TIIVRHDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1»32 THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS TOWN BALL TOSSERS INCREASE IN SEED FLAX TAKE THREE DEFEATS PROBABLE IN TH IS STATE Three defeat» In two evonlngs war« sustained hy the Hprlnxflelil Town basketball team during the punt week hunt Friday evening the Y. M C A. team of Ktiaene «wniiip 'll lliem 62 to 2k on the Eugene floor Monday evening the Eugene Farmers ('reuinery team mined them out In an exciting game which rail overtime to eml 24-2.1. The »core al lh" eml of the playing period wun 22 22. Im ler the. ««ine evening the Nortliwuntornera, also of Kugene, defeated the local group 2S'* * More than 100 per cwot Increase In flax need production ha« taken place In Oregon In on« year, and there la every Indication that addi­ tional acreage will be planted thia coming aeanon. Judging from In­ quiries being received about the crop at Oregon Htate college. In 1030 there were 21.113 bushels rained for need In the atate, and till« hud Jumped last year to «6,767. One reaaon for the popularity of flax need production la that there la a ready and aanured market for every hunhel grown In Oregon, aa Ihe Portland oil tnllla have to Im­ port large quantllle» each year. More than 2N0.000 buabela were u»ed In Portland lunt year, moat of which came from the Argentine aud from other atatea In thin coun PAGE THR1 OREGONIAN WRITER HAS TRIBUTE FOR KINT2LEY tbe end. hut transferred nls mem bershlp to Geary poet and relin­ quished the charter In so doing. Is There Is a Story of Last Mooting« of O. A. R. not wholly pussling weariness of years, and a loneli­ Poo« of Springfield Retold Mareola Man Here— Key Wlnlger ness. Perhaps the comrades voted Recovers — Mre. Clars Siemsen In Nowepapor Editorial of Mareola was a business visitor • Ito bee been III for some time Is that he should. In Springfield on Saturday. now recovered sufficiently to be up. A beautiful tribute to Zacharlab TOWN AND VICINITY Visits from Portland— Mre. Joe Butcher In Portland — C. A Hwarts. Springfield butecher, was Lemon of Portland la spending a In Portland transacting business all few days In Springfield with her day Tuesday. moi her, Mrs. Eliza Wlnzenrsld. T K ’“ “ «*». U * ‘ » « " b e r of the O A. R In Springfield who passed FOB HALE" Hlu ik I h ril make of away last Thursday was contained lil«mi near Hi>rln«fli'ld W ill «ac­ In the Morning Oregonian for Tues­ ridi'« for unpaid balani'«. A «hup day. The editorial, evidently w rit­ Kuny torni» W rite Tullmnn l’Inno Sick Man Better— John lamhart H liilc , Baleni, Ol'ogon, F IN Visitors Friday — Mra. C. L. ten by someone who knew tbe vet­ who has been IB for some time Is Trotter and daughter, May. of Walt- eran, Is reprinted here. NOTICK OF H IA R IN Q ON reported to be greutely Improved ervllle, were visitors In Springfield The Ranks Close Up FINAL ACCOUNT now. on Friday. "Zacharlab T. Klntzley of Spring NO TIC K 18 IIK K D U Y U IV K N : Dinner Quest«— Mr. and Mrs That the undorslgnnd, un executrix Corvallla People H er»— Mrs. E. field has Joined bis comrades In the of lile I.URI W ill unii Tantuiiit'lll of W illis Bertsch were dinner guests V. Lilly and R. H. L illy of Corvallis bivouac beyond the Jordan. There N O T IC E O F SALK Charlea C. lto«Hin«n. deceased, lm» ; at the home of Dr. and Mrs. K. P. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Is the briefest of accounts In the filmi her account for the filini Notice 1« hereby given that by Mortensen on Sunday. Mr». F. B. Flanery. Mrs. L illy Is news, and tbe picture of a lean old net emeu I of .«Id decedent a e.late virtue „««cutl«, and order of gentleman wltb »bite hair and Mr». Flanery's mother. In the t ....m y Court for Lane t oun ,,ut ( .,r,.ult ( . , Visitors from Fall Creek— Mr scraggly mustache, and a certain . ' .'i ? “ “. . 1“ ,’'. »'« "• Oregon for Lane and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Fall Creek Viaitora Saturday — Mra. Joe directness of look. You would say, Mh day of March. 1932. at the Court j, 9 ,y32. piir(,UUIlt try. were visitors In Springfield Satur­ Odell and daughter, Metta, and »on. lt.M.m Of nald Court In it.« County u .......b c< , merely to look at tbe likeness, that Flax need ban never been reconi day. t ourl lloune In Kugene. at ten o j BllUnry g, 1832i . Bu„ Wl»ter. of W altervllle. were visit­ here was one of tbe grand army— Clock In the forenoon I,an ...... fig ...... , (lg whl(.