory Frl day evening In the main event on Ihe wrestling card It was an nouneed this morning by Herb Owes, promoter after his return from Medford »here he pul on a show last night. A special event which promise» to equal the main go In drawing power will he (he struggle between Al Karaslrk, known as the Russian 1 lion, and Tom Ray. Aberdeen log ger. Karaalck and Hay are both heavyweigbls. Karaalck has spent the winter In Honolulu where he has built up a large following All of the performers on the card Friday are well known Io the local fans. They have all appeared on several of Herb Gwen's cards In the past und have been well re ceived by Ihe fans. Jones, who is returning from the East for this mulch, »as holder of the belt about two years ago when he Wat It to Robin Heed of Reedsport. Special attention Is called to the fact that the show will not start until 8:30 this week because of the I', of I). Washington Slate basket- hull game which will be played at McArthur court from 7:30 to 8 30 that evening. Sports fans went wild with ex citement last week over the unties of Vasil Taacoff, Bulgarian mat artist He was tamed however, by Walter Achlu after a lot of hard work by both men. Roland Kirch myer who substituted for Bonnie Muir of Australia In a match with Ray Frisbee outweighed his oppon­ ent 20 pounds and bad no difficulty In taking the match. Ma Aren't we going to let John ny lake saxophone lessons? Pe—Not while I own the adjoin iiig hoiiHen. gain, when you see its fine upholstery and note the careful construction! The spring filled cushions have Price includes Davenport and Chair. $67.50 W R IG H T & S O N S ___ : by (I I*. Wood, principal. Velen Sludents III each room al the iluea will be exchanged by the till llruttuhi Mvhttol will have their own