TIIUKHDAY, JANUARY 28, 1982 F all C r*« k Man Here— O, C. Lui T H E SPRINGFIELD NEW’S 3364; Drury ami Drury 338 37; Henry Guild $16.00; Economy l^-ns Cooley $20.00. Dlst. No. 51: H. W. Carson Bashford 111.«4; A lv la Wm. Kyle and H oiih 3-72 87; Hprlng Feed Store $2102; Dr. A O Wal (22 44; J J Albro »95«; Cliff Ap- » U M ; E C. Poppla $11.1 0 P K C IA L R O A D » field Creamery 334 11; Cottage 1er $3900; Pacific Christian Ho* pleman »3 19; Roy Fitch »11.37; ard Park »3 9». Louis Dist No. 1: Frank P. Briggs Meri Bailey >3.1«; Ralph King »9 96; R Allum »11.M; A. Q. J A N U A R Y , 1832 Grove Flour Mills 31 80; Wallet pllsl $61 16. »21.45; Ed Edw. w Feeder »3 19; A O »499; « E Davis »4.99. Equip- «ILM; Dick Klleee Ill.M ; Prod Price, Inc 330.07; Owl Emergency Insane A H Ross $10 00. A. O. General Fund »6 18 18; Geo. Deffenbacher ment $20.00 N O T IC K OF SALK Grocery 32 00; W A. Hall 31.60;) Waller $36.00; II. Y. Spence $10.00; Pirtle $6 Collins (1 99: Mik* Pakulak |16.M; »3 09 Advertising: Cottage Grove Hentl Oci-iiriipaogh Bros >12.60; Hh©ll Dll Mi Morrun and Washburne $29 12. Notice I* hereby given that by Dlst. No 56: Cecil Beyerlln Harry Wheeldnn »17.»1; C. Mit uel 348 16; State Chamber of Com Dtst. No. 3 R. K. Hill ( I l 43; W (22.47; Co. |6 I I : Walters-Bushong I , u l u l i c i virtue of an execution and order of Raymond Brown Ahlen Burdick »25 66; chell »11 94: Guard Publishing Co 34 60; O. C. Caswell >3 50;) Justice of Pi-uce Dan Johnaton V. T sllm sn »9 .67; Art Bunderman Leonard Harris »9 57; Ray Coe »11 94; J. C. Beyer »11.94; 0 . H. La- hu I u Issued out of the Circuit Court no-rcc 325UOO; $150 80; K E Ross $6 70; Ira Baker 1*16 96, Ray f afford »9.57, Fisher Co. 3151 00 Grays Feed Store 33.80; Tlffanv $6 40; A V Thompson $2 00; J E of the Slate of Oregon for latne »II 95; W E Gridley »12 7«; Har- Jole »11.94, A. J. McPherson Auditing: C. A. Horton 33OOOO »20.14; Surveytor vet Daughenhaugh (18.72; T. A. $11 94; Harold McPherson I ll.M ; Davi» 3128 61; Buster Brown Shoe ¡ Young $5 60; Randolph Holt $2.60; Lumber Co. i County. January 8. 1832, pursuant Assessor: Htellu C. Wilkinson (11.65. Co. 37.80; Leo Goodman >4.0)1; Otis Io a decree entered by »aid court Burdick (7.49; Lee Kerby »6.38; O. Harwood »26.36; Sid Chapman >13000; Agnes O'Brien >13000, Ip. Akin. M l). 315000; Mrs V. G. Vun Hvarverud $1.00; J R. Hughes Diet. No. 6: Jess Gates (7.98; Ulla Brendell »6.19; J. E Jones »10 94; Ira Chapman (11. M ; A. E. $'t)lt K E N T ,7 A rre F um i for Rent. January 8, 1832, In a suit therein Bertha N eel >80.00; $100; It E. Carroll $100; Watt Adelaide I. Moore $8.00; Irish Cash Store CO Glen Wilts# pending In which S uh I o M. Buck McKee $1.00 P A. S u iti «100. Ira I Frank Gate* »3.19; J. A. Montgom »9.57; Frank Jones »7.97; B F Farnworth Ill.M ; W IIII h Kiilrkel'horkei', Koillff 2, »1194; Lome Harrington Ill.M ; uum was plulntlff and C. F Mickel­ Curlier >6600; Pacific Tel. und $63.66; Flanery's l»rug Store $2 95; R E. Carroll $1.00; cry »1194; Eugene Concrete Pipe Mlnney »23.94; Surveyor »73.79. Eugene. Oregon. J-16 son a* Administrator of the Estate Telg. Co >8 66; L. II Hulln 33000; PurHan Drug Co. $20 80; Minnie Gilstrap $1.00; «1.00; L. E. Tallmadge »17 » ! ; Mr. Black Ira Gilstrap Co. »72.16; Equipment (2.75. A Detmerln Dlst. No. 56: Ralph Lynch »822; 1 »1194; Paul Ray »7.M; David of lla tlle II Mickelson. Deceased, Burroughs Adding Machine Co Goulet H N $1000; K e r n 's $800; $100; L. C. lairsen $1.00; L. C. Dtst. No. 6: F, J. Damewood John Ulcey 81.59; Ed. Kelly »1.6». I NOTICK Melba V. Gilbert. Itupert T Gilbert. 327 06; Vulley Printing Co. »23.75; A. O. Waller$20 00; Carl W Rob­ Kuplng $1.00; Anton Jensen $1 00; (11.89, C. M Damewood (8.98; Dar i D ,,t- No- 87: RalPh LyncR »19.93; Stough »10.94; Roy Irwin »11. M; Waller It Arp, June Arp, Hank of O. II Jones >104.00; II. P Markus bins $40.00; Army snd Navy Store E E Dickey $100; Anton Ras- win Damewood »3 9»; Clair Dame I K, H. Oowlng »14 36; Alton Conrad Floyd Steel »17.91; H. D. Hlcka O F F IN A L B K T T L K M C N T Commerce, u Corporation, Ed Zlnl on >13000; The W illamette Press $4 16; Mello Lund Creamery $3 60; müssen $1.00; Carl Bllrup $6.60; wood (3.98. »12.7«; Ralph Towers »12.76; B. | *27.3«; R Castle » U M ; P. H. Io the County Court of the Htutf her and J U. Ileddo were defend >80.00; Cressey* >8.20. H. M Kerron $5.06; Ketels Drug Austin Dodds $1 10; Eva Me Peterson »11.94; Charlea Wilson Dlat. No. 7: J. W Baker »26 43; W. Hayes »12.7«. of Oregon for Lull» County. In utils, which execution and order of Bounty: Gordon Dowell >8 00; Store $2.26; Cash and Curry Store »17.41; Clyde Davie »11.M; W. P. E. R. Spencer J Gillespie »1.99; Equipment (186. Dlst. No. 59: N. L. Austin »19 1«; I the Muller of (lie Kslatu of Flurru sain was to me directed, und com Clarence Cox >2 00; F. E Wlchter J. ('. $28.50; Darling* Variety Store Arthur »1.10; Baldwin »11.94; Jam es Penkley $1.10; John M Smlgley $1.10; F. 59; Milton Fitch »42.90; F Moore Homer Austin »18.29; Lloyt) » U M ; R W Wood »11.06; L. R. Out I III, deceased. »50 44; Eugene Sand and Gravel mundud me to sell the reul property >3 00; H J Glsli >2 00; W It Pullen 60c; Plggly Wiggly $46 93; Puritan Notice I n hereby given that the hereinafter described to satisfy 31000; 8 ,0 . Marlin >200; Edgar | Drug Co $16.74; Pioneer Grocery X Schaefer »1.10; Il W. Perry Co. »305.49; Surveyor »8.10; Twin Kneupe »1.59; Pete Holesapple Meredith »11.M; Chas. Ml ekler »1.80; J H Powell $3 60; G. E »1.59; Merl Austin »4.78; Joe Ret onilernlgoed administrator I iun filed curtain liens und charges In said N lluvls >2 00; George Small | $33 06; Korn