PAGE FOTTE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4. IM I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FINS CURIOUS m i l l WRESTLER Great Author Die* W h it Will Happen When Chinaman and Burgarian Meet Friday is Question P IL L E M E SERIES Î0 START E = ill Govern Reconstruction Finance Board_____ J 6IRL SGOUTS1Ö CHILI PARLOR WILL OPEN HERE NEXT WEEK Mr. and Mr* E, Badger recently of Otlumwu. Iowa, have lukeii over the Ellie Cafe und will open a mu del'll chill parlor there soon. The lliilile of Ihe business place has been changed to Del Iteo Chill Parlor, t'linslderalite redecorating la being done inside Ihe building and plans fur a formal opening Io lake place Thursday evening. February II. at 5 o'clock are being made. Mr. uud Mrs llailger can e In Springfield Io visit tueiMle and liked il so much Hull l bey decided Io enter tiusllli'K* III Ibis city Kiev stale. OFFER PROGRAM Springfield Study Croup to Hear Speakers on “Gang and Chum" at Meetings What will hapten when a China­ Members of the Study group of man and a Bulgarian try to wrestle • the Springfield Parent-Teacher a* In headliner event is making a . MH-tatton will attend a series of whole lot of wrestling fans in this J three county-wide discussion meet­ county curious right now. and a ings to be held at the Eugene Cham­ large number of them are expected ber of Commerce starting February to turn out at the Armory in Eu­ Lytton Strachey, who died in 10. it was announced yesterday. gene Friday evening to find out London, at SI, was the first biogra­ Three i rominent educational for themselves. pher to make history read like fiction, workers have been secured for the Waiter (Sneete) Achiu. Oriental His Queen \ ictoria and Elizabeth meetings. They will each discuss and _ Essex were beat sellers for the subject. . . . grappler earned the right to __ Gang and . . . t . hum at years. wrestle at the Armory again this —< the different sessions. week by defeating Pat Reagan, ma Sutton. The first meeting on February Casper. Wyoming, two out of three Sixth grade—Helen Kratx. Ver- 10. will be addressed by Dr. Ed- rounds Iasi week-end. He will face non Swindall. Howard Dean. Cortis mund S. Conklin, professor of pay Vasil Tsacoff, Toros. Bulgaria, in a Coffett. Billy Mortir. etiology at the Cniversity of Oregon three fall match this week. Seventh grade— Gladys Shelly. who will discuss the adolescent age Two heavyweights have also been Eldred Swindall. of the bov and the effects It has signed by Herb Owen, sports pro- Eighth grade—Rachel Ellison. I on him. motor, for the sepeiai event to pre B R A T T A IN SC H O O L Other speakers to follow him are rede the nationality dispute. Bonnie First Grade Paul Washke, Oregon State col- Muir. Australian, will be matched Attendance — Evelyn Wooley, lege. February 17, and Karl W. Oh against Ray Frisbee. Medford, in Richard Flanery. Betty Campbell, thank, dean of personnel, at the this go. Both of these men have Josephine Phair. Joyce Church. v . of O. on February 24. The meet- appeared on several cards in Port Second Grade ings will start at 3 o'clock and are land and elsewhere In the Pacific Attendance—Betty Pat Aldrich, open to all interested parties. Northwest and have been well re- Mary Alice Bartholomew. Fannie _________________ ceived. It will be their initial ap- Hicks. Beulah Martin. Ruth Phair S T A T E ROAD C O S T S pearance in Lane county, however. Lois Phair. Pauline Sinnar. Cleona DECLARED LOWER Very little Is known of the Bui- Maxey, Ellis Roberts. Thorvald gar la n who will be featured on the Johnson. Fritx Smitson. Floyd Cost of maintaining state high­ main event. He has been in this Steele, Tommy Thomas. Wayne country a very short while and Whipps. Myrtle Lee Shull. Junior ways in 1931 dropped to 31.903.