PAO» POUR THE SPRINOBHELD NWW8 I M ARE NAMED I 10 COUNT VOIES Thurston TOWN AND VICINITY Mr». Bertha Herrington- from Klamath Falls, who haa been here helping care for her granddaughter, little Betty Henson, who has been Complete List of Election Of- IM‘riou*ly ••>. '» making pian» to ficial. for City Precincts h.°“ * " Dc* B* “ y *’ m,,ch LEGION DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY Correspondents In Every Commun Ity Organisation W anted for New Social Servlea Organ Wseton Colored T rio and Reduced Admieelon to Feature Dance at Thurston H a ll Medford Man Here — Kenneth | Drive to Portland— M r and Mrs. Giles of Medford Is visiting with I F H Hamlin made a business trip friends In Sprintfleld Ihls we >k lo Portland on Saturday of the past First copy of a four page midget The first of Hie American Lcgl it week. newspaper designed to stimulate ■lames to lie held ihls year will he Leaves for Salem— Jack Ger • the work of community social or­ Halurday nlghl at Thurston II was left Monday for Salem »In re he Californian Here— Pete Sorenson ganisations, and to bring about u will speed several days. of rule latke, California, was a ctHtperuilve effort on the part of announced I,slay hv J M I.ttrsott. •rief visitor Friday at the home of Vi’ltir Friday— It ’Ur f. i t leloti thoae carrying on this work was lln iin e e o f f i c e r id lh,* post t.iirson Mr. and Mrs. J. M Larson of 1 owell was a vlapor In Sprln Issued by the I’lilverslly of Oregon alio anuoumed a special reduction . field on Friday. Ihls week Philip Parsons, dean of in admission prices, The price of Visitors from Porti».,« Georgi' Donaldson, and sen. Veri of Port ,h*‘ »‘‘bool of Applied Social Si I tickets having licen reduced from Marev'a Mm Hare—It II. Ho $1.00 lo 50 cents. land arrived In Springfield Friday *" editor, kins of Mureokt was a buslii. s to vlalt with Mr Denuldson’s aunt A* ••me of the first laam visitor In Springfield Frida. Members of Ihe Weston colored and mule. Mr and Mrs J T Don Mor* ••>“« • <><» clubs and aodai or trio »ill provide spin laity numbers Collects Bounty—It. A. Drury aidatta. ttunlsullons hud been contacted Ity for the dunce Mr. Weston will do Jasper collected the county houut ! Dr. Farson's offlee. He feels certain Visits Sister—Freedom Massie, that there are a number of others piano numbers soil Ihe two chll of ft Saturday for two bobcat resident of East Grand Forks, Min which he has not reached and re ■Iren will preseut stage acts. which he had killed. liesota. left today for Portland after queata that names of such clubs he Guest on Tuesday— Miss Evelyn having spent the first half of the sent to him at once so that he can , Veutch of Cottage Grove was week visiting here with his sister. publish a list of these In the next . guest of Miss Maxine Snodgraa Mrs. N, W. Emery Issue of the paper ; here Tuesday evening. Whatever services are available FRIDAY Play In Eugene— Barbara Barnell Albany Resident Here — Mrs and Ted Lenhart played a group of at the University will be given the SATURDAY j Helen Rust of Albany visited with xylophone duets on the program of groups. Right now efforts are being friends In this city Saturday for. ihe G A. It. meeting at the Eugene made to assemble a booklet of I noon. armory Monday. Mrs. Bernice model club homes which cau he Neher Findley was the accompan­ built without a great expenditure. Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. It ist. Special courses in reporting are A. Johnson of Eugene were Sunday available io those who write for the B ébe *T ¡A N IE L S dinner guests at the home of Mr paper, and It Is the desire of the M N IVON U V d »TOMB Continues Lecture— John Knox, and Mrs. John Lenhart. professor of science st the high editor to have one correspondent tin the Stage Week-end Gueat — Miss Lottie school Frlduy continued his lecture In each club to write for the paper MELODY MAIDS Lewis of Csdtuge Grove was on Astronomy which he begun the The patter should become the con In Novel Spotlight Idea ference room of (he clubs. he week week end guest here of Miss week before. He explained and Il­ thinks Flossie Mathis. lustrated the relative locations of FRIDAY— he various planets. Improved Given Out Saturday. Miss Josephine Mathews from Portland visited her sister. Mrs. Election board members to serve Carribel Welse, the first of the the four precincts of Springfield In the primary election to be held Little Ann Bussell from Silver- May 20, were announced Saturday ton is spending several days with by W. B. Dillard, county clerk. The h„_ , .. ... . , , , her grandparents, Mr and Mrs officials by precincts are as fol Fred Russell. lows: Thurston high school basketball First Precinct : Cora M Hinson. _ , _ .... . . ... teams motored to Wend ling Mon- . ,,, /T „ day evening to play and the Thurs- I r i t i l t i Wl-.v». oil.A „ Nellie KTaslllo trude Wilson, and G. Carr ton girls won. while the boys were Second Precinct: Maude T. defeated. Pat O'Brien and Nancy C arroll in a scene from “ Personal Bryan. F. P. Thurman, Welby Maid." Sunday and M onday attractio n at the Colonial Stevena, Ida C. Adams, and Hattie theatre. E. Myers. Third Precinct: Hattie B. Drury, "MY PAST" SEEN Lillian Black. Alice L. Thompson, Blanche May. AT COLONIAL SHOW Fourth Precinct: Voting. Abbie Announcing a change of pictures K. Wheaton. Prank Gordon. Elma for this week-end, the Colonial has Halsey. Ids Swarts. Elisabeth Ol­ ...... .........— . Catherine Basford. D . D . O- tx’’’ked ,he fo ,,r ’,ar h'T 'My Past." son. ...... Counting. Bernice Van Valxah. Leota Roden- a* ” ®a8 an a n il Walter AchlU with Bebe Daniels. Ben Lyon. Lewis to Feature Double Main | Stone and Joan Blondell for this Soil Fertility and Irrigation to bough. Alice Doane and L. A. Bas Event at Armory Friday Friday and Saturday, the manage­ ford. Be Discussed at Two-Day ment announces. "My Past," is de­ Two sets of officials are named Herb Owen may have had a large scribed as a dramatic revelation of Session in Eugene for the fourth district because of crowd at hfs wrestling match In the yesterday's mis-steps, being the the heavy balloting usually done Soils and soil fertility problems Eugene Armory last Friday, but famous unsigned biography of Dora there. and various irrigation problems will present Indications are that that I Macy. celebrated ac'res? be considered at a special soils i crowd will dwindle into insignlflc SERVICES ANNOUNCED | ance in comparison with the on? As a special stage feature during short course that will be held In FOR M. E. CHURCH expected at the Armory for th« ,he ,wo night run of Mv Past, the Chamber of Commerce rooms in double main event bill this Friday. the Popular Melody Maids will ap- Eugene next Thursday and Friday. OPPORTUNITY NITE Gets County Bounty — H K Love That Feeds Our Faith. The Eugene wrestling promoter P*'ar In a novel Colonial "spotlight February 4 and 5. according to an Becker of Dexter Friday collected LIGHTHOUSE TEMPLE will be the text of the message for hsd an unusually good card for the idea ‘ In which a unique setting and nouncement Just received from O. »2 from the county bounty fund for Goes to Estacada— P. J Bartholo­ CONDUCTS SERVICE the Womens Home Missionary go- fans last week and they were we 1 lighting effect combination will be S. Fletcher, county agent. The pro one bobcat pelt, mew. local mortician, drove to Rata ciety s thank offering Sunday at 11 pleased with the fray until the last introduced. The Melody Maids will grams for the two days are as fol cada Tuesday morning to conduct Students of the Theological class Drive to Medford—Dr. and Mi o clock at the Methodist church minute of the affair when both llifer several of the latest harmony lows: funeral services for Margaret Mar R. P. Mortensen drove lo Medford hall, eight year old Vaughn school of the Lighthouse Temple In Ku Members of this society will assist Achiu and Reagan Sonnenberged *'its. appearing twice each even Soils and Soil F e rtility Oay— Saturday returning the follewlnr Irl who died Saturday of burns gene conducted special services at In the service. Special music will ¡nto each other, both going out for lB«- at 7:30 «nd » 4 0 P m. Thursday, February 4 day. be provided by the choir. sustained when her clnthlng caught the Full Goapel Assenihly in Spriug the end of the match. Achiu did Prida). a, „ egtabHghed fea. 10:00 "The Lane County Soil Sur- field Tuesday evening P. E Mur­ Truth Through Consecration." is manage, whether conscious or not fire at school. vey and Ils Use.” by Dr. W, Klamath Resident Visits— Mr, phy was in charge of the student the Rev. Dean C. Poln .... theme ........ that .u«c „ev. tean v. Hom to wrap one leg over the limp form I X h ' T ' n“ ' ”' ’ “ t” ** pre8 L. Powers, chief of soils. L. Herrington of Klamath Fulls was group. dexter w.ll present Sunday even- ,)f Reagan and therebv won on a , . Opportunity Night con Inspect Forest Equipment — Ar­ Oregon Agricultural College a visitor in Springfield on Monday tests. for cash ‘ prizes. Many ■ng at 7:30. This subject will be technicality. --------- new 11:00 thur Moses. Smith Taylor and Kay "Farm Manures and Leg- of this week. entries have been received and the developed from the texts. "If any Fans did not like this verdict and Engles spent Monday at McKenxte umes." by Prof. C. V. Ruxek. man »ill do His will he shall immediately clamored for amateur entertainers will be pres- Many Attend Concert — Mary Bridge inspecting and Inventorying soils department. Oregon “ ™ ented between the first and second know*. . . and Not My Will But raatch which they have finally se- ; showg „ 9 Springfield residents went to Eu­ forest service supplies and equip­ Agricultural college. Thine. . . o’clock Friday night. gene Sunday afternoon to attend ment at the ranger station Engles cured. To obtain this however it 12.00 Noon recess. The Epworth League will have a was necessary to induce Bob Mil- 1:30 "Soil Acidity and Liming." the concert given by the Eugene has recently been appointed to take .. „„ , , w„ lo „ , »• a certainty. 10:00 "Irrigation from Wells by courthouse. The men had --------- — The second main event is also an county , M. R. Lewis, federal irriga wl,h ptomaine poisoning is recov- basketball teams played the Lorane Mr. Herman Rnnkis of Detroit interesting one for the local fans. vi!f„_Ca,P UFe, f°.Ur. yoUD8 cougar 5 Bar« tion engineer. located at now and is able to be up and teams at Ixirane Friday. January »_-____' .in i__,__. ____ . kittens two of which they have sold -ritaa • "A •• a few lines of .»__ writes: thanks from i, It — will bring . Marvin Barrackman, Oregon Agricultural college move *bol,f «‘ cording to her phy-1- 22. The girls' game resulted In a tie 30 lo 30. The Pleasant Hill B y J ,r8.i Olympia wrestler, and Roland War­ 1 in Portland and the others being 11:00 “Irlrigation In the Wiliam- clan' bottle of Kruschen Salts took all disposed of in California. boys defeated the Lorane boys 26 the aches and swellings out of my ren. a new boy from Klamath Falls ette Valley." by Arthur S. to 19. The lineup for Pleasant Hill Lives in California— George Hof- Joints—with my first bottle I went together. Barrackman is not a new The men received $10 bounties King, extension soils spe­ sess. formerly engaged in business was girls: Center. Evelyn Phelps; on a diet and lost 22 pounds and man In the Eugene armory, having for each of the cougar pelts ex Dalles Diamond cialist, Oregon Agricultural now I feel like a new man." here was a visitor the first part running renter Bonnie Jeanne Tin startled the fans last year in his hibited. and will receive another college. To lose fat SAFELY and quickly of the week. Mr. Hofsess is now ker; guards Mildred Swift and take one half teaspoonful of Krus­ brilliant work during the Yaqui $25 bounty on each from the state 12:00 Noon recess. Zella Mauney; forwards, Nancy chen Salts In a glass of hot water Joe, Sonora Indian, match. fund. The bobcat bounty ig $2 1:30 "Cannery Crop Irrigation living in southern California. Barnum, and Emma Ixiu Baughman. in the morning before breakfast. In the match last week George each Problems.” by Lee S. Turn 49 Pounds For your health'., &1ke ask for and Wilson former U. of W’. football Boys—Center. Harold McLeod, for­ Mail Carrier Returns — Drson I t A. Carter of Oakridge collect- er. field man for Eugene get Kruschen—the cost for a bottle wards, Earl McLeod and Dwight Vaughn is again varying ihe city __________ ______ star- bad little difficulty In winning ed $16 bounty on one cougar and that lasts 4 weeks is but a trifle at Fruit Growers association. any drugstore in the world and « two of tbree ,aUs ,rom Tom Rax lyn l- and Howard Campbell r - 2:00 "Overhead Irrigation of Pas mall route following an illness. Rmwn ; guards, John Garmlre and Henry Olson. Substitutes Ham­ tovfullv16 ««fi* K°n “re Longviear. Art O'Reilly. U. of O. ceived $4 for one coyote. Archie ture and Truck Crops," by John Benton, assistant carrier, de­ mond. Garmlre, Doane and Parks. Joyfully satisfied with results— boy met Lewis Weikum when his Williams of Rainbow collected for F. E. Price, agricultural en livered the mall during Vaughn’s money back. AU good druggists will » .« .« n s oi nainDo»- collec Pleasant Hill meets Oakridge at be glad lo supply you. partner for the evening was unable one bobcat and one coyote. gineer, Oregon Agricultural absence. Pleasant Hill Friday. January 29 to be present. college. The planing mill of the lx*wls Go to Birthday Dinner— Mr. ana (Continued from Page 3) 2.45 Installing a Farm Irrigation Mrs. J. M. I.arson and sons, motor­ Lumber company at Pengra Is ex WOOL GROWERS NAME LIONS HEAR DR. STIVERS, System," by Mr. King. $5.97; Roger Anderson $9.96; Floyd ed to Junction City Tuesday even­ peeted to resume operations soon 4 Cans, Tall McCORNACK DIRECTOR MUSICIANS AT LUNCHEON Johnson $5.97; Joe Martinson $11.- The county agent states that all ing to attend a birthday party given When operating at full capacity this 94; N. L. Austin $23.94; Merle Aus­ Sack interested paties are invited to take for Mrs. Sam Miller, sister of Mrs. plant employs from 40 to 50 men. tin . . $7.19; . . . W. . . H. Wallace $5.97; Lov- E- A. McCornack of Eugene will An '“expensive trip to the Holy part in htis soils short course. Larson. The J. P. Hull sawmill at Low­ $13.93^nc DM, ShenonA'$7L7Ì S Wl t F1 represent we»t I Z*0 strom Bros. $2.00. Ten Radienu. Rntehed in Flemish 0»sas wfch F lened Hearth Fev Arg. Bridge: A. C. Striker $ 1 7 4 .7 4 ;!,. . « » s FUce epemnes M 14 M inches wtde. R adUntfiip _ Surveyor $5.83; R. A Babb Hdw LlllC O ln S c h o o l N n fp « N . 170 I r m H M U J Co. $3.56; J. T. Bogart $1921; F. M laIIIVWI11 kJVUUUl l iu i e s Ter. AsdigMs Flruehed in f>t