THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-NINTH yeah S n tlN H E IE L H , U N K COUNTY. O ltW illN , T ill It.SHAY. EEB Itl A in BULL Of BIBLE CLASS OKI Districts Seek Play Champions LISTS GIVES OUT District School finances Good I No. I S.H.S. TO MEET E M SQUAD _New Ruler o T porto Rico [ Four One-Act Plays to Be ool Chit-1 Presented at Willakenzie Third Six Weeks Liat Marks All Ganaral Fund Warrants Issued Prior to January 13 ' First Evenly Matched Teams to Hall Friday Evening Half-Year Pariod in Praa- Called for Payment Now '•re I Taka Floor at Local Gym in ant Tarm of School Four communities in the Wllla- Annual Feud Friday Receipt this week of another tax WORK NOT COMI e RY ! keiule district will hold a one-act turnover for the schools of District GLENWOOD HAS ROLL play contest Frlduy evening at the ---------- O. 1» leaves the warrant financial GAME TO START AT 7:30 , i Grange hull to determine which Students Busy Work condition of the district just about ----------- schiHil »hull represent the district High School Teacher Has Articles for Africa W where it was at the first of the Stalling Games Proves Suc- In the county competition to he Mumps, Their Records Have year, according to Clayton F. Bsr Friendship Project announced later. cms for Campus Five in Not Been Completed her, clerk. Communities entered In the con­ Contest Here Last Week Fifty-one »tridents In Hprlnxfleld Approximately 21100 was re Fifty-one Crai. dren Have Lint to be Corn. Lt. > Chamber Names River Delegates EVANGELIST NAS TIN EB EC EraN Anderson and Huntly to Re­ present City on Water Ways Board; Talk Cascade Road Nightly Services at Christian Church Draw Good Crowds M. B. .. John , W. Anderson and — at First Meetings I Huntly were appointed delegates to J ----------- the Willamette Waterways assocla SPECIAL WORK PI i k i u r n 'ion at a meeting of the Springfield ” ° WK PLANNED fhamber of Commerce Wednesday Usual Sunday Activitiea tn R*. evenleg In the community k.n J activities to Be community hall They will represent this city at Held With E. A. Parrish De­ test are Wlllakensle. Coburg. Har­ Honor lists for the third six celved by him this week and he livering Both Sermons end Ute Chase Gardena schools meetings of the association which den Wuy, and Wlllaglllesple. Kmartlng from a last minute de­ Weeks period at the Springfield has railed In all warrants Issued has as its object the canalisation. ........... were named tbla week an the first Beverly has been appointed of the rtrer from Portland to v ' hu,,l“Md, crowds are greeting Hie play contests are a part of school were released this week. prior to January 18, leaving the dis­ feat at the bands of the University „ T banar rail to be compiled here for high school basketball team here Governor of Porto Rico in Springfield. Surveys of the river *' A. Parrl*h Parrish and * his “ ------------ evangelistic religious education. The student» the statewide work being promoted This Is also the half-year or mid­ trict less than one month behind . T h ? dore Booeeveh, who w w Friday evening, members of the Io term roll as students have com­ by home demonstration agents are now under way by army en- party In their nightly services named have received u grad« of on Its general warrants. Two hun­ •»signed to the Philippine Islands. cal squad announced this week that which began at the Christian glneers. »0 or above In ull lheir exercises I-ane county has been divided Into pleted half-year examinations and dred and twenty dollars of this re­ they were out to grab a victory are now starting the last Ig weeks The chamber discussed the Cas- ' i"lrch Tue*d»y. So pleased was the a series of districts and many of and claaa work The total enroll- presented bark taxes, the balance from the Eugene high quintet when ! cade highway and listened to a re­ Evangelist with the reception meni In llie week day lllble school these have already chosen their of school for this year. being received from various school that group Invades this city Friday The high school honor roll i-ould funds. port of the delegation from this city corded him on hls arrival In Spring which I» conducted at the Lincoln. r«*t>ru Stratton. Lineups for the game were: of hls followers We expect to de ',yBte,n urKe<’ ln as “Danny Boy." "Until,” “Be­ u re a gathered nt the Christian of l-ane county since 18»« died a Joint dinner meeting of the group U. H. 8. vote this period to more a d eq u a te cou’n’t T p ”“ P re 8 e “, ed ‘° the L , ne cause," “Tbe Trumpeteer." and Ilurch. Flora tierisch. Osrar Springfield worth. Beryle Robertson. Mary church Monday evening to enjoy a Kuuday at the home of her dutigh with members of the Auxiliary unit. McAllister F ? Pomona Grange at their "Love Send a Little Gift of Roses." D. Wright practicing the teachings of the fried chicken dinner an guests of ter. Mrs. N. L. Howard near Spring A check-up of those whose names Harcombe Boyle«. Shirley Haack, Dorothy F These are to be followed by the I — Thatcher Master In the sermon on’the mount the Men's Bible S'udy clans of the rield. She was 76 years old and are now on the rostor of the post Milligan Milligan. ...C ° a*8H° ra“«e •«>' Saturday congregational singing. G. Wright We will endeavor to bear personal church This chlckfm dinner has survived by her daughter; one to determine Just who are consid Soultx Sixth Grade O re9olution Provides for a unit Children's work will be started B. Squires testimony to the power of Christ G Jane Plinlr, Peaty Patmore, An­ grown to be an annual affair and a son. F E Brown. Springfield; and ered members was started at the Buck Wilson to meet the needs of men as we co­ form of control with five elective among the school children. They new record for attendance was est­ wo sisters and one brother In last session of the group and It Is gela Krupka Graham and McKenzie, subs. Mer operate with him. We will spend the directors who in turn will select will gather at the church each ablished at such function this week. South Dakota. expected that a definite statement vln Chastian. referee. Fourth Grade days from Palm Sunday to Easter' the county school superintendent afternoon after school for a half The membership of the Mous club Born at Red Wing. Minnesota on on this matter will be available Springfield and U. H. 8. will meet In a series of services following the ' ‘*aChers' thereby ellminat- hour of fun and religious Instruc­ Jimmie Stamm. Andrew Gott. and pastors of the other churches November 22. 1857. she moved with tonight. again for their final encounter prior experiences of the last week in our I - th<> dlstrlct sch001 boards. The tion. Walter Ixixton. Bruce Maxey, Mar­ were special guests. her parents to South Dakota when plan was brought before the Grange Some of the sermon topics to he Tentative plans for the drive call to the district tournament at Eu­ Lord's life. ian Phalr. Jane A inter. Bobble | ‘
f onday nt the church making j department Is worked out with a having been born at Omaha. Neb­ party are asked to meet at the STAR TO ENTERTAIN The services at the church are raska. on September 9, 1870. He MRS. DOW IS GUEST preparations for the affair. held each evening except Saturday view to meeting the needs of each came to Oregon 16 years ago. He Is Methodist church at 7 o’clock. Miss Miss Barbara Barnell entertain OFFICIAL GUEST SOON This was probably the largest 1 age group. The Junior Church un AT PARTY MONDAY Myrna Bartholomew and Miss Faye ed members of the Lions club with starting at 7:30. gathering of men only which has der the leadership of Miss Smith survived by hls sister. Parsons have charge of transporta­ Plans for the forthcoming visit a group of xylophone solos at their Mrs. W. N. Dow wns guest of ever been held In this city for sev­ and Miss Faye Parsons will meet tion arrangements. of Mrs Edith I. Phillips of Port­ weekly luncheon meeting Friday MEXICAN MISSIONS LAST RITES FOR OLD honor at a dinner and home party eral years. In the church parlors at 11 a. m. noon. She was accompanied by land, in her official capacity STUDIED ON MONDAY Monday evening which had been WAR SOLDIER HELD COUNTY DOG BOARD assistant grand conductress were Mrs. Bernice Neher Findley at the The question of power Is much arranged by her husband In honor COUNTY HOME AGENT piano. discussed at the Tuesday meeting debated today." according to Rev The missions of Mexico were the of her birthday. Ten were Invited AFTER SHEEP KILLERS of Cascade chapter O. E. S. Mrs. Funeral services for