THE SPRINGFIELD ¡NEWS / TW E N TY -N IN TH YKAIt Evangelist Plans CLOSED BANK IS Legion Starts Big Registration Special Services TO PAY DIVIDEND NEARING CLOSE Fastest G irl Swimmer Action on Membership Drive “Evolution” to Be Subject of of Post is Deferred at Second Return to Depositor* Springfield Defeats Cottage Sermon at Christian Church Walterville Meeting Tonight, Glee Club There to Re Made Only to Those Grove Tuesday; Drops Game Holding Savings Accounts Reports from the delegates which to Eugene High Friday The revival meeting at the ' attended (lie district convention o f WILL PAY 10 PER CENT the American Legion at Albani; MAY were given at the muellng of the Hprlngfleld Christian church Is re-. PLAY cur FUNDS ILLOIED Star Official to iddìi shows Visit On 7 uesday FOB M1ENZIE WARRANTS *39,209 Contracts to Be Let Soon and Early Completion of Un­ finished Stretches Assured Three Events on Program of Day for Official Visitor; Government Operated Within School in Afternoon Budget for 1931 is Report Made to Council Monday Tuesday of next week will be a busy day for members of Cascade $ 2 3 3 ,4 5 0 chapter. Order Eastern Star when B O N D S REDUCED $16,500 w. . _ . , _ , will entertain Mrs. Edith I. ----------- tg way Commission to Sell Phillips. Portland, assistant grand Five Departments Show Over» O zs ei Issue I n e I I c to a z-\ Obtain C Z", ■» .A _ A _ _ _ _ who . will «s. make her of- -X »■ s ... • Bond Funds conductress drafts in Expenditures of ' flclal visit to the local group on for Work Immediately $667; Other* Surplus that date. An expenditure of (233.450 on i nree functions luncuons has nas been ar- Three The town of Springfield operated two major highways of Lane com laraged daring the visit of the offl- »648 54 within Its budget for 1931 ty during the year 1932 was assured rial. The first will start at 2:30 but the cash received from taxes at Portland yesterday when mem in the afternoon when she will con did not pay the running expenses bers of the State Higbway Lout duct a school of Instruction for of- and warrant indebtedness Increased mission slotted sums totaling that. fleers of the local chapter. The by »3687.75. according to ths re­ amount for work on the McKenzie monthly covered dish dinner for all port of Auditors Honor a Tyson slotted represent federal and state members of the Star and their made to the council Monday even- money which it Is expected will be families will be held at 6:3* with ing. The outstanding warrant In- available for road work during the some entertainment. Regular lodge debtedness of the town at the end year. The total expenditure for the session for the inspection of the at 1931 was *39,2*9.04. entire state will total »5.500.0*0. visitor will he started at 8 o’clock. D u,,,,, the year lndebted. CORVALLIS ported progrès»,.ng in u splendid COUNTY GETS way. Interest Is Incressins and the' crowds are growing, according to Kvanellst Parrish who will speak on, "Evolution” tonight. The high school glee club will sing at this Paym ent of a second dividend to ferred until the next meeting, Just two more scheduled A I«. Krl,U> •»•»<"« “>« Knill» J. M. I.arson was authorised to sue gam e, and Hprlugfleld I. ready ' boru8 of "bu"‘ 50 depoaltora of the Com m ercial Htate Mnd "lrl" ' bank which closed Its doors < June re, elve ss registration fee. from t„ enter the district basketball tour "" for the payment game can be arranged for February , was left at the end ot the year only Issue *1.000.000 In short term bonds of the money to creditors of the , I* which Is an open date. The locali *1800 In the bond sinking fund. falling due October 1. after thej| bank could be made this wee k by Eleanor Holm, American eharopsc team still has a game with Eugene During the year *10.323.64 from the added another world’s record by state auto license tax funds will be those In charge of the liquidation high players on their floor Febru negotiating ISO - yard*, backstroke available. This step will enable the bond sinking fund was Invested In as all dividend checks must be style, in 1 :SJH. lowering the form ury 25 and one with V. H.8. on outstanding warrants. Thia was commission to meet certain bonds written mid sent In the state bunk! mark by two and aoe-fifth m oos March 3. there. done at the time the Commercial which will fall dne soon and to The new record was made in the ta examiner for his signature before i The Cottage (Irove-Hprlngfleld bank closed to get the full amount at the West Side Athletic dab Is create a fund with which to carry they are returned