PAOE TW O TH V HS DA Y. FEW UV ARY T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS I l»asv banquet when Ihali'in aii Itas kob, of the Democratic National 1 ('oiiinilltee, submitted a plan foi Published Every Thursday at Ihe National Convention's consldoi 8prtngfield, Lane County. Oregon, by at Ion for u Twentieth Amvitdmeui THE WILLAMETTE PRESS j Io Die Uohstttillloii which would H. E M A X E Y Editor ' permit nil states to decide for them I selves whether they would he wet hniiTHt as second i las« matter. February 24, IS03. at the poaluftlce. or dry. Ilia plan valla for a refer Springfield. Oregon enduni by popular vole upon which congress would act M AIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE J the extreme gravity of the situation medium was in difficulties. She Many Republicans favor a refer ......................75c One Year In Advance ....... .. >1.75 Three Months There were present in the room moved uneasily, and spoke irr'tsbly. S Y N O P S IS M rt. Dane, the Robineona, Sperry, The replies were alow and grudg­ eiiduiu on outright repeal, a princi­ .................. 5c 11.00 Single Copy S ix p«opl«, Rorec« J o I umkhi (w ho t«lla my wife and myself Clara, Mrs ing. Foreign subjects were intro­ ple which they feel the country the story \ h it w ife, old M r«. Pane. N e ib e rt would reject hut would nt Ih e tame Dane's secretary, had begged off on duced. as now. THUR SDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1932 Robtnaon and h it tiater, A ik « , and D r the plea of nervousness from the "Horace's wife certainly bullies lime elect a Republican slate. 1 S perry, friend a and neighbor*. are in thi habit o f holdln< w eekly meeting« A t on« «1 earlier ai«l physical portion of the him," said the voice. “He's afraid knowing lhal II could lie depended them. M r t Done, who la hoateaa. eariea the seance, and was to remain outside of her. And the Are-tongs— the fire- program by unexpectedly arranging a aptrit PORT OK L A N E COUNTY upon Io carry out I be expreased toahstR seance w ith M ia« Jeremy, a friend of in the hall until the trance com­ tougs— the fiie-tougsl” r Sperry and not a p ro fa ati. w l. at the menced. "Whose cane ia this?” Herbert wishes of the nation Some shrewd A move is being made by the Siuslaw Chamber o f Com ­ m D edium Sperry objected to this, as move­ repeated. men In the parly feel I Ilia plan la , merce to have the Port o f Florence taken over by Lane A t the hrat sitting the m edium tells the "M r. Ellinghatu's." detail» > t * m urder a t it i t o cc u ltin g Later ment in the circle during the trance ihe best from a political atandpolnl. county. The Siuslaw people say th a t the Port is debt free that had, in the first seance, induced night Sparry le a rn t that a neighbor. Thia created a profound sensa­ Olliers think the parly van do no [ and the support o f Lane county is wanted fo r prom otional A rth u r W ells, hat been shot mysteriously frgtful uneasiness in the medium tion. A t a second seance, Mias Jeremy adds Rut Clara, appealed to, begged to heller than steal Ihe Democratic "How do you know that?" purposes only. In o ther words they th in k if Lane county details about a summer resort “ He carried It at the seashore. thunder by adopting Ihe Haskoli- Charles Klltngham was known to h are been be allowed to remain outside until was behind the port ships m ight be brought in to the h a r­ at the same tim e that M rs. W ells was she was required, and showed such He wrote in the sand with it.” plan. If this la done, and both par- ! bor and everybody w ould benefit by w ater transportatio n. there. She also speaks of a pocketbook unmistakable nervousness that we “What did he write?” being L e t which contained acme im por­ lies should advocate the sume llq To make the co u n ty a port d is tric t w ill take a favorable tant ear tickets and letters. M r» Dane, alone of the women, seems th n lled by the uor plank. Ihe campaign will he re vote of the people. Investigation. •lured to flghta entirely upon eooll- i f by the use o f the port at the m outh o f the Siuslaw Johnson goes alone and Investigates the feserted bouse. H e is frightened by strange mule condition*. Ihe liquor queallon cheaper fre ig h t rates w ould result fo r all Lane county and Seises, as o f an in tru d er in the house, but , being passed over Io the entire sompistes bis investigation. this usage can only be gotten by m aking it a Lane couuty H e visits M r». Dane and tells her bow { body of volera for their decision, port then everybody shrould be fo r the proposition. be had carried o ff the fire-tongs and left saving congressmen from any fur ' behind his overcoat in his excitement. She On the o ther hand, if more money is needed fo r port then tells him she had advertised for the iher fear of reprisals for whatever] In d e r of the pocketbook and turns over to development we th in k it would be next to impossible to get Johnson an answer she had received from stand they muy take. |n e having guilty knowledge of the crime. the county as a whole to vote a bond issue fo r th is purpose. Dr Sperry announces ke is to be m arried Should the right to determine) Consequently w ith the larger u n it development m ig h t be k> Mias Jeremy when the club meets again. , I heir own wetness be passed back H aw kins, the butler, is identified as bein g held back. the person who answered M rs. D ane’s ad­ to Ihe various states, II Is felt Ihe vertisem ent. Johnson’s missing overcoat la If m oral support and the county's influence is all th a t old battles over transportation of m si.r d to him. but the letters contained in a is needed to bring ships into the Siuslaw harbor then we see Docket are missing Sperry accompanied by i liquor, which really gave birth Io Johnson, makes another search m W e ll’s no reason w hy all Lane county cannot give this w ith o u t bouse fo r the letters w ritte n by the slayer. the Eighteenth Amendment, will be extending the port d is tric t. W hat is good fo r us all is sure­ N O W GO O N W IT H T H E S T O R Y renewed There were thirty-three| ly