THUKHDAY, KKHHIMKY 11. 1932 TUB 8PR1NOF1ELD NEWS NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT « PAOB T H R U Collects Bounty— Frank Klntslay THE VALIANT" WINS turn. Friday, February M. at I : M SOUTHERN LANE CLUB of Fall Creek collected the *10 p. m. DISTRICT PLAY MEET MEMBERS PLAN JUBILEE NOTICE IH HEREBY G IVEN county bounty on one cougar Hatur Club members and their parents That the underalgned, a» executrix day. Presenting "The Valiant'' people of the Last W ill and Testament of Sponsored by the Cottage Grove and boys and girls Intorested In Chari«» ('. Itoaimuii daceaaed, ha» of the W lllakenzle district under club work will be Invited to attend. Chamber of Commerce. 411 club filed her arrount for the final N O TIC t OF EXECUTOR’S BALE Tboee attending will be naked to Quaste Sunday— MI»» May Earls Tonalls Romovsd — Fred Free* the direction of Mrs. Carl Ruther OF REAL ESTATE t »«tt lenient of »aid decedent's estate members tn the southern part of bring part of the food for a pot | In the County Court for Lane Coun IN Tlffc CO U N TY COURT O F T H E of Hanta Clara was a Sunday gueai | underweat an Operation for the re ford Friday evening won tbe right to represent that district In tbe Lane County will attend a Jubilee luck lunch and the coffee and tee HTATE OF OREGON FOR T H E of Ml»» Violet Inman. inoval of bis tonsils Monday. ty. Oregon, and that Saturday the county oee-ect contest held nt the which will he held for them In the cream will be furnished by the Cot­ CO UNTY OF LANE. IN PRO­ AEh day of March, 1133, at the Court Visitor from Vida— Mrs. W. H BATE No. 6873 Room of aald Court In the County Visitor from W altarvlllo— Horace Wlllakenzle grange hall. Wlllagil Cottage Grove high school gymnas tage Grtve Chamber of Commerce. Court House, In Eugene, at ten o* IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E EM ('raft of Vida was a visitor In Morris of W altervllle was a visitor ' leaple presented “ Uncle Jerry*' un Dot T o il W ll.l. F IT GLASSES In clock In the forenoon, ha« been fix T A T E O F LOUISA M U LK EY. Springfield on Saturday. In Springfield Tuesday. i der the direction of John Moore, Deceased. exchange for »mull, tarili llv«- «d by »aid Court a» the time and TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: und Garden Way people offered place for hearing objections there Trent Rssldsnt Here— M M Kim stuck, M21 Wllluinntle HI., En Visitor from Wendllng— Cliff I, Lansford H. Mulkey, the execu to, und for the settlement thereof. “Cabbage»'' with Mrs. Roblnron as ball of Trent was a business caller ■«■iv. M 3 Abrams of Wendllng was a busi­ tor of the above entitled eatate. aa L YD IA J. ROSSMAN,Exeru authorised by an order of the Court In Springfield Saturday. ness visitor In Springfield on Sat­ director. trlx of the I .a» I W ill and duly given and made In tbe above 'F o il HALE” Standard make of The last of tbe district play con­ urday. T e s t a m e n t of Charles ( entitled matter on February 1, 1132 piuim near Springfield W ill m o Visits Parents— Mloo Clara Wag tests In the county will be held Fri­ ItoHNiiian, deceaaed. rlfli e for unpaid balance. A »imp will sell at private sale to the high ner spent the week end lo Corvallis Here from Salam— Mrs. William day at River Road school north of Lusy l or him W rit» Tullinan I ’lano L. L RAY, Attorney for Estate. eat and best bidder, at the law of where she visited with her parents Morgan of Salem arrived In Spring- Eugene wltb groups from Lowell. (F 4 11 11 -28; M 3) Store, Haleni, Oregon. F 11 Everything for thin Joyful occasion is found here. flee of my attorney. H E. Slattery, Held Saturday to spend several day* Santa Clara, and River Rood com­ at 717 W illamette Street, Eugene Grove Resident Hsre— Mrs. A. W N O T IC t TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF SALE peting. visiting wltb friends In tbla city. Oregon, beginning ut the hour of You’ll never make a mistake giving candy. For 10 o'clock A. M on