T H U HSHAY. JANUARY 21. 1932 T I IK 8P R IN G F IE L D NEWS PAGE FOUR 6800 PROGRMfl 11 If f lt S W CARD [ “Iron Man" at 86 sugar; add the milk and the re malnder of the dry Ingredients; 1» a thoroughly; add the flavoring and heat; udd a part of the chopped nuts, cut and fold In the whites of Ihe eggs beaten stiff. Turn Into tin and add ihe remainder of the chopped m ils. Rake in a moderate oven thirty five or forty minute*. AUTOM OBILE H ITS BOY; DRIVER FAILS TO STOP Wayne Kendall, high school stu dent and son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H Kendall, narrowly escaped serious Injuries Friday evening when the bicycle on which he was riding was struck by an automobile being driven by James Edmiston of Young Kendall was Thurston. thrown clear of the automobile, but sustained two bad cuts, one over hts eye and a scalp wound and was otherwise shaken up when he was struck to the pavement on East Main street Just as It was getting dark. Pat Regan, (Sneeze) Achiu. George Wilson and Tom Ray, in Two Main Events Thrtt ftrot l,H_____ Ira M" Ornburn of New Haven Conn., head ot the international Cigarmakerv Union ol America,’ has been nominated by the_ Presi­ dent 1» a member of the 1-ederal Tariff Commission 3 FOR rt» a 3>4e»/O <1*0 *7 f t Z tf $ 4 .9 8 $ 2 .4 9 STARTING TODAY For 3 Days Flrat Showing Entire ^ 5 $ 6 .5 0 U.S.C. a i a 3>O*Of laid!«*» Arch Support», Combi­ $ 2 .8 7 nation Ihastu. lattile»' lire»» Pump» and strap». Military ami Spike A rt q s w lie«'!»- Kid and Patent l» a ilid JPkL»O < luulle»' Strap Oxford». Football Game A Tremendous Feature in Itself Slipper» ami -------------- lirouge» for School Wear. I Children'» Oxford» and Strap» Men'» Oxford». XlUeUU NOTRE DAME Copeland Ryder Oxford». Cop«'K Art li. $ 1 .8 7 $ 2 ,8 7 $ 1 .9 3 $ 3 .8 7 $ 6 .2 9 $ 4 .9 8 Hoy»' Hltop Shoe». $ 3 .8 7 $ 3 .9 8 Hoy»' Oxford». $ 2 .3 7 Men'» Hltop Hoot». $ 3 .9 8 —Plus GAflY O E P T. S T O R E » COO PERL canon ■ LOMBARD FISK 968 Eugene, Willamette Oregon Patronize your Home Mer­ chant. We have one of the most complete and up to date »tores to be found any where, and our prices are absolutely right Our In­ creasing business proves that prices here are lowest to he found. CELEPHANE WRAP CAKE 25c OR SPA G H ETTI 4 POUNDS FOR An Independent Tire Company who sella only through merchants. Independent ‘ endent M« Size 4.40x21 4.50x20 4 50x21 4.75x19 5.00x19 5.00x20 5.25x18 5.25x19 5.25x20 5.25x21 5.50x19 Each $ 6.80 6.95 7.05 7.75 8.43 8.55 9.07 9.25 9.38 9.73 10.32 25c 15c 15c Irish-Murphy Co. Pair Each $ 8.65 $1.05 $ 4.40 9.68 1.00 4.94 1.05 9.88 4.99 11.46 1.15 . 5.83 12.10 1.30 6.15 12.28 ..... 1.35 6.24 12.65 . 1.25 6.92 1.30 14.10 .... 7.15 14.30 1.35 7.25 14.80 1.45 7.50 1.60 15.42 7.81 HIGH PRESSURE AND TRU C K T IR E S AND TUBES K a c h ...... .Pair Tube» $ 4.25 . 7.15 .. 7.60... 16.46... 19.65 .. 26.45.... 16.25 ... 27.45.... GREASING W ASHING Get the Irish-Murphy Phone 22 Pair $13.15 13.60 13.55 15.15 16.30 16.75 17.55 17.95 18.25 18.90 20.15 Moulded Tube* 8.30............ 13.95............ 14.85...... ...... 29.94............. 37.96.. 51.04 81.95 53.96 ......................... $ .90 1.29 2.00 3.15 3.16 1 95 2.25 Prices on all Fisk Tire» not listed at same LOW Proportionate Prices. 25c Habit— It Pay«! Red Standard «-Ply 31x4 32x4 30x5 8-ply 32x6 8-ply 32x6 10-ply 6.00x20 6-ply 7.00x20 8-plv Large White Beans 7 POUNDS Air flight Tires and Tubes Macaroni Pink Salmon TA LL CANS. $4.98 COLONIAL Comb Honey 25c 4 LARGE MILK, OR NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLtMtNT lu Ihe County Court ot Hie State of Oregou for lame County lb the Matter of Ihe Estate of Florra Hartlll. deceased Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator has filed his final account In eald mutter and that the aforesaid court lias appointed February ISth. 1932, ut (an o'clock A M as the time for hearing objection to said final ac­ count and the settlement thereof All persons Interested tuny (tie ob­ jection* thereto. J It Hratln. Administrator C. A. Wlnteriiieler. attorney. (J 21 2D- F « II 1») C o n c e n tr a tio n P o lic y Super- Heavy Duty 6-Ply Not On It! ing for a new deal? Let me tell you of Pasco, Wash., tell you about it. Broadcasting of weekly Four-H programs over Oregon Slate Col­ lege radio station, KOAC, will be conducted Monday evening ot every week from 7:30 to H o’clock It was announced tlila week The programs will be directed toward* the club member« themselves with the Inteii Hon ot ulilliig them In Improving