linking Co $24 05; J O. Blurton Oak* Lumber Co. »11.52; Ray senhuber »9.57; Fred Burt »9.57; I » U M ; B. L. Christie »U M; Paul hl* flnul account In *uld mutter decree specified, I will on Suturday, 34.00; I’uul C. Huy 32.00; It C. W Quaekenbusb und Hon $13 66; Benedict $3 60; G Ford »11 94; J. O. Froatnd »U .M ; George »14.9«; T. J Sweany $2.80; A C. Aiklns $2 16; Earl Shell Oil Co. »9 57; Kyle and Sons S. Lackstrom »11.04; I. E. Putnam unit Unit the uforeNulil court has the 13th day of February, 1832, at Evan* 37 00; I'. It Wheeler 33 00; Eugene Fruit Assn. $1.00; Willis Puderbaugh $2.15; W F Chapman »2369; Frank Jarvis (3.98. »1.10; Miller-Sanford Tractor Co ! upyoloted Februury Hull. 11)32, ut Everetl Small 31000; C. L. Ny II. Hmulll $4.77; Will Greene $5 60; $9.00; K. E Young $2.00; Nelson »11 94; W. A. Minton »11.14; Hngh Dlst. No. 8: Jess Sumner »39 95; i 8c. the hour of one o'clock 1*. M. at the le|i o'clock A. M. UN the time for front Simpson (11.94; H. A. Carpenter Carl Carpenter »15.95. door of the Court I I ouhu In Strom 34 00; Dick Wutklns 32.00; Anderson Meat Mkt. $6.50; Hall hearing objection to »uld flnul ac­ Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, o f­ Ted Watkins 37.00; Claude Ny- und Shumway $125; J. V. Itl'h Durham $2.00; Lelah Parks $2.30; Dlst. No. 60: H. W. Carson »25.94; »11.94; Paul Roberts »11.M; John Dlst. No. 9: W. D. Glaspey count llOil the settlem ent thereof. fer for sale and sell ut public auc­ strum 32 00; L. It Millican <4 00; $« 20; w illiam s Self Service $3 49; John Calvert $2.30; Robt. Cox »72.54; Auldy McCumber »14.70; J. J. Alhro »9.56; Eugene Concrete: Nielsen »11.94; W. R. Pitt »U .M ; $2 00; Philip Burto $2 40; Murll All persons Interested may file ob­ Frank Laurltxeu 32 00; Wilbur Pipe Co. »8.10; Eugen© Sand a n d ' Northtwest Hospital $2.00; Kuy­ Henry Hoonlng »11.94; Roy Burt Fred Leppart (9.95; E. B. Lawson tion for cash the following d es­ jections thereto. Pitcher >5000. Glen Llodtke >4 00; kendall Drug Co. $3.36; Jim the Handewlth $2.00; Oral Gravllle »11.94; Hulburt Lawson »9 95; G Gravel Co. »39.56. (9 95; B Adams »9 96; Uylde Elli­ cribed reul property to-wlt: $2 00; Everett Gravllle $2 00; A R J It llrutln, Ad lulu let rutor, Shoe Dr $3 50; J. C. Penney | Xi Dtst. No. «1: L. M. McClelland son »9 96; Mike Elledge »16.03; W Tilden »2039; Lane Smith Beginning at a point «0 feet Prince Helfrlcb »6.00; P W Green Den I c e $3 03; A. L. Tyler $17.60; For rra< ,Z 0 0 ' Angus Gibson $2.00; »18.89; John Smith »20.39; J B »17.53; Jess Drlsklll »50 3«; T. C. Bill Wilson »9 95; Clarence Par (’, A. Wlntermeler. attorney. eu»t of the northwest corner of 3)100; Darrell Pitcher 311.00; J. E. Murphy $7.70; .Marlon P. (J 21 »»- F 4 11 IN) Lot 6 In Block 26 In Fairmont, sell Brudford >2.00, George Mr est Fisher $10.00; Elliott Implement Wheeler $3.00; Alfred Stelnhauser Palmer »11 19; H M. Rlchy »5 97; ¡Bryant »14.35; Fred Brown »14.35; menta »9.95; Harry Ensign »7.06; now a part of the City of Eu­ Cauley 32.00; Earl Drury 34.00, C. und Heed Store $3.45; N. Scott $2 00, Alice M Wheeler $2.00; J. Frank Sanders (1.49; Sam Vinson ! Ben Smith »1.59; Hazel M. Smith ) Emil Snyder »7 96; W. V. Snyder N O T IC K f.7.00; Judge Mullins Jewett $4.86; Perrys $1.25; Eugene; »7.9«. Ralph Cook »6 97; Brody gene, latnu County, Oregon, ac­ II ......... . II. Kissinger $3.00; R W Cullison »1.49; Wm Coltran »11.94 Chas. 1 »16 50; J. R. Hayden 46c. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Mitchell »7.96; L. S. Wheeler cording to the original plat there­ 34 00; It. O. Humprey 310.00; liny Hospital $516 13; Union Oil Co. $2.00; Belle Cnlllson »2.00; John L. Brewer »11.94; J. C. Brumley Dlst. No. 64: Geo. Damewood Notice I n hereby glvell tliut Ituliy »6.07; J A. Frederick »7.0«; J. H. ll.;9 4 ; Dick Monroe (1194; E. E. ¡»9.57; Ralph Lynch »8 97. of, und running thence east to ul mond Clark 322.00; It ('. Barfield $25 82; G. M Plumber $1.00; Bran Marsh $16.70; Bert Peterman A Lord, udliillilNtrutrlx I iun filed L. »letter Chapel $160.00; Keith'», »11 94; John Herndon point 53 und 1-2 feet west of the 34 00; Earl Bryan >2.00; II Diet. No. 65: Lennie Haldorson Thompson »7.96; J. Jorgensen $4.30; J C. Calvert $3.90; 8. P. Gibson her flnul report and account In the west line of the alley running ) I Rankin 36 00; Alex Workman 32.00 Grocery $5 90; E. T. Templernan Peterson $8.00; George Ingledew »11.94. Jack Petit »11.94; Jeff i »15.96; Harry Brabham »2.32; i »7.9«; V. D. Culp »7.9«; W. H. ilUtute of Newton Keoyon. deceased. north and south through said | Fred Quinn 33 00; Ted Harper $3.53; The Hurry M Stewart Fuel) $2.30; Mary Ingledew $2.30; T. M Petit »23 94; Noah Nyhart »9 38; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. »2.80. I Prose »7 96; R. W. Sanford »7.M; In the County Court of l.une Couu Mock; I hence south lit) feet; I 34 00; Charleton E Richardson Co. $36.26; B E. Squlrea $2.80. | Douglas $2 30; J D. Millls »160; Ira Hake »8.45; Ben Jackson »8.45; Dlst. No. 66: H. V. Jenkins »2.80; I George I-arson »7.96; Fred John­ ty, Oregon, which hu* get Frlduy, thence west to a point 60 feet 32 00; Claude Pratt 32 00; Donuld MiGlnty5s Service Station 78c; | Ole Peterson »160; J R. Hughes Ralph Calllson »8.45; Frank Tucker | Chas Gold »25.63; O W Lambert son »7.96; Earl Crawford »7.9«; Februury I2lli, 1032, nt Id o'clock E. Witcher 32 00; Itobert E Host Ideal Grocery $69 26; State Ind »1 60; Irene Bailey »1 60; Dr. Merl »597; Arthur Neet (6 46; D E. | »13.92; Will Chase »10 36; Victor: Geo. Crick »7 9«; W K. Ewing »7.M; east of the west line of said »3.06; Dayton ('. Thompson >18 0». Accident Comm. $8.89. A. M at the County Court Ilonin ut block und thence north to the John Howard »2.90; Dell Holcomb »4.70. Webster »8.45; H. A Short »8 46; Krall »1.19; Union Oil Co. »61.60; I S. C. Spriggs »7.96; E. H. Brnley Wilson 32 00; Glenn E Smith I the Court House, Eugene, Oregon, »7 96; E. L. Erlcksen »7.96; James Sam Bariey »11.94; R. A. Babb Eugene Register-Guard »6.60 place of beginning, ull In latne Circuit Court: R. N, Apellnig Juvenile Court: J. 8. Woodard ng the time und pluce for the flnul| County, Oregon, together with ,310 00, E. D. Phillips >12 00; George F. Miller »7.9«; Burt F. Gould Hdw. Co. »2.43; Twin Oaks Lbr. Dlst. No. 67: Fred Smlgley) Pub. Co, $100.00; Lawyer's Co-op » 1 5 0. John L. Marsh »6199; State: j II lluwley >2.00; J Lamb >2.00; | report and account* should tie filed Co. »2.25; Equipment »339.13; Sur­ j $57.86; Newell Job »24.48; J. »7.96; Floyd Keene »6.97; P. C. the tenement, hereditaments and Sieve Edwards 34.00; Carol Wll- $37 50; Pacific Tel and Telg Co. industrial Accident Com. »1.61. or prevented at or prior to the lime veyor »3.00; J. D. Horton »5.68. Oldham $12.24; John Bjerke »4.64;) Barker »895; A. M McPherson appurtenance* thereunto apper­ | Hums 34.00; Maurice Wood 34 00; $11.80; Thomas H Wells $73.60; M Right of Way: B. B. and N ettle! Dlst. No 10: M. L. Wallace for nu I i I hearing. Henry Riecke »1.49; Andrew Huff »8.95; Glen Emerick »5.72; Robert E. McDermott $1500; Koke-Chap- taining. i Lon Woosley 38.04; Howard Nute McKinney »50.00; B E Smith »4.72; Equipment (11.25. Hayes (8.96; Ellis Knouse »7.M r Hated and first published till* Jauuury 8. 1832. ! >4 00; J L. Wallace >4 00; Merle | men Co. $26.25; C. C. Pollock »6 60 . Harmon and Tittle »30.16; I Dlst. No. 11:: Riley Petty $3.19. 60c. 14tli day of January, 1032. Bist. No. 71; C. A. Davis »21.93; I Kenneth Park »5.47; C. F. Tanner II L. BOWN, Hherlff of latne Michael 32 00 $50.00; West Publishing Co. $10.00; Walter Ransom »5.95; Max A. RUBY A. LOKI). AdmlnlNtra Dlst No 12: M. L. Wallace Àl» - ‘ County, Oregon. Care of Poor: Mrs. J C. Ken­ Jas Lockerbie $39 00; Mrs. C. II. Combs »20.00; David Weaver »5.04. (1.24; Equipment »3.75. tri*. »1.59; Andy Almasi (1.59; Jack W. II. llltllo K E , Attorney for Ruth $18.00; W'llma G. McCul- nedy >2.00; Mrs. Susan Hoots Claude Silkwood »5.97; F. W. For- School Superintendent: Irma WIIITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney. Dlst. No. 13: Gerald B. Conner I'lalntlff. >500. Mrs M. M Stas 35.00; Mrs. lock $18.90; Maude L. Swango Stroud »90.00; Margaret Cutler »15.75; Chas. C. Conner »24 94; R. I-afferty »1.59; Clyde Carder »3.09- Isythe »3.98; F A W estfall »6.97; 202 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon Bert Kirk »3.19; A. E. Nelson (Jan 14 21 28—F 4-11) $21.00; Sam Lehman $22.20; C. D. M J Beckett >5 00; Jesse C. Jones Jack Hansen »5.97; J. H. Matteson »70.00; The Willamette Press »1.80; L. Jenkins »1.99; Equipment »1.60; (9.80. ______ (Jao 14 212b F 4-11) 3500; Mrs E A While >6 00; C. Van Valin $27 00; E J Norton E J Moore »16 09; Cottage Grove S. K Adams »14.21. »3.98; John Spurgin »3.98; Bernard Dlst. No. 76: Lowell Tedford $27 60; R E. Hill $21 00; John L. It l.eep >6 00; W H. Devsn >6 00; N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R S Stevens »3.98; Albert Cary »3.98; N O T IC E OF SA LE Sentinel »1 95; Pacific Tel. and Dlst No. 14: : C. A. Van Schoiack »27.92; Fred Langston $6.38; Joss Taylor I Paden $16.00; Ed llan»en $3 00; W H. Lyons >600; W. M. Edwards »3.98; Alfred Notice I n hereby given that the Notice Is hereby given that by 3800; Frank Muson $8 00 Mrs Stella M Huston $45 00; Jennie Par- »3.15; Laurence C. Moffitt »228 26; »41.89; Ray Vau Schoiack »4.78; | Claude Abbercombie »1.59; Dan , Noble »3.98; K M. White »3.18; undersigned ha* le-eli duly appoint­ virtue of uh execution and order of Hattie Bowers >8 00; Mrs ’ Mary I ker $16.00; 0 . W. Chapman $16.00; Teleg Co. »8.95; School Dtst. No. 4 Roy Dixon »4.99; Lee Thomason Quaglia »6.38; R. B Dixon »19 98; L. E. Neville »9.95; Rasmus Ras ed administrator of the estate <>l sule Issued out of the Circuit Court Wilbur >8 00; George Muson $8 00 Lee E Orswell. $24.00; Joseph Coast Carbon Paper Co. »12.50; »3.18; Ray McCargar »9.57; Charles John Trunnell »3.19; Equipment inussen »5.97; Andy Calvert »9.96; Elisabeth C. Jeukln*. deceased, of the Stale of Oregon for latne Mrs. Nettle Knllng 38.00; Sarah Sums $20.00; F K Foster $24 00; Offli-e Mchrv. and Sup. Co. »1.50; Teeters »6.38; Harry Mavben $6.38; »91.70; Mkt. Maintainepce »37.00. : Arthur Reetze »3.98; Martin Bro­ Dlst. No. 82: Fries Hdsr Co.! and any und all persons having County. January 8. 1832, pursuant E Wlgle >800; Nell McDaniel Marlon E. Maxey $21.00; Robert D. E. Yoran »2.00; C resseys »14.90; Ixiwell Tedforu »3.49; Equipment Arnold Carloon »6.50; James Tedford »81.74; Gra- »5.70; H. E. Spickler »2.13; Peter ilerien (5.97; rlalniN against the *ald estate are to a decree entered by said court $8.00; Elizabeth P. Chandlerf $8.00; Dunning $21.00; Nelta K. Warren National Surety Co. »5.00. «3.98; Ulrich Lsuener »3.98; Roy Skovbo »2.50. Sheriff: L. O. Hulln »50.00; Paci­ ber-Cettys Hdw. Co. »2.10. hereby required to prevent »aid Juuuary 8. 1832, In a suit therein Mrs Peter A King $10 00; C. E $6 00; Nancy E. Cluer $6.00; Mary Wright »19 95; Claude Abbercrom- Dlst. No. 15: Fred Langston Dlst. No. 86 Nat Hart »5.73; E. hle claim», duly verified a* by luw re­ pending In which the Western laiau Adams $1000; Adda Rleniensch- M Cole $15.00; Joseph Sums fic Tel and Teleg. Co. »78.90; Eu­ »21.35; Joe Geer »7.97; Lowell »20.39; J. L. Crawford »19.90; gene Water Board »30.61; J. E. M Kelso »17.91; W. H Clark quired, t<> the undersigned admin and Building Company, a corpora lielder $10.00; George Savage $59 00; Stella M Huston $92 00; Geo. Canaday Tedford »17.45; John Trunnell »11.94; John Little $5.97; Chas. W. C. Hammersley »U .M ; 8. V. iNtrator, at the office of Eugene V tlon, was plulntlff and Kuth Cooper,! | , 0 00. Mrg R A Coz | , o o o; John L. Paden $95.00; Nora B. Carllle »15969; Home »11.94; M. A. Dutton »20.3»; Powell »28.35; Roy Chambers Slattery. Deputy District Attorney, Hurry W. N eel as Administrator ; Anijrew Erickson >10.00; Florence Strawn $111.00; I). C. Henry »124 69; Wm. Kissinger »9969; »6.38; Equipment »75.00. Dlst. No. 16: Geo. Wataon »17.91; R Stevenson »17.91; Ovid Fred Frazee »11.M; C. W. Devler Lloyd Howe »139.74; Geo F. at the latue County Court llou*». of the Estate of W 11. Cooper. De Armstrong >10.00; Grace Bennett $108.00; Clara Coleman $36.00; »9 95; Jack Holcomb »9.96; L. G In Eugene, larne County, State of ceased, Dorothy E. Cooper. Chariot J g ,0 „0. Mr„ Sll(ian guttle 310.00; Robert Dunning $16.00; Marlon E Houghton »124 74; E. A. Holland »19 46; Austin-Western Rd Mach. Han-en »1.24; Scott Foster »21.89 Ì Chaffee »11.94; A. L. Chaffee »9.96; C. H. Romaine »17.91; R. L. Thrax R. H. Sanders »U .»4; Earl Load Oregon, within »1* month* from the te C. Cooper, P. 8. Chase. W. H. Henry Bolin >10.00; Flora Hnvder Maxey $24.00; G. W Chapman »124 74: A E. Hulevaard »124.74; Co. »21.50; Equipment »18.78. Dlst No. 17: L. W Hunt »5186; date of thia notice. Kinsey, Lulu M Kinsey, L. 11. Dery, $1000; Benjamin Parrish $10.00; $78 00; Robert Dunning $98.00; W W. Edmlston »124 74; Roy W. ! »20.39; Jack Jones »18.40; J. H. Dated and first published Jaiiu Nettle E. Dery, luiHullc Stewart. Mrs. Itlchard Cook $10 00; E. L. Dell E Benson $96 00; Geo. E. Or- Potter »10974; Ethel Scott »9000; Roy Dixon $9.99; Edw. Crlstler »17.91 ; A. Everson »17.91; G. C. I Huff »15.92; A. W. Gilbert »11.94; Trafxer »84.00 John $3.19; Wilbur Pitcher »12.38; L. E. Pierson »17.91; J. F. Huddleston Harold Myers »11.94; ary 21. 11)32. Carrie Bertelsen Wel'ha Mldglay Planing Mill Com puny, a I'hares 310 00; Della Kllnk $10.00; swell $39,00; Howard Rohlfsen »1.59; Elmer McCollum «17.9!; John Llttie »5.97; Cedric Date of lust publication February Corporation, J. It. Hill, Ellen HUI, Mallnda Smith $10 00, Mrs. Bethanv $120 00; Calvin Pryor. 111.00; Qulner »66.00; Coe Stationery Co. »7.97; Wright «11.94; J. E. Perrin »15.92; L. L. Slagle $6.38; Lloyd 18. 1832 Ellxabeth Fobreiiwald. The Pacific Smith $10 00; J J Moore $12.00; 11 Frank M Gent $122 00; Fred K »3.20; H L. Bown »59.12; Alf. Conklin »1.59; Tom Goddard »1.59; Heaton »5.97; Claude Loper »5.97; Chester Hossman »21.89; Ben Whit­ C. W. Johnson (11.94; Fred Wiley ten 813.93; Lewis Premizzi »15.92; »11.97; Carl Johnson EUGENE L JENKINS. Admin Saving A Loan Association, a Cor­ S Nichols $12.00; Central Hotel Foster $100.00; Clara Coleman Walker tstratnr of the estu le of Eliza- poration. Portland Mortgage Com $12 00; Mrs Bertha Blais $1400; »;•. n». Nancy E. Cluer $106.00; »15 96; Valley Printing Co. »2.35; W B Patten »319; O. H. Mc­ »5.97; W. H. Logan »5.97; S. C. Frank Miller »11.M- Dan Beck Allister »150.00- Twin Oaks Lbr. Harnden »23.94; E. Roy Smith »15.92; G. C. Newlln »11.94; Henry beth C. Jeukln*. deceased puny, u Corporation, and Charles Edith McCune $1500; Francis Jennie Parker. $96.00; Annie Dan­ Western Union »1.08; Haskell'» Co. »14.25. $27.94; Frank Moore $2.99; C. H. Rau »15.92; John Simpson »9.96; laird A Moulton, und Eugene S. Cochran and Horace U. Cochran Shields $15 00; W D Calkins iels $3.20; Jack Richardson $2.10; Grocery »13 50; Kremmel Bakery Dlst. No. 19 J. E. Flock »34.52; V. Hluttery, Attorney» for Ad- us executors Of the Estate of Surah $1500; C E. Denny $15.00; Mabel Edwin Orion $2.10; Rurt Willard »29.84; Irish Cash Store »12.48; Henrv Holt »31.33; C. T Beach: Merritt $9.98; E. P. Saunders L. R. Bums «11.94; Salem Mag- mlnlNt rntor. E. Cochran. Deceased, were defend­ Goodman $15.00; R C. Shepard $2.10; L. A. Murphv $2 10; Anna C. Shelton-Turnbull Fuller Co. $900; »16.12; Claude Hebert »9.57; J. W. »12.46; Road Dist. No. 36 »24.00 nusson (9.95; Albert Wrltic »7.96; G E N E R A L R O ADS _______ tJ 21 28- F 4 11-18)_______ ants, which execution and order of $15.00; Mrs. I.uella Bristow $1500; Taylor $2 10; Fern Miller $2.10; Swift and Co »67 1«; Carl J. John Echols L. H. W iese »11.94; W. M. Funk »6.38; Miller-Sanford Tractor Ferries: Colter Bros. Ferry »9.00- bale wus to me directed and com M S. Barker $15 00; James Gear- C. O. McMillan $2.10. Mike Hrvn son »4.00: Pioneer Grocery Co. Co. »30.00; Surveyor $86.29; Clark's! »11.94; Chas. White »11.94; R. L. C. J. Colter »175.00. $52 04: Carl Bllrup »3.70: Mrs. J. A. mauded me to sell the real property ban $1600; Mrs E C. Kull $15 00; chuk $2.30; H. O. Warren $2.10; Cox »11.94; R. L. Learning »11.M; Service Garage »2.25; Nelson Motor Bridge Fred Smlgley »11.97; N. A. Coblenz »11.M; John Arm heretnfater described to satisfy cer­ Julius A. Grew $1500; Mrs. Alice D M. Kyle $10.70; J W. Tanner Reid $16 36; J. A Carliel »3.20; G. Co. »14.24; J. E. Paddock »6.80; Carl Carpenter »11.97; Equipment B Pitcher »12.10; Carl Bakpr Film strong »11.94; L. R. Sbortrldge tain Bens and charges In said de- J Allen $15.00; Mrs Jennie Bar $10.70; Dr V L. Brooks $4.10; Mt. Fir Lumber Co. »4.68. »14.41; Surveyor (36.00; Claude i roe specified, I will on Saturday, nard $15.00;; Walter Baker $15 00: Harry Landon $4.10; R O. Thomp­ Shon »16 15; Mapleton Oarage Dist. No. 20: Ed. L. Eaton »31.93; Erwin »8.00; S. B. Finegan »16.00; »15.92; Ray Graham »11.94; H. O. $600; Haskell's Market »10.87; the 13th day of February. 1832, at l.ydlu A. Hunter $15.00; A. W. Per­ son $12.50; Frank luiFay $12.50; H. P Newman »6.19; R. P. Co­ Pederson and Brown »1.00; Me Jackson «11.94; M. E. Oard »10.94; ' the hour of one o'clock P. M. at kins $15.00; J L Kellv $15.00; J C. Mills $1250; W R Krhart L. F. Anderson $1.00; Postal Telg burn »11.19; Elmer Miller »10.83; Ginty's Service Station »1.50; G. G. Oard (11.94; Lyle L ittle »11.M; «5 43; Cressey» »2.10: Northwest Clifford Wilson $7.60; j Ed. Randell »11.94; Flemon Dent the front door of the Court House Minnie O. Smith $1500; Chris V. $16 00; »3.90; Scherer Mtor Co. »9.95; Clyde Butler »11.94; Dan Gas Co. »4 93; Lang F E. Kelsav »6.19; Hubert Hyland t A. a i n Halton I In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, Telman $1500; Edith Hurd $1500; Smith L. Tavlor $7.60; Ed. Woods Cities »6.38; Noel McClure »3.19; Curtis j m i n . A I m c u i . d Eugene. Inc. »5.40; Eugene Water w s a v e ' Favor 811 94‘- C E OraW«> offer for sale and sell at public auc- James B Shessley $20 00; Good $7 60; Wm Denfleld $14.50; Cha» Newman »3.19- Donald Phillips Le8"e M*U3.89, M. L*. W sllsce «•il qx . \ jl * u «11.94; W. H. Bachelder »19.96; Seven In Westmoreland, an Addl Randall $30.00; Lane Co. Chap A Wright $7.60; Everett Still $7.60; lee Co. »3 50; Oscar Shelton »3.00 Union Oil Co. $20.78. $3.75; Eugene Water Board »80 46; I M S CassIB »9.51; Hathaway H arn N Wright $2.30; 8. C. Earl Ballew »11.94; Rolla Bush tlon lo Eugene In Lane County. It C «497 01; C J Breler Co. $4 94 ; Dlst. No. 23: Chas Neet »11.96; Pac. Tel. and Teleg. Co. »11.62; H. Oregon, together with the tene­ Johnson's Grocery $8.25; J. Ly­ Wright $230; A H. Buck $2 10; Motor Co. »1.75; L. H. .lessen Frank Schultz »4.99; P. K . Hum- Cium »14.00; Northwest Frt. Trans-, »1094; R. H. Longfellow »11.64; Mostachettl »11.64; C. R. ments, hereditaments and appur man Steed $2.06; A F. Barnalt Viola Campbell $1.60: Karl Hill, ♦20.70• Howard Motor Co. »55.86: phrev $3.00; Vern Hucka »6.19; A. port Co. »21.56; J. W. Kinman ! Pete tenauces thereunto belonging, In­ $5.00; F M. Cashman $46 70; John $12.10; Sam Lehman $7.40; E. W Oren C. Davis »125.00; John Reid Methany »3.00; S M. Wicks $6.19; $18.00; Edwin Tular $174.74; A. A. | Raymond »8.45; Tom Foster »8.45; $35.00; Eugene Water Anderson $8.10; L. O. Eckford «49.87; J S Woodward $7.50; Henry Ixivell $5.58; T. Donovan Martin »174.74; R. H. Smith »164. William Speers »8.45; Ralph Geer cluding the equipment, beating, Mursh »8.45; N. M. Matteson »8.45; John lighting and plumbing fixtures Beard $7.30; Mrs. Ida Grant $15 00; $20.50; W. L. Coppcrnoll $8.50; State Ind Accident Com. »29.55. »5.58; Clark Adams »3.98; H. Evans Surveyor: Olive R. Chamberlain $3.98: 8. B. Finegan »3.94; Equip­ 74; Lee Driver $124.75; C. E. Van W Ross »8.45; Chas. Pluard »8.46; Marlon Veatch $50.00; V. G. and Clyde Flake $2.10; R R Senn und facilities. Osdol »149.74; Ray Worden »95.03; Chas. Burge »8.45; Gobel Pltzei Lula Hoar© $149.38; lva and Clair $8.10; J. B. Hagan. $20.50; George 1125.00: Helen E Burton »90.00. ment (23.70. Juuuary 8. 1932. Earl Lucky $124.74; Lowell Ted-; Calkins Keil $8.10; Willard Wirts $13.10; Pacific Tel and Teleg. Co. »10.05: Dist No. 25: Fred Smigley ford »6.98; John Trunnell $4.99; »8.45; W. O. Denny »8.45; James H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lone Murdock $89 38; W. t> Graham »8.45; Harry Castle »8.45; $15.00; Frank Sly $6.00; Mrs. Ka- Fred llydorn $8.10; Allen Wheelei O. E. Rose $36.00; Frederick Post »5.96; J. Oldham »6.99. County, Oregon. Fred Langston »13.48; George A. pLT” Porter »8.45; A. H. Baker telltt Salton $6 00; B K Wheeler $3.30; F. W. Beaver $3.60; Annie Co »12 20; A. I.letx Co. $2 29; Dist. No. 26: Joe Hollis $1.99; E. Halton »3.78; W. B. Dillard »2.14; W. II. BKOOKE, Attorney for George Daniels Equipment $10.46; David L. Dler L. Mathews $15.95; R. A. Babb »8.45; W. A. Keene 18-45; Bay «15.00; C. B. Christensen $15.00; Daniels $5.30; i ’lalntlff. Earl n Luckey »4.50; Goodyear „ Rub- Riggs »7.46; Geo. Shuull »3.68; J. Mars Fleming $5 00; Mrs A E «3.60; Emmett Belcher $5.40; H. S. «15 46 8. E Jackson $4.00: Frank Hdw. Co. »2.25; Inter-City Sand . tJuu 14-21-28—F 4-11) * her Co. »5.49; Wl^ w ir e Spencer n Butler »3.98; Herb A. Mason Erickson $20.00; Isaac Bevel Elliott $260; C. M Baughman Hamnton »4.00; C ressevs »58.20; and Gravel Co. »69.18; Equipment Sales Corporation »3*6.9«; Austin- , 3 98. Jack Holcomb »3.98; A. M. $3.40: J F. Titus »6.20: Osburn : Mrs Earl Stanton »2100; Union »3.75. $4 50; Cnrl Bllrup $4 00; J H. Bal- N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ' ' e’ te™ Road Mac’jl°ery Co »25.21 Bo8s »3.98; Ralph Black »3.98; Hotel $23.40; Amerl -an E xircss I o n Co. $10.00: City of Eugene Dist. No. 27: Martin Hill »6.38; R. A Babb Hdw Co »333.18; Nat- J ohn b . ^ , - j 3.9 8 ; Olaf Olaen NOTICE Is hereby given that by xlilser $15.00; Mrs. Mildred Orr Co. 72c; Annie Bown $9.00; J. W. | «2.45; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. 25c; $2 00; Hall and Johnson $5.00; Mrs. Lon Sweet $3.19; A. E. EUingsen virtue of an execution and order of ional Machinery »16.00; Eugene j 3 98; Amog McGarvln »3.98; Henry J J K irc h o ff »1500; R a . Babb »7.98; Meinturff $15.00. ' ' Johnson and Noffsinger Lumber Co. $6.33; Marshall s Body Rugt j n 89. w sale Issued out of the Circuit Court M J. Edmundson $7.00; W. J. s Sutherland Hdw Co. $6 30: Morris-Chevrolet $4.18. I.lchty $10.00; Frank Deming $3.00; Clerk : Royal Typewriter Co. and Fender Works »11.70; Hall and ef Hie State of Oregon for 1-uine Fred Lndford $6.00; I,. Toll $10.50; $->02 00 . »23.87; O. W. Hill »21.88; Ellis Pacific Tel., and Teleg Co. Co. $59.53; A I.. Roberts »143.76: Dist. No. 28: Wm. Kyle and Sons iCounty. December 12th. 1931. upon M( Marrs. C. C. $8.58; Guy M. $11.35; n V " Richardson »23.87; Lyman Wll- $150.00; L. M. V D Fogle »144.22; E. N. Thomp- Co. »7.15; Equipment $7.00. Co. »14.87; J. E. Haseltlne and Co. Ilams J23.87; Combs Bolden »23.87; and pursuant to a decree duly given l.vons $1.10; Peterson's Grocery Brvson S. E. Skene Dlst. No. 29: J. E. Thompson $401.14; W estern Road $130 00; Eve I,. Duckworth ¡ *on $129.33: Harold Baughman and mad© by said Court Decembet $20.50: Acheson and Sons $5.00; »120.00; Slbvl W estfall »110.<»0; **4 #0: Earl Roberts »133.3«; L. N. $3.99; Cecil Thompson »3.19; W. Machy. Co. John Cogtelio »23.87; Irvin« Hl«- lllh , 1931, in a suit pending there­ Mrs. May Gleaser 34.OQ; N. A. Grace M. L. Dawson. »120.00; Helen »»«thews «107 45; Harry Gerlach E. McCollum »3.19; Mark I.ans- «429.73; Miller-Sanford Tractor Co, gins »21.88; Giles Fowler »41.87; $437.72; Creswell Garage $9.25; Albert Lake $23.87; Melvin Inman in In which Clem 11. Berlin and Rowe $15.00; Page Grocery $6.00; Sorensen »100.00: Sara Alleni»®»-»» William Gerlach » 8 0 .7 , hurv $3.19; W alter Stewart »3.19. Lundström Bros. $39.38; J. D. Ida A. Berlin, were plaintiffs and H. O. Suttle $16.50; May Store »100.00; M E McDermott »106.00; Adna H. Signor »127.24; Elmore Dist No. 30: J. H Fowler »35.65; Campbell $1.56: Columbia Steel »23.87; J J Porter »18.90; J. D. Lum F. Anderson and Florence Lu «6 22: Creswell Merc. Co $4.86; Ethel Thompson »85.00; Patty Syl- Peterson «15.95; Claude C. Camp R. A. Babb Hdw. Co. »6.30; Equip­ Nichols »20.89; Chas. Nichols »18.00; Castings Co. »217.62; Hathaway- O*® Linda »18 90; Chas B Fow- Verna Anderson were defendants, tlmphrey and Mackln $31.34; Ol­ vers »100.00; Mabel Henrv $100.00; «7.97: J. M. McCausland »117.33; ment $40.95. Motor Co. $3.38- Marshall-Wells i ,er >18 9<). w t . Pickens $1».»1; which execution und order of sole son's Grocery $1989: James Chris­ Tnte Dist. No. 32: Ermald Agee »3.19; Westerfelder and Berg Elbe 1,. Signor »140.69: M. L. High was to me directed and command­ tensen $4 40: Jim the Shoe Dr. »75.00; Sheltnn-Turnhull-Fuller Co. «25 08; Horace Turner $1196; R John Tavlor »7.97; Ralph Taylor Hdw Co. »275.49; Carlson-Hatton pj,8„ pOrter »18.90; Chas Peterson and Hay »34.28; Nordling Parts Co. »5.97- Clarence Huffman »».»7; ed me to sell the real property $100: B. K. Wheeler $5.00; Com «10.75; D E. Yoran $2.00; Natron S. Humphrey $13 45; A. L. Stack $17.95 «366.65; Preston and Hales »17 95; Dale Privedel »5.97; J. T. Vining hereinafter described to satisfy nuinlly Feed Store $2.00; A. R Printing Co. »26.70; Willamette »16 44: P. I.. Pierson »17 57; Carl Dist. No. 33: E. J. Mabe »31.91; certain Bens and charges In said Sneed Dept Store $16,50; E C. Press »1.00; Koke-Chnpman Co. J. Johnson $38.60; State Ind. Acci­ L. S. Porter »25.52; Ray Surcamp A E. Hamloth »9.60; Union Oil Co. »5 97; H. L. Prividel »5.97; W. W. «507.82; Addison Lumber Co. decree specified, 1 will ou Satur- Hart Dalrv Co. $9.00; I.nmb OrO- »188 55; L. E. Nnthunson »24 70: dent Com. $20.65. »26.52: Ix-ster Lake »1199; H. C. »269.46; Woodburv and Co. »39.95; McLoughlin »7.96; E. H. Leep da ythe 30th day of January, 1932. jeery $15 18; W R Lee $5.00; Cresseys »8.65; Tax Rebate. Wayne E. Elliott Carllle $19.14; Walt Kuck »15 95; Veltum and Clow Mfg. Co. »28.21; »7 96; O. N. Phelps »7 9«; E. L. Eugene Steam at the hour of I o'clock, P. M., at Montgomery Ward and Co. $7.30; Laundry »4.15; Gabriel Powder »5 93; C. E. Duckworth $12 95; W J H Willhelm »19.14; J F Dibble L. A. Snow »13.20; Morris and Mor­ Berkshire »5.97; F. E. Berkshire 9«; A. O. the southwest door of the County McMarrs. J. C. $47.74; A E ard Sup Co. »3.70; Eugene Print­ B. Kingsley »9.22; Stanley Hickey »19.14; W R. Boring »6.38; Ed. ris $13.07; Cushman and Hill »3.50; j »7 96; O. D. Brown »7 »7.9« Lu- Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun­ W heeler $30.00; Cushman and Hill ing Co. »32.75. »27.21. Wlnbegler »19.14; Grant Kirk Siuslaw Motor Transport Co. 50c- 1 - - ------ — — ther Privedel »7.9«; W. W. Me ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell »17 60; J. S. Powell Dairy $4 96; $19.14; J. L. Wallace »19.14; Vir Coroner: Western Union Co. Traffic Patrol: M. J. Thompson Oregon Machinery Co. Loughlin »19.90; E. H. Leep »17.»0; at public auction for cash, subject Crpswell Cash and Carry $15.00; «2.82; Otto Gilstrap »1.10; A A. 8159.74. gtl Worden »12.76; Ralph Eves Air Reduction Sales Co. $105.34; a . G. Pope »19.90; O. N. Phelps to redemption as provided by law, Kolker’s Grocery $4.12: O. E. Owen Branstatter »1.10; Wm. Polder. »21.76: Matt Dibble »18.76: R. A. Treasurer: Pacific Tel. and Telg. Simmons Co. »51.49; S. B Finegan | i 5 9 2 . E L. Berkshire »12.»3; F. OF ALL KINDS all of the right, title and Interest $10.00; Belvedere Hotel 68.50; J. C. «1.10; H. T. Honre »1.10; Oscar Co. $9.05: Thelma Blair »16.00: Babb Hdw Co. »5.18; Albert E. $3.08; Cresseys »1.55; Twin Oaks E. Berkshire »15.92; A. D. Brown of the defimdutits In said suit and Penney Co. r. g. 78e: William's Self Snow »1.10; G. E. Wood $1.10; G. Grace Schlska »15.50; Mabel Pal­ Nelson »3.96. Quick Delivery Lumber Co. »376.96; Miller's Mac­ Dlst. No. 34: Equipment $38.28. hine Shop 40c; Hills Creek Lbr. »13.93; J. T. Vining »9.95; C. 8. Mc­ of all parties claiming by, through Service Store $9 33; Alford's Dairy I. Hurley $1.60;Martin Anderson mer $80.00; Tromp and McKinley Phone Springfield 121-M or tinder them or any of them since I $12.00; Eugene Farmer» Crenmerv »1 60; Clyde Fisk »1.60; J. F. Titus Dlst. No. 36: S. C. Harnden Co. $30.00: The Brund Saw Shop Intire »10.94; Charles Hattarson $90.00; Coe Stationery Co. »1.50; $76.20; E Roy Smith $47.94; Geo. «5.25; Peerce Service Station »1.56; $13.93; Dale Prtndel »13.93; H. L. the 22ml day of November, 1931, In ¡«3.00; Wes' 11th and Grant Street *1.60; Charles Parker »1.60; Slbvl J. .1 Kirchoff »150.00. Prlndel »13.93; Clarence Huffman or to the following described r e a l) Grocery $5.00; Campus Shoe Shop W estfall »10.00- C. V. Simon U. S. Labor Bureau: F. L. Armi L. Mast »105.3»; Chas Kev »27.86; Southern Pacific Co. »24.49; D. R. »13.93; Luther Prlndel »19.90; O. M. Louis Reynolds $13.69; W, H. Bee- Henderson $3.20; Eugene Sand and property, to-wlt: $1.10: McMnrran nnd Washburne »82.76; William Carr »2.00. tag© $50.00. Olsen »3.98; Bltumuls Asphalt All Ihal particular pnrt and) $22.73; Mrs. Rose Powell $2.48; County Court: C. P. Barnard Widow Pension: Laura Caswell ley »27.86; W. F. Holmes »31.84; Gravel Co. »1.50; Jack Shrum Sales Co. »545.53; Equipment POOLE - GRAY parcel of lund commencing at a) Mrs R. R. Ramsey $33.00; M D. »12.00; Clinton Hurd »4.30; Par 820.00; Grace L. Huffman »10.00; Urthnl Weston »21.89; H. Imel $79.80; Curtis Wilson »38.28; Ben »195.27; Walters-Bushong Lbr. Co. $15.92; F. M. Winters »21.89; Joe point In the West line of the | Mitchell »10 00; Mrs. Clvde Elsk L. Zelwick »10.00; Lizzie Tel. and Teleg. Co. »13.95; M rs.) Mrs. E. Wilson $5.98; Ray George »29.91: BARTHOLOMEW $2.76; Ray George »60.87; Jack Lnella Johnson Huftile »15.92: Consceptus Rel Jack Hodges »5.72; O. H arw ood) Hodges »10.97; T J. Sweany »44.90; Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land «5 40 Mrs. E. W. Shelbv $3.10; Martha Plnth $4.00; O. E. Crowe) Adney $10.00; Claim, Nollf. No. 3256, Claim No. Golden Rule Merc. Co. »4.48: llalnh »10.30; Equipment $13.88: J. N. »10.00; Lottie Kirkendnll »10.00; »27.86; Roy Brabham $21.89; J. W »27.11; Ted George »64.55; G. G. Curtis Wilson »3.19; V. A. Hen­ 51, Sections 24 and 26. In Town •>nd Stanley »2.00; Ernest Kester Chapman »4.00; McGinty's »2.04; Grace Kirkland May »10.00; Lillie Tlgrett »21.89; H. W. Rlensche Thorne »89.77; Frank Jarvis »2.49; ) drickson »45.46; W. H. Mead Clara Wnhlfeldl $9.95; W alter Pierce $15.92; Nat Geo. Tolman $6.22; Claire Parks »31.90; Frank Jarvis »22.66; Ray Formerly Wnlker-Poole Owen »10.00; ship 17 8. R. 3 West of the Wll »6 40; V. E. Gronsbeck $9 30; Mar Standard Oil Co. »20.00. Court House: C. C. Pollock $10.00; Margie Bates »10.00: Golda Hart $18.15; Morris-Chevrolet Co. 86.22; Roy Fitch »29 94; Ralph Worden »5.59; Guy Colby »116.77; lamette Meridian, 2184.66 feet caret E. Morris *1.55; F. L. Cham­ smith of the northwest corner of bers »10.00; Fam Lewis »2.00; R »49 74; J. B. Robertson »109.74; Viola Reed »10.00; Ida Katherine $14.63: W estern Auto Supply Co. King »12.47; A. E. Davis »12.47; T. O. Harwood »4.78; D. C. Conley EUGENE 11th SPRINGFIELD said donation land claim, for a H Barker »5.00: Mrs. H. C Olca Eugene Robertson »74.74; City of Bartholomy $10.00; Clara Edith 90c; Equipment $49.62; Wm. G. J. Sweanv »7.46; Frank Jarvis »50.87; Jack Shrum »14.9«; Milton »10.00: Mollie Oordlneer Klussman »25.97; S. B. Finegan $42 40; Alvin Witham »24 95; D. D Fitch »87 64; Equipment »1»7.00; and Chnrneltoii, 228 Main place of beginning, thence North ser. »4,00; Cottage Grove Water Eugene »40.76; Eugene Water Vogt Hendricks and Butters Conley »3.99; A. F. Willson »24.69: 89 degrees 55 minutes Enst 326.45 System »6.00; Thompson's Dairy Board »88.99; Domestic I.aundrv »10.00; Nora Moran »10.00; Viva $3.50; Telephone 723 Phone 62-J Ben Wilson »22.33; Chas Peck feel, thence North 5 min. 30" «1.12: C. nnd M Transfer Co. »2 61; R A. Babb Hdw. Co »12.87: Miller »10.00: Beatrice Suttles $22.00; Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. Standard Oil Co »46.06; A. F. »1692; Frank Cralger »15.92; Bert Union Oil Co. $50.63. Willson »25.00. West 2438.96 feet more or less, «10 50; Shields Grocery »16.96; Ford-Nelson Mill Co. »20.00; Bray 810.00: Fannie Stonehocker »10.00; $2.60; Duke »26 8«; Orval Full »18.40; A. Dlst. No. 37: Equupmeat »77.00; Maintenance: F. E. Robbins L. McKlllop »16.92; Lee Savage to the south bank of the McKen­ Shorts Second Hand Store »2.90: Bros. »4.50; Kratz Sign Shop »6.00; Lillie Tnte »10.00; Jessie Wells Union Oil Co. »6.75. »10.00: Della Hebert »5.50: C. E. Duckworth. »67.90: j »13 93; W. F. Davis »15.92; D. H. zie River, thence In a southwest­ Safeway Store No. 547 $202 46- Whltely-Clark Co. »4.00; Manerud- Neshttl Dlst. No. 38: Kenneth Nielsen erly direction tracing the mean­ Hall's Motor Stores $51.23; Irish Huntlngton Fuel Co. »141.00; W. »10.00- Barbara Stoddard »10.00; »19.95; Eugene Sand and Gravel C. E. Fletcher »7.96; Weeley Gor­ Bertosh »15.92; C. L. Daniels $1».- der line of the south bank of Self Service $25.76; Irish Cash n. Dillard »1.30; Eugene Watei Lelah E. Weed »10.00: Nora Hen­ Co »10.13; Road Dlst. No. 36 don »7 96; U. H. Park »7 96; Ar-I ¡90; A L. Kloak »16.92; David Jen­ thur Sweet »7.96; C. O. Hornbargar nings »29.86; Robert Ramsey »7.»«; the said McKenzie River to ft Store No. 8 $271.32; Broadway Board »93.01; Bailey Electric Co. derson $15.00; Corn Belle Grove $40.00; Surveyor »15.75. $15.00; Marv Hay $15.00; Erma G. $15.92; Joe Cabe »25 37; W Proclw point which would be In the west Market $86.25; Safeway Store C. »5.20; Slate Ind. Accident Com. Fuller Dist. No. 39: A. O. Hopper »26.37: Steve Palanluk »35.32; Ray­ James Paris »5.97; H. Clnm »».»6; $15 00; Daisy Lewellvn O. »102.93; Plggly Wlgglv »44.62; »3.99. Chas Riggs »7.9«; R. E. Hill »61.87; line of the said Donation Land Safeway Store »220.94; Irish Mur- Dlst Atty: Eugene V. Slattery $15.00; Mary Papple $15.00; Iowa »19.95; C. A. Rust »31.92; Ira mond H. Fawver »28.85; Elgin Equipment »16.25; Ed Tatum »8.96; Claim, If extended, thonce south nhv Co »147.15; Petersen's Grocery »200.00; Gladys F. Price »110.00; Laura Crump $15.00; Mary Phillips Starr $9.95- Ervlne Starr »5.96; Hebert »25.37; A. A. Bennett Paul Weber »8.96; H. Price $6.M; tracing whnt would he the west «38.51; Smith nnd Short »40.64; R. N. Appling »9.90; Altn King $15 00; Ethel Amanda Thurman Llnfred Hurlburt »5.97; Jerry Da­ »17.91: S. E. Roberts »7 96; H. H John Costello »3.98; B. Shirley line of said Donation Land Claim. Poole- Gray- Bartholomew »25.00; »10.40; H. Fitzgerald »3.98; Elmer Peterson »3.98; Rob Cresseys »1.50; V alley) $15.00; Ida Grant $15.00; Bertha vis »5.96; D. C. Davis »5.96; Roger Miller $9 95; H If extended, and tracing the west Merwin's General Store (16.21; Printing Co. »12.30. »5.96; Ernest Guthrie »7.96; Geo. W. Finley »9.96; C. S. Henson $17.50; Margaret Safley Inbody Stanton »7.4«; Tom Connors »7.66; line of said Donation Land Claim The Broadway, Inc. »2.00; Mrs. L. Dlst. Sealer: D. T. Lawton »20.00; Cora E. Miller $20.00; «5 97; William Tyler »5.97; Frank Crenshaw »15.92; P. O. Maglnn Orin Hammond »6.96; C. O. Fra­ 2374.36 feet, more or less, to the D. Huff »2.48; I,. Toll »6.00; Mrs. »41.55. Bertha Slemmons »2.98; Lucene Norton »9 95 J. W. Jackson »9.95; Steve sier »5.97; Wm. Gregg »5.»7; Ben ) Laura Caswell $20.00; place of beginning, all In Lane A. A. Campbell »6.20; Mrs. .1. Willard Gillette Shirley $3.98; Ermald Agee »18.90; Emergency: Oregon State Col-; Lockett $20.00; Dora Alice Boggs »2.98; C. W. Syphers »1.00; E. E Dutchuk »9.95; County, State of Oregon. Pennock 999B. P c Vic Myers »19.15: Paul R C. White »18.90; Alva Swearin­ Adair »4.50; Home Service Co. lege $120.00; R. J. Uren $10.00; «20.00; Metta Barrowcllff $20.00; Barrows »32.28; A lso,'the Interest of defendant «3 10; Haskell's »7.41; City Water Valley Printing Co. $63.00; Western Jessie M. Palmer $20.00. Bertha E. »9 57; Equipment »37.80. Grosse »9.95; Joseph Webb $9.96; gen »11 93; Wm Netz »12.98; Law­ Anderson under nnd by virtue of Works Coburg »1.60; Isaiah Slay- Lane Co. Fire Patrol Assn. $254.46. Perry $20.00; Karen Marie Hosford Dlst. No. 40: A. L. Morgan E. F. Buttke »9.95 Fred Bloomer rence Beers »11.»8; O. E. Beers a lense, wherein E. C. Httsby ap­ ter and Sons »6.59; Zumwalt Auto Election: Grant Dean $4.00; Fred $20 00- Hazel Harriet Malpass »14.47; Lewis Morgan »3.19. »9.95; Roy Peterson »15.92. Archie Harry Hardcastle »16.64; pears ns Lessor, and defendant Camp »7.36; J. R. Hayden »6.00; Richter Dist. No. 41: W. H. Maloy Knowles »35.82; L. P. Sleben- »12.92; $4.00; Minnie Wright »20.00; Lulu May Bergman »20.00; Hardcastle »10.44; Pat« L. F. Anderson, as Lessee, In the Johnson nnd Noffslnger »41.22; »4.00; Lina Flock »4.00; Nellie Alma Lucille Bussear »26 00; Ofa »32.94: J. L. Mallette »3.19: Equip­ thaler »12.93; J. C. Jones »995; A. Dean Holesapple »10.»4; John Tice service station erected by and Pacific Christian Hosp. *1112 18: Hebert »4.00; Mary M Gray »4.00; Sanders »25.00: Lottie Moore ment »3.65; Southern Pacific Co. L. Douglas $9.95; Wm. Phalr »5 97; »11.64; John Plainer »11.64; Leaton heretofore opernted by defendant Wllllnnts nnd Ottman »37.44; W. H. ltnllway Express 89c; Cottage (25.00; Bertha Walker »26.00; Cora *113.44; John Dyer »47.95; Frank Adolph Trankle »47.76; J. C. John Buss »9 95; Arthur Titus »11.64; Lum F. Anderson, at the South­ Holmes »6.20; Shnrps Ororery »9.00 Grove Sentinel »8.00. ) Lots Mattison »25.00; Ethel Mar- Moore »34.47. son »46.76; Wm. Gott »13.43; Jo- Herman Kuael »11.64; Ed Miller west corner of 13th Avenue East, Mrs. W. J. Nokes »R 00; Omer Huff Fruit Inspector: E. J. Loucks garet Doran »26.00; Lucy C. Rob- Dlst. No. 43: Claire Parks »8.73: ¡seph Humphreys 1996; H. L. An- nnd High Street, In the City of man »2.50; Rohln H. Stoneherg »135.00; C. E. Stewart »95.57; State bins $25.00; Mary A. Hubbs »25.00; Geo Tolman »8.73; Equipment ; derson $9.95; M. G Bailey »21.89; »9.95; W. H. Berry »6.97; Ralpk OrthoRon Soft-Llte LenseH Eugene. George Boyd »13.93; H. N. McFar- Orr »5.»7; Edgar Ward »6.67; Floyd »7.75; Wllllnni Maddaugh »8.60; Ind Accident Com. »2.78. Melvin V. Thomason »25.00: Mln- »49.00. Itellcvp Eye Strain Dated this 28 day of December, Otto Morton »10.50; The Booth Health Service: Lane Co. P u b lic|n le Haugen $25.00; Ara E. Frank- Dlst. No. 44: John Kummer land »17.91; Ralph Crowe (11.94: Roe »6.97; George Marr »».»7; 1931. lin »30.00; fc « e l Margaret Allen »11.97; Eugene Sand and Gravel Ray Sarter »11.94; C. W. Massey Stephenson »11.94; A. T. Walk Kelly Lumber Co. »101.60; W. A. Health Unit »528.33. DR. ELLA MEADE II. L. BOWN, Shorlff. (17.91; A. J. Lundström »11.94; I. Taylor »68.00; E. W. Scott Gro­ Indigent Soldier: Mrs. Thomas »30.00; Minnie Wheeler »30.00; Co. »7.16. Optometrist Bv A. E. HULEGAARD. Deputy. cery »13.10; Mt. States Power Co. R. Follett »25.00; Mrs. Celia Mes­ Mabel Gott »30.00; Rose K. Powell Dlst. No. 45: A. R. Tolman»49.61 ; E. Heflin »11.64; Martin Hack (Concluded oa Page 6) Rugane 41 West Oth I »28.67; Williams General Store ser »26.00; Henrik Peterson »10.00; »36.00; Kinsey Lou Burch »40.00; Roy Fitch »14.67; Equipment »45. »11.64; H. C. Coe »11.64; L. F. (D. 31—J 714-21-28) I ici hund of Fall Creek tranaix led huslnesa In Springfield on Monday Business Directory DRY WOOD Funeral Directors AVOID GLARE Lane County Court