- Noted Banker at Play “Thn Neighbors," One Act Play to Be Presented as Feature of Benefit Show Numbers on the program which Springfield Girl Scouts are spun soring al the high school auditor­ ium Friday «'veiling. February 19. , for the purpose of raising furdn with which io pay their district us sessiiieat of f50 were told this morning by Mrs. John F Ketela. general chairman of the affair. SLIDE BLOCKS ROAD Most prominent on the program BALL TEAM DELAYED will he a one a d play. "The Neigh hors" written liy Zona Gale. This After spending Ihe greater part Is a royalty play and Is being used of the afternoon and evening mi by many of the district conimuiil llieir way Io Pleasant Hill Friday ty clubs of the state III their con j for a scheduled haskelhall game. , tests being held at the present Ihe Oakridge boya finally reached time. Mrs. Floyd Thompson Is di I Ihe school house only Io be defeat reeling this play which will have a ed. 32 I*. The boya and girla teams cast composed of members of the slarled for Pleasant Hill during the local Girt Scout troop. Mrs Thomp­ J afternoon but were stopped on the son is a graduate of the Cniversity General Charles G Dawes, Fortner Vice-President and recently Ambassador to England, is shown leaving the Senate Office Building with j of Oregon where she had marked Otto H Kahn. Wall Street finangiab "** nM“1 «•'*• ,hl“ ■hl" «* Eu«w .e Meyer Gen. Dawes, as president, and Mr Meyer, a, chainna* of success In dramatic work under man and International Iwnker, la Westfir because of sitd«*. Thu gifla y ,7'ora,,on- *'*’ charge of distribute the two billion •pending the winter in Palm llesch. ' team bini passed the slide before Fergus Reddy. financial pool sponsored by the Government to absorb frozen assets il fell and reached their destination Several numbers will be contribu­ In time for Ihe conteat, but the ted to the program by members of hoys had to return to Westfir and the high school orchestra and the Inivel over Ihe old road which Is I Scout troop will provide the bal rough The Oakridge girls swamp- anee of the program themselves. d llieir Pleasuili Hill rivals 38-16 III _______ 1 This is under the direction of their gaine. By Caleb Johnson ctaiions. It Is specifically provided Mrs. Ketels and will Include the Congress has agreed to President I that agricultural and livestock following A song by the ukelele S4‘ 2 ‘ from «2-1172S2S5 In 1930, Hoover.s proptlga, for , he estab? vreu roads at the same time Increased every one of the last 25 matches Bob Adams. Raymon Bainbridge, One of the largest social gather Tucndny ut Ih«* Lincoln «rhl. to the railroads, the only Industry bara Itarnell; piano solo, Huxel institutions which are suffering which he has participated in. He Donald Baldwin. Bobby Bennett, 303 miles. His tabulation follows: from “frozen assets." With two which would receive benefits inde­ Nesbitt; tap dance by Jolutna Ings to be held In Sprlugfleld for Tho regular meeting of the Maintenance costs In 1927 were claims to be a very rough wrestler Harrison Billings. Russell Gates, billion dollars—two thousand mil­ pendently of financial Institutions. Stratlon; a costume dunce. "Mud some time wa* the stork shower Eighth grade Four 11 sewing dul» 31.997.933.87: in 1928. 32.187.354 98; and fans are anxious to see what Billie Haek. Donald Cook, lions—at its disposal, what is this The railroads are made special ex­ Pie Days" by the girls of the troop held Friday evening honoring Mr* which was | it is expected that there will be no the F’resldent s signature, although Jay afternoon und evening. Daf munii. Mrs Effie Stovall. Mrs Mar School District No. 19, In laine Spriggs. Roscoe Cole, Floyd Green Scholarship—Wanetta Neet. Max 334-804.52. trouble experienced in luring timid the I resident may, by proclama- fixllls were used for decorations. I Mrs. Margaret Kenyon won hlgti garet McGuire, Mrs. Iluxel Piul- county. Oregon, will pay at the of- Vila Weight. Bernice Barnes, Eliza ine Smitson. Henry Chace, Selma The neIt meeting of the highway money