THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1982 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ' PAO» The regional forestar'« office If* Laavaa (or California— Heivsrt Pleads China's Cause Portland. Oregon, hua 12 special Jacobson left Haturday night (or a acta of colorad lantani alida« for trip Io Loa Augslaa. loan to achoola of Oregon and - - ■ —---------- ■ Washington. These may I h , seco rad N O T IC I O F S A L I for limitad perioda free of charge Notice Is hereby given that by ‘ virtue of an execution and order of W altarvllla People Here— Lawr- Has Sad Col« M rs. M J. La «Mcept for cost of tranaporlatlon. sale Issued out of tbs Circuit Court ence MUIIcaa of W altervllle was I Marr Is reported __ to __ be suffering of the Htale of Oregon for Lane visitor In Hprlngfleld on Saturday from a bad'cold’ th'm week SUM M ON* County, January 9, 1022, pursuant C IR IR C CU CO URT O F ^ a J u ^ h ^ s la Claee Colore Choesn— Light blue IN I T T H H K K C U IT IT COURT Services Held— “The Need of a N O T IC I T O C R IO IT O R S T H K HTATK OK OREGON KOIt K; „ Buck and gold have been chosen as the T H K CO UNTV OK LANK ff « m ît " K Mh bet colors of the senior class at tbs Revival” was the sermon subject Notice la hereby given that the used by Rev. F. D. Baker at Dexter i i ‘L A 1± M ± . ! : ,“ ln ,' r r ” • ™ ««>" - Administrator*of the « L ü t t uuderalgned baa baeu duly appoint­ Sarah Mead, Oefenduiit III at Home— Mrs. L. L. Epper­ Baptist church Hunday morning. ed eiecutor of the estate of loiulsa of Hattie II. Mickelson, Deceased, T o TKX M EAD T H K AUOVK Melba V. Gilbert. Hupert T. Gilbert, son la III at her home Ibis week Mulkey, deceased, and auy and all Collects Bounty — Frank Crab­ pvraoua having claims agaluat tbs NAMKO DEFEN D A N T: W alter II. Arp. Jane Arp, Hank of She lives at Camp Creek. tree of Wendllng collected tbe 32 IN T H K NA M E OK T H K HTATK Commerce, a Corporation, Kd Zini said «state are hereby required to present said claliua. duly verified OK OKKOON you are hereby re kvr and J. G lleddo were defend Visits Parents— Miss (Tara Wag county bounty on one bobcat F ri­ as by law required, at the law office ?,?pV“ r “ ,,d » " "w,,r ‘ he auta execution and order of day. of 11. K Hlattery, Attorney, Hulls ‘ " “'I**«1«' /""•» against you In the was t«J me directed, and «Ira­ uer, comtuerclal teacher at the high school, spent the week-sod ni i n w i i I b iiim ii « e'n»Mn_ above entitled ( ourl and Cause on ...,.,.,i..,i ..... • „ .*11 , ....I IU, 717 W illamette Street, Eugene, Returns to Portland— Mrs. Ruth . .. ^ . . .. . mended mo to sell the real property a . a ‘‘,‘ y hereinafter described to satisfy with her parents at Corvallis. vregou, Iu Into« County, Otegun, T L v Johnson who spent the week-end 1032. said date being more than t. . rllUn lleD, and chargeg , uld within «1« months from tbs date I ,,trom ,,h" ,d“ > » ' th« decree specified, I will on Saturday, Visitors from W altervlllo— Mrs. here visiting her parents* Mr. and of Ibis notice. Dated aud first published Dec­ first publication of this summons lh„ 13th day of jcehruary, 1032, at John Fountain and son. Irvin, were Mrs. Charles Wilson, has returned herein entered of record aud If you ,lour or „„„ oclock p M Bt lhe ember 2«, 1031. business visitors In Hprlngfleld on to her home In Portland. \ PP, ? r ,Or front <»«H2r of the Court House In Dale of last publication January J‘ . ." ‘k Haturday. wunt thereof the plaintiff will ap EugeUBi |jm e County, Oregou, of- Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. N. 21. 1022 A. Chaff of Fall Creek are the par­ LANHKORD II. M U L K K Y , Kx- ply to tbs ( ourt for the relief In , Br for wtt|e and sell at public auc- W a lte rv llle Man Hare — D. C. ecutor of tbs estate of Louisa her complalat against you de » ol, , or CBBi, the following des- Trotter of W altervllle was In ents of a baby daughter born to manded, to-wlt; for a Judgment crllw(1 rua, prOpurty U>wlt: Mulksy, deceased. and decree of Divorce, dissolving ».ginning at a point m ,u /ahrenw . . administrator . — . -a at it.* .its.» raurvu the law office of L. L. Ray. In the the hour of one „clock In the after lxMlu AaBr«IM S“ UJJchra|1 aad „„race U. Cochran deceased. sale and sell, at public au »• executor# E llla , u oI SarBh Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. C. I-a Stewart attended the meeting of lions from the labor of a few who : L. L. KAY. Attorney for Estate J»™ J “ h1? t .w Cochran, Deceased, were defend, Jole of Creswell are the parents of the Shrine club at tbe Eugene Ma­ are turned out without income after ID 34-31— J 7-14-211 ants, which execution and order ol a baby son born to them at the Eu­ sonic temple last Thursday even­ their greatest usefulness has pass­ right, title aud interest of the de sale was to me directed and com- gene hospital on Friday, January ing. ed. predicted the speaker. fendant In said suit and of all p a r-,----- - j - . .. t i e . C a lm in g by. th ro u g h o r under ™ “X d ^ ^ Ä e r W. F. W alker, district governor h lm .V lm : ,Se7«h d?y of ^ h r “^ herelnfater described to « r 15. 1932. Returns to Los Angeles Milton Klntxley left Friday for his home - ot the LloD8 c,ub m»de » r®P°r‘ j 1028, In and to the following des 1 tatii lieu« and charge» Iu »ala ae- Spends Day at Corvallis— Mrs. cree »peclfled, 1 will ou Saturday, at Los Angeles. Mr. Klntxley has I ,he meeting which he and several crlbwl real property, to-wit: 1933, at George Prochnow spent Sunday at The north half of Donation the — - 13th — day — - of February. , , . u been visiting with his father for the ! ,rom lhe Springfield den attended lotud Claim No. 43, Notf. No. 3288 *lour onw, V at Corvallis. She returned Monday In Hectluns ten and fifteen, town “ >« ‘ r,,nt do° r ‘V . , , r„ , On Mr. Prochnow was telegraph oper­ past two weeks, His father has at Cottage Giove last Thursday night. sh ip 18. south, R ange 3 West of >“ Eugeue. Lane ‘- ° unty’lll? 5 r f ator at the local depot until he was been very 111. the W illam ette M eridian. In la m e uif8r tor »»1« »“ d »”11 a.1. d“a. Members of tbe highway commit­ transferred to his new post. County, Oregon, and being the llou f ° r fo o < Go to Ashland— Delbert Mitchell tee of the club also reported on c of crlbed real property, to-wit: and Miss Hattie Mitchell left last* North balf of the D. L. Visit at Salam— Mrs. Gertrude Lots Eight and Nine in Block their trip to Lebanon in the inter­ George M. Coryell, the same con­ Wilson and her mother. Mrs. W. H. week for Ashland where Miss i est of a connecting highway from Seven In Westmoreland, an Addl taining 160.23 acres of land, more tlon to Eugene In Lane County, Riddell, of Detroit, left Sunday for Mitchell will spend some time visit­ Mabel to Lebanon. or less. In said County aud State, Oregon, together with the tene­ Salem to visit with Mrs. Wilson's ing with her parents before return­ Also beginning at the south ments, hereditaments and appur­ west corner of Donation Laud Mrs. Riddell will ing to her mission work In Africa. tenances thereunto belonging, in­ son, Kenneth. Claim No. 60 In Township 18, FAT GIRLS! HERE’S cluding the equipment, healing, return to her home at Detroit from South, Range 3 West of the W il­ Drive to Coast — Miss Thelma i lighting and plumbing fixtures Salem She has been a guest here lamette Meridian and run thence A TIP FOR YOU Sweeney, Sam Sweeney and Miss uud facilities. at the home of her daughter for NorUi 12.38 chains to right of La Verne Pugh motored to Newport January 8, 1832. way, thence west 8 chains and ten days. All over the world Kruschen II. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane Saturday. They returned Sunday 1 1-3 links, thence South 67 links, Salts is appealing to girls and wo­ Couuty, Oregon. thence East 8 ch ain s anil 1 1-3 and reported that the weather was men who strive for an attractive, N O T IC E T O C R ID IT O R S links, and thence Nurth 67 links W. 11 BROOKE, Attorney for free from fat figure that cannot fall Plaintiff. Notice Is hereby given that the very rough on the coast. to the place of beginning, In Lane to win admiration. (Jau 14-21-28— F 4-11) undersigned has been duly appoint­ County, Oregon. Guests at Dinner«— Dr. and Mrs. Here's the recipe that banishes ed administrator of the estate ol Dated this 18th day of January, Elizabeth C. Jenkins, deceased, W. H. Pollard, Ruth and Bobby, fat and brings Into blossom all the N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SA L E 1832. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by and any and all persons having Mr. and Mrs. U. G. McElhaney, and natural attractiveness that every 11. L. »O W N, Sheriff of lame County, Oregon virtue of au execution and order of claims against the said estate are Mr. and Mrs. Elchorst of Portland woman possesses and does it SAFE­ tJ 21-28— K 4-11-18) sale Issued out of the Circuit Court hereby required to present said were Sunday dinner guests at the L Y and HARM LESSLY. In the morning take one h alfj of the Stute of Oregon for Lane claims, duly verified as by law re­ home of Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. teaspoon of Kruschen Salts in a N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON Couuty, Decemoer 12lh, 1031, upon quired. to the undersigned admin-1 glass of hot water before breakfast uud pursuant to a decree duly given istrator, at the office of Eugene V. Semester to End— Tne first half — cut down on pastry and fatty EXEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE and made by suld Court Decembei Slattery, Deputy District Attorney, Notice Is hereby given that by 11th, 1831, in a suit pending there­ at the Lane County Court House. of the school year at the grade meats— go light on potatoes, butter, ; virtue of an Execution and Urder in In which Clem H. Berlin and In Eugene. Lane County, State of schools will end Friday, January cream and sugar. "It's the little dally dose that of Sale In Foreclosure, Issued out Ida A. Berlin, were plaintiffs and Oregon, within six months from the 29. it has been announced. Exami­ takes off the fat” and "brings that 'of me circuit Court of Lane County, Lum K. Anderson and Florence La date of this notice. Dated and first published Janu­ nations will be held the last twa Kruschen feeling, of energetic . oregou, on the 23rd day of Decern Verna Andersou were defendants health and activity that is reflected days of tbe term. her, 1831, In a suit wherelu ou the wpn-h execution and order of sale ary 21. 1932. in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful Date of last publication February 22nd day of December, 1U31, In said wag tu me directed aud command- vivacity and charming figure. ! court The Riverview Investment vd me to sell the real property 18. 1932. Tto Attend School Here— Miss But be sure for your health's sake | EUG ENE L. JEN K IN S. Admin Co. recovered Judgment against the hereinafter described to satisfy Istrator of the estate of Eliza­ Bertie Lou Hamlin, niece of Post­ that you get Kruschen. A bottle defendants Arthur Wickwlre, Auuu certain liens aud cliurges in said master F. B. Hamlin has come to that lasts 4 weeks costs but little. ( beth C. Jenkins, deceased. Wick wire, Deumus Wtckwtre and decree specified, 1 will on Satur- Springfield to make her home with | You can always get Kruschen at I Grace W ickwlre for the sum of du ythe 30th day of January, 1832, Lord & Moulton, and Eugene ' Three Thousand Six Hundred Slxty- at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M., at V. Slattery, Attorneys for Ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin while she at­ all druggists and money back if ..not satisfied with results after first rour aud 34-1UU «33666-34) Dollurs, the southwest door of the County ministrator. ' bottle. (J 21-38— F 4-11-18) tends high school here. and fur the further sum of 3263.86 Cuurt House In Eugene. Lane Couu­ Dollars as luterbst thereou, and fur ty, oregou, offer for Bale and sell the further sum of Fuur (8400.UU) at public auction for cash, subject By Albert T. R M lluudred Dollars as attorney s fees to redemption as provided by law, OF ALL KINDS herein, aud (or costs and disburse­ all o( the right, title and Interest ments taxed at the sum of 326.81), of the defendants iu said suit and Quick Delivery aud sutd execution to me directed, of all parties claiming by, through Phone Springfield 121-M commanding me In the uume of the or under them or any of them since State of Uregou, In order to satisfy the 22nd duy ot November, 1831, tu said Judgments, Interest, attorney's or to the following described real fees, costs of suit, aud accruing property, to-wlt: costs, to sell the following des­ All that particular part and cribed real property, to-wlt: parcel of. laud commencing at a The East half tVk) of the East point In the West line of the half t^gj of the Southwest quar­ Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land ter tVxJ of Section Four (4), Claim, Notlf. No. 3266. Claim No. Township Slxteeu (16), South 61, Sections 24 and 26, in Town­ Rango Four (4) West, W illam ­ Formerly Walker-Poole ship 17 S. R. 3 West of the W il­ ette Meridian, containing Forty lamette Meridian, 2184.66 feet acres (40); also heglnulug at a Houlh of the northwest corner of KUGKNK— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D point In the south line of tbo said douallon laud claim, for a East half ( $xJ of the Northwest and t'barnelton, 228 Main place of beginning, thence North quarter ( k ) of the above des­ 88 degrees 66 minutes Eust 326.46 Telephone 723 Phone 62-J cribed Sectlou Four «4), twenty feet, theuce North 6 min. 30” feet (20) West of the Southeast West 2438.86 feet more or less, corner thereof; thence Nurth to the south bank of the McKen­ twenty (20) feet; thence east to zie River, thence in a southwest­ the Pacific Highway, theuce erly direction tracing the mean­ , South twenty feet (20); thence der Une of the south bank of west to the place of heglnulug; the said McKenxle River to a N u W T H E K E F d RE, In the namu point which would be In the west ol the State of Oregon, In compll- line of the said Donation Land j ance with the said execution snd Claim, If extended, thence south ! order of sale, uud In order to satis­ tracing what would be the west fy said Judgment, Including interest, line of said Donation Land Claim, attorney's fees, costs of suit and If extended, and tracing the west | accruing costs, 1 will, on Saturday, Hue of said Donation Land Claim the 23rd day of January, 1832, at 2374.36 feet, more or less, to the the hour of one o'clock iu the after- place of beginning, all In Lane noon of said day, at the Southwest County, State of Oregon. front door of the County Court­ Also,'the interest of defendant house In Eugeue, Lane Couuty, Ore­ Anderson under and by virtue ot gon, offer for sale and sell for cash, a lease, wherein E. C. Husby ap­ at public auction, subject to re­ pears as Lessor, and defendant demption, as provided by law, all L. F. Anderson, as Lessee, In the of the right, title and Intereat of service station erected by and the said defendants Arthur W ick­ heretofore operated by defendant wlre, Anna W ickwlre, Dearnus Lum F. Anderson, at the South­ Wickwlre, Grace W ickwlre, Beulah west corner of 13th Avenue East, and H. L. Crawford, and all and High Street, In the City of Orthogon Soft-Llte LenneH Hanson persons claiming by, through, or un­ Eugene. Relieve Rye 3traln der them or either of them, In and Dated this 28 day of December, to the said premises. 1831. DR. ELLA MEADE H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Optometrist * County. By A. E. HULBOAARD, Deputy. > TOWN AND VICINITY Business Directory DRY W OOD POLICE CHIEF TALKS TO BROTHER IN TEXAS the Texas Oil company and that there was no depression In his part of the Lone Star sU^e. Ander­ Lum F Anderson, chief of police son's brother also called him some time ago from Oklahoma when hs In Hprlngfleld, was pleasantly ear was stationed there. prised Monday evening when his ; brother, Ben Ard Anderson, called ! him from (x>ngvl«w, Texas, o v e r, I long distance telephone. It was I Just a conversation between two I Single Comb Rhode Inland | brothers, according to Lum. He Reds. wanted to know how we were get | 1 ting along here. Hatching Eggs The police chief’s brother Is with ' BERT GIIXONS 1107 - 6th St„ Springfield D r u g g is ts F ir st ---------- Merchant, Second. Although we are JuBtly proud of our mercantile bu*l- neiut, never, for one moment, do we neglect our more Important duty as pharmlcintn. You may depend upon us to fill your perseriptlon with the utmost care and precision, day or night. K etels D rug Store In the New Store 50c Value Neckties - Springfield - 29c CLEARANCE ON LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES 75c VALUE. MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS, 54c. TURKISH TOWELS, 20c VALUE, 15c. H o ffm a n ’s D ry G o o d s S to r e On the Corner, 4th and Main hprlngfleld I t’s Here! A Genuine, Brand New Low Priced A .B .C . E L E C T R IC W A S H E R The new low priced Liberty model sells for $79.50. It is a full family size and is built strong and sturdy to stand the gaff and not be a service problem. Other types, both wringer and spinner, are also on display at our store. The ABC machines are the outstanding electric WASHERS for 1932. THE LOWEST PRICES EVER WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY CONSTRUCTION. WRIGHT & SONS There’s Many Miles More in Your Model T Ford Let us: GRIND VALVES, CLEAN CARBON, CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS. CLEAN AND OIL TIMER. Wo recharge Car or Radio Batteries brought in for Only 50c each. Shake it Off!^ Anderson Motors, Inc. 5th and A Sts. Springfield, Oregon POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors AVOID GLARE 41 W est tth Eugene (D 24-31-nJ 7-14-21) (D. 31-^1 7-14-I1-I8) ^ a v a .^ ) j January Clearance Sale IN ALL DEPARTMENTS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND BETTER VALUES FOR LESS AT Williams’ Self Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE. OREGON