here where the. I game played here Tuesday night.) New York City. rather than let the money be lequt on construction work as soon as will tie mailed to the patrons hav 1 and which proved to lie one of the Residents of Various Districts dated with the bank. the weather Is suitable. Work on Only One Other of This Ad­ lug savings accounts. Five departments of the city gov­ Receive Registration Ma­ roughest contests of the season for Early History of County Re­ some of the projects will start April vanced Type in State; Mono­ First returns from the dosed the local team despite their sub­ lived by Members of Civic ernment showed overdrafts for the 1, If possible. terials to Aid Neighbors bank were made at Thanksgiving plane is _______ Reconditioned stantial score, was shoved Into the year while all others showed bal- Club at Tuesday Meeting time, the checks being placed In middle of the week to make way Lane county appropriations for Materials to lie used In register­ Con.tructlon work on a new Chai- “ Ce’ - Thtoe *h° W,ni ° Vftrdrait" the postofflce on that day. At this the McKenzie highway total »170.- First plans fur a membership ing voters for the primary election for another scheduled affair with lenger C-3 type of soaring glider1” ”^ time 20 per cunt was paid nut on 500. It is divided as follows: K 8 spent »595.28; Health officer, bud Io be held May 20 were sent out Corvallis here the same evening drive for members of the Civic club ' will be practically completed th is- savings accounts, and 25 per cent Doyle HllI-NImrod resurfacing ---------- ------------- - .„„i, „i . k . j . .¡geted »120; spent *159.85; Library, Monday by W It Dillard, county The Bentos team decided to make were discussed Tuesday night at In the commercial department. »110.000; Hendricks Bridge-Doyle ™ * .2. : budgeted »643, spent »652.53, Re- clerk to a selected group of Indi­ other arrangements, however, and the Community ball when member*! Jim MacManiman, airport manager budgeted »900, spent viduals In various parts of the coun­ Hprtngflld has no game on her ache dlnnir .«db he'd ‘ « ’T * * ? * “ Methodist Brotherhood to Be Hill, bituminous macadam. *26.500: and instructor. Students are now corder. Blue River east, oiling, *12.000; *970.42; Street Improvement, bud­ ty. Each of these persons are quali­ dule for Friday night. Hbe might dinner and program. Husbands o t , completing the construction of the Hosts to Scout Troop at Doyle Hill-Nimrod, oiling, *22.000. geted *3130, spent *3448.39. fied to register their neighbor, be willing to negotiate with Cor­ members were guests for the even-! tall structure after which the vari-l Dinner Program Monday Appropriations for the Oregon While the auditors report shows making a trip to the court house vallis for the ame oa the open ing Annual due* for the organ!-1 ous parts will be ready for their date. xatlon were cut In half being *1.0* the city was *648.54 within Its bud Coast or Roosevelt highway total! I I cloth for this purpose unnecessary. ' a az c XX covering. x_. xz V X. x I x xgx • Monday will be Father and Son *62,950 and Is divided as follows:! Cottage Grove remain* *n the cel­ until the laat meeting when they get an examination of the report It Is necessary, however; that a night at the Methodist church it Berry Creek-Florence, oiling. *15, J, lar position among A league teams were reduced to 50 cents. glJder ls designed to be used, reveals the city did overrun its person lie registered or his name has been announced by Dr. N. W, 750; bituminous macadam. »12.900; I in followln« UP 'raining received In budget for purely governmental of the district with no victories It was also reported at the meet­ will not appear on the poll book and seven defeats. Hhe put up a ing that contributions of *10 had Emery, third vice-president of the Yachats-Ijine county line, olHng , “>e primary glider used here for the purposes about *300 since the air­ Funeral for Pioneer Resident and that person will not be permit strong fight here but showed lack been made to the library, and *5 Men’s Brotherhood, sponsors of the »4.300; Glenada-Gardlner I past two year8 11 «’ bullt by port Improvement fund shows a ted to cast a ballet In the election four students at the school, Earl balance of *944.24. of Springfield to Be Held Iteglstratlon Is not necessary If of coaching according to those who to the student loan fund for girls. affair. *30.000. McCarty, Ralph Schulz. Kenneth watched the game which ended This is the regular meeting night The year closed with the city Here Friday Afternoon Contracts for on the various pro­ the person voted In the laHt gen Memories of scenes from early Coburn, and Art Schafner, under owing *140.000 general obligation With Hprlngfleld on the long end of the Brotherhood group and the jects are expected to be let by the eral election and has not moved day history of thia country were the supervision of MacManiman. bonds and *5560.56 Bancroft bonds. entire evening will be devoted to highway commission rery soon. Funeral service for the late Mrs. since that time. No one will lie per of a 24-17 score. revived at the meeting by Mrs. Mel Ownership of the glider will re­ The city had Hens receivable of The starting lineups were: entertainment of sons of members Amanda Washburne. who passed milted to register later than 30 The early action on the McKenzie Rice who gave an Interesting paper Springfield Cottage Grove of that organisation. Boys belong highway assures the county of the main with the boys. away at her home Tuesday follow­ days prior to the election. *34.206.24. cash and securities val­ on George Washington, an oav v i v r e O Horn noon at 2 o’clock. The Itev. Fred­ Listed among the activities for be used extensively by people visit­ wing Colonial costume. span of the local atructnre will C LA U D E C R A Y TAKES Lowell; Walter Price. Marcola; D. Htevenson G Dusenber* erick Jennings, former rector of the evening are a dinner to be ser ing the state during the American W Htollierg. Wendllng; William The next meeting of the group OVER NEW DUTIES Referee: Tom Johnson. the Episcopal shurch In Eugene, ved by the ladles’ aid In the dining Legion national convention and be 40 feet and will weigh 155 Williams, Dexter: Drury and will be an afternoon affair and will pounds complete without pilot. The Eugene nosed out a victory 28 22 will conduct the services and In­ room at 6:30. This will be follow­ other gatherings during the sum­ Bringing to a close more than 20 Drury Htore, Coburg: A. W. Frnxee. over Hprlngfleld Friday In the first be held at the home of Mrs. David time that it can be kept in the air terment will be made at Heat years of service with the same Leuburg ; und Ida Clapper, Blue meeting between the two teams Haltsman. president of the club. ed by the showing of the films of mer. will depend as usual on the wea- Haven cemetery. the Rogue river taken by Dr. Reb­ Hiver. ther, but undler normal clrcum- f*™1- H. Claude Gray Friday resign this year. The Invaders led the This meeting will be held Tuesday, han and his party last summer. Her husband. B. A. Washburne, March 8. stances it can be kept aloft three ed as 'e'*er at '•>« First National scoring 18-9 at the end of the first Short talks will also be made by Hprlugfleld. a daughter, Mrs. Helen times as long as the primary glider. Bank in Eugene to become actively half, hut were not able to retain Rev. Poindexter and others. W. Martin. Han Francisco, and a PRISCILLA GROUP The skill of the individual pilot associated with his partners, C. P. this 2 to 1 advantage during the son. Claude Washburne. Junction Each member of the Brotherhood MISSION GROUPS PLAN HAS REGULAR MEETING Inst half of the game. will be the most important factor In Poole and Philip J. Bartholomew City, survive, us does one brother, is urged to have a son at the meet­ determining the time it will remain in the operation of the Poole-Uray- DAY OF PRAYER' EVENT The lineups for this game were: James L. Clark, Long Beach, Cali­ Mrs. II. O. Dlbblee and Mrs. H. ing. If he has none of his own Dr. Bartholomew chapels In Eugene in the air. Eugene fornia, and two sisters, Mrs. John II Hchaffenberg were hostesses for Springfield Emery will assign one of the unat­ and Springfield. Mr. Gray will de­ All Church Societies In Springfield Unlike the primary glider which Milligan llurgart, Portland, and Mrs. Sarah members of the Priscilla club at the 11 Wright tached Scouts or will aid the mem­ Rise of Black Man From Slav­ has practically no fuselage below vote a part of his time to work to Unite for Short Session Wilson Coughlan Burch. Itli kreall home of the former last Thursday ber In finding a son for the even­ ery to Be Discussed at M. the wings, this ship has a complete in both chapels. at Baptist Church Sprague Mrs. Washburne was one of the afternoon. The afternoon was spent G. Wright ing. He purchased an interest in the fuselage with a cockpit compart­ E. Church on Sunday Hquires Northam few early residents of Hprlngfleld with guessing contests und games. business last summer at the time Mission groups of the Methodist, ment for the pilot which ls entire­ Bishop to continue Io make her home here Prlxes went to Mrs. John Heavey Thatcher "The Awful Verge of Manhood" ly enclosed. The rudder measures that Bartholomew took over the Baptist, and Christian churches will DELEGATES CHOSEN TO ' until her death, Hhe came here with and Mrs. William Itouse The next management of the local chapel will be the subject of the morning nearly six feet in height. hold a union meeting at the Bap­ ATTEND MEETINGS service at the Methodist church her husband from Junction City In meeting will lie held February 18 SCHOOL BOARD HAS Reconditioning of the two-place from W. F. Walker, former partner tist church Friday afternoon at 2 1890 at the home of Mrs. Kiley Hnod VERY QUIET MEETING o’clock for the purpose of observing Sunday at 11 o'clock. This will be monoplane, the first ship used by of Mr. Poole. Four delegates have been chosen Hhe was the daughter of Mr. and gross. the annual 'Day of Prayer' together. to represent the Epworth League a patriotic service commemorating the Springfield School of Flying, Mrs. Edward Clark who crossed Only routine matters were dis Each church group will contribute Mrs. A. L. Malo and Mrs John Lincoln's birthday and will bring has been completed at the port and OAKRIDGE LEGION of the Springfield Methodist the plains of the Middle West In llenderer were guests of the club eussed at ihe regular monthly meet­ something towards the program church at the sessions of the dis a view of the rise of the black man Is now being used for Instruction POST HAS AMBOLANCE 1862 to settle nt liickreall where Members present were Mrs. WII ing of school bosrd Monday even­ which will last one hour. Mrs. Mel trlct convention to be held at from slavery. The national Negro purposes. Several new students she was born on Heptember 17 Ham Curtis, Mrs. Jack I-arson. Mrs ing. G. B. Wood, principal of the Rice and Mrs. William Gantt are Salem Friday evening. Saturday hymn and Negro spirituals will be have enrolled for instruction during An example of community ser­ i m ; i ; John Toniseth. Mrs. John Heavey, Brattaln school appeared before the committee In charge of arrange­ used during ihe service. the past week, according to Mac­ vice which members ot an Ameri­ and Sunday. The four delegates, Hhe held membership In Evange­ Mrs. William House, Mrs. Riley the board and asked permission to ments. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 Maniman. can Legion post can do Is being M.vrna Bartholomew, Faye Parsons. line chapter O. E H. Eugene, and Snodgrass. Mrs. Ed ward Prlvat. plant trees about the Brattaln It Is being developed with a view cited here by reference to'Cascade Clarice Fenton, and Orville McPher­ in W’omen of Woodcraft. school grounds In cooperation with Mrs. William Hti-artner, Mrs. E. post at Oakridge which was or­ son, will leave here Friday after­ to the best Interests of those who LIONS HEAR PARRISH Her daughter. Mrs. Martin, ar­ Stuart, and Mrs. Anna Dillard. the National Commission working DINNER GIVEN FOR noon and will go to Salem In com­ attend. rived here last Thursduy to be with GIVE TALK ON BIBLE ganized about one year ago and to provide recognition for George EVANGELISTIC PARTY pany with the delegation from the which recently acquired an ambu­ The Epworth League is making her when she became seriously III Washington on the 200th anniver­ lance for use of residents of that KENSINGTON CLUB a careful analysis of the subject of Eugene church. A short summary of the history Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor enter sary of his birth. patriotism as presented by speak­ of the Bible and something of the district. The ambulance was built MEETING IS HELD tained at their home Tuesday even­ MANY ATTEND PARTY ers last week. The military view probable manner in which the by the Nelson Motor company and ing at a dinner complimenting Rev. RUSSIAN SINGERS TO GRADE BOYS DEFEAT point of the subject given last week many books contained in it were was used for the first time last AT COBURG M. E. CHURCH Mrs. E. Swart» was hostess at Elery A. Parrish, evangelist who is APPEAR NEXT SUNDAY will be considered at 6:30 Sunday. gathered together was explained week. TEAM FROM WENDLING conducting services nightly at the her home Friday for members of Twenty-five young people of the the Kensington eluh nt their regu "The Rebirth of the Church" will Friday by Elery A. Parrish, Christ­ Methodist church, and his sister, The Kedroff quarter of Russian Seventh and Eighth grade basket­ Hprlngfleld Methodist church went lur meeting. Miss Edna Swarts was Miss Lillie Parrish. Other guests singers will be head In their first be the subject of the evening ser­ ian church evangelist, to member» FARMER TO SET OUT to Coburg lust Thursday evening to assistant hostess. Mrs. C. A. Hwnrts ball learns of the Lincoln school de­ were Rev. and Mrs. Veltle Pruitt appearance In Oregon Sunday at vice at 7:30. Rev. Dean C. Poin­ of the Lions club at their weekly ’ MANY TREES ON FARM feated teams of the snme grades uttend a Valentine-Leap-year party was a guest. luncheon meeting Friday noon. and Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Mosh McArthur court under the auspices dexter will preach both sermons. ns guests of the young people of Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the Christ­ Members presen, were Mrs. Levi from Wendllng here Friday even­ ler. George Hart, McKenxfe valley of the Associated Students. Ad thee church In that city. The even Neet, Mrs. Margaret Kenyon, Mrs ing. and the girls lost to visitors. ian church, sang a group of solos farmer will start at once on the mission charges will be 50c for BAPTIST SERVICES FOR Ing was enjoyed with games nnd J. T. Moore, Mrs. W. F. Walker The eighth grade boys of Spring- and was accompanied by Miss task of setting out 500 fruit and reserved seats and 25 cents for refreshments. Itev. Poindexter ac Mrs. M. V. Walker, Mrs. Edward field won 27-18 while the seventh NEW STUDENTS ENTER SUNDAY ARE LISTED Jewel Cunningham. Miss Lillie nut trees on his farm located half­ general admission. conipnnled the group to Coburg. Parrish, sister of the Evangelist, way between Thurston and Walter- Prlvat. Mrs. John llenderer, Mrs raders took their game 23-6. The HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES The same personnel of the choir "Our Crown of Rejoicing" will be was also a guest at the luncheon. L. May, Mrs. W. C. Wright. Mrs. H Junior high girls fell before the vllle. He purchased the trees which has been singing together the subject of the morning sermon STUDENTS AT WORK ON C. Wright. Mrs. W. C, Rebhan, visitors 46-10. Four students have enrolled for which Include 300 cherry, 100 wal­ for the past twelve years will be at the Baptist church at 11 oclock. work at the Springfield high school nut, and 100 filbert, from a Lane PROGRAM FOR P.-T. A Mrs. D. H Murphy. Mrs. Paul Bns heard Sunday. The organization Is The Sunday school will meet at 10 SPRINGFIELD FOLK ford, Mrs. W. K. Barnell, Mrs. W, BANKS OF COUNTY at the opening of the new semester 35 years old. ENTERTAIN BAPTISTS county nursery. o’clock with Harry Chase as super Students and faculty members N. Dow, and Mrs. A. J. Morgan of WILL CLOSE ON FRIDAY It was stated this week by W. E. intendent. The evening service will lire busy this week at the Brat- Eugene. Buell, principal. The new scholars Miss Barbara Barnell entertained FRESHMAN STUDENTS have as Its theme, "The Fruits of taln school preparing the various The next meeting will he held All banks of I-ane county will are Vernon Shanander formerly of FEED EXPERT WILL members of the Baptist church GIVE PLAY TODAY numbers of entertainment to be February 19, at the home of Mrs. close all day Friday, Lincoln's Hood River, Poul Hasby, Eugene TALK TO POULTRYMEN Christ.” This service starts at choir of Eugene at a dinner meet­ 7:30. Rev. William Taylor will de­ given at the school nt thbe next P. J. Bartholomew with Mrs. birthday, which Is a legal holiday George Irvin and Frances Apgar ing Friday evening with a group of The freshman students play, meeting of the P.-T. A. which Is to Charles P. Poole as assistant host­ It was announced this week. ’Flu- Springfield. Arthur A. Peters, representative liver both sermons. xylophone solos. 8he was accom­ "Welcoming the New Minister,” The young people will hold their be held there Friday, February 1». ess. First National hank of Bprlngfleld of the Albers Milling company of panied by Mrs. Bernice Neher Find­ was given at the high school during will not transact business that day. SECOND TOXOID CLINIC Portland will be the principal service at 6:45. Mr. Elmo Chase ley, pianist. Motion pictures which the assembly period today. Miss It was said this morning. P.-T. A. STUDY GROUP HIGH SCHOOL PLANS speaker at a meeting of Lane coun­ will be the guest speaker for the Dr. W. C. Rebhan took while on a HELD AT WENDLING ty poultrymen called for the Eugene evening. "Fireside Philosophy’s" trip down the Rogue river from Vogel ls director for the players. MEETS HERE TUESDAY LINCOLN DAY PROGRAM Chamber of Commerce Friday even­ will be the theme of the fellowship Grants Pass to Gold Belich with MASONS POSTPONE FENDER DENTED IN The second of a aeries of toxoid ing, February 19. Motion pictures meeting Sunday evening with Mr. Mrs. Lee Putninn was hostess at High school students will have AUTO MISHAP SUNDAY clinics was held at Wendllng and dealing with the poultry business and Mrs. Wilfred Cook. The dis­ Veltle Pruitt and M. R. Irish were SOCIAL FROM TONIGHT shown by Mr. Irish. her home Tuesday afternoon for n Lincoln Day program during the Marcola schools Tuesday by Dr. S. cussion for the week will be the members of the P. T. A. study assembly period Friday morning. The right rear fender of an auto­ M. Kerron, county health officer, will also be exhibited. third of a series “The Drama of The first of a series of monthly group. A discussion of the subject, Rev. William G. Taylor, pastor of mobile being driven by Antone and Miss Resale Williams, health the Nations." Visitors are always WOODCRAFT INITIATES social meetings planned by Liberty "Mnrrlnge In the United Htates" the Baptist chureli will be the prin­ Tuhy, South Second street, was nurse. Another similar clinic Is LUMBER MILL REOPENS welcome. Masonic lodge for this evening has was held prior to receiving the cipal speaker. Htudenta will con­ slightly damaged Sunday when his being held at Creswell today. TWO NEW MEMBERS been postponed because of the AT JASPER ON FRIDAY broadcast of the regular radio tribute a large number of events cor was struck by another driven SPECIALIST DISCUSSES Earl Briggs and Harry Huffman death of Mrs. Amanda Washburne study program, , to the program, by Mrs. Maggie M. Meloigan. Tuhy LEGION SEWING CLUB The Hills Creek Lumber com­ vere Initiated Into Pine Circle whose funeral will be held Friday was hacking out of his garage. pany resumed operations Friday "ECONOMICAL MEALS” MEETING POSTPONED Neighbors of Woodcraft last night afternoon It was announced yester­ SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS after a shut-down of several weeks EDUCATION MEETING IS at the IO. O. F. hsll. The rooms day, Mrs ZeRq Rodenwold, specialist Both the mill and the camp started PARTY TO BE FRIDAY HELD HERE ON TUESDAY LOAD LIM IT SET ON The meeting of the American Le­ were decorated In the Valentine operations again. Thirty men are at Oregon State College, was In ROAD NEAR COSHEN gion Sewing club which was to theme. Plans were also made for a BAPTIST MISSION charge of a Economical Meals meet­ employed by the company. Mrs. IL P. Mortensen will enter­ Another of the series of educa­ have been held Friday afternoon at ing at the Lowell school Tuesday large George Washington potluck CIRCLE HAS MEETING tain at her home Friday evening tional meetings being held for em­ A new load limit of 300 pounds the home of Mrs. W. N. Dow has afternoon at 1:30. Food Purchasing dinner to be held at the next meet­ for members of her Bunday school ployes of Mountain 8tntes Power per Inch width of .tire was made been postponed because of conflict­ Visiting Parent*— Mr. and Mrs. class of the Methodist church. company In this county was held effective Friday In an order by the ing events. Friday. February 26. has Paul F. Alley of Moro arrived here will be discussed at a meeting to ing on February 24. Members of the! Regular meeting of Ihe Baptist Freshmen anil sophomore boys and here Tue.iday »veiling between 7 County court to protect the surface been set as the new date for the last night for a visit at the home be held at Creswell today at 1:30 drill team will provide a suitable Mission circle was held Tuesday girls at the high school constitute nnd 8 o'clock. The meetings are from being seriously damaged by meeting by Mrs. W. H. Pollard, of Mra. Alley's parents, Mr. and under the direction of Miss Ger­ program and each lady attending evening at the home of Mra. Ken­ trude Skow, home demonstration will be asked to dress In a colonial neth Toblau, hostess. A study pro­ membership of the class. held every two weeks. exceaalve welghta.t prealdent. Mra. W. K. Buell. costume If possible. gram was followed. agent. Date Wh» Refund Checks Springfield post and Auxiliary ut Local Team Ha* Two A Lea- Will Be R or Patrons Walterville last Thursduy evening gue Contests on Schedule; Action on the contemplated mein Is Stil. certain Meet Eugene and U. H. S. bershlp drive of the post was de­ CLERK GIVES OUT REGISTRAR LIST GLIDER NEARLÏ READY » I PORT COLONIAL LIFE RECALLED HEHE FAIRER AND SDH BANQUET IS SEE DIES ON TUESDAY Sermon to Have Lincoln Theme