r IIV IW I »A Y. JANUARY 21. 1932 In. made Into parka »ml beautiful boulevards The atreeta a m the moat perfectly paved of any city lit the world I'he building« Wbteh houae the governnieut'a activities j are among the nioal statels and ' beautiful adlflcea ou the face of the earth. Instead of being one of the moat u nattractive of cities. Wash j ington today la beyond any doubt the moat beautiful city In Amerlcu Every year at this tim e, the w eek w hich begin s on B en- iatnin Franklin's birthday. January 17th. is celebrated as N ational Thrift W eek. We think th is is a pretty goodI idea, and that this year. 1932. is a particularly good year in * b ic h to do a little thinking about thrift. An im m ense am ount of th e trouble w hich th is country' experienced in 1931. and to a lesser degree in 193 . cam e about because a large num ber o f people forgot all about thrift in the boom years from 1923 to 1929. T here w a s al­ w ays a ch an ce to get a b etter job at m ore m oney, so w hy worry about laying a n y th in g asid e for a rainy day But there w ere a lot o f people— tw e n ty m illions or to — w h o put som eth in g ou t o f every pay en velop e into a savin gs bank or a building and loan a sso cia tio n or a p iece of property or som eth in g else of perm anent value. T h o se i>eople w ho w ere thrifty are the o n es w ho are not com p lain in g of d istress in th ese hard tim es. Thrift does not m ean hoarding m oney aw ay w here it does nobodv any good. It is thrift to buy or build a hom e, or to put a little m oney aw ay every pay day for a life insur­ ance or old age fund. R unning into debt is not alw ays thriftless, provided the debt is for so m eth in g o f a ctu al value and the regular paym en ts on principal and in terest are not too heavy to be borne ou t o f fixed incom es. T he people w ho are in the w orst trouble today are th e o n e s w ho w ent into debt in boom tim es on th e notion that their in com es w ere never g o in g to be less and probably w ould be m ore. Benjam in Franklin w as right w hen he said, ‘A penny saved is a penny earn ed .” -e- PASSING T H E WAR BUCK" A m erica w on th e w ar now sh e should pay the Germ an reparations seem s to be th e queer logic o f European sta te s­ men. C ancel our debts and w e will forgive th e G erm ans the reparation p aym en ts so th ey plead. S in ce their debts to this country are larger than th e reparation p aym ents, cancellation would balance th e books o f the European c o u n ­ tries in a general w ay and lea v e nobody but the U nited S ta te s sh o w in g a deficit. S in ce th e se debts m ust be paid to the private source from w hich the m on ey originally cam e, it lea v es nobody but th e A m erican taxp ayer "holding the sack .'’ But European sta tesm en d on ’t w orry m uch about him. No, n ot until th ey g et into an oth er w ar and w ish a few o f his so n s to help them from being defeated. STA TESM A N SH IP After den ou n cin g th e H a w ley -S m oot tariff bill for tw o yea rs a s having to o high sch ed u les th e D em ocratic c o n ­ g ressm en have introduced a ta riff bill. It d oes not ch a n g e a sin g le sch ed u le o f th e present bill but preven ts th e presi­ dent from m aking ch a n g e s w ith o u t the perm ission o f c o n ­ g ress. H eretofore th e president could cut dow n any sc h e ­ dule found to o high. C o n sisten cy is not a part o f the D em o­ cratic platform . T heir s is sta tesm a n sh ip by criticism . W e have m odern m ethods even in hu n ger parades. B oth parades that have m arched on W ashington lately have been headed by brass bands and their m archers rode in cars and m otor trucks. A leader o f a jazz orchestra in S eattle is running for m ayor on a platform o f putting m ore m en to running the c ity ow ned street cars. He should g o one step farther and let all the voters ride for nothing. ----------------- • ----------------- In sisten t dem and for the low ering of th e co st of g o v ­ ernm ent is the order of the day. Lowrer ta xes, free pow er and prohibition will be the m ain issu es of th e 1932 election cam paigns th rou gh ou t th e land. B road castin g h a s cu t th e sale o f sh e e t m usic 90 per cen t the la st year. M usic lovers are evid en tly lettin g “M ike” do it. T im es have changed w ith b etter roads and rum ble se a ts sa y s th e sa g e o f the M ohaw k. “F ifty yea rs ago girls g o t sore and w alked h om e from h orseback rid es.” Speaker Garner, rep resen tative from T exas, sa y s th at sta te should be divided into five sta tes. W hen he starts doing it th e people o f T ex a s will divide him in to five parts. F A M IL Y \; DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES Alto OUR COMMON ENEMY In th ese d ays of air-tigh t living quarters It seem s so m uch ea sier to “tak e co ld ” than it w as in th e d ays o f m ore liberal circulation o f out-door air. Of cou rse people c o n ­ tracted colds then, m any o f them due to, or com plicated by bacteria. But folk s w ere hardier in the early day. better able to stand the vicissitu d es of clim ate. O nce when a nostrum -vendor announced “cure your cold In one d a y .” everybody took notice and rushed to buy th e nostrum . 