March 11, 1132. Wooley of Cottage Grove was a This drama work Is a part of the mother, wife or sweetheart on St. Valentine’s day NOTICE IS HWRRUY G IVEN Notice la hereby given that by all of the Interest of the above en visitor In Springfield on Monday. Visits Slater Friday — Charles activity being fostered by the of That Edith Ftoa»li< Funk« ba« liven virtue of un execution and order of titled estate In and to the following there is nothing that is quite like deliciously tempting Carson of Junction City visited appointed Miluillilnt rwlrlx of the I flee of Miss Gertrude Show, home Leaburg Man Here Victor A »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court described real estate: candy. wltb his sister, Mrs. Marlon Adams tale of Lillie Stewart. deceased, by of the State of Oregon for l.nne demonstration agent. Bnglnnlng In the North Line ot Miller of Leaburg visited with the County Court of l.aun County, County, Jnnuary 1. 1133, pursuant Friday. Eighth Street In the City of Eu friends In this city Monday. Oregon. All peraoua having «talma to a dacron entered by aald court Our quality of confections is known far and wide. gene, at a point due North of the ugaluat »aid «»tale are required to Jainiury x. 1933, In a suit therein Former Reeident Here— Clarence HENDERSHOTT S WIN Northeast corner of Lot Numbei Visitor from Rainbow— Arthur pre»eut them, with the proper pending In which Susie M. Buck One In Block Number Twenty-one Belknap of Rainbow visited with Cooley of Reedsport was a business BASKETBALL CAME vouchers, within » li month» from hum wu» plaintiff and C. F. Mlckel In James Huddleston’s Addition visitor tn Springfield Friday. Mr the llt l i day of February. 1132, to aon aa Administrator of the Eetate to Eugene, running thence East friends In Springfield on Sunday. Cooley is operating a theatre In the »aid aduilntalratrll at the law of Hattie II. Mlikelson. Deceaaed Hendershott's Independent bas­ along aald North line of Eighth “ “ "Where the Service Is Different' office of L. I. Ituy, In the Miner Melba V Gilbert. Bupert T. Gilbert, Rainbow Mon Hero — Forrest Reedsport. ketball team defeated Springfield Street 50 feet, thence North 217 Building. Kllgeue. Oregon. W alter It. Arp. Jane Arp, Bank of feel, thence Weal parallel with Drury of Rainbow waa a business E D IT H FLOSSIE F l'N K E . Ad Commerce, a Corporation. Ed Zlnl Family Moves Here — Arthur town team here Monday evening 49 »aid North line of Eighth Street visitor In Springfield on Friday. i o I i i I h I i til rlx of th e E a t a t e of ker and J. G. Beddo were defend Irvin and family of Eugene have to 29 tn a ragged game. The Spring fill feet to a point due North of l.lllle H te w u rt. d e c e n a e d . field group had played and defeated an ti, which execution aud order of beginning point, thence South 217 Drive to Roseburg— Mr. and Mr» moved to Springfield this week. L. L. It AY. Attorney for Eatate. «ale wa» to me directed, and com feet, more or less to the place of Frank Ixigan drove to Roseburg They have taken up their residence the Truck Drivers of Eugene 31-17 IF 11 1826.M 3-10) beginning, all In Irane County. inanded me to sell the real property earlier tn tbe evening. Both games Sunday to spend the day visiting at Kelly abd M street. Stale of Oregon. hereinafter d«»crlb«d to satl»fy were played at tbe high school certain lion» and charges In said Terms of «ale: At lea«t one with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart. NOTICE Collect Bounties — Prince Helf- gymnasium decree specified, I will on Saturday, fuurtb of the pureha«e price to be OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Visitors from Garden Way Mr rich. Vida, and George MacCauley Springfield Hendershott's the 13th day of February, 1132, at paid In cash, and tbe balance may lu the County Court of the State the hour of one o'clock I*. M. at the run for a period of three years and Mrs. Albert Vlk of Garden Way of Mabel each collected tbe *2 Leathers ......... F........... Johnson of Oregon for Iran« County. In front door of the Court House In with Interest at the rate of « per county bounty on one coyote Tues­ Prochnow ...... .... F .......... ...... W irth the Mutter of the Eatate of Florra Eugene, Iran« County, Oregon, of­ rent per annum payable annually were business callers In Springfield day. Ernstlng ___C........ ... Berger Tuesday morning. tlurtln, deceased. with tbe provision that If any In fer for aule and »ell at public auc­ Notice la hereby given that the tion for cash the following des­ tee»t la not paid when due, tbe Nice ............. G_..Landrum Attend Pastor's Retreat — Rev, Doctor In Office— Dr. W. C. Reb underalgned admlnlalrator ha» filed cribed real properly to-wlt: whole of the deferred payments H u ffm a n ____ __ G .. Coleman han was back at bla office tbe first F. S. Cleiuo and Rev. Dean Poin­ hla final account In »aid mutter Puretest Rubbing Alcohol, 1 pint, Beginning at a point «0 feet »hall become due at once. Subs Hendershott— McDonald, and that the afor«aald court ha» LANSFORD H M U L K E Y . T x of the week after having been III dexter spent Monday and Tuesday east of the northwest corner of Bay Rum, 1 pint -------- ------ Seigman. Springfield— Perkins and appointed February lltb , 1133, at exutor. Lot 8 In Block 2« In Fairmont, of this week at Albany where they with an attack of thee Influenza. Cox. ten o'clock A. M aa the time for (F. 1J-18 26 M 3 10) Rubbing Alcohol, 1 pint, now a part of tb« City of Bu attended a two-day minister’s re­ hearing objection to aald final ac­ gene, Iran« County, Gregon, ac­ Week-end Guest»— Mr. and Mrs. treat for all pastors of tbe Salem Mi 31 Solution, 1 pint ................. count and the aettleiuent thereof cording to the original plat there­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS N o tic e to c r e d it o r s Lee M Conley of Albany were district. All peraona Intereated may file ob of, and running thence east to a Rubbing Alcohol, 1 pint, Notice Is hereby given that the Notice la hereby given that the JectloUN thereto. (Milnl &3 and 1-3 fe«t weat of the underalgned haa been duly appoint­ week-end gueata St tbe home of Mr. undersigned has been appointed Rexillana Cough Remedy ......— J It G r i i l i l i . A d i n l n l e l i . i O ' i went line of the alley running e d administrator of tbe estate ol and Mrs. R. R. Purkett. Executrix of tbe estate of Lester CENT-A-MILE TRAVEL C, A. Wlntertueler. attorney. north and south through »aid Ellxabrth C. Jenkins, deceaaed, Oren Beckwith, deceased, and any 200 Other Profit Slashing Items on Sale (J 31-38 F 4-11-11) Salem People Hors— Mr. and Mrs. block; thence south 110 feat; and any und all persona having RATES TO BE OFFERED and all persons having claims tlii-iii i- west to a point «0 feet claims against tbe aald eatate are Kenneth Wilson of Salem were against tbe said estate are hereby SAVE W ITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE NOTICE east uf the weat Hue of aald hereby required to present aald guest» at the home of his mother Continuing Its efforts to facilit­ required to present said claims, OF FINAL SETTLEMENT block and thence north to the claims, duly verified as by law re­ duly verified as by law required, at Nutlce la hereby given that Ituby place uf huginning, all In Lane quired, to tbe underalgned admin­ Mr». Gertrude Wilson, here Sunday. ate holiday travel In Oregon and law office of my attorney. H. E. A. laird, administratrix haa (lieu other western states, the Southern Slattery, 71? W illam ette St., Eu­ County. Dragon, together with istrator, at the office of Eugene V. Leaves for California— Clinton her final report and account In the the teuement, hereditaments and Slattery. Deputy District Attorney, Pacific company today revealed gene. Oregon. In Lane County, Ore­ IN CASH PRIZES eatate of Newton Kenyon, deceaaed. appurtenances thereunto apper­ at the Lane County Court House, C. Conley of the McKenzie Blossom plans for a four-day series of “cent- gon, within six months from the In the County Court of Iran« Coun­ taining. date of this notice. In Eugene, Lane County, State of farm at Cedar Flat left the first of Will be awarded listeners to the s-mile" excursions tn connection ty, Oregon, which haa aet Friday. Junuury 9. 