„ , mended ua a •'gel-rich quick" crop or» at the home of Mra. C. L. Inman and be was. The story informs Its ml by aald I ourl a . the time and WM# p,M„ ltlff c r Collects Bounty— Virgil Newman. by the college, but with prenent low pine« for hearing objection» there Adm lnl.trator of the Knlate price of other «mail grain and avail Wendllng, collected the *3 county Saturday. readers that he wa» a member of to. and for the settlement thereof. „ Mll.h„ |lM>n l e a n e d . Geary post of tbe O. A. R. In Eu­ ability of advance contracts for flax bounty un one coyote at the of­ L YD IA J ItoKHM AN.Kxeiu M'dba V .O IIb ert. Rupert T. Ollbert, gene. Tbe ranks are thinning as seed, the prenent would appear to fice ot the county clerk Saturday. ECONOMY PLAN IN trlx of Ihe l.a«l W ill ami “ Arp. June Arp, Hank of they did In old days, though leas be a favorable time to add It to T o n l a m e n t of Churlen c , ‘ "m m erre. a Corporation. Kd Z.lnl Visit from Hayden Bridge— Mr 1932 FOUR-H PROGRAM dramatically, when s line of sklr kar and J G. Ileddo were defeud prenent farm enterprise In «nine In- Itonnmun, dei’eased. and Mrs. Russell Myers and Paul mlshers crept forward to a pine unla, which execution and order of stances. L. L, HAY. Attorney for Katate. In the agriculture projects the re­ Myers of Hayden Bridge were visit sale wua to me directed, and com­ wood, and southern riflemen fired IF 4 I! IN 26; M 3) commendations of the county club manded me to nell the real property ors In Springfield on Monday. at a movement lo the laurel. hereinafter described to aatlafy agents that more livestock club NOTICE “ What Is drama? Tbe quiet of such certain lien» aud charge« In laid SNOW SPORTS CAUSE Wlnberry Resident Hara— Mrs members be encouraged to produce decree specified, I will on Baturduy. M. T. Evans of Wlnberry was a their own feed. Crops club mem­ a departure may Itself be drama. OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF INJURY TO YOUTH . ......................................... ....... ... . .n o u n y of o i r February, v o r u iir y , J 1N32, ».id, a at t the ' 13th day business visitor In Springfield on bers are alno to be urged to carry There is a page turning never again In he I ounly Court of the Hta e , b„ ,, „ #| , h)> of Oregon tor Luue County. In front door of the Court lloune In ' Homer Brown, Dexter youth, sus­ Monday. to be lifted. And we are reminded a livestock project In order to mar­ the Mutter of the Enlate of Florra Eugene, Lane County, Uregon, of­ tained a nerloun Injury to his knee by one who knew Zachartah T. ket their products to better ad­ Hartin, deceaaed Gets Bounty— Guy Matthews of fer for «ale and nell at public auc- Sunday as a result of an accident Klntzley that for more than several vantage. Greater utilization) of tor cash the following den while riding on a sleigh which was Dexter collected the Lane county yearn he held the charter of Spring- under.lgned uilinlulntrator ban filed crlbed real property to-wit: farm waste In connection with the bln final account In »aid matter field post, as the last of that or­ «aid Io have been attached to a bounty of 82 Saturday at the coun­ livestock projects wan recommend­ and that the aforesaid court ha» I Beginning at a point »0 feet moving automobile. A Springfield ty court bouae on one bobcat. ed. Club members will be urged to ganization, while the years came appointed February Ikth, 1932, at vast of the northwest corner of physii Ian treated the Injury. Mr. Viaitora from Shedd— Mr. and grow Into their projects rather than Inexorably against him. They were ten o’clock A. M. an the time for Lot 6 In Block 26 In Fairmont, gone— all gone. But on the appoint­ hearing objection to aald final nc- Mrs. A. M. Hnodgra'S and sons. to buy Into them. now n part of the City of Eu Brown Is now at hla home. count and the aettlemenl thereof. - gene, lame County, Oregon, ac Merle and Jack of Sbedd, were Sun­ Home Economics club members ed meeting night he made his way All persons Interested may file ob­ cording to the original plat there­ day visitors at the home of Mr. will be encouraged to carry the can­ to tbe ball and turned on the lights, NOTICE TO CREOITOR8 jections thereto. of, and running thence eant to a and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. ning project In order to preserve and produced the records, and de­ J It. Grstln. Administrator. Notice Is hereby given that the point 53 and 1-3 feet west of the clared the post In session. It must C. A. Wlntermeler. attorney. west line of the alley running undersigned has been duly appoint­ borne grown products, and utiliza­ Lsave for Albany— Mr. and Mrs. (J 31-28—F 4-111») I north and south through »aid ed administrator of the estate ot have been a strange scene. The tion of home grown products In the Elizabeth