out of hiding and putting it tion. extend this period to two dock. Mrs. Stella Lewis. Mr*. Lee flee of clerk of said district, all beth Johnson. Margaret Meek. Lois Clement, Patsy Patmore. commission will be held at the to work by this means. We can take years. Loans will be made for an prize und Mrs. Clarence Chase low Pulman, .Mrs. O. F Kizer. Mrs. warrants lo ami including 3016. June Wilson. Geneva Wycoff, Dale Attendance— Robert Keenan, Val Multnomah county court house to- It as assured that there will be two original period of three years, in the afternoon group. Those In Hazel Burnell, Mrs Suzan Cruzan, dated January 13. 1932 Interest Carson. Louise Cowden. Earl House eriä Koch. Henry Chace. Angela day- billion dollars, or as much of it as which may he extended in .five. vlted at this time were the two Mrs. A. J. Cowart. Mrs. Julius Fu Ceases a fte r February 13. 1933. C. F. BARBER. Clerk. Bessie Cox. Darold Posey. Ethel Krupka. Tom m ie’uchytll. France? may be needed, speedily available At the end of five years the non- prize winners. Mrs. Gertrude Wil­ lop. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Lynn Stone, nfficehnlding directors are to be son. Mrs. Maude Bryan. Mrs. W. J. I Gott. David Privat, Jennie Jackson. Cornell. Leroy Williams. Lula John- for the work of the R. F. C. Mr*. Elva Adams. Mr*. Fred leiuk, dropped. Iiut the R F. C. may con Vulcan 8niooth Tup Dale Robertson. Ada Johnson. son, Oliver Adams. Harold Foss. There will be a board of dlrec tlnue in existence for another five Scott. Mrs. E. O. Privat. Mrs. D. B. Mrs Rachel Thatcher, Mrs. Asa Murphy. Mrs. Carl Olson, Mr*. J James Young. Marjorie Joliff. Scott Dorothy Ransdell. Isyl Keeler. Mary tors of seven men to manage the R GAS RANGE years, to give time to dispose of F. Ketels, Mr*. W. H. ilobb*. Mrs Peddlcord. the honor guest and the Wright. Ruth Keeler, Jean Daniels. Murry. Jane Phair. Selma Clement, F. C. They will include the Secre­ hostess uml assistants. For Sale nr Trade. Will any of the "frozen assets" it may w . C. Rebhan. Mrs. (’. A. «warts, Jean Lloyd. June Berg. Hazel Nes- Patsy Patmore. Teddy Wright, tary of the Treasury and the Gov accept wood. have left on Its hands. After that Mrs. W. K Barnell. Mrs W. N. bitt. Elva Lucile Boyles. Muriel sjxth Grade ernor of the Federal Reserve Board Mrs Van Vulzali, it Is to turn over whatever It has Dow. and Mrs. W. R. Dawson, LEGION TO SPONSOR Patmore, Zella Zoe Carroll. Ilia Scholarship — Glen Anderson, together with one other high gov left to the Treasury and the fin Phuup 13R-J. 952 C. Ht. Mrs. Floyd Flanery received first 1 Louise Putman. Juan Stratton. James Hebert, Virginia Hicks. Elsie ernment oficial and four men not DANCE EACH WEEK Jeannine Withers. Florence Rob Ingram. Helen Lyons. Alvfn McBee, H V C f i M E f i T C M 4 P J f i connected with the government, ancial liquidation will be up to the prize in Ihe evening playing while ' |ow pr|I(. went to Mrs. Henry Fan Springfield American Legion post erts. Nellie Prindell. Lillian Butler. LeVerne McPherson. Rose Ogden, but selected because of their bank­ government. There is every reason to expect drem. The guests were Mrs. H. M. I number 40 will sponsor dunces at Scholarship — LaMoyne Black. Muriel Tyson, Wesley Robertson. Forced Sales ing and business knowledge and ex Caroline Hicks. Florence May. Bar Wyetta Spriggs. Visitors to New York cannot fail perience. President Hoover has al­ that the establishment and opera Stewart. Mrs. S. V. Ward. Mrs. W. I||„. Thurston hall every Saturday bara Barnell. Lawrence Chase. Attendance Delmas Giaspey. to notice the enormous number of ready intimated that the two Demo lions of the R F C. will aceoni <’. Wright. Mrs. B O. Lodge. Mrs. ni|[ht starting this w-ek. according m . iatrson. finance officer Jeannine Withers. Ethel Gott. Sadie James Hebert. Donald House. Elsie | Fire sales, bankrupt stocks offered crats who will be appointed to plish the two things which all fin M. V. Walker. Mrs. P. J. Uartholo- to j Gott. Louisa Cowden. Clara Brooks. Ingram. Helen Lyons. LaVerne Me- and other types of forced sales be these posts will be Bernard M. Bar ancial leaders agree need lo br mew. Mrs John Henderer. Mrs. H. , Many people have become confused Hazel Nesbitt. Bernice Smith. Ruth Pherson. Wilbur McPherson. Earl >"8 held here at all times. For a uch. who was chairman of the War done. These are to provide a mar D Dlbblee, Mrs. Flanery. Mrs. Don „bout Ihe dales of our dances which Keeler' Pederson. Helen Putman, Wesley time It creates a feeling that half of Finance Corporation, and Edward ket for securities of banks and rail aid 8. Toomb. Mrs. Levi H. Neet. I have been held every other w.-ek, Chile. Tamale«. Handwlcliea F ifth Grade Robertson. Muriel Tyson. Henry the small business men here are on N. Hurley, who was chairman ot roads which are now unmarketable Mrs. Henry Faudrem. Mrs. I •’■j Larson explained, and stateil that Hom«- Baked Plea, Chinese Attendance — Frank Bennett, Uchytil. Emil Vchytii. Maxine Val- the financial rocks. the Shipping Board and a member although of great value, and to re Barber, Mrs. It L. Wright. Mrs. .(be new move would be given a Noodlea, and Chop Huey. Jun,or Endicott, lier. Dean Vaughn. Instead of that, it seems to be of other Important commissions store confidence, the unreasoning Clifford Wilson, Miss Crystal Bryan trial. lack of which in the face of the and Mrs R. C. Kuehner. Billie Nesbitt. Frank Howes. Theo- -------------------------- I . reguIar w#y doing bugjnegg durlnR the war. The reduced admission charge of really solid foundations on which, ---------------------- dore Prindell. Anita Pugh. I. Roberta > —------------------------------------------ » People in strange neighborhoods The War Finance Corporation Is 50 cents will also remain In effect, Elite llldg . Main SI., Springfield our economic situation stands. Is Putman. Junior Scott Mra. Wash burn« V e ry III following the successful venture nt fall for the glaring signs Just as the model upon which the R F. C. the basic cause of our present bust Thompson. Carmell Waddell. Midge is based. It served after the sudden this price scale last week. much as visitors from other cities. Mrs. B. A. Washburne Is very III Wilson. e k ■ Many residents of the Upper W ll-1 It is only in their own districts that end of the war to carry great in­ ness stagnation. ut her home here on Second street. The Weston colored trio which There are other factors in the Her physician states that he thinks « ? n,ne V ' a 'amette ’ aIley diKtriCt attended the 'hey are able to detect the fake dustrial enterprises over the sud­ performed at Ihe hall last Saturday business situation, of she suffered a stroke Wednesday q „ r 8h- fUDeral ° f NiD“ Crarapton wh,ch sales That many of them are den slump due to cancelling of war general night will be seen ugakn this week X m. ™ I’SOn he'd “ J“nC,iOn C'ty M° nday fakes Plain' OnP on'y has to look orders. The principal difference course. The worst of them, at this morning. Her condition remains In their program of songs and Dena Wilson. Midge Wilson. afternoon. Nina Crampton who was at , he dirt on some of the signs to is that the R. F. C. is larger. Just time. Is the European financial sit­ unchanged this morning. dunces. A tten d s L n n , ?e „ 3 : h,de"t 3t 'he P'eaSant hlgh realile 'ha* they were originally as the present economic situation uation. Little than can be done by Berts h tt-T d « o ye3r Pa8Red 3W8y ” the " allPd Up >earR a« ° ' But » Rppn’ R Is more serious than it was then. legislation at Washington can have Bertsch, Wanda Burch. Shirley Pacific Christian hospital Saturday to attract trade. With its two billion dollars avail­ any direct effect on that, but s Haack, Earl Harwood. Willard morning from pneumonia. She has able. and its management on the great