Zachariah Members of the I-adies night subject of discussion for members Poindexter. In China the Nations STARTS NEW PROJECT Io he their guests al a dinner at Phillips will be In Springfield Tues­ committee of the club held a meet­ of the recently organized young make war. In India a non-violent Taylor Klntxley. last surviving Memhegs of the I-&ne county the Anchorage and Io spend the A new project, an all-year-round coercion Is In progress. In Europe member of the Q. A. R. In Spring day. February 16 to conduct an of­ ing last night to discuss plans for women’s mission circle of the Dog Control Board Monday served later part of the evening al the Dow vegetable projec t, was started this ficers' instruction school at 2::30. the program. W. E. Buell is chair­ Christian church Monday evening Naliuns sit about a disarmament field who passed away last Thurs­ home on Emerald Heights playing week by Miss Gertrude Skow, Lane|*«*’le hoping to find the power that day morning were held from the notice on a resident of Eugene that That evening she will be guest of man of this committee. when they met at the home of Mrs. he turn his police dog over to R games. Guests for the evening county home demonstration agent will save civilisation from chaos Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel honor at the regular monthly cover­ Prank Root, their advisor. Mrs. Morris, county enforcement officer were Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hesse. Dr. ed dish dinner for member of the PASTORS WILL ATTEND Meetings have been scheduled In *» view of world conditions and here Saturday. Rev. Veltle Pruitt, Hubert Sias was the assistant host­ and Mrs. W. C. Hchaefer. Dr. and various parts of the county start | needs we would like to put forth a pastor of the Christian church offl for disposition. Members of the Star and their families at 6:30. RETREAT AT ALBANY ess. Mrs. C. B. Willoughby, Dr. and Mrs. Ing on Monday of this week. elated, and interment was made In board heard testimony earlier She will visit the lodge In session Young ladles attending this meet­ which Incriminated the dog C. L. Bchwerlng. all of Eugene and at 8 o'clock in the evening. The third of a series of four I "The meek shall Inherit the earth, the Ioturel Grove cemetery. Rev. F. S. Clemo and Rev. Dean ing were Evelyn Harrie, Melba Har­ gether with another in sheep slay Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wnlker. Spring The veteran is survived by hls meetings on the Economical Meals The theme of the service at 7:30 Poindexter will go to Albany the ris. Nellie Stuart, Norma Skeie, Ing episodes. field. project being carried on In the f will lie. “The Lame take the Prey. daughter. Mrs. Bert Doane. Spring- first of the week to attend a two Adeline Perkins. Barbara Adams, MISSSION CROUP PLANS A total of )57.60 was authorised field, and one son, Milton, In Los Pleasant HUI district was held on day ministers' retreat to be held Esther McPherson, Anabelle Boy­ paid out on sheep claims from the Angeles. LOW SPEED LIM IT FOR THANK OFFERING there Monday and Tuesday. Metho­ les, Marjorie Waddell, Ardath Man Tuesday starling at 10 o'clock al dog fund at the meeting. DEPUTY COLLECTORS dist pastors from all churches in naugh. Henrietta Mummey, Bonnie ON COUNTY ROADS SET the home of Mrs. Olustlna. Plans for the thank offering pro­ the Salem district will gather for MARRIAGE WILL BE Spurlock, and Jewel Helterbrand. TO AID TAX WORK gram to be held sometime next the sessions. ROAD PATCHING IS A speed limit of 26 miles per LICENSE EXAMINER Miss Mannaugh will entertain P.-T. A. GROUP TOPIC month were discussed Tuesday hour for Innded trucks was set by members of the organization at a Schedule of dates on which de DELAYED BY WEATHER IN EUGENE THUS WEEK afternoon at the meeting of the the county court Saturday on 12 meeting at her home in Eugene on ptlty tax collectors will be In Lane Marriage In the Unlletl States, Women's Foreign Missionary so­ EVANGELISM TO BE market roads In the county. The March 7. Patching of the Mohawk highway Glenn Itown. examiner of opera county to assist local people In will be the topic for discussion next DISCUSSED AT COBURG roads Include most of those used tors and chauffeura will be at the "lal