C. Jenkins, deceased, L. C. Carr, vacuum cleaner repres­ dusty kitchen chairs, with which block; thence south 110 feet cooking project, to be encouraged. NOTICE thence went to a point 60 feet and any and all persons having entatives who have been here for such hails are furnished, were of OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T east of the west line of said claims against the said estate are the past two weeks left Tuesday for In all sewing projects, emphasis on an orderly vacancy as Comrade Notice la hereby given that lluby workmanship rather than the ma­ block and thence north to the hereby required to present said Albany. A. Lord, admlnlatrntrlx han Bleu place of beginning, all In Lane claims, duly verified as by law re­ terials which tbe articles made, will Klntxley seated himself at the her final report and account In the plain, ink-stained table and called County, Oregon, together with quired. to the undersigned admin­ Have Guests Sunday— Mr. and be urged. eatate of Newton Kenyon, deceaned. the tenement, hereditaments and istrator, at the office of Eugene V. the Springfield post to order. The Specific recommendations for dif­ Mrs. W. H. Adrian had as tbeir In the County Court of Lane Coun uppurtenancea thereunto apper­ Slattery, Deputy District Attorney, at tbo I^ane County Court House, guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ferent projects Includes thq In­ charter must be held. ty. Oregon, which han set Friday. taining. In Eugene, Iaine County, State of Scott of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. creasing of tbe size of tbe project February 12th, 1932. ut 10 o'clock “There were elections to the fore, January 9, 1932, A. M. at the County Court Room ut II L. MOWN, Sheriff of luxne Oregon, within six months from the Dwight W yatt of Amity. carried by the club members. and he conducted them In lonely date of this notice. the Court iiouae. Eugene, Oregon, < County, Oregon. Sheep club members especially gravity, awarding their gifts to Dated and first published Janu­ un the time and place for the final \v. H BROOKE, Attorney for On Way South— Harold Man- will be urged to buy a few good himself. The silence pressed in up ary 21, 1932. report and accounts nhould be filed Plaintiff Date of last publication February naugh of Portland was a week-end ewes that can now be secured at on him, and many memories, while or preaetiled at or prior to the time (Jau 14 212K— F 4111 18. 1932. guest ut Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tay­ reasonable for nald hearing. prices. and much he kept the charter for Springfield EUG ENE L. JEN K IN S. Admin lor at their home here. He was en­ Hated and first published this thought Is being given to Market post. That he did not keep it to N O T IC E O F SALE Istrator of the eatate of Ellxa- 14lh day of January, 1932. route from Portland to California. lambs projects, which would be beth C. Jenkins, deceaaed. IIU B Y A. LO R D , Adm lnlstra-1 Notice In hereby given that by Lord A Moulton, and Eugene trlx. virtue of un execution and order of Laundry Man III— W. H. Hobbs, completed at two different periods W IIIT T E N SW AFFORD, Attorney »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court V. Slattery, Attorneys for Ad­ proprietor of the Springfield Laun­ during the summer. One for the 302 Tiffany Bldg,. Eugene, Oregon ,,f the State of Oregon for Ijtn e ministrator. dry was III at bis home the first real early lambs and the second (J 21-28—F 4-11-18) (Jan 14 212» F 4-11) County, January 9. 1932, pursuant Single Comb Rhode Island ot the week with an attack of the part of tbe project, for lambs that to u decree entered by »aid oourt are to be brought up as feeders. Reds. January N, 1932, In a nuit therein SUMMONS flu. The Baby Beef club project has pending In which the Western Ixian IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E S T A T E O F OREGON FOR and Building Company, a corpora- 8alem People Here — Mr. and been a profitable one for 4-H club BERT GILLONS T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. Hou. was p la in tiff und Itutli t'ooper. Mrs. H. R. Martin of Salem were members where good calves can be 1107 - 5th St., Springfield Ilu rry W. Neet ua Administrator Sarah A Mead. Plaintiff, vs. Tex guests Thursday evening of last bought at reasonable prices. Mead. Defendant. of the Kntate of W. B. Cooper. De Corn w ill be recommended as a TO T E X M EAD T H E ABOVE week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , ceased. Dorothy E. Cooper, Charlot­ JEWELER Ren Hollister. te C Cooper. I'. S. Chase, W. IL NA M ED D E FE N D A N T: profitable