their work rather than to entertain (he listening public I j»hor Leader H onored Community Bulk Ripe Olives where you work or where you live, and are you look­ The supper will be held at Hie lodge balls on Monday evening ot neat we< k. January 25. and nerving will start ul 6 o'clock Oewulil tilson Is chairman ot the committee In charge Ills assistants are Ernest lllack. Mrs Edna Yarnell, Mrs. Maymle Richmond. Mrs. Alice Doane, and tlrace Lansberry. W EEKLY BROADCASTS Thurston ladles’ aid met with OF FOUR-H PROGRAMS 3“ A r e V ou U n h a p p y eveulng COME PRICES! NEW LOW PRICES ON The INDEPENDENT MERCHANT Lives in Your Per Quart Plans (or another of Hie cafeteria ilipers Io lie sponeoied by III* member* of Juuuiiu Rebekah lodge of sprlngtleld were announced at Hie regular meeting ot Hie group held nt the I ti I» F hall Monday Thurston Lincoln School Notes Members of the Love Lake Sheep and Calf club met at the i H ILL BILLIES BEST home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Peter­ LOW ELL BALL TEAM son, Friday. January 15.1932. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gus The Pleasant Hill boys’ basket­ Flint. Brockner, Gunnar and George ball tt am defeated the Lowell high Mikkelsen, Cleo. Kent. Walter, and school team at Lowell Friday even­ Bill Peterson. Arden Wilde, Folmer ing with a score of 34-29 The Plea- Bodtker, and Arleigh Tracer. Kart Hill girls team ran away from The business meeting was held thi ir opponents from Lowell in the and the club pledge was given by Trellminary game. The score was ull. Then a discussion was held on 51-29. diseases of the cow's udder. After tile business meeting, refreshments Teacher Training Classes 8 tar ted were served by Mrs. Peterson. First of a series of classes in During the 1931 forest fire sea­ teacher training work for the Sun-5 son 1102 fires in Oregon were re­ day school workers at the Metho­ ported by federal forest officers, dist church was held Tuesday un­ while 413 were reported in Wash­ der the leadership of Rev. Dean C. ington national forests. Poindexter, pastor. acre 10% down. Rebekah Members to Havo Cafeteria Meal at Hall Mon­ day; Serving Start» 6 P. M. Boiled Frosting 2 cups sugar t* cup water 3 tlisps s>rup 2 egg whites I'ut sugar, water mid syrup Into a saucepan and stir over fire until dissolved Cover and cook three uilnui. s. Uncover and cook (240 dv trees F.I until syrup spins a long thread. I'our over stiffly beaten egg whites, flavor, set howl in hot water und beat until thick enough Io Frederick Ecker, president ol the *Metropolit*n IJfe, who fold a Sen spread. •te Committee that condition» so now pretty cloee to becoming nor «»al Lombard in a scene from "I Edmiston did not «tor, according to witnesses, but proceeded to the corner turning north on Ninth street where he stopped to remove j til? badly broken bicycle from the front of the ear throwing it on a nearby lawn before proceeding to Gary Cooper and Carole drive north out of town An attempt Take This Woman." one of the features of the double bill to follow him proved futile In the headed by (lie U. S. C.-Notre dame football game pictures dark. at the Colonial, starting Thursday, for three days. A peculiar appearance of the back William Muldoon, famous old- part of the top of the car which he TREE IN FO R M A TIO N time wrestler, trainer of John L. was driving Is believed to have IS NOVY AVAILABLE Sullivan. ’ ' er of N. Y. State given his identity away. A poor Boxing Co ..ission. as he ap­ Fifteen million trees have *l peared just before going to hospi­ description of the machine was ob­ th * tal for a “looking over” after a fall tained Friday evening Lum F An­ ready been planted in the United from a railroad station platform. derson. chief of police, acting large­ States in memory of the 200tli an­ ly on a suspicion Saturday after­ niversary of the birth of George noon approached and questioned Washington, reports the American T H E A T R E MAN IN V IT E S the Edmiston boy who confessed b if N a n c y Hart T A LE N T TO COMPETE when paint from the bicycle was Tree Association to Regional For­ ester C. J. Buck. Portland. A Potato Substitute Many organisations in Oregon With the change of the weekly found on the front of the car. Many persons like plain chest Opportunity Night to Friday, at the Mr. Kendall, father of Wayne, and Washington are planning to nuts served us a dlnuer vegetable Colonial, comes an invitation to did not bring any charges against plant Washington trees this win­ They may take the place of pota­ Springfield talent to participate in the driver when he agreed to pur­ ter and spring, the V. S. Forest toes or be served instead of u sec­ these popular stage contests. Cash chase another bicycle for his son. Service has been informed. These ond vegetable. The large Italian prizes are offered for first and sec- Young Edmiston was at a loss Washington memorial trees are be­ chestnuts 100k better, perhaps, but oud places, and theatre tickets are to explain his failure to stop after ing planted on school grounds, the others answer the purpose. presented to all contetsants enter­ the accident. It is believed that he along highways and city streets. In They should first be shelled by cut ing the Opportunity Night contests. became excited and did not realize city and state parks, on detiuded ling them with a cross and putting Local singers, dancers, instrumen­ the seriousness of the offense forest lands and in town and coun­ (hem with a little cooking oil In a ty forests. talists and entertainers in general which he was committing. skillet and heating. After they are are invited to phone Russell F. With relatively mild winters helled boll until tender. Mush and Brown. Colonial manager, or to call characteristic of the region west serve with butter and salt. at the theatre to arrange for re­ of the Cascade mountains, foresters hearsals each week. It Is hoped state that the planting of trees can Croquette* that many Springfield entertainers be done practically any time now- Chestnuts muke a very good sub Members of the Eighth B grade up to May 1. will enter these Opportunity Night stttute for meat in the main course events every Friday night. Barbara Current Events class gave their Simple directions on how to plant of the meal. Here is a rule for mak­ Barnell, well known local xylophon­ topics before the entire Junior high young forest trees or seedlings and ing croquettes that will serve as It. ist. who entered the contest last school Friday. Those giving reports Achiu. a Chinaman, has been week, was awarded first prixe. and were Joe Krupka. Barbara Barnell, a list of agencies in Oregon and such a dish or that may be used seen here several times in the past several other local entertainers Florence May. Kenneth Cox, Alice Washington from whom forest tree as an entree. Shell about four and has made many friends in have been accorded like honors, it Neet. Mildred Tuhv. Charles Uchy seedlings of different kinds may be dozen fair-sized chestnuts us de­ secured, can be had by writing to scribed above and boll about a halt this city. He loves an active match is said. til. Caroline Hicks, Pearl Helter-, the regional forester, Portland. Ore­ hour. Put through the meat grinder and will carry the fight to his op­ The Opportunity Night entertain­ brand, and Mrs. Lombard. or a vegetable press, and add two gon. ponent if he shows an inclination ment this week will occur as an * * * 1 tablespoons ot butter or sweet of wanting to slow down. This interlude on the double feature bill, The Girl Scouts held their meet- J Trees of larger fljze suitable prin­ match will be for two out of three headed by the exclusive first run ing Wednesday after school. Mrs. cipally for ornamental and road­ cooking oil and pepper to season falls with a time limit of two hours. pictures of the U. S. C.-Notre Dame A. R. Sneed was their leader and side use rather than for forest Add a cup of cream or rich milk and three beaten eggs and mix well. football game, in which the entire she was assisted by Mrs. L. K. planting can be secured from most Now cook In a double boiler for commercial nurserymen. No re­ ten minutes, stirring to keep from •ECONOMY” W ATCHW ORD gridiron classic is shown in detail, Page. • • • quests nor orders for tree seedlings lumping. This should ze a thick from the first whistle to the final OF 4-H SEW ING CLUBS gun. and the Paramount picturiza- Members of the Seventh grade can be handled nor can prices be paste. If not thin enough add more tlon of the Mary Roberts Rhinehart Four-H sewing club held their furnished by the U. S. Forest Ser­ "Meeting the present situation by story. ”1 Take This Woman." with meeting Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Lom­ vice. Correspondence should be di cream. Allow It to cool, form Into croquettes, dip In egg and cracker keeping down the costs of 4-H Gray Cooper and Carol Lombard. bard. leader was in charge. Stu­ rectly with the particular agency. crumbs and fry In deep fat. Sewing projects, the use of the dents gave a program before the A 16-page tree planting booklet giv­ flour sack as a source of material business meeting. This consisted of ing detailed directions on how to P.-T. A. TO SPONSOR Muffins has come into its own. a reading by Zella Noe Carroll, and plant young forest trees and kinds Boll one quart of chestnuts until C H ILD R E N 'S SHOW a piano solo by Jenny Jackson. suitable for different localities may Flour sacks may be carefully tender, remove the kernels and • • • be secured from the American Tree laundered and used either plain or With word of the unusual success press through a colander. Add to Marketing essays have been re­ Association. Washington. D. C, dyed for dresser scarf, breakfast of the firgt all talking children s this one teaspoon of salt, the yolks cloth, tea towel, bag. handkerchief picture in its eastern premiers, turned to the students. JThey ob­ of two eggs whipped Into half a case, napkin case, apron, pajamas, particularly at the Roxy. New York, tained a grade of 95. The essays cup of milk. Next stir In half a SERMON SUBJECTS shoe bags, dress protectors, com- where it turned away over 6.000 were written by the Eighth and cup of flour containing one tea­ FOR CHURCH LISTED spoon of baking powder. Fold In fort protectors, laundry bags, chil- children before 10 o’clock the Sat- Seventh B classes in agriculture. • • « dren 8 garments, and even dresses urday morning it opened, Parent- the beaten whites of Ihe eggs and "Revival Background" will be the The junior hizh school boys bas­ These articles are made In the 4-H Teacher association groups are co- bake In pans. Sewing projects. operating with the Colonial in ketball team lost their game with subject of the morning sermon at the Christian church Sunday at 11 Pleasant Hill Friday. They are Good Nut Cakes Where flour sacks must be pur­ bringing “Alice in Wonderland” practicing hard now and are deter o'clock. There will be special mu next Friday afternoon and Satur- One-third cup butter, one cup chased they may not be as eeonomi- sic. The pastor Rev. Veltle Pruitt, mined to win the next time they cal as the purchose of prints and ^a' ^renoon. fine granulated sugar, one and will take. “What is the Church” as meet. Members of the team are The first showing will occur Fri­ three-quarters cup sifted flour, two plain colored materials such as Os day, at 4 o’clock, while three com­ KenDeth Louk. Byron Boyles. Lawr­ his evening service subject. The and one-half teaspoons baking pow noberg. ence Chase, Charles Uchytil, and choir will have an anthem at the plete showings will be scheduled der. one-half cup milk, one-half tea­ Such materials are modest in ap­ for Saturday forenoon, at 10. 11:15 Clifford Horton. The boys are evening service. spoon vanilla, three egg whites, pearance and too much trimming The Bible school meets at 9:45, and 12:30 o’clock. With these four coached one hour every Thursday and decorating is out of place. one-half cup chopped nuts. and the Endeavor starts at 6:30 by Norval May at the high school, showings, arranged at those hours, Cream the butter and sugar. 81ft Workmanship is the basis upon with Mary Hadley as leader. Jewel the Parent-Teacher sponsors be­ and receive additional practice un­ the dry Ingredients together: add which members are Judged. Club Helterbrand and Evelyn Harris will der the direction of Roy Quiney, lieve that all kiddies in Eugene and part of the creamed butter and members will find that learning to furnish music. Lane county will be able to find a principal of the school. sew is not dependent on the ex­ time that will permit them to see penditure of much money but on this best known and beloved chil­ careful planning attention to de­ dren's story in its all talkie form. tails, acurate cutting and neat hand Parents are encouraged to accom­ and machine sewing. pany their children to the Colonial Quality of work and not the cost showings, as it is believed they of material will be the watchword will enjoy the picture equally as for 4-H Sewing club members. much, and will then be better able to explain the inevitable avalanche of questions sure to follow their CALF AND SHEEP CLUB children’s attendance at the show­ HAS M EETIN G FRIDAY ing. DOWN Lodge Sponsors Supper Monday Say« Outlook I* Good T lm e H » R e -lir e C ÍT A P IS M TSA»« m a m esa as sev. esa ........................65c AND UP ........................ 75c AND UP J. M. LARSON sups et \ s S , ce 2nd and Main Streets Springfield