deal can be done to strength House, Warren Ingram. Winifred many friends among the young peo- City Kindness Job, the R. F. C. will come to the en our situation within our own Lyons, Emma Grace Meakins, pie of Pleasant Hill to mourn her rescue, In the first instance, of borders. The Reconstruction Fin Police Commissioner Mulrooney Merle Nice. Bobby Pugh. Arda loss. banks which are unable to make ance Corporation plan is the first got a letter the other day in which Robertson, Beryl Robertson, Dave Howard Parks, son of Mr. and |,e was to>d hp wa„ no <. h„ loans because so much of their as­ of the President’s major recom­ WOOL BATTS __________ Springfield. Oregon_______________ m e tl Frank* StuaÌt' e ”1* SV”” T° m C1° Terdale' *’ I"«"’» call In Patrolman Christopher sets is tied up In securities for mendations to be enacted Into law 2 Lbs., 72x90. S t X n Valentine U c h v T 3 W'th ” * Mltche" and ahak« tin, by the which there is no market at pres­ Congress still has before it his Stratton, talentine Uch)til. sophomore at the Pleasant Hill hand. The letter told him exactly ent, or the price of which Is so plans to strengthen the Federal Now Scholarship — F l o r a Bertsch, high school and a member of the what he ought to do—and the Com­ much below the orignal cost that Land Rank System, to create a sys Wanda Burch. Warren Ingrain, basketball squad. tern of home-loan discount banks, to sell would be suicidal. missioner did it. Emma Grace Meakins, Beryll Rob The Pleasant Hill girls' basket- A big bank has. say, a million to enlarge the discount facilities ot The whole thing was caused by ert8on, Milo Severson, Frank ball team was defeated by the Oak­ STAMPED APRQNÍJ__ Five Cents never bought more in Springfield than al dollars of assets, but half of this the Federal Reserve Banks and to Stuart. ridge girls' team last Friday by a the fact that the little daughter ot Is in real estate bonds, secured by create a 3150,000,000 corporation to our «tore till« week. Buy one article and get another T h ird Grade score of 48 to 12. The Pleasant Hill the writer of the letter—a married mortgages on property of undoubt­ aid depositors In failed or insolvent for 5c. READ! On Unbleached M uh II ii , Attendance — Annabelle Johns, boys defeated the Oakridge boys man out of work with four children, ed value but which nobody has the bank». Striking designs. All Wilma Keeler. Leona Ware. John 22 to 18. The Pleasant Hill lineups met the officer, practically a money to buy, and on which the ready to work. In addition, the President seeks stranger to her, on Christmas Eve. Carrels, Laurence Harwood. were as follows: Center Evelyn owners find trouble In paying the action upon proposals to revise the The cop asked her what she was Only Second Grade Phelps; running center. Emma Lou Interest, let alone paying off the transportation laws so as to restore Attendance—Harold Becker, Leo-, Baughman ; guards Zella Mauney going to have to eat for Christmas mortgage. It does the bank no good confidence In railroad bonds, to re­ tha Bertsch, Howard Carrels, Rich- and Mart, Barnum; forwards When she sadly told him nothing, to foreclose, because It then has vise hanking laws to safeguard de- LADIES' ARCH SUPPORT ard Gott. Jule Heiser. Ida Howes, Nancy Barnum and Bonnie Jeanne he took her by the hand, led her an unsalable piece of property on posttors and to curtail national ex­ to a butcher's and bought her two Stanley Malo. John Ogilvie, Max Tinker. Subs Mildred Swift and its hands, while Its customers— penditures sharply, with a view ot well Pohl. Cleone Putman. Fern Nina McPeek. Boys’; Center Har chickens and then Nlled a huge business men, merchants and manu Combination lasts, Oood- helping balance flie budget. basket with other things and sent Sidwell, Elaine Schaffenberg, Wa- old McLeod; guards Earl McLeod, year welts in Pum ps - facturers—are clamoring for cash Alt of these plans must be speed­ yne Seamans. Jimmie Smith, Ro- and Henry Olson; forward John her home paying for everything out loans with which to keep their busi­ Straps and Ties In Black ed through congress, In order, as bert Smith. Garmire and Dwight Brown. Substl- of his own pocket. • and Brown Kid leather, nesses going and so keep men at Mr. Hoover states, "to reestablish And so Patrolman Mitchell unex- work. Flrat Grade tute Jack Doane. regular $<>.50 values, confidence, to restore the function- Attendance—Bobble Black. Still- Pleasant Hill public school bas­ rectedly received the personal The R. F. C. will take such "froz In of our economic system and to mati Daniels. Glenn Goss'er, De- ketball team defeated the Oakridge thanks of Mr. Mulrooney. And he’s en assets" off the bank's hands, ad­ rebuilding of prices to values and lalne Keeler, Jackie Sherman. Ray public school team by a score of 12 been promoted since, In addition. vancing money to the extent of the to quickening employment." Stratton, Rex Stratton, Roderick | to 9 Friday night at Pleasant Hill. real value of the property Involved. • BOYS' SWEATERS Steinmetz. Gerald Uchytil, Jackie Pleasant Hill basketball teams which the bank will agree to pay Yankover Sleeveless Slip- Vaughn. Dale McBee, Pauline Cle- will meet the Ixiwell teams at Lo u ih ,■**, i0"»0 !?* ons. ment. Dorothy Holmes. Barbara well Friday of this week A very . b ... ° f WeHt HprlnK- back within five years. The R. F. C. . . 1 Fleld |R 1,1 at home with an at­ Is secured by having a first lien Jane Ketels, Virginia Lee Pohl, interesting battle is anticipated upon the "frozen assets.” These « ♦ Just the thing for school tack of tonsilltla this week. Katliryn Alice Thompson, Juanita Some of the players on Ihe Lowell may be loans based on real estate, Ralph Bonney motored to Marsh- Thomas. teani were piPa8ant m u gtudentt wear, in Moleskin, 5 9 c or upon commercial securities field last Sunday returning on Mon- GLENW OOD SCHOOL before Lowell high school was Portland Resident Here which cannot be realized on quick 1 day. and Corduroy 69 C W est Springfield built. The Lowell gymnasium Is Mrs. O. S. Buley of Portland is ly. Alex Mathews who Is working First grade— Cora Mae Briggs, larger than the Pleasant Hill gym- spending the week here visiting Every kind of bank, commercial near Elkton on the highway, spent Hilly Fritts. Jimmie McDonald, Al nasium A large crowd Is expected with Mrs. T. C. Barker and Mrs. hanks, savings hanks, trust com-1 Ihe past week at his home here, »In Dean. to atttnd as Lowell was defeated a Kate Brummette. panles, may borrow thus on long Next Sunday, February 7, Rev. E. j Second grade — Helen Turner, few weeks ago at Pleasant Hill. terms from the R. F. C., and Its j V. Stivers will give a lecture on Mildred Powell. Betty Mae Hall. --------------------- — Daughter Born facilities will also be available to j his travels through Home, at 11 968 Willamette Street Third grade—Betty Manship, Ja Miss Mulhollen, English teacher Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price are he building and loan associations, In-¡o'clock at the church. The follow- 8on Lee. Shirley Connell. at the high school, is ill this week. parents of a nine pound baby girl, surance companies and similar fin-1 Bunday he has announced he will Eugene, Oregon Fourth grade—Marlon Powell. Miss Orr. substitute teacher, Is tak- Frances Ann, born to them at their ancial Institutions, as well as to the. preach on four Ihlugs money cannot Flfth grade -B eth Schantol, Thel-i ing her place for a few days. home here Wednesday morning. railroads and clearing house asso- buy. R.F.C. Will Help Business Many Present A t Shower Friday Lincoln School Notes MID-YEAR HONOR LISTS GIVEN ODI Del Reo Chile Parlors .a’s X UPPer Willamette <—--------------------- -* B r e i e r ’s Concentration Irish-Murphy Co Sale.... Nickel Sale 87c 13c Now .. S3.87 Thurston C. J. Breier Co.