project especially when Kinsey, Lulu M. Kinsey, L. H. Dery, IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE Repairing a Specialty carried In connection with livestock , Nettle E. Dery, I-aSalle Stewart, O F OHEOON you are hereby re­ Form er Resident Here — Mrs. projects. Springfield, Oregon Mldgley Planing M ill Company, a quired lo appear and answer the Helen Rust of Albany visited with Corporation, J. K. H ill, Ellen HUI, complaint filed against you In the Elizabeth Fuhrenwald. The Pacific above entitled Court end Cause on friends In Springfield on Saturday. TO HOLD CONTESTS FOR Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Saving A Loan Association, a Cor­ or before the 13th day of February Mrs. Rust Is a former resident of WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY poration, Portland Mortgage Coni 1932. said date being more than Springfield. Naturopathic Physician puny, a Corporation, and Charles four weeks from the day of the Phone 91-J S. Cochran and Horace U. Cochran first publication of this summons High school and grade pupils Minn Returns from California us executors of the Estate of Surah herein entered of record and If you Office Ilnurs: 1 to 6 I*. M. Eunice Gerber has returned from i throughout Oregon will have oppor- K. i in hum. Deceased, were defend­ fall so to appear and answer for 406 Fourth Street ants, which execution and order of want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ Mudesto, California, where she has tunlty soon to compete In essay and .ale wan to me directed und com­ ply to the Court for the relief in spent the past few weeks with her declamation contests In connection manded me to sell the real property her complaint against you de­ grandmother, Mrs. G. W. Gerber, with the celebration of tbe 200th herelnfater described to satisfy cer­ manded. to -w lt; for a Judgment anniversary of the birth of George who has been ill. Universal Mortgage Corp. tain Hens and charges In nald de­ and decree of Divorce, dlsaolvlng Washington, announces Dr. J. B. cree specified, I will on Saturday, the bonds of matrimony now and School G irl O perated On— Miss Horner of Oregon State college, the 13th day of February, 1932, ut heretofore existing between you the hour of one o'clock P. M. at und the plaintiff on the grounds of Velda Bartholomew, daughter of who is secretary of a committee of the front door of the Court House desertion and for such other relief Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bartholomew, three to arrange such contests for W. P. Tyson, Agent In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, as to the Court may aeem meet and route 1, underwent a major opera­ Phone 56W 126 E St. the Oregon celebration commission. offer for sale and sell at public auc­ equitable. This summons la served The committee has already an tion for cash, the following des­ upon you by publication tbergof In tion for appendicitis at the Pacific cribed real property, to-wlt: the S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S, a news Christian hospital Monday. Miss nounced tbe details of an oratorical General Law ITartlce Lots Eight und Nine In Block paper of general circulation pur­ Bartholomew Is a senior In the high contest among the 17 colleges and Seven In Westmoreland, an Add! suant to an order of the Judge of school. She Is reported to be get­ universities of the state, with 8100 I. M. PETERSON tlon to Eugene In Lane County, the Circuit Court of the State of in cash and several medals offered Oregon, together with the tene­ Oregon for the County of Lane, ting along nicely. Attorney-et-liSw as prizes. Winners of state contests ments, hereditaments and uppur- duly made and entered of record on City Hall Building tenunces thereunto belonging, In­ the 12th day ot January, 1932, or­ Convention Covert Here— A sup­ will enter regional meets and win­ Springfield, Oregon cluding the equipment, heating, dering that this summons be pub ply of automobile tire covers to ad- ners of these will go to the national lighting and plumbing fixtures ll»hed once each week tor four suc­ cessive and consecutive weeks In the j vertisa the forthcoming national I finals in Washington, D. C. and facllitiea. January 9. 1932. Springfield News and that the date convention of the American Legion FRANK A. DE PUE H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of l-ane of the first publication aball be the to be held at Portland during Sept­ Old Lady (visiting prison) Never ATTORNEY AT LAW County, Oregon. 