1 knew th o se w ho had been cou g h in g half the w inter, w ho went to work a ssid u ou sly to cure th em ­ selv es in the one day provided by the quack. Of cou rse the m iracle didn’t take place, but the quack grew rich just the sa m e a s if it had. . . b e t us not forget this advice: Go to work to break up your cold the m om ent its o n set is felt. By just being prom pt like th at, you can cure your cold in one day. W hy not learn how right now. and keep y o u rself rid o f colds, b etter than a n y nostrum -vendor on earth can do it? If you feel the cold com in g on, with its sn eezin g, chilli- 8 8° re t }lro a t> Keneral depressed feeling, GO TO ; GeL y1ou rse,f ,n to a 8Wf>at a s soon as possible. There M f7 e 7 oll,ow inK 'h e ch illy attack . Any fam ily m edicine cab in et should have the tab lets provided by the itov’ y d o cto r' aatI th ese will reduce th e tem perature, re­ ive6 tO,'n iBtn, n vby ^e tL‘ng the 8urface circulation a c ­ t i v e - t h e cold is broken right th en ! A five-grain tablet of aspirin every hour till three or four are U ken--U M free a* pa r e t i r e N oth in g else needed, except to see th at the S A , h . l ' l n ,"e_ be <:gp8," e ’. î h r e e .Krain« m g e ay n ,le be t o taken t four hours for tw o or three days" Z T o K e ^ ^ “ every T ha ’s all t h a S N° - H c h e ^ u I T t ’ „ . . Horace Tohaaon (« b o te lb the atwry), b x art fa, eld M r» P«ae. H erbert Rafcnaoa and hi» Mater, AKce, Mad D r S B tr r f . friends a»4 neighbor». are in tbe babh ot boldine weekly m eetint». A t one of tketn, M ra Dane, who ia koateaa, vartoa the by unexpectedly arranur W e lls , has K---------— been »bot ------------ mysteriously W ith Tohaaon he goes to the W ells residence and they . And confirmation o f the medium's M rs. W ell» tells them her husband shot himaeM in a k t o f depression. At a second aeance. Mias Jeremy adds details about a summer raaort where Charles Elhagb am was known to have been at the same tune that M ra W ells was there She also speaks of a het booh which contained some impor car tKhets and letters M rs Dame, r of the women. seems thrilled by the la rest igabon Johnson goee aloae and investigates the In e r te d heuee H e ta frightened by .Ir .n g r Mdm. u o f u intrud la ­ er the houae. hut _ his investigation Ic leave» the house and in his excitement c a rn e t o f the Are tongs, leaving them in hi» nwn hall rack where his w ife disc overs them the next morning and reproaches him for at' l nocturnal wanderings H e also ! • < • « » to bring away his overcoat, which carried off a t by the mya'erioua «rao g er W Carr Mra I ___ laarna o f his peculiar actioci ____ ___ and charge» him w ith posaeaaing an us auapoctad sansr of humor “ lo u are wasted on us, Mrs. Dane," I acknowledged. “W ell? I see some­ th mtj has come o f it." "Yea, hut I r a not ready for it." She dived again into the hag, and brought up another clipping "p n the day that I had that insert' eei," she said impressively, “this also appeared. They were in the same col­ umn.” She read the second clippmi: •diiud. slowly, that I might gain all its significance: “ I-ost on the night of Monday, No­ vember the second, between State Avenue and Park Avenue, possibly m an Eastern Line sheet car, a black handbag containing keys, car-tickets, privatf letters, and a small sum of T IIIF I.F H Anonymous The massive gates of Clrcntuatance C O A R IC T IO N Are turned upon the smallest By one of those slips of the pen hinge. Io which every w rite r Is liable I thus some seeming peiltest made Miss Euiniii Woolley presl chance dent of W ellesley College, I II s p e u k Oft gives our Ilf« Ils a fte r tinge Ing of her appolutiuent to the In lernatlonul lllsariu siu eiil Confer The Irltle a of our dally Uvea, cure. Miss Woolley Used to teach The common thing» arare« worth at W ellesley but she la president recall, of Mount Holyoke, thal highly es W hereof no visible trace aurvlvee, teemed college for women founded These are the mainsprings, a fte r In 1837 by M ary Lyon. nil lietween mv w ifr and mvsclt remained is rtutM k. letters and all. to apt-car But she up, among a mis- e dragged draggi cellanv of articles women like to carry, an envelope. on with in investigation, or to stop where we are.” He paused, but. as no one spoke, he went on again " It is really not