1133. Dated and first published Febru­ Oregon. within six months from the the week on a business trip to Cali­ February 13th, 1133. at 10 o'clock with Washington’s birthday. li. L. SOW N, Sheriff of l.ane date of this notice. ary 11. 1932. fornia cities. A. M. at the County Court lloom at County, Drugon. Date of last publication March 10, Tbe low-fare round trips may be Dated aud first published Janu­ the Court llou»e. Eugene, Oregon, W. II. BROOKE, Attorney for ary 21. 1132. In from Pleasant Hill— Mr. and started February 19 to 22, Inclusive, 1932. a» the time and place for the final FlalnUff. A L IC E M. B E C K W IT H . Execu­ Date of last publication February Mrs. C. L. W illiams of Pleasant H ill wltb final return lim it of March 1. report and account» should be filed (Jan 14 31-28— F 4-11) trix of the estate of Lester 18. 1132. or preaented at or prior to the time Oren Beckwith, deceased. EUG ENE L. JE N K IN S . Admin were visitors In Springfield on F ri­ according to announcement by C. LISTKN IN every Sunday Evening for «aid hearing. Olson, agent for the railroad here. H. E. S LA TTE R Y , Attorney for latrator of the eatate of Elisa­ day afternoon. NOTICE OF SALE Dated and first published thia 4:15 Pacific time, over a Coast-to- Executrix. beth C. Jenkins, deceaaed. Attention was called to the fact 14th duy of January, 1133. Notice la hereby given that by laird a . Moulton, and Eugene Teacher III — Miss Marguerite (F. 11-18-26 M 3-10) Coast Hook-up of N. B. C. Stations. that Washington’s birthday falls on KUBY A. LORD, Administra­ virtue of an execution and order of V. Slattery, Attorneys for Ad- Mulbollen, high school teacher, waa Monday, thus providing a three-day trix. »ale l«»ued out uf the Circuit Court mlntatrator. III Monday and Miss Mildred O rr W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, Attorney. uf the State of Oregon for Iran« week-end for excursionists. T e rri­ (J 21-28— F 4-11-11) substituted for her. 303 Tlftany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. County,'January 1. 1132, pursuaut tory included In the offer extends (Jau 14 31 31- F 4 111 to a decree entered by «aid court Single Comb Rhode Island SUMMONS To Attend— Conference — E. A. from Portland to El Paso and from January 1, 1132, lu a null therein IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF Reds. San Francisco to Ogden and Salt Terman left Springfield Tuesday pending In which the WeMtern Loan T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR and Building Company, u corpora­ BERT GILLONS Springfield, Oregon morning for Camas, Washington to Lake City, Olson stated. Phone 15 T H E CO U N TY O F LANE. tion. wa» plaintiff and Ruth Cooper, Sarah A Mead. Plaintiff, vs. Tea attend tbe semi-yearly conference 1107 - 5th St., Springfield Hurry W. Neot a» Administrator Mead, Defendant. of the Bible Standard group. MARCH 1 FINAL DATE of the Estate of W. B. Cooper, De­ TO T E X M EAD T H E ABOVE ceaaed. Dorothy E. Cooper. Charlot­ NA M ED D EFEN D A N T: FOR FORESTRY CLUBS Professor at School Again— John te C. Cooper, I’. 8. Chase, W. R. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE JEWELER Kluaey, Lulu M. Kinsey. L. U. Dery, O F OREGON yoo are hereby re­ Knox, professor ol science at the All enrollments for Forestry clubs Repairing a Specialty Nettle E. Dery, IraSalle Stewart. quired to appear and answer the high school returned to his classes Mldgley Planing M ill Company, a today following an absence due to in tbe county for the year 1932 complaint filed against you In tbe Springfield, Oregon Corporation, J. R. H ill, Ellon H ill, above entitled Court and Cause on an attack of thee mumps. must be completed and sent Into Ellxubeth Falirenwald, The Pacific the County Club Agent by March 1. or before the 13th day of February Saving A lxran Aaaoclatlon, a Cor­ 1932, said date being more than Broadcast Postponed— The pro The requirements for Forestry pro­ Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN poration. Portland Mortgage Com four weeks from the day of the gram which the Lions club quartet ject includes that each member pany, a Corporation, and Charles first publication of this summons Naturopathie Physician shall plant ten trees tbe first year, 8. Cochran and Horace U. Cochran herein entered of record and If you was to have broadcast over KORR I'hone 91-J ae executors of the Eetate of Sarah fall so to appear and answer for Sunday evening at 5 o'clock had und the proper time for planting E. Cochran. Deceased, were defend­ Office Hours: 1 to S 1*. M. want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ to be postponed because of Illness them has passed after the first of ants, which execution aud order of ply to the Court for the relief In of Dr. Rebhan. trass singer In tbe March, consequently enrollments 40« Fourth Street sale wa» to me directed und com­ her complaint against you de­ after that time would be of no value manded me to sell the real property manded. to-wlt; for a Judgment group. herelnfater described to satisfy cer­ and the boys and girls would be and decree of Divorce, dissolving tain liens and charges In said de­ Dinner Guests — Mr. and Mrs. unable to complete the require­ Universal Mortgage Corp. the bonds of matrimony now and cree specified, I will on Saturday, heretofore existing between you Ernest Anderson and child of Eu­ ments. the 13th day of February, 1932, nt and the plaintiff on tbe grounds ot gene were dinner guests at the Arrangements can be made with the hour of one o'clock P. M. at desertion and tor such other relief home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphy the front door of the Court House the County Club Agent to secure as to the Court may seem meet and In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, W. P. Tyson, Agent equitable. This summons Is servea Sunday. Mrs. Anderson Is a sister trees for Forestry clubs and should offer for sale and sell at public auc­ 12« E St. Phone MW of Mr. Murphy. be done so that the members will tion for cash, the following des­ upon you by publication thereof in the S P R IN U F IE I.D NEW S, a news have an opportunity to plant the cribed real property, to-wlt: Family III— Mr. and Mrs. Donald trees some time during the month Lots Eight and Nine In Block taper of general circulation pur­ General Law Practice Seven In Westmoreland, an Addl suant to an order ot the Judge of Toomb, proprietors of the grocery of February. tlon to Eugene In Lane County, the Circuit Coart of the State of store on north Fifth street have I. M. PETERSON Oregon, together with the tene­ Oregon for the County of Lane, been III at their home for several Attorney at-faiw CLASS ENTERTAINMENT ments, hereditaments and appur­ duly made and entered of record on tenances thereunto belonging, In­ the 12th day of January, 1933, or­ days. Franklin Drury Is assisting at City Hall Building dering that this summons be pub SET BACK ONE MONTH the store during their Illness. cluding the equipment, heating, lisbed once each week for four suc­ Springfield, Oregon lighting and plumbing fixtures cessive and consecutive weeks In the The members of the Ergatha Sun Shoe Dealer Here— Toni Gilbert and facilities. Springfield News and that the date January 1, 1132. day school class of the Methodist of Blue River was a visitor tn H. L. HOWN. Sheriff of Lane of the first publication shall be tbe Springfield Saturday. Mr. Gilbert church will be hosts to members 14th day ot January, 1932, and the FRANK A. DE PUE County, Oregon. date ot the last publication shall owns a shoe store in Eugene but is of the Home Mission society of tbe