14th day of January, 1932, and the ember have arrived here and are mind, my friend, life Is uncertain W. H. BROOKE, Attorney for date of the last publication shall NOTARY PUBLIC anyway. We are here today and be the Issue of the 11th day of being offered for sale at the M. J. Plaintiff. Larson service station. Proceeds gone tomorrow. Sutton Springfield (Jan 14-21-28— F 4-11) February. 1932. Convict 2223— W ell, lady you may Oregon Building FRAN K A. DE PUE, Attorney from the sale of these will be used be gone tomorrow but I won’t. to defray convention costs. for the Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE (Jan 14-21-28— F 4-11) Notice Is hereby given that by — In say case, be Is gone, and the ranks close up once more There ere two paragraphs In the stet, and the picture of a resolute old gentlemen who wears eu Indeci­ pherable button In hla left lapel. One knows what It la.'* COLD W EATHER GASOLINE Violet Ray and General Ethyl gasoline have the “pep” that startH quickly a cold motor these wintry days. The supreme test of gasoline Is how quickly It will start your car on a freezing day. Violet Ray, anti­ knock. and General Ethyl, double-powered, meets this test instantly. This station is equipped to supply every need of your car. MA ” S treet S e r v ic e S tation 5th and A Streets Springfield Attention Ladies! ANY TWO PAIRS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PAIR The Buster Brown Shoe Store Now Having a 2 FOR 1 Shoe Sale • for Women Pumps - Straps - Ties - Arch Support Oxfords or Hatching Eggs Dress Footwear. Buster Brown SHOE STORE Business Directory Eugene, Oregon Edw. G. Privat IT ISN’T BEING DONE TODAY Except in China BONDS DRY W OOD OF ALL KINDS Quick Delivery Phone Springfield 121-M PO O LE - G R A Y BARTHOLOM EW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE— 11th SP R IN G F IE L D and Charnelton, 228 Main Telephone 723 Phone 62-J AVOID GLARE Orthogon Hoft.-Llte Lenses Relieve Rye Strain 41 DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist W est 8th Kugana virtue of an execution and order of »ale IsMied out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. Oregon. January 18, 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ cree made by said Court January i 18, 1932, It) a suit pending therein In which Charles Clements was plaintiff and Jean Flanlgnn was de- LA'jndant, which execution and order sale was to me directed and com­ m an d ed inc to sell th e re a l p ro p e rty hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ tain liens nnd charges In said de­ cree specified, I will, on Saturday, the 20th day of February, 1932, ut the hour of one o'clock In the after­ noon of said day, at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, l-nne County. Oregbn, offer for snle und sell, at public au­ ction for cash, subject to redemp­ tion as provided by law, all Ihe i right, title and Interest of the de rendant In said suit and of all par­ ties claiming by. through or under him, since the 9th day of February, j 1928, In and to the following des- i crlbed real property, to-wlt: The north half of Donation Land Claim No. 43. Notf. No. 3288 I In Sections ten and fifteen, town ship 18, south. Range 3 West of the W illamette Meridian, In Lane County. Oregon, and being the North half of the D. L. 0. of George M. Coryell, the same con­ taining 160.23 acres of land, more or less, In said County and State, Also beginning at the south­ west corner of Donation Land Claim No. 69 In Township 18. South, Range 3 West of the Wll- lninette Meridian and run thence North* 12.38 chains to right of way, thence west 8 chains and 1 1-3 links, thence South 67 links, thence East 8 chains and 11-3 links, and thence North 67 links to the place of beginning, In Lane County. Oregon. Dated this 19th day of January, 1932. II. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. (J 21-28—F 4-11-18) Will the Groundhog Stay Out?- fcHCOUft AQEM ENT B \ Albert T. Reid Advertising Is the Modern W ay Be Modern - Consult the Advertising Columns Brains do It—not brawn! Don't try to get what you want with a bludgeon. Knock-down and drag-out days are over. More modern facilities are at your service. The Springfield News, through Its advertising columns—carries your need to the minds of the people you want to reach— immediately — effectively — Inexpensively. One person at a time is the most you can personally Interview. Your advertisement— inserted In the columns of the News, reaches all the people who are Interested simultaneously. Your advertisement works for you—locating what you want in the shortest possible time. Insert an advertisement —read the advertisements. It’s the modern way! THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS