THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 8PR1NOPIBLD, LANB COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 28. 1932 TWENTY-NINTH YEAH Jimers" LASI OLD SOLDIER U.H.S. SQUID ID “ OW Meet at Dinner DIES HERE TODAY INVADE CITI NEXT Masons Planning Monthly Socials — — Series of Monthly Social Early Msinbsrs of Methodist Nights Planned by Lodge Church Have Annual Gath­ Z. T. Klntzley Died Thia Springfield Takes Victory Members for Winter ering at Emery Home Morning at Home of Daugh­ From Cottage Grove; Eu­ ter After Month’s Illness gene High Drops Game Liberty Masonic lodge of Spring- Receives High H onor [ | No. 8 LDGAL FIRMS TO P. 7. A. Seeks CHURCH PLANS Larger Meeting MAKE CHANGES EVANGEL MEET Shoa Repair Shop and Electri­ cian to Open Business at 422 Main Street Monday Committee Offers Pennant to Parrish Evangelist« to Direct Grade Room with Largest Campaign Starting at Local Attendance Each Month Christian Church Tuesday Games and music provided euter I » Announcement of a plan whereby field this week announced plans for talnmeat for members of the "Old i Zucharluli Taylor Klntzley, X6, CLOSES a pennant would be purchaeed and FIRST IN THREE YEARS BAKERY SHOP CAMPUS TEAM STRONG Timer" (croup of the Methodist pioneer resident of Hprlngfleld monthly social nights to be held given to tbe grade school room hav­ „ , at their rooms the second Thurs church Friday evening after they since 1890. passed away at 1:30 this . . . ing the greatest percentage of pa. Pruitt Soloist for Party; To Remodeling of Seavey Build­ .. . __ , day evening of euch month for the Eugene High, Jefferson High, hud held their uniiusl potluck din morning at . the home of his daugh ___ t ........ ent attendance at the P.-TJt. meet- Sing Special Number at ing for Whit* Front Grocery next three or four months. Both Succomb to Basket ings each month was made Tuesday tier nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. N ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Each Evening Service Cards, dancing, and a potluck Under Way This Week W. Kmery. Mrs. Ilean Poindexter, : Itert Doane, after a month’s Illness, following the meeting of the P.-T. Tossing of Prep Team supper will be the principal fea­ Mary E in rip Woolley, president played two piano solos, und I’aul He was elghly-flve yuurs old. lie A. executive committee at the home Announcement of one of the most of Wellesley College, is the Srst Effective Monday morning, Feb­ of Mrs. Lee Putman, president. Lmir county high uchool buNkct* Colter nutig swo numbers following was the last of the Civil war vei­ tures of tb e entertainments which woman ever appointed to attend an ambitious evangelistic campaigns will be held for all Masons and ruary 1, John Henderer and W. A. bull Mwuikf il«»flult«*ly Into thr A Inn- lin' dinner. The latter part of the eraits living In Hprlngfleld. The pennant will be awarded to be launched by any Hprlngfleld international conference. She will members of their families. Tbe Mur dlvlMlon luwt wvok **nd und pro- evening wan given over to group represent the United States at the Hall will opeu an electrical and at tbe end of each month to the Born In Clay county, Indiana, ( first of these meetings will be heid Disarmament meeting thia nsostth shoe repair shop In the Parrish room with the best record for past church was made this week by in I non to continue to bold the j h I ili I iim of favoriti* donga, mid to ■ October IS, 1M46, Mr. Klntiloy , February It. building, 422 Main street It was an­ period. In cases of a tie the pen Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the Hprlng- front from now until the doge of s Btne, muved with his parents when tw- . .. . A commltU* appointed to have nounced by the two men this week. nant will be displayed In each room ' field Christian church, also song the pre-tournament season March j x- tin. riiiK -tlon ' * -i,tins iilin g m e iuiii non i / years old lo Io w a w h e re th e fa m ily charge of these meetings consists LEABURC RESIDENT leader and soloist for the evangel­ The building has been occupied by 3. Hprlngfleld downed Cottage were Mt o «. Van Valzah. Mr -»«Hied on a donation land claim, PASSES AWAY TODAY the Springfield Bakery which has for half a month. istic party. E. A. Parrish, graduate of C. A. Hwurts, Levi Neet, Hurry drove Friday on the drove floor. and Mrs Mi Elbaney, Dr. I The claim Is now the site of Aines Htewart, und Harry Whitney. The contest idea Is being Inaug­ of tbe Eugene Bible College, and closed business. The score was 36 to 37 which was und Mrs. W y ’lard and family, college. urated here with the hope that It one of the most successful evangel­ Tuesday Is the regular meeting F u n e ra l fo r John E ls to n to Ba H e ld nt in ti closer diati had been expect- Workmen are already busy re­ will Increase attendance at the Ills father died when be was H u g h e s , uud a t L e a b u rg C h u rc h S a tu rd a y , M r. and M rs. ists of the church has been secured night for lodge work of tbe group. ,,i university high ..h ooi edged modeling for the new tenants, hav­ Parent-Teacher meetings. Members I. K Cage, seven yours old. and wheu he wua In te r m e n t T h e re to lead the campaign which starts . I I I n v litn r y nv.-r K iuteue lilx h by ing moved all of the bakery equip- Qf , be e„ cutlTe comm7Uee are an- Tuesday. February 2, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs Kninm ((Ison. - -id Mrs. W. III he enlisted, Heptember 33, 1X63, the narrow margin of 1413. meat Into the back end of the build haT home of the former last Thursday Grade Teachers with Less Seven new members were Initia­ both of Oakridge. hoys before the tournament. Eu­ be presented In a piano redial at gene officiated and Interment was afternoon to the members of the legislation to be urged at the an-' Attendance Faces Board ted into the Kensington club Fri­ nual meeting. gene and Cottage Grove following the high school Friday evening. Jan­ made In Leaburg cemetery. t Needlecraft club. Guests were Mrs. There are only four lay delegates; day evening at a meeting of the nil successive week ends. Attend­ uary 3. nt 7:30. Mr. Carter was born at Leaven- Fred Fischer of Marcola. Mrs. Wll- from Oregon. Dr. W. H. Pollard I s , Voters of the Thurston school dis­ DRILL TEAM MEMBERS group held at the home of Mrs. ance at these three games will en­ H lu d e tils participating In the re­ worth. Kansas, on January 16. 1X69 llam Dawson, Eugene, and Mrs. B. one of the Oregon representatives. trict will be asked to go to the polls Paul Basford. The new members able a person to see the best teams cital are Mary Kathryn and Betty nnd moved to Oregon where he met a . Washburne and Mrs. Margaret GUESTS AT PARTY Saturday. February 6, to decide are Mrs. Charles P. Poole. Eugene; of the district In action right here Jean Tnvlor. Elaine Hchaffenberg. and was married at Fall Creek on , Kenyon. whether to employ one or two grade Mrs. W. N. Dow. Mrs. W. E. Buell, nn the Hprlngfleld floor. Members attending the meeting LEGION AUXILIARY Members of the drill team of the Mrs. W. H. Hobbs. Mrs. Edwin G. Lola ard Kt wood Hickman. Ethel August 31. 1X81. He leaves his school teacherc for the next school ADOPTS AN ORPHAN year. At the present time there are Neighbors of Woodcraft, were Privat, Mrs. M. V. Walker, and Ruth Fulop, Peggy and Teddy widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Carter; two were Mrs. Ixirson Wright. Mrs. R. Members of the American Legion MANY HAVE MUMPS Wright, ‘he Johnson sisters. Jack children, Mrs. Frank Moore and 11. Drury, Mrs. Laurence Moffitt, only 21 attending school there and guests of Mrs. R. L. Burnett at her Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew. Mrs. Ben AT SCHOOLS HERE | and Richard Cook, Dorothy Flanery. Kenneth Carter, Eugene; two Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs. W. C. auxiliary. Springfield post number. four of these wtll graduate from home Tuesday evening at a social Lodge was a guest of the hostess. | I'llu Weight. Maxine Hinltson. Lu- brothers. Marlon at Bend and Harry W'rlght. Mrs. Sidney Ward. Mrs 40. have adopted an orphan in Port-1 the eighth grade In June. Another event in honor of Mrs. Bernard Members present were Mrs. Mumps are causing considerable clle Davis, Mary Young, Clarice at Leaburg and one sister, Mrs Floyd Weeterfleld. Mrs. W H. Scott, land and the sewing club are de­ four of the students are coming to Ernest. Those present for the even­ Lawrence May, Mrs. Mary Kessey. voting their time to making cloth Mary Frazier. Yakima, Washington, j Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, Mrs. trouble nt the schools of the city Fi-iiton, Vernlce Hawke, and Vir­ ing were Mrs. Harry Huffman. Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Kenyon, Mrs. John the school from another district. -------------------------- ' Walter N. Gossler. Mrs. Dan Crites. Ing for the child. Two dresses were this week according lo the prin­ ginia Hansen. Some of the patrons have indi­ Alex Stevens, Mrs. Graydon Lewis Henderer. Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Mrs. cipals. The high school seems to Mrs. K E May, Mrs. Carl Ol»m, at the sewing club meeting held cated opposition to employing two Mrs. Lester Patrick, Mrs. Helter- W. C. Wright. Mrs. S. C. Wright, Rrnttaln school students under BIBLE STUDY CLASS Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, Mrs. Clifford Friday at the home of Mrs. W. H. teachers and this caused the board brand. Mrs. Ray Nott. Mrs. Maggie Mrs. C. E. SwartB, Mrs. W. F. be the worst afflicted as students the dlred'on of Miss Helen High, STARTS MEMBER DRIVE Wilson, and the hostesses. Pollard, and fundB were received there are being sent home every music Instructor, will present a Jap to call the special meeting at which McLagan, Mrs. Walter Llpes. Miss Walker. Mrs. A. J. Morgan, Mrs. D. at the stiver tea to enable the The next meeting of the group day to prevent exposing others. nnese Frolic number. Edith Eaton, Miss Melba Mellon, B. Murphy. Mrs. W. K. Barnell, time the election will be held. A three-way membership contest i members to purchase materials for Having to miss several days ot Numbers to be presented In the among members of the Men's Bible will be held at the home of Mrs. P. The Thurston and Davis districts Miss Doris Girard and the hostess Miss Edna Swarts. and Mrs. Bas­ further work. school now Just os the mid year ex recital by students will include class of the Christian church was ! J. Bartholomev ford. were consolidated three years ago and honor guest. aminations are being given Is quite piano duets, solos, and trloa, and announced this week by W. A. Tay- and a modern achool building was The next meeting will be held at a serious problem for the students several vocal solos and duets. the home of Mrs. C. E. Swarts. built at that time. lar. president. The contest will LIONS GOVERNOR us well as the faculty. School laws do not require the Miss Edna Swarts will be the as­ start at once and will continue until AT PORTLAND MEET sistant hostess. This meeting has An epidemic of mumps Is very employment of an additional teach­ Easti r Sunday. March 27. EDUCATION GROUP contagious and people knowing er In a district where the attend been set for February 6. Three contest chairmen have they are carriers of the germ should HAS MEETING HERE been named, and they have chosen W. F. Walker spent Tuesday and ance is below 31 students. not expose others says Dr. W. H. In Portland in his official capacity BASKET SOCIAL IS tennis of workers from the other Pollard, city health officer. All as district governor for Lions clubs Another of the educational meet­ members ot the class. These chair­ SPANISH VETERANS SUCCESS AT CHURCH cases of the dliiease are supposed ings for employees of the Mountain men are Russell Myers. Hubert in this district. Wednesday. Inter­ to he reported to him and the per­ Stales Power company was held ut Sins, and W. I. House. HOSTS AT DINNER national Governor, Julian P. Heyer, The sum of 323 was netted by the son afflicted Is expected to he kept the Hprlngfleld office Tuesday even made a short visit to Portland and Many Springfield people attended Lions officials from all parts of the choir and Christian Endeavor to ap­ In quarantine. lug. A complete course In educa­ LEGION DISCUSSES the dinner at the Eugene Armory state were expected there to greet ply on the pledge towards the new tional work for the employees has piano of the church Friday evening Monday evening which members of him. NATIONAL MEETING been worked out anil Is studied LANE GROWERS TO from the sale of baskets at the so­ the General Lawton camp. Spanish- Monday evening Mr. Walker and cial held in conjunction with the PRODUCE SPINACH and discussed nt each meeting The work of the national con­ American war veterans tendered Dr. A. H. Hagan. Cottage Grave, which brings representatives here their auxiliary. Following the din­ deputy district governor, made of­ monthly church night program of Twenty-five Lane county pro from the various offices of the com­ vention of the American Legion to be held nt Portland this year was ner the men entertained with a ficial visits to the Junction City the congregation. ilucers signed coni t acts to raise 36 pany in the county. W. J. Moyer, Those serving on committees In the principal subject for discussion kitchen band and cards. Among den. • Cottage Grove, Is chairman of the acres of spinach for the Hay-Mall charge of the affair were Mrs. D. ut the district meeting held at Al­ those attending from Springfield Itig cannery company of Hillsboro study group. B. Murphy. Mrs. Veltle Pruitt. Mrs. bany Tuesday evening. W. N. Gos­ were Mr. and Mrs. Noah Helter- CHURCH CHOIR SINGS Saturday afternoon ut a meeting of Ella Lombard. Mrs. Roland Mosh sler. commander of the Hprlngfleld brand and daughters. Pearl and growers and cunning officials ut PRISCILLA CLUB Ier, Barbara Adams, and Jewel OLD NEGRO SPIRITUAL post. M. R. Iluntly. and Mr. ano' Jewel. Mrs. Myrtle Flgglmann. Sutil the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. Helterbrund. MEET IS POSTPONED Mrs. Stanley Richardson attended Richmond. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, Eighty farmers from all ports of "The Jerusalem Church" will be from Hprlngfleld. and M. B. Huinly. the county attended the meeting. The regular meeting of the Pris­ the sermon subject at the Christian HIGH SCHOOL GETS church Sunday at 11 o'clock. Wll- cilla club which wns to have held DRAMATIC LEADER NO LICENSE COSTS IUKA MEMBERS PLAY Hnn McClain and Merton Ferebee DOCTOR S OFFICE Its meeting this afternoon at the CARDS AFTER MEETING will sing a duet. At the evening John Knox, science professor at TRAPPER $100 FINE GETS IMPROVEMENTS home of Mrs H. (). Dlbblee has service Veltle Pruitt, pastor, will the high school has been chosen been postponed until February 4, Three tables of bridge were en Verne Tupper of Lost Creek was preach on the subject, “Come and coach of the dramatic club. Mr. Considerable Improvement work It was announced this week. Joyed by members of Iuka Circle fined |100 In Justice court In Eu-1 See.” The choir will sing a negro Is now being made In the office of Ladles of the G. A. R.. at the home spiritual, "Go Down Moses.” The Knox expects to work out some gene Monday when he was found Dr. M. V. Walker. The remodeling AENEAS CLUB HOLDS way whereby more plays can he of Mrs. Robert Carr, last Thursday guilty of trapping without a license Christian Endeavor will meet at presented by the group and also undertaken will Include a complete evening following the business MEETING O NTUESDAY ns required by state law. He was 6:30 with Lee Vail as leader. re arrangement of the examination afford more students an opportun­ meeting of the group. One appltca also fined 326 for driving an auto­ anil treatment rooms and the en­ ity to take part In this extra cur­ Mrs. Lawrence May was hostess mobile without the proper plates tlon for membership was received largement of the waiting room. All at her home Tuesday afternoon for ricular activity. POINDEXTER PREACHES at the earlier session. of the office will be reflnlsheil the member» of the Aeneas club, attached. AT COBURG SUNDAY when the remodeling has been com­ Miss Edna Hwarts wbh n guests. MANY PEOPLE AT PINE CIRCLE HAS OAKWAY GOLF TEAM pleted. The next meeting will he held Dean'Poindexter, pastor of the REBEKAH DINNER POTLUCK DINNER DEFEATS GROVE MEN February 23 with Mrs. B. Hwarts Methodist church will again con­ us hostess at her home. SCHOOLS CLOSE FIRST A large number of Springfield Last night woh family night for duct services at the Coburg church The Oakway golf team of Eugene people attended the cafeteria din­ after an absence of several weeks. members of Pine Circle, number 46, SEMESTER TH IS WEEK defeated the Cottage Grove team Move to New Home His sermon subject will be "Inter­ ner which members of the Rebekah N. O. W. which met at the I. O. O. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell and on the Oakway course Sunday 25H 1 The i lodge held at the hall Monday av«B- First half of the school year will F. hall for a potluck dinner at 7 preting the Voice of God. to 22^4 point«. W. J. Moyer, Cot-' sermon Is given at 9:46; the Sun­ Ing. This was the second of a I end at the grade schools Friday family will move this week from o'clock Instead of after the lodge tage Grove player made the low with examinations on Thursday and their home at Eighth and E streets meeting as Is the usual custom. day school meets at the close of of similar functions planned by tbs score with 76 for the 18 holes. the service. The Young People have group for the year Regular lodgs Friday It has been announced by to 223 H rtreet. This will be much B. A. Parrish, Evangelist, who will open nightly ser­ Regular business was transacted their meeting at 7 p. m. Elmer Pyne, Hprlngfleld, was a work wsa held following the 4fcUMr. the principals. The third honor roll closer to the high school where Mr. by the lodge following the meal. member of the Eugene club team vices at the Springfield Christian church starting Feb. 2. Buell In principal. will be released next weak. MEN INVITED TO CHICKEN DINNER LEGION TD START MEMBER CHECK THURSTON SEEKS TEACHER CHANGE KENSIN6T0N CLOD INIÏIATES SEVEN