ATTORNEY AT LAW W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for be the Issue of the 11th day of nut active In the management of It. church early in March It has been NOTARY PUBLIC Plaintiff. February, 1932. (Jan 14-21-28— F 4-11) He has a home on the McKenzie announced. It had previously been Springfield FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney •utton river a few miles above Blue River planned to have the Sunday school for the Plaintiff. Oregon Building NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE group entertain In February.l bridge. (Jan 14-31-28— F 4-11) Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of »ale iHHtied out of the Circuit Court of the State of Gregou for By Albert T. ketä Lune County. Oregon. January 18, OF ALL KINDS 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ cree made by »aid Court January Quick Delivery 1932, In a suit pending therein Phone Springfield 121-M 18, In which Charles Clements was plaintiff and Jean Flanigan was de­ fendant. which execution and order of sale was to me directed and com­ manded me to sell the real property hereinafter deacrlbed to satisfy cer­ tain Hens and charges In said de­ cree specified, I will, on Saturday, the 20th day of February, 1932, at the hour of oae o’clock lu the after­ noon of said day. at the aouthwest Formerly Walker-Foole door of the County Court House In Eugene. Iran« County, Oregon, EUGENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D offer for sale and sell, at public au­ ction for cash, subject to redemp­ and Uharnelton, 221 Main tion ns provided by law, all the Telephone 723 Phone 82-J right, title and Interest of the de­ fendant In said suit and of all par ties claiming by, through or under him, slnco the 9th day of February, 1928. In and to the following des­ Brains do it—not brawn! Don’t try to get what you cribed real property, to-wlt: want with a bludgeon. Knock-down and drag-out days are The north half of Donation Land Claim No. 43, Notf. No. 3288 over. More modern facilities are at your service. The In Sections ten and fifteen, town Springfield News, through its advertising columns—carries ship 18, south, Range 3 West of the W illam ette Meridian, In Lane your need to the minds of the people you want to reach— County, Oregon, and being the Immediately — effectively — inexpensively. One person North half of the D. L. C. of George M. Coryell, the same con­ at a time is the most you can personally interview. Your taining 160.23 acres of land, more advertisement—inserted in the columns of the News, or less, In said County and State, Also beginning at the south­ reaches all the people who are interested simultaneously. west corner of Donation Land Your advertisement works for you—locating what you Claim No. 69 In Township 18, want in the shortest possible time. Insert an advertisement South, Rango 3 West of the W ll lamette Meridian and run thence —read the advertisements. It’s the modern way! North 12.38 chains to right of way, thence west 8 chains and 1 1-3 links, thence South «7 links, thence East 8 chains and 11-3 links, and thence North «7 links to the placo of beginning, In Lane Orthognn Soft-Llte Lenses County, Oregon. Dated this 19th day of January, Relieve Eye Strain TOWN AND VICINITY St. Valentine C A N D IE S and F A V O R S ♦ F G G IM A N N ’S 3^252^ Birthday Sale Look a t these Values Both for 59c Both for 59c Both for 59c « $3980 REXALL DRUGGISTS’ RADIO PARTY H atch ing Eggs Flanery’s Drug Store Business Directory Edw. G. Privat 4 IT ISN’T BEING DONE TODAY Except in China BO N D S * F Stepping Stones DRY W OOD Advertising Is the Modern Way POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Be Modern - Consult the Advertising Columns * AVOID GLARE 1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1932. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Weat 8th Rufene H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Iran« County, Oregon. (J 21-28—F 4-11-18)