w o rth going afte r. If there is s u fficie n t business in this j dry stales at thut time and friction Our inspection of the curtains was area to ju s tify the use o f the port w ith low er fre ig h t rates hurried, but finally we found whaf was constantly arising through the we were looking for. In the lining of than at present, it seems to us th a t the com m ercial o rg a n i­ mulling of liquor Into Iheae states one of the curtains, near the bottom, zations in the county m ig h t sign up tonnage available fo r The Webb Kenyon a d . which tried a long, ragged cut had tx-en made. w ater tra n sp o rta tio n and present the statem ent to a steam ­ “Cut in a hurry, with curved scis­ Robinson bound the medium to her chair end traced her feet on a i Io cure this evil, was generally fell ship company. Surely good business w ill not go begging sors," was Sperry's comment. "Prob­ sheet of w hite paper j io be unconstitutional and a suhsll ably manicure scissors.” th is day and age. No doubt b u t th a t there are several tute for it will have to be sought The result was a sort of pocket in steamship companies w hich would be glad to operate out 'Ten o'clock." ! and will then he made the busla of the curtain, concealed on the chintz finally agreed. “Would a slight noise disturb o f Florence if there were money to be made in the service. "He wrote ‘ten o’clock' in the i more political fighting. side, which was the side which would her?" Mrs. Dane asked. sand, and the wevee came sud Bang toward the room. W ith a prosper! lhal the wel Is- Miss Jeremy thought not, if the washed it away?” "Probably ” he said, “the curtain TOW N AN D COUNTY G O VER N M EN T j sue may thus be relegated to a "Yes.” Itvuld have been better. It would have circle remained unbroken, and M r- Professor Thom as H. Reed, d ire c to r o f the D epartm ent Horace,” said tny wife, leaning minor position, It begins to look as stayed apvhow. Whereas the hae— ” Dane considered “Bring me my «*ck from the hall. forward, "why not ask her about though Ihe major battle of the He was flushed with triumph ‘How o f P o litical Science o f the U niversity o f M ichigan, has been in the world would Hawkins k” ■ Horace," she said. "And tell Clara that stock of mine? I f it is going m aking a study o f ru ra l local governm ents in the United that?” he demanded. "You can talk i'll rap on the floor with it when down, I ought to sell, oughtn't I ?” campaign might he fought out on States and has come to the conclusion th a t there are too Herbert eyed her with some ex­ la rlff lines. Ib^nocrats point out all you like. She's told us thines that I want her ” I found a stick in the rack out­ asperation m any of them , th a t they are too expensive and th a t they no one ever told her.” that Cleveland won on that Issue "W e’ll have a go at the flrs under side and brought it in. The lights ■ " " j * re h« 7 ,o ."*» *• .1 " ,iou* “ ney- feel the country at large are out of date and unnecessary. were still on in the chandelier over- investigation," ha said. " I f the mem­ the carpets now. he said In the early days, when it was a day's journey to go ten The dressing-room hid ■» •—el head and as 1 eave the stick to bers of the riuh will keep the»» •» f , r froni • •tta lk ’d with the pres miles to the c o u rt house and back, and a hardship on c h il­ rug, like the nursery ah. • — • M-s Dane I heard Sperry speaking attention on what we are doing, we ent method of handling the tariff Z ***» .llKU.ll*«* __ dren to send them more than a m ile to school, the nation The farmer. In particular, ia said ^here hacfTeen a stain beneath where I “W here did you get that stick?” Now,” he continued, turning to (Mg needed seats o f governm ent and o f education close to o r in the dead man's head had lain, but it he demanded, medium, "the map is dead, and the to feel that all tariff legislation of every com m unity. Professor Reed points out th a t it is no had been scrubbed and scraped away. “ In the hall. I - revolver is beside him. Did he IctU late yearn has resulted In every- 1 he boards were white for an area " I never saw it before," said Mr». himself?” more trouble today to go sixty miles to the court house than thing he buys coating him more, of a square foot or so. Dane. "Perhaps it is Herbert’*.’’ "No. He attacked har whan ba while practically no protection has it used to be to go ten miles, and believes th a t the answer But I caught Sperry’s eye. W e found the letters.” Sperry eyed the spot with indif­ is going to be found in the consolidation o f counties and the been given to products of the soil I t was "And she shot him?" ference. “riot essential,” he said. had both recognized it. e lim ination o f superfluous tow nship governm ent, a ll o f The Democrats can be relied upon -Arthur Wells's, the one which " I can’t tell you that.* “Shows good housekeeping. That's w hich w ill tend to reduce local taxation. “T ry very hard. It ia Important" to develop thia angle Io the full In all. The point ia, are there other Sperry had taken from his room, and which, in turn, had been taken I don’t know,” was the fretful a hid for tin* agricultural vote. spots?” The m ovement tow ard consolidating county schools from Soqyry's library. reply. “She may have. She hated And, after a time, we found what and hauling school children fro m a radius o f ten or fifte e n Sperry was watching me with a him. I don’t know. She saye aha we were after. The upper hall was miles to a good, ce n tra lly located, graded school, is grow ing did." carpeted, and my penknife came into sort of cynical amusement. ORDERS FOR LUMBER "You're an absent-minded beggar, all over the co u n try. The little one-room school house is a requisition to lift the tacks. They “She says she killed him?” Horace.” he said. came up rather easily, as if but re­ EXCEED PRODUCTION survival fro m p rim itiv e tim es; it was picturesque but on the But there was no reply to thia, cently put in. That, indeed, proved “You didn't, by any chance, stop although Herbert repeated it sev­ whole in e ffic